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 Ambition (for Vera) 
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Post Ambition (for Vera)
It wasn't unusual for the Head Girl to sit in on some of their meetings. Particularly if it concerned anything to do with gaining funds or permission to conduct certain activities. Such was the case today. A fair was being organized among the classes. Ideas were pitched, along with fundraisers so that each class participating could obtain the supplies that they needed.

Customs for haunted classrooms, ingredients for food and such were all brought up. What could be donated and supplied by the school or other classes and so forth were a few things that had to be discussed a head of time.

The school festival was a ways out at this stage. It was in the planning portion. What could be expected, what could not and so on.

Still Etolie was nervous. This being the first time that she was in Vera's presence since being stripped of her title. All but in name. Essentially serving as vice president while her VP took on more of her mantle.

These nerves hadn't been about guilt at her actions since then. But it was impossible for her not to scrutinize her activities between then and now. Fear and prestige were motivating factors for her. She resented her reduced role and began looking beyond it. Though at the same time fear guided many of her actions.

Her grades had improved. While chemistry slipped a tad it was often due to her new discoveries that contradicted human knowledge that crept into some of her work subconsciously. With two of the guests supplying harmless chemicals for her to study she often forgot that such and such wasn't known.

Still it didn't happen so much and her grade didn't slip too far. Few noticed outside of her professor and whoever (or whatever) was monitoring her grades. But there was a clear jump in most of her other subjects outside of business that was already high and remained where it was with neither a decline or increase.

Every passing day Etolie wanted to plead her case in getting her title back. Yet she refrained each time. Building up a case through effort. Only that her attention shifted from her old position to a new one. One that was even more prestigious and had actual power. A Prefect. That being a stepping stone to Head Girl as far as she could tell. At least she couldn't think of another path. She concluded that one had to be a junior or senior to gain such a position. She was a few years off any way.

She hadn't actually checked on this. Like most other students she attempted to steer clear of Prefects.

Only after the meeting did her nerves ease some. Not entirely since there could still be a chance that she could be pulled aside. She packed up her satchel preparing to join the other students that filtered out of the room.

Etolie Leblanc
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Thu Aug 29, 2024 11:19 pm
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Etolie focused on performing her duties as a member of the student council despite not having any of the power her position should allow. Vera required check ins on such matters ever two weeks. As for bringing up the student's grades, Vera was providing tutoring sessions for physics and calculus. Each subject was allotted a two hour session every week. Unfortunately for Etolie, her life now included much more time with the Head Girl that punished and corrected her in the past.

The meetings and sessions were kept professional. But, it did include Etolie suffering from some experimentation by NICE labs and the Head Girl. The voodoo doll the student provided of her herself was now being kept in a hidden location. Small needle-like probes had pierced the doll painless at various points. Anytime, Vera voiced approval or praise, the tiny probes would hum to life, feeding the doll pleasurable vibrations that would transfer to the student's various sensitive points and even the pleasure centers of her brain. Disapproval or reprimands would quickly replace said pleasures with discomforts and even pain. It was a simple but effective process, keep Vera pleased and Etolie would have a pleasurable experience else she would find the ordeal far more torturous.

Of course, NICE labs did their own experiments at set times. They exposed the doll to various chemicals and stimuli, injecting it with drugs or exposing it to binaural beasts, isochronic tones, and various visual displays to see how the subject the doll was tied to was affected.

Vera did not speak of the doll nor really spoke of Etolie's reactions to sudden changes in stimuli. She did not speak of the doll and focused on whatever task and purpose their meetings were about at the time. Etolie resisted the urge to ask for actual position back which was a point in her favor as the silver haired Head Girl despised repeating herself.

But despite their scheduled meetings and tutoring sessions, it was still tense to have Vera sit in on the student council meetings again. The Head Girl was absent for some time though that was hardly an issue. Vera held no real position in the council was merely there to provide aid and clarification with knowledge her position and experience provided.

The only people in the council meeting who knew of Etolie's crimes and rule violations were Vera, Etolie, and the vice president. The VP was the one in power for now while Etolie merely acted as a figure head. Such violations should have removed the student from her position as student council president. But such an ejection would have put shade over the rest of the council and cause further disorder as word spreads.

