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 A hunting we will go..... (Grail) 
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Post A hunting we will go..... (Grail)
The scent lingered in the air like some sort of intoxicating perfume, a smell that would drive any well versed mystic mad with envy, it was the smell of energy, demonic energy, in massive amounts. As the monster known as Mage, she had sensed this pool of abundance lingering about the gymnasium, something was haunting the structure, and she wanted to know what.

In her normal form, she couldnt approach the source as her dark energies were being repelled by the strange mana, but there was one form that could easily slip through the barrier, her compressed one, Miko.

The pink haired girl snuck into the large arena, armed with a vial of potent mystic aphrodisiac, one she conjured to assist her in the absence of her poweres. One drop of this ingested by the demon and it would become an insatiable sex beast, under her control of course, for her to drain of energy at her leisure.

In this form, her mystic sense were dulled, but she could till make out the swirling of that hellish power, the demon was about, but where.....

and Mage

Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:38 pm

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Chains rattled against thick, reptillian forearms as Grail walked through the shower area of the gymnasium. Subtlety was something he was not one to use anymore, and it showed as he blatently slipped from the shower area, to the locker rooms without a thought or care to the world that someone might actually spot him. Growling lowly to himself, still angered that he had woken up pre-maturely into a life, one where no one was familiar, he exited the locker rooms quickly.

He now stood in the very room that held the last few memories he had before he had been knocked out, disabled by something and then chained up in a random room in the basement. It had to have been years since he had been on the loose, and in that time, any civilty, any real logic and thought processes had nearly been lost. But upon his reawakening, his personality was coming back in bits and peices. Curling an upper lip, he felt his anger begin to grow again.

One by one, fingersnap after fingersnap, beasts began to flood the arena once again. In all shapes and sizes, beasts from hell and beasts from space popped up into the arena. Grail was not building another army, by one the merciless lizard man began to slice and dice each being he had commanded, taking his anger and rage out on each beast by cutting them through with that razor sharp tail, breaking necks and otherwise completely destroying each thing he had summoned. The gymnasium was soaked in blood, the benches and risers smeared in demonic essences...and as quickly as it had began, it ended...and with a snap of his finger again, all the blood was gone, leaving the monstrousity standing alone once again, panting hard.

Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:17 pm
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The hell-born! Miko heard it edge closer and closer to her position as it made its way from the lockers and into the court. She needed to see what this demon was before she went about to pursue it, so using her size to her advantage, she takes up residence under the bleachers, sneaking under the steel beams and wooden planks till she found herself out of sight.

Then it came, this monstrous reptilian, hulking about, seething with rage as it seemed to look out and about for something. Miko sat hidden under the bleachers watching, observing, looking to see if it can be persuaded or tricked into drinking her enchanted concoction. She continued to gaze, even as it began to snap its fingers in a steady rhythm, each click of his fingers causing a puff of smoke or a rift in the ground to appear, a lesser demon appearing afterwards.

Their numbers grew, and so did Miko's anxiety, will she be able to handle all this? She was beginning to regret forging ahead with her plan in this form, but then the lizarian started to exhibit some puzzling behavior. It began to lash out at his summoned troops, felling each with a single swipe. Each time he lashed out, a surge of demonic energy burst forth in a shockwave, engulfing Miko in its wake and sending odd sensations throughout her body, causing her muscles to tense and her breathing to quicken.

Finally, it was over, and with no evidence of it even happening. Miko's body shook as she sat there terrified. The girl labored to stand up, finding her knees rather weak, and surprisingly, a small puddle of moisture where she sat. Her finger moves down to investigate, and reveals that her panties were soaked through, with none other than her pussy juice. But how did she become so wet? did she orgasm? maybe, but if the monster could make her climax without her even knowing it, who knows what else it could do.

