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 Surviving the Black Desert (Jacknife) 
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Post Surviving the Black Desert (Jacknife)
((Moved from old board))


Raven sighed as she sat on her chair that had been the seat from the cockpit of the scrap-heap that was once her favorite star-fighter, and stared morosely out into the bright horizon through the doorway of her shelter, wondering if there was any food and water to be found on this miserable little black planet. It had been almost a week now that Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth had been stranded on the seemingly endless black desert without much hope of being rescued, and what little food and water she had stuffed in her emergency supply pack was almost gone. Times were definitely getting desperate.

From observing the many ruins Raven had seen that were littering this great desolate black plane, there may have once been massive cities on this planet, but something had happened that changed all that. Perhaps a nuclear war, judging by the look of the place. There was nothing left anywhere except the dust, sand, and rock-covered ruins of ancient, vaguely important-looking buildings and a lot of skulls.

The general effect of the whole place was what you might get if you took a screenshot from a sci-fi B movie depicting the end result of WWIII and grafted it onto a photo of what might be the local equivalent of the Sahara Desert. Except that instead of the fine, grainy yellow sand of a normal dessert, it was all black and gray, and looked and felt more like bits of ground rock and gravel than anything else.

When the sun finally began to set, Raven unstuck herself from her uncomfortable metal seat and stretched out her stiff and sore body, which was still recovering from the sexual assault at the hands of the alien rapist that had brutally sodomized and raped her only moments after crash-landing onto the planets surface. She had crash-landed onto this desolate hellhole because her star-fighter had been shot down during a viscous battle with the ever-present space pirates that had not gone so well for either side.

It certainly had not gone so well for rookie Agent Macbeth, who had taken fire from a proton blast that had hit the underbelly of her ship just hard enough to cause minor damage. It had, unfortunately, also caused enough damage for her fuel to start leaking at a disturbing rate. It was this and the fact that she had been surrounded by nearly a dozen ships that had caused her to so desperately make a potentially-lethal nose-dive for the black planet.

Though she had somehow managed to land safely on the planet’s surface, her transport had not fared so well. The left wing had broken off completely during the crash when the ship's side collided with a large piece of mortared stone that was probably the ruins of some long-forgotten temple. The underbelly was a complete mess of wire and jagged metal from a combination of a blast from a proton torpedo and the rather rough landing on the planet's rocky surface.

Her attacker’s minions, a mass of giant alien insects had, upon spotting her ship, had made matters even worse by tearing her once-proud space fighter to shreds in an effort to get at her. As she watched, the rookie agent felt her anger rising, once again fueling her with the familiar anger-filled adrenalin that had kept her going for so long during the space battle that had taken place. She was pretty sure she knew what these creatures were after, and she'd be damned if she was going to sit by and watch. Opening the cockpit, Angelina quickly strapped on her main weapons, cocked her M6D Assault Pistols and, with a gun in each hand, the heavily armed and armored woman dived out of the cockpit, screaming wordless defiance and firing off the 12.7mm semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive rounds at the alien insects surrounding her ship.

Of course, her ammo had inevitably ran out, and by then she had become surrounded by the repulsive creatures, who had then proceeded to strip her of her weapons and armor, along with her dignity, quickly leaving her naked of all three. This had pissed her off greatly, as the proud metal-worker had spent an eternity crafting her gleaming titanium armored suit, only to have it ripped apart in seconds by a bunch of overgrown cockroaches. Worse than her captors was their supposed master, a massive silver lizard-like creature Named Grail, who looked to Raven like Gozilla’s evil twin and was infinitely nastier than the former.

Their encounter, which seemed to have lasted an eternity, had left her bloodied, bruised, and utterly humiliated at the hands of the ruthless beast. There was still plenty of both left over from the creature’s sexual conquest (there was still a big gash in her left leg, which she had since treated and bandaged), with a large dose of dried monster cum thrown into the mix.

