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 First Day, First Rape. (Akkiguujin) 
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Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2007 9:49 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*As the doll spoke, the third x popped on his chest, the tone of his voice shifting to a gravelly harsh sound, like sandpaper running across gravel.*

"Did you not ask yourself what kind of spirit was bound into this doll, silly girl? What sort of being would wear such an innocent shell? I am not really a doll...but you will see me for what I am soon enough..."

*The bear raised one paw, the hydra and dragon dolls rising with a shiver, mouths tearing open with shrieks as the animated toys scuttled to the door, slimy black tongues dangling from the rips of their new orifices. They turned to regard the girl with glowing red eyes, heads swaying slightly as they regarded her.*

"When children play, the toys obey. Given with love, their parents say. The toys you love, cuddle, and hold, with time they too may grow bold. Hold them dear and love them true, for the time will come when they play with you."

*The sing-song chant the bear sang seemed to echo in the room, the animated dolls shuddering as their stitchings popped and surfaces writhed. The bear shuddered in a similar manner, stitches on his back bursting as two black bat wings emerged from the doll, flapping to raise the doll to her eye level.*


The Doll House

Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:22 am
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Her eyes seem to widen slightly as she backs away. WHat he says was true, but that made her wonder if he could read her mind of some sorts. besides that, her eyes were fixed on the writhing dolls that turned to her, giving a look of such evil and disgust. She narrowed her eyes to the bear, slowly lifting her eyes as it flapped to her eye level.

"Well, this turn of events didn't surprise me all that much. Though I did regard you as an acquantaince. I can tell by the feelings you emit now are most disdainful. Why was it I could not sense anything from you before?"

She keeps her eyes back and forth on the dolls and bear, obvious to the point that she was outnumbered. But the bear had most of her attention at the moment. He was no mere puppet master, he was some kind'ave demon. this seemed to be the final topping on the worst day of her life, and it was plainly clear it was not over either.

Mon Dec 17, 2007 9:09 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
((Sorry for the delay. *bows*))

"You can blame the witch who bound me to this doll for that. You see, her wards are quite good.....they just weren't meant to keep me locked away. They do serve as a nice filter though. Now, allow me to re-introduce myself. I am Akkiguujin, the demon doll. I welcome you with open Shokushu. I expect I will quite be enjoying your stay."

*The stitched mouth turned up in a malevolent grin, the bear twisting itself into a mockery of a bow as it flapped in mid-air. He floated slowly closer, swaying from side to side a bit as he approached. The hydra doll slid forward from behind him, the cloth surface ripped in places, revealing slimy green scales beneath it. The dragon stayed where it was, obviously guarding the door in case she tried to flee.*

"Now, my little kitten. Shall we play?"


The Doll House

Sat Dec 22, 2007 6:44 pm
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If there were a psychic in the room that could only see emotions in people, they would blink twice at Clair's fiery eyes. She was pissed off as ever, and it was clear rage took over any rationality she might have. Abruptly turning to face the dragon that blocked her path, the wind creature she had conjured seemed to come for another visit. It roared to the dragon, daring it to stay where it was. Akkiguujin my be able to abosrb magic, but could absorb wind itself?

"You dare call me a kitten?! Don't ever put me into terms as such. And don't you come any closer. I have no fear of tearing that smirk from your mouth, nor do I fear of ripping these mere dolls to shreds. It would be wise not to underestimate me, demon," she spoke with venom. How dare this thing act as if he were of higher ower then she? It was an outrage that he would try and subdue her with stitched cloth.

She left a hand to that wind creature and would be prpared to conjure anothr if need be. She did have plenty of mana in stock, but of course there wa sa limit to it all. As of right now adrenalin pumped through her veins, strengthinging her without the sufficience of complete mana that fueled her magic at this point.

"Try your luck. But you better hope that your first hit will mean something. I would honestly appreciate it if you didn't call me of the feline type. My name is Clarice and I would prefer to be called as such, even by a vile thing from the pits of Hade's as yourself."

Sun Dec 23, 2007 5:23 am
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*The doll's smile grew wider, nearly splitting the clothen face in two.*

"A spirited catch it seems. My apologies...Clarice. It seems what I took for a kitten, is in fact a young tigress. But are you so sure your claws are sharp enough to keep me at bay?"

