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 One Messy Locker 
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Post One Messy Locker
Sam groaned with her eyes closed. She was bent over at the waist with her buttocks bunched and both legs extended, her hair loosely pooled around her ankles. In a moment Sam lifted her torso and switched the position of her legs. She set her heel on the wooden slats of the bench that guarded the lockers and balanced on her other leg. Then, flexing her knee a bit, she leaned back down and reached for her toes. Her panties contracted around her plump, firm haunches and rode tight between her legs, so close that the glossy pink silk became sheer as it soaked up the water from her recent shower that had clung to her sex. Between the translucent pink and how closely the silk covered it her pussy looked practically bare. As it was, her tits were bare, one of them currently squashed against her outstretched leg as she held her breath, the other one hanging free. Water dripped from the girl's oversized, puffy, salmon colored nipple. Her damp cotton sports bra lay in a wad half on the bench next to an open combination lock.

Soon she straightened up and her long, radiant hair fell across her chest, shining scarlet with sparkling highlights of copper from the fluorescent overhead lights. A towel snapped somewhere in the locker room, causing some other girl to shriek and complain amidst a suddenly boisterous wave of giggles. Sam leaned over to see, but the bank of tall lockers was in the way. Shrugging and grinning, she went ahead and hooked her panties in her thumbs. She wasn't going to wear them into the pool. The panties went on the discard pile on top of her bra.

That's when she heard more giggles. They were soft, but seemed close, and the locker room was suspiciously quiet. There was a wet, careful footstep. Sam reached into her locker slowly. What was going on? Squelching a smile, she took out her biggest, thinnest towel, and started to dry herself with a corner. If that towel-snapping predator was prowling for her she had a surprise waiting.

"Hey Sam!" one of her swim teammates called out. Sam whirled into a fully nude fighting stance and twisted her towel. The blond girl took cover against the corner of the locker bank and gave a startled, delighted yell. Sam grinned back and brandished her towel.

"I dare ya!" Sam challenged, and stuck out her tongue, smiling.

Just then, there was a whoosh from behind her. Sam dodged partly out of pure reflex, but that didn't save her. A towel bit her in the ass sharply, giving her another reason to thrust her hips forward as she danced away. Spinning around, Sam rubbed the welt on her bottom and glared at the other girl who'd snuck up on her. "You bitch!"

"Did that hurt?" laughed the spunky brunette. "Guess you'd better go see the nurse, huh?"

"Sabotage!" Sam gasped playfully. Her towel spun in her hands, whirling. Sam stared Vanessa up and down while her foe crouched, using her towel as a shield. It looked like Sam was searching Vanessa for weak spots in her guard, and she was, but she spent plenty of time doing it, and her gaze lingered on the sultry young lady's trim tummy and cute, firm tits.

"You'll never make it to the race!" Vanessa boasted, but her bravado dissolved into jubilant shrieks as Sam rushed her. Sam's towel swirled, heavy at the end from the moisture she'd scrubbed off her body, and beat Vanessa back with its circular onslaught. Sam was taller, with a lot more weight packed onto her buxom frame. Her advance was overwhelming.

Vanessa retreated, and Sam stood up victoriously. Her naked body glowed pink and steamed faintly, her flesh still jiggling slightly. She panted, smiling, and threw the towel over her shoulder as she retreated to her locker.

"Dude, why are these things so huge here?" Sam asked herself aloud, tossing her underclothes at the bottom. You could fit a person inside one of the lockers, six feet tall and at least a foot and a half wide. Sam didn't mind, since all the space let her store extra gym supplies for all of her extracurriculars, but it just seemed weird. Most locker rooms she'd been in only offered cubicles that would barely hold a pair of shoes and a water bottle. Sam had already forgotten the question when she took out her swimsuit. For the next minute or so the only thing on her mind was squeezing herself into the elastic, navy blue one piece.