And thus here she was now, desperately roaming the endless black dessert by moonlight, wearing only her tattoos and a few scars and stained with a mix of dried sweat, blood and cum (and her utility belt and weapons, of course—-Raven was desperate, not stupid), continuing her endless search for sustenance and a way to clean the nasty shit off her lithe body. There had to be something. After all, her attackers had managed to survive off of something, though she knew not what. But she would find it and take her fill. All it took was a little determination and a lot of luck.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Last edited by Angelina Macbeth on Tue May 29, 2007 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 29, 2007 4:30 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45
Argos Xenophon was in a situation he had not been in before. His objective was exploration, but unlike most times when he went to explore the suclulent . He had left his cave on Shokushu Island, in full armour with his sword and shield strapped to his back. Today he was going to see if he could get off the island, off the planet.

Now, he knew he was on another planet and he realised that the only way to get off the island was the same way he had got on it; on one of the planes that brought the unsuspecting students for their supposed education. He therefore headed for the Shokushu airfield.

When he had arrived he had snuck aboard in the cargo hold of the plane. He then knew that the small craft had linked up with a bigger spacecraft before descending to the new planet below. He had heard about the gas that was used upon the schoolgirls and he didn’t wish to test the affects on himself, hence him hiding in the cargo hold. While this had protected him from any harmful gas it had stopped him looking around at his surroundings. He had found no window to see outside so knew nothing of what he was expecting.

This time however, he assumed that if the ship was thought to be empty on returning to orbit, he could sneak aboard the main segment of the craft and make some observations. Then after that, who knew what would happen.

His plan started off perfectly. One of the small planes landed at the airstrip, delivering a few ripe students. They departed the plane happily. Argos activated his bracelet and headed for the plane. He silently passed the students smelling their sweet fragrant perfume as he did. They had avoided him this time, but he would make a note to go visit them upon his return.

Climbing up the stairs he took up a window seat, out of the way of any crew on the plane. Eventually the plane began to turn and taxi back to the runway and took off. The plane flew for about 20 minutes along a quite low flat trajectory till it was well out of sight of the island. Hearing the plane firing some sort of extra engines, Argos felt a sudden, but sustained burst of acceleration. The plane then quickly pitched upwards towards the sky as the acceleration continued. The near vertical trajectory quickly cleared the cloud cover and the blue sky slowly faded into the blackness of space.

Argos looked through the small widow allowing him to clearly see the millions of stars that illuminated his view. The craft that he was in, continued along its trajectory for several minutes before violently changing course. Looking outside through the window he saw the reason for the current change. Two small fighter craft approached the transporter with incredible speed. With a quick crackle of static, the comm system blurted into life.

“……Stand down….mediatly. Our scanners indicate a dampening field….round your ship. You are required …..searched. Change course to dock ….ADD station, Home One…………. Comply or be destroyed…….”

The order was followed by a burst of laser fire that shot over the hull of the vulnerable craft. Argos held firmly to his seat realising he was at the mercy of who or whatever was piloting the vehicle. Thankfully for his sake the craft seemed to turn and change course, the two fighters taking up position to each side and slightly behind. Slowly the formation accelerated as Argos watched in intrigue. Several minutes past until a larger ship suddenly came from in front of Argos. Instantly his head turned to look forwards. His eyes slowly came to terms with what he saw. The magnificent structure of the space station was in view, fighters and other small craft entering and emerging from several small hanger bays that were connected to the hull.

Slowly the small transport entered the main hanger passing through a magcon force field that allowed the atmosphere to remain within the hanger despite the open main door. After slowly landing on the main deck of the bay all the doors opened slowly with pressurised bursts of air. Argos took the opportunity to invisibly exit.

Walking unnoticed by through a corridor away from the hanger, Argos conveniently came across a large map, which pointed him in the direction of the station’s archive. In the room full of computer and terminals, Argos learnt. He did not know how long he stayed there, though it must have been hours only sometimes being disturbed, by a couple of well-armed ADD agents.

