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 Killing Time (for Alex) 
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Post Killing Time (for Alex)
Hylerin had been a planet at the outskirts of the system beyond an asteroid field. There were beacons set within it broadcasting a safe route through them and there were even automated ships equipped with tractor beams that moved asteroids out of the indicated path.

The world would have been ignored had it not been for the Akiva people, a species that looked like short yet colorful humanoid tropical birds. They were not strong but smart able to harness energy in different ways. They were able to craft ships that were fully automated and pretty good with other tech. They had been good at getting more out of less increasing the strength or duration from energy and had some sort of crystal that they incorporated into most of their tech that increased it's effectiveness.

They did not have an overwhelming advantage over the norm but enough of one to have a slight edge in most things. They were discovered ages ago by galactic explorers having no real interest in traveling the stars. Yet in short order they made their own ships to clear a path in the asteroid field to make getting to them easier.

They weren't exactly xenophobic learning from the explorers and welcoming them to the planet. They just didn't leave their world often and when they had they didn't leave their star system at least by choice. In the numerous years since they had been discovered word got out about their “mystery” tech that they had not really explained to others. But they had not been expecting trouble being a peaceful species with few weapons.

Slavers came for a time stealing some of them off the planet. They made poor slaves though, most were frail and small and many died in captivity. Those that did survive never survived for long. The ADD had been contacted and the slavers all but stopped. Occasionally someone else tried gaining similar results but the slavers didn't see much of a profit in things and with the attention of the ADD now it just wasn't worth it …

But in a token of gratitude the Akiva invited the ADD in to learn some of their techniques. Alex had been sent and while a lot of their practices involved the crystal there were a few things that did not. More or less she would see means of getting a 5-10% increase out of the duration or power of energy. Ranges of weapons could be increased too and over all the expense wasn't all that different though it would take many years to implement being more effective to use such techniques when constructing future devices as they improved their gear.

Still it was insightful and an easy assignment. No alien slavers to deal with or rescue missions, just a simple case of going to the Akiva since they seem capable in coming to them and broadening her own education. Some of the techniques could even be used to upgrade her armor.

The issues didn't begin until she was departing the planet. Not every slaver gave up on the Akiva Some had figured that traders to the world would eventually come away with their tech allowing them to backwards engineer it. Though many concluded that this was a wasted effort on their part. Few had the drive or incentive to invest the time and money for only a mild gain.

Others just sought to b what they could. And others had been annoyed wanting revenge against the ADD for there interference. And that had been the sort of attention she had gathered. When she first came to the planet without her knowledge there had been a ship lurking in the asteroid field, powered down. On her way out though things were a bit different.

The beacons directed her along a safe route out of the asteroid field more or less until there had been an error, there was an asteroid in the path ahead of her though it had been a ways off and had not just popped out in front of her. Her sensors picked up a ship behind he, one of the automated ones from the configuration approaching from the rear most likely to see to the asteroid that had been in her path. The ship's speed had not been unusual either she could wait or go around the obstacle and use a bit of caution seeing that the readings were in error.

Like a snow plow she could wait for the ship to pass her by and just fly behind it as it cleared away any surprises. But that had not been in the cards. He was behind this and all it took was the downloading of his virus a few months back. There were two of the automated ships, one behind the asteroid in the event that she flew around it and the one closing in so it barely mattered if she turned around or not.

He would move in after a tractor beam was engaged. The automated vessels latched on and held her ship though didn't have the power to move her but held her steady. Their tractor beams could nudge asteroids and several ships working together could tow an asteroid, not that the Akiva lacked the ability to create strong tractor beams but these did what they were designed for.

Once her vessel was held he would approach from the rear even if he had to work around to it to avoid her guns powering up his ion cannon and blasting her ship. The bad, her power went dead. The good the tractor beam was knocked out at t
he same time. She would not have to wait long before the other ship had been dock with her own

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Fri May 13, 2016 3:17 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
The Akiva were one of the few species out there that did not treat humanity poorly. They were grateful for the ADD's support and protection. Alexandra was happy to get away from the slavers and battles to talk shop with the unique alien race.

The dense asteroid field would be dangerous if it were not for the drones clearing a path and setting beacons for ships to follow. The Akiva were accommodating enough upon her arrival. Alexandra took many notes and logged her discussions with the alien birds. Unfortunately, she had nothing else to bring back besides raw data but for her, it was more than enough.

