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 Written in the Stars (for Alex) 
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
The first shot easily wounded one of the aquatic creatures. In a second, she was already attacking the other in melee. The blow may have not been solid but it did send him backwards. Alexandra kept moving forward, keeping close to the alien invader. Up close, that trident would have no room to swing as she caught the shaft with one hand before it could get much momentum.

With one hand holding the trident, lets see if this monster can roll with this sort of 'punch'. She pressed the blaster into the creature's gut and pulled the trigger. Alexandra would try and yank the trident out of his hand as she fired, tossing it away before kicking the alien and pointing her blaster back at the wounded creature. Always outnumbered, the agent had to get used to fighting these unfair fights.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:51 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
Spinning, stepping back and swinging at the agent the trident hit but did not do much damage as she held the weapon stepping forward with the blaster to his gut the shot was lethal. He fell as she tore that weapon from his grasp to discard it. Her attention swung to the other, wounded though his gaze lingered on her as if frozen or debating. His only weapon was the grenade and if he used it at this close range he was as good as dead though there was no chance he could make a scramble to the rifle.

He relaxed though once the door slid open not out of relief but because he knew that there was no real chance that would involve him surviving. One of the researchers had been their coming to her assistance perhaps upon hearing the blaster fire. She was not the only one to hear it though as the other creatures were rushing towards her, unseen she would be able to make it into the mess hall dragging in the wounded creature as other researchers appeared to disarm him of the grenade and get him inside.

The door had been sealed once again and Alex would see that their were the three researchers here and the wounded agent laid out one the table. The researcher who had come to her assistance had the sidearm of the agent. She noted that there was a lap top plugged in with her chat still open.

“What's going on?” The researcher asked. It seemed that she had been functioning on auto pilot while they dealt with these things until there was a brief pause when they could tackle the issues. The creature just sat there against the wall clutching at his wounded shoulder but saying nothing as it watched on.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:48 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
With only a grenade in hand, the alien gave up. At least these creature's valued their own lives enough to avoid a suicide attempt. A researcher armed with a blaster along with the others came out upon hearing the fire fight. The sound of more aliens coming goaded the group to quickly drag the wounded into another room where they could close and seal the door.

"You know better than I," Alexandra replied, "I just got here and apparently these creatures showed up. Find something to tie him up. I don't want him causing any further trouble. There are at least two more coming. It won't be long before they find us.

The red haired agent grabbed the grenade that the alien was debating on using and headed back for the door. She would feel more comfortable talking once the other two had been dealt with. "Close the door behind me," she stated before exiting.

The corridor was not the safest place to fight but, it was better than putting the researchers at risk. The agent looked for the two remaining aliens. If spotted, she would use their own grenade against them, throwing it hard against the walls to make it bounce around and harder to catch. She would dive into another room to avoid the explosion before firing down the hall to further suppress her opponents.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:11 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
The creature had been secured with one of those plastic restrains that law enforcement used. It was taken from her fellow agent and she knew two things, that it wasn't plastic and one needed titanic strength to brake them. This thing didn't strike her as having insane strength either.

Out in the hall with the door sealed behind her there was a brief delay since the creatures had been on the other side of the complex. When she first saw them they must have known what she had been tossing or simply acted. Even if it wasn't a grenade they may have hit that conclusion, their minds seemed to be hardwired for combat, they didn't think as so much as act according to their training.

One dove one way opposite his companion though the grenade ricocheted off the wall, there was a brief delay as it fell at the feet of one of the creatures and exploded. Not even assessing any shrapnel damage or given him a time to register what was going on she popped part way out of the room she took cover in and dispatched the survivor as he was getting up. Four down, at least one left at the landing pad. There was no way he would have missed the grenade going off though it wasn't as great of a yield as she had expected it was loud. The damage was minimal to a smaller area too … her first though was that it could have been defective in some way before she would remember that these were aquatic creatures and the grenade was probably deigned to be used under water where it may have had different results, perhaps why that was why it was so loud but she could worry about all that later.

Let back into the mess hall she had no idea as to how many others were out there or in the facility but it was quiet with everyone looking towards her. Evidently they were more clueless to this recent development which had progressed beyond their eel problems.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:18 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
The grenade did its job in disorientating the enemy and gave Alexandra the opening she needed to dispatch the two remaining aliens. Whether there were more outside or on the ship that landed was unknown. There was also the eels supposedly still lurking about. For now, they were safe at least.

Alexandra returned to the others. If there was anything that she could use to pull up the cameras here, she would do so. She needed to see if more were coming or not. The agent's heart was racing. She did not want to be captured again. She wanted to pull out of this alive and not on a leash. But, she was the only agent available once again. It was all up to her.