And boy did he get through a long list of information. He focused on the ADD, it’s mission and the equipment it used and tried to teach himself the basics of space travel. When he had finished he was confident he could handle some sort of ship to some degree of basic level, now all he had to do was find one.

Returning to the map he had found, he decided on one of the many secondary hangers the station seemed to posses. Again he reached his destination unnoticed and entered the large hanger. Again a Magcon shield held the air in against the vacuum of space allowing several small droids to busily work on the four ships that occupied the room. Two were small, looking like snubfighters and appeared to be a cockpit strapped on to two large engines with some impressive looking weaponry on each side. Another looked like a large brick with an engine out the back, presumably some sort of freighter as several machines seemed to be loading cargo on to it. This left the medium sized shuttle closest to him as looking like the easiest one to fly.

The hatch at the back open to him he walked up the small ramp, through the back and into the deserted cockpit. His braclet glowed slightly indicating it was losing power and would be unable to keep him hidden. Reluctantly he deactivated it bringing him visible in the control chair as he familiarised himself with the controls.

“Security breach. Security breach. Intruder in Hanger 2A, repeat Hanger 2A”

Argos cursed at the initial interruption, but then cursed some more when he saw several larger droids moving into position in front of him next to the shield. Pressing multiple buttons Argos thought he was starting up the engines of the small craft. He however realised his mistake when a small missile shot out of his ship, sliced through one of the larger armed droids and imbedded itself in some sort of power conduit before exploding. While this initially seemed like a very bad thing, it proved to be slightly fortunate for the cursed Grecian. As the power conduit exploded the magcon shield flicked and faded exposing the hanger to hard vacuum. Anything not tied down to the hanger was suddenly sucked rather quickly out of the bay, including the 4 ships, several droids and countless other items that had littered the floor.

With all the confusion this undoubtedly caused Argos was eventually able to start up his engines before any significant pursuit could be mustered. Placing a random heading into the computer he set off exploring as he searched the back looking to see what supplies this shuttle happened to have. It was several hours of searching the back when a small alarm went off in the cockpit.

Quickly he returned expecting to being dogged by a pursuit craft, but instead the computer brought to his attention a planet where some sort of distress call was being transmitted. With nothing, but empty space seemingly upon this heading Argos decided to turn and investigate, bringing the shuttle into land a few miles from the signals origin where some relatively flat ground allowed him to. The flat ground looked to have been a large riverbed, but the river had long since gone only with a slightly damp undersoil.

Checking his scimitar and shield, strapped to his back, Argos exited the craft and headed in the direction of the mysterious signal.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:31 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

It was worthless. Five hours trek across the desolate wasteland, and nothing in sight but a bunch of boring old ruins. There was not a drop of water to be found anywhere she looked, and she was starting to get very thirsty. Yet try as she might, she couldn’t find a single ounce of liquid, not even so much as a cactus to extract anything from, and the only living creatures she had found were the nasty bugs that had found her.

But what was she to do? She sure as hell wasn’t going to let herself die from hunger or dehydration on this godforsaken planet, not after all the shit she had been through in her life. Not after surviving all that she had up to this point. It would go against everything she believed in to just give now and surrender to the inevitable.

In frustration and desperation, Raven drew up everything that had fueled her and kept her going all the years following the brutal death of her family 15 years ago: her anger and hate towards everything and everyone in the universe, her unbending, stubborn determination not to fail, her iron will, and (perhaps most importantly in the current circumstances) her natural instincts for survival and self-preservation.

Newly-emboldened, Agent Macbeth suddenly felt more like herself: angry, vindictive, and as unstable as an active volcano (and about as explosive as one, too). She would do anything she could to make it through this shit. She would survive in spite of the universe and everyone and everything in it. There was food and water to be found somewhere on this planet and, by God, she was going to find it. And then she was going to find some way to escape from this shithole, acquire a new space-fighter, and then hunt down and kill every last monster, alien creature and space pirate in the universe, along with anyone who got in her way.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:33 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

Cautiously he approached, but quickly decided that the craft was deserted, but only recently so. Argos searched the ship extensively though however. The small craft was clearly not going to fly again. The only part which really remained intact was the cockpit, where presumably the low range signal that he had picked up came from. However there was also the main monitor, which looked relatively undamaged. With renewed excitement, Argos scrolled through the computers files looking for any information on whom this, now wreck of a spacecraft belonged to. After several minutes of searching he came across what he desired, a data spike containing a bio of one Angelina “Raven” Macbeth.

