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 Nuisances (for Vesperia) 
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Post Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Serena idly tapped on her desk. Blue eyes read the report a few times. Yet those words did not change. Vesperia, her Mistress, wouldn't like this. The thought of being the bearer of bad news repulsed her but there was no way around it. Still, she didn't waste too much time in debating.

On one hand she didn't want to overstep her bounds. But on the other she wanted to show that she was capable of acting on her own initiative. Serena figured that in a worse case scenario she could cancel what she set into motion easily enough. Mercer was no favorite of hers. Her time here far more pleasant and while she didn't wish to contact him she did so now.

Requesting his attendance after making a few other inquiries. At no time did she say that this was for her Mistress. But if the fool jumped to that conclusion than all the better. If she had to call him off later, well so be it.

Reviewing the datapad a final time Serena thought she had the gist of it memorized in the likely event that questions came up. Then she checked the time before setting out to locate her Mistress. Checking her most frequented locations based on the hour. It wasn't too surprising to locate her in her bed chamber. Slaves in attendance and other matters being tended to. A mix of business and pleasure it appeared at a glance.

While nervous about being the bearer of bad news Serena knew she wasn't the cause and that her Mistress would be even more upset if it were delayed. So she moved close, bypassing the other slaves without a glance. She had to use care not to stumble over the slaves or catch the glint of those hypnotic scales least she forget for a time while she was here in the first place. As much as she would love to get lost in them now wasn't the time.

Without impeding her Mistress Serena stepped up to the side.
“I hate to interrupt but I have troublesome news Mistress. The matter is time sensitive and will require more resources than I can allocate.”
If it were something small she knew when such things could wait. In other cases it involved matters she could deal with without troubling her Mistress on the petty deals until she brought them up in quarterly reports. Not every little detail needed to be addressed. Though she filed things away in her less than urgent reports between these meetings. Vesperia was far too busy for constant updates on the minor running of things.

She paused only long enough to gauge her reaction. Should the slaves be dismissed or kept in place was of little concern for her. Serena followed Vesperia's lead before launching into the theft at the hands of these pirate upstarts.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:06 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
As long as Serena did not make the mistake of actually speaking or acting for the Gorgonian, the loyal servant may be safe. Then again, if Vespira desired to punish a slave, she would not need to provide an excuse to do so. The serpent was more than willing to remind a complacent servant that their existence and purpose only remained because the Mistress allowed it. Incompetence, complacency, and arrogance; it was always a balance to ensure a slave did not fall to far towards one sin or the other.

But for those who knew their place and sought to further enhance their owner, a life greater than being a mere free man or woman awaited them. Serena had made an effort to be recognized and known by Vespira while also not seeming like an overly persistent nuisance or worse, an annoyance.

Vespira's offer to Mercer had no doubt aided the alien male in his own endeavors. He was provided with better trained slaves with Scorch being the grandest of prizes. The serpent woman was provided with slaves with training outside their normal roles as mere sexual objects. Of course, the Gorgonian did all this to further break and humiliate a certain fiery mercenary. The rest was just a pleasant bonus to go with her entertainment. That included having Mercer eager to come to her every beck and call.

On her luxury cruiser, Vespira remained in her own personal suite. Traveling limited how much luxury the serpent could enjoy and there was little reason to any where on the ship besides perhaps the bridge. If they arrive their destination or something of import required her attention, the crew and slaves would inform their Mistress. Beyond that, Vespira remained in her chambers to enjoy whatever pleasure suit her fancy at the time.

The double doors slid open as Serena entered Vespira's main chamber. Immediately, a wave of heat welcomed the human woman. The source was clear as all the heated lights were shining down on Gorgonian. Numerous women of various races including human were rubbing and massaging oils into the scaled mistress. Vespira was laying flat on a large smooth stone, soaking in the heat as the air and stone was heated by the lights above.

The slaves were struggling with the heat. Sweat dripped down their lovely curves, making them glisten under the bright illumination. Many swayed with dizziness and were soon replaced with a slave that was resting and trying to cool off. Serena could see how the lights reflected off that glimmering form. Short of shutting her eyes and looking away, she had little hope of fully blocking the hypnotic display. Walking closer was like walking a desert, approaching ever closer to this divine mirage.

