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 Practical Training (for Diva) 
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
A quick debate had her opt for the ruins. Perhaps the Adda would get impatient with waiting or she might detect where he was hiding if he did go further into that jungle which made more sense to her. Two paths indicated the possibility that he had stashed the Cardinal in the ruins though she could not be 100% certain. He could have assumed she would think he was stashed in the ruins and did the opposite. But the ruins had more cover and a double bluff made less sense to her.

Cautiously she moved in, the hum steady but neither did it seem to grow any. She eventually came to a building that had no roof which had collapsed long ago. One wall was more or less gone and another had nearly been gone entirely. But the two walls that remained looked sturdy enough and formed one corner where there was a prone body … the Cardinal.

He was face down, unconscious or dead though the later made little sense as if the Adda were going to kill him they would have done so well before now. There was no sense in capturing him either … a glint of metal, in an instant she determined that it was a trap since there was only one way for her to approach from and a sniper could set up in the ruins.

Had the Adda doubled back and was behind her waiting for her to take the bait?

But the glint was above and in front of her. She saw the shape of another one of the bugs she witnessed before. It landed at the top of the wall, rubbed it's back legs then flew off again.

Then silence. It was as if everything hinged on her. That bug had been unnatural or seemed it. She did not know much about the world or the evolution of things here. Perhaps the exoskeleton of this particular bug was shiny for some reason and just seemed metallic. It could have been a surveillance system too used by the Adda to track her movements or someone else. Though once she moved in toward the downed Cardinal dodging an attack became tougher and if the Cardinal was unconscious then getting him out of there and blocking with her shield while sporting a sore shoulder would be tough.

Right now nothing happened. If it were a trap then it would not be sprung until she got closer to the Cardinal. It could have been paranoia on her part too as it seemed too simple. She could search the jungle before hand or trip the trap if it were a trap that was.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Fri Jun 17, 2016 4:22 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Diva choose the ruins because of the strategic advantage of being in a tighter space with her shield. She was trained to deal with these cowardly projectile weapons with ease however snipers posed a issue, she could not harm want she could not get close enough to smash with her shield. Blocking stray shots was fine however how long could she keep that up? So choosing the ruins over the open jungle dense jungle was a obvious choice for er, regardless of were the cardinal might be or not. If they were going to harm the cardinal then it would have been done already. That is at least how she saw it.

Cautiously Diva moved into the ruins, her shield raised in case of a ambush, she wasn't sure how many were left, but she knew it was few. This simulation was very odd, she considered be for moving deeper inside the shattered stone structure.

"UH!!" Diva gasped as she noticed the downed body as she rounded a corner. Quickly recognizing the vestments the face down stranger wore, it was the cardinal! "YOUR HOLYNESS!!!" Diva cried as she quickly rushed to the cardinals side, forgetting the risks of rushing in or simply not caring as she only cared if the cardinal was safe as she took a knee by the holynesses side as she carefully took a arm to try and flip the cardinal onto his or hers back.

"Your holyness! Are you unharmed?!

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Thu Jun 23, 2016 6:25 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Rushing forward there was no immediate response. As she drew near she witnessed that the Cardinal was still alive and breathing. There were no wounds on him from this side though she couldn't tell if he had any wounds to his torso or had been struck and rendered unconscious.

They had stunners but she would have heard a shot.

Luna could see the spikes on her readings, looked to the feed as it was being played out to Diva and made her notes. It was all being recorded and she would get to looking at some of it again later but she made that correlation between religious zeal and duty.

Back in the simulation all hell broke loose when she flipped the Cardinal over. The Adda had trapped him! The grenade went off with a loud popping sound as if she just unsealed a container of biscuits. But this was not a fragmentation grenade but a stun grenade.

The good thing was that it stunned with spores and she had been protected from the release of spores. The Cardinal wasn't but he was already out of it. There was no additional damage so a blow probably put him out. But she did not have long to look averting her eyes as the grenade went off.

Next had been the shots some hit the walls harmlessly as the stunning shots did no damage. But some came at her from above too at a downward angle from airborne targets.

Droids that had arms that ended in cannons, no legs but moved by repulsors allowing them to hover. There was only one Adda left, not counting the one that she let run away at the ship but he did not appear. He had been the one to set the trap with the grenade but these machines seemed to take advantage of that.

They were set on stun and there had been half a dozen of them. Two above and behind her with one opposite each wall and another two coming straight at her hovering less then a meter off the ground. Security droids of an older make, effective in large numbers. Each input enough fire into that region though two kept hitting the walls.