Vera sat quietly, wearing her well kept uniform and light blue sash that hung loosely around her waist. She would casually increase the stimulation to the doll every time Etolie stole a glance in her direction. Turning this student into her own little pet experiment was fitting after the crimes Etolie confessed in the basement. Etolie would feel it, the light and pleasurable hum in her tits, her clit, and even her g-spot. She would feel the stimulations to her brain like tingly haze. It may have been embarrassing to have such sensations in the meeting but it did mean she had done nothing wrong and was still performing her duties well.

Eventually, the meeting would end and Vera would smooth her skirt before making her way to the door. Most students would wait for the Head Girl to depart first, long silver hair trailing in her wake. She did not even look in Etolie's direction. It was not out of malice or disinterest but simply the fact that she knew that the student would be seeing her regardless. Of course, if Etolie or any student called for her, Vera would stop and give a bit of her time to hear any complaints or concerns.

Etolie had a little time before she would see Vera for tutoring. With her grades improving, it may be time to consider ending those sessions. Were these raised grades due to Vera giving hours of her time every week to the former troublemaker? Despite the cold and unyielding attitude of the Head Girl, she did not deviate from what she said she would do and that included helping Etolie with what she was struggling with.

When Etolie finally headed for the tower where the Head Girl's suite was, she would experience ever increasing pleasures the closer she came to her destination until she was before that imposing door once more.


Fri Aug 30, 2024 12:17 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
In spite of the four hours of tutoring a week Etolie had with the Head Girl her appearance at the council meeting, while not unusual, sparked her nerves. Was it just business that Vera attended? Was she being scrutinized? Judged to see if she could take back that title? Mostly likely it just dealt with the upcoming plans for the fair but she was unable to keep her mind from analyzing the possibilities.

Etolie's voodoo had been somewhat limited. She ignored much of the history behind it. Her own biases from media warped some of the techniques. In a way created her own magic from warped understanding. Her grasp was limited to three aspects but they were aspects she knew very well. Sleep, memory erasure and curses delivered through her fetishes, her dolls. At Shokushu the only magic she had bothered to learn was nullifying a hex placed on her. Though that incantation took a lot of effort and she would have to consult with her notes to do it again.

Her will empowered and shaped the magic she wanted most. Learning other types of magic would be difficult or impossible for her. Unless she really, really wanted to learn it. Funny that she was so advanced in these three fields but out of her depths with basic things that other spell casters took for granted.

Her dolls would go inert if destroyed. Or if the DNA sample stored inside them had ever been removed or destroyed. In the case of being removed all Etolie needed to do was place a fresh sample (or even the same one) inside to renew her connection. There was a range to it as well. It never came up on the island since every time she used the dolls her targets were close. Etolie being the sadist she was enjoyed seeing her targets squirming in pain or discomfort.

NICE would discover that sometimes the doll would not work. If they strayed too far or if she did. It covered an area about the size of the campus. Further experiments showed that there creative uses of stimuli effected Etolie as if she were exposed to them. At least with the sense of touch. Sound and sight did not effect the doll.

The simple answer was that they were a manifestation of Etolie's will. She had not been creative enough to expose them to such stimuli and her magic did not target those senses. Had she thought of it ahead of time she could have fine tuned them to uses these stimuli as well.

Etolie was crude when it came to her dolls. Sticking with what worked rather than pioneering into the unknown. Of course if someone mentioned something to her or gave her an idea then she might experiment. Her only true experimentation involved chemistry and biology.

But touch was one thing that transmitted through the doll. Often pleasant. Sometimes not. The doll would transmit any contact chemicals that it was doused in though not ingested ones. She had not thought of it but dumping a doll in a liquid, pending the one, could be dire. She hadn't infused them with drowning in mind so that particular nasty torture was off the cards but an acid bath could be downright deadly.

One thing that made it safe was the inhibitors on the island that lessened the effects of her magic. While generally a safeguard for the monsters on the island it hindered her connections with her dolls.

