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 Returns (for Ania and Rhaine) 
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Post Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
I had wondered out all this way chasing mushi and attempting to work things out here. Yes, I knew it was dangerous but it was the only way to find out how I could stop the dangerous ones in crossing over to this realm. Never before coming here had I experienced any of them crossing over before, nor any interacting with me, so there was something going on here.

A portal perhaps, not that I was capable of closing one but with answers I could then prepare myself better. Even find a way to lessen or avoid the affects better, I wasn't sure. Unfortunately for me I got off the trail and ended up taking a spill down a small hill.

Other than some scraps I was fine, at least physically. See, from time to time a switch gets flicked within me and my playful side comes out. Call it regression or a copping mechanism to deal with all the shit I've been through. Regardless, I just wanted to have fun.

So after dusting myself off I found myself wandering, not so much as looking for that trail but any of the transparent mushi I could chase. Not that it would do me any good but I was lacking any other option here. That held me over for a little while until I heard water. Someone was swimming.

Investigating I found a student in a river. All the way out here? I watched for a bit, scanning the area. Seeing a towel laid out, some clothes and a wicker basket I again looked at the swimmer, if she were skinny dipping it would be fun to watch maybe even steal those clothes, alas she was wearing a bathing suit. I kept catching glimpses of it.

My mind raced through options before I crept forward using the trees and those times she had been submerged to maximum effect. When I got close I stole the basket. Not to keep it mind you but to make a game out of it, to get the girl to give chase.

After creeping away so I had a good head start I waited for her to come up again for air. Damn she could hold her breath! When she did pop up I yelled to her and waved to get her attention. Then I held up the basket and ran as best as I could with my scoliosis, hence the head start. It was more like a jog than a run but whatever. I didn't want to get away but I didn't want to make it easy for her either.

Next would be her turn to run away but I might not catch her. My condition was minor but gave others the edge when it came to speed. Regardless I was off ...

"We all go a little mad sometimes." -Psycho
"When tasting poison you might as well finish the meal - Spice and Wolf

Midori Gemma
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Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:36 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
Sunlight poured down on the robe clad amazonness every waking moment. A nearby river offered temporary reprieve from suffering abysmal heat which would've been little more than a pleasantly warm day to every human student. She'd often altered herself in the past to try and disregard such unpleasant scenarios, but in a way enduring it from time to time became a requirement to her existence. A comfortable life never really was part of the equation and growing too fond of it might impair her senses when they were needed most.

She had to be on alert everywhere except for the school grounds. Although the place happened to be occupied by fellow monsters, they were often found prowling the area for suitable members of the student body rather than those who would put up a fight. Most of them, Ania never even saw with her own eyes, but from a distance one could smell and hear them, how they turned away rather than approach unlike those few who made pacts with the huntress. It turned out to be a nice change of pace, but as rare as these times were she was waiting for the right time to give in. The prospect of utter relaxation with her chosen pet kept pushing Ania through whatever strain had been cast upon her body, right up until they were united once more.

Since Rhaine awaited her presence, Ania hadn't considered picking up hints of another individual once she drew closer to their usual spot. It could be Rhaine herself, but that'd mean she'd be leaving unusually early. Still, the sound of grass depressing beneath one's feet came to her long before any sort of visual had been established. She gauged the entity's weight by sound alone and had a brief moment perplexity assail her right then and there. Another student? Maybe two? This far out?

It was as good a guess as any from a distance. Their scent would've been too diluted in the wild to place anywhere in her memory so that'd be everything for her to go on. As the dark cloth of her robe flapped in the breeze, the choices presented themselves on their own. Some of Shokushu's more resourceful inhabitants could disguise themselves as students which had her wonder whether there might be more at stake here than the mere discovery of this third individual nearby.

