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 Puzzled (for Follower) 
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Those pleas coming from below her mirrored the ones she might have used if she thought that it would have made a difference. Crimson eyes could only watch as a girl even smaller than she had been savaged by that tentacle. She could tell that the force behind the thrusting was great as it practically lifted her off of the ground. A second tentacle he right s joined in going to her backside, into it, though she had problems of her own.

The tentacles inside her soon found a rhythm. It was a strange sensation as she felt both stuffed and empty at the same time considering the thickness of those tentacles whenever they met inside her. Each time they did she cried out feeling as if it would be too much but the sensation quickly passed with the eagerness of those thrusts then came back together soon enough producing another strangled cry as she attempted to bit back that cry.

“L-Let … AHH … her … UNGH … gooooo!”

Pain, rather then pleasure triggered this orgasm. He hit the right spot each time since there was no way he could miss it with the girth pressed inside her. She had called the student here, didn't think she would respond and now that she had she wanted to at least defend her, make sure she didn't suffer the same fate as she with being here all night …

Somehow, she didn't know how but she formed a thought … just maybe … her mind filtered back and forth though he displayed signs of tapping into her words he could probably pick up on this. If it only gave the student a brake it was something, if it let her off the hook even better.

Letting the student punish her to be let off from this punishment. Most likely she had blamed her for what was happening now, maybe a small taste would be enough to fire her up. Her thoughts danced back and forth uncertain if he would even go for it.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:04 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The tentacles pounded into Rhaine's sex even as she came, feeling her pussy clench but never relenting. More were starting to slither through the air towards her, groping towards her with clear intent. Several tentacles once again slid over her breasts, wrapping around the plant mounds and starting to squeeze. The other girl's tits weren't much to play with, so the monster seemed to be taking out all of that aspect on Rhaine, molesting her eagerly and forcefully as it bounced her body up and down.

Renetta was getting her fair share in other ways, though. Her pussy and ass were crammed full and stretched wide, making her lower body writhe and spasm every time the tendrils shoved their way into her. Her pleas had given way to simple sobs and yelps, resigned to her violation has the tentacles fucked her.

Gradually, 263 became aware of Rhaine trying to say something to it. It seemed she was trying to make it an offer. If it let the smaller girl go, she would allow her to "punish" her. That idea amused 263 greatly, but not for the reason she was hoping.

"This. Is. Not. Punishment," it told her mockingly. "This. Is. What. I. Want." It had been fun to watch them warm each other up, but 263 had no intention of giving up raping two girls to watch one of them be punished by the other. Not that such a spectacle would even amount to much. It could already tell that Renetta didn't have the temper, the anger, or the sadism to do much punishing, even if it gave her the chance. She was much better as a fuck toy than a show.

"But. If. You. Want. Punishment," 263 continued, "I. Can. Provide. It." A tentacle forced its way into her mouth then, blocking her lips. With her mouth sealed, thoughts began to pour into her mind - Renetta's thoughts, specifically. In a flash, Rhaine could see and feel what it was like in Renetta's body right now, bound helplessly and fucked in two holes. It was like she had two bodies now, and both of them were being savagely raped.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Fri Jul 29, 2016 10:09 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Tentacles eagerly played with her tits constricting against them. She wasn't as chesty as some of the other girls but she had more than a modest share, a bit more than average and certainly more than the other student below her that she was forced to watch.

That tentacle jammed up inside her eagerly and it hurt. Breathing became tougher too as another pressed back into her mouth forcing her to gasp around it. She was trying to breath in through her nose able to get in smaller breaths but it had been just enough to keep her from blacking out despite the force of those tentacles.

It was a last ditch thought but he had not been interested. Not punishment? That was impossible for her to believe but then she felt it, felt as if the student's body was her own as well. She felt her pain tripling in effect. It felt as if her ass was being filled and another tentacle was moving inside her.


She screamed in her head and aloud though the sound had been muffled. She shook her head, trembled vigorously as fresh tears streamed down her face. It was too much, all the sensation hitting her at once as her pain suddenly spiked making it clear that she was in for a long night.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Fri Jul 29, 2016 2:22 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
She could hear 263 laughing inside her mind as it began to rape her more fiercely. Even aside from the sudden onslaught of sensations from the other student, the tentacles in her pussy were becoming more fierce, thrusting harder and more forcefully into her. The tentacle in her mouth began with small thrusts and caresses against her tongue, but soon began pushing deeper, farther back. It slithered back to her throat, moving in and out a few times before pushing deeper, starting to deepthroat her.