He smiled evilly to himself, he had a name and also some very useful information including several pictures of the rookie agent in her tight fitting attire complete with her two rather large blades on her arms. Hmmm, perhaps she would put up some sort of a fight, he wondered, if of course she was still alive. He did hope so, one because he wanted to make sure the trip wasn’t a was of his time and second because the black haired tattooed beauty was simply so alluring in some strange way. Argos had always been attracted to strong women and there was something about this one that jumped out at him.

Now all he had to do was find her as she presumably had left in search of food, water or shelter. Which ever it didn’t matter, but on such a desolate world he had no way of tracking her, no footprints or other markings seemed to be present. Perhaps she would return, but he did not know how long that would take and he wasn’t exactly trying to hang around his desolate place. If only he could attract her to return faster. Searching within the cockpit again he found something that might just work. Seemingly a flare or signal gun, the green monster aimed directly upwards and fired to shots. Two bright lights one red, one blue raced out of the device illuminating the dark sky with their beautiful shades of colour.

All he could do now was simply wait and hope the fiery Miss Macbeth was able and willing to return to her wrecked fighter.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:34 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

The tattooed woman absolutely hated that she had to search by night, but the sun was way too hot to travel by day and she had no way to protect herself from the sun’s rays. Plus, she didn’t have enough water to keep her hydrated when she needed it most. It was search by night or fry in the arid desert heat and die of dehydration and sun-poisoning.

Angelina had already spent way too much time out on the sun the day of her arrival during her encounter with that creature Grail, and she had been half-delirious from the heat for the next few days and was also sun burnt from head to toe. For a week, she had looked like a lobster too long on the boil, and had been itching and squirming the entire time.

It was two hours later and still Raven continued her tireless pursuit of food and water, and anything else that might be able to help her survive in what the dark-haired woman had began to think of as her new home. Who knows? Perhaps there might even be something close to civilization somewhere out there.

It stood to reason, if one race of beings existed on this planet, there had to be another one somewhere. Perhaps someone advanced enough to be able to help her of this rock. If they did exist, they would aid her. At gun-point if necessary. The desperate agent was willing to go to any length to get what she needed.

Suddenly, Raven looked up as she spotted two flares shooting up in the air and bursting before her eyes in a distant explosion of red and blue light. It was some ways distant to the south, and she realized that it had come from the direction of her ship. So, after a week of pure hell in this miserable fucking rock-pile, someone had finally come for her. She let out a frustrated growl as she headed for her ship. Nice to know they had finally acknowledged the absence of her presence. And all this time, she had thought that they would have put her down as ‘Killed in Action’.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:35 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

With the two flares released Argos returned to the datapad and continued reading. As he read he also thought about how he would allow the encounter to go. His fundamental problems were that he did not know from which direction the sexy ADD agent would come from, how long it would take her and how she was armed. Bio’s could only tell a reader so much and certainly not enough to generate a proper mental picture of her.

The problem of introducing himself also was one that concerned him. If his bracelet had had the appropriate charge, he would simply have used it to disarm her without much fuss. However with the depletion his options were limited to standing next to the downed ship and risking an onslaught from any projectile she may be carrying or attempting to hide and let her return to the ship where he could then reveal himself.

This still left the problem of the direction she would come from. Weighing up his option, Argos decided his best bet was to back track on himself slightly and watch from the same direction as his ship as he had not encountered her. Argos by chance had landed in the first available area he found that was anywhere close to the site. Unknown, but luckily for him, it had been in a south eastily direction and Raven would assuming she went in a straight line back to her ship would hit the crash site before him.