For the moment, Ania hoped closing in until the unknown student and what she thought could be none other than Rhaine came into view wouldn't cause too much noise. She didn't come across the unexpected that often. At least not now, not today. Rhaine wouldn't bring another student unless Ania requested it, of that she was certain. Still, the fact one of them ran from their rendezvous spot had her give chase for the sake of it. Such distractions brought a mild smile to her. In a way, even the huntress had a playful side though more often than not students weren't too fond of being on the receiving end of it.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Wed Sep 13, 2017 6:26 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
I nearly tripped over a root when I glanced back over my shoulder to check on that students progress. While I wasn't the fastest there was the advantage of the head start of course and another factor that I had not considered at first. Bare foot she would be at a greater disadvantage and so she had to be getting her shoes on first.

Nearly paying the price by looking back I only noted this slight advantage because my shoe caught on that root causing me to stub my toe. Luck was on my side and I had not spilled over but my pace did slow just a bit. If I was too fast then that student would give up and that would be no fun either.

So I slowed, at least until I could see her at least. So far she wasn't coming. There was an eeriness to this, however. With no animal sounds it was still as if there was a predator around waiting to pounce. I've been here long enough to realize that the island was like this, however. The place didn't even have any birds. No buzzing of insects either. Other than plants the place would have been devoid of all life save for the students, staff and of course the mushi.

I chalked this up as another element generated by the mushi that had crossed over. I reckoned that they killed off the animals to eat or drove them off. Whatever the case it was something that remained a little unnerving.

Coming to a stop this time before I looked behind me I shook my head slightly. “What's taking you? Hurry up already.” I said to no one, disappointed that I still didn't see that girl yet. Well, since I was waiting I opened that basket and had a peek inside to get a better sense about the girl. Did I have something that she would even bother trying to get back?

I analyzed the contents fairly quickly then glanced back the way I had came swearing I heard her approach but saw nothing. Must have been wishful thinking on my part. Well, from what I saw I had no reason to believe that the student wouldn't come so I closed the basket back up and waited for the girl to get into sight at least before attempting to rush off once more.

"We all go a little mad sometimes." -Psycho
"When tasting poison you might as well finish the meal - Spice and Wolf

Midori Gemma
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Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:34 am
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
Aside from mundane discoveries ranging from clothes which would replace her swim suit later on to some water and snacks meant to conclude a refreshing dip in the river, there had to be at least one significant find among the pile. It surfaced in the shape of a long, narrow strip of fabric, a ribbon of red silk embellished with gemstones set in the fabric on both ends. They were colorless and highly polished. An untrained eye might've had trouble distinguishing quartz from diamonds, perhaps even glass, but the piece seemed to have some value at the very least.

Rhaine often received such gifts from Ania for a limited time. She was to keep it and care for it until her next visit where it had to be returned in good condition. When they first started off by having the student clean and return Ania's cloak, the mere act had been considered little more than adorable. There was no need to actually groom her pet for service any longer, but to think there was no point to it all from that moment onward would've been a flawed way of thinking. The aqua huntress had long since thought about offering her servant a certain token of appreciation. Naturally, treating every temporary gift as though it meant the world to her ensured such a blessing wouldn't be wasted on Rhaine when the time was right to award her something more permanent.

In this case, she was told to glam up her hair with a little red ribbon. Ania had been quite fond of the idea. She would've preferred Rhaine with longer hair for this particular task, but refrained from addressing the matter at hand. It didn't matter much. She looked the same when they first met and deep down Ania wouldn't have it any other way.

Of course, going for a swim meant taking the ribbon off. She hadn't caught a glimpse of the other student yet, but the scent of Rhaine's belongings were directly on top of her. Such clues filled her in on more details before establishing contact though for the moment the whole scene made little sense. Perhaps that one had a grudge on Rhaine. She was running from the river, but not quite. It wouldn't have taken much for her to catch up in due time which appeared to be deliberate. The other girl hardly sprinted through the forest and slowed, even stopped at one point to rummage through her stuff. The words were distant to human ears, but clear enough to the likes of Ania. Were they playing some sort of game?

It would've been a lie to say she'd rather not intrude. Slicing through the air without difficulty Ania would've been a mere shadow even in daylight, an elusive breeze sweeping through the forest, but the lack of sound all around would've drawn attention from alert students all the same. The grass beneath clawed feet, the impact of near inaudible steps, they were all getting more obvious the closer she came. Then again, Ania made next to no attempt to remain dead silent. She closed the distance in little time and nothing else really mattered.

