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 Puzzled (for Follower) 
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The pencil fell from her hand rolling toward a bookcase to her side somewhere. Her other leg pulled up and spreading her legs wide as it drove into her, quick and hard into her tight flower. He was rough, it ached as he pressed into her, the chair leaning back each time at the apex of each thrust then fell to the floor as he retreated only to dig in a moment later.

But it was doing no damage other than making her feel uncomfortable. Yet this time there had been the element of pleasure too as if he were deliberately countering that as her nipples had been played with as he suctioned them. The vibrations rushed through her clit too causing her to shiver.

He soon ruptured in her mouth, certainly not as pleasant as Ania's, the semen more bitter though she had no choice but to swallow it down and he found that she could receive a lot given that she was somewhat use to taken massive loads from her Mistress.

Often she had prepared for that by having lighter meals throughout the day so she wasn't as prepared for it today but she did a good job never the less. Muffled moans against that tentacle until it pulled free cum dribbling from the corners of her mouth as it retreated.

The new puzzle wasn't really a puzzle she knew. Her breasts rising and falling with each thrust as if giving her a preview of what was to come. All … night … Her eyes wide though she had known the price of failure already. Was it a real question? Was she meant to simply find out? Keep tract of how many times? She wasn't certain, managing to cry out again as those tentacles played with her, her internal walls trembling against that tentacle trying to squeeze instinctively but he stretched her too much for her to be very effective at that.

It was what, late evening, six or so did he mean to keep her until morning? Would she be discovered by the staff before closing and even if so, even if they did manage to do anything if they did not ignore the situation that was still a few hours away at best ….

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sat Jun 11, 2016 4:40 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
263 didn't much fear the interruption of the staff. They had never interfered with its attacks before, even in places where they would normally be. By its experience, the only people likely to disturb this scene before morning were more students. And it had ways of dealing with that.

For now, its focus was on the one student it had. She had dropped her pencil again, and this time there would be no chance for her to retrieve it. She had lost completely, although that victory flag might as well have been waved as soon as it started to rape her. It had actually enjoyed watching her struggle through the foreplay, trying to reach her salvation before its tentacles and her own body had doomed her to this ravaging. But now, she was its toy for the night. It began to thrust harder, illustrating its dominance. The chair she sat in leaned even further with the hard pounding of its tentacle into her nubile body. Her pussy was sweet and tight, stretched nearly to capacity by the thick tendril inside her. Her body shook and twisted as it fucked her, and writhed with her climaxes. Her tits shook with the force it thrust into her. Her whole body was a delight to watch as she was ravaged in her seat. And this was just the first act.

It was impressed that she so easily swallowed its cum, given how much of it there was. It could tell she'd had experience in swallowing a lot. Part of it hoped her pussy had the same experience. Still, that pride wouldn't last. "You. Won't. Be. Able. To. Swallow. All. My. Cum," it warned her, with no small amount of pleasure in its voice at the prospect. "You. Will. Be. Drenched. In. It."

As soon as it spoke, the suction cups disappeared from her breasts. In their place descended two new tentacles, vibrating the same as the one near her clit was. They pushed themselves against her nipples, vibrations spreading through her breasts.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Jun 11, 2016 9:47 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
It had been one of Ania's delights to inflate her with so much cum … she was experienced there too. She could hear the constant clatter of the chair as it was leaned back on two legs then slammed down on all four to be leaned back again with those eager thrusts.

With no tentacle currently in her mouth she was able to moan out without hindrance, enduring the next orgasm that swept over her. And they were just getting started. Whether it was a few hours or until morning right now it was the same, right now they had been a long way from finishing.

Even as those suctioning tentacles left her swollen nipples she knew others would return and they did. More of the vibrating ones rippled through them causing her breasts to shake as well as bounce with each press that he made into her.

And throughout all this it taunted her … there was no way she could drink down much more even if she had been prepared for that. Rhaine didn't know if each tentacle was different in the way that each ant in a swarm was an individual but part of a collective, if he were the consciousness of the swarm itself. If each was an individual too that meant that each could cum, in her, on her, he was right. Not that she thought that he would make that boost if he were unable to make good on that promise.

Puzzle time was over even if she could somehow concentrate he was taking her completely now. The thought of calling out for help never entered her mind though. Odds were it would be another student that would come and suffer the same fate or just another monster that could be worse or just uninterested in seconds. Two monsters at once … that was another matter she didn't want to think of as the onsets of another orgasm had been force upon her causing her to cry out yet again, somewhat on the same lines as calling for assistance though since anyone that investigated would suffer this fate as well.


Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Sat Jun 11, 2016 10:32 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
263 delighted in the girl's moans and orgasmic screams. It was a pleasure it couldn't really explain - something old and primal that compelled it to hear that beautiful voice of hers crying out in climax. As much as it loved to fuck her mouth, hearing those screams echo unabated had distinct benefits. It listened as her latest orgasm caused her to let forth an echoing scream. Part of 263 focused on looking around for anyone that might have heard. Again, any staff that had heard would likely ignore it. And any students... it actually relished the chance to add another girl to this little victory party of its.

For now, though, it had one perfectly good fuck toy to rape until morning. As she came again, so did the tentacle in her pussy. It shoved hard into her, keeping her teetering on the chair's hind legs. With a few short spasms, it began to dump it's load into her womb, filling her with hot, heavy liquid. There was so much that before long, it had begun to dribble out of her, despite the seal its tentacle made with her pussy walls.

It was nearly finished with its climax when it shoved her again, finally enough to send the chair tipping backwards. As the girl fell to the floor, the tentacle withdrew, spewing its last droplets of cum over her body. But despite it's own orgasm, the monster didn't give her a second to recover. Instantly, its tentacles went for her wrists. Grabbing them and holding her wrists together above her head, it dragged her away from the chair. One of her legs was lifted high, high enough to turn her on her side and spread her hips.

The next tentacle penetrated her after that. It went to work on her pussy immediately, making loud, wet noises out of the cum still filling her tunnel as it was coated in the mix of juices. It fucked her hard as she was left sprawled across the floor.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:34 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
He came at more or less the same time, the chair tilting back on two legs as he held himself deep within her. The gush of heat washing out into her as the seconds pass. Cum dribbled out of her running down her thighs. It was almost as if he were catching his breath, too sensitive.

She gasped, panting for breath though she felt the tentacle about her waist that secured her to the chair unravel. Then another trust deep and hard. She was falling as the chair toppled back clattering against the ground. Her back ached hitting the chair hard though he was quick.

Tentacles looped around her wrists drawing her across the floor away from the downed chair. He was drawing out of her as she was angled on her side. The vibrations of those tentacles continued against her nipples and clit. She was positioned on her side as he withdrew that spent tentacle replacing it with another.

Her stockings ruined by the spillage of cum and she felt full with his seed. It was not enough though as he drove the next inside her with enough force that she slide against the floor a little, her hip taking the brunt of that motion as he eagerly pressed back within her.

She cried out straight away at the force of that invasion. With little doubt the next load would begin to inflate her, she was guessing at that though with the addition of the next tentacle back inside her and little time vacant of one it was tough to gauge how much cum was buried inside her and how much had been the girth of that tentacle. The tentacles were different too, some thicker then others though she had not felt any difference between this and the last that took her.

She wasn't thinking of being discovered and if anyone came it would be another student for sure. She could feel him, each thrust uncomfortable as he dug into her causing her breasts to bounce beneath those tentacles. She couldn't help but cry out part in pleasure, part in pain though nothing like before at least yet.

It was too early to be relieved about that of course. She had a watch though with her arms stretched back she was unable to read it. She knew it would do little good, it barely had to have moved in the first place.

And that second tentacle had picked up where the first had soon having her on edge yet again despite the say so of her young body ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Sun Jun 12, 2016 4:14 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The new tentacle was quick to get back up to speed, thrusting hard and fast inside her. With her body laid prone and spread open, she was completely exposed and at the mercy of its sexual desires, and those desires were merciless. It let her cry out, drinking in the sounds of her voice, shrill in pleasure, pain, and despair. Her young and nubile body rocked under the forceful thrusting of its tentacles.

As if to illustrate its own relentlessness, there was soon another tentacle pressing against her, this time against her ass. The tentacle wiggled against her anus, secreting a thin veil of liquid to lubricate itself. Without waiting any further for her response, it pushed forward, roughly shoving itself into her ass with such force that she wouldn't be able to resist. Once inside, it slithered deeper and deeper, shoving open her rear hole, even as her pussy was hammered by the first tentacle. As the new intruder reached its maximum depth, it began to thrust in time with the other, their combined power pushing her around the floor even more.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Jun 14, 2016 12:58 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
“S-Sadist,” she managed to say with a shaky voice as that tentacle pushed in deep and rough as she was stretched out. The bulge of that tentacle apparent as it moved inside her so roughly though she had expected no less. The needs of these creatures had to be as varied as their appearance though she was uncertain as to how it all worked.

