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 Trial Drug (for Vera) 
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
Vera was not going to go out of her way to interact with any more people than required. If the locals decided to approach them, the silver haired beauty would ensure the conversation remained short. They could not afford any delays if there were still pursuers after them. That did not mean the Head Girl would be needlessly rude. The last thing she needed was to make more enemies than she already had.

The nobler looking individual was the first one to attempt dialogue. The emotions Vera sensed were troublesome but as long as there was no intense malice or aggression, she assumed they were safe for now. At least they seemed better armed than the young man speaking to them if things turned to conflict.

There was no point in refusing a free ride to the city. It would speed their journey and let both women rest their legs for what would no doubt be even more walking when they arrive at their destination. The man known as Tenno already knew of their presence and nothing viable would silence him if he decided to speak. Vera would keep the answers simple, informing him if he asked that they were merely trying to get back home. Where they came from would be kept vague. She would also inform Tenno that a return trip would not be necessary.

Vera would thank Tenno once they arrive and proceed towards the tower. Thankfully, it was easy to spot and navigate to. The Head Girl ignored the stares and kept focus on the goal. Lingering and trying to hide would only produce suspicion. Still, it was incredibly annoying sensing all these emotions directed towards them.

Sparks of fear drew the silver haired woman's attention. She only managed to spot a young man in yellow before he turned and ran. Vera had no clue who he was or why he reacted that way when spotted by her. Was he a pickpocket? The last thing she would do in this situation would be to chase this unknown stranger. That was asking to get themselves lost in the city and possibly be lured into danger.

No, Vera was going to continue approaching the academy in hopes that she could request entry or at least an audience. Once there, perhaps they could figure out what to do about Nix. Nix was no magic user and dragging her along in her own personal matters could put the recently freed sacrifice back in potential danger.


Mon Sep 25, 2023 7:45 am
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
(my daughter came up from Australia this past week, hence the delay)

During their ride Nix had been a useful distraction. Since she had been over things with Vera before she knew what areas didn't foster much information so she interjected or steered conversation in another direction. Her history as a farmer made it easy to shift Tenno's attention to topics that likely bored her other than profit yields and the more business side to matters.

There was no malice with the attention they were receiving. If they were better dressed and not strangers thoughts would have been more normal, well to a point. There was the undenying fact that they were a pair of attractive young woman.

With the tower easy to navigate towards they went along until she felt the fear from that individual. The emotion standing out since it was so different. As the man fled she chose not to give chase. She and Nix continued on. Gradually they traveled up hill. Getting the normal looks from people nothing struck her as familiar. Even as they finally arrived at the tower.

Made out of some sort of metal rather than stone or wood a metallic wall surrounded it on all sides. There was a sole gate that Nix found locked. Not just that but she found the bars of the gate warm to the point she jerked her hand away. It caused her no damage outside of being uncomfortable.

There were no guards, nor anyone on the grounds. She could see a garden and a fountain in the courtyard of the tower along with a few other structures. Class rooms? Stables? It was hard to tell save for one that had larger double doors that was probably a stables.

Vera found that the gates were unlocked to her touch. Nor were the bars warm. Beyond was the tower some distance from the gate. The interior of these walls struck her more like the grounds of a castle rather the tower at its center replaced it. When Nix attempted to follow her inside an invisible force expelled her out with a push. The more she exerted herself the greater the strength. Vera could feel the magic on the gate as well as the flare up of that telekinetic push each time it was triggered but not when the effect wasn't active.

“Right. I'll wait here.” With the gate opened for now Nix cocked her head around to view as much of the grounds as she could.

It still took about five minutes to reach the tower itself. Stairs lead up to a set of double doors that opened at her approach. Inside was lit despite there being no windows and a soft melody played for nowhere and everywhere. Inside the entrance way were a pair of stairs leading upward to another level. Before her was a pool with all manners of fish most of which were alien and oddly colored with vibrant purples, reds and greens. Nothing she immediately recognized.

A few seconds after she entered she saw a young man in bright green appear on the landing above. The doors behind her slowly closed but remained unlocked.

“Oh!? We didn't know what happened to you. Vera was it?”
She sensed recognition in his head but could not place him herself. “I'm afraid the others are in class. Can I help you with something?”

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:28 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
((no worries))

The tower was surrounded by walls with one gate blocking the way in. Vera was not surprised, a place this expensive looking compared to everywhere else would have some sort of security. Nyx was eager to try the gate first and found it both locked and hot to the touch. Vera searched for some way to contact or inform the tower that there were visitors. Did the tower even take visitors?