She thought about putting on a disguise at the last second, perhaps continue this chase for a small while to have some harmless fun of her own before engaging her on a more sensual level, but neglected bringing a spare uniform given her plans for today. All she had was that cloak hiding her voluptuous shape from any prying eyes. She'd look out of place which would ruin any chance of making this a credible encounter between students. There'd be little fun in toying with her prey in such a manner and when Ania emerged from the thicket it had been a mere moment after the girl averted her eyes from that direction.

Stepping on a twig before the girl ran off again was bound to get her attention. She couldn't help but grin at the sight. Her many tentacles extended slightly from her body, a twitch of excitement rolling through the blue swarm which flanked her tall and imposing figure. A long black braid swayed given her momentum moments ago, along with a slender tail blessed with seemingly playful demeanor as it rocked back and forth. This one wasn't known to Ania at all. Though having a smaller bust than Rhaine, the visuals were all too thrilling. She was new and exciting and about to find out what that meant.

But, there would be no reward without taking action. „But I'm already here.“ The gorgeous alien amazonness flashed her another smile, eyes flicked to the basket then back to her, hoping to indulge in that lovely face another moment or two as realization must've dawned on the girl if she didn't start running off already. „Aren't you a real cutie ..“ She cooed with a sense of contentment about her, for this student may sate her thirst and allow for more restraint when Rhaine had her turn. There'd be some explaining to do if Rhaine chanced upon them, but for now this thief would become hers. She flashed her another captivating grin and then, Ania came forward at a leisurely pace.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:43 am
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
I jumped at the sound thinking that I had been alone all this time. A voice intruded on the silence and as I turned to face the direction it came from I froze at first. See, I wasn't afraid, at least not initially. I had supposed that the voice belonged to one of my peers or that the swimmer had actually circled around rather then chase after me directly.

She would have to have been quick but given how long she could hold her breath she was an athlete. On second thought she could have swam along and came out of the river ahead of me. When I did see her my mind had been disconnected.

The figure I saw I associated with someone that took drama. Someone that was rehearsing lines and wore the cloak to get into character, a real method actress. The tentacles were props, then the tail … I noted quickly that those tentacles were moving in a life like manner and weren't props.

Then things sort of clicked in those short few seconds. My heart rate increased pounding in my chest. Since she was a solid figure I knew that she was a mushi that had to have crossed over. You know, one of the dangerous ones that could interact with me.

Now in another frame of mind I may have come at this situation entirely different. As it were I kept still as if she could not see me,at least not until she began to move toward me that broke the spell of any paralysis that I had gotten caught up with. Well, I was looking for a simple game, this wasn't what I had in mind when I began but it was always a risk.

“Tag your it," was about the wittiest thing I could come up with under the circumstances. I was aware of what these things did, afraid in my current state yet not shaken back to my normal self yet I turned and ran as fast as I could, which wasn't all that fast.

In order to up my odds I had to abandon any trails or wide opened areas using the trees to maximum effect hoping to slow down the creature at least that was the plan I came up with which really wasn't much at all but it beat standing there doing nothing.

"We all go a little mad sometimes." -Psycho
"When tasting poison you might as well finish the meal - Spice and Wolf

Midori Gemma
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Sun Sep 17, 2017 4:21 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
She froze, how terribly uninspiring. For a moment circumstances turned out to be rather disappointing. In the world of the huntress, predators lived for the thrill of chasing prey whenever they saw no necessity in bringing it down. At least for the sake of entertainment she could've picked up a branch and fight. Some girls were rather gentle which allowed her to forgive such lackluster encounters from time to time, but rather than let her close the gap she dealt another unexpected blow.

Absorbing her statement actually caught Ania off guard for a moment. She wasn't actively looking for prey before and had the potential for a more playful approach for the time being, not that it'd be much of a fun game. After all, that's not how you play tag. She did not give chase immediately afterwards. Instead of pouncing on her from a distance, slamming her face first into the dirt as intended for any less cordial students, another matter had been seen to in favor of receiving answers to questions which had lingered on her mind for a short while now.