*He flapped his wings, hovering closer slowly, eyes glowing a fiercer red as he neared her. With fresh ripping sounds, glistening black claws extended from the tiny paws, growing to nearly a foot in length. The surface of the doll seemed to writhe as if packed with serpents, bulging and sagging wildly. The hydra doll hissed at her as it slid forward, heads thrashing more violently as cloth fell away to further reveal the slimy scales beneath. Thick saliva dripped from each of its mouths, leaving a wide trail from the door towards her.*


The Doll House

Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:40 pm
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She growled lowly at him at commenting her as a tigress. It sounded so sexually insulting, she was ready to just tear him to pieces with her claws. Leading her on as if he cared, and then trying to intimadate her with himself and her hydra. The grin he gave made her turn her head away in disgust. It was so horrible the way his teeth were and torn cloth that amde him look like a devil doll more then just a demon.

Her eyes narrowed and glared at the slither creature that trudged the floor, the wind creature rearing its head back and suddenly was brought down upon this possed doll. While that took process, she sent thick humid air at the doll in hopes of slowing its nearing towards her. Afterwards, she dropped her hands and panted. It was tough conjuring magic one after another...and it was unfortunate she was already exhausted to begin with. Sweat glistened every bare skin that viewable as she tiredly looked to the bear's glowing eyes. Her chest heavied with her luscious orbs, sticking out evrytime she breathed in.

", or I will force myself to use full force and kill your sorry hide," she threatened between every short gasps of breath. Adrenaline had of course left her a few minutes ago, leaving behind sore muscles and a small headache. Why was this doll so persistent in getting close to her? What did she ever do to it?

Tue Dec 25, 2007 3:36 am
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*The hydra doll rolled as the windbeast attacked it, mouths biting and gnashing at the air as it tussled with the elemental creation. The damp air hit the bear like a wet mallet, the wings faltering as the bear sank to the floor, an expression of disgust turning the torn grin downward.*

"Augh....I hate getting wet. Do you have any idea how long it takes this damnable fur to dry? And if a little puff of moisture is your idea of an attack, please by all means use full force. This shell could do with a bath."

*The demon doll chuckled maliciously, turning back to the girl as it stalked forward, wings beating in short bursts to give it an erratic bouncing gait. The claws dug furrows in the carpet with each landing, the bears expression once more turning into a wicked smile. The button she had sewn on popped off, the cloth below tearing open to display an inky black void where cotton should be. The light around the bear dimmed, almost as if it was being sucked into the newly revealed eye. The girl felt her strength diminish further the closer the demon doll got, her gaze drawn again to the void in its face.*


The Doll House

Tue Dec 25, 2007 9:37 am
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She could only watch in a mix of horror as the hydra still stayed intact as it thrashed about. She turned to the flapping bear and glared as it seemed abit soggy, but not enough to slow it down. Eyes widen as it drew closer to her and heart heavied. She dropped to a knee and panted, her powers draining from her and feeding the bear her energy. It was a horrible feeling of almost having the life sucked out of you as you couldn't do anything about it.

She stared at him weakly and gave a small whimper. She backed away as much as she could until she hit the wall and was cornered. Her eyes were fixed on the void in the bear's eyes, unable to advert them away or close them.

"Fine it goes!" she yelled and sent full force of...water from the air at him. You could always get water from the air, but such manipulation made ehr gasp for air. She could only hope it was enough to deter him away, for she had nothing to give anymore. Exhaustion and aches made her cringe at the thouht of being powerless and being ravaged by this thing.

Tue Dec 25, 2007 1:17 pm
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*The torrent of water struck the bear square in the fuzzy face, knocking him across the floor and into the far wall with a dull thud. The water splashed onto the carpet, pressing the bear against the wall firmly. After a few seconds the flood subsided, the water pooling as the carpet reached saturation. The bear seemed to be unmoving, the red light gone out of its eyes. The dragon and hydra dolls shuddered and fell lifeless, the wind beast quickly ripping the hydra to shreds. For a long moment, everything was quiet, save for the faint noise created by her elemental creation. It seemed as if the water had stopped the evil bear.*


The Doll House

Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:52 am
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She could only stare for the moment as the bear seemed to be...overhwelmed by the water and hit the wall, liquid spalshing everywhere as hew slid to the ground. She looked to see her toys became limp on the ground as well and she wondered if she had accidently destroyed the demon the demon in the bear.