If it were not for a brief touch from Vera's hand, she would not have known it would unlock to her presence. The Head Girl could only shrug at Nyx as she entered. Nyx tried to follow only to be thwarted again by some unseen force. Nyx offered to wait though there was no telling how long Vera would be inside the tower. Maybe she could send a message out to her if things go for too long? At the very least, she would need to find a way to accomodate her companion if they must separate in the future.

"I guess so," Vera replied, "I will try and send word if I end up being stuck here."

Still, there were questions of why the gate allowed Vera through. Was it purely a detection of magical talent or something else? She had no recollection of being here before so she doubts it was keyed to her personally. That left magical ability. She was uncertain if magic was impossible for certain individuals. Mana was within everyone. But she had no way of knowing for sure. Could be just measuring her mana capacity which was higher than those who did not practice the dark arts.

It was a long walk to the tower. The doors were unlocked and there was music playing inside. She did not get too far inside before being confronted by a young man.

"How do you know my name?" Vera asked, eyes narrowing, "I have never seen you before." She did not like a complete stranger speaking to her like he knows her. He seemed completely unconcerned that she was able to walk into this tower.


Sat Oct 07, 2023 1:49 am
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
Nix nodded in response. Thinking quickly Nix realized that she was barred fro the premise for some reason.

“Don't hurry. I'll go back to where Tenno is and wait there." Her knowledge on farming gave her some insights into the value of crops. Though she'd observe at first and possibly interject with her thoughts. She never had to deal with the business side of things, not to such extremes, so he probably knew best. She was unsure if he was a farmer as well as a merchant but assumed she'd discover that quickly.

Parting from her associate Vera made her way to the tower. She could feel the magic all around her. From the music, to the lights and even the walls.

The young man arched a brow in surprise. Vera sensed the confusion as he evaluated her words and what was going on.

“I do not know you as well as your peers but you are a student here.” Had he gotten her name wrong? Perhaps. Woman hated that. She didn't remember him? That was the story of his life it seemed.

“You have seen me around. But it has been some time since your orientation, our only real interaction other than the occasional hello.” He seemed concerned when none of that was ringing a bell for her. Rather than dwell on that he went on.

“You just vanished after going into town. Our attempts in locating you utterly failed. It was as if you just vanished without a trace. No clues were left in your room and all trails went cold. You were separated from your class in town. You wouldn't have been able to get on the grounds if you weren't attuned to the gate. All the students are – oh dear -” he suddenly recalled something.

“May I cast a spell?” If she allowed him to do so he would gain a bit of insight. Otherwise he recommended getting a professor to do so when classes let out. The key difference would be the certainty of his hypothesis.

“I believe you swapped minds. Rather than psychically coming to this realm. Stuck in a former student. Hence not recalling anything of this. Odd ...”

He closed his eyes mulling over what he knew and was made aware of. Vera could feel it now that she had her concentration on him. A faint magical aura, illusion, alteration and divination. It as hard to peg it down. The first two weren't unusual in the case of someone hiding who they were. How many stories and movies had a spell caster disguising their identity? Often for no good though in some cases for vain reasons. The last could have been from the spell he cast, though if she refused him casting it the aura still lingered.

“You have questions. I have answers. I'm willing to bet the primary one is how to get back. Naturally traveling their physically does little good. You'd still be stuck in that body and our student would be in yours. It's with great risk to the two of you but you can seek crossing from this place to the other by two methods that I am aware of. One is just a theory and may not work. It is the safer of the two. That being the realm of dreams. Mentally you would travel there and she back here. It draws upon your own experiences and imagination so this trip could be pleasant or nightmarish.

“The second is far more dangerous but has events backing up it's use. The realm of shadows is all around us. Invisible to our sight, intangible unless we go there. It connects all places and will get you back to were you desire. It's a bit complicated but you have the means and can be taught how to essentially possess your body. Its a bit more complicated than that but you don't need to know the specifics. The student would be shunted to the realm of shadow and could return. Normally they would be stuck there but a ritual of calling could pull them out of that place and into their body. Such wouldn't work for you unless you were in the realm of shadows and people on the other side attempted to call you. Think of it as a summons but instead of drawing in a planar being you draw forth a spirit. Sort of like a seance, a medium that can draw spirits to themselves but in this case you'd be drawn to your body. But without anyone on that side doing that you'd have to possess yourself. Shunt the student out briefly and we can draw her back here making the exchange permanent. It's a bit of a complicated mess. Oh, and that realm has many dangers. Spirits and demons attempting to cross over. It's a buffer between worlds meant as a final safeguard to stop them from pouring into our worlds.