"You ssay you hate to interrupt yet you do. You claim it is troublessome but that is not for you to decide," Vespira hissed, her eyes closed as she rested on her head on her arms, "Sspeak. Make it clear, concise. Then I will judge." Serena was warned and the other slaves remained. The glassy looks in many of their eyes showed they had long since been under Vespira's spell as they try massage her entire snake-like form. If what Serena claimed was true, the Gorgonian would look through the offered data. It was unknown if it was better that the news be actually troublesome or not for the slaves in the chamber with Vespira.


Sat Feb 03, 2024 6:00 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Serena approached. Doing her best to avert her gaze until she was at her Mistress' side. Only after being addressed would she make eye contact. Luscious slaves of the finest alien species were tasked with Vesperia's pleasure. She passed a wide variety in service or rest.

Despite the heat she knew that they were in precious standing to be present. Naturally those that displeased their Mistress wouldn't be so privileged.

Shimmering light from those scales reflected off of the walls and floors so looking away did little good. As much good as closing her eyes would have been in the presence of an all powerful supernova.

Still her nerves got the better of her and she misspoke. Judging a matter as both not important and important at the same time. What if this was simply chalked up as a cost of business. A little matter. No, it had to be important to project strength. Least others get emboldened if no action was taken.

Rather than stumble over her words and thoughts Serena knew better than to attempt to backslide or make excuses. She got straight to the point when it was evident that the other slaves would remain. She wouldn't waste her Mistress' time.

“A shipment of high valued merchandise ha been stolen by pirates.”

She would share details if asked. What ship being attacked, the merchandise in question and what details of the pirates that a survivor could recall.

Afterwards she would detail what she did. “I contacted Mercer. My sister has numerous pirate contacts and could be valuable in sniffing out these pirates.” The idea was for Destiny to find these culprits for her Mistress. Then after locating them Vespira could use whatever force she deemed fit to rectify this situation. Possibly even recover the stolen merchandise. These were things she left up to her Mistress to decide upon.

At present there were few leads. A survivor in critical condition described a brand that one of the pirates had. A former slave? Not just any slave but one that was connected to one of the slave houses at the arena. Mercer and Scorch would now more about that sort of thing but if her Mistress wasn't inclined for their assistance she would cancel matters before they arrived. Serena had thought it best to set things into motion without revealing to much in the event that her Mistress didn't want to involve Mercer in this matter.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Wed Feb 07, 2024 5:50 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
As Serena provided details about the incident, the Gorgonian slowly sat up. The slaves tried to continue tending to her until she began slithering off the heated stone. The serpent wore nothing, not even the usual sashes or jeweled accessories she was fond of. But with the oils still soaking over her scales, she was brightest jewel under these heated lights.

Vespira was slithering away from the human bearer of bad news, heading towards the massive bed of pillows and cushions. Slaves were about to follow only to note the sudden raise of that large serpentine tail. More experienced women braced themselves and some grabbed and yanked the inexperienced away as that tail came down. There were a loud crash as the heated stone cracked under the massive force that was Vespira's tail. The impact pulverized the stone along the middle. A flick of that same tail sent one of the remaining chunks flying and smashing into the metallic wall of her chamber. The sounds reverberated through the chamber and all present. Thankfully, the ship was made to endure the impact of mere stone projectiles, leaving only dents and scratches behind.

Vespira let forth a drawn out hiss, leaving behind only a fraction of the stone she rested on behind. Despite her renowned beauty and manipulations, the Gorgonian still sported a body made to survive in the wild. Those beautiful scales were made to absorb and disperse impacts. Her feminine charms and serpentine tail all contained densely packed muscle that allowed her to subdue and crush her prey.

"Piratess again..." the crimelord hissed as she coiled up her tail and sat on it, "Sseems the Rak'dos Armada are not capable of fully protecting my shipss." A tentacle lashed out and snatched the datapad from Serena's grasp. Vespira listened while reading the information herself. A snap of her fingers turned off the heated lights, bringing the chamber back to normal temperature while still remaining well lit.