When she'd finally managed to shove all of her female flesh into her swimming uniform she gave a huff. The locker room was totally silent except for the echo of condensation pattering on the tile floor. The clock showed fifteen minutes until the swim meet. Sam bit her lip. She still felt warm thanks to roughhousing earlier with Vanessa...and she always did like looking at Vanessa's taut, coltish figure.

"Why not?" Sam breathed, whispering to herself. "I have time." She glanced back and forth and took another minute or so to listen, but there was nobody. Butterflies went crazy in her belly. It was risky, what she was planning on. Which is why I have to hurry up! Sam decided for herself. With that she straddled the bench and pushed the crotch of her swimsuit aside. There was no time to lose, so she curled two fingers and shoved them into her cunt without preparation.

"Ahh!" Sam bucked and winced. Maybe a bit of preparation would be better. Her dewy lips parted, and she sucked her fingers. I taste good, she thought naughtily. Then she patted her pussy, smacking harder and more quickly, until her labia tingled and she felt the shock in her loins that told her she was ready. In her fingers went again. This time she moaned. It was a deep, throaty, slutty moan. She paused, heart thudding, and listened. Still, nobody came. I'd better be quieter, Sam scolded herself. Except, as soon as she pumped her fingers down to the knuckles a second time she moaned just as passionately. Instead of listening she let her legs relax more widely. Her hips rocked back and forth steadily. Sam closed her eyes and chewed her lip as she worked herself into a tempo. Her free hand tugged the neckline of her swimsuit open, allowing her tremendous, engorged breasts to spring into the open for her to grope. As she clasped one of her breasts and stroked it her moaning immediately doubled in volume, and the rhythm of her hips became jerky. She shoved her hips forward so hard her pussy smacked the heel of her hand. Sam squealed ecstatically, and thrust frantically. It was too much to keep her composure, let alone her balance.

Sam flopped onto her back. A third finger joined the other two in diving beneath her pink pearl, while the base of her thumb pressed down every time, scrubbing her pearl until it was swollen red.

"Mmmm-yess! Muahh! Ahh! AHH! AHHH!" Sam shouted, shuddering. "Oh shit, god yes!" There was no way to stop herself now. All she could think to do was to push one of her huge nipples into her mouth. She bit down, chewing and sucking on her own flesh. It felt amazing, and didn't stop her from trying to shriek her glee at all, but it did muffle the screams a little.

Samantha Dermott

Tue Mar 07, 2017 8:38 pm
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
Sam wasn't the only one with risky business in mind. 263's tentacles had spent the last half hour slowly creeping through the locker room, winding through the ducts and vents and drains of the whole facility. Routine had taught it that girls tended to show up in this area around this time of day. Usually, they convened in large groups, hanging around for several hours before dispersing. Often, 263 was forced to watch as its would-be victims walked away, in groups too large for it to assault and not incur the wrath of the administration. It had to be patient, and hope that one or two girls would be late to change or use the showers, after the others had left. Such opportunities were frequent enough to be worth returning, and 263 had raped several lovely girls here - some more than once.

But 263 had greater ambitions than that. It longed to be able to take any girl, or girls, it wanted, whenever it wanted them. It resented the administration and its rules for holding it back. These girls would be such easy prey, were it not for them. But, the school was powerful, and 263 dared not cross them, or face total destruction. And so it waited, forced to watch as the girls below walked around, half-naked, untouched when, by rights, they should be squirming and screaming in its clutches. It especially eyed the orange-haired girl, totally naked, as she danced and played with her friends. How it longed to grab her and fuck her senseless. It would simply have to hope that it could get the chance.

That's what the creature was thinking when the girl suddenly began to fuck herself. 263 watched intently as the girl's fingers disappeared inside her pussy, sliding in and out. Her enormous tits hung from her swimsuit as she groped and sucked on them, squealing with pleasure as she slid her fingers in and out of her snatch. Few girls were ever so bold as to do such things in such an exposed area. Unfortunately for her, her bravery inspired 263. If she could get away with such brazenly open perversity, perhaps it could, too.

