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 I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr) 
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Post I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
Preciously started from Tour Guide

Its been almost a week since Nesa has arrived on the island and on her first day she was brought to the realization that this island was already more then what it seemed. She was hardly given any time after first arriving even make friends, attend her first class, or join a club... no instead she was lured out into the woods by a girl she just met, tricked into a cave with strange moving vines, and then kidnapped by demon like entity after it burned all the clothes off her body and paraded around the forest naked for other monstrous beings to have fun with a tease like a new toy... It was degrating, humiliating, and worst of all scarier then anything she could imagine.

Nesa had no idea how to take what she saw out there, however one thing was clear, nobody els seemed to know what in the world was going on according to what she saw when she got back to campus. It was something that the trent known as Birch shared with while she was under his protection in the forest for the last couple of days. Apparently monsters lurked in the forest and prayed on students from the school and apparently she wandered into one of their hunting grounds. Birch called it being at the wrong place at the wrong time... however Nesa could not help but feel that there was more to the story then that....


Nesa had just gotten back from the woods afther the creature she knew as Birch dropped her off at the campus and allowing her to make her way to the dorms where she was forced to slowly wander the halls in search for her room. During all the excitement she forgot her room number, and worst of all her bag was still in the forest along with her student I.D and key card to open her door once she found it, however with the help... and scolding... of students known as prefects she was able to find her dorm room and even get a new student I.D made for her. Nesa was greatful... however it was awkward for her to do as other students passed her and saw her in her state of disarray. Her hair unkept due to the nights spent in the forest, her clothing un tighty due to Birchs "help", as well as the short school issue skirt that hinted at the fact she was infact no wearing panties as Nesa blushingly tugged at the hem of her skirt, pulling it down so she did not flash anyone or have a wardrobe malfunction while she walked to her dorm as once she was inside Nesa put her back to the door and let out a sigh. "f-finally..." Nesa said to her self before she look a short glance around her dorm room and strangely enough her bags made it here also on her bed had been her student plan and schedule for the semester.

It was too late to attend her first classes, she was already absent her first three days too, however after everything that just happened she could use the time off to gather her self. Maybe it would be better to take the day off in order to process everything that was going on. Regardless of what she chose to do she would have a few days since the weekend was already here. Strangely enough it was like the encounter was not even real, nobody question why she was gone so long.... or even came looking for her? had it not been so intense and so long she would have doubted the entire encounter.... however Nesa knew for a fact that Slarr... Birch... and the creatures out there were in fact real as she went to the window in her dorm, peaking out at the forest beyound her window and with a shutter she reached to the blinds and closed them.

On the verge of mental break down as she stood in front of her window and glared blankly at the wall, her mind deep in thought as she was struggling to process all the information befor she turned and noticed her self in the reflection of a mirror that was fixed to the wall. There she glared at her self as she quickly noticed she looked like a mess, her hair was uncombed and dirty, her braided pony tail was loose and hanging off her shoulder, it looked like she spent a week in the woods.... which she kind of did... as Nesa in the moment took a deep breath to calm her self. "I need a bath..."


Currently it was late at night, Nesa made the choice to go to the communal bath and showers located on campus next door to the dorms. According to Birch she should be safe on campus, also luckily for her nobody els was there at this late hour so she did not need to concern her self with running into other students, or teachers that were out bathing, so Nesa had no fear of undressing in front of others before she came up with a good excuse as to how she could explain the scars and burns on her body... as well as their provocative placements and the fact they were shaped like hand prints as Nesa looked her self over in a mirror located in the locker room as she disrobed. The sight forcing her to blush as she felt the sting of the air kissing her scars, teasing her sore skin as she simply shook off the embarrassment and with sigh went to the baths where she ran her self some hot water and crawled into one of the vacant tubs, finally having a moment to her self to relax and process everything that happened the day befor.


"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Mon Oct 22, 2018 12:34 pm
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
He was not allowed to go into that room courtesy of a bargain that he made with one of the students. So technically she was safe from him as long as she remained in the room but fair game when outside of it. Naturally, that was if he kept his word with Juniper.