The other slaves were about to try and clean the mess that was just made but were dismissed instead. It would take stronger hands or machinery to get these larger chunks of stone out of here. "Do you know why I find thisss upssetting, Sserena?" the Gorgonian hissed, "The losss is ssignificant but inconssequential to my plans. I tolerated the piratess as ssome were wise enough to know who they should be sstealing from. Ssome even guard my routess. But thisss... Thisss showss they do not believe I am a threat. To let thisss go would invite not jussst piratess but all my foes to take what belongss to me."

"I care not for what was losst," the serpent hissed, "I want who did thisss. Who thought I am ssso weak and vulnerable to allow a mere rat to take what is mine."

Vespira sat up and slithered towards Serena. Her tail swatted the remaining chunk of stone into the opposite wall. The datapad was pushed into the human woman's grasp as a hand gripped her chin. Those yellow eyes stared down into the loyal servant. "If you believe Mercer and your sisster can help direct my wrath, sso be it. I shall ssee them. Thisss besst not wasste my time, Sserena."

Perhaps they will be useful. At the very least, Vespira could get some entertainment in seeing what state Scorch and Mercer were in since their last interaction. Dealing with these pirates that dared raise a hand against the Gorgonian was a priority but so was ensuring the scaled Mistress remained pleased. No one was safe when the serpent was enraged.


Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:22 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
The bearer of bad news, Serena did not expect things to go well. She flinched despite this. Stone being smashed without effort. The echoing of stone against metal resounded in her ears causing a fierce ringing for minutes. Just how hard had that stone collided with the wall?

Alluring, it was easy to forget just how destructive that body could be.

She followed along with several other slaves only halting when that tail came up. She knew what it meant, as did most of the servants and slaves that saw such a display as rare as it was. She evaded the destructive force that followed. Her heart racing, her limbs freezing up until Vesperia sat upon that magnificent tail.

Only then did she once more approach. Yielding up the datapad as a tentacle reached for it Serena said nothing as her Mistress reviewed the information for herself.

Questions had been launched at her, Vesperia answering them before she could. Serena had concluded as such. She was in a position to see the extraordinary wealth and power she commanded. She had concluded that the loss of one shipment was inconsequential. It was the loss of power, an invitation to others. A loss of that fear and respect.

Serena wasn't as connected as her sister. Logistics was never her strong point. She felt that she was always playing the part of pirate for her sister's sake more than anything. She didn't make the same contacts that Destiny or Mercer made. Still there was little to go on.

The Rak'dos Armada. That was a name she committed to memory. Indeed they would wish to get back into Vesperia's good graces after this event. Still, she was uncertain how or if she should bring that up.

“To attack a shipment brings only fools or upstarts to mind.”
In her experience many criminals were caught because they bragged about their crimes. She doubted that this would stay quiet for long. Still, her fate was being tied up in this.

“I do not believe either will waste your time, Mistress. My sister is well connected with pirates and Mercer has extensive networks to draw upon. Not as extensive as your own but he has specialties in regards to the arena and should recognize the brand one of the pirate's possessed. Obtaining documents on released or escaped slaves will give us a starting point.”

The depths of those eyes were impossible to resist. She felt as if she were babbling despite attempting to stay on point. She kept her gaze up while within arm's length. The heating lights may have been off but it still felt impossibly warm in here. Or was that just the fluttering of her own heart? Afraid in the face of such beauty Serena hated to fail her Mistress waiting for any dismissal or punishment to follow.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Tue Feb 13, 2024 12:36 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
"Your pulsse is racing," Vespira hissed softly, forked tongue flicking right before Serena's face, "Is my pet afraid of her Misstresss?"

It was a difficult question to know what the 'correct' answer was. But, Vespira would not punish the answer. Fearing the serpent just meant the Gorgonian was dominant and above this mere human. Not fearing her would perhaps be seen as a sign of undying trust. Regardless, it appeared things had calmed at least for the moment. There were no other stones to shatter and fling in this chamber though the mess that remained was a blemish on the rest of the otherwise luxurious chamber.

The Gorgonian released Serena's chin and slithered towards the bed of pillows once more. "Are you certain you are misssing your sissster and wanting to ssee her?" the Serpent teased, her mood improving for now, "What sstate would your sisster be in after being Mercer'ss perssonal fuck toy?"