The truth had been far from delightful because even the slowest runner she'd encountered could maintain a faster pace than whatever she was looking at now. A handicap of such dimensions rendered her incapable of escaping anyone. So much for being playful, but Ania hadn't given up on her latest object of desire quite yet. Whatever impaired her abilities, her lungs didn't seem to be it which should allow her to keep going for a while.

Sadly, every moment from this point onward would be nothing but discouraging to the one attempting to flee the scene for her opponent moved at an even greater pace than humans were even remotely capable of. The intention hadn't been immediate capture, but delaying the inevitable. More often than not Ania appeared to be circling around her with relative ease, an aquamarine blur in the distance which then emerged not too far ahead and caught her running from one direction to the other, then kept forcing her to alter course in order to avoid running straight into the tall exotic woman. She proved to be quite elusive, but only because the creature let her maneuver past throughout their little game.

After a few times of practically turning her around the direction she came from, Ania chose to conclude matters. Where there was nothing one moment before, the huntress appeared in the blink of an eye to block the girl's passage. A lone tentacle whipped through the air yet slowed down drastically before making contact with the black haired student's chest, the impact roughly equal in force to an ordinary touch which appeared to be designed to bring her to a halt rather than a forceful stop. It pressed against her, preventing any further advances in her direction. She couldn't help but smile at having fulfilled the rules of the game where the girl would not. „Tag.“ Ania bared her teeth with a widening grin, revealing her cordial and presumably genuine albeit temporary enjoyment. „You're it.“

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Sep 17, 2017 5:41 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
I kept seeing azure blurs here and there as I ran. Often I got turned around and it was clear the exotic stranger was toying with me. Given my lackluster speed that was a given. In truth this had been the first time I had the option of flight and took it for what little good it would afford me.

The continual change of direction had me confused as to where I was until I could see the trail up ahead. Had I been in the proper frame of mind I would have cursed. OK, new plan. If I could get to the river my swimming speed should be greater than my running speed. More likely that student should be around here and could offer a distraction too.

No, a small portion of myself shook that off. I had gone through this mess before and if I could spare another from such a fate, even at my own expense, then so be it. I hardly had time to think it all through when she appeared in a blur whipping one of those tentacles at me, well whipping hadn't been the right word for it. Whatever sting that should have been there tapered down barely making contact when I fully expected to be knocked down on my haunches.

Yet she had not pounced straight away, surprising me with all the ambushes I had endured thus far. I just stood there then smiled as much as I was afraid. My mind considered the other student and buying her time to get away from here. I realized that as long as I had this basket it would encourage her to stick around. Being close to the trail I decided to drop the basket here in hopes that it would be seen from the trail and prevent the other student from lingering around too long.

This one was more sentient than the majority of creatures I ran across, it fact there weren't too many I had a dialogue with. Bel liked games too, she was an odd one but fun in a strange way. This one seemed to enjoy amusing aspects so I took a stab at things not expecting much but hoping to get out of this area at least.

“You know I can't catch you. You've proved that already. So how about a different game?”

"We all go a little mad sometimes." -Psycho
"When tasting poison you might as well finish the meal - Spice and Wolf

Midori Gemma
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Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:49 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
An uncommon scene, that much was certain, but then again neither side performed their usual part. Surprises certainly went both ways. Ania could smell her fear. Smiling fate in the face rather than resort to running or fighting her way out, however futile that'd be, invoked a certain measure of fondness within her attacker which kept the azure woman at bay for the moment. Perhaps one had to consider options on how to deal with these situations in other ways considering her lack of speed and thus pitiful chance to escape anyone or anything at all.