Etolie usually had one doll active at a time. In trying to amend her old ways she hadn't crafted any dolls since the one she gave over to Vera. Further she didn't know how to sever connections with a doll she made. Not bothering with the basics or learning to dispel her own magic it was good enough that she knew and left it at that. Besides, the few times she dabbled with new magic went badly and she was loathe to reap the experience.

Little had she known that she was being conditioned. Feeling good at times. Unpleasant at others. It took some time for it to click at the meeting. Whenever she glanced Vera's way had been met with a tingle. Pleasure erupted through her soul. Her sensitive breasts ached. She was damp down there and felt uncomfortable given the setting. Yet oh so good.

After guessing what was going on it took another look to confirm her suspicion. From that point on she attempted to void gazing in that direction. Fighting these sensations that got her so hot and bothered. But she couldn't resist from glancing that way twice more.

Tense and on edge the meeting finally concluded. Etolie didn't know what to think. Was she being punished or rewarded? Was she meant to come apart before the council? In the end she had concluded that she wasn't. If that was the aim Vera could have toppled her over the edge easily enough. There were a few points were she nearly excused herself but managed to keep it all together.

Packing up Etolie departed the meeting. Things eventually cooled down for her. Yet later that day they began to heat up once more. The closer she came to the tower the more stirrings she felt. She had wondered if there were cameras watching her. She couldn't see any but it didn't surprise her. Hiding public cameras seemed the norm these days. It was her parents generation where they were more visible. She hadn't questioned it before now.

Having worked out that the doll was in play Vera had to be monitoring her progress. Still, it felt good. Each step felt more rewarding than the last. Her mind unable to process Vera's motives. Was this for good results? Something else?

“God d-damn!” She gasped. A hand on the wall supported her she nearly dropped her satchel when outside that door she was so familiar with by now. Etolie attempted to compose herself and get her barrings so she could make the trip to the chair at Vera's desk.

When the worse (or was it best) past by she knocked upon the door though she suspected Vera already knew she was there.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Sep 02, 2024 12:08 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Etolie was left guessing how and why the doll was being stimulated. There were hidden cameras. But Vera also knew when the student council president was expected to come to her suite. It could be as simple as setting the doll to be stimulated at scheduled times that lined up with the woman's approach towards the tower. But Etolie would not ask nor would Vera confirm any theories, leaving it all to the student's wild imagination.

When in the same room as the student, Vera merely had to be observant and cheat a little with her empathic senses. The Head Girl enjoyed the colorful emotions that flared from the woman's aura as that pleasant yet embarrassing sensations assault her vulnerable form.

A faint smile spread across the usually cold and stolid Head Girl's lips. Etolie's gasped exclamation was heard through the door. Even if the woman managed to stifle her voice, the sudden burst of emotion may as well be shouting at Vera's senses. Eventually, the expected knock came as did the words 'Come in' returned in response.

As usual, Vera was sitting at her desk. She was typing at her computer, logging demerits and responding to messages and emails from staff and above. Only when Etolie was before the Head Girl's desk did the silver haired woman's gaze rise regard the student.

"Welcome back, Ms. Leblanc," Vera greeted. The sound of fingers clattering across keys stopped as she spoke. "Shall we continue where we left off last week? Or shall we reassess your academic situation with the following subjects. Physics and calculus were the general subjects you mentioned having difficulty with before. Though one is a science subject, it also uses a great deal of math so we have been able to work alongside both courses."

"But before we begin," the Head Girl folded her hands in front of her chin as she gazes at Etolie, "Are you alright? You seemed a bit distracted... nervous even during the student council meeting. Is my presence there that much of a detriment to you?"

The vibrations had calmed to a faint tickling of those erogenous zones. NICE labs were vary familiar with matters of magic, they were the ones who developed and implemented the island's inhibitors. Despite focusing more on the science, they were more than familiar with the magical and supernatural. It would not be surprising if the labcoats over at NICE knew more about magic than the gifted students on the island.

"Would you like something to drink?" Vera would ask as she rises to her feet, "Tea? Water?"


Mon Sep 02, 2024 1:34 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
She felt like a newborn doe. Her steps shaky as she made her way to the desk. Each one more sure than the last. Etolie even managed the last few with greater ease though her hand grabbed the back of the chair for support. She nearly dropped her satchel then and there.

