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 Seduction (for Sondra) 
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Post Seduction (for Sondra)
Eve01 sat at a smallish, mahogany table in the exact center of the room. The table clearly didn’t belong there: it was highly polished and lacquered. looking like something one would see at a high-class intimate restaurant somewhere. The single leg in the middle on which its weight was balanced was ornately carved and stylized. There was a simple, elegant oil lamp glowing softly in the center, right next to a stainless steel tea set. Resting on the tray of said set was a crystal decanter of honey, a bowl of sugar cubes, and the teapot itself. Steam was escaping through its swan-like spout. There were also two porcelain cups (complete with the requisite floral patters etched in the sides), one was turned upside down, unused.

A soft, purple, feminine hand reached down the table to pick up the other cup, which was steaming with it amber-colored contents. It lifted that cup to similarly colored purple lips; lips that puckered, then blew across the surface of the drink before sipping at it carefully, rapturously. Thos lips then cured into a smile.

“Earl Gray Tea,” Eve sighed to herself. “Truly mankind’s greatest invention.” She paused the added, “Other than myself, of course.”

She sat at one of the two chairs at the table, legs crossed at the knee, free hand resting in her lap, completely naked and in her monster form. Her tentacles twitched or writhed slightly against her shoulders and down her back, but were more or less at ease as she painterly waited for Sondra to return to her room. Classes had just ended for the day and she knew from her weeks of surveillance of this particular girl that she like to go to her room and change out of her uniform as soon as she could, so she knew she wouldn't have long to wait. Her roommates would not be joining them; the blonde with the huge tits had suddenly thought it would be a great idea to do some studying in the library for most of the evening, and the sister, Josephine, had had a sudden overwhelming urge to go swimming at the beach till well after sundown, thanks to a simple injection of some psychoactive nano-bots in their bloodstream. Yes, for what Eve had planed, privacy was preferred.

Just then, she heard keys in the door, followed soon by the door being swung open. The table where she sat could not be seen form there, so she waited until the door swung closed, then used her telekinesis to lock it in place, cutting off escape. She took another sip of tea as Sondra rounded the corner to where she could been seen, sitting at perfect ease in the middle of her room.

“Good evening, Sondra Van Ryan,” Eve greeted her in a silky smooth, casual tone after lowering the cup from her mouth. She gesture to the other chair, positioned across from her at the table. “Wont you join me? The tea is divine, and I have a proposition for you I think you’ll find…tempting.”

Eve had heard of this girl; she was a fighter. She hoped finding a ‘monster’ in her room, sipping tea and speaking to her is such a calm, respectful manner would be enough to shock her into inaction. If she decided to try and attack or throw something at Eve instead, well, she had an invisible kinetic dampening field around the table. Nothing would be able to get through it unless Eve wanted to.

Eve01 waited painterly for an answer, her red eyes glowing faintly in the darkened room.

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Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:33 pm
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“Fucking school! God damn teachers think they can push me around like that!” Sondra fumed as she stormed down the hall. Her uniform was in tatters from her latest trip to the infamous Campus Basement, and it was beyond repair. So she was forced to wear her sweaty gym clothes instead, lest she get in trouble from the Powers-That-Be yet again for walking around school naked and then sent BACK down to the Basement for more ‘disciplinary action’.

I suppose they would have called it ‘insufficiently attired’,
Sondra thought sarcastically as she hurriedly made her way to her dorm room to change out of her smelly clothes. What I need is another shower, and then maybe go get laid. Hopefully Kim’s around. I could use a good fuck-and-cuddle to relieve some stress.

Sondra reached for her keys and unlocked the door to her dorm room. Putting the keys away, Sondra swung the door open and stepped inside, shutting the door behind her.

Maybe I should bring her some of that cheesecake Josie made the other day. Sondra dropped her book bag off by the door and then headed towards the bathroom to take a nice hot shower so that she could get herself all nice and clean for when she went to go pay her old friend a visit...

“Good evening, Sondra Van Ryan,”

Sondra skidded to a halt, shocked to see a monster sitting, apparently quite relaxed, at a table in the middle of the room. She wasn’t that surprised to find the beast sitting there in an unfamiliar table standing there smack dab in the middle of her dorm room, as few things managed to surprise her anymore, as far as monsters were concerned, but…tea? And why was this…creature speaking to her this way?

Shock quickly turned to anger as she glared, arms folded, at the ugly purple freak sitting in front of her. This little shit broke into my dorm room, just to offer me tea and talk business? Yeah, right! There was only one thing a monster wanted to do to a student, and such pleasantries were rarely involved.

“I’m not thirsty.” Sondra growled back in response to the monster’s offer. There was no way she was going to take anything a monster wanted to give her, especially if it was some sort of food or beverage. There could be anything in there, and Sondra was not prepared to take any foolish chances. “Now, be quick, whatever you are, and tell me what sort of ‘proposition’ I might find ‘tempting’ from an ugly little creep like yourself.”

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:04 pm
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Eve sighed, and took another sip of her tea. "My, that was rude. I'll forgive it this time, however. I can imagine that you have some rather... upsetting encounters with some of my...fellows. That kind of attitude is to be expected in light of such trauma.

"Speaking of which," Eve went on, pouring herself some more tea, then adding two cubes of sugar before taking another sip. "You'll note that I've made no move to attack you, or threaten you, or coerce you, though it is perfectly within my power to do so; a fact you have no doubt surmised already. Rather I've been nothing but cordial and respectful to you. I do apologize for entering your room uninvited, but I had make sure this meeting was private.. as private as it gets here, anyway."

"But you don’t care about all that, do you? You want to know why I'm here, what my offer is. Very well." She sat down her tea cup and spread her arms wide, as if for a hug. "Myself," she said modestly. "As an ally. Maybe a shield to protect you and yours from the attacks of my fellows, maybe as a slave for you to take out your frustrations on. Or perhaps as a source of information as to what is really happening at this school. Or maybe all of the above? It would really be up to you, Sondra.

Eve picked up her tea cup. "My name is Eve, and I offer myself to you, if you can meet but one condition." She took anther sip. "Are you sure you don’t want some? Its quite good, and toxin free, I can assure you. If I had come here to rape you, you'd be able to tell by all the hot, sweaty, non-consensual orgasms you would have had by now."

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Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:41 pm
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“I think I’ll take a major pass on that, thank you very little. I don’t ally myself with monsters. I would never make anyone my fucking slave, monster or otherwise. And information? I already have a pretty damn good idea of what’s going on around here, and who’s pulling the strings. So do some of my friends. I do not doubt in the least that the reason for so many of their disappearances is due to the fact that they possess such knowledge.”

“If I decided to storm into the office of Mr. Niceman or one of the other head honchos with the info that I already possess, I might be next. And getting help from a monster? A monster those assholes that run this place no doubt make it their job to convince the rest of us that monsters are merely a figment of our over-active imaginations? I most definitely would not be around very long after coming out with such intel.”

“So there’s the answer to your stupid little proposal, Eve. Now, are we through here? If you aren’t lying about not coming here to rape me, which I think is the biggest bullshit lie I’ve ever heard