Slarr was good at keeping to his word but good at bending things to his wants too. As a smoke devil, one with command over fire, getting her to flee the room wouldn't be much of a challenge. When the choice was between burning to death or getting raped he figured that she would choose the later.

It had been some time since he ran across her too and may have taken a detour at this late evening had it not been for his stomach. See, Juniper wasn't the only one he had a deal with. The other was Pia who had consented to making him treats to deflect his ire.

That arrangement had been when he was weaker too, in another form. That was back when Birch and Thudd still hunted with him. One was dead now and the other had a change of heart or whatever passed as one.

Things didn't stay static but he was in for disappoint this evening. No Pia. She had disappeared, which happened among the students from time to time. It was later in the evening so he figured that she would have been in the dorm. Either she had a late class or someone else occupied her attention for the evening.

And he managed to save the majority of these strawberries too! He sighed then saw something in his invisible state that was nearly as good and just as tasty. His attention wandered easily and before he knew it Slarr followed the student.

He was sitting right there on the edge of a window sill watching Nesa undress and take a look over the array of scars he visited upon her already. Not even Birch had erased them. Nor had the school managed which was unusual since they restored the girls and sometimes even got to their memories too. The fact that they hadn't gotten to her yet meant that they were neglecting doing so.

It wasn't unusual either that the school try a different approach with a student but he wondered what was up this time. Sometimes students were deliberately shattered to see what NICE could do in order to fix them so something of the sort had to be the case this time.

He weighed his options in healing her, well leaving those marks on her breasts and ass but not right now. For the next few minutes he watched and ate a few of the strawberries. Tossing the leafy remains aside he moved on to the next all to aware that the leafy remains would become visible once away from his body.

He wondered how long it would take before she noticed. How many strawberries would he finish? He took a look at the clock deciding to time it as he went back to eating and leaving her more clues that he was present.

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The occasional partner of Ania or Birch

Tue Oct 23, 2018 7:05 am
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
It was hard to say how long Nesa was truly alone for, but she was non the wise when a familiar entity returned to visit her after their brief meeting that literally scared the poor student for life. Scared, confused, and hurt Nesa had no idea what to think or say, she simply kept moving..... if anything, afther coming to her dorm for the first time, gathering her things, and heading off the to the public bath house felt stranger, stranger then anything she has had happened to her so far as the question kept floating in the back of her mind..... "W-why arnt I more freaked out..."

That thought rolled around in her skull afther see undressed, placed the change of clothes she brought with her into one of the numerous lockers, as she tossed out the dirty mud stained uniform birch gave her. She wanted to keep it, however wearing for a few days straight, and then getting carried back to campus on the back of a tree man did its toll on the outfit as holes and stains already set in, there was no cleaning it now. Regarless Nesa simply moved into the spacious bath house and crawled into one of the many vacant tubs. Carefully sitting down, wincing as the heat stung her burns, her starches and new scares, but when she got fully in the water she sighed, relaxed and moments later dunked her head under the clear warm water.

The student surfaced from the water a moment or two later, her hear now soaking wet, clinging to her soft skin as her cheeks now flushed with the heat of the bath as she sighed again and relaxed her back ageist a wall and closed her eyes.... It was nice, warm, relaxing, a calm bath before..... -Munch, Crunch-..... Nesa's eyes opened at the sound of loud chewing, her eyes nervously sinking as she looked around the empty bath, not seeing a single soul..... however that was what scared her.

"H-Hello?...." Nesa nervous shouted as she sat up in the bath and looked a round worriedly. "I-is anyone there?" She said as she moved to the corner of the large heated public bath... only to spot something strange.... and green at the other end of the bath. Nesa spotting the leafy stems or something on the tiled floor of the bath? The stems resting by the window before suddenly.... another appeared and landed in the slowly growing pile.... Nesa confused glared at the pile for a moment before she realized something..... "W-why is there a window in the bath?" Nesa said out loud before the realization hit her.... however by then it was likely already too late.