Hiding behind a large rocky boulder, Argos set himself up in his best position given his available knowledge and prepared for what might be the long hall.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:38 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

As Raven had been trekking non-stop across the endless desert, littered with ruins, skulls and rock, for the last seven hours straight, it was taking a rather long time to make it back to her ship, especially now that it had gotten so dark out that the thin, silvery light provided by the moon was aiding her vision even less than it had earlier.

But she done a week of night-time explorations, carefully examining the area around her and then entering data…including what she had seen and when, and where this particular area was located in relation to her shelter…into the small electronic keypad that was always at hand.

With this info, she could find her way back to her ship easier, kind of like leaving bread crumbs. This in turn allowed her to find a few short-cuts so that she didn’t have to spend as much time heading back to shelter as it otherwise might.

Opening a pouch in her weapons/utility belt, the rookie agent pulled out a small foldable pair of hi-tech night-vision goggles and fitted them over her eyes so that she could better see the way back to her ship, and then took out a small, portable GPS device to find a quick way ‘back home’. Using both GPS and her keypad, the resourceful agent compared the data and, after scanning the surrounding area, she eventually found a relatively easy route back to the ship. Slowly, she headed ‘home’…

It had taken some time to return, but not as long as it might have been. About ten yards away from her ship and closing, Raven suddenly felt something was amiss. There were no ships nearby apart from her own, and apparently nobody nearby. Wary of a possible trap her hands immediately went for her main weapons, the two The M6D Assault Pistols she always kept by her side.

Armed and ready for action, the raven-haired rookie moved foreword cautiously, arms out and legs moving in classic battle-ready position as she slowly and deliberately made her way towards her ship and whatever danger might be near.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:39 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

So she had finally arrived, Argos smiled from his hidden vantage point. He had waited for many hours, in which time a dark night had fallen over this seemingly dead planet making it look even creepier than it had. Her body was simply magnificent, everything he had hopped for after seeing her picture, and he would enjoy this.

Argos watched her intensely as she approached, clearly aware that something was wrong, as the site hadn’t really changed very much since she had left it. With her two small weapons armed in her hands, and light amplifying ocular device attached to her head, Argos watched as she slowly approached her ship. Being slightly higher than she was he was able to have a good view of her and how she approached and was reasonably sure he was still unnoticed.

He considered how to introduce himself.
Should he simply attack and disarm her? He disliked this idea. He wanted to learn about her from her own mouth, not what had been in her file. Also he did not want to kill her, or even injury to badly if avoidable, before he had the chance to have his way with her.

As his mind rummaged through all the possibilities of their encounter, he realised something quite interesting. This world seemed to be completely devoid of life. Despite the tolerable atmosphere, Argos had not seen an moving creature, let alone a sentient one. This beautiful warrior had most likely been alone since her craft crashed for whatever reason was behind that. Despite the fact he had not come here to rescue her, his presence indicated there was at leas some possibility of that happening and he found it very unlikely that she would not jump at the chance to leave such a cursed planet.

Not revealing his presence anymore than he had to, Argos shouted down to his intended quarry.

“Greetings, Agent Macbeth. Looks like you’re in a spot of bother with that fighter yours!!!” sniggering at his little joke as he finished.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:40 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

As Raven neared her totaled ship, laying in shambles since the fateful day she had crash-landed it into the rocks a week ago, she could definitely tell that something was not right. The flares had come from this direction, she was sure of it. However, there were still no signs of life that she could find, which confirmed her suspicions that the flares had been sent up in order to lure her into a trap.

She should have thought of that to begin with before she had walked all this way. She had been here for a bloody week for god’s sake! Surely if they had known where she was and that she was possibly still alive, they would have shown up well before now. It would have taken hardly any time at all to get here from Headquarters, what with all the advanced technology they had developed. Now that she thought of it, she doubted they would have bothered to show up anyway, given her rotten reputation among her superiors and fellow agents.