The tingling subsiding enough leaving her to wonder if she was just coming down from the doll's manipulations. She did not see it but suspected that it was in one of the draws after being used. Of course it could be someone at the labs that was using it. Either way she did not ask about it. Unable to do anything about it at the moment anyway. She asked to be seated first then pondered over the question long enough that she was giving it some thought instead of just blurting out an answer.

“I think we can reassess things. I've been testing better. Overall I couldn't say what my grade would be until the end of the term but I'm confident that things are moving in the right direction. I've been able to get some help from time to time from that student I mentioned. Rhaine. Turns out she's some sort of math prodigy. Not the best teacher but with your help I can kinda understand her from time to time.”

She didn't deal with Rhaine all too often. A handful of times concerning this or that. Rhaine was fairly bland outside of math which she had an eerie passion about.

“Oh? I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I don't know why I reacted as I did. I mean it's nothing unusual. You've sat in on meetings before. My mind was all over the places. Even knowing why you were there I couldn't help but feel that I was being evaluated at the time and there were uh other issues going on too.”

Arousal with the doll being played with certainly didn't help the situation. Indeed it was pleasant. She wasn't about to accuse Vera of anything. If in fact it was the doll being played with then Vera would know what the other matter was without her having to address it. There was a small chance she was wrong but she doubted that.

“Yes. Tea please.” Etolie considered for a moment. “I. I don't think the council is a fit for me any longer.” She didn't have an easy way in going about this. She had given it a bit of thought and in the end just dove into it.

Etolie Leblanc
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Mon Sep 02, 2024 7:07 pm
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Silver hair trailed in Vera's wake as she stepped into the kitchen. She returned shortly after with a tray that she set on the desk. She poured two cups, offering one to Etolie before taking one herself. The Head Girl smoothed her skirt and sat on the edge of the desk, crossing her legs as she sipped from her cup.

"With all your current grades from all tests and assignments, it is simple math to figure out your current average," Vera stated, "Or you could ask your professor. If your grades have improved and stabilized, I will consider ending these scheduled tutoring sessions."

Etolie said she did not know why she was distracted only to blame it on Vera and thinking it was an inspection or evaluation. "I fail to see how that is an issue. I only desire to improve you and every student in this school." Such reassurance apparently did not matter much when the next words that left the student's lips was quitting the student council.

"Are you saying you are quitting because of my presence in the meetings?" Vera replied.

It did not matter to the Head Girl. It was not the first time she was blamed for such things. Etolie quitting at this point was not really an issue at this point. The Vice President could take over officially until the next election and no questions should rise because of it. If Etolie did not wish to keep her position, that was fine. It was better to quit now than stay in and perform less than satisfactory. It would also mean Vera would not have to keep tabs on this matter any further.

Still, it was best to know the reason.


Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:06 pm
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Etolie wasn't one to save her tests. Typically she'd glance at her grade. If it were a chemistry one she scrutinized it if only she failed to get a perfect score. Her few mistakes had been her own carelessness. Conflicting her recent discoveries with what text books taught her as she failed in keeping things straight. It would be an easy matter to discuss her grades with her professors to get more accurate results.

“I'll check my standing throughout the week.”

She was polite in company that wasn't beneath her. She was even making progress with some of her lessers. Etolie didn't often deal with those students outside her class unless she needed something from them. Still she had crossed paths with Rhaine often enough.

She shook her head. “No I didn't mean it that way. It came off wrong.” Vera's posture was relaxed as she leaned back against that desk. Standing she loomed above her, larger than life. Such a regal figure. A work of shear beauty.

She smelled good. Looked good. Those incredible breasts. Hers at swollen to that size briefly thanks to Tidal's experiments. Though after the benefits faded her orbs remained tender and sensitive.

“I considered being evaluated at some point. I just didn't think it would be today. The ordeal caught me off guard.”

She took a sip of her tea. A jumble of nerves she didn't mean to imply that she was the cause. But what was done was done. Those nerves battled against her already flustered state. Her thoughts weren't as clear as they should be. Thankfully she had considered this often enough that she could carry on without much issue unless blind sided by something.