As she was making her way out of the asteroid field, the agent's ship suddenly jolted and came to a stop. The drones were using their tractor beams on her. What was going on?

Panels sparked and sizzled as the lights flickered off. Her ship was hit with powerful ion weapons, leaving her dead in the water and with no way to call for help. The busty agent quickly got out of her chair and grabbed a rifle from the small armory in her scout vessel. She removed her labcoat, revealing her skintight nanosuit. Weapons charged, she aimed at the docking port and waited. Whoever this was, she was not going to give up without a fight.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri May 13, 2016 10:01 pm
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
Armed it had not been a long wait for it to begin. A plasma torch sprang to life on the opposite side of the port though she could track the progress. It was quick though it still took more then a few minutes so she was as ready as she could be under the circumstances. Dead in space with any number of cretins on the other side of that port.

And one that attacked an ADD vessel at that so pirates could be slashed from her list. There was little to steal, true enough the ship was armed but towing her ship and risking the ire of the ADD didn't seem worth it. Slavers were high on her list or someone with a vendetta against her or the ADD.

A hole cut into the port yet the metal still held until something struck it with force on the other side. She had time to make out the butt of a rifle that slammed into the door before grenades had been lobbed into the ship. They had not been concussive or even stun but exploded with a soft pop emitting a stream of dark gray smoke masking the advance of whatever was to follow.

She heard the quick footfalls, the enemy scattering, her though there was no way to tell if her blind shots hit anything. There shots proved that the smoke did not hinder them, the first nearly hitting her, the second clipping her in the leg. Stun, it was a grazing shot but her leg buckled and was unable to support her weight. As she was falling a third took her in her chest, she was out of it before hitting the floor.

When she came to next she had been laying in a cell with her arms behind her back. The cuffs were magnetic and had no chain, on wrist overlapping the other. From what she could see this had been a modified hanger. There were other cages with the bulk of them being empty.

“Nine is awake now,”
the voice was deep belonging to a simian-like creature. It wore a mask that looked to be a gas mask that had infrared features.

He had a rifle and bandoleer of archaic pistols. The other being with him had looked in her direction. He seemed to be smaller, a different color more tan than the black of the larger figure but he had a tail where the first did not though he had the same sort of mask. Different races of the same species? That was not important and the pair approached.

“Name and rank,”
he asked as he collected up a datapad that rested atop a crate glancing at the agent, his eyes hidden behind the mask though it seemed that this was all rather routine for the pair.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sat May 14, 2016 1:12 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
Most pirates, bandits, and slavers knew how to board a ship and this group of attackers were no different. They gassed the entire chamber, blinding the agent before swarming in. Alexandra fired in the direction of the docking port, hoping to hit some of them as they entered. It was unknown if she was successful in harming a single one. Next thing Alexandra knew, she was being hit with stun weapons and blacking out short after.

The agent woke up on a hard metal floor. Her arms were bound behind her. She assumed her bindings were electronic. That might be an out for her assuming she was still wearing her suit. For now though, the Russian woman watched the two aliens who were watching over her. Her jaw clenched as she was asked the usual prisoner question.

"Alexandra Losev, ADD Agent... Who are you?" she asked in return.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat May 14, 2016 6:05 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
She was still in her suit, chances were that she was not out for long or the slavers didn't realize what it did. The other inhabitants of cells were in jumpsuits and uniforms indicating sector police forces near her location, well last known one. The tan creature used an index finger scanning down a list of names while the larger one watched her, not out of any fear that she would do anything or could. His features were hidden but he had to be appraising her physique.

“Alex, Alex … she's not here.” So they were checking people off for whatever reason. He did not answer her question though and glanced to his companion and nodded. The larger one had a remote that he tripped causing the cell door to open. He then directed the rifle at her making a gesture for her to exit the cramped confines of the cell that was barely large enough to lay down in. Neither helped her out either and it was a bit of work getting out of the cell and to her feet with her arms restrained behind her back. The smaller lead the way and the larger remained behind her.

There wasn't much of the vessel that she saw though there were more of the smaller ones each with their masks and armed with simple blasters. They had black body armor too that provided mild protection against energy weapons.

