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 Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto) 
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Kiri nods her head softly at the words taking the slip as she finally stands up properly dressed in her uniform again. She hearing the door unlocking before Vera made sure she started before she headed off on her own. Stepping back into Shokushu proper. The dear would take Vera's advice and see the nurse. Explaining all she had seemingly experienced and saw of so many girls raped by monsters. Many, many happenings she'd witness giving as much detail as she could.

She was given the prescription to dull her memories and make her memories erode away. But this left her more confused than anything, having taken the first dose of this medicine. Once finished she retired to her dorm room. Possibly fortunately for her she was alone as she hadn't been assigned a roommate but that left her alone with her own thoughts. She would undress again only this time neatly folding and placing her uniform away into a nearby hamper before she does the same with her underwear and heads into the shower to clean and wash herself.

She began to minorly touch herself...the tingle that Vera had awakened in her surfacing at first a combo of the memories of both the rapings and Vera's work on her. She shudders in the shower in an orgasm of bliss again as she shivers. Cleaning herself off before she heads to her bed to try and get some sleep. Maybe the next day would be better for her.


It was near the end of the week as Kiri had been recovering slowly during these past few days. Her studies which she hadn't hampered even during her investigations she kept it up. Visiting the nurse when it was needed for her medicine further dulling and eroding her memories of what was happening...which left Vera's own work on her as the sole memory that drives her growing itch. But the main thing she'd done was a way to try and help out other students, with some help from one of the few students she considered a friend Nodoka Ley. She'd been able to make a little leaflet which she had thankfully asked permission to post on the board.

It being a simple helper request if any students had small problems that they needed help with. She'd help and during those days she showed it, helping finding lost school work, sentimental items and the like. Using her investigative abilities she had to help people and those thoughts made her smile. It was a way to distract herself from the burning memory of Vera's work on her body as she shivers. Softly she was alone in her dorm in the shower in another attempt to scratch her itch...but it was a dull ache...she needed her...


Sat Mar 23, 2024 12:47 am
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Any questions about the disorientation and confusion would be answered by the nurse as some minor side effects that should pass in time. Kirigiri would know she had hallucinations but the details of what they entail would eventually become indecipherable. Each day that passed and every pill taken resulted in her days becoming much more 'normal'. Students Kirigiri remembered being assaulted seemed completely fine and would only give weird looks if asked about monster's raping them. Some hallucinations of students proved to be just that, forgotten from memory with no sign of their presence in class.

The nurse was kind and reassuring, offering an ear to any struggles Kirigiri was experiencing since seeking help. Every 'good girl' the student heard would reinforce that she was doing the right thing. She was becoming a better student. She was staying out of trouble. She was being a good girl.

Investigation work had turned towards the students rather than the school. Every student taken to the nurse and councilor earned Kirigiri praise. While she felt that her career as a detective was finally making ground, the young student still felt off. The itch, the yearning, was still there. Her sexual desires only had Vera and that first and final meeting they had in the basement. That tall silver haired beauty staring down at her. Every command firm as if demanding no, expecting obedience. Every touch, every word broke her down so easily and yet the student begged for more and thanked her every time. Each touch sent Kiri's insides soaring higher and higher until that cool voice gave her permission to cum.

But, the two never met after that. Vera had finished her correction and Kirigiri was behaving. The Head Girl did say her door was open to all students up in the tower suite. But, how could she just ride an elevator up there and ask to be 'corrected' again? Was there any way to earn Vera's touch again?


Sat Mar 23, 2024 1:21 am

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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Kirigiri's memories of the assaults were fading and becoming more 'normal' her grade improved and her behaviour was excellent. The school nurse working her gently over that she was doing the right thing. It helped her mind be eased while she continued her studies...and her investigation towards the students now. Her services helped a few students trust her as she recover them lost items and even school work. One that Nodoka had been so thankful for recovering it or she might've had trouble in a class. That kind of thing brought Kiri more joy than ever. Only the dull ache in her folds at Vera's touch kept her from being truly pleased with herself right now.

But it was during this that she heard about Nodoka having attended a strange party awhile ago with her roommate and a few girls from a group that Kiri had heard about but hadn't approached. The Tramps. Her face frowned at the memory of the talk with Nodoka who spoke about it shyly about it wondering if it had been right to go to such an event. But Kiri would gently nod along taking some minor notes and asked about Nodoka and her friends. Being curious as she wondered briefly about such a party and if it was allowed and the fact it included drinks!?