Seeing that once prideful woman's current state may be worthy of some entertainment at least. Scorch was just a human, one of many. But watching something with pride struggle, break, and fall was nothing short of pleasing to the evil serpent. It would be an opportunity to see how Mercer has taken care of Vespira's own slaves and see what skills they learned from him.

"If you have already informed Mercer, then he knowss where to meet, correct?" The Gorgonian slowly coiled over the bed of pillows and rests her femine upper form over her own tail, "Inform me of his arrival. Take him to a meeting room. Thisss room will not ssuffice."

Would Scorch know she is being taken to see Vespira and her sister once more? Did she even care one way or another after being under Mercer's direct care all this time? Serena and Vespira would see first hand whether this former pirate still had any capabilities beyond being used in one of the crime lord's establishments.


Tue Feb 13, 2024 1:38 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Serena's blue eyes widen. It might have been a loaded question, there was no way to know the expected answer if there was one. In short she didn't know if her Mistress enjoyed being feared by her slaves. Though from the earlier display there were those that had learned to fear that temper being directed at them.

She shook her head as much as she could while within that grasp. “No, Mistress. I am not afraid of you. I am afraid of disappointing you.” Serena summed up. She was afraid in the sense of that power being directed at her. It was something to be respected but she was certain that she could avoid it through loyalty, hard work and service.

Watching while her Mistress slithered back to the pillows she considered the question of her sister. “Actually, I barely give her a thought these days. I am curious as to how she has been molded given her relationship with Mercer in the past and what we've done to her before he acquired her. Serving as his fuck toy may have broken her.”

Serena dipped her head in a bow. “Yes, that has been arranged. I hope I did not overstep. I only wished to save some time. I will have a room prepared. If there is nothing else I will go and see to that now.” Serena had not been dismissed though those words were close to a dismissal itself.

If dismissed she would see to these tasks. Having a room prepped for the eventual meeting.

Scorch was kept in the dark about the upcoming meeting. It had not been relevant that she knew where they were going. Only that she was one among many chosen to attend her Master. Among other slaves, guards and servants. Until they arrived and only the pair would attend the meeting.

When they were close to arriving Vesperia would be informed in advance so she could make any preparations ahead of time and not be rushed into anything.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Thu Feb 15, 2024 5:21 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Seeing the once arrogant mercenary be broken would certainly be a sight. Just means the slave could be rebuilt from scratch. Hopefully, Mercer was taking full advantage of Vespira's gift. Even if Scorch did manage to break free of the brainwashing and indoctrination, it would only bring forth a terrible reality of all that time she spent eagerly serving the lupine alien scum. Would Mercer fuck his pet through the trip or leave the woman yearning and begging the whole way?

It mattered little to Vespira, the answer would be revealed in time. For now, the serpent rested while Serena departed to make the appropriate preparations. Some servants came into the chamber to clean the floor where the stone used to rest. Some cleaned off the dust and pebbles from the Gorgonian's scales. The large pieces of stone on either side of the room and the dents in the walls would have to be dealt with when the scaled Mistress was not present. No one would dare disturb the displeased serpent's rest.

Eventually, a ship would rendezvous with Vespira's luxury cruiser. The Gorgonian would head for the room prepared for this meeting. Her body was adorned with various jewelry and accessories. Necklaces of precious metals and gemstones pooled between her breasts. Rings graced her fingers and bracelets hang from her wrists. Golden pasties covered her nipples, tipped with glimmering rubies. Barely translucent sashes of light violets, pinks, and scarlets draped over her shoulders and arms, trailing in her wake with every movement of her serpentine form.

Some slaves were present if just to hold trays of food and drink for the Gorgonian to partake in. She sat on her own coils at the head of a table. There she awaited her guests and to see if they were as useful as Serena claimed.


Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
The room was seen to. Various slaves already in attendance prior to Vesperia's arrival. Some coordination was used as heavy machinery and repair crews swiftly entered the room after she departed in order to see to those necessary repairs. Of course another room had already been prepped for their Mistress should repairs run longer than usual or Vesperia's meeting was shorter than expected. Things moved in a fluid pattern where such things occurred seamlessly in the background. Just one less thing for her to be concerned with.