“So there you are. Two different dangers. There may be other means though you'd have to spend the time in research. The library is always available and I'm sure the other students will be happy to help. Transmuters and Conjurers would be the biggest help.”

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Fri Oct 13, 2023 11:40 am
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
It was not like Vera could stop the mage even if she wanted to. She was in the middle of a tower full of spellcasters. Her capabilities were not really stress tested against multiple spellcasters. It was rare that she would even duel another caster in NICE labs.

"You still have not told who you are," Vera replied, "You also seem rather calm for someone who lost a student, mind or not. If what you said is true, your student is in great danger. Ignorance will not spare her."

The only proof this man had was the fact she was already attuned to the gate and allowed entry. Beyond that, she had nothing really to go off of. Did she really swap into an exact replica of her former body? Did this body also have affinity towards light and shadow magic? Did this body also have the same empathic ability?

Was it possible? Vera could only guess. But, she was not about to dive into two dangerous options on a first meeting. She can only hope that whoever is piloting her real body does nothing stupid. The last thing she needed was to return to a corpse.

"Your nonchalant attitude about this is not giving much weight to your words," Vera, "I suggest you at least try and care about your missing student. I will go to your library. You can provide those you feel are proficient in these topics. Everyone here is a stranger to me and I doubt you want me creating a disturbance by acting completely different from whoever possessed this body before."


Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:02 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
He reflected on her words briefly. “Oh. Right. Devin, that is my name. I am concerned about our missing student. Though until this moment I had no idea of her being whisked off to another world. Only by your presence and my particular gifts I can infer that has occurred.

“Disappearances tend to work themselves out. A test for the first years, a brutal one. Not that it's designed as a test per say. Sadly even those with a modicum of talent can fetch a good deal of coin. It's callous but the head master is of the belief that a student that is taken in such a manor and can't escape is a waste of time. Only the strong survive. Or the insightful. I am a diviner and only leave infrequently.

“The drawbacks being my gift. Future, past, even identities of disguised people I have previously met blend together. Your aura is both familiar and not if that makes sense. Our student is in danger?”
He did not ask how or why. Either that was not important, he knew or it didn't matter. The aim was getting their student back preferably before that danger manifested.

Vera could sense some concern in him. There was no urgency, as one might gather from someone with little interest in the matter. Like hearing bad news occurring to someone you barely knew. Tragic but not as impactful if it were a close friend or family member.

Regardless Devin had much knowledge on these theories and possibilities. He was curious as to how this happened. Interested in safe guarding against it in the future but first things first getting their student back was a priority.

“If Mara is dead you would be drawn back here. The spell would fail.” It occurred to her that he knew her name yet he just explained the matter.

As far as she was aware her body type remained the same. Still with the long silver hair and what she had seen of herself didn't look odd or out of place. Regardless she had maintained the same abilities thus far and not gained or lost any based on the attributes of this student. Unless opening the gate counted but that could have been from the prior physical connections this body went through.

It wasn't important. She was here now and Devin lead her away to the library. “I wish I had a concrete way to assuage your doubts. At best I could scry on your true body. Not only may it not work but the results could be dismissed as an illusion or enchantment. A high end one that's difficult to detect as such.”

Leading her up the stairs he comes to a plain way. With a wave of a hand a portal opens up leading into the library. The place was enormous. Far bigger than imagined. Her guess being that this was an extra-dimensional space attached to the tower or that they transported to another location entirely. The portal connecting the tower to this place.

There were some people present. A few students. A librarian that Devin had instructed to fetch a few tomes. He gave a student a few names to fetch along with a small list of supplies they would need. Opening up another wall he lead her through another portal to a spacious room prepared for rituals.

In paint there were protection runes and various spell circles already set up. There was a good amount of distance between each allowing for multiple summonings to occur at once. From the looks of it most of the summoning circles were designed to contain angels and fae. A few circles were meant to assist in channeling spells. Allowing multiple casters to bestow power onto an individual to bolster their strength at a particular spell.

If she wished to do her own research she could. Though most of what she would uncover were things those specialists already knew.

After being shown where the ritual would take place Vera could examine things herself. Auras were strong in the room. Different auras lingered in specific areas. Conjuration being the most common though there were spots were censures and other scrying devices were set up to assist in that sort of magic. The best way to describe the chamber was that of a vast hall sectioned off for a variety of uses. Clearly the demand for so many students working at once couldn't be so high and as far as she could tell each circle of power hadn't been repeated as she might have suspected in the case of each being akin to various lab stations. Unless of course these were at the back.