Though she would dare not touch the toy, she got up and took a single step to see if it was alive still or not. Perhaps this was a trick to drop her guard down. Even if she was catching on, it wouldn't be much good if she could fight him. She edged her way to the door in hopes of getting out of here. A she stepped over her toys, she couldn't help but feel this was all a trick. As she enared the door, she drew her attention to escaping. She would only hope she could just open the door and close it behind her.

Wed Dec 26, 2007 5:51 pm
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*The drenched bear seemed to be crumpling in on itself slowly, color leeching out of it as it turned white. As she opened the door, the doll collapsed with a loud pop. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a teddy bear shaped piece of paper with a Japanese character written on it, sitting where the demon bear had been.*

"Amazing what the people of the East think of, isn't it? A shikigami, a paper doll, animated by a spirit. Tho in my case, I provide the animation."

*The door was slammed hard against her, knocking her back into the room. The dragon doll wrapped around her ankles, tripping her to fall on her back heavily. Through the open door flapped the demon doll, dry and smiling just as his replica had, the threads of the final black x on his chest rapidly fraying as he slowly approached the prone girl.*


The Doll House

Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:22 am
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She gave a loud cry as she tripped backwards, landing mostly on the back of her head and then her back. She cringed and held it so, giving a small groan of pain as she could now look back. Eyes widen with the fact that she had wasted her energy on a piece of paper and she struggled to get her ankles free.

Tearsm stream down her cheeks ina mixture of fear and confusion. She grabbed the accursed dragon and strangled the thing to let go, pulling and clawing at it like a mad cat. She could only hope that she would get free in these few seconds and weave her way out. But the toll it took to make such magic was drawing her strength to a close. She was tired, and was desperatly in need of rest. Unfortunatly for her body, her mind was continuing to work as using what little strength she had in getting the cursed doll off of her. She didn't even look up to the bear as it approached her.

"Why are you doing this to me?! I've done nothing to you! Now!!"


Fri Dec 28, 2007 1:54 pm
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*The girl felt sharp stabs of pain in her neck, the hydra doll having slithered close while she struggled with the dragon. It's tiny teeth tore small holes in her neck as it tried to pull her head back, its other necks writhing around her neck, slowly tightening to cut off her air. Her frenzied attack on the dragon did little more than tear off the remaining cloth covering the slime slicked scales beneath, her nails finding no purchase on the disgusting creature that enwrapped her ankles.*

"It is not so much what you have done to me, as what your kind has done. A witch bound me to this pathetic form, and I find a certain savage gratification in venting my fury on her sisters in craft. And as for letting you go....I think not."

*The doll sounded infinitely amused, chuckling in its hellish voice as it hovered over her struggling form, slowly drifting back and forth as its minions subdued her.*

((Sorry for the long absence, I understand if you don't wish to continue. *bows*))


The Doll House

Tue Feb 26, 2008 2:06 am
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(Its okay. :3 I understand completely.)

She tries to cry out in pain as the hydra sinks its small fangs into the nook of her neck, but the tightening around it proved to cut it off into a whispered scream. Her nails dig into the fabric of the snake dog, trying so desperatly to thrwart its attempt in cutting off her air supply. it was proving useless as its coils tighten harder around making the girl wheeze as she tries to bring breath in.

Her heart was pounding with adrenaline her body stiff in fear of dying. Her eyes turn this way and that for any means of salvation but not even God Himself seemed to be with her. As her throat was tightened closed, her mouth opens wide to scream in complete fear and agony but nothing came. Her body suddenly begins to struggle violently to bring oxygen into her system. Her teary eyes peer to the demonic doll, seeing if he truly was going to kill her. Already blackness was edging its way into the outer portions of her eyesight. Was she going to perish like this? Would she become food for this monster?

"..." was the only thing she could say as she feels herself losing conscioussness from lack of air.


Tue Feb 26, 2008 8:55 pm
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*Clarice felt a soft weight settle on her chest, an unhealthy, feverish warmth. In her fading vision she saw the winged bear walk up her body casually, making a short gesture with one clawed paw, the coils around her neck loosening enough to let her gasp for air. As she panted for breath, the demon doll slid one claw under the top of her blouse, dragging down slowly, the fabric tearing raggedly, falling open to expose her bra and the large breasts they restrained.*

"Ahh...such a lovely sight...a young woman in the prime of her beauty. And my my my, what blessings you have been given..."

*Akki dragged the smooth back of one claw across her skin slowly, tracing a winding trail from her belly up to her chest, slipping slowly under one cup of her bra to drag over the hidden mound.*


The Doll House

Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:08 am
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