"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Mon Nov 05, 2018 1:12 pm
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
He watched with keen interest as she heard him. He could see the gears spinning in her head as she attempted to work out what was going on here so he stopped eating tossing the last leafy strand on the bathroom floor as he silenced himself.

Moving from the spot he had been in he flew rather than walked barely above the tiled floor. Her question addressed to no one in particular caught him off guard for a moment. At first he thought that she had figured out who was hear and thus asking him such a ridiculous question. Then he figured that she must have been speaking to herself out loud.

It didn't matter if she were or not. He ignored the question in any case as he neared. He should have checked that the door had been locked first but by the time he thought about it he had been half way across the room already.

Then he paused grinning to himself as he recalled their earlier encounter. She hadn't been on the island long so he reasoned that he might be able to get away with that … he rubbed his chin then moved toward a sink turning on the hot water and allowing it to run all without saying a word.

He watched her closely in the event that she attempted to leave that tub while he was having some fun with her. If she had been aware of him his fun would have been limited. There were the clues of the remnants of those strawberries he devoured but if she had not piece them together she could still be in the dark that it was he that was here.

Suffice it to say that she would know that someone or rather something was present. Now that the mirror had fogged up he cut off the water using a finger to write. Unfortunately he didn't recall too many characters in the English language and if he used his own dialect she wouldn't be able to read it.

So he kept it simple drawing on the fact that she didn't know the limits to what they could and could not do he slowly wrote the single word KILL

Then nothing for a moment. He let that tension build before he turned off the light. He could have reached her from where he was though that little trick would give him away. He would have to close in on her the old fashioned way if she remained in the tub.

Provided that she remained in the tub he would get close standing behind her and setting his hands on her shoulders pressing her beneath the water and holding her down for close to a minute before allowing her up once more.

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The occasional partner of Ania or Birch

Wed Nov 07, 2018 4:32 am
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
Nesa had no been aware that anyone or anything was actually in the bath with her, but she was suspicious and that suspicion quickly turned into nervous fear as the scared student looked around the room cautiously for a intruder, glaring at the door, the window, then that pile of stems. "T-this isnt funny!" Nesa shouted, her voice concerned, as she felt the heavy beating of her heart and the sound of her heart heat in her ears as she glared about the room with wide eyes.

-Thumb, bump, Thump, bump.- Nesa heart beat slowly, and heavily as her skin crawled on edge... she felt something... something was here, she knew it.... but she could not see it.... However frozen with nerves and combined fear she stayed in the tub, yet she did not stay frozen for long as she jumped in with a startled yelp as she heard the new sound of running water come from the sink behind her, fallowed by.... -Ruubbbb, *squeek*.... Rrrrruuubbbbbb-

Turning slowly, Nesa glared with wide and worried eyes, watching as the word slowly appeared on the foggy glass of the mirror.... crudly printed on the glass in large bold letters that spelled K....I....L....L... Nesa reading the word in her mind, yet she was so afraid that she didn't act, she only remained frozen in fear, glaring at the mirror with the same terrorized blank expression... showing no fight or flight instinct at all.... that was until that lights suddenly went out and what fallowed was pure terror.

"AHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" Nesa cried as she shot out of the water and the tub, quickly moving to get out and rush for the door of the bath... yet something.... something strong, and large was behind her, grabbed her bare shoulders and before she could even sit up and flee she felt the strength of the specter grab her shoulder and suddenly force her down into the tub, submerging her head, cutting off her scream into what was only silent bubbles on the surface as she kicked and thrashed in the tub, splashing water around as she panicked, struggling ageist the entity assaulting her until her struggling became less and less paniced afther 45 five seconds befor she was released and she managed to shoot up from the water and gasp for a deep breath of air...... Yet this was only the beginning of Nesas night of hell.

"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Wed Nov 07, 2018 1:15 pm
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
She had believed that he was a specter upon their first meeting so it was now that he took advantage of that fact. Releasing her before she passed out of drowned he stood close by in that darkness. While he had no extraordinary ability to see in darkness his vision was better in it than a mere human.