She was shown the area that they would be working out of. Supplies were fetched by one of the students. While they waited for the specialists she had access to the tomes in the library. Devin could point her in the direction of the tomes that assisted with focusing and meditation since she would be at thee center of the ritual and didn't have to do much. Regardless of which avenue she chose whether n be the realm of shadow or the dream realm she didn't need to do much more than feed off the energies directed her way until she was cast into whichever realm she decided on.

Given a bracelet it was explained to her that it would be the focus. The means in which to draw Mara here and get her back. Fortunately it triggered on it's own when certain conditions where met. As a fail safe it could be triggered with but a thought and all this had been explained to her before hand.

If Vera wished to send a message or go met with Nix prior to the ritual was another matter. If all went well she would no longer be here. The only thing was that Nix wasn't allowed on the premises so she would have to go herself or send someone, which Devin was glad to do for her.

“Whenever you are ready we shall begin. Setting up and undergoing their preparations don't take long. There is no hurry and you can see your friend if you do not wish for me to get a message to her.”

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:01 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
Names were dropped casually which at least helped keep the conversation flowing. The student she swapped with was named Mara so at least that did not match. Still did not change that Vera was relying on a bunch of strangers to not only send her back but ensure her real body did not die from a heart attack. All it would take is Mara saying something she should not before the wrong people and Shokushu's fail safe would end it right there.

There was no point in scrying if the ritual alone would provide enough feedback of the state of Vera's real body. The Head Girl had little choice but hurry along with whatever Devin suggested. The silver haired student had no other leads to follow and she was a fish out of water in this world. She did not exactly have much faith or trust in a school that so casually discarded students for being too 'weak'. Whether justified or not, it meant she was relying on those very same people with those beliefs to aid her. What was to stop them from claiming it was her own fault for being stuck here?

It was impossible to ignore the fantastical nature of a school of magic. She felt and saw more magic than she could ever imagine. It was not surprising if many of the methods and techniques used here did not match what she was familiar with or even comprehend.

That meant Vera had some time on her hands. She would not be much use in the efforts of Devin and the others. She tried reading a few books and observing some of the ritual runes. It was doubtful she would be able to reproduce any of this in Shokushu. The inhibitors alone would ensure that. The knowledge contained in this tower would be wonderful for study but in the end the fact remained that this is not Vera's world. She rather not break any more rules than she already had by being here in the first place.

The Head Girl did not sense anything out of the ordinary but there was no way to be certain. She could be this tower's guinea pig for the ritual. But what choice did she have?

Once the ritual was ready, Vera slipped on the bracelet and looked to Devin. "If this is successful, please inform a woman named Nix that I have returned home. She helped me reach this city. I rather not have her waiting on someone who will not return. She should still be within the city. She was unable to enter the tower."

Vera took a slow breath as she approached the ritual circle. She avoided channeling any mana herself for fear of interfering with the ritual. It was time to see if the mages in this world were truly worthy of running a school.


Wed Oct 25, 2023 2:08 am
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
(apologies, been sick this past week and couldn't concentrate long enough to write a post)

Vera concluded that she had to trust these people. It was the best option of a very limited selection. As callous as they seemed towards students they at least chose to assist her in this matter and simply did not leave it to her. Whether that was because they looked after the students they believed were worthy (in this case Mara must have been such a student since they didn't know her outside the glimpses of the diviner) or the ritual could become disastrous if it failed.

She didn't sense any fear out of the participants so at least they were competent in pulling this off.

There were many formulas and techniques that looked vastly different than she was use to. No telling if it were a break through, a different way of doing things or if the rules of this reality were different than hers. Perhaps a combination of the three.

“Nix. I will gt word to her.” Devin too seemed confident in the skill of the summoned mages. He got Nix's description and general area to search for her. Not that it would be too difficult for a diviner to find her with the resources he had.

When the ritual began she felt the pulse of power from the runes. Energy flowed outward infusing the practitioners. Vera felt it circle her on all sides, even above. After a built up energy filtered down into her from above. It did not hurt but caused her skin to tingle all over.

If she kept her eyes opened she would notice it getting brighter and brighter until all she could see was white. She heard voices growing farther and farther away. The chant of the mages. A shift in her body as if she were moving though she wasn't. When she no longer heard the voices it began to grow dark. Dimming until she was alone in inky darkness.