When she got to the bridge she saw that there were several of the smaller ones at work stations though two stood out. One was some sort of bronze droid or one of these creatures wearing a full suit of armor or having a sealed suit. He seemed busy at his station but glanced up when the door opened, she held his attention long enough for her to realize that it was an organic creature and not droid.

The other was another simian even larger than the one that escorted her. His fur was white and he had dozens of battle scars. No mask for this one though. She was drawn over to him.

“ADD, Nine.” He didn't use her name, she was just a number, no one important she gathered.

The commander rose from his large chair and the others melted away as her chin was grasped and features brought up so that his stern gaze fell upon her. Red eyes that were primal.

“Let's see how much you are worth, Nine.”
Another deep voice. A breast was roughly grasped in his large hand, a hand so large that her breast was a pleasant handful. A short moment later he set a hand upon her shoulder forcing her down to her knees before freeing himself given her restraints. Being a former student at Shokushu she had already seen her share of mammoth cocks, his had been no different throbbing and hard as it filled her view. Of course what she would do was another question, the creatures that were here numbered about half a dozen. She wasn't under any drugs or compulsions either and still had her suit but whatever surprise she could unleash she may not have been able to take advantage of. Her captors did not provide her with much information making her draw her own conclusions but information as far as where she was, who they were or even who they were searching for eluded her at the moment.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sat May 14, 2016 6:45 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
Neither alien lay a hand on her. They just looked over their list then silently ordered her to move with their weapons. She struggled a bit to get out of her cell and was eventually on her feet. The red haired agent followed her captors to the bridge of the ship. There, she was presented to who she assumed was the captain of this ship.

She stared back at those red eyes. He wasted no time in forcing her down to her knees and freeing his long thick phallus. Alexandra was alone and heavily outnumbered. But, this was her only chance to fight back. It was doubtful they would keep her in this suit for much longer. She just had to hope that she could short out her bonds.

"Nngh!" She pressed her breasts against the phallus and discharged her suit. A powerful surge of electricity would go through her magnetized bonds as well as through the beast's throbbing cock. Any physical contact with her suit would be enough to release a current. If her bonds were undone, she would bring both metal bonds around and smash them around that cock. If the crew were still shocked, Alexandra would rush forward, leaping up on the captain's chair and pressing her hand against his face to unleash another surge of electricity right into his brain.

She did not care what they do to her because of this. Alexandra just wanted to take some of these bastards down with her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat May 14, 2016 7:26 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
It was clear that they had no idea of what the suit did, the captain bellowed out with such a horrible sound. Her suit still had a full charge, the magnetic binds unleashing shorting out as she smashed them against the girth of f that member, the brute stumbling backwards and while she had the attention of those on the bridge they had been stunned by the sudden outburst, no one expected it and she was able to leap up to that chair discharging more electricity into the skull of the captain managing to drop him though he still remained conscious he quivered on the ground.

The first to react was the larger slaver that had escorted her here. He had not left the bridge nor the other that checked her name against their list. The smaller ones were less intuitive then the larger one that had more combat training. His shot missed though but just barely.

It took them some effort, first that stupor ending then the smaller ones resetting their blasters from a lethal setting to stun but she was able to take out another three of them before the one in that sealed suit managed to take her out with a precise series of shots that knocked her to the floor.

It was chaotic seeing that half the bridge crew had been rendered disabled but she did not go down without a fight. She was viciously slapped back to consciousness, there was no telling how long she had been out for but she was naked. The room was different … a barracks maybe though she was being held up by the wrists by that larger simian. She could see many of the smaller ones just watching as she was struck by the one in the suit who was half a foot taller than the others.

When she was conscious he stopped, his voice sounded like a guttural blend of the larger one mixed with an artificial one.

“Was it worth it? Zero points. You'll be lucky if we get rid of you before the captain recovers. No doubt he will want you dead but there is no profit in that. Do what you will with her short of killing her.” He left her and the smaller ones closed in. Her ample chest targeted first, grasped and squeezed roughly. Another wasted little time in inserting his fingers inside her roughly thrusting them inside her as a thumb traced over her clit in rough circles. It was more than apparent that they did not care if she were ready or not.