With no place to dodge she could only catch a few shots since many different angles had to be safeguarded against many got through.

When next she regained conscious she would find herself in a room with lots of machinery and blinking lights on consoles. Two of the security droids hovered either side of a door and she was retrained by metallic restraints. The table she was strapped to was standing up so she was effectively standing. She could see that there was a large Adda here and a humanoid droid more advanced then the simple ones.


The Adda upon hearing this grinned and headed toward her though his stunner remained there leaning against the wall.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Thu Jun 23, 2016 8:32 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
The cardinal looked unharmed at first glance as Diva made her hastly approch and took a knee by the cardinals side out of concern for his safty, somthing that was ultimatly her undoing as the simulation unfolded.

Flippigthe cardinal Diva instantly noticed the sound of the pin fallowed by the grenade roll out from under the Cadinal. "uh!A trap!" Diva said as shewas caught of guard befor a blinding flash dazed her and confused her as she recoiled back out of sheer shock. In her dazed and confused state Diva had little to no time to raise her shield in defense as she was riddled with blaster bolts... however even then it took multiple shots and a hailof gun fire to force Diva to fall unconcious as she slumpped to the ground.... out cold.

At this point Diva had no clue how long she was unconcious for in the simulation befor she finilly awoke later. Her violet eyes slowly opening with a slight wince of discomfort while hanging her rasberry blond head. It didnt take Diva long to notice she was upright... and her arms restrained by metalic cuffs around her wrists, Diva wasted no time tugging agiest the restraints testing their strength and durability. She coud break normal cuffs however heavy duty restraints were another matter entirly.

By the look of the room she was not in the ruins anymore... and if she could put her finger on it then she was aboard their ship and not alone as Diva heard the voice of an Adda shouting at her... demanding information as Diva simply glared at him and scowled distainfuly as she watched the Addas approch her.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sun Jun 26, 2016 7:42 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
The restraints she found were strong and had not budged. Upon waking though it had been the Adda that approached her as the droid sought answers though she refrained from answering. The AI had to make it's own conclusions though and it calculated probably coming to the conclusion that it did not matter as far as her ID went as it's course of action would be no different.

“So you are the one that has generated all that trouble. Nice.” Adda hands cupped her breasts while another pair swept down her sides. The voice the same as she heard before, the captain's. The AI had yet to turn away though analyzing the unfolding scene.


“I have lost much. I shall make a gift of her to the Emissary. That would be the same thing. There is no point in killing her,” hands tore away at the clothing at her breasts exposing them, then made direct contact with them. Fingers now tugging against her nipples.

The droid seemed to process this while the Adda sucked on one of her breasts rolling over the nipple with his tongue as he rolled over the other with his finger.

“But first we shall see if she is worthy of the Emissary.”


The AI concluded then departed. It seemed that the two had some sort of alliance or at least some sort of relationship where they got along. The droids had not shown up until the end there and had the Adda known they were here they could have called for back up rather then fleeing into the jungle. A coincidence that they were on this planet? Maybe they knew they had been here all along and the machines would act automatically under the right conditions. There were many situations.

In the real Goro and Ven had worked together once and that had been a surprise in the simulation. The Cardinal wasn't present. Just the Adda and it seemed they behaved like the real thing. The simulation felt real and it only served that the challenges would behave as they did in the real world as far as a training exercise though she had the advantage of a safe word too ...

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Sun Jun 26, 2016 3:50 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
This simulation was too real, even the cuffs around her wrists felt real.... Diva was having trouble differing the two as she glared daggers at the adda who approched her, his hands out streched to do the unthinkable. It was then Diva wienced as a seemingly cute embaressed blush fell over her cheeks as the Adda's hands made first contact with her breasts while his other set of hands skimmed down her body befor resting on her shaply hips making Diva realize her armor was missing.

"Uhm! remove your discusting hands!" Diva demanded as she would jerk her body side to side and pulled her wrists agiest the retraints in a struggle to free her self... however she felt her body weaken the more the adda molested her...

Diva's violet eyes flicking to the sound of the voice. "Uhm! I-it would be wise y-you listen to the machine..." Diva had to comment befor the sound of ripping clothing forced Diva to gasp. The evil adda gripping two side of her clotes and tore open the front of the black leotard she wore under her armor they stripped from her. Opening a hole large enough for her gorgiously sculped round breasts to be exposed as Diva pursed her lower lip and closed her eyes as she soon felt the adda seize her nipples... tugging the senstive peaks befor applying his sickly tounge to her.