It was a good thing she could generate light as she needed so to see. Everywhere was dark. Even beneath her. Yet the surface was solid the first few steps she took were tentative. Indoors or out had been impossible to gauge as there was nothing to judge things by.

Any direction was as good as any. After some time she saw things on the edge of her vision. Shadows that flickered. Movement. Though she couldn't sense anything with her gifts she felt something close. Circling about her as it searched for weakness.

Whatever as there appeared every so often. Minutes would pass without seeing it then she would spot a glimpse out of the corner of her eye. Unless she confronted it there was little to be done about it. She got the sense that there were more than one of them. As she proceeded more were drawn towards her. Moths to a flame? Were they harmless?

Nothing much changed for awhile. The things came close but would move on the other perimeter of that light. Eventually she felt a prickling of mana and could orientate to it. There was nothing else but to wander or ask assistance of whatever was out there but it didn't seem that they were altruistic.

Then everything occurred at once. She felt a flash of mana. Her light extinguished and these things darted in. Small clawed hands grasped and grappled her. Hands on her calves threatened to drag her down. Others tore at her arms in an effort to secure them. She felt weight upon her back, gropes to those large breasts while the taring of cloth echoed loudly. Individually each was weak but collectively they attempted to overwhelm her with the weight of numbers.

Yapping could be heard while growling from deeper within the darkness. So much for them not being a threat. Fighting prolonged her fate a little. She could blast and kill some with her light but others took their place. She could see in those glimpses of light blast black shadowy things melting. She never got a good loo at them but realized they were beyond shadows. Thy had substance. Small black clawed things with wings her mind pieced together as they drove her to the ground?

Dozens of these yapping things surrounded her. She was cut a few times in their frenzy though this was incidental as they worked on her over sized clothes. Her top shredded, chest straddled she felt something moving between her breasts as they were squeeze together. Her head jerked to the side as something was forced between her lips.

The enthusiastic things worked on the rest of her clothes all while the source of mana was drawing closer to her.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:40 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
((It's fine. I was sick as well X.X))

Sending word to Nix was about all Vera could do. This was not her world and the Head Girl had too many responsibilities to deal with. The ritual began and soon her vision was engulfed in light only for it to become pitch darkness when her eyes opened again.

There was nothing around the silver haired woman. Was she still alive? She sensed no one nor anything that was in the ritual chamber. The ground was solid though it did not feel much like anything. Where ever this was, it was not her destination nor where she came from.

Summoning a light did not seem to help. She had no grasp of how large this area was. The light either did not go far enough or it was being completely absorbed by the darkness around her. This place would of felt isolating if it were not for the presence that seemed to be lurking just beyond Vera's sight.

Vera had no direction to follow. It was unknown if she was even going anywhere with her footsteps. The light she had did little to fend off the ever smothering darkness. Whatever was stalking her were channeling mana. Calling out to them resulted in response. Lashing out would only invite retaliation. But, it soon became clear that what was out there was far from friendly.

"Auugghh!" Darkness came immediately as she felt clawed creatures tackle into her. The conflict ended before it could begin. Vera toppled over onto the hard darkness below. Clothing was ripped while other hands grasped and held her limps. Multiple weights pressed down on top of her, pinning her body and limbs down.

"L-Let go! Mph!" Darkness hid what was happening to all but the creatures assaulting her. The fantasy attire was ripped and torn, exposing soft breasts. The claws made efforts to not harm the flesh and blood of woman wearing it all, grasping and groping. She felt something hard slide into her cleavage as clawed hands pushed those mounds around it. Other hands grasped her skull and forced another member into her mouth.

Vera could only grunt and growl as limbs janked and jerked against the numerous foes. Was this it? To be molested in the infinite darkness by these shadowy creatures?


Fri Nov 10, 2023 8:00 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
Wherever she was that dark emptiness wasn't so empty. As she proceeded she felt those things. Sensed their close movements as they circled about her. When the light appeared she wasn't sure how close or distant it was given the vastness of this in between.

Her best guess was that this wasn't the dream realm. Or maybe it was. A manifestation of subconscious fears? Nothing took shape. Then as suddenly as that wave of darkness struck so to did the abundance of these creatures. Whatever existed in this place or a manifestation from her mind didn't matter. It felt real.

Warm clawed hands pawed at her. Ripped at the over sized clothing leaving her bare in places. It felt as if there was a swarm around her each fighting with one another to get at her. Sheer numbers took her down. Unfortunately they were coordinated enough that some sought to restrict her movements. Pinning down limbs as her top was completely ruined.