She couldn't help but blush at the statement of being bettered. While not exclusive to that crafting it did make her feel good in that she had so much attention. Why? Etolie couldn't explain the feeling. Each time she came her she felt good. Surely Vera was playing with her.

Was that the point? To toy with her as she had toyed with the other students?

“No. Yes. Sort of ...” Here goes. Nerves and hope flared up within her. “You've helped me. Let me help you. You seem busy. I think I can help with some of that. As a Prefect. There just wouldn't be time to manage the council on top of that.”

She took another drink from her tea. Instead of babbling. She assumed she'd be shot down out of hand. Prefects had more responsibilities and she was on probation with the council. She expected a no or at the best being considered after her probation ended.

Of course she found power in all forms intoxicating too. So this would be a step up from the council itself.

Etolie Leblanc
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Tue Sep 03, 2024 12:28 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Vera noticed every flicker and flare of the student's emotional aura. Being an empath meant people around her were generally rather 'noisy' with their emotions. She could tell the colors she sensed were positive emotions towards her. Of course, where Etolie's eyes were wandering and looking did not escape the Head Girl either.

Etolie would feel good. The vibrations and stimuli grew as her sensitive breasts were teased further. There was no sign of a remote or Vera making any sort of signs that would signal these things from happening. Was there a camera in the suite? But to think that is to assume even a Head Girl's living place was being monitored at all times. Was these good feeling sensations from the voodoo doll or from her own head? It was a cruel game she was playing.

It was not uncommon to be approached asking for a position as Prefect. Students thought such positions held power over students and was a stepping stone towards becoming a Head Girl. But none really knew what the requirements for being a Prefect and even other Prefects and Head Girls did not always give any clear answers to such inquiries.

Being a Sophomore was one of the requirements which Etolie satisfied. The rest was up to Vera to decide herself. Much like other students, the brunette was quick to mention how busy the Head Girl appeared to be and wish to help ease the burden. Of course, the real reason was not always so selfless. Some wanted the power and benefits of the position. Some wanted to be closer to the silver haired Head Girl who lives alone up in this tower suite.

"You do not owe me anything, Ms. Leblanc," Vera replied as she sets her cup and dish down beside her on the desk, "I am merely performing my duties as a Head Girl. I am not expecting anything in return. Do you know what is expected of a Prefect and what help were you hoping to provide me? Do you think it is worth giving up your position of student council president? If you are concerned you will remain only a figurehead, you should not be. As long as you continue to show improvement, your original role and power would be returned to you."


Tue Sep 03, 2024 1:00 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Was she being watched now? Was someone else using the doll? Etolie felt a pleasant glow come over her. She felt an ache in her chest as her tender breasts felt bombarded with pleasant sensations.

She had not dealt with NICE in the past. Though she was aware of the basement. Not everything there was straight forward and there were things that she didn't understand. Could someone or something shift her connection with the doll? Using it as a focus an usurping her own control from it. Instilling pleasant sensations whenever she regarded Vera a particular way?

Earlier she had believed that Vera was manipulating the doll. Tested out her hypothesis which reinforced her thoughts. But what if she were wrong? For the moment it didn't matter. She'd reflect on it later.

Crossing her legs in efforts in choking off some of that tension her nipples grew. Embroiled to this tingling. It took little effort for her breasts to respond to attention.

Arousal mixing with those nerves. Etolie was relaxing as time went on. Her old position could be reattained. Appealing as that was Etolie had already begun thinking beyond that state. A question was asked to her and she had reflected upon it for a moment.

“Doling out demerits for infractions. Keeping things orderly and ensuring no one steps outside of the rules. I'm not privy to all their tasks.” She thought she could punish easily enough. Though she would have to read up on the rules in her student handbook.

She wasn't use to doing things for no reward. All her life she had looked into motivations of others. Vera certainly took her role seriously. Still she could be of assistance. Oddly it had felt good to volunteer. As much as it would fulfill that craving for power there was something that pleased her in making Vera happy.

How much of it was conditioning? The doll. Or had it been something else? Etolie had spent numerous hours at the tower. She didn't see much of it outside of this chamber which was impressive enough.

“I can at least assist with the remedial stuff that requires more time than anything else. I know that you weren't doing all this for any sort of reward. Still the less tedious things you need to direct your energy towards the more important the tasks you can take on.