Diva trembled as the adda got started, feeling hands roam down her hips and his tounge hungerly taking her sensitive tit into his maw. Diva struggling agiest her restraints as she shook her head no, however the adda didnt give her a choice and she could help but suddenly cry out with a moan.... Were her breasts that senstitive?

"Uhm! Rainbow.. Uhm! R-rainbow!" Diva shouted in a flustard panic, her heart racing as struggled to free her self.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:36 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
The AI left and the Adda wasted little time. She still wore her gauntlets and any footwear though neither had been much good. Her ankles had been secured too and she couldn't kick him though if he were going to do as she expected that he would he would have to release them but only long enough to get between them so she may have one or two knees to do some damage.

For the time being though she had to suffer his advances as his tongue and touch played over her. He was certainly enjoying the feast and he seemed to delight in the responses that her body had been making.

He pulled on those nipples, twisted them, suckled on them. He was pressed so close to her that she could feel his mounting erection growing. He was big and thick from the feel of it though she could not see it.

That touch roamed lower. More of her leotard had been ripped away as the beast was only getting ready to claim his prize.

And then it ended as fingers were creeping to her sex. When she spoke he simply vanished then the security droids by the door. She was still secured there in that room, the safety protocols worked … or were paused. As she contemplated this the doors swooshed opened and in came Lunar. She verbally accessed the computer issuing a string of codes as she came forth.

But she was still stuck there. Something wasn't working. “The data was going crazy there.” She had to manually release the restraints and looked away after a slight blush stole over her features.

“I'm sorry,”
he suspicions seemed to be correct about some sort of bug but at least the threads were gone at least for the moment, not likely to return seeing that Luna was in here with her now.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:50 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Diva had her gauntlets and greaves still on however her breast plate was taken away by god knows who simply so the perverted adda could have his fun with her retrained body as she quaked along the standing table she was strapped to. Diva forced to endure his sickly tounge and his rough skin of his hands harshly pinching and tugging her nipples while feeling his other set of hands roam south.

Diva feeling him touch the curves of her hips, thighs, and ass, ripping and tugging her already tattard leotard as he went befor slowlt threatening to slip one of his hands beneath what little clothes she still had cling around her hips like a pair of black panties....

It was then Diva cried the safe words. Rainbow... rainbow, Diva cried the silly word twice in a panic! Either fear or a act to keep her self pure Diva did not wish to endure a simulated rape by a computer, she begged the simulation to end as she stuggled to free her self from her bondage.

Piece by piece the simulation vanished, slowly revealing the room in its true form just as Luna came rushing in through the entrance of the chamber finding the proud knight in such a sorry state, being more then half naked and restrained to a standing table with no way to escape... or hide her shame.

Luna entered as Diva's eyes grew wide as a faint shy blush crossed her features as Luna saw her bare flesh. "Ah! M-mis Luna! Thank Asatol your here... quickly!... release me..." Diva quickly said to the young scientist befor the strange thing she shouted as nothing seemed to happen fallowed by the blush on the womens face forcing Diva to blush back.

"M-mis Luna? W-what is wrong? I'm still bond... p-please dont stare, release me?..." Diva asked, looking to Luna as she pulled agiest her restraints.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:39 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
She undid the restraints then turned her back so that Diva could do the best she could with the torn clothes. Not long after she tried to make the best of the situation her own touch felt the armor she soon wore and that seemed enough of an inconsistency to her mind that the truth was revealed. She was no longer clad in ripped clothing but as she had been.

“Part blunder on my part and part a bug ...”
Luna looked back when indicated and frowned. “I had added updated data from one of our agent's prior missions where she encountered Goro's Adda working with Ven's machines. The scenario was meant to surprise you with the involvement of the other, an X factor where the planet, unknown to either side, was being used by Ven's people. In nutshell they were based in the ruins and once things went there, if they went there, they would be sprung on you.

“Regretfully all the data I input into the system had been calibrated to how the Adda's behave … but the simulator was designed with human minds. It's been used with some alien agents in the past and we got a few minor bugs there was nothing major and so I didn't really think about any sort of incompatibility at least on a huge scale.

“The safety settings still work but I had to come in to undo the restraints manually. This room should have reset too and you should have been in an empty room.”

It had not been the first time that she messed up but this was the second major time. The first was way worse and she felt that he still owed Minerva. “That's what you have to worry about the Adda plaguing your system. Their primitive as far as tech but have been trained to use advanced weapons and not at all stupid and can learn new ways of doing things. The ones plaguing your system will be easy to deal with ship to ship were they're a bit slower but on the ground or during a boarding action they can be effective. Your a lot stronger then a human though ...”