Mercer would arrive a short time after. His own guards stayed on his vessel, save but two who waited outside the chamber rather than inside with him. Not so much as an insult at having nothing to fear but more a show of submission and trust. He was outnumbered and if Vesperia wished him dead for whatever reason his guards would unlikely shift those results.

As requested Scorch was with him. His other servants and slaves were left behind for this particular meeting. Scorch was clad in simple black leathers. A short skirt and a bikini-like top. She was unadorned with jewelry, though a black leather choker made for the only visible accessory. She looked a bit flushed and uncomfortable. Was it the heat?

She had yet to realize that her sister was present. A fact that was noted by Mercer who eyed his former slave for a moment before shifting his attention to the scaled beauty. Those gemstones accentuating those scales. Pasties and sashes arrayed in such a way to draw the eye.

After being seated Mercer addressed the crime lord.

“In my haste to respond to your summons I regret arriving empty handed. To how may I be of assistance?” He was curious as to way he was to bring Scorch. Certainly not for a contest in the arena. Perhaps Vesperia wished to acquire a specific piece of merchandise. He often used her to fetch rare treasures for him. Serena was rather vague when she contacted him. There were few clues, none of which he thought would interest Vesperia.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:28 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Slitted pupils on yellow eyes watched the arrival of Mercer and his pet. Scorch was dressed in rather revealing and skimpy attire and the black choker did not escape notice either. It was not exactly flashy attire but Vespira approved the style for the type environment and work the tamed redhead was expected to do. The human woman seemed uncomfortable and flushed. Vespira's forked tongue tasted the air to learn more but assumed this was further training at the hands of Scorch's formerly hated foe.

Mercer only came with two guards as usual. He never brought them into the meeting room after meeting and offering Scorch to him though. The lupine alien creature saw those yellow eyes, felt them boring into him. All his previous encounters with this alluring serpent were as unforgettable as the last. He felt himself fading, sinking the more he gazed at this perfect visage of a woman. The more his mind sank, the better he would feel. Tingles would wash through him, tickling his fur and rippling down his chest, his stomach, his thighs, his cock.

"You ansswered your Misstresss's call," Vespira hissed softly. She gestured to her two slaves, letting them set the trays down and exit the room. They would keep the guards outside busy and lead them away for their own little rewards. "That pleases me," the Gorgonian smirked slyly, "And you know what you get to feel for pleasing your Misstresss, don't you?"

The Gorgonian would test the trigger words she had imprinted on both Mercer and Scorch from a previous visit. If Mercer answered correctly, he would be rewarded with an even larger dose of this reward. "Yesss, that is correct," Vespira continued, "Pleasure... Sweet intoxicating pleasure... Pleasure for your mind and... Mmm... Pleasure for your body." Everytime the word pleasure was spoken and heard, Mercer and Scorch would feel a sudden tingling surge of heat and stimulation. It started at various points and ended elsewhere, the tops of heads to the the tips of toes, from the center of the chest to the tips of those nipples, from those balls to the tip of his...

Vespira would observe how well her hypnotic power over them had held after their absence. She then made a gesture for Serena to resume her work on Mercer. It pleased her greatly to have Scorch's sister sexually pleasuring their former enemy.

"Mm... Before we sspeak further," Vespira said, stretching her body sensually, "Tell me how your preciousss sslave has been performing. I ssee she is sstruggling. Did you perhapss have ssome fun jusst before arriving?"

For some, being before the Gorgonian was a boon in itself. Seeing Vespira in person did not compare to the recordings of her various shows she had done at her establishments. To be called for meant Mercer still had a use for this crimelord. At the very least, as long as he still had Scorch, the two of them would be entertaining to have from time to time. A bit of pleasure before the business.


Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:16 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Slaves dismissed after their duties it had not concerned Mercer at the time what they or his guards got up to. His focus was ahead of them. Seated before the crime lord Scorch remained standing at his side and slightly behind him. Eye contact for extended periods in his culture was a challenge. Mercer would have glanced away but that gaze was just so appealing. Mesmerized by the enticing sight before him he felt entranced. His mind lacked focus finding it hard to remember anything beyond the present.

Those words stirred him back to the present compelling him out of that brief stupor. “Yes, Mistress, I came as soon as possible.”