Upon returning to her fighter, the raven-haired agent stuck her head in the cockpit of her ship to see if anything might have been tampered with. Not that it mattered much anyway, as the majority of the equipment had been rendered inoperable by either the dogfight with the space pirates or her crashing onto this miserable planet, but one could never be too careful. Perhaps it had been rigged to explode when touching the wrong thing or something.

Everything looked the same as she had left it…except for her main monitor. Some asshole had been snooping through the computer and had pulled up her profile on the ADD database. So, someone here now knew who she was and was waiting for her somewhere, probably close by. Well, fine. She highly doubted that there was anything in there that could be of much use to anybody, anyway.

And as to whoever was waiting for her…well, there was just enough info in her profile to show anyone that Agent Angelina “Raven” Macbeth was not someone to piss off, and that she concealed enough sharp blades and highly-explosive firepower to arm a small platoon.

As she was leaving her ship to explore the area for possible threat, she heard a mocking voice call out to her: “Greetings, Agent Macbeth. Looks like you’re in a spot of bother with that fighter of yours!!!” followed by a loud snicker. Raven spun in the direction of the voice, fixed herself in the classic ‘fight or flight’ crouch-like stance, weapons aimed and ready to fire at the daft fool who dared mock a crazy bitch with a gun.

The voice had come from somewhere around the giant boulder she was now aiming at, though she could not see where. Frustrated, Macbeth holstered one of her firearms and flicked open a pouch in her belt and took out a plasma grenade, usually reserved for the most extreme or desperate circumstances, and spoke with authority to the man (?) in hiding as she continued to hold her aim with the assault pistol still in hand.

“Attention coward hiding behind the bloody big rock, this is Agent Angelina Macbeth of the Alien Defense Directorate! I am about to send an active plasma grenade your way, which will detonate exactly three seconds after impact! I hereby warn you to get the fuck out of there, unarmed and with your hands behind your head, in the time given or prepare to be blown straight to fucking hell!”

(FYI: The plasma granade is similar to our own hand grenade in that it is a thrown anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapon. It has some kind of internal mechanism that allows it to distinguish between targets and background. For example, it will stick to a soldier or vehicle, but not a tree or wall. It has a three-second fuse that is activated after it sticks to a target or otherwise comes to a rest.)

With her final word spoken, Raven quickly activated the high-explosive grenade and lobbed it over the boulder, grabbed the gun from her holster, and took aim, all in one fluid, well-practiced movement.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Last edited by Angelina Macbeth on Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue May 29, 2007 4:41 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

“Hmm, perhaps revealing myself in such away wasn’t the most prudent course of action” he said to himself as she shouted at him. He then proceed to watch the young agent toss over the small object “Yep, defiantly a bad tactical move on my part”

He had multiple options: surrender, run, stay and attempt to shield himself from the explosive. Considering he had no idea how big the explosion would be he rejected this idea straight away. He would also consider surrendering and trying to then gain the upper hand, but rejected that idea on the grounds that this agent seemed to be exactly like her file said she would and seemed to work on the principle of; shoot first, don’t even ask questions later.

Standing, he turned his body to flip his shield onto his left arm in one motion. Since coming to Shokushu this shield had stood up unscratched to anything that had been thrown against it, including several demon weapons, so he had no doubt that it would survive against any weapon she could throw at him. He just had to make sure that he was always behind it.

Moving quickly to his right, Argos brought the shield up and crouched slightly covering all of his upper body. Almost instantly he was about 10 meters from his original position before crouching down further and remaining completely covered by his shield which pointed mainly towards her, but had some part of it towards the explosion he knew was coming.

He needn’t have bothered. The grenade presumably had fallen in to a hole or divert in the ground behind the boulder, forcing the bulk of the explosion upwards, though it did send flying a significant amount of rock and soil in all directions.

