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 Shared fates. (Kanoe) 
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Kanoe cries out in shock as the doll bursts into flames. Her arms hand loosely above her as she hangs upside down. The witch began coughing as smoke fills the room. She gasps for air only to bring in more of the burning ashes into her body. She could feel herself going light headed as her vision grew darker. Then the doll exploded. The young student flies across the room. Her body slams into the wall. The woman's head bounces off the wall as she slumps to the floor.

She shivers in agony as she lays there in a heap. Her hands and forearms were still steaming from channeling so much fire into a single spell. Kanoe's head was pounding as she struggles to remain concious. Her school uniform had several holes burned in them, revealing small peaks at her pale skin or her black undergarments. She needed to get out of this smoke but, she had no strength left to draw from. Darkness clouds over her eyes. Maybe this was it, she was going to die. Well if it was her time, she can die knowing she took one of those vile creatures of the island down with her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:37 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*From within the cloud of smoke came an awful sound, the sound of unchecked, unholy mirth. The dark laughter increased in volume until finally, with a loud rush of air and a heavy flapping noise, the smoke cleared. Standing where the demonic bear had been was a monster such as Dante had envisioned residing in the depths of Hell. Standing a little taller than a man, with great black ram's horns on its head, was a demon, flesh devoid of skin, leaving raw exposed muscle to glisten in the guttering candlelight. The surface of the beast's flesh was crossed by ropey bilious green veins, pulsing and throbbing with malign vigor. Great black wings slowly stirred the air, forcing the rest of the smoke out of the room through the window. Two soulless black voids turned to regard the young witch on the floor, black glittering fangs revealed in a malicious smile.*

"You didn't think it would be that easy...did you, little raven?"

*Akki burst into laughter again as he reached out with one claw-tipped hand to lift the voodoo doll from the bed, straightening its limbs gently and standing it on his palm. Kanoe's weakened body rose from the floor in a giant unseen fist, standing limply before the unbound demon.*


The Doll House

Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:58 pm
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((Double post.))


The Doll House

Mon Dec 03, 2007 4:59 pm
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The woman cringes at the sound of laughter. Kanoe coughs and gasps for air as the smoke was suddenly blown out of her room. She was not sure she was very happy with being saved from suffocation. She had enough horrible experiences with demons. Her blurred vision slowly clears. The young witch's eyes grow wide at the sight of an actual demon. That was sealed in a tiny bear?

"N-No..." She stammers.

It was the only protest she could manage as she shivers in pain. She couldn't move but that was remedied as she felt herself be lifted in the air. Her chest was rising and falling quickly as she takes deep breaths of smokeless air. Kanoe weakly lifts an arm towards the demon. She was shaking with strain and only groans as her arm falls loosely to her side. The amount of mana she used took a huge toll on her body in both stamina and overall well being. Even if she could manage to channel, she doubts there will be anything left of her hands afterwards.

"B-Bastard..let..let me go.." She groans.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Dec 03, 2007 5:11 pm
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*The demon chuckled, walking forward slowly to circle the girl. He eyed her burnt clothes, bedraggled hair, singed arms and hands, all with a small grin on his thin lipped mouth.*

"Tsk tsk tsk....such damage you do to yourself, little finesse....those burns look painful...would you like me to take the pain away? All you need to do is ask nicely..."

*Akki stroked one finger gently across the voodoo doll's face, caressing the tiny cheek. The girl felt a similar, but magnified touch across half of her head, a feather-light stroke. A forked black tongue flicked out from the demon's mouth, tasting the girl's sweat and fear by licking the back of her neck slowly.*

"You should be proud, you know....your light wielding friend doesn't have enough power to break my seals like you did....though that may have more to do with the nature of your abilities....dark calls to dark....And honestly, how foolish can you be? I had already proven I could control your arms, if your little fire had actually been a threat to me, don't you think I would have twisted these little arms around? Sloppy thinking, little raven. Your master would not be pleased, I'm sure."