Waiting for her to make her move out of that tub he remained close to her as she ran. Provided that she did not slip on the now wet floor he allowed her to get close to that door before his tail whipped out at her leg knocking her down.

From there he finally set down grabbing her by the hair only to drag her back over that wet floor. This time he moved past the sinks and tub, moving farther past that window and past the row of lockers to the toilet stalls.

Shoving her inside one he wondered if she would consider her foe as an invisible assailant or an apparition of sorts. He didn't give it much thought shoving her head into the toilet bowel and flushing it while he held her in place.

For about the same length of time he held her there then released her stepping back out of that stall then taking to the air again. He was only about at waist height but he found it easier to move around in this fashion than walking.

Watching Nesa he grinned as she struggled for breath then flew over to the light switch again flicking it on this time so she could see claw marks form on one of the doors as he scrapped it. Getting out of here in the conventional fashion wasn't likely. There was still the window that he was ignoring on purpose.

For the moment he remained still watching her grow paranoid at the sudden lack of activity and seeing just what he next move would be.

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The occasional partner of Ania or Birch

Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:17 am
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
Nesa struggled ageist whatever was trying to drown her in the tub as she kicked, thrashed, and fought, however nearly 45 secionds she was held down and she only got weaker and weaker the longer she was under the soapy water of the tub as more oxygen was denied to her until finally she was released and she shot out of the tub with a massive splash of water and took a deep inhale for breath before she gripped the side of the tub and panicly crawled out only to slip to the floor, pawing at the ground as she scrambled to get to her hands and knees, but with it dark and the floor wet she did not make it far.

Screaming in terror Nesa scrambled along the floor, rushing to the light of the door, however the entity in the room with her had other plans as she felt her leg get snatched by something only to trip her up and tug her back as she was dragged back on her belly, and breasts into the center of the public bath room screaming, clawing at the floor. The nightmare didn't end there as she felt whatever was assulting her take a hand full of her wet golden locks and tug her back into her knees where she cried out in pain, pawing at what ever held her by her hair, garbing at an invisible wrist befor she felt the sudden jerk of her head and neck as whatever cruel being was doing this to her dragged her deeper into the bath house.

"NNOOOO!!! NOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! LLLLL-LEEETTTT GGGGGOOOOOO!!!!!" Nesa screamed as she kicked her legs, her heels dragging as she struggled in her panic, not know what was going to happen as it came as a shock to her that she was gragged into the lockers, slammed into one, then another befor the back of her head was roughly taken by two hands and then shoved into one of the stalls of the bathroom as face first her head was stuffed into one of the toilets. Fortunately the toilets were clean and spotless, but the act was still crude and disgusting as her face was dunked into the water, flushed a few times, before what ever did this to her pulled her head back and roughly threw into one of the stall partitions where she was left to lay stunned by the act of brutality.

The lights flicked back on and Nesa hissed in pain as she sat up, her forehead bleeding, her hair pulled and hurting, she gripped her head and sobbed in her pain, however she was given no rest to think, or digest this hectic situation as suddenly just next to her on one of the stall doors, four claw marks suddenly ripped into the wood of the door forcing the students flight instinct to kick in and ashe struggled to her feet, triping, slipping and scrambling to run as she fearfully rushed out of the bathroom stalls, and made her way to the bath house doors and escape fearing for her life.

"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Thu Nov 08, 2018 12:43 pm
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
She ignored the window in favor of the door. It was a bit farther and there was still the soaked floor to contend with but it was easier with the light on. He stopped himself from flinging a bead of fire toward it to cut her off finding that this was still entertaining.

Slarr allowed her to escape. Then CLICK. He locked her out. Naked. Then he went insubstantial flowing beneath the door and reforming on the other side while remaining invisible. He had some ground to make up but took his time.

When he spotted one of the sprinklers he flew up to it, generated a flame on the tip of his finger until the sprinklers went off along with an alarm.