She makes her way out of the bleachers, deciding it was not wise to tangle with this one for now. Without warning, her knees suddenly buckle, weakened by the ordeal, causing her to fall flat on her ass, the vial making an audible 'clink' that echoed through gym. She froze, hoping that the monster was too enraged to notice it.

and Mage

Thu Oct 25, 2007 6:45 pm

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Huffing and puffing, but not blowing anything down, the lizard man from hell would stand up erect once again. His bestial body, bulky and strong due from his instincts taking over, more than his rational mind, turned around when he heard a clink on the ground from around the bleacher area. Snarling somewhat, knowing that he wasn't alone. His eyes focused immediately on the girl that had fallen down, seeing that she was the cause for the sound.

He also noticed that small vial that was near her that had clinked. Tilting his head to the side, he let out a loud hiss in her general direction. Letting go of some of the chain that was wrapped around his hand, he caught it mid-slack, soon swinging each chain around as he moved towards her. "Spying on me?! What makes you think you have the right to even LOOK at me?" He growled, his steps soon becoming bounds as he made his way towards the small student.

Thu Oct 25, 2007 7:04 pm
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Its been a while since she had felt real fear before, and this demon was just the creature to remind her what that felt like. Miko's eyes widened as she heard his booming voice, turning her head to see the monster was already heading for her. Panic, another emotion she wasnt used to feeling, began to take over her mind as she desperately tried to stand up.

The hellspawn drew close, and all she could think about was running, running as far away as possible. She crept deeper into the bleachers, hoping that the flimsy metal and wood frame work would be enough to shield her from the demons wrath. Miko was in as deep as she could go, backed up into a corner with a raging reptile from hades making a beeline for her and nothing but two inch square tubing and wooden planks for safety.

She draws her knees in and cover her head with her hands, closing her eyes as she quakes in terror.

"Go away, go away, go away, please go away....."

and Mage

Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:09 am

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The beast had stopped at that metal and wood, looking in at the small female that had been cowardly hiding from him inside of those bleachers. He looked up, huffing deeply as he surveyed the area that she was in. He wasn't about to bash and smash his way through there, not yet at least. He grabbed the iron struts that held the bleachers up, and began to shake them slowly, grinning from ear to ear as he did so.

As she spoke, the lizard man cackled deeply, laughing at her pitiful attempts to shy him away with words. "Go away? Go AWAY?!" He shouted at her, his eyes black as night peering straight at the small one. He licked his lips, growling from the very bottom of his throat. "Such...a delicious little thing...I can't go yet..." He snarled, pushing his head through the iron struts, pushing his tongue otu at her, but still quite far away from even reaching her. "You want to special I am? I'll show you..." He stepped away from the bleachers and snapped his fingers once.

In front of the large lizard man, another beast began to form from the bottom up, this one appearing as if it was wearing a trenchcoat, but under it was complete and total darkness. A loud screech was emitted from the trenchcoat, and before long, thousands of insects burst from within it, pouring out onto the ground and quickly scuttling towards her, leaving that trenchcoat to fall lifelessly towards the ground.

"It's me...or them...Girl..."

Fri Oct 26, 2007 4:00 am
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She didnt want to hear his voice, nor did she want to acknowledge his presence, simply curling up in that corner and praying for him to go away. It felt like an eternity as she sat there in fear, only rousing when she heard a scuttling noise as thousand of tiny feet scritching atop the concrete floor and drawing ever closer.

Her eyes open to the sight of a of insects converging on her position en masse, like a black blanket of vileness moving across and with speed over the gymnasium floor. Hurriedly she stands and presses her back to the wall, Her breath coming in short bursts as she stand on her tip toes while the insects trap her in a tight circle.

"AAHH!! S..stay way from me!!"

What was she to do? The insects had her pinned to the corner with no way out. But then a quiet realization hit her.... They were just that... insects... and what was she? In a flash, she forgets about the demonic being for now and gets angered at her own actions, causing her eyes to shine brightly, her hair and clothes fluttering in a wave of unknown force as her face turns from a mask of terror to an angered grimace.