The one behind her had been grunting out orders to the others and the smaller ones responded some grabbing her legs to lift them off of the floor, another even freed his cock and guided it to her backdoor, the tip coated in pre but that seemed to be the only lubrication she was going to get. Fortunately it did not thrust straight in, probably to avoid any friction burns or discomfort that tip rolled against her backdoor smearing her there with a small degree of wetness before she could feel it straining against her rear as it pressed inside her, the first thrust slow to spread her hole the second and subsequent ones not so much ...

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sat May 14, 2016 4:06 pm
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
She had hoped to have killed the captain right then and there. But, it seems it would take more to cook his brain. The others were shocked but were quickly getting over it as they opened fire. The suit enhanced Alexandra's physical capabilities, making her stronger and faster than an ordinary human. She managed to close in and subdue a few more of the slavers before finally being gunned down by blaster fire. Unfortunately, the weapons were set to stun rather than kill.

A harsh slap sent her head snapping to one side. The agent groaned as she found herself nude and being held up by a larger alien. She guessed that her suit was unusable at this point. The seal for the suit was hard to find which left them with little options besides cut it open.

For Alexandra, it was worth it. It would have been better if the captain was dead but it was doubtful he would be showing off his smashed cock anytime soon. The agent knew what was coming next and shuts her eyes. The aliens closed in, grabbing and groping her luscious nude form. Her breasts molded around those greedy fingers while others pushed into her tight depths and teased her hidden pearl.

"Augh!" It was not long before the cocks came out. One pressed against her anus. Alexandra squirmed but could not escape her fate. The thick knob forced her anus open and pushed in. Before long, the monster's hips were pumping steadily inside her sensitive passage. "Ohhh... St-Stop..." she groaned out between breaths.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat May 14, 2016 6:52 pm
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
“No fucking way bitch, that was my uncle you fried back there.” He had to be referring to the captain and not one of the smaller ones. He was the worse to deal with then the others Granted they were rough with her, squeezing and pulling, using fingers and cocks though none dared force her to bestow them head.

The gorilla had the thickest cock and had it not been for her experiences on Shokushu and other dealings since joining the ADD there was no telling how she would have fared. Seconds, thirds and even fourths they kept at her throughout the night with their rough fucking. While sometimes the gorilla took her ass he took her pussy deep as well practically drilling her through the floor as the others held her down and groped her.

Guards came and went, they all looked the same beside the gorilla so it was tough keeping track of them or just how many there were though the gorilla remained their for most of her coherent memory any way. They left her a mess by the end of it, each muscle sore, the price for fighting back high but nothing could take away the fact that for once she was able to strike back, she nearly killed one of them, it wouldn't be much of a surprise to learn that one or more of the smaller ones were indeed dead. But not the captain. She did do a number on him and there had been times as a student that she had yearned for such a day.

She had been cleaned up and treated to some meds that helped with the aches just a little. The primary purpose though was to stimulate her healing and tighten her back up. She had been thrown in that small cell and kept in the hanger. Other prisoners were here though the cells were too far from one another to communicate without yelling or using sign language. She was fed though the food was bland and at the end of the second day she was sunned, removed from her cell and fucked all over again. Repeat and day three end in much the same fashion.

Day four was a bit different though.

The tan simian approached her cell with his datapad again. “Your condition will no improve Nine, with zero points we will not sell you. The ADD will not find you and the reason you have not been jettisoned into space is because it has not been commanded and your sale might provide a meager profit, if anything else as a gladiatrix but you may get lucky. Do you wish to earn at least one point to be included with the other eight or do you care to gamble and place everything on an escape before the captain recovers enough, your call.” He did not seem to be interested in her choice as in interested about making at least a little money seeing that they had her.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sun May 15, 2016 2:13 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
The agent could only endure for so long. Even with these beasts focusing on their own pleasure, Alexandra's body still reacted to their constant advances. Her cunt and ass twitched, throbbing with heat as those thick cocks pierced deep inside her. She lost count of how many of them came inside her. Cum drooled from both entrances as medics tended to her body and cleaned her up.

Three days of fucking with little rest left the agent drained. The alien from before stated how things were going to go for her. She either complied or be ravaged endlessly until the captain recovered and had his revenge. Alexandra said nothing and simply waited for instructions. She had to get off this ship before she was ripped apart by these beasts.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun May 15, 2016 3:08 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
“Interested?” He asked after a long pause though if Nine wasted his time he would ignore her and resign her for her fate. There was work to do with the others and while no one accomplished the same sort of resistance that she managed there were some that needed to gain further points before he would up their status.