Just as the tentacles were starting to reach their roughest point, another pushed against her anus. Approvingly, 263 noticed how tight she felt, despite having taken such a pounding already. The tentacle had to squirm and twist to get itself embedded inside her. Soon, however, it began to thrust as well.

Down below, Renetta squealed in pain and fear. She was forced to stare up at Rhaine and watch as the other girl was ravaged and made to twist and writhe. She could tell the pain she was in, and even though she didn't understand the full extent of what was happening, it was as terrible to watch as it was to feel those thick tentacles pounding relentlessly into her sex and anus. She tried to struggle against her bindings, but they just held her down tighter, forcing her to endure the violation.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Sat Jul 30, 2016 10:18 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The laughter in her head had been a backdrop as he savagely pushed into her. Mouth or pussy so full of him it was tough to breath but she managed somewhat. The pain far worse then sticking her hand in a flame and keeping it there … virtually all night.

Crimson eyes rolled back in her head. Just when it felt it could get no worse the pain flowed from thrice as great to four times. She was still getting use to feeling what the other student felt. Then he speared into her ass.

One tentacle pushed her down, the other shot her back up. Maybe it was more than four times as great. It was at least double as she was feeling her own ravishing, shortness of breath and the student below her. She could hear that fucking though she could not see it.

Muffled sounds escaped her, cries of pain but that tentacle served as a makeshift gag. So full of him though she came and came hard unable t stop those natural reactions as it squeezed her breasts and plunged into her without restraint.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Sat Jul 30, 2016 11:26 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
She wasn't the only one forced to cum. Down below, Renetta's cries had taken a sensual turn, although she still cried and begged, "No, no! Stop!" as her frail body was ravaged. Still, she couldn't deny her own natural response to her holes being pounded. Before long, her cries built. "Ah, AH!" she yelled as she climaxed, her pussy clenching and showering the tentacle invading her with her cum. It didn't even slow down, plowing into her folds as her orgasm rocked her, and continuing to fuck her even after it subsided.

The tentacles ravaged them endlessly. Occasionally, the tentacles would thrust inside them and cum, filling them with its hot, thick seed or letting it flow out to cover their abused holes. Rhaine was forced to endure the sensations of both of their bodies, as all three of her holes were constantly used. Renetta was raped again and again in her pussy and ass, but her mouth was left open, allowing her to cry and scream and moan the entire time. For hours and hours they were fucked senseless without rest.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Aug 02, 2016 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
The two watched one another. This time there had been no broken bones but it felt close with all the additional sensations that hit her. She had wondered if the student below had endured the same. Both of their mouths remained empty, the volume of their cries filled the room again and again.

No matter how often they came he gave them more, forced them to take more. Often the fucked through their orgasms. Sometimes a tentacle was swapped out by another. There was always another to replace the others.

Cum leaked out of her body dripping down to the floor. Any time she had past out she was jarred awake soon after as a tentacle pressed into her even harder until she stirred as if warning her or keeping her from that unconscious state.

It told her that she was fair came if sleep embraced her, that it would only get worse. Her throat was hoarse with her sobs. Towards the end of it she was begging him to stop but he didn't. It seemed like an eternity again. It felt as if days had passed. She could not look to her watch and confirm how much time had passed. She was afraid to any way, what if she looked and only five minutes had past?

He would keep them until he finished with them. Deals didn't seem to matter to him just sadistic pleasure.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:11 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Hours passed, and the rape went on and on. 263 delighted in their tight holes as it fucked them, and the sounds they made, whether it was reluctant moans of pleasure or climax, sobs of despair and pain, or pleas for it to end. Nothing deterred what was happening. It offered no deals, and no respite. Only unending fucking, hard and brutal, right up to the end.

The girls couldn't see, but the sky was starting to glow with the light of the coming dawn. Hours and hours and passed as their pussies were pounded. In truth, 263 would have gladly raped these girls for an eternity. But rules were rules, and it had to be gone before the school opened and more students came in to find the situation. With its attention still focused on the girls, its tentacles began to pound them wildly. It spread their pussies and asses as wide as it had all night, pushing deep. Finally, its cum erupted forth, filling them up with one final hot, thick load.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:01 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Time had lost all meaning save for when this would end. Held motionless as tentacles fucked her to the very end she had been unaware of the changes outside. If this had been her dorm room she didn't think it would have ever relented. This being a library there was the possibility that he would honor their agreement if he had not simply drawn them to a more discreet location.