She let loose a sigh of disappointment all the same, an elongated breath enhanced by the sun bearing down on them the entire time. At least the chase offered a pleasant breeze for a while. In any case, Ania chose not to fault her for wrapping things up. There'd be no point to have her give chase anyway. She was right on that one. A different game may keep her busy though the inevitable conclusion to it all had been nothing but delayed. Ania offered her precious prey another smile to compliment her own. „I've nothing against it. You've been enjoyable enough. I'll play another game, provided you're better at it than playing tag.“

Standing here provided another opportunity to have a better look than before. She had a smaller chest than Rhaine, hardly disappointing yet noticeable. There was no shame in that. She could've been a flat chest and less lovely overall, it would've made no difference as long as her personality matched Ania's interests. Fortunately, the opposite had been the case. She possessed both looks and endowments to spark her innermost desires. It'd have been impossible to pass her up on a good day.

Never stealing that basket would've kept her out of harm's way, but she chose to seize it which would be why Ania couldn't refrain from pointing at it right then and there. „But, aren't you going to return that first? I'm well aware it's not yours.“ She could not have Rhaine wander around the woods searching for it. Staying close to the river on her own, let alone getting there was dangerous enough since it exposed her to other, less cordial entities. So much for getting out of the area. Ania toyed with the thought of having the two of them at once, but if this one played along there might be ways to avoid such crushing humiliation.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:58 am
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
That grin was eerie to say the least as I was fully ware of what it had implied. It said I was beaten regardless, I knew that much even among the humans I had dealt with in the past so was this any different? The mushi had far too many abilities for me to handle varying from one to another and while I had not worked out what hers had been it was evident that she could catch me whenever she wished.

Heart pounding I smiled back nevertheless. “I can't be any worse." So much for keeping the other student away. I looked to the basket then nodded slowly. With the new game I thought I could deviate the creature from searching that spot, after all it would be too obvious.

Here I could only bank things off of old experiences. Once you ran from a predator they gave chase, it was in their blood. She had caught me and was having as much fun as a cat would while playing with a mouse. Sometimes that mouse got away but I didn't delude myself hoping I had her attention to the point where she would ignore the other student to continue that game.

I wasn't entirely sure but I spelled out the terms of the next game. “The game's hide and go seek. Since I have to give this back I'll need more time to hide … let's see a count to one hundred and eighty?" Three minutes, it wasn't much but I didn't think she would give me much time. Though I would not object to any amendment to that time using what I had to hurry back to the student then hide, that was unless I got tied up with a lengthy explanation or was found before I could hide at all, assuming she let me go about things in the first place.

"We all go a little mad sometimes." -Psycho
"When tasting poison you might as well finish the meal - Spice and Wolf

Midori Gemma
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Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:29 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
Savoring emotions had been part of the fun, how her heart pounded with fear and concern and could be heard with the amazon's honed senses from a fair distance. It goaded her instincts and became part of the thrill involved in chasing her down. She could have deducted a few seconds of the desired time in order to hunt, capture and embrace the excitement of success once again, but the cloaked woman chose to do the opposite. „Make that two hundred, for fairness' sake.“ She couldn't help but let her grin widen slightly at that revelation. „You're more of a challenge the farther you get.“

An idle hunter offered some temporary reprieve from their previous chase and could've shaved some time off the next game, but there was no point in that. Ania offered her a chance to run and hide for longer because there wouldn't be any way for such a slow participant to return to the campus in time or reach another suitable location, perhaps a crowded beach to lose her pursuer. In any case, running back to safety would be out of the question. They were too far from either hence letting the student off the hook once again wouldn't be a big deal. She was enjoying herself, for now. Aside from one touch meant to halt her escape, there weren't any attempts to make physical contact thus far. It was a reward for being entertaining, although never directly referred to as such.

If the girl needed any more encouragement to start moving, Ania turned around and began counting out loud for her to hear. Whether Rhaine would be on the way or the basket would be returned at all remained to be seen. It could've been an excuse, a lie to give herself more time, but Ania trusted in her abilities enough to believe she'd catch up and make sure to punish all lies in due time. As a woman of her word, she'd count to the full two hundred before giving chase.