The points were an abstract means of telling how ready a slave had been. Certain slaves could be marketed as pleasure models, others that were not quite broken but somewhat conditioned had been their most popular slaves as there were several of their clients that liked to take a more active role in adding the finishing touches but felt that just the ground work made things easier.

And those with the lowest scores were marketed as useful for the arena unless a potential buyer wished to spend a great deal of time … for those Masters that liked doing all or most of the work.

The slavers kept a varying degree of slaves, some liked their burgers well done, some raw and that was the difference here. He was ready to depart unless she grabbed his attention prior.
, Granox
If he left now much the same was in store for her today, perhaps it would be no different if she showed any sort or interest though it was clear that she had to get off this ship and soon, a transition might bestow her an opportunity to learn a bit more if not escape at some point. She had to learn where she was, though it had been a few days since her capture and they had not raced to offload their cargo so it may not have been convenient to do so especially if they were searching out specific individuals for whatever reason, revenge or to fill a specific order were the two most likely candidates.

“So you are interested?” He would say if she verbalized anything or showed any signs of interest. “Granox will be angry but he's not thinking about profit.”

He did not really care if she tried to escape afterwards, it was not his problem once the transaction was complete. The new owners would no any dangers of escape attempts based on the slave's ranking.

“Use a bit of initiative and earn some points but I'm sure Granox wouldn't mind you just laying there.” He moved closer to her cell though she was not restrained there was barely enough space for her to reach between the bars meaning that it would have taken a bit of effort to reach out or draw her arm out of harm's way.

“Pleasure me with your mouth and you will get onto the list of merchandise we have for tomorrow. Refuse ... he didn't finish, there was no need to point out again the same monotony that waited for her.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sun May 15, 2016 3:56 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
Alexandra gave a weak nod. She had to play along if she was to be sold and get away from these monsters. But, escaping her supposed buyer was not guaranteed either. Without her suit and weapons, she was helpless like the other slaves. If she became a gladiatrix in the arena, escape would become impossible.

The busty agent moved closer to the bars. When offered, she would stroke the creature's shaft before sliding her lips around the slaver's tip. It disgusted her that she had to do this. But, she had to get on that list. She avoided using any teeth as she proceeded to suck slow and deep on the alien's phallus. She bobbed her head as best as she could given her tight living arrangement.

It was unfortunate but, this was not Alexandra's first capture. She had been taken and trained as a sex slave before. Her tongue slid along the underside of the man's rod, picking up the pace while her hands stroked what her mouth and throat did not take in. The agent would keep going, listening to hear if she was succeeding in pleasing her captor.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun May 15, 2016 4:21 am
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
The alien drew closer and got to his knees getting into easy reach seeing that the height of the cage was lacking. He had set aside the datapad and even unleashed himself, a modest length, not too big or small and certainly one she could have deep throated had it not been for the cage.

Reaching out through the bars had been a bit awkward and her own position was tough though she did the task. This wasn't about pleasure, though he did not mind it of course rutting against her face making her take him a little deeper given the cage itself. In a way it helped more than it hindered.

First, he had to trust that she would not bite, it was a gamble though the odds were in his favor given that she was on her last chance here and she had to see that it was in her best interest. Second, it was an act in front of the others shaming her perhaps as much as further demoralizing the more rebellious ones. If any had been aware of her resistance what hope they had placed within her would have been dashed seeing that it did no good.

He reached a hand through the bars, rubbing one of her tits. It had not been rough like the others though. It was likely that it was because his junk had been in her mouth though he rubbed and squeezed throbbing increasing but he did not warn her when he shot his load forcing the majority of it down her throat. He did not pull back straight away though allowing her to clean his off before he disengaged and tucked himself back into his pants.

“Good enough,” He altered the information in his datapad and departed. When she was fetched from her cell later that evening she didn't endure the same fate as she had on previous visits. She was given clothes though skimpy ones and affixed with a slave collar and other restraints for her wrists, cheaper ones with a small chain securing them to one another allowing her to part her arms about half a foot from one another though before she was restrained they allowed her to eat, nothing tasteful but it sustained her.