But he used each available second to stuff their pussies and ass. Eager thrusts that generated cries. Mostly pain, sometimes the inevitable cry brought on by release but she was always stuffed frantically.

He came again. “AHHHHHH!!!!!!”

She thought that those tentacles would be replaced but they had not been, at least not yet. She hung there, panting gazing down at the other student. No other tentacles switched this time. Her mind was a bit foggy but either one of two things she could think of.

The first being that time was up. The second was that he was psyching them up as if this was the end of their torment, let that hope set in then dash it once more by taking them again only time would tell. Of course she was more than a bit paranoid and knew that she could not celebrate just yet.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Wed Aug 03, 2016 7:29 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
263 saw the paranoia in her mind, wondering if it was just letting her believe that it was finished with her. That did amuse it. The girl had almost as devious a mind for trickery as it did, even if hers was out of self-preservation rather than sadism. It was almost tempted to fulfill her fear and give her another round of solid fucking. Unfortunately, it simply didn't have the time. The sun was about to rise, and there would be consequences for overstaying its welcome.

Its tentacles finally withdrew. Streams of excess cum spilled out of the girls' holes as they were finally left empty. The tentacles lowered Rhaine down next to Renetta, and began to retreat. Without a word, the tendrils disappeared back into the corners and shadows of the room, leaving them alone.

Renetta seemed to be delirious after everything she'd endured. Although the beast had left her, she kept moaning and sobbing softly, occasionally begging, "No. No. Stop." Her eyes stared blankly up at the ceiling, not really seeing. Her small body was covered with cum and shivered with exhaustion, her breathing still heavy and tired.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Wed Aug 03, 2016 10:35 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Was it true? Was it finally over? The tentacles set her down. She was a cum soaked mess and the library was too. As it stood they were likely to be discovered this way. Last time she didn't remember the transition from the soccer field to the nurse's station.

Chances were good that he wouldn't remember now. If not for the constant ache and burning sensations she would have passed out already especially now without his continued manipulation. But the pain she still felt was mild in comparison to what she had been through so it did not cause her to pass out straight away.

Soon she knew. She knew that at any moment those tentacles could return dashing back out from the shadows fooling even her as slowly she let down her guard relief that they had got through the ordeal.

The way the other student was carrying on I did not know what he had done to her mind. Perhaps instead of pain it was an overload of pleasure though she doubted that. It looked painful though she could not distinguish between their screams.

They should get out of her she knew but she lacked the strength to move much further. But when those tentacles didn't spring back she looked at her watch. It was morning. When did the library open? Was it 9 or 10?

Rhaine figured that the staff would arrive half an hour if not an hour earlier.

“It's OK … it's over … it's OK ...” a weak smile followed though she was unable to see the effect of her words. Soon everything was dark as her consciousness faded.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:47 pm
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
Renetta didn't really even hear what she said. Her mind had closed in on itself, frozen in endless shock as she suffered through the aftermath of her extended rape. Even as her body finally began to relax and her mind succumbed to unconsciousness beside Rhaine, she continued to mumble pitifully.

When Rhaine awoke, she was alone in the infirmary. She'd been cleaned, and now lay in a bed with a fresh uniform, as if nothing had ever happened to the one she had been wearing. When the nurse found her awake, she offered her some story about the staff finding her passed out in the library, apparently exhausted and dehydrated. She was told she was free to leave as soon as she drank some water and ate some snack food. She made no mention of the other girl, and wouldn't know what Rhaine meant if asked.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Thu Aug 04, 2016 4:23 am
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Post Re: Puzzled (for Follower)
When next she woke she was in the infirmary. She felt sore in places she didn't think would ever be though she was at a loss, beside herself when the nurse hadn't comprehended the other student. She had not seen her before and the excuse was plausible but she had been all too aware that the event was just a dream or rather a nightmare.

Nothing had been broken this time though, always a good thing. She was required to eat a bit and drink as if she had just donated blood rather then run through a marathon.

He had been different this time around though. Not so much in the pain department though it wasn't quite like last time though the time before she would have sworn he was a simple beast. Perhaps it took him time to learn how to tap into his ability or did so out of a whim. She hoped never to be close enough to ask but she was sort of stuck on the island.

All in all she had some rough scraps. Often they weren't too bad in the grand scheme of things. They had been against her will for the most part though how far this all went especially with the denial of the other student she had not known and probably would never find out.

Dani's lover and roommate, Room 273
Soccer Team forward, Rhaine Fischer
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Rhaine's Diary


Thu Aug 04, 2016 7:24 pm
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