Also unfortunately for her, 263 had recently discovered a new trick to the building's layout. Even with its newfound confidence, 263 dared not spring its tentacles from the ceiling and take her right there on the floor or in the showers. That was too exposed. But there was another option. A gap ran underneath the floor, and 263's tentacles were already snaking through it. Finally, they came to a stop, right beneath the locker in front of her. Then, they began to tunnel upwards. The hard foundation and stone floor of the building, and the metal base of the lockers, made digging impossible. But, 263 was nothing if not adaptable. The tentacles began to secrete a powerful acid, burning a hole straight up.

Finally, it reached the base of the lockers, and began to eat away at the bottom. After a moment, the hole would widen, and some of Sam's things would disappear into it with a clatter.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Mar 07, 2017 11:17 pm
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
"Hmm?" Sam hazily groaned. She sat up on the bench and moved her hand in slow circles over her glazed pink cunt, listening. Her legs and tummy were tense, ready for a dive into her locker to grab her clothes. The sound didn't reoccur, however, and after a few moments she closed her eyes and relaxed onto her back again.

So close, I'm so close, Sam thought. It was too bad she didn't have time to really enjoy herself. There was a race soon though, and she'd be missed. Getting off fast enough was kind of like a race too, she thought. A burst of laughter scrambled its way out through a moan of satisfaction. Okay Sam, she scolded herself, get it together. Gotta hurry up! To that end she squeezed her eyes shut and sucked her nipple. A nice, dark hickey would form soon, but she didn't think that for ahead. Nobody would see it except maybe for her girlfriend anyway. Sam smiled. Nodoka's gentle, shy expression floated into her mind. Then Vanessa's nubile, springy body arched for her, naked and gleaming the way only imagination can make something gleam. Oh, the sweat was pouring from her body. Nodoka was chewing her lip, batting her lashes. Was that a blush? She likes you Vanessa! Sam narrated the scene unfolding in her head. She grinned widely around her own nipple. Vanessa did a slow cartwheel toward Nodoka, showing off her firm legs and sinuous, narrow waist. Nodoka licked her lips and reached for her bra.

"Ahh! AHHHM! Cuh! Cumm-ii-IIING!" Sam shouted boldly, way too far gone to be careful by this point. Her fingers swished back and forth between her legs. Her torso formed a curled bridge, rising up from the bench. Milky liquid, like dandelion sap floating in clear syrup, welled up from the hot gash of her cunt and splattered across her inner thighs as she continued her frantic rubbing. After minutes she collapsed, panting.

A minute later Sam whined and stomped her foot. Why wasn't there time to lay and bask in her afterglow? She'd have to enter the race still woozy. Oh well, time to get up! "Show those girls who's boss!" Sam said out loud as she stood up, and curled her hands into determined fists.

Samantha Dermott

Fri Mar 10, 2017 7:45 am
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
As the girl below continued her masturbation, 263 watched. But it didn't just watch her curvaceous body as she pleasured it to climax. It could see into her mind, into the fantasies she wove for herself. There were two other girls in her mind - both sexy and fuckable. 263 could see how she could get off to their bodies. It would have to save their images for later. For the moment, though, its prey was distracted and exposed before it.

As the locker settled, one of 263's tentacles slid up from the hole it had made, rising into the darkness. It could hear Sam's cries on the other side as she came. Patiently, it waited as she began to recover. As she stood, it pushed forward. Slowly, the locker door creaked open. Inside, the locker seemed empty. The only thing out of place was a deep, wide hole in the metal base that had somehow appeared.

Suddenly, thick tentacles erupted through the hole. They were long, and pale brown in color, ending in round, bulbous tips. They flourished out of the opening, hanging in the air before Sam for a moment, bearing down on her. Suddenly, a gravely voice echoed around her, seeming to come from everywhere and nowhere.

"You. Are. A. Horny. Slut," it said, its monotone voice tinged with a hint of glee. As it spoke, one of the tentacles shot forward and wrapped around Sam's waist. Immediately, she'd be able to feel the strong muscle underneath its rough skin. There was no pulling away or resisting these tendrils.