Then he was off searching for the blond again. For the moment there had been no one around that responded to the alarm. She had been alone in the bath house but it wasn't long before she would hear shrieks of other students as they were wet unexpectedly.

“A fire?” Girls were making there way to the halls in an attempt to leave the building. She would have to make the choice of ducking into one of the rooms to preserve her modesty or ignoring that heading outside with the others.

In any case Slarr spotted the panicked student hurrying as he flew closer to the ceiling now, eyes locked on his target not really caring what choice she made as he would have her soon either way.

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The occasional partner of Ania or Birch

Sun Nov 11, 2018 5:25 am
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
Rationality was out the window when it came to fear, sure Nesa could have ran for the window and possibly jumped out to safety, however her mind wasn't thinking that way. In her fear she was racing twords the path of least resistance and the door being the first place she saw as an escape out of this crazy situation as she tripped, fumbled, slipped, and slide her way along the soaking wet ground in the direction of the door, not stopping to grab a towel, not stopping to grab her clothes, not stopping to think what was the other side.... all she knew was that something in the bathhouse was trying to kill her..... or worse.

Screaming out over the sound of splashing water at her feet she raced out the door of the public bathing house, meeting the large wooden partition that separated the bath houses door from the rest of the dorms halls. Nesa panting heavily, naked with her back agiest the wall as she watched in terror of the door slamming its self shut before then the alarm system in the dorms went blaring. -RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!- Paniced Nesa looked around, confused what was happening, she has only been on the campus it self for less then a day, she hasn't had time for drills, emergency situations, or even to sleep in a real bed!! she was like a terrorized deer caught in the head lights as the fire alarms went blaring fallowed by the shouts and screams of other students piling into the halls. It was possibly they got a glimpse of a naked student making a mad dash to a random unlocked door near the bathhouse as Nesa in her panic simply was forced to move on her own as embarrassment, anxiety, fear, and numerous other emotions took the wheel as Nesa pushed open the door to the first room that was unlocked and rushed inside.... what this room was used for was anyone guess, atleast she was in here and not out there being seen by everyone naked..... great way to make a first or last impression.


"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Sun Nov 11, 2018 11:09 pm
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
The room was dark though a light switch rested beside the door. Light revealed that this had been a kitchenette of some sort. The dorms didn't have individual cooking areas unless one was a prefect and had a kitchen in their own dorms. Thus the students had a communal area for cooking.

The place resembled a home economics room of sorts given that there were numerous ovens here so that students didn't have to wait for a stove. There were plenty of tables here for mixing ingredients, rolling out dough and that sort of thing. Probably more than would be needed at any one time unless some sort of class used the place at times.

There was a single microwave here along with a refrigerator and numerous cabinets that held dishes and things like bags of flour, cooking oils and the like. There were sprinklers in here but none of them had gone off yet. Only the ones in the hall outside had been triggered. Her best guess was that the temperature had yet to trigger the ones here.

There were a few windows here as well though as she appraised the room Slarr was already slipping into it. His invisible smoky body pouring into the room from beneath the door. There was no time to disguise himself, if she figured it out then she figured it out. The hint of burnt toast and smoke lingered in the air as a hand closed around her throat lifting her up off the floor as he barely flew off of it as he hovered there in place.

He held on for as long as he could before flinging her in the direction of one of the tables. He was solid but still invisible. If she were observant she might have noticed the water that dropped of the bottoms of his feet as he approached.

It soon dawned on him where they were and he entertained a thought as he came forth. Grabbing her and flinging her back any time she went for the door or windows while making his way toward those cabinets. Opening each one in time, tossing bowls, spatulas and whatever else out of them.

Perhaps he shouldn't have tossed the bag of flour which exploded on contact with the floor. Oh well, he figured that he would just keep flying unaware that some of that flour was now clinging to his invisible form.

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The occasional partner of Ania or Birch

Mon Nov 12, 2018 9:35 am
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
Nesa was in a panic to find the light switch to this new room afther she barged in and put her back to the door as she entered and found that it was dark inside and she was already scared. She hardly had anytime think or breath or really take much els in as she instantly moved from the door to the center of the room and placed a hand on the kitchen island as a means to support her self. "Wh-where? Where am I" Nesa said to her self as she peaked up and took a short glace around, realizing that this was some kind of kitchen... and somthing was burning?