Such a chance had been a fortunate occurrence for the girl, whether she knew it or not. Ania happened to be a moody creature at times for running in one case could disrupt one's rather favorable position whereas another instance of the same nature might result in harm which could be taking shape in any number of ways as time went on. She did not wish to hurt students and spread terror anymore, but whatever undue slights came her way wouldn't be forgiven all that easily.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:03 am
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
I needed no other motivation snatching up the basket after orientating myself. It was unclear where that other student was. Had she swam further up the river to cut me off or still coming up the path from it. I soon heard sound further down the path indicating that she did swim ahead, if indeed it had been her so I rushed that way.

Silently I was ticking off the seconds knowing my time was limited. “Sorry.” I set the basket down in front of the water logged student who had been about to say something but I cut her off with a single word. “RUN!”

She looked confused and stood there like a deer caught in headlights. I had no time to explain it further spinning and running in the opposite direction in order to place some distance between us. That seemed to brake her paralysis.

“HEY!” She yelled back but I was somewhat limited for time and could only hope she didn't follow, if so she could have caught up with ease had she not been barefoot. That was one plus in the matter, I did not hear her though even barefoot she should catch me with a bit more effort.

Back to the river I ran remembering what I had seen earlier. Near the river there was a large hollowed out tree that I could crawl into. It was large enough for two students to squeeze into through the slit in it's side. I moved to the very back where there had been more shadow only now realizing my mistake. The other student's things were still down here, in fact I could see them from that hollow.

It was doubtful that she would just leave them if she was unaware of what was going on. I thought to search for another hiding place but had so little time now and few nearby options. There was the river itself but I could not hold my breath half as long as the other student so I had to live with the choice I made.

"We all go a little mad sometimes." -Psycho
"When tasting poison you might as well finish the meal - Spice and Wolf

Midori Gemma
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Thu Oct 05, 2017 11:23 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
Soaking in sunlight one moment, cooling off in the shadow of a nearby tree in the next, nothing more had been done to move, let alone give chase before the count in the back of her head reached the aforementioned two hundred. It was hot out and part of her wished a stiffer breeze would cool her down some more. Sure, the student's scent would be diluted as a result, but it didn't matter much in the long run. Another part of the challenge, nothing more. She'd have a better chance of getting away then. There was no guarantee she'd ever catch up to every student she allowed to run.

She'd have to be slacking on the job, but otherwise conditions were good. That one turned out to be a terrible runner, but with Rhaine in the way her lovely blonde pet could tend to desires bubbling up from deep within her core instead of another frightened student. No one really got away at the end. Some were really energetic, however. She had yet to be surprised when it came to them making a run for it, but perhaps someone would exceed expectations one day.

„Two hundred.“ And, Ania went off with due haste. A plethora of sensations drenched her mind in fragrances of varying potency, which in turn provided potential paths depending on how strong they were though the girl had been burned into memory in more ways than one. Along the way, Ania kicked up clods of earth, tearing out the occasional shrub with clawed feet that were pistoning with great force, each step propelling her forward with supple albeit toned thighs straining to hide the sheer mass of muscle hidden underneath perfectly smooth skin. The cloak about her flapped in the breeze and threatened to fly off at any given moment, but the movements were practiced and performed with surprising ease.

Shooting past tree lines got her back to the river in a mere fraction of the time the student had in order to flee. She caught a stronger whiff of her scent here, a mild touch of perfume along with her pet's precious scent lingering within the area. At once her steps slowed, grinding to a languid pace when it became clear her chosen prey and Rhaine must've encountered each other close by. In the beginning, catching up would be its own reward. Maybe there was a chance they'd be too close to pass up on either one or the other, making them both desirable targets.

Soon enough, Ania set out to find them. Rhaine couldn't be far. They weren't directly next to her things, so checking back there made some sense. She doubted the other girl got much farther than that, and chances were she'd be close and no longer on the run. Perhaps Rhaine stopped her, which would be a plus but the huntress didn't think of her as one who'd resort to something physical once the basket had been returned.