It was after waving Nodoka off that Kiri decided to finally pluck the courage to approach her again. She headed to the tower the elevator waiting for her as she gulps and gently steps in and presses the button to take herself up to the floor where Vera's office was located. Kiri takes a soft sigh having brought her notepad with her investigative notes before she gently knocks on the door of Vera's office. Awaiting any confirmation she gently opens the door. "Ms.Matsumoto apologies for disturbing your work." She says softly looking at the woman and a blush returns at the beauty before her again.


Sat Mar 23, 2024 1:32 am
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
The tower was the tallest building on the island. Its upper floors held the suites that the Headmasters and Head Girls lived in. Despite Vera claiming she had an open door policy even at her suite, not as many students took advantage of it. Not many wanted to go into the tower and take the elevator all the way up to the near top floors of the tower. The other issue was the active Head Girl who lived up in the tower had a reputation of being cold and unapproachable. Some of the more rebellious students tend to despise Head Girls for working closely with Shokushu.

But those who do ascend the tower and muster the courage to knock at Vera's door will be allowed in. When the Head Girl was not attending classes or other appointments, she could reliably be found up in her suite working at her desk. Kirigiri was mostly left alone entering the tower's reception area. With nearly every door in the tower being electronically locked, there was little of a student getting into somewhere they should not.

Vera was typing at her computer as she suddenly felt an aura of emotion beyond her door. There was no hesitation in immediately knocking, the student not timid nor overly aggressive in seeking an audience. Hesitating at the door tended to be annoying for a woman with empathic senses, pacing back and forth as the doubt sets in.

"Enter..." Confirmation was given and Kirigiri would find the door was unlocked. The contrasts between a student dorm and a Head Girl's suite was made immediately known the moment the door opened. The entry area had tiled floor that led out to Vera's desk. There were doors flanking either side of the entry area either led to other rooms or a closet. Beyond the desk was a large living room with carpeted floor. The living area was furnished completely with flatscreen, stereo system, and sofa. A small dining area was out of sight around the corner leading towards the balcony view. The opposite direction from the dining area and across the other side of the living room was the kitchen. There were also numerous bookshelves with a variety of books ranging from business, economics, various science fields, and some older books that were unknown in topic.

Before the desk were a couple of chairs while Vera sat on her side. There was a computer console along various notes and folders she may be looking through for work. The silver haired woman was still typing as she looked up. "Ms. Shotaro, welcome," she greeted, "There is no need to apologize. I have time for any student who comes to see me. Please, have a seat. Would you like something to drink? I have water or tea."


Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:38 am

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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Kiri had heard that first hand. She had used her new position to look into things investigating the students and finding quite a few were causing trouble of a minor case. One thing she discovered was that Nodoka had invited her to a study session in her dorm. Though Kiri wondered why their home was a sauna with how hot it was with Nodoka revealing it was due to her roommate Sam's plant growing projects. Kiri's curiosity got the better of her and while exploring she found traces of something that she could clearly see was alcohol. It had shocked her to find this thing here. It worried her that her friend was being corrupted. She had to help her, but trying to do it herself was a crazy motion she knew one of the best help for that.

She knocked on the door only taking a calming breath after when she hears the 'Enter' before opening the door. Her eyes blink as she look around a little at the rather enhanced room compared to her own and hers wasn't exactly lacking in stuff. But she approaches the desk and moves to sit down. "Tea please do you have any recommendations Ms.Matsumoto?" She asked softly letting Vera show her choices before accepting her choice with a smile.

She waits for now if Vera goes to make the tea giving her a moment to get her notepad ready. When the tea was brought over she gives a polite 'Thank you' before taking a gentle sip. "How has your week been Ms.Matsumoto, I haven't seen you for a few days?" She asked to listen to what the Head Girl had been up to the last few days if Vera had even heard of her exploits as she would speak of her own activities if Vera asked in return.

"That was the main reason why I came here, while I was helping my fellow students with any troubles they had, I discovered a few had been performing violations of the school rules." She revealed to Vera offering her notepad. "I have all the details I was able to gleam from in here." She says and would either hand it over or report vocally what she had saw to Vera and heard when asking some students who had been involved.


Sat Mar 23, 2024 1:29 pm
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
"I have green tea prepared," Vera stated. She was not going to brew an entire fresh batch of a different tea for one visitor. No one had time for that. The Head Girl rose to her feet and headed to the kitchen before returning with two cups. Once Kirigiri had her tea, Vera returned to her seat at her desk.