One even climbed atop her pressing it's length between those massive orbs all while she bucked and growled beneath. Vera was unable to throw it from it's perch.

Her mouth filled with what had to be the hard cock of one of these things. While not large it wasn't small either. Vigorous thrusts into her mouth triggered that gag reflex more than once. Hands held her head so she was turned towards those thrusting hips.

The light was blotted out completely. Even the one in the distance. Enshrouded in darkness rather than her magic simply being dispelled. That or too many beings were in her way to notice. She had other problems to worry about. Her legs were pinned with taring to the garment followed by hands working to part those legs.

It required a combined effort on their part. Individually they were not strong but collectively they over powered her. While a scuffle broke out at who would get the first crack at her Vera could only image that the ones that restrained her knew their place on the pecking order and had to be the weakest by far. There was no clear alpha and most seemed evenly matched given all the fighting.

All that did was provide an opportunity to the weaker ones. One began circling her clit while another slipped two fingers inside her. Pressing in with slow strokes. Alternating between shallow and deep.

Another roar caused some of the creatures to stiffen up but none fled. The one in her mouth was frightened into cumming. That spunk felt as thick as syrup and oddly as sweet. Almost as soon as it came it was wrenched away and another took it's place fucking her mouth just as eagerly. Perhaps even more so.

Whatever was approaching wasn't good for sure. But while it was distant enough these things were going to have their way with her.

More fighting. The fingers inside her had been wrenched away. Though fingers now rubbed over the nipples of those large breasts. She felt a cock against her. It attempting to line with her sex as she struggled. Obviously these things weren't listening to her. Even if they understood her letting her go or getting off her was unlikely to happen. Not that she had much to trade or bargain with.

Once aligned with her the cock paused for only a moment before shoving itself all the way in. The large meaty member surged inside her as her face felt the spunk fired from the one sitting atop her. There was a constant chain of movement as one came another eagerly replace it. Whether fucking her mouth or tits. Down below there was only the one at the time fucking away at her pussy. Surprisingly it eased up at times. Changing the angle though the sped remained constant some of the thrust weren't as hard.

Another roar and these things stilled. She could sense them more than see them looking around then going back at it. What they did not know and what Vera did was the spike of mana she felt in the direction of that roar. In addition she could see slivers of that distant light every so often as well as the shadowy shapes of these diminutive beings from where they blocked out the light allowing her to get a vague sense that they were humanoid.

Gersham, The Black Prince
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Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:23 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
The tiny creatures ravaged and molested the silver haired woman. Clothing was shredded, exposing her soft smooth skin to the eager little monsters. Vera could not see anything as the one fucking her face kept going while others sought to get first dibs of the sexy Head Girl. Clawed fingers traced her hooded pearl while others pushed into her tight depths. Her body jolts from the sudden intrusion, legs kicking but not getting anywhere against their sheer numbers.

"Glk! Hack! Haaahhh!"

A roar echoed in the darkness. The one in Vera's mouth blew his load, forcing the woman to cough up the monster spunk. She nearly choked as another cock soon forced past her open lips and had his turn with the helpless student. Cum stained her chest as the one riding on top enjoyed his tit fucking. The fighting eventually stopped as soon one creature took charge and jammed his dick inside Vera. Muffled squeals gurgled from the woman's throat. Eyes shut tight as limbs could only strain against her numerous foes.

One after another, cock after cock plunged into her. It was painful, the creatures were far too rough. But her body reacted regardless which helped ease some of the pain. Another roar signaled the end as the creatures suddenly released her and fled.

"Hahh... Ahhh..." Vera could only take shuddering breaths as she layed there sprawled on the floor. Cum oozed from her mouth and sex. She struggled to roll onto her front and look up towards the light. "Ngh!" She tried to rise to her feet. Whatever scared these things off may be coming this way. She had nothing else to navigate by besides this light. So the Head Girl went towards it. She had no clue if this was the right way or if she was truly lost in this realm.


Mon Nov 20, 2023 5:19 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
The experience was painful. No doubt it would have been overwhelming given their numbers and rough handling. Eager clawed hands and dicks enjoyed her as if this was the first time they were with someone. Not caring about anything other than sating their own need. Even the one(s) that fondled her clit and nipples must have been doing so to occupy themselves before they could get their turn.

Fortunately or unfortunately that roar brought an end to things before many got a turn. It was brief but intense. Minutes instead of hours or perhaps longer. They may have managed to keep her in this in between place indefinitely if not for their fear which scattered them.