“I'm not concerned about my prior position. I think I could do more outside the Council. The Council being a reminder of past mistakes.”
Was she Prefect material? She wasn't the one that would decide that. She wasn't certain if there was a probationary role either. She hadn't recalled seeing a Prefect shadow another or groups of them together outside of a few times at the cafeteria where they took their meals together.

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Thu Sep 05, 2024 6:52 pm
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
"Prefects do distribute demerits and report them to their Head Girl," Vera replied, "Then the Head Girl decides how the matter is to be corrected. Prefects are also assigned a dormitory that becomes their responsibility along with various patrols throughout the day. Order and cleanliness is to be maintained on campus. Failure to do so does not only reflect poorly on the Prefect but the Head Girl that provided the sash in the first place. As a Prefect, you would represent your Head Girl, the staff, and the Headmasters."

Though there was no doubt the student council worked hard on their own events and matters, there work was usually handled during their meetings and event planning. A Prefect would be on the clock every day and night until they graduate or lose their sash. Did Etolie really wish to increase her workload for a possible higher position of authority?

"You would certainly be doing more as a Prefect compared to your current position," Vera added, "But is that what you want? There are benefits for the position. Credits, a better room, and access to additional priviledges... But once you wear the sash, you will be working for your Head Girl and the school itself. This is not a job you can just take then drop it when you find it too difficult. You will be putting in more hours than you ever had as student council president."

"As I said before, Ms. Leblanc," Vera continued, "You do not owe me anything for correcting you and helping you improve yourself. Do not feel obligated to take a role and job just for me. As Prefect, you would be working to make this school a better place. Is that what you truly desire?"

It was certainly not uncommon that students find reasons to dislike this school, especially those that were targets for the various alien guests to this resort disguised as a college campus. Vera had to confirm this one's motivations before considering offering another sash. While selfish desires were not disqualifying, it was important to know what this young woman wants. Perhaps if it was within Vera's power, she could even grant them.


Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:04 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
She liked the sound of a better room. When admitted as a freshman she complained about her room and resented having a roommate. Daddy's money couldn't get her anything larger than she had. Little did she know that her letters home were intercepted. Replies forged and as best as she knew her father's influence couldn't arrange for better accommodations.

She considered the workload weighing it against the prestige. Generally Etolie was lazy. She had stooges to do this or that for her. The exception being when it involved power or status. To a lesser degree it involved her studies in science. With so many fascinating things to discover her interests there had been piqued.

Etolie had no idea about the responsibilities placed on Prefects in regard to the Head Girl they worked under. It made sense to a degree. There had to be something for Head Girls to keep their Prefects in line. Least a Prefect deliberately make their Head Girl look bad. A few weeks ago Etolie might have considered doing just that. Following her initial punishment she both hated and feared Vera. But in the passing weeks she came to realize that Vera was actually attempting to assist her. She had not even realized when she behaved in a more cordial manner.

As far as being tidy she rarely cleaned up. Not that she was messy but there was always someone on hand that tackled all the mundane stuff. She assumed that it would be alright to continue in such a fashion as long as things were done in that regard. That would be something that she would find out later. Keeping things tidy didn't seem too difficult.

“I can manage greater hours. Without the council I'll have more hours free. That and the sciences eat up most of my free time. Most of my lab work isn't class related.”

She certainly had the time. Again it was stressed that she owed Vera nothing.

That may have been the case but as she thought of this Etolie could envision a plan. There were a few minor issues to work out. What we be expected of her for starters.

So the Prefects didn't punish? Or rather they delivered such punishments at the bequest of their Head Girl.

“Is there a probation period? Where a Head Girl can dismiss a Prefect's service or a Prefect can bow out of things if it looks to be too much of a challenge?” She was curious about that. Still she didn't intend to quit such a path and could be somewhat single minded when perusing her own aims. Maybe in time she could become a Head Girl herself though she suspected it would be in her last year or as a grad student. But that was a goal for another time. First things first.