*The demon continued to circle the girl, occasionally caressing the voodoo doll in his hands. Now to test the second property of this doll. But first, she'll need to be healthier than this, or she won't survive the shock.*


The Doll House

Tue Dec 04, 2007 4:59 am
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A faint groan leaves Kanoe's lips as she dangles in the air. The demon was right, she was in pure agony right now. She did not dare try to move her hands but the pain was making her entire body quiver. The witch kept her face lowered, half from exhaustion while the other half was so the demon could not see the pain in her face. The monster was mocking her but, she was too busy panting heavily in exertion and pain to fight back. The woman was hanging there nearly limp very much like she was a doll herself now.

"L-Leave" She gasps out in pain.

She shivers as the demon continues to explain her situation. Those stitches were seals? He even put up a ploy to make her think he was defending those singed stitches. Now, she was out of strength and heavily damaged while this demon was free before her at full strength. Either way she would have been doomed, whether it was by a demon or a bear. The voodoo doll still exists for both of them.

"Why?" She asks, "Why go through the trouble?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Dec 04, 2007 1:23 pm
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"To amuse myself, and to punish the purple haired witch for her insolence. It is the only thing that matters, really. And you made the unfortunate error of befriending her. are far too injured to survive what I have planned, little raven. It seems I'll have to give you a bit of your energy back. Open wide now..."

*The demon gently placed one claw under the doll's chin, lifting the head slowly. The girl felt as if a board had been placed under her jaw and forced slowly upward, until she was looking straight ahead. The demon stepped close, one hand gripping the doll gently to keep her arms pinned, the other snaking behind her neck to pull her hair, causing her to gasp in pain as her head was pulled back. As her mouth opened demon pressed his against it, in a mockery of a passionate kiss, his serpentine tongue twining about hers. Her mouth flooded with his saliva, a strange flavor of slightly rotten fruit, the sensation of fat running off of cooking meat, the burn of too spicy a meal, all in one as the liquid coursed down her throat. She began to feel feverish and hot, her energy returned but corrupted by the foul beast. Her skin felt too tight, her brow beaded with sweat as the burns on her arms and hands faded in the rush of energy through her.*

"There we are. Now you should be able to survive what comes....possibly."

*After the demon retracted his tongue from her mouth, he reached out with his free hand, carefully removing the remains of her uniform, tossing them aside carelessly. He removed her undergarments almost gently, the doll in his hand being manipulated to force her to help him get the panties off her ankles. He placed the undergarments on the girl's bed and turned back to face her, a wide smile on his face as his tongue tested the air like a snake.*

"Now my nubile young witch...are you ready to see some real magic?"


The Doll House

Tue Dec 04, 2007 5:45 pm
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Guess making a friend tends to lead to more trouble than she thought. The witch could not blame Aleace for this though. Even if she had never met the woman, this demon would find another reason to torture her. Like he said amuse myself, monsters tend to need no other reason. Kanoe tries to pull away from the force lifting her chin. But such attempts were fruitless as long as the doll was being touched, she would feel the same forces.

The young woman could not hold back the painful gasp as the demon roughly pulls at her hair. Her eyes grew wide as the demon presses his lips to hers. The witch's body shivers and twitch in the air as she struggles against the hand that held the doll. She was nearly gagging as the vile fluids flow into her mouth and down her throat. When the dark embrace ended, Kanoe was coughing up what ever did not enter her throat. A faint groan left her lips as her head droops slightly. The pain in her arms were gone. She felt some of her strength return but now, she felt sick. The horrible tasting fluids invigorated and sickened her body at the same time. The brief shock to her system left her dazed for a moment. The young woman blinks as she realizes her uniform was removed and the demon was moving to unsnap her bra. It was a bit odd on how he was actually taking the time to remove her clothing even after they were damaged. Most monsters tend to rip and tear such things.