"Well, tell me what happened," the agent ordered, "How did a couple of eels overthrow this entire outpost?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Jun 10, 2016 3:24 am
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
It was tougher on the personal lab top to pull up the cameras. It was connected to the network in so far as pulling up work and had not been set up like the consoles but with it connected she would have tons of options and able to get into the outpost cameras once again.

When she had the cameras up as far as she could tell the interior of the outpost had been clear save for the four creatures that came in and three were outside of the room dead with the last sitting her watching but saying nothing.

She would see that there were two blue ones at their ship now. One was pointing at the building while a third green one was gazing at the door, Behind the green one stood a droid, not a combat model but a domestic one though it looked humanoid it was somewhat plain in appearance.

She asked her question and it was the researcher with the blaster that answered.

“Their psychic and strong ...”
she looked to the agent on the table then back. “Six of her ribs were broken by a telekinetic punch. Their small enough to get about most places and can hit us from hidden positions. Their smart too able to disable most of the outbound functions. We think they need the dark and the heat but they haven't been able to unlock the doors nor get into here. We blocked off the vents but with the poor lighting and inability to really locate them we would have all been dead trying to kill them, we don't have the resources to deal with this and this is the only blaster here.

“We have some early warning devices in place but not for internal threats like the eels. Know though we can't stay here.”

It was only a matter of time, for some reason the eels couldn't get in her but any barriers they could have destroyed if they were able to brake the rib of an agent leaving her to conclude that they didn't really want to get in here or perhaps only attacked when threatened.

She was able to get this far, though there were other issues at stake here. Then a voice that came over the PA system though it was simply one way rather than an intercom system the creature were inside the outpost.

“Such a bad girl. You're stuck. Even if you were able to get a distress message off it would be quite some time before anyone receives it. But you've injure or killed some of my men and I cannot ignore that. I'll give you ten minutes to think over your options and then the fun really begins.”

The PA system cut off. While she couldn't respond directly with the network she might be able to communicate in some fashion ...

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Fri Jun 10, 2016 4:13 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
There were three aliens outside along with a droid. Apparently the eels were telekinetic to the point that they can break bones with a thought. As if things could not get worse, the intercom blared on as someone or something gave the usual 'I'm going to get you' speach. Trying to communicate back did not really matter from Alexandra's experience. It was not like these aliens gave a shit about humanity beyond using them as slaves or breeding stock.

"Guess I'm going to get captured again..." Alexandra muttered bitterly, "This room is the safest place you can be. Just lock the door behind me and pray that a miracle happens." The agent tried to trace where the message came from. If successful, she would start making her way to that room. Otherwise, her only option would be to go after the group that was outside. Her suit provided the best protection against blaster fire and could harden against impacts should a psychic force collide with her. It was not perfect but, it was all that was available to the ADD agent.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:16 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
There had been only one room the message could have been sent from making it easy to find out where it came from. The cameras had shown that the landing pad had just one of the blue creatures again so either it was the other two that had entered into the outpost or someone else with them returning to their ship. From that same room the distress beacon could be played with though she knew that it had been disabled the A system had been in the sole communication room.

The door was locked behind her though she received an offer of assistance. If anything happened to her then it was probably a matter of time before they got within that room. The researchers only had one weapon among them though right out side there were others.

Her fellow agent had been down for the count and someone had to mind the wounded prisoner. That left two researchers though they probably couldn't offer much help when it came down to it.

The hall outside had three bodies, two of the creatures were dead and the third would soon be too though effectively he was out and no longer a threat, the one that took the grenade blast would bleed out soon, his legs destroyed in the blast along with that trident blaster her carried.

The two blaster rifles were still usable though and she could arm the two researchers if she took them or give them weapons while they dug in to that room. Perhaps taking out four of them changed their plans too depending on how many aliens they had they might have refrained from wasting the resources. While she did not know the make of their transport they couldn't have more then a dozen people she guessed and probably about half that.

Seven at least. And a droid. She took out four already so they could not play around so just maybe the researchers would be safe. She had cost them though and while she remained it seemed that they would stick around to get her to pay, at least that was the impression she came away with.

Getting to the room wasn't much of a problem. She did not hear anything in the vents though this wasn't a room she unlocked either … the doors were half opened as if forced in some way though there seemed to be no external damage she realized that gears in the door frame had to be broken since the doors did not close.