“So I would need a sponsor?” She didn't expect that Vera would take her on. Or would she? If their positions were reversed she would be weary of it. Then again she wasn't as focused about making the school look good as Vera was. Rarely had she placed another ahead of her. There were a few times. Status came into play then, her father's boss and associates were the most prevalent.

Etolie Leblanc
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Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:38 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
"It depends on the Head Girl whether there are additional requirements or grace periods," Vera answered, "Either I offer the position to someone who I feel will aid me in my work here. Or they approach on their own and offer their services. I have never offered a probation period for the position. Either the student has what it takes and works for me or they don't and never gets the position in the first place."

Vera did not have time to babysit a student into the position. Some girls have the skills necessary whiles others made up for what they lacked in their loyalty. It would not be to the Head Girl's benefit if she showed a girl the ropes only for them to not take the position or seek a better opportunity elsewhere.

The tasks revealed so far were not difficult. It merely required time, effort, and discipline. Merely performing their patrols and maintaining their dorms will ease some of the burden on a Head Girl.

Vera pushed off the desk and walked slowly around Etolie. "Tell me, Ms. Leblanc," Vera began, "As your Head Girl, what do you think I value in a Prefect?"

The doll was still being stimulated. Was the stimulation getting stronger or was it just Etolie's resistance waning? Vera desired undying loyalty in her Prefects. It was the only way to ensure her time was not wasted in taking a student under her wing. But was Etolie truly going to be loyal to the cause or would she change her mind if things become difficult?


Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:41 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
Etolie processed those words. It was a leap of faith in a way. She didn't know all that would be required of the position other than what she could glean. Long hours, she understood that. She reflected on what she saw and heard in her time at the university. Their duties couldn't be too difficult. If a commoner could do it then she could. Time and keeping her dorm cleaned would be easy enough. There certainly had to be more but Etolie figured that she'd learn those things in time.

This was something that she either did and stuck with or didn't bother with at all. That was what she was getting out of this. The position either offered for those that showed promise or one simply asked for it.

Etolie was fairly bright. She worked this all out in little time. But she was giving time to reflect on details as they were offered giving it some thought without delaying too much in her response.

She certainly could manage the requirements given thus far. As expected they were nothing outlandish and when she wanted something she made her best effort. Normally things came easy to her and she didn't have to exert herself. With the right motivation she could be driven. Such was the case in learning to remove that evil eye as well as the chemistry and biology projects left to her by some of the guests.

She watched Vera as she pushed away from the desk. Just a slight jiggle from those large breasts. That silver hair seemed to catch the light spilling in through the windows just right making it appear to shimmer. Far more alluring than any work of art she witnessed.

A question reached her ears as Vera circled around her. Etolie shifting her neck this way and that to maintain eye contact. Or was that an excuse to continue to feed her eyes such a delicious sight.

“I would have to say discipline. Those that can carry out your idles about the school. Providing you with a greater reach to the student body. Someone that won't waste your time. Perhaps ease your workload by helping you carry out the more tedious tasks so you can better focus on more important tasks.”

She was far too young to be experiencing hot flashes. Yet she felt a warmth predominantly in her ears, neck and chest. That tingle within her growing stronger. Her body responding to that euphoric sensation as her nipples stiffen and she feels moisture collecting between her thighs.

Etolie doesn't see the doll. Watching Vera as she was she can only conclude that someone else is using it. Maybe they were watching now. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe it was something else. She had no idea about NICE. She had concluded that experiments were conducted in the basement but she had always believed they were sexual in nature. Wasn't this?

Or was there some other effect at play here? Etolie had skipped traditional studies and it hurt her now. Whereas she may have had some sort of clue. For the time being she had to ignore these things and endure these feelings as best as she could. She attempted to ignore it as best as she could though it was evident that she was flustered. Her ears were beat red along with her neck, her arousal made apparent. Why are these shirts so tight?

Etolie felt embarrassed. Unable to control these reactions she attempted to hid her arousal by taking up her satchel. Placing it on her lap and rummaging through it for the right text book. Sort of using that satchel as a shield to hid behind.

Etolie Leblanc
Character Listing
Etolie's Adventure's

Tue Sep 10, 2024 1:12 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
The silver haired woman did not show any attention towards Etolie's plight. The student fidgeted and fumbled with her bag, doing anything to take her focus away from what she felt right now. There was no way the Head Girl did not notice right?