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Mon Jun 27, 2016 6:02 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
Luna quickly released Divas restraints, allowing the ospoden knight to stumble forth as her arms and hands wrapping around her chest cupping her molested breasts as she shyly tried to hide her shame from Luna's equally embaressed face. It wasnt often this happened and Diva was definatly embarresed being seen in such a sorry state by another.

In Diva's culture being seen bare by anyone other then their lover was considered shamful, however it didnt mean such things didnt happen, it was similure to humans own sense of nudity, so it was kind of Luna to turn her back and give Diva a sense of privicy as she tried to make use of what little tattared bits clung around her hips and chest... however tha largest piece Diva had left was the bottoms of her leotard... now looking more like a pair of black torn panties streched acrost her hips hardly covering her womenly assests.

Diva did seek out her armor and shield as luna gave her a momment. However Diva's armor was difficult to equip alone so she ended up hiding her self behind her shield as she held the cool metal agiest her chest... blushing at the embaressing sensation of it rubbing agiest her sore peaks afther the simulated Adda tried to chew them off.

" ok... you may look now.... There is no need to applogize mis Luna... I was convident I could handle the situation .... It was so real I lost sight of the truth..." Diva said shyly, her cheeks red, she was naked alone with this women and Diva knew she saw her. " I should be the one to aplogize... I caused you trouble due to my pride.... and now you have seen my shamful body.... I shoud be thanking you... for releasing me and averting your eyes... and telling me the safe word Rainbow...... Diva said, her finger curling around the edge of her shield. "I thank you for the information Mis luna... I wont underestimate the four armed beasts agin..."

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:43 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
While she had been a field officer briefly she was now back in R&D where she did the most good. For most of her time she had been an officer and did not shower with others. Her quarters had been unchanged even with the demotion she took. So she was almost as embarrassed as she was.

For a moment it seemed as if her attire could restore itself, the minor inconstancy her brain picked up corrected itself in a sense and she found the feel of flesh and cloth instead of metal. Finding her armor though and piecing it together took more effort though she did manage to acquire her shield. At first she did not see it but through the use of her gauntlets she only needed to activate them and walk around a bit. She heard it rattle against the trunk it was stored in along with the other pieces of armor.

“Shameful?” She blinked as she looked back seeing Diva peeking around that shield. She shook her head slightly. “It is not shameful, not that I got a long look.”

She could not say that she saw nothing though. She wrapped her fingers against the shield as if to lower it but didn't. “Still I feel bad about it. Let me threat you to dinner at least.”

She didn't know exactly what her species enjoyed eating but she felt she could work that out or even cook up something that wasn't too exotic at least.

“Don't feel so bad. The Adda scare the hell out of me. I've never had an assignment with them thankfully. Ven's machines I think I could have handled a few months back at least .”
She paused though.

Tit for tat when things went all screwy with the serum and Minerva she offered the agent some reprieve. But agents were use to this sort of thing and she didn't wish to creep Diva out too much. Her hand would draw away from the shield though if she seemed hesitant about it.

“I don't know if there was actual damage to your clothing though. The simulators uses a series of tractor beams and repulsors to simulate forces to make the experience feel real ...” she trailed off yet again as her mind processed the situation.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Tue Jun 28, 2016 2:12 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
"Y-yes... my shamful... and vulger state... I'm sorry... it it offends you...." Diva comfirmed as she noticed Luna's confusion twords her statment regarding her nudity, Luna even claiming it wasnt shamful, however Diva disagreed as she shook her head no in response. "No... i-it is mis luna... I'm so sorry you saw..." Diva said shyly as the only thing hiding her bare skin was the shield she held tightly agiest her chestto hide her self... however her heart skipped a beat as Luna turned to face her, even approching her as Luna placed her hand on the rim of Diva's shield as if to lower it... or worse take it as Luna would notice Diva's eyes light up nervously.

"No mis Luna... That is not nessessery... I-i'm the one who has offended you... I should be the one to treat you to your meal....out of respect. " Diva replied nervously, her heart racing, her cheeks a rosey red and her palms sweaty as she averted her eyes from Luna's own so ashamed even afther Luna hand left the rim of her shield nolonger threatening to force down her shield.

Luna wasnt sure if it was real damage? Well judging from Diva's current state it looked real allright, Diva's clothes were tattared, her armor stripped from her and her body molested.... however if Luna was so unsure then there was only one way to find out for certain... assuming she was willing to ask Diva if she could touch her....