"My week was fine and I am always available here in my suite." The Head Girl kept it brief. She was not interested in mindless chitchat. She had work to do and what she did throughout the week was of no one else's concern.

Things quickly progressed to the reason for Kirigiri's visit. Vera assumed it involved contents on the notepad. The Head Girl simply waved it away, allowing the student to speak on the matter. "Very well," Vera replied, "I'm listening, Ms. Shotaro." Seems the detective has moved from investigating the school to reporting on students.


Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:30 pm

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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Kiri nods her head at that. "Of course, the main violations I had seen involved the dorm room of a pair of students, Nodoka Ley and Samantha Dermott, I had been invited by Nodoka for a study session at her dorm. While I was studying with her, I happened to come across what looked to be bottles containing alcoholic drinks." Kiri informed. "I had asked Nodoka about it and she had mentioned how Samantha had acquired those drinks though she didn't reveal too much. I was concerned that my friend had been drinking alcohol and that concerns me as her studies have helped me alot in catching up with my work." She says. That being the main one she brings up. Saying that Samantha seems the prime cause with her potentially corrupting Nodoka with her troublemaking ways.

She brought up various other events including learning from Nodoka about some kind of costume party she'd take part in involving a group of students which Kiri had learned were called the 'Tramps' briefly asking if Vera and the school knew of such a group? Talking about the party and all the potential activities they had undergone. Besides that Kiri would report on a few other students doing various violations against the schools rules. Fortunately none as bad as what she found in her friends dorm. But still an impressive report from just a few days of work.


Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:51 pm
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Vera had stopped typing, giving the student her attention for the time being. Her expression was neutral even as Kirigiri ratted out Nodoka and Samantha about possibly possessing alcohol. Other matters were focused on the student group Nodoka takes part in, the Tramps. Vera and the school were well aware of their presence and their official backing. Of course, if word of their violations became a norm and known to the rest of the students, it would become a problem.

"The matter involving alcohol in the dorms should have been brought to the attention of the Prefect of that floor," Vera stated, "If through their follow up investigation, they find the contraband in question, demerits would be issued and brought to a Head Girl's attention."

"As for the matter of the Tramps," Vera folded her hands before her as she gazed at Kirigiri, "Have you informed any one else of their supposed behavior?"


Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:36 am

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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Kirigiri rubs the back of her head a little sheepishly at not bringing it up with a Prefect. "Ah so that's the protocol for that, lesson learned." She says with a sheepish look but granted she was still learning about the school's system as she had been busy with her studies and keeping out of trouble. She wasn't sure about reporting in trouble to the proper level. No doubt if it was required she'd go and inform the prefect handling that floor.

When it came to the Tramps though. Kirigiri shakes her head. "No one knows about this Ms.Matsumoto, I was confused as from what Nodoka explained it seemed to be quite a large gathering I wasn't sure if it was an allowed event or not," She says softly. "Bringing it up to others might make it spread to other students and it might corrupt more students to try and repeat such events themselves which would impact their work." She adds at least letting Vera know she hadn't told a soul besides herself. "Do you wish me to keep quiet on the subjects of these girls?" She asked.


Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:47 am
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
"You said it yourself, Ms. Shotaro," Vera replied, "Whether based in rumor or fact, if word got out that a student group was violating the rules, it may promote further chaos. The school will take matters involving student groups very seriously. But, our job will only be more difficult is someone is spreading the word in order to satisfy their own sense of justice."

"You did very good bringing this matter to me first, good girl," the Head Girl added with a faint smile, "For now, you bring such information involving the Tramps to me."

It would be up to Shokushu on how to respond to these violations. Perhaps meeting with the Tramps would be required. At the very least, the Tramps would left wondering where their leak is for now.

"It seems you have been busy," the silver haired woman continued, "As long as this 'investigating' does not interfere with your studies or violate any rules, it should not be a problem. But, you may find yourself with many enemies if you continue to report everyone to the school. Is this what you want?"


Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:08 am

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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Kirigiri looks at Vera and the woman sees a resolute look on her face. "In this school, you and the other Head girls, the Prefects and the staff are the law here, it's only right that I expose the violations of the rules and let the dispensing of justice be done by your hands." Kirigiri says seems the took the correcting to heart. "So I will bring any information I learn from the tramps to you Ms.Matsumoto." She says calmly. Only when she heard the praise and that smile did Vera see a rather small blush appearing on the girls face.