Peeking in she could see the green one standing next to the droid with a snake looped about her neck, no not a snake but an eel she witnessed after watching for a moment longer. She could only see a fraction of the room so the green one may not have been alone.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Fri Jun 10, 2016 5:55 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
The rifles were easy enough to grab and pass off to the researchers. She still had no idea why the ADD kept sending out researchers with no combat training. Even she had to go through training before being allowed to work on more intellectual tasks.

She ignored the creature that was slowly bleeding out. Alexandra had no sympathy for these monsters that attacked first. It was not difficult to navigate this place as she had been here before. The agent found the room she was looking for only to find the door had been forced open. Inside was at least one alien, a drone, and one of those strange eels.

There could be more inside but that did not matter at this point. That eel was supposedly a threat. She did not have any of those fancy grenades the aliens came with. But, the standard load out of an agent always included a few microbombs. Those should more than suffice.

There was risk of harming the equipment inside but even Alexandra was willing to destroy a room if it meant the removal of these alien creatures. She armed a bomb and quietly tossed it into the room before move back around the corner. The powerful blast would hopefully take out anything in the room.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Jun 10, 2016 6:11 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
She tossed the bomb into that room though as soon as she had a plethora of things happened. The explosion went off closer than she would have expected almost as if the explosive went off just on the opposite side of the door. She heard shrapnel drive into the door and smoke rush out of the room from the gap in the door.

Using the wall near the door from cover from her own blast it soon grew difficult to see and hard to breath causing her to cough just a little though the blast from the explosion didn't last for more than a few seconds. Inside that room she heard the the clatter of the droid as it hit the ground as it knocked over from the blast … or hurled …

A moment later she felt something drive her hard against that wall, an incredible invisible force that spread out her arms to her side. It was as if someone was holding her there, as if she were a piece of metal pressed against a metallic wall. She soon heard a chuckle from within that room, then figures came out of that room. One blue and one green,

There was no sign of the droid yet though the blue one was disarming her while the green one had been studying her before grasping one of her sizable breasts squeezing it though not the first alien to do so and probably not the last. Silly agent … you shouldn't play with such dangerous things.

The voice was in her head. The green one smiled at her, made a small gesture flipping her so that her chest was pressed to the wall. Her arms were drawn behind her back with her wrists crossing over one another as the blue one held them in place. She expected to be restrained though wasn't … not slavers … or not here as slavers she couldn't say though they didn't seem prepared for this.

Let's go. I have already gotten what I have come for and more.

She could hear the droid in that room picking itself up as she was hauled away she could see the other eel slithering out of the shadows following.

It felt as if her hands were stuck together rather than being held firm. The creature grasping her arms and guiding her to the landing pad or carrying her if she offered to much resistance. At the landing pad she saw another blue one and they all boarded the ship.

Rather than a cell though she was thrown into a bedroom with one of the eels joining her. Her arms still held together it just watched her, saying nothing though she had been told they were intelligent it looked like an eel, she wouldn't have expected it to strike up conversation with her though it's unblinking eyes stared at her and watched.

It wasn't until some time after they took of before the green one joined them again. You've cost me four of my crew and all I wanted to do was make a simple pick up. I wonder who would pay more for you. Your people or the markets?

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Fri Jun 10, 2016 7:16 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
The bomb went off prematurely, barely getting past the door before detonating. The loud explosion rang in her ears as smoke rushed out into the corridor. Unseen forces took hold and pressed the agent against the wall. "Ngh! Shit..." She muttered to herself. She was caught and there was nothing she could do to free herself of the psychic forces holding her.

She was easily turned around and her arms came behind her only to be held by those forces. Her blaster taken away, one of the creatures carried her back to the landing pad. The aliens were only after her? Why did it always have to be her?

The busty agent was thrown into a bedroom rather than a prison cell. One of the eels kept an eye on her and was no doubt holding her bound with its psychic powers. Alexandra would sit up if allowed to do so. There was little she could do besides wait for green alien to join her here. The agent glared at the alien woman.

"I did not cost you anything. You attacked us, remember?" Alexandra replied, "If you did not take the job, you would still have your crew. It is that simple." Blaming the victim for defending herself was stupid. But, that was how aliens were, blame the human as always. These were not the slavers but mercenaries picking her up for a slaver. That did not really help much as there were multiple slavers who desired her over ordinary slaves.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Jun 10, 2016 8:44 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
She wagged a finger while the eel watched impassively. She had been allowed to sit, the eel had not attempted to stop her unless she tried to go through things, otherwise escape or harm it in some way. You attacked first. You took our children and not just any old children.

She smiled stroking the head of the eel about her neck then dragging a finger against her cheek. From what she understood the eels were the pick up? Why had then been there? Why had the researchers taken them in the first place? So many whys but none of that mattered now.