Though her gaze was avert Scorch felt that intense wave of pleasure that bombarded both her and Mercer. Close enough to hear Mercer's growl of arousal she did not have a table before her to hide the effects on her. Her flushed features deepened further, hard nipples prominent beneath that black top, her gasp far more audible. Hands folding up into fists, nails biting into her palm as she bite down on her lower lip to stifle even more lewd noises. Each time the word pleasure was spoken there was an immediate effect that coursed through her. She grasped the back of Mercer's chair at one point to steady herself.

Having been seated Mercer held up a bit better. Only marginally so. Decorum had him focused on Vesperia, perhaps the only thing that halted him from taking up Scorch right then and there on the table. Mostly because she was so close. Yet a small measure of him fought against this ache, perhaps holding onto hopes of attaining the beauty before him.

Each of those subtle and not so subtle movements captured his attention. He almost missed Serena's presence.

Why he had been summoned here was irrelevant, even if he was able to keep his thoughts straight. He may have been a bundle of nerves thinking the worse though from the start he had been put at ease. He wasn't being reprimanded about something he did or didn't do. Such thoughts were lost at the moment.

But despite that warmth those words brought him, the surge of pleasure he kept experiencing the object of his attention, Vesperia, pierced into his thoughts preventing him from drifting too far. She summoned him back when she spoke. Almost as if compelling him to speak and pay attention to each pleasure laidened word.

His heart raced with his own excitement. Of course he had seen vids of Vesperia performing. Who hadn't. Yet that paled to being in her presence. Recordings couldn't capture the glint of jewels and scales. Nor the intensity of those eyes that he could easily get lost in.

“Oh …”
Mercer shot a look towards Scorch with his eyes. His gaze still taking in his Mistress with his peripheral vision. “She has been remarkable. Far more receptive now. While still serving in the roles she had in the past. Now she serves without restraint.

“But we did not have fun. Well, she didn't.”
Without looking away he reached back. A hand placed on Scorch's ass he pushed her forward to his side. Grasping her skirt he lifted it up enough to display the vibrator at work. “That collar, while not as sophisticated as most, can deliver injections. It may look like leather. It's laced with circuity that monitors numerous matters. I will not bore you with the science Mistress, nor do I understand most of it. In short it can deliver a wide variety of drugs. I have found a concoction that blocks release. It allows me to work on her endurance. As much as she wants to she can't cum unless the drug wears off or she gets the drug that counters the affect.”

Mercer explained. Taking delight in his slave begging for release. Scorch had learned that constant pestering didn't work either. If Mercer forbade her from asking for a set amount of time she had no choice but too endure least she be denied.

“It's a prototype I've been testing for a few months now. In the beginning it didn't work so well but once the drugs were adjusted it has had better results.”

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
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Thu Feb 29, 2024 11:44 pm
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Seeing the power and authority over Scorch and Mercer brought wondrous pleasure to Vespira's own body. The fiery mercenary had to clutch the nearby chair to avoid falling to just one simple word from the serpent's lips. Mercer was spared by already sitting in a chair but the word showed promise as he growled and struggled to contain himself. He wanted his own release and while he could have Scorch right then and there, he desired the sexy snakewoman who was always just outside his reach.

The word came again and again, Vespira admiring how their bodies visibly jolt and trembled from the unrelenting stimulation. Mercer noticed Serena's approach and knew what was going to happen. Those yellow eyes demanded his focus, his attention even as his pants were undone and his throbbing dick was exposed to the cool air. Both Mercer and Scorch soon heard Serena start working his cock as Vespira listened to his explanations of his slave's current state.

Drugs being fed through a collar, bracelet, or some other accessory was not unheard of. It was certainly a bit more primitive compared to a standard submission collar that Vespira used in the past. But, it was probably much cheaper to manufacture and distribute. The primary downside was the drugs inside were finite and had to be rather potent so that only a tiny amount was required to produce the intended effects. This meant the collars had an additional cost to refill said drugs when they were depleted. There were also those who were resistant drugs and chemicals though that was rarely the case when it came to human women.

Scorch was indeed suffering as she stood there with her exposed cunt being tormented by the vibrator. The trigger word probably only added more fuel to the maddening inferno. "To ssee her ssuffering pleases me greatly," Vespira replied, "Good work, Mercer. I would love to know more about thiss device. I may have more drugs you can experiment with."