When she was brought back to the hanger she had been placed in a larger cell closer to the others. One by one they were taken from their cells and prepared though not always returned to the same cells. Some where, another was stuffed into her old cell but whatever organization they used didn't make too much sense to her not that she cared. In the end though there was another slave close enough for a loud whisper to reach.

She was not the sort to be talkative it seemed and did not say a thing. The next day they were fed again though her restraints made it tougher to eat this time. But they were not bothered until a potential buyer arrived. They must have docked with someone since they had not been transferred, meeting someplace in space perhaps? A smaller operation or one though the markets would have been more profitable indicating that their client hired them to gather up specific individuals and the others were extra … potential slaves.

The break up of the slaves made some sense as a robbed individual was being lead about. The one in her old cell had the most points, good for pleasure and already broken or mostly so. She was past up and though the creature in crimson robe focused his attention on just three of the eight others.

But he did look, but ignored all but two others coming to the cell containing her an the other low numbered slave. She could see that he was a deeper red then the robes and appeared scaly from what she could see. He had small claws but shifted his attention between the two as if deciding between them.

His mouth was full of small pointed teeth. He posed a question to them though the other slave did not venture a response but just glared at him. “Just why should I select either of you?”

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sun May 15, 2016 5:39 pm
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
"Mph!" Alexandra did not want to swallow but she knew what was expected of her. She gulped down the thick spunk and proceeded to wash the alien phallus clean. After that, she was left mostly alone beyond preparing to sell her.

The flimsy attire barely held the agent's giant breasts. They were about to pour right out of her top if she breathed a bit too hard. Alexandra was with another prisoner though neither had much to say. Escape was impossible at this point. All they could do was wait and see who was purchased.

This was a private exchange and it was unknown when another buyer would come by. The robed figure looked over the higher scoring slaves before finally looking in Alexandra's cell. The other slave with her was still very much rebellious. That was perhaps a point in Alexandra's favor but she did not like thinking about it like that. They were all human and should be on the same side.

It shocked her to hear the question. The agent remained on her knees. Her arms pressed against the sides of her lovely breasts as she kept her eyes lowered. "It is not my place to say who you should purchase, Master," the agent began softly as she resisted the urge to vomit at what she was saying, "All I have to offer is what you see before you. If you believe that is worthy enough to show off your wealth and prestige, I live to serve you."

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun May 15, 2016 6:17 pm
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Post Re: Killing Time (for Alex)
Her life was on the line, the other woman would suffer but was not under such limited time constraints as she and that had been in her favor. Had she been looking up she might have seen that the alien had been confused. Her low score indicated that she was definite and so he did not expect this.

Then he chuckled. “This one is smarter than she seems but she is fooling no one.” Damning words perhaps though what happened next had surprised her. “I will take this one.”

At first she might have thought that he pointed to the other cell but when he continued on she knew she was speaking of her. “I will not be your Master but you will entertain mine well.”

He departed and the transactions had been processed. She and the three unlucky enough to have had been on the list were transferred at blaster point to another ship docked with this one.

It was a larger vessel, cleaner and she and the other three were locked in a room this time rather than a cell. The collars remained but the shackles had been removed. From what little of the ship she saw there were more of these robed individuals most with red robes but occasionally she saw one of a different color like blue or purple. Rank, maybe …

None of the others were much in the way of conversation either and each had known the number assigned to them when the purchaser stated which numbers he'd take. Three, Five, Six and Nine.

Now that they were alone Alex would be able to process the information had gathered. The aliens on the ship did not have any weapons, at least the ones she saw. No one spoke or came up with a plan, either concluding that there was something off that they did not pick up already or there was some sort of listening device planted here.

There were six cots here so they could transport a modest number of slaves comfortably though the room itself could have been packed to hold twice that so there was a bit of leg room. If this had been a slaver ship they would have been signs of it packing in as many slaves as possible so she could guess that this transport was only used to pick up slaves but never expected to have more then six of them at one time unless there had been other rooms like this.

At last one of the other girls, Five, spoke to her. “Nice work with the captain by the way,” she tapped her earlobe indicating that they were being monitored or it was a hunch, an obvious warning to her though did she risk saying much at the time or try to relay something that a listener couldn't detect?

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sun May 15, 2016 11:27 pm
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