With a gesture her arms came free then a force slammed into her chest driving the wind out of her. If only I had the time I would have collected the others too. Perhaps even managed to come away with your ship but it's a simple case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I suppose you got that distress signal before it could be disable.

That wasn't the case, it was already disabled when she arrived and it was just her bad luck. The woman squatted neck to her jerking back her head by her hair and tracing a finger down her neck.

That eel draped about her neck mindful of the agent trying to lash out to counter said attempts.

Perhaps if you ask nicely I'll make an offer to your precious ADD first.
That finger swept to a shoulder, she still had her suit though and it was apparent her captors were unaware of what it could do. If she used it though she may be able to take out two of the three though the power of the one that was watching her had already been proven since he was able to control her effortlessly. It may be better to keep the suit as an ace up her sleeve, then again she didn't know how long she would keep it or if she would have another chance. Even if she used it now with three of them present escape was still a long shot.

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:15 am
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
"And how were they supposed to know they were your children? Your children attacked immediately then you came here armed. Justify it how you like, you are no different from the others. Just like I know begging or 'asking nicely' will not make a difference. You have already chosen what you are going to do with me. I know how the galaxy treats humans. So just get this over with."

Alexandra glared at the woman. She was tired of being blamed because she defended herself. The aliens showed up and attacked, it was as simple as that. That was what all aliens did because none care enough to actually talk to humans first. They were just animals to them in many cases. The agent did not waver as she was held up by her hair while the alien traced the agent's neck.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:24 am
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
She just grinned in return refraining from further argument of playing the blame game though she seemed rather delighted as she release the hold on the agent's hair and stood up. It is more fun this way.

Slaver or not the alien was not nice nor did she pretend to be. She departed with her favorite eel wrapped about her neck. The other merely watched her. As far as she could feel the thing appeared to be a blackish green thing much like an eel though it had fins on each side. Two sets but both small. One set near the head with the second set further back. It had tiny gills but seemed comfortable breathing the air too. Back on Earth there were the flat heads … fish that could breath air for a time and it would leave the agent to wonder if it had developed in such a way.

Before she could delve into all that though one of the blue skinned creatures arrived with a folding chair. It set it up, looked hard at her then departed. He did not say anything nor was he armed she noted though he was probably one of the ones she already saw. Thus far she could only tell the green one apart from the others and the eels. The one watching her had been thinner then the other one the difference between the girth of a garden hose and a fire hose though both had been roughly the same size.

When the blue one returned it was with another and the green one. No one had weapons and the green one sat. She did not sound like Kir or the one who contacted her through the PA system so it was hard to tell if she had been Kir or not.

She sat though pouring herself a glass of some green liquid before setting the bottle down. When she brought the glass to her lips the two blue ones came forth, obvious as to what they intended as they eyed her each coming closer from the opposite side to make whatever struggles she placed forward tougher.

Alex had a full audience now, the guardian eel seemed to be focused on her while the other paid her little mind receiving further attention from the woman who watched on as the others made a show of closing in on her from either side without so much as a word drawing out the scene further or waiting for something.

She could feel a tingle at the back of her head, just a slight pressure there though she was uncertain as to what was happening. It was just a tingle neither good or bad that she could not make sense of. Then the woman had widened her eyes, glanced to the guardian then relaxed into a smile. The two males paused once a command was given to halt then they could proceed a moment later.

Interesting ... try as she might she wouldn't be able to activate her suit. If she even thought of it that tingle grew worse exploding into a migraine. She was being blocked, that eel had been in her head though it had only prevented her from using that suit and not fighting back, perhaps that was part of the show as the males came at her from either side forcing her to choose between the one she was going to defend against or attack leaving her open to the second ...

Alicia Ashford
Alicia's Encounters

Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:24 pm
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Post Re: Written in the Stars (for Alex)
Alexandra knew that the eel would keep her from moving and was forced to wait. Soon, more of the aliens arrived, flanking the agent from either side while the green woman from before sat and watched. A strange sense of pressure was felt in the back of the agent's head though she had no clue why.

The agent had no intention of using her suit yet. Even if she took out two of them, she would be locked in place by the eels watching her. There was a brief moment of hesitation when the woman ordered the two males to stop. But just as quickly as the order was given, another was given to continue.

Alexandra no longer felt the forces holding her body still and was not about to let these monsters have their way. She slammed her fist at the face one of the blue ones. This did make her turn to face one of them but Alexandra was far from defenseless. As she turned towards one, she sat up more to free up her legs and sent a strong kick behind her to kick away the other one. She may not be electrocuting them but the suit was still providing her with some much needed strength.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:55 pm
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