"But, I cannot delay thiss matter any longer," the Gorgonian stated as she leaned forward over the table, her giant breasts mashed together between her arms. She slides a datapad towards the lycan male, "I have been informed that you and your sslave have expertisse when it comes to matters of the arena and piratess. One of the piratess had thiss brand on the individual. I musst find thiss one and whoever they are working for."

"Word of thiss matter will not leave thiss chamber. If you can find and bring me these people to me then sspeak. Proving your use to your Misstresss will earn you her favor." It was time to see if Serena's insight proved correct.


Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:27 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Mercer's eyes had not wavered from the delights that his eyes feasted upon. Vaguely aware that Serena was getting closer. The two worked in tandem. Serena had not blocked his gaze finding herself beneath the table. Freeing his loins and teasing him. Rather then diving straight in he felt that subtle hand work to free him from his trousers then pumping slowly one way then the other.

Words spiraled through him. A pert tongue teasing over the tip followed by casual licks down the base of his shaft. Already pre-cum ruptured from the tip spilling down the shaft. Promptly lapped up those lips sealed themselves against him while a hand worked over his balls.

Scorch only took solace in the fact that Mercer was suffering to an extend. However, unlike her, he had an avenue for release. They spoke as if she were not even there, why not? Barely able to keep it together let alone follow all that was being said. The vibrator varying its speed every know and again though those dreadful drugs caused her to endure it all without release.

The collar was inferior to those Vesperia used. Not only were the drugs finite there were risks of addiction and additional costs. The best drugs were expensive but last longer or were applied in smaller dosages. Over all they weren't meant to be used long term but were good in breaking a slave in or as brief torment devices. Plus they did help increase stamina in many cases.

As much as he would dive into all he knew about the devices they were not there for that. His eyes remained transfixed, it was easy to envision Vesperia's lips catering to his needs. The thought alone had him blowing a thick load down Serena's throat. It had not taken him long at all. Still hard, still with that warmth spiraling through him.

As if command his eyes managed to break her gaze with the addition of the datapad. He drew it closer, a glazed gaze taking in the image as Serena worked her magic. A hand at the back of Serena's head encouraged her to continue despite coming undone so soon he was still aroused, still hard and had the stamina to continue.

Ears twitched pleased by those words. His eyes flickering up.

“I know the arena house that uses this brand. One of the smaller stables that I have had dealings with. It will make it easier to sort through which slaves have been traded, escaped or freed. Scorch, you still have connections with your old crew?”

Scorch managed a weak nod. Her eyes glanced at the image briefly. Thinking she recognized what she saw but she didn't study the image in detail. Nor was she trying to read or see things over her shoulder. Before she was punished she pulled it together enough to answer.

There was strain in her voice. Tormented with this near overwhelming pleasure that rolled over her very being. No release in sight. “Yes, Master. I still have contacts on Hadante.”

Returning to that pleasant gaze Mercer cherished the swell of those breasts as they came together. The pasties, gems and scales all glistening. Clearly Vesperia's words had been the only thing that lead Mercer on rather than being saturated in the pleasure created by the moment. It kept him from just buckling against it. Serena was fueling that distraction well though Vesperia kept him on topic with the barest effort.

“Nothing leaves this room Mistress.”
A deeper growl radiated at the back of his throat. While he managed to keep a hold of himself with his earlier release this one was stronger now. “I serve to please. Through her contacts my slave should be able to uncover pirates that have shown up with that brand. She can work her contacts at the same time I work through mine. Between us we should uncover these pirates.

“A favor Mistress?”[/color] Mercer paused, his eyes going wide with those lips working down his shaft quit suddenly. Movements more frantic, quicker, causing him to catch his breath.

“I will get on this on my end. However, my slave may need a day to have a clear enough head for this assignment. It might be more practicALLL ...” he panted, injecting more of his seed down that willing mouth. Collecting himself he relaxed that hold he had on Serena. “More practical for her to depart in the morning. If I take her with me I fear that I may get distracted.” Clearly he was unconcerned with dispatching his slave. Something caused her to always return, whether an addiction to a drug that only he could provide or something far more notorious that altered her brain chemistry went unsaid.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
Character Listing
The Journey

Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:39 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
The mind was a powerful thing. With enough thought, one could feel all sorts of vivid sensations. Mercer's own imagination tormented him. He could only imagine what Vespira's attention could do to him. That thought alone was enough to send the alien male over the edge, blowing his hot load into Serena's throat. He struggled to hold on as his mind and body were wracked with bliss. His glazed eyes showed him falling deeper and deeper into a trance.