Her cries a mixture of pleasure and pain, mostly pain, though another tentacle found her rear hole. The lubricant was a blessing though she suspected that it was more for his sake then hers to make that intrusion easier on it's part. She did not shy away from it though use to Ania having her there though it was not rough … her first experience on the island had been with that slime, with Dani, and it held nothing back.

Her hands made firsts, she grit her teeth to brace for it though hardly had time for that as he pushed in. Her hip ached as she was pushed forward then back as the tentacle inside he pussy pushed back. It was not long before the pair had been working in tandem bashing her roughly back and forth, generating unshed tears in her eyes as she tried to hold it all together.

Crying out again as she had been at the mercy of this thing yet again.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Tue Jun 14, 2016 1:22 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The creature's eyes watched her intently as it fucked her roughly, forcing itself into both of her holes without hesitation. The tentacles began to move fast, pounding into her lithe body harder than would probably be comfortable, driven on by the girl's cries. Whether they were cries of pleasure or pain, 263 couldn't really care. Her body was its toy, and it wouldn't let that go unappreciated.

"I. May. Be. Sadistic," it conceded, "But. You. Are. Pleasing. To. Fuck." Its eyes suddenly began to drift closer. "See. For. Yourself."

The next moment, her vision swam. When things cleared up, what she saw wasn't from her own eyes. Instead, she saw herself, as the monster saw her - gripped in its tentacles and being savagely screwed by two of their lengths. Her tits swayed and bounced against the vibrating tentacles from the force of the thrusts. The bulge in her stomach was clearly visible, growing and shrinking as the tentacle pounded into her pussy. Her body shook and twisted in its grasp, caught under its total domination. As she saw herself, the monster began to move faster, as if to give her as much of a show as possible.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:28 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
She had been used to having her brain tampered with or under any form of psychic attack. Only once before as she recalled had that been the case and so as her vision shifted her first thought was that she had been having an out of body experience before realization struck home.

Not only could she see herself being screwed as those tentacles picked up speed she could hear her own cries and feel them press inside as her body was pushed one way then the other as those tentacles alternated as one drove in the other pulling out only to reverse this a moment later.

That lubricant he had used made his intrusion into her backside easier. She could hear herself in a broken voice yet the way she was viewing things made it feel as if it were someone else that had been speaking in the first place.

“P-Please stoppp!!!”

Even before the plea she knew that it would be ignored. The ooze she encountered before had been sadistic too but didn't seem capable or interested in communicating at all. She had to at least try ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Sat Jun 18, 2016 3:28 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
263 enjoyed communicating with her well enough, but not for her benefit. It really had grown rather sadistic, and found that taunting girls while it raped them produced a satisfying kind of despair in them.

"You. Had. Your. Chance. To. Stop. This," it told her. "Now. You. Are. Mine. For. The. Night."

It continued to pump into her, holding her on her side for a while. Before long, it turned her, pushing her onto her stomach. With her body pressed against the floor, the tentacles pounded into her holes mercilessly, fucking her rough and raw. Finally, they thrust deep into her, and the creature came again, filling her lower body with more of its hot, thick fluid. Globs of it flooded into her womb and rectum, making her swell with the hot mess inside her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sun Jun 19, 2016 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
“N-N-No f-fair,” not that she had expected anything from her words. He was preventing her from getting to those puzzles and her pencil that was somewhere behind her. Not that it had mattered as reaching them wouldn't have made any difference. She couldn't have solved them especially with how he was violently fucking her.

He tired with her on her side though and she found herself on her stomach as he invaded both her holes, rough and deep, tears streaming down her face. She cried out, some pleasure but mostly pain though not at the levels as last time making her wonder if he would escalate things further as the night went on. She was uncertain but her mind was unfocused.

She felt those explosions as as those two tentacles unleashed inside her, that hot sticky release flowed into her, filled her. Each remained inside like corks preventing much from spilling out. She could feel herself being inflated.

Gasping, she struggled for breath knowing that his respite would not last long once those tentacles were removed there were others that would eagerly replace them so it was clear to her that this was just a short lived break while he filled her up and would probably repeat the process soon enough ...

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sun Jun 19, 2016 11:10 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Her assumption would prove correct in this situation. 263 barely gave her any time to recover from the last round before its tentacles lifted her into the air, suspending her several feet off the ground. With her body hanging trapped and defenseless, it wasn't long before new tentacles dove into both her holes, penetrating her and starting to fuck her as fiercely as the last duo had. They were soon joined by a third that pushed its way into her mouth, thrusting down into her throat.