Crouching behind his shield again, Argos tried once more to create a dialogue. “That’s a very strange greeting for someone who can offer you a way off this planet, Agent Macbeth. Being alone her clearly has not done much for you people skills”

Her attitude told him that a fight looked inevitable, but for some reason he still tried to avoid it. He just hoped that if her were forced to attack her he didn’t injury her to severely.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:42 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

“Shit!” Angelina had hoped that the bomb would quickly rid herself of this nuisance so that she could go get some rest in her shelter and then continue her desperate search for sustenance before the blistering hot sun reared its ugly head again. Unfortunately, there had been no bits of body flying through the air as she had been waiting for, just pieces of rock and earth.

“What fucking people skills?” Raven shot back after listening to his words, which she considered to be total bullshit, as the naked woman maintained her aim and stance, “I never had any of that shit to begin with! And as for offering me a way off this rock, why, then, have you been hiding from me all this time, when you could have met me at my ship and spoken to me face-to-face! What would you have me think of your intentions, with you skulking behind that big-ass boulder as if you were planning some kind of ambush? Seems to me that you have a few things to work on yourself, ye daft old bugger!”

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:43 am
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Happy that his words simply hadn’t been met with a hail of gunfire bouncing off his shield, Argos wearily stood revealing his slightly demonic green form to her. There he stood, his shield on his left arm with his sword still sheathed behind it, his armour that protected his muscular torso and his right hand still clutching the flare gun he had used to signal her.

“Well hiding came from your reputation in your file and who you are. If I stood there next to your ship what are you going to do? Shoot me on sight, that’s what you’re going to do. Not going to ask who is this or why he is here? Your going to shot first, as you have proved from lobbing at grenade at me, when introduced myself.”

He paused allowing the truth to sink into the young agent, though he severally doubted she would feel pity or remorse. Instead he spent the few seconds having a proper look at her naked body. Firm, well toned and beautiful, she seemed from this distance anyway, to be a marvel of physical perfection. Her breasts firm and perky and her tattoo on her shoulder adding a certain sexiness. He couldn’t yet see her other two tattoo as they were still covered by her night vision goggles.

“You know it to be true, but I shall continue with what I have to offer. I have a ship. I can return you home. I can get you off this lifeless ball of a rock. Now you will have to do something for me, if you wish my help, but if that does not appeal to you, tell me and I will simply leave you to your scrap pile. And before you even think about it, killing me and then trying to get into my ship won’t work” he smiled as he laid out his terms to her as he stood ready in a neutral stance preparing for what he thought was the likelihood of her opening fire.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:44 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

“Oh, bloody hellfire,” Raven muttered as the man revealed himself to her as he stepped out from behind the rocks. She saw now that he was no human man, but some weird-looking ogre creature, who definitely looked nothing like the cartoon movie Shrek’s depiction of a big, fat, ugly creature with an inferiority complex. For one thing, he wasn’t fat, and he looked far uglier than Shrek on his worst day. And this creature’s appearance certainly gave truth to his words about what Angelina would have done had he shown himself sooner.

The rookie agent began to snarl, her face a mask of pure hatred and loathing, as she tightened the grip on her weapons. She would like nothing more than to send this ugly beast back to the hell he crawled out of right now. All she had to do was sheath her two guns and reach back for her rocket launcher, smaller and more portable, but no less lethal, than the one in her profile. It was already loaded, just in case of emergency.

It was just a short series of simple steps: grab, remove safety, point, aim, and shoot. But that would mean taking her attention off of her opponent, which was not something she was prepared to do unless she had to. Strategies were currently forming in Raven’s head as the…thing before her continued to speak.

Raven laughed bitterly at his words as she aimed for the creature’s head and got ready to fire. “Do you actually expect me to believe any of that shit about you--a being whose sole motivation and ambition in life is the torture, rape, and humiliation of your victims—helping me? I’ve been on Shokushu Island, you know. I was forced to endure four long years of fuckin hell at the hands of you little shits before I was taken off the island to be a sex slave for creature uglier even than you. Do something for you? I think not. I don’t have to be fuckin psychic to form a decent idea on my head about what that something might be. I don’t want your ‘help’, asshole, just your head.”