As Vera struggled to get to her front she felt the slickness of the floor (?) beneath her. Hands moved through more of the spunk. Moving caused her to ache. As she gathered her wits she focused on the light she could now see clearly. All the while hearing shrill screams of some of these creatures that didn't get far enough in time.

That roar transformed. Not so loud now but close. As she headed towards the light Vera could hear the thing plundering after her. Vibrations rippled through her feet and while it wasn't fast she nearly slipped with the floor being slick with seed that she had to walk through.

What remained of her tattered clothes fell away. As it grew close the area immediately around it light up. The illumination wasn't that great. It had to have been generated by the creature itself. Though she couldn't sense anything from it it was clear that it wanted to frighten her, not that it had to do much.

Most of what she could see was a dark shape. Blue eyes gleamed now with that light. Eyes that were well above her. The thing was enormous. Twice her height at least. And that thing swinging back and forth about half way down it's body. Was it, no it couldn't be the massive member. As long and as thick as her thigh as best as she could guess.

The light it emitted seemed to project outward from it yet revealed very little as if the thing was devoid of substance outside of those eyes.

As it chased after her it played with her in a way. Staying back just enough that she felt as if she was making progress. That light she was racing towards grew larger. It allowed her to get close to her goal yet so far from it as it pounced. Hearing a crash behind her as it jumped at her. A claw swooping down at her narrowly missing either intentional or not.

It was clear she wasn't going to escape. However, it made the mistake of playing with her thus far so she might manage an attack of her own though it would probably do little good. The shadow creature snarled at any of her light based attacks. They seemed to just irritate the creature. The light itself melding into the darkness of it's body only to be absorbed by it.

Counter her magic it brought a clawed hand down on her shoulder. It did not cut her but rather got a firm grip forcing her down to her back. It followed her down. It's massive member swinging back and forth like a tale. She would feel that hardness breeze across her legs.

As it's head leaned down toward her she could see those brilliant blue eyes peering at her. In the dim nimbus of light it emitted she could see that the shadowy head had a face much like a crocodile. It's massive jaws opened allowing a thick prehensile tongue to slither against her neck bathing it in saliva.

My, my, you have seemed to get yourself in quit the situation,
someone announced, Words but not words. She didn't hear them with her ears or if she had the thing above her hadn't appeared to notice. With one hand on her shoulder pinning her down the other seized a leg. Slowly pulling it away from the other as if it wished to prolong her torment of what would inevitably come.

Gersham, The Black Prince
Character Listing


Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:44 pm
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
The floor was slick with the disgusting seed of the creatures that assaulted her. She was not sure if this was all from this attack or it was an accumulation of countless other victims. Vera was in no condition to consider any of it. Naked and alone with yet another monster in this endless darkness, the weary woman could only put one foot in front of the other.

Soon, the Head Girl's vision was taken by the creature that had been stalking her. It was huge and sporting its own member that would put any horse to shame. Blue eyes gleamed and it seemed what light there was did nothing to help the woman navigate.

Running was all Vera could do. Even if she had the power to fight back, defeating this thing would only bring back the things that fled from before. Every step made her muscles burn as her heart raced. Spirited to an unknown world and surviving all it had to offer only to die on the way back to Shokushu. She did not appreciate the irony.

The silver haired woman was not naive. She knew this creature would take her when it was ready to do so. Vera had plenty of experience dealing with alien beings that enjoyed toying with their prey. "Ugh!" A clawed hand thrusted Vera down onto the ground. Silver hair splayed outwards as the weight of the creature easily held the naked beauty down. "Nngh!" The creature tasted her sweat and whatever stained her soft skin. She could feel that monstrous trunk brushing against her as her leg was easily pushed upwards and away.

There was no reaction from the creature as a voice seemed to speak from no where. Was it in Vera's head? She could not know. But the tone certainly did not favor her. Yet another larger predator seeking a round with the battered and exhausted Head Girl?

If this was how things were going to end, Vera was not about to let it have its way unhindered. If light magicks were ineffective, that only left shadow. Spidery words of magic left breathless lips as Vera gathered what darkness she could from this endless void into the palm of her hand before slamming it right into one of those glowing eyes.


Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:13 am
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
Pinned down that rough tongue moved against her skin cleaning it as sweat and cum was removed at the same time. It didn't seem to mind the mixed taste at all as it continued to prepare her. Feeding more on the dread that the moment inspired. To be so close to her goal only to fall short.