She felt her own legs kick slightly to get her own panties off her ankles. She was fully revealed to him, floating in the air helplessly. Several horrible things to say to this beast ran through her head but pissing off a recently freed demon goes into the bad idea list. Kanoe simply turns her head, looking away from the demon. There was nothing to say. Her breathing was heavier as she fights a fever caused from the corrupted fluids she was forced to drink. She really did not want to know what will happen next.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:28 pm
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*The demon circled the naked girl, his voice turning pedantic, as if teaching a class.*

"The basis of a voodoo doll is to take an object, and make it so similar to the target of your ire that they share reactions. The mystic link is usually forged from hair, or other dead body parts such as nail clippings. However, fresh blood is by far a superior linking agent. And, with my mastery over dolls, I think I can take this spell a step further. Shall we find out?"

*Akki extended one claw from his free hand, the point glittering in the candle light. He pressed it gently against the side of her neck, piercing a vein just enough to let the blood flow freely. He bent his mouth to the tiny wound, sucking some of her blood into his mouth. His forked tongue licked across the wound, sealing it shut as he removed his mouth from her neck. He held the voodoo doll up to his face and spit the mixture of her blood and his saliva into its face. The girl felt as if her face was doused in cold alcohol, the stinging sensation countering the feverish feeling to her skin.*

"And now for the important make this doll as much like you as possible. First....size..."

*The demon pressed his clawed hand against his own chest, ripping free a length of exposed muscle with a torrent of viscous green ichor. He pressed the meaty chunk against the doll intoning Hell spawned words of power, the strip of flesh fading as the doll grew larger, larger until it was the size of the naked girl. The demon twisted the arms of the life-sized doll behind its back, the living girl's arms following the same course. The feeling was strange, as if the demon's hands were upon her arms, but the feeling was weaker, like an echo.*


The Doll House

Tue Dec 04, 2007 6:45 pm
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From the explanation it seems once the doll is formed the magic takes effect. It would not be hard at all to get someone's hair and no doubt this demon probably had plenty of time to sneak into her room and make the voodoo doll. Perhaps that means she was doomed from the very start. Kanoe lets out a soft hiss in pain as the claw pierces her neck. She knew it was useless but her body tries to cringe away out of mere reflex as the demon sucks on her wound.

The woman gasps as she feels the saliva on the doll touch her face as well. She frowns as she glares at the demon. Even if it was a doll, she was not fond of being spit in the face. She blinks in shock as the demon tore off a strip of his own muscle from his body. Kanoe had sacrificed animals and such before for rituals but the sight of him tearing his own body and bleeding green blood was rather disturbing. The young witch could only watch as the demon's flesh was used as a component for his next spell. She watches the miniture version of herself grow to her size. It really looked like her. The demon moved the doll's arms and her own followed suit. It felt different. It was not as blunt as before. She struggles a bit to test the spell and her arms would not move.

"Wh-What are you going to do to me?" She asks.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Dec 04, 2007 7:25 pm
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*The demon stopped in his work to regard her quietly with his light devouring eyes. His expression became serious, his skinless face directly in front of hers. He spoke to her in a soft whisper, eyes never leaving hers throughout.*

"Whatever I want to do to you, little raven. You know as well as I that you can do nothing to stop me. If I decided to sacrifice you to some dark god, would that make you feel better? If I chose to hollow you out and use your discarded skin to make a new puppet, would knowing make it any easier to accept?"

*One hand kept the doll's arms pinned behind its back as the demon spoke to the girl. His other hand rose to her face, the back of one claw tracing along her jawline slowly as he stared into her eyes.*

"There are questions that should not be asked, and answers that are never pleasing to hear. It seems you have not learned this simple lesson, little raven. But, as I am in a giving mood, I will answer your question....that is...if you truly wish to know?"

*The hand on her face brushed her hair back behind her ear, cupping the back of her head and forcing her to meet his depthless gaze.*


The Doll House

Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:41 am
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Kanoe eyes were drawn in by the demon's eyes. The eyes were that of the abyss, seeming to suck in everything around it. Light could not escape them as the depthless void drew her in. She began to quiver as she wanted to be anywhere but here right now. The threats the demon made were no doubt real in the witch's mind. If the demon wished to do any of those things, she would be helpless to stop him.