"Burnt toast?... Is it the fire? I need to...argh...ughkk!!" Nesa said out loud, not expecting the violent assult that was coming next as suddenly her voice was cut short by a pair of tight hands wrap around her throat as suddenly she was strangled from behind and lifted into the air by her neck were she dangled offthe floor naked, and kicking wildly like a paniced animal.

Struggling to escape as she pawed, and clawed at the hand around her throat as Nesas eyes opened wide streaming tears of pain as she gasped for breath and her lungs burned for air. Nesa seeingthe edge of death as it was not until she started to go limp and her eyes began to dull lifless gray was she simply tossed aside like a rag doll, thrown over the counter tops as numerous other kitchen wares and jarred items that were knocked off the counter tops shattered on the floor around her in broken glass, luckly she only had minor nicks and cuts, as well as a nasty red hand mark around her neck that would certainly bruise later, yet she was helpless as her vision was clouded by a bag of flour that was thrown to the ground by her, showering her and the room in a thick white powder forcing Nesa to close her eyes or suffer the sting of dust in her eyes as she forced out scream over the choas of thrown bowls as Nesa inher fear simply curled up on the floor in what was a tight ball were she trembled.

"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Mon Nov 12, 2018 1:54 pm
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
Dishes, glass, flour, the room was a mess not that he care, Slarr never gave a damn about messes, the school always cleaned up after him. Eyeing the prone student he came forward little gusts of air from his flapping wings blew the flour along.

She was not looking and had not noticed and as he began pondering his next move he caught site of something there on the floor. It smelled fantastic, could it be …

He had been distracted for a moment though in her current state and with the glass positioned between her and the door it was unlikely she could run or get very far at that if she did.

The red stain was pink at the edges that combined with some of the flour and there was glass all around the once jar. Dipping his finger inside it he had a taste. Jam! Strawberry jam! How could he be so careless?

He collected some in his hand then began smearing it all over the student's arm, leg, then ass, a nice slow caress as the other shifted through her hair as he knelt there at her side. The force so close to her, playing with her as she was suddenly rolled to her back so he could look down upon her.

Jam being smeared on her breasts then trailing down her abdomen though by that point it was more like a smear that was dying out. With one hand upon her shoulder holding her down the other “stretched” given that odor of burnt toast again as part of his body went smoky. His arm a trail of smoke as his hand became solid scooping up more jam before returning so he could continue painting her body in such a wonderful display of art.

Jam and blonds had been a combination that he discovered long ago but there were few opportunities to indulge in either. He still said nothing waiting on her to open her eyes or the completion of his artwork first.

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The occasional partner of Ania or Birch

Wed Nov 14, 2018 8:53 am
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
To sacred to move Nesa simply remained where she was, curled up in a ball on the floor as powdered suger, and other ingredients raining down on and around her. Misting her soft damp skin in a blanket of white as she trembled and shivered in fear of the entity currently tormenting her so violently. She had no idea what to do, or where to run, it was fallowing her if she didn't know better. First in the bath, then the hall, now here in this kitchen..... why a kitchen was right next door to the bath made little sense.... but Nesa didn't have time to rationalize the situation or truly understand it.

"Dont hurt me! Dont hurt me! Dont hurt me!" Nesa whispered to her self over and over agin under her breath as she covered her eyes and trembled. So afraid, and helpless, she had no clue that she met this creature once befor..... however she was still in the dark about the island and its many rules as she feared for her life after having been scared, beaten, and raped again and again on her first day.... only to end up in the hands of another creature as she had no choice but to let the specter dominate her.