For several hours, the tentacles continued to rape her. They came inside her and onto her again and again, covering her body in their cum and causing her to swell with the mass of it pouring into her womb. The beast was relentless, never giving her time to rest, or even giving her body time to process all the cum it was taking on, before it started to fuck her again. And every time the girl began to become passive or slip into her subconscious, the tentacles around her arms tightened, as if threatening silently to snap her bones in half.

As time went on, though, 263 began to look through the girl's mind. Rhaine was right: a part of 263's personality had turned largely sadistic. And as much as the girl's unwanted pleasure and sexual torment thrilled it, it began to find further ways to torment her in her mind, and it was curious to test her.

"You. Came. Here. To. Escape," it said, looking through her past. "You're. Here. Because. Of. What. They. Did. To. You."

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Jun 28, 2016 4:00 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Tentacles hoisted her up off the floor suspending her there though in no way had they been finished with her. She found out that each had been separate as in each had to be sated separately. She had no idea how many tentacles there were nor if spent ones had been recovering by the time she finished with the last beginning that circuit all over again.

There were three tentacles now one muffling her cries as the others pushed into her. Cum filled her, bloated her, covered her. Much of it dripped off her to the floor but more covered her. There had been no shortage of it and with her arms secured as they were she couldn't even see her watch to know how much time elapsed .

Any time she began to fade their was the tightening of those tentacles on her arms that brought her around as if she was being slapped awake albeit more violently. She had the experience of her broken arm from earlier and each time her eyes popped wide, there was that spike of fear but the constriction eased up as she came around.

There had been no telling how often he forced her to cum or how long she had been dangled there. Her shoulders ached as did her wrists from the crushing constriction and being held in place.

It was unclear what he was getting at though. Her mind had been subjected to so much torment that thinking had been impossible. She had been attacked on the campus grounds once, chased by that devil and slime thing from classes and Ania often visited the dorms so she knew the campus wasn't safe. Not even the soccer field where she more or less encountered him last time.

“N-not escape ….”
she stammered out shaking her head her words muffled with the tentacle in her mouth repeating what she said if it retracted unless that proved unnecessary and he seemed to pick up her thoughts.

“Entertainment … puzzles are fun ...”
With her arm in a sling doing them before hand had been tough so she hadn't been here for a bit. Or did he mean an escape into her own mind, she had been unsure. A temporary escape where she didn't think of much else but not an actual escape … there were times she fled and tried to escape but had never given thought to escaping the island. She didn't think it was possible and got no further then that. Puzzle time was more a break for her though she had doubted that even he raped around the clock, seeking out targets, eating, sleeping even that little took time.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:29 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Even as the creature spoke to her, it continued to fuck her violently. With its tentacles still inside her, it flipped her head over heels, so her back was facing the ground, several feet below. The tentacles around her waist slackened slightly, leaving much of her weight suspended by her legs. With those spread wide, her torso was allowed to sink between them, forcing them to open even wider, and leave herself exposed to the intense fucking.

The girl seemed to be thinking much too small. Or maybe she'd simply forgotten by now, after so much time and abuse. But it could remind her.

"Not. Puzzles," it said as it began to focus on other areas of her mind beyond mere words. It went for her memories, prodding them to life as it found what it wanted. A place - before the island. College. A face - a girl. She loved her. A name. There it was - Mary. Then there was another face. A boy. It could feel the jealousy inside her already.

"You. Wanted. To. Escape. What. They. Did."

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Jun 29, 2016 7:15 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Essentially her body was made into a hammock as it adjusted her. Arms and legs were held though other tentacles slackened as her body was allowed to slump a little. It had not stopped though, pressing inside her. She could look and see her own chest better now. Her abdomen already swollen with cum she could see the bulge of the tentacle that pressed inside her and could visually track it's movement as much as feel it pressed to the twin that violated her rear.

Areas of her mind had been stimulated, thoughts she had not focused on since her first year. Not since meeting Dani, that night had been the last that she had remembered thinking upon it though even now a pang of jealousy rushed through her.

If not for them she wouldn't be here right now. But if not for them she would not have met Dani. Met Mistress. What happened after this place had been something she had not really considered though it was obvious that they were not going back to their old lives. She had not thought about it other then serving Mistress.

“Yes!” She answered feeling that tentacle jab in as if prompting her for an answer.

“T-They betrayed me … discarded me …” It shouldn't have mattered though she ran rather than confront them, rather then forgive them. She never would though she chose to forget while here and since she had a pretty good idea that she wasn't going back to Colorado she wouldn't have to deal with them again. But she hated the pair too.

“Deceivers ...”
tears or pain painted her face now joined by those of anger as she remembered those details as if it just happened rather then buried after so long. Those memories had been dug back up.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Jun 29, 2016 4:42 pm
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