With that said began unloading on the armored ogre, trying to hit the thing in multiple areas of his body in order to get him in one place while his shield was busy protecting another, wondering how well this strategy would work with the weapons at hand.

(FYI: The M6D Assault Pistol is a recoil-operated, magazine-fed handgun. It is issued with a smart-linked scope capable of 2X magnification. It fires 12.7mm semi-armor-piercing, high-explosive rounds. It can shoot either semi-automatic or automatic fire. Shot placement is very important. The only shot that guarantees immediate and total incapacitation is one roughly centered in the head, above a horizontal line passing through the ear opening and below the crown of the alien skull.)

The rookie agent had limited combat experience, and had never fought against anything so well-protected, and so she was just going for whatever strategy seemed like the best idea at the time. Hopefully it would work before she ran out of ammo.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:45 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

Argos was disappointed, but not surprised at the agents response and was already ducking behind his shield when she began firing. The small metal projectiles skimmed through the air, so hitting only air, or the dark ground below him, but many hit the beautifully shiny golden shield.

Despite the impressive rate of fir from the weapons, the high calibre bullets seemed to bounce of like a ball on a brick wall. This is not to say they didn’t create a storm of sparks as they did so, but the shield remained perfectly intact, not even scratching the polished surface. Despite the shield keeping him safe at the moment, he knew he would not remain that way for long. He had to act decisively. Unfortunately all he had was his sword and shield and the flare gun he had picked up.

He could use his sword of course. The curved blade thrown with skill was a controllable projectile. He had done it before many times. There was only one problem, the resulting death that it usually caused, or at worse the dismemberment of the victim unlucky enough to get in the way.

The same was true of the flare gun. Hitting a naked body would most likely result in some horrendous burns that she would likely never recover from so Argos quickly dismissed that as well. However an idea then suddenly came back into his mind. Remembering that night vision goggles like hers, worked by simply enhancing the low level light that existed at night from the stars and the moon. A plan quickly formed as he worked through the logic.

Yes, a large source of light, like one of the flares, would do one of two things as it overloaded her goggles. One it would either overload the system resulting in the system crashing and becoming unusable, distracting her for a second or two while she removed it, or it could enhance the blinding flash from the flare acting like a super charged flashbang, temporarily incapacitating the fiery agent allowing Argos to disarm her.

With his plan set, Argos quickly managed to put I into action. With a short break in the thundering sound of discharging assault pistols, Argos was able to basic aim and released the double charged shot. The beauty of his plan was that unlike his opponent accuracy wasn’t a massive issue. As long as he managed to aim in front of her in her view arc, anywhere would do.

Thankfully that’s what happened. The lit flare hit the ground about 5 meters in front of the naked beauty, in no danger of injuring her, before exploding with the usual huge flash, between the two combatants.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:46 am
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Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 4:00 am
Posts: 45

Angelina growled in frustration at the ineffectiveness of he weapons against her opponent, cursing herself for leaving her rocket launcher back at her shelter. It would have been extra weight that she hadn’t thought that she needed simply to search for food and water. So much for being prepared. Raven should have known better, especially after dealing with the giant lizard and his minions the day she had crash-landed on this desolate hell-hole.

Click, click. “God damn it!” Raven grumbled as she released the empty mags onto the ground before reaching for more. Unfortunately, this had given the creature just enough time to retaliate, firing two glowing balls from the stolen flare gun in her direction. The flares impacted the ground a few feet away, the blast sending her flying backwards, hitting hard against a large boulder, while the blinding light from the bright orbs overloaded her goggles, putting them completely out of commission.

This of course caused some major problems for the rookie agent, but since the blow to the head from the boulder knocked her unconscious, there wasn’t a whole lot she could do about it at the moment.

Agent Angelina "Raven" Macbeth
Its all these demons haunting me
Its all these little things trapped inside of me
Releasing me from all my sin

Its taken me all of my anger
And taken me all of my hate
To learn how my life came together
Releasing the demons......again

Tue May 29, 2007 4:46 am
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