"Ehm..." Nesa sqeeked as she felt a sticky hand gently caress her shoulder, fallowed by her side, her breast, her hip, and leg, then finally her ass. Nesa shivering as she felt the strange phantom touch cub her butt, rubb her gently befor she felt another hand take her shoulder and rolled her over off her side, forcing her to lay flat on her back as she nervously gasped as what ever was touching her continued to paint her body in a thick sticky substance, her eyes shedding tears of fear but stayed closed, most due to the dust and powder on her face, and in her hair, however after a moment of this strange rubbing all over her body Nesa slowly wineced open one of her eyes. "P-Please!! g-ghost.... L-let me go!!" Nesa begged softly as she turned her face to see the demonic clawed hand ending in a trail of black smoke rubbing her chest, and abdomen, smearing what she soon found out to be jam... "S-stop... I-its sticky.." Nesa complained as she blushed, looking away agin as she had no choice but to let the "ghost" continue.

"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Thu Nov 15, 2018 10:26 am
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Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
That hand stopped, the smoky limb becoming solid as if the thing was going to listen to her. Then a final smear of red jam had been wiped down her chest then between her thighs. It leaned down over her, smelling her.

“You smell good,” he attempted to disguise his voice keeping the tone low but did not care if she figured it out at this stage. He ran a tongue over her neck as his arm became smoke once again. Still invisible but with that flour sticking to him she wouldn't see any or that flour on the smoke but would on the hand that appeared by the sink if she looked in that direction.

He didn't groping around, turning on the tap. He searched for a cup but found something else that gave him a bit of an idea. His initial plan had been to wash that sugar and flour out of her hair, the white coloration distasteful to his senses. When he discovered a dish towel he draped it over her face.

Then he made a quick look around the destroyed kitchenette for a cup, found one and filled it. At first he dumped water over her hair again and again. Then bringing a clawed over her neck he held it loosely in his grasp. Claws tapping lightly against her skin bringing attention to how lethal that grasp was.

After which he began to waterboard her a few seconds at a time stopping once or twice to lick some of that jam off off of her sugary flour covered skin leaving patches of clear skin as that tongue slid over other areas covered in jam.

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The occasional partner of Ania or Birch

Sun Nov 18, 2018 5:16 am
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Joined: Tue Aug 01, 2017 12:24 am
Posts: 98
Post Re: I dont understand..... anything. (For Slarr)
"S-stop! S-stop! Ahm! S-stop!!' Nesa begged as chills rushed up and down her spine while laying beneath the entity doing all to her. Nesa feeling the sensation of a hand rubbing her cheek, fallowed by her neck, chest, that hand groping one of her breasts as she gasped due to the rough handling of her sore orb before feeling that same hand skim lower and lower over her abdomen before finally claws reaching between her legs and began to rub her sex nice and slow.

Nesa gasped at the tough as her legs closed shut, and lifted slightly, bending at the knee as she crossed her legs, she even attempted to sit up but was instantly forced back down as her neck was taken by that sinister clawed hand. "AHHHHH!!!!AHHHHHHH!!!! S-STOP!!!! LET ME GO!!!!" Nesa screamed as she struggled, however the sudden sniffing sound forced her to pause fallowed by the sound of a poorly disguised voice caused her heart to skip a beat. "Y-you! ITS YOU!!!" Nesa gasped in panic as she tried to reach for the wrist of the hand around her neck, yet she only grasped at smoke as she struggled. "N-NO!!! NO!!!! I-ITS YOU!!! D-DEM-OHMGHHMGHHGGEEEEEE!" Nesa went to cry out before she felt a rag drape over her face fallowed by a sudden rush of water fall over her forehead, hair, then her mouth and nose. Nesa in panic thrashed beneath him as water was poured over her head, effectively water boarding her in the prepossess as her legs kicked and her heels scrapped ageist the filthy floor as she struggled to get away. The poor student not even sensing the shearing licks of the demons hot ember like tongue and the sizzling of water and jam as he licked clean his sugar coated strawberry blond.

"Hi there! I'm Nessa Myers and its a pleasure to meet you! Please if you ever want to study after class or simply hang out don't hesitate to send me a message!

Nessa Myers just a normal girl.

Sun Nov 18, 2018 10:13 am
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