"I said.... STAY AWAAAYYY!!!!"

With her scream, wave upon wave of pressure erupts from her body, sending the creepy crawlies flying in all directions, splattering upon the bleachers, the walls, and some even on the demon himself. Soon enough, the display of power comes to a halt, a mess of bug puree left in its wake sprayed across a vast area with Miko at its center. Her eyes glow no more, and she collapses onto her knees, exhausted from expending too much energy.

and Mage

Fri Oct 26, 2007 12:57 pm

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The demon was reveling in this humiliation, feeding almost off of her fear as she shreiked and did her best to get away from the army of approaching insects. They had stopped just inches away from her, daring her to move before, in a shocking display that even Grail had not seen come from any student, his monster was blown away from her, smashing against some parts of his body and the rest of the area around her.

He brushed his body off, getting rid of some of that slime before he growled, peering in at the young woman before he reached foward, grabbing onto that bleacher's iron struts and began to pull and bend them away, making room for him to slowly push through each and every one of them. "Seems as students are evolving...who would have thought it?" He growled at her as he pushed his way through the iron bars underneath the bleachers, getting closer and closer to his destination.

"You look worn out...little one...good thing I have just the right medication for that fatigue you have going on." He hissed, hsi member stirring somewhat as he drew closer.

Fri Oct 26, 2007 9:07 pm
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The sound of creaking iron and snapping wood brought Miko back to her sense, and back to the realization of the terrifying demon that was slowy peeling away the flimsy metal structure to get at the soft fleshling inside.

She stands up regardless of her failing knees, leaning back onto the wall for support as she ponders her options. Run? her legs wouldnt carry her fast enough. That only leaves two other options, to fight or to resign, and resigning was a rather unfamiliar road. She holds out her left arm, palm towards the monster, her right hand pressing into her left elbow as she starts to chant, She knew any sort of offensive spell was beyond her abilities when in this form but she had to try, if not to damage, then maybe to intimidate.

"Ignis Fatuus!!!"

Her scream finishes the spell, and ball of crimson fire begins to pool in her palm, growing larger and larger before.... it blows itself out in a display of puff and smoke.... a massive spell failure.... leaving the young girl in shock.

and Mage

Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:04 am

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Intimidation was something that Grail had never quite fully bowed down to, in any form. He watched, continuing to push his body through each and every iron strut that he could as he watched her body manuver in a way that it seemed as if she was going to cast something at him, or just yell at him to stop, and talk to the hand. He arched a brow, however, as he noticed that she was conjouring up what appeared to be some sort of fire attack against him. Things had changed at the island, that was for sure.

He watched in awe as the spell did nothing but fizzle out after she had started to cast it, and that left the monster in stitches. He bellowed out in laughter as the small girl seemed to try and scare him, from the way it seemed. "You...I can't believe...That is too rich!" He said, feeling a part of his old self start to return to his mentality. He growled lowly, a gutteral one that seemed to come straight from the bottom of his throat. "Enough games, you little stupid bitch...You're in my kingdom now...this island belongs to me...and you are trespassing." He said, that ego taking over once again as his body continued to twist and bend that iron around it, so much so that he could now reach out, a claw extending to slice against the shoulder of her outfit, slashing down diagonally to her hip, but never touching her skin.

Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:14 am
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There was a human curse word that described this situation fairly well, and that would be....


The failed spell was demoralizing, she pressed herself as flat as she can against the wall as the monster broke through, looking on in horror as he began to reach out with a clawed finger. She froze in place as the nail inched forward till it was almost touching her, and she screamed when it sliced her blouse open, tearing a good chunk of her flimsy blouse clean off.

She still had that vial, but she had to make him drink even just a drop of the potent stuff for it to work, quite a mean feat if one considers the fact that a girl barely breaking five feet had to reach the 7 foot monsters mouth. Maybe she could placate it with a few words of apology, enough for it to drop its guard, she had nothing to lose either way.

