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 Blood moon (for demon_rose) 
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Post Blood moon (for demon_rose)
Shirrow walked silently along the edge of the woods, the cool night air on his face. His medium length black hair fell slightly into his face, just over the top of his square rimmed glasses. Nobody had yet to exspect who he really was. Or that the teacher who's badge he wore was currently floating along the bottom of the ocean floor.

He was still dressed in his uniform. A white dress shirt, grey pants, and tie. Class had gotten out hours ago, but he often came out at night to hunt, as this was his time.

He had been at the school for a little more than a month, and he had so far manged t keep himself entertained. With such a fresh supply of blood He enjoyed giveing them his..'lessons'. The fear made them taste better.

He moved from tree to tree, drifting silently into the shadows like a cat. He had not fed for a few days, and the urdge was comeing on him strong. He had tried a few times but failed, and he needed blood bad. If one thing was for sure, tonight, blood would be spilled..

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Tue Nov 27, 2007 5:43 am
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Nisha sighed softly as she leaned against the tree trunks, her feet dangling a few feet from the gound. She was lounging on a tree branch gazing up at the moon.

The wind pusshed her long vlonde hair back slightly ans she smiled at the coolness. Night, it can be so dangerous... but still remain so beautifull

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Tue Nov 27, 2007 12:44 pm
Profile YIM WWW

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The wind picked up slightly, rustleing the leaves on the trees, and brining with it..a sent. Shirrow paused in mid step, lifting his head into the wind and sniffing at the cool air. Human, and female. A thin smile spred across his face. "At last!" He whisspered excitedly, his mouth starting to water.

Shirrow crouched low, moveing ahead like a ghost. Darting from shadow to shadow, without a sound. His heart began to beat faster, awakened by the thrill of the hunt, and the soon to be screams of his prey. He was excited, no more than excited. If it was one thing he had missed since comeing here it was the pleasure of stalking prey. He often found takeing what he wanted to a bit to easy.

He followed the sent, his green eyes peering threw the dark. He was getting closer now, he could here her heart beat. Compared to the small animals who had suddenly gone silent, it was like a war drum. Then he saw her, sitting in the branchs of a tree just yards away. His thin smile spred into his characteristic grin. She was very attractive.

He stayed hidden behind a near by oak, standing slowly as to not draw attention to himself. His mouth started to ache, and his fingures burn. His skin felt tight, and uncomfortable. No..he couldn't change now, he wanted to play. Besdies...the fear made it taste better.

"Its a bit late isn't it?" He said. His voice smooth, but strangley arrogent for the man who's skin he wore. The teacher had been rather shy in life, and obliviouse, all the way up to his bloody end.

The Butcher stepped out from behind the tree. Raseing a thin pale hand to his face, fixing his glasses, which had fallen down his face to get a better look. He couldn't quite see her face, so he wasn't sure if she was one of his students or not. Though he doubted he would remeber, he had so many after all. The light of the moon refelcted off his teachers ID. Which was pinned to his chest. "You don't want to get in trouble Mrs...?"

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Wed Nov 28, 2007 6:02 am
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Nisha almost fell off the barnch in xurprise when she heard the voice. Her head whipped to the source instinctively, her heart racing . The voice was human but she had known how monster can easilly disguise themselves.

Seeing the teacher near the base of her tree she flushed. Caught.... but there wasnt a curfew was there?

She pushed her gold hair back behind her left, her eyes glinting in the moonlight, already adjusted in the darkness. She studied the teacher's face.... she'd seen him around the school though she hadnt paid much attention. After all he wasnt a teacher of hers.

"Ms. rucifull sir. And i dont think there's a curfew Sir." she said softly, her voice breaking the silence of the suddenly still night.

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Wed Nov 28, 2007 11:02 am
Profile YIM WWW

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No curfew? He thought, his confusion showing on his face for just a secound. He had often used that as an exscuse to get girls alone he found wandering the halls at night. Damnit! I need to be more careful! If word got out somehow that vampire like attacks were happening in the area it would only be a matter of time before HE caught his sent. No matter..

He glanced back up at the girl, recouvering quickly, his thin smile returning to his face. "Rucifull." he spoke her name, rolling the r seductivly as he did. No she was not one of his, he would have recoudnised a name like that. So pleaseing..slideing off the tounge. "Well miss Rucifull, It was not a curfew I was talking about."

He chuckled at his own wit, and fast thoughts. It was so fun to play with them. For a secound his eyes seemed to turn red, but in the darkness it was hard to tell. Perhaps a trick of the light on his glasses?

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Thu Nov 29, 2007 7:15 am
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She bolinked and shook her head slightly before leaning back against the tree.

"then what is it sir?" She said her face clouding a bit as she tried to remmber what she did.

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Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:41 pm
Profile YIM WWW

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"Well its not exsactly safe to wander around this late at night." He said, chuckleing slightly. Fighting to stop himself from grinning. "You never know what might happen." He said, takeing a step closer, so he was only feet from her in the tree. He felt his mouth begin to water, he could almost feel the war blood flowing inside her..amoung other things.