"If. You. Want. To. Cum. I. Will. Be. Happy. To. Help." Suddenly, the tentacle was yanking her forward towards the locker, as more shot forward and wrapped around her wrists and ankles. With the girl fully bound, it dragged her into the locker, and the door slammed shut behind her.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:51 pm
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
Sam wished she would have bolted. She wished she would have screamed, or jumped, or done anything. "Nope, not me!" Sam thought recriminatingly. Then, "Wait, did it just talk?!" This went through her mind when it caught up with the situation, after getting grabbed and yanked out of her stupor but before her adrenaline kicked in. There was a brief scramble, not much of a fight although it was as violent as she knew how to be. On her way into the locker she bashed her knee, yelled a swear word, swung her fist at the air, and accidentally slapped her hair across one of the tentacles. Lastly, she reached out and hurled herself forward, catching the edge of the locker door. It was the best she could do, and she held on so tight her knuckles cracked. "No! NO!" she screamed, as her arm was yanked back, and the locker door swung closed in her grip.

Inside the locker was dark. Three thin slats of light fell diagonally across her chest. They showed glimpses of heavy, firm flesh rolling back and forth, and instants of pink when her dark, firm nipples swung across the glow. "Let me go." Sam grunted. She wasn't sure yet if she could reason with the tentacles (did they really talk?). Obviously it had her completely in its clutches, so there was no point anymore in screaming wildly. At least, not until it did something aggressive. A heartbeat passed in which she realized that her breath was echoing, louder and louder, inside the tall metal box that had trapped her. That was part of why she'd gone quiet too, afraid of hearing how close the walls were around her. Afraid of busting her ears if she screamed. She could hear the tentacles extremely well, slithering and bumping the metal blindly. There were all over her body, squeezing her waist tightly. Soon she was wheezing, and had to tense her tummy to get a lungful of air. After that came the smells. She smelled her own clean body and her strawberry shampoo underneath a murky layer of leaves, like the ground in a damp rainforest. There was a dusty quality too that put Sam in mind of empty plumbing, culverts, drainage grates. Stale water and earth. When Sam inhaled too deeply she suddenly coughed, filling her locker with an explosion of white noise.

For the present she was calm, the way she'd trained to be if a wave ever knocked her into its swirl or if she got caught in an undertow. When you're in that kind of danger you can't afford to panic. It's impossible to be truly calm, but you can teach fear to be patient and wait its turn. Sam listened and felt, hoping she could find out which way was up.

Samantha Dermott

Sat Mar 25, 2017 6:49 am
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
263 hadn't counted on the closeness of the locker making sound echo the way it did. Raktar had evolved a keen sense of hearing, which they usually used to navigate. And though 263 had developed more sophisticated senses, its hearing was still keen enough that even quiet noises were prominent inside the locker. Its own noises, it could handle. But the girl's struggles, and her words, were like spears of sound, cutting into its nerves. It tried to endure, enjoying the sound of her voice even if not the volume. But the moment she coughed, flooding its senses with an obtuse blast of sound, it decided against allowing her to do that again.

The moment she began to grow calm, the first tentacle struck, plunging straight into her mouth. Her lips were soft, and her tongue was warm and wet - perfectly inviting for the tentacle. The thick appendage stretched her lips into a circle, and blocked her mouth completely, keeping her from offending its hearing anymore. Slowly, it began to squirm inside her mouth, though it didn't push deeper yet. It had plenty of time to fuck her face. But first...

"You. Don't. Want. To. Be. Released," the voice said again. Its tone was hard to deduce, but it sounded fairly confident in its words. Suddenly, tentacles slithered up the girl's chest, and began to coil around her massive breasts. They began to squeeze as they slid further and further around her mountainous breasts, pressing their firm shafts into her soft flesh. Between her legs, another tentacle slid against her crotch. Its mass pushed against her suit, pressing it into her wet pussy lips, as it hot-dogged itself in her cameltoe.