But, Vera never mentioned the woman's aroused or flustered state. Besides the correction session in the basement, Vera never touched the woman and even then it was with toys and other implements. No matter how aroused and flushed the student became, the Head Girl layed a finger on Etolie. Was the doll just a means to torture the woman, training her to desire the Head Girl but never being taken?

The Head Girl did enjoy the flares of colorful emotions coming from the woman. Taking Etolie as a Prefect would ensure this little game continued beyond just their tutoring sessions. The woman circled around the chair and back around her desk. A hand brushed long strands of silver hair back behind her shoulder. Her footsteps clicked lightly on the tile floor. "Our meetings and tutoring sessions have granted plenty of opportunities to prove yourself and show what you are capable of," Vera declared, "What has happened in the past was corrected? Now, you claim you are a woman who will aid my efforts and not waste my time while still maintaining the standards expected of you as both a student and as my Prefect."

"Is that what you want? To be my Prefect, Ms. Leblanc?" Vera asked, "Stand up and close your eyes. You may leave your bag on the chair." The sound of footsteps approached slowly. Etolie would feel a touch on her shoulder. The diodes on the doll would increase in intensity, gradually rising towards their maximum setting. She would feel soft fabric come over that shoulder and drape across her chest. Vera's own chest would brush against Etolie's own as the Head Girl tied the navy blue sash across the student's shoulder.

"With this, you belong to me," Vera whispered into Etolie's ear as she was wracked with pleasure through her own enchanted doll, "Do not disappoint me."

Once the sash was tied, Vera drew away from the newly adorned Prefect. There was still much to be done but Etolie had at least achieved this first step.


Tue Sep 10, 2024 3:28 am
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Post Re: Ambition (for Vera)
No attention had been brought to her aroused state. But how could Vera not know? Etolie could feel the heat beneath her skin. Aware that her ears and neck had to be flushed by this point. Her eyes following the Head Girl as best as they could loosing track of her when she was directly behind her for a moment.

Embarrassment. Arousal. A sprinkle of ambition. Etolie was a mixed bag of emotions. Struggling to stay on point. Had she heard right? She had to play back those words to comprehend them given the distractions that were ravishing her body. Dawning came a moment later, her surprise displayed by her widening eyes. She managed to compose herself in quick order.

“Yes. I will excel with those standards and as your Prefect.” Excitement blossomed within her at that. Certainly she had not expected to serve Vera in this way. At best she had expected to be pawned off to another Head Girl. She certainly wasn't going to complain about her good fortune. "Yes, that is what I desire.”

So thrilled she leaped out of her seat. Almost forgetting about the state she was in. Standing reminded her immediately as her legs buckled. Her bag set in the seat. Eyes closing her shoulder felt a warm infusion at that touch. Fabric draped over her, a shock wave flowed over her chest as she felt Vera's own skim against hers. Signals flared through her chest to her brain forcing a small gasp to part her lips. Then those sensations flared generating a louder cry to part those lips.

She had never been on the receiving end of her dolls. NICE certainly had a hand in intensifying those sensations too. Nor had Etolie been dominated by another woman if their session in the basement and the guests were discounted.

“Belong to,” she repeated. The sash serving as a brand of sorts. “Yes. Of course. May I open my eyes now?” She shivered. Her pleasure spiking with those whispered words. She had been forced to reach behind her to the arm of the chair to remain upright. She at least retained the presence of mind not to reach out and grab what was in front of her. Even with her eyes closed she could feel Vera right there. It would have been all too easy to grab a breast. Maybe even cop a feel … she swallowed hard, her wits and restraint reaching a breaking point.

In the past she did her best to keep from speaking about the doll. But these feelings were getting to great to ignore. She opened her mouth to make an inquiry but promptly closed it after taking a deep breath. Her chest rising and falling as she did so. The keenest movement felt tenfold given how sensitive she was there. She had to adjust her breathing so as not to be overwhelmed with those sparks and jolts of bliss she received.

Etolie Leblanc
Character Listing
Etolie's Adventure's

Thu Sep 12, 2024 1:08 am
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