" Mis Luna.... if it wouldnt be to much to ask... but may I ask for... a change of attire? I-i cant leave the chamber like this.., others may see me..."

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Tue Jun 28, 2016 7:39 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
She could see that fear in her eyes which caused her to ease off that shield. The simulation was full of glitches and false reads. Suffice it to say the armor may still be on or had been removed though she wasn't sure. Touching herself might have caused her to think it was still there or it may actually be there.

She smiled, her cheeks still a bit red. “It couldn't be helped … it wasn't as if you had a say in how I found you … it wasn't as if you were stripping or something conscious like that.” She instead touched the arm holding that shield making a slow caress but there was nothing there that she felt amiss, not that she had expected to feel anything at all but she didn't think that she would appreciate her groping her chest.

They could always grab something from the cafeteria but there was another challenge … clothing … there were a few options and she had to think. She recalled witnessing Hope and Krisna sneaking about through the station under unusual circumstances.

There was the locker room where she could find something but there were bound to be others there, and getting to one of the labs had been closer where she could possibly get a lab coat at least. But there was no telling if the labs would be empty either … there had been her quarters too. Safer, no one there and she had a plethora of lab coats and even her field attire that she didn't use all that much.

Of course there was always the matter that she could go off and get clothes on her own but that went against protocol as leaving the simulator unattended went against regulations. Technically she wasn't suppose to be inside it at the same time but there were problems and everything had been shut down more or less.

“Three options,” she spelled out the situation and the drawbacks to each. Then there was getting to their destination unnoticed too and she would have to calculate that route. Ultimately she would allow her to decide on the option that best suited her.

She would then consider their options as far as their path went.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:31 pm
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
There was no mistaking it, there was nothing on her that Luna could feel as she genty touched Diva's arm. The contact sparked Diva's nerves as she fliched as she was gently caressed, her cheeks redden deeper. It was like Luna's fears came true, the simulator accually did the unthinkable and strip the poor knight close to naked. Diva was clothless besides her gauntlets, boots, and what little remained of her leotard now being little more then a torn pair of "panties".

"Your too kind mis Luna... It is true that you didnt find me doing somthing so vulgur like what you discribed... but... I must still aplogize... Your shoukd never have to see me... like this.. Diva said as she shyly looked away, seeming to avoid eye contact with Luna out of shame for her current manner of dress, she did agree that this wasnt her fault, nor was it Lunas, it was just a accident. Yet still Diva's honor was muddied in this small peak of her assests.

Diva heard Luna out, considering the options they had layed out to them, yet Diva still didnt want to leave the chamber in the manner she was in, but she also didnt want to get Luna in trouble leaving her with little choice. "Yes... that may be wise... Your lab is close you said and we can go there to gather a coat for me to wear.... Yet... I fear others may be there.... but I know I cannot remain here.

Greetings friends! I'm new to the other worlds, so please if you ever need me then my shield is yours! All you need is to ask and I shall protect you!

Diva Krimry The Holy Knight.

Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:28 am
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Post Re: Practical Training (for Diva)
The pair had been floundering, both with red cheeks and embarrassed by the situation. It would be clear that the situation did not come up so often for the agent even when she was doing field work it was mostly as support and not on the front lines. Assisting with tech, delivering supplies and what have you had been most of the things she did so being on the front lines hadn't often happened and it was rare that it was too dangerous.

She smiled and nodded. “OK, the labs it is.” She thought over routes before leading the way. Early on it had seemed that she chose correctly … they were close to the labs actually when they heard noise up ahead from around a corner. Quickly she sought a room to duck into but the nearest room was too far back. They may have been able to scramble that way but would have been seen.

Instead Diva found herself shoved up against a wall, Luna certainly weaker then her but the motion took her off guard. In effect she shielded her body. That metal shield between them though she had been pressed up against it. Her face pressed in to Diva's just short of kissing her obscuring her identity just in time as another agent rounded the corner.

The pace slowed she could hear as if the agent was working out who the pair was but they did not stop.

“Get a room you two,”
she heard the agent claim though they were stuck there a moment longer, Luna gazing into her eyes, then glanced to those lips and pulled away when the agent made enough ground.

“That was close, sorry about that … well kinda,”
she smiled. Extending out her hand to her she wished to draw her away from the wall first then lead her the rest of the way. She had not recognized the voice from earlier so a field agent, was there anyone in the lab though that was the question.

Sgt Luna Umbarge
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Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:21 pm
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