A faint gasp leaves her lips as his claw tracing along her face and brush back her hair. She felt weak before his gaze as if her soul was ready to be devoured by the darkness of the abyss. The witch desperately wanted to look away but felt resistance as the demon's hand holds the back of her head. Her body was nearly forgetting to breathe as she quivers before the demon's forceful gaze.

"N-No," She answers meekly, "Are..Are you going to..kill me?"

Her voice was very faint as she loses this test of willpower. She did not want to die. Where Aleace succeeded in escaping, she has failed. Kanoe felt helpless, small before the demon's dominant power. The young woman did her best to hold back a whimper of fear.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Dec 05, 2007 10:40 pm
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*The demon smiled faintly, releasing her head to pat her cheek like a doting parent.*

"No, little raven. I'll not kill you. I only require your assistance with testing a few things, and I'll leave you be....for a time. I'll not promise never to come to you again, as I'm not sure I could stay away if I wanted to. You have a certain....aura...about you, that makes tormenting you seem to be more rewarding than usual. It doesn't help you that your body is so sinfully exquisite."

*As the demon spoke, his clawed hand trailed back down the front of her throat gently, tracing a sinuous line between her breasts, across her abs, before gliding along her hip to squeeze her ass slightly.*

"Now, to make this doll as perfect a likeness as possible. Do not struggle, relax, this will not hurt you at all."

*So saying, the demon untwisted the doll's arms from behind its back, raising them over its head and gently holding them together, the girl's arms rising similarly, her back arching slightly, her breasts thrust forward. His eyes scanned her face, her throat, her breasts and torso, picking out little flaws, blemishes, beauty marks, and marking the doll in a similar manner. With each addition to the doll the girl felt the sensations of touch upon it more clearly, as if the doll's increasing resemblance added power to the shared sensations.*


The Doll House

Thu Dec 06, 2007 12:22 am
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With her head free, she lowers her gaze tearing away from the voids that were the demon's eyes. A sharp gasp leaves her lips as she felt his claw hand glide between her breasts causing her to shiver. Another gasp was heard when the demon decide to gently grope her rear. Kanoe was breathing a bit heavier as she finally recalls to breathe, nearly holding it the entire time she was gazing into the demon's eyes.

The young witch did not resist as she felt the dull force on her arms loosen and slowly manipulate her arms above her head. If she obeys then, perhaps he will leave. Though she was unsure if this demon will keep such a promise. Kanoe quivers briefly as she stands there before the monster, watching him study her. She did not entirely understand voodoo but gathers what she can as she watches the demon work. The force on her wrists felt stronger as he continues to work. The force was slowly becoming less blunt and the feeling of texture was soon becoming apparent. It was strange but, what worried her more was what will happen once the resemblance is perfected. Will she be a slave like a puppeteer and his marionette?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Dec 06, 2007 1:16 pm
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*The demon took his time marking the doll, spinning her slowly under his hands, touching, exploring every inch of her body, with almost tender care. As the demon reached her feet, the sensations were almost crystal in clarity, the texture of the demon's hand on the doll's wrists nearly the same as the hand tracing along her calf.*

"There.....hmm....I was expecting a bit more of a change with such a perf-....ah....damn it..."

*The demon looked at the tattoo on her chest, frowning and tracing the back of his claw around it, it's defenses sparking and hissing at him with no effect.*

"Not my particular style of magic....but maybe I can make it close enough with the doll..."

*The demon pressed his free hand to the doll's chest, dark fire limning his skinless flesh. A faint hiss arose as a perfect copy of the tattoo marring her chest appeared on the doll. Thump thump. Kanoe felt a thready pulse run through her body. Her vision blurred, a wave of dizziness and disorientation washing over her. Thump thump. Her vision doubled, vertigo threatening to drive her into unconsciousness. Thump thump. The doubling faded as she raised her head to the sound of a deep gasp, followed by heavy breathing. Her own breath came in pants as she looked up into her own face, moving, breathing....alive. The doll was alive, and mirroring her every gasp, her every motion. The demon's hands on its arms felt as if they were holding her wrists directly, the sensation complete.*

" to test how far this spell goes...."


The Doll House

Thu Dec 06, 2007 3:13 pm
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