Serena sped up, taking advantage of Mercer's orgasm. She assaulted his sensitive members with her tongue and throat, quickly sending him into a more powerful orgasmic release. Vespira smirked as she watched him shudder and cum into her slave's ravenous throat. Slowly, her lips moved, mouthing that wondrous trigger word.

~Pleasure... Pleasure... Pleasure...~

The Gorgonian looked over to Scorch, the human woman struggling to stand and answer Mercer's questions. Vespira could only assume the delay of this one's departure was due to the drugs and edging this woman was suffering from. The fact Mercer was putting business before pleasure was surprising as well. From his words alone, he must have been enjoying fucking this once troublesome woman whenever he liked.

"Tomorrow..." Vespira hissed, "Sso be it. Does she require a ship? And does that mean you are departing ssoon? Your sslave lookss to be on the brink. But, you sseem to be ssatissfied with Sserena's work." The Gorgonian wanted to confirm what Mercer's intentions were. Was he going to start investigating after this meeting and leave Scorch here to depart tomorrow? Or would Scorch be taken with Mercer until tomorrow to be sent on her way?

Of course, that was assuming Mercer could maintain coherence to answer. Cumming inside Serena was a cruel but pleasurable tease. Always just out of reach of the very source of his bliss. His vision may start to be engulfed in a yellow haze. Multiple Vespira's danced in his imagination, some hissing that special trigger word again and again.

Looking to Scorch again, Vespira wondered what this one remembered. "And what of you, pet?" the serpent hissed, "Eager to ssee me after sso long?" A finger beckoned the collared slave to her.


Fri Mar 08, 2024 5:50 am
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Post Re: Nuisances (for Vesperia)
Tormented by the drugs the collar provided, the vibrator and words, Scorch was barely coherent enough to take any sort of delight in the fact that her once enemy Mercer was suffering as well. But unlike her he had an avenue of release. She could sense his strain to remain focused and not to give in to those baser needs.

Mercer's will was strong but it was only so strong against the surmounting weight of all that pleasure swirling through him. Words battered into his mind, words that were hard to focus on but somehow he managed. Mercer was a good pup, falling in line to his alpha, managing to focus enough to please her by service.

Of course the thought of more pleasure was always on the forefront of his mind. Keen eyes watched her every movement. Keener ears took in every word.

“I shall leave Scorch if you can provide transport in the form of a ride or a loner vessel. S-Splitting up our resources will provide faster results. By the morning -ah- the drugs will be clear enough from her system for her to focus on her task. I will -uhh- supply any information I uncover that is germane to her task.”

Mercer strained at points. Shifting in his seat so that Serena could take in more of himself.

Scorch looked up when addressed. The strain on her features evident as that vibrator worked in conjunction to those words but had been thwarted by those drugs coursing through her system. She met that gaze, compelled to move from Mercer's side. Almost forgetting he was there. In fact she failed to ask his permission and probably would have been punished if they were in lesser company or he wasn't distracted himself.

“Yes Mistress,” she answered as she stepped away. If not for the table obscuring one's view she may have dropped to all fours. As it was she had to use the table to keep upright at points. As she closed that vibrator could be heard, a low hum that varied. Vesperia could smell the affects on the air as she neared. Juices strained her inner thighs, that heated sex tingled in the air on every breath taken.

Unless beckoned to remain standing she would drop to her knees. Hands roaming over those glistening scales. Her touch providing a bit more warmth than the typical human given her channeling abilities.

Mercer straightened up in his seat to get a better look. The table obstructing his vision a bit. His mind split in two between envisioning himself in Scorch's place will at the same time picturing Vesperia's lips on him.

Ex-Pirate Captain, Destiny "Scorch" Imaldris
Character Listing
The Journey

Thu Mar 14, 2024 11:37 pm
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