"I didnt mean to intrude.... I..I was just passing through.... really I was...."

Her hand moves down to grip at the small glass cylinder, she would have to act fast once she gets a window of opportunity, if ever such a window arrives.

and Mage

Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:38 am

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The beast sniffed the air around him, smelling something that wasn't fear, or arrousal or anything else for that matter. It could have been perfume. He continued to sniff for a moment before his eyes centered back down on the young woman as she spoke, seeing the fear in her eyes, but something else as well. Tilting his head to the side he pushed his body through the last few iron struts, his face coming closer to her own.

"Just passing through?" He asked, looking up and down her body slowly, carefully, scrutinizing everything about this young woman. She seemed to be full of surprises. He growled for a moment before he reached out towards her again, slowly once more to get that added fear going in her system. "I'll show you the penalty for just passing through, and threatening me with what you obviously have little knowledge in." Of course, he was referring to that magic she had just tried to scare him off with.

His massive hand reached out for her shoulder, looking to latch onto her in a way if he could that would allow him to drag her out from under those bleachers, though of course, he had to lower his body to do so, from the angle that he was at right now, he could barely even swipe at her again.

Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:58 am
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Little knowledge? He dared to accuse her of having 'little knowledge' on the ways of mysticism? Her face crinkled in anger as she heard those words, If ever there was an insult that would truly enrage her, those would be the words to do so with. Foolishly enough, he had put his face within easy reach of her, just barely, now he would just have to keep on yapping.

His hand laid heavily on her tiny shoulder, most of her blouse lay in shreds on the floor as the diagonal slash left a gaping tear, exposing her soft pale flesh and half of her pink bra which held her petite breasts. Her breaths came quickly as he tried to drown out his voice, her eyes focusing on that gaping maw of his. Slowly, she used her thumb to force open the vials top, careful not to make any sudden move till the most opportune moment comes to be, just a little more now. The cork came free and made its way to the ground, not a sound was made as it hit the floor, and at that very same moment, Miko thrust her vial-toting hand out, intent on dosing this beast with the controlling substance as she aimed for his mouth.

and Mage

Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:33 am

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Something was telling the monster that something wasn't right about the whole situation. In truth, he was somewhat caught inside of the bleachers, just as much as she was. Thinking to himself as he held down on her shoulder, squeezing tightly, he had not seen any movement from her at all, as if she was frozen solid with fear. That smell continued to haunt him, however, and it wasn't helping that it was getting stronger with each passing second. Even now moreso that he had a good grip on her.

However, as soon as that strong smell had made it's way to his nose, he also saw her arm fling out, some sort of vial coming towards him.

He jerked his body back, hitting the top of his head against the top of the bleachers and groaned as the vial hit against his neck, the substance would begin to drip down his body as he nursed his head hitting the top of that bleacher. Growling now more than ever, he leaned down again, wiping his chest with his hand for a moment to start sniffing whatever it is that was on his chin, and on his neck and chest. "What is this?!" He snarled, shoving his hand out towards her face, intending on rubbing her cheek and neck with some of that liquid.

Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:11 pm
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The demon managed to dodge her attack and was now aware of the vial she was holding, now only half full as the other half was now a mere stain on the monsters torso. The smell of the spilt potion began to waft all over the gym, Like a bouquet of summer flowers mixed with sulfur, but it was only effective when ingested, and with the monster now well informed of her motives, it was going to be near impossible to get another shot.

Once more she backed up against the wall while her angered eyes became fixed on his massive form, gritting her teeth as the lizard man grew curious about the alchemic mixture that clung to his skin. She needed only a drop of the stuff to touch his tongue, even the slight amount on his finger would be enough to subdue him. A plan forms, more like a gamble, maybe a few well chosen words would trick him into dooming himself, if not, then it is herself she dooms.

"Why don't you taste it and see?"

and Mage

Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:28 pm
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