"Do not worry Ms.Matsumoto, I've made sure to make this Investigating more of a after-school hobby for now until I graduate and can become a proper detective." She says with a smile on her face, such a fate would no doubt not come to the girl once her time was up. "Nodoka has been helping me with the studying sessions in the Library despite her being involved in such activities she's a rather studious girl, I'm honestly amazed she keeps up those high grades." She says. "As for enemies, I'm already not a popular girl after my little hallucinations, even if those no longer trouble me, I've already burned alot of bridges, even with me offering to help find lost items for people, I know I'll always be an outcast in social groups, and I've made peace with that," She says looking into Vera's eyes. "If this is the cost I must pay for my actions, then I'll accept what comes my way." She says determination in those eyes. Yet soon she began to blush a little more. The girl clearly had fallen for her or at least harboured a crush after their little session~


Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:26 am
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Vera did not require any empathic abilities to read this young woman. "And how is your health?" She asked, "I am pleased that you continue to see the nurse. I trust she has helped make your transition smoother? I would not consider your bridges burned. You had a health related issue that has been resolved. No need to hold onto such concerns now that you are yourself once more."

"But if you are fine in both health and education, I will not ask any further on the matter. Do as you like," Vera said. Whether it was the basement session, the medication, or both; Kirigiri was now much more docile and obedient. It was unlikely this one would cause any real problems. An alien guest may interfere in the matter but it would gradually be resolved as long as she continues to trust the school and the nurse.


Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:43 am

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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
"I feel fine with how things are, though if someone else reaches out to me like Nodoka had, I won't say no to more friendships." She says softly looking at Vera gently before taking a small inhale. "T-though I did have a more...personal issue as well that I require some help with...after I began taking the medication to help with those Hallucinations they've been faded from my memories...but I still feel that itch every night and the only one that comes to my mind now is what happened between us in that basement." She stammers softly looking so red in the face for admitting such a thing. "I was curious if you ever indulged in such things personally and not just for work?" She asked with such a red face.

"And if it was possible if I could maybe request a session with you?" She asked softly. "You would be free to do anything you want with me...I just want to feel that sensation again and right now your the only person I can trust with something that intimate." She admits. "I-if now isn't a good time I apologise." She stammered out.


Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:58 am
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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
"What exactly are you implying, Ms. Shotaro?" Vera responded, "I never abuse my position and remain strictly professional when it comes to correcting students." It was unimaginable that anyone would come to someone's superior and beg for sex. But, this was no ordinary island or school. But, Vera was not going to just allow herself to be at the beck and call of another student. If a student was desperate for her attention, they had to earn it and offer something in return.

"I am not going to correct a student who has not violated the rules, Ms. Shotaro," the Head Girl replied, "I do not understand what you are even asking for. Do anything I want to you? What do you mean? Are you hoping I do something to you? What is it?"

Of course, beating around the bush would not be tolerated. Kirigiri would need to state what she exactly wants from the Head Girl. "Your reputation will only be harmed further if you start begging for something so scandalous," the woman added, "Is this really appropriate behavior for a detective?"

Vera poked and prodded the student with her words. She had to see how desperate and how far this girl was willing to fall for these wanton desires. Only then could the Head Girl judge whether she should press further on the matter.


Sun Mar 24, 2024 3:33 am

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Post Re: Snooping too far (Shotaro Kirigri and Vera Matsumoto)
Kirigiri's eyes lowered a little when she hears as she takes a calming breath to get herself under control as she looks into Vera's eyes and looks at her. "I wished to ask for you to tie me up like you had back in the basement. To play with my body like I am your toy." She says softly. "To use me and pleasure me and yourself as well." She says softly with such a red face. "I am willing to do anything you ask of me to have your attention Ms. Matsumoto." She speaks gently looking at Vera with such red cheeks.

But Kiri looked more despondent as she speaks her heart and spills it all out for Vera. How she couldn't stop thinking about the sensations she experienced and wished to feel it again. But of course Vera was probably the only one she could even approach this with, she had no real friends to approach to help her needs. Short of some guest finding her and deciding to turn her into a toy. The girl had nothing to pleasure herself with beside her own fingers. Which clearly just couldn't match to what Vera did to her.


Sun Mar 24, 2024 3:50 am
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