A thin sliver of moonlight, shined threw the trees, illuminateing him in its lunar glow. His skin seemed much more pale in the light, almost dead. Though his attractive features also became more clear, his sharp features, and athletic body. He listened to her heartbeat, waiting for it to speed up, into the deadly dance of fear. He had her where he wanted her, so was no more need too keep up the lie, though he wouldn't reveal himself just yet. The game had only begun.

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Sat Dec 01, 2007 7:14 am
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I think im pretty safe..." she laughed softly. "or maybe not since you found me sir.

She smiled down at him, nocing his pale feastrure but dimissing it as the moonlight

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Sat Dec 01, 2007 5:34 pm
Profile YIM WWW

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Shirrow smiled, she had yet to realise in how much danger she really was. He was too close now, she could run, but he would easily catch her. She was on the grounds, her screams would go unheard. Like a fly trapped in a spiders web.

"Your more right than you know..miss Rucifull." He chuckled too himself, takeing off his glasses, and setting them on a nearby stump. "Your arrogence of your place is insulting." He said, his voice becomeing sinister. " As a teacher, I belive it is my duty to...teach you this lesson."

His eyes glew red, as he smiled, his teeth replaced with a row of sharp fangs. "And teach you I shall." He voice had become a low growl.

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:32 am
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She blinked slightly and bit her lower lip uneasily. But the took a deep breath to calm herself down and turned back to him.

She has done nothing wrong or against the school rules.

But the teacher didnt seem to be normal at all.

"I dont think you're a teacher Sir." she said softly eyeing him. "Not if you dont mind I will run for help if you dont leave within a minute."

She wasnt bluffing. She can slide down the tree quickly and bolt for the dorms.

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Mon Dec 03, 2007 11:27 am
Profile YIM WWW

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Shirrow laughed out loud, as if he found the girls statement to be funny. " My aren't we head strong?" His red eye's glew brighter, more than clear in the sudden darkness as the moon slipped behind a cloud. "You need to learn you place child." He voice was between a snarl, and a growl.

Before her eyes he began to change, bones started to snap, and crack, his skin started to rip, and tear with his clothing. His hands became claws, his fingures around half a foot long, with inch long sharp nails. His arms grew out and away from him, so they seemed to big for his body, which had grown to a height of eight feet. His face grew out into a large fanged muzzel. His ears growing narrow, yet large, and frayed behind his head. His skin became a dark brown, his body growing thick hair across his head, arms, and most of his body. In all he looked like a giant, oversized bat, in both features and build, he leaned foreward, putting his weight on his arms. All he needed were the wings.

There was no chance she could get away, nobody was as fast as he was. He had to be. Decades of being hunted had taught him so. He knew the words were hollow, she was more trying to boost her morale than threaten him. Even if she did run, they were far enough from the dorms he could catch her. Not too mention the wind was in his favour.

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Thu Dec 06, 2007 10:32 am
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Nisha heard a scream. Half a second later she realized it was her own voice

She shut her mouth before flipping. Scrambling down the tree at almost crashing speed she land4ed on her feet and started to run, the wind whipping her hair back.

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Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:20 pm
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Shirrow laughed, a low guteral sound. He watched her run off in a panic, alowing her a few feet from him before he gave chase, it would be more fun that way. Just as she broke threw the tree line, he reached foreward with his massive arms, gripping two tres with his clawed hands.

He tightened his grip, the wood splitering and cracking. With a sudden jerk he threw himslf foreward, useing the trees to catipult him along, hurtling his massive form over the top on the fleeing girl. He landed with a heavy thud just infront of her, even though his movements seemed slightly akward, he was insanely fast.

He rose to his feet, standing his full hieght, illuminated by the bright moon. The light made him look even more demonic, his red eyes glowing like hot embers. His long fanged maw dripping saliva. "Going somewhere?" He said, his voice though his sounded diffrent somehow. More ethieral. "The lesson has just begun!"

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Wed Dec 12, 2007 6:20 am
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"Well im leaving" She retorted, just skidding slightly as she transferred weight and shifted into another direction.

Just a bit more She though, grittin her teeth. Outrunning a moster was hard... and one like him... impossible

But ofcourse there's nothing to lose by trying isnt there?

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Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:56 am
Profile YIM WWW

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"I grow tired of this." he said, his red eyes following her movements. His arms began to split down the middle, makeing a awful tearing sound, and cracks as the bones snapped and split. He roared as his arms seprated, revealing a thin membrane between the two haves on each side. Wings.

With a grunt, he ran foreward, throwing himself into the air, his wings catching the wind, and propelling him foreward. The transformation was compleate, and he now almost fully resembled a giant vampire bat.

He flapped his wings, the gust from the wind licking the girls feet, and legs, whipping her hair about widely. He was right above her, there was no escape. With a single movement, his arms closed, and he fell from the sky, his weight falling into the running girl, nocking her over and pinning her beneath him.

His muzzled face was near her's, his hot breath on her neck. He grabbed her wrists with his wings, which had already started to fuse back together. He chuckled to himself, licking her neck and the side of her face with his long dark tounge. "No escape." he hissed.

I love you, so much that I must kill you now.

Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:06 am
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