„There's only one way to find out.“ Only now did Ania notice she hadn't blinked at all through all this, always fixated on an unseen target. Old habits die hard, apparently.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Sun Oct 08, 2017 12:30 pm
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
At first she had been confused and watched the other student flee. Her mind came up with a clear picture almost straight away given the nature of this place. Ears strained to hear anything out of the ordinary and she did glance about, crimson eyes beginning in the direction the girl first appeared from then the branches.

Now she deduced that her Mistress may have been around. Of course there were all other entities that she ran across too. Some she had been lucky against like that devil that could go invisible, that slime monster or that tree … twice even. She had been lucky then.

She made a decision about things. If it had been something else her Mistress would be soon in the area. There was always the risk of falling prey to one of these things but it was a risk she had been willing to take at the same time if only to see her Mistress again.

So with the basket back she checked to ensure the ribbon was still there, all the other stuff was replaceable. It was along with some of the cookies Dani baked the other day and a few other treats. Pausing she took out the bottled water, had a sip and placed it back in the basket.

So far nothing out of the ordinary. “Mistress?” She called softly just encase she was there but nothing. She shrugged and proceeded toward the river in the direction that the other student ran in, she still had to get her stuff and besides that was where they were meeting.

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Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:40 am
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
I nearly got out of the tree, considered the lack of time again and had to deal with the choice. Not long after arriving her I could hear movement and internally groaned. That sounded like someone that wasn't attempting to be quiet nor noisy. It sounded like another student, that student in particular.

I did see her from time to time as I lacked a wide view but after setting down that basket near her things I saw that she took a look around staring off in one direction as if seeing something then got back into the water. Soon she was out of view either moving out of my view or diving again I wasn't so sure.

Decisions plagued my mind. If I stayed here then the student might become prey instead. If I ducked out of my hiding place I was certainly caught. Screw it, I thought getting ready to abandon my hiding place only in hopes that there was another close by ...

"We all go a little mad sometimes." -Psycho
"When tasting poison you might as well finish the meal - Spice and Wolf

Midori Gemma
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Wed Oct 11, 2017 1:42 am
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Post Re: Returns (for Ania and Rhaine)
Seconds became unbearable for with each passing moment that realization came back with greater ugency. She hadn't discovered the amazonness nearby, but her hiding place happened to be fairly close to the only other prospective target for her pursuer to claim. Neither staying nor leaving turned out to be attractive choices on their own, but ultimately the choice didn't come down to what her troubled mind came up with.

A sound haunted her eardrums, something close, awfully close when one considered how faint yet clear in nature it was as more were quick to follow. Soft knocking noises came down on the bark near the entrance, without wildlife and the other student being distant enough to be of little concern chances were her decision to stay would be final. In due time her mind was bound to recognize them as dull slaps of flesh against her hideout, nothing remotely close to knuckles or footwear, though the truth might've dawned on her there was no doubt about it anymore once supple aquamarine legs came into view, along with that dark cloak concealing everything above her ankle.

The huntress had closed in on the river not too long ago, but decided to swerve around rather than reveal herself to Rhaine right then and there. She caught a look at the river from another angle, saw nothing other than her precious pet and belongings and chose to cut her prey off rather than indulge in what was already looking quite delicious in that swim suit of hers, only to notice there were no further tracks where the student's scent had been strongest soon thereafter. Ania clearly discovered her current location through senses which far surpassed her prey's own and now there'd be no escape.

However, pulling her straight out of that tree or even casting a mere glance into its depths didn't cross her mind in the slightest. Instead, Ania gazed upon the river from here and observed her lovely blonde pet from a distance, waiting for her to surface from a most recent dive whereupon she'd shout out to the girl, then wave once she got the petite beauty's attention. „Over here!“ She couldn't help but grin slightly at that for what was once a chase would now be quite the endurance test for that sable black haired one.

Part of her had considered keeping their special relationship hidden in front of others, but for once there was greater amusement to be found considering at least one of them had no clue where the other really was and Ania didn't think about changing that at all. They were going to be putting on quite a performance unless the escapee began to show.

Truly a woman of her word. - Ania, prowling space and campus alike!

Thu Oct 12, 2017 3:00 pm
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