Struggles did little as Vera failed to over power it. It didn't allow her to move from the spot. Yet at the same time it hadn't been concerned if she posed a bit of a threat. Strikes, knees, elbows, all proved useless if she used them. It's body not quit solid or liquid but something in between. Sort of like jello but more compact. If she had a blade it would only sink in with little effort though not more than an inch or so without extraordinary effort.

Whoever was out there felt close. Other matters had her attention so it was hard to say at present. Whoever or whatever it was made no move to assist or hinder her at present.

Her light magic failed in spectacular fashion. With options limited the head girl used what she had. Not expecting much from the attack what did it hurt to try? Rather than using brute force suspecting that wouldn't help much Vera instead targeted a vulnerable part.

It seemed resilient but it had to have some vulnerabilities. Striking out at an eye with her magic the thing had no reason to fear her or what she could do. So obvious that it assumed her attack would be useless. That or it failed to comprehend what she could do.

The inhibitors were no longer effecting her magic. That was the only logical reason she could conclude with the effect of her magic. Rather than blasting the beast she used that darkness on it's eye. Where there was once two glowing blue eyes there now was one.

It roared out. Blinded in the eye as darkness shrouded it. However it was seeing the darkness blocked it from piercing that dark veil she was submerged in outside the light that it emitted. One clawed arm moved away from her. Instinctively it pawed at it's eye as if it could tare something away. The darkness persisted.

It roared out. Confused. Frustrated. It was enough for her to slip it's hold. All that cum was good for one thing. Vera was unable to get far before it sprang at her again. This time it crashed down atop her. One gleaming eye focused upon her as it secured her hands to the nonexistent floor. Holding her wrists in a single claw the other hand worked to jerk her leg apart.

Upset. Anger fueled it. Foreplay was over and it was eager to take her now that it realized it's mistake in not taking her sooner.

Creative. I bet it wasn't expecting that.
Her voyeur commented. Vera could feel the massive cock against her sex and belly. She felt it sliding down, and down and down as it finally ended she felt the head of that member against her sex. It stiffened against that contact getting even bigger. Not by much but seeing how big it was prior size was the least of it's problems.

Then before it had a chance Vera found herself blinded. A roar followed and she felt that weight being tossed off her. When her vision returned she could see white flames burning around her. A huge humanoid shape fled while being burned by white flames.

She could see more around her. A few feet. The voyeur was there. Just as large as the last creature. Horns, were those wings? That shadowy shape morphed becoming smaller. More human shaped though concealed at the very edge of that darkness.

I couldn't take the chance that he would kill you. But you are far from safe. Safer if you are inclined to make a deal. You want out of here? So do I. Fortunately for you I need you alive. Unfortunately I need your body. Refuse and take your chances in getting out of here. It's not far but the small ones are emboldened when their larger cousins are absent. I give you even odds.

Gersham, The Black Prince
Character Listing


Sat Dec 09, 2023 1:51 am
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Post Re: Trial Drug (for Vera)
Even powerful monsters had sensitive and vulnerable organs that could be targeted. It seemed hitting the eye work and shadow magicks had some sort of effect as well. Vera was able to squirm free only to be tackled down to the ground once more. The Head Girl could only groan from the impact and heavy weight on top of her. Legs forced a part, it did not look like the beast was going to deny itself its chance to breed.

Vera could only tense and prepare for the inevitable agony of being split in half only to feel the creature stop. Flames suddenly burst forth around her, sending the creature fleeing back into the endless void. Beyond the flames, another shadowy figure was there waiting.

"Ngh!" The Head Girl shakily rose to her feet. Her body was a mess to say the least. Battered and bruised, the woman could not progress while the fire burned around her. Another monster wishing to take advantage of her though this one was content with trying to 'convince' her that whatever this deal was, it was a good deal.

"Talk fast, talk direct," Vera stated through gritting teeth, "I am not going to blindly accept any deal that is so vague. Losing my body in order to save it is not enticing in the slightest. And if I only have a coin flip deciding my fate, I would like to get going now. So dispel your flames so I can move. Feel free to talk while I struggle. Would not be the first monster that seems to enjoy watching me struggle."

Bruised and soiled with cum, the Head Girl had no patience for any further games. At this point, death may actually become appealing. Was better than being ravaged by endless shadow monsters. If the flames went away, she would continue limping towards the light ahead. Was it the right way? Vera had no way of knowing. But, it would be the direction she would go until something changes or her spying demon decided to make his intentions and deal clear to her. He already mentioned he needed her, Vera would make it clear that he needed her and not the other way around.


Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:28 pm
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