"You. Want. To. Be. Fucked." Whatever this monster was, it was clearly willing to oblige as its tentacles began to molest her body.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Mon Mar 27, 2017 3:06 am
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
Sam's plan to remain still and wait things out dissolved into a fit of thrashing the second that the thing in the locker invaded her mouth. "Ahgck!" she exclaimed. Simultaneously she tried to spit and gag, then fended it off with her tongue. The weird animal (Sam still assumed that's what it must be) in the locker with her was too strong for that though, so her tongue ended up curled uncomfortably at the back of her throat. At least that blocked the thing from pushing any deeper. In the meantime Sam shook her head violently without success, while a flavor like slugs from the bottom of a potato sack grew in her mouth. Drool welled up in reaction and spilled freely past her lips. Long, shining strands of it swung, broke, and fell in streaks across her hefty, wobbling breasts.

She couldn't help herself. Sam fought like she was covered in spiders. Her feet stamped up and down. The door of the locker was battered by her knees and hips as her frantic movements spun her around. Now facing the back of the locker, she braced her hands and toes against it. Shoving and jumping at the same time, her back smashed against the metal, bowing it suddenly outwards. It was all useless. The door was dented, but the thin seeming metal was shockingly resilient, springing her forward again. The grip of tentacles around her tightened quickly to limit her struggles. In another moment they were looped around her elbows and knees. More of them took a lesson from her and braced against the walls to pin her so that no matter how hard she resisted the tentacles had more leverage than she did.

As it became obvious that her chance to fight was gone Sam started to feel what else the tentacles were doing. Especially what they were doing to her private parts. They felt inhuman, but extremely strong, and more agile than a snake. As if they knew what they were doing, they wrapped her breasts entirely in rough spirals of flesh, forcing her tits into cones. Sam thought of Madonna, bewildered. The blood pressure in her chest rose, soon making her nipples turgid. Sam gave up several strangled gasps at the sensation of her stiffened nipples being scrubbed by the purposeful tugging of the tentacles. Sweat and saliva mixed, making her tits slick for the creature molesting her. At the same time Sam groped for the floor with her toes due to the pressure between her legs. It felt like she was sitting on a sliding rail of rubber, a powerful yet limber shaft grinding endlessly against her pubis. She'd climaxed so recently her sex was still tingling like mad. Heat spread from the continuous rubbing. Sam shifted, but no matter what all her weight bore down on the thick tentacle. Her swimsuit was buried between her labia, which felt raw from the roughness already.

All this, and Sam finally reacted to the creature having spoken. "Mmuuh?!" came the whine as her brain caught up with her instincts. She'd been too concerned with being gagged earlier to pay attention, but she remembered now hearing speech a few seconds earlier. "Ahh wah hh ee ugh?" Sam uttered despite the strenuously shifting appendage filling her cheeks. I want to be fucked? she meant to say. In another instant her hands clenched around the nearest tentacles. No way! This thing could talk?! Wait, and it wanted...what?!

"AAAAHHHGG!" Sam let out a muffled shriek of disbelief.

Samantha Dermott

Wed May 17, 2017 4:44 am
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
The struggles of girls in its grip usually excited 263. But it had chosen a strange arena this time. Space was tight, and every grunt she uttered and impact she made against the hard metal sent echoes ringing through the tight confines. Its complex nervous system was already trying to compensate, dampening its hearing as much as it could, but that didn't diminish its annoyance with the girl's fighting. It seemed that any freedom of her limbs would make this experience less pleasant for 263, and so it quickly resolved to solve this problem. Thick, muscular tendrils wrapped around her arms and legs, quickly restricting her movements to pitiful flexes of her muscles, and then stippling even that. The tentacles' skin was thick and rough, but its coursing muscles were pronounced even through the covering. They easily overpowered the struggling girl, and the next thing she knew, she was being pushed up against the far wall of the locker, as far from the door as she could be held.

The sudden movement did have the nice effect of squishing Sam's massive breasts up against the wall, with its tentacles still wound around them. 263 could feel her titflesh press against its bindings, squeezing and mushing through its coils. The tendrils squeezed back. Though the wall kept her nipples depressed and hidden, the rest of her lovely lumps was fair game, and the tentacles pressed themselves into her condensed flesh.

The creature also seemed to enjoy having found purchase in her mouth. Even in defensive mode, Sam's tongue proved quite pleasant, and the bulbous head of the tentacle was soon wrestling with it, trying to find the surface of it to rub itself over. Her lips proved soft, inviting pillows for its shaft. The seal her mouth made was tight, and divine to slide into. Soon, it was gently thrusting in her mouth. The tentacle tasted bland and sour, like dirt run through a coffee filter. But Sam had little say over whether or not to keep the tentacle there in her mouth.

"Such. Repressed. Desire..." the creature taunted her. It seemed to find great delight in her distress about what was happening. "Shall. I. Keep. You. And. Fuck. You. As. I. Wish?"

As if to illustrate that it wasn't joking, a tentacle suddenly slipped through the crotch of Sam's bathing suit. There was a sharp tug, and the fabric disappeared from her skin, accompanied by a loud tearing sound. When next the tentacle touched her crotch, it was directly against the sensitive skin of her labia.

Raktar No. 263: Always eager to explore.
263 Event Log

Tue Nov 28, 2017 2:56 am
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Post Re: One Messy Locker
Sam jumped when the creature touched her bare pussy, or rather, she would have jumped, except that the morass of tentacles were basically holding her off the floor. There didn't seem to be a bottom to the locker. When she was still thrashing around her toes hadn't hit her sneakers, or her wadded up uniform, or anything.

What's going on?! Sam thought pitifully. Once again she was distracted by the sheer madness of what was occurring, but as the creature's most prominent tentacle slithered through the crease of her labia her mind snapped back into sharp, tingling focus again.

Tough, leathery skin wound in a slow, sensual spiral around both of her bulging tits. It was like a slippery, perverted caress, like being embraced by lecherous serpents. Sam cringed and shut her eyes. Please, let this weird thing stop, she silently begged. There was no way it meant what it said. Nothing except for humans wanted to have sex with her. That just had to be true! Otherwise...otherwise...oh no, what kind of world was she living in?

The sinuous physique wrapping Sam's body was still consolidating its hold on her. Flesh swirled around each of her limbs and squeezed the breath out of her waist. She let out a kind of involuntary sigh ending in a quiet gurgle. Needing to gasp, Sam pushed her tongue back where it belonged, giving the tentacle monster the textured surface it had been hoping to experience. Her momentary dizziness receded into a prickly sensation at the back of her neck. At this point she knew that escape was hopeless; she was bound up in piles of tentacle flesh so that she couldn't even bend her knees or elbows.

Sam couldn't move, and her restraints were intent on caressing her all over, especially her breasts and her mons. The creature was extremely attentive. In fact, in its abhorrent way, it was even skillful at arousing a reaction from her. Sam couldn't fight anymore, but she was still squirming. Undeniably muscular tentacles were showing off their strength, making her breasts ache within their crushing grip while they swirled, and swirled. It wasn't long before her oversensitivity kicked in. Before she knew it warm waves were seeping past the mild pain in her tits. She caught her breath, then suddenly moaned. That alarmed her.

My nipples! They're getting big! Sam realized. She tried to wail, but there was no way. Her denial merely resonated in her throat. Meanwhile that brutish, powerful tentacle between her legs was sweeping through the crease between her labia like an eel in a wet canal. Sam wished she could clench her legs closed. Her thighs were starting to quiver. Dangerous, shooting sensations were darting into her belly from her cunt. The tentacle was becoming slippery.

Uh oh! Sam thought. That's not the tentacle getting slick, that's me!

Samantha Dermott

Thu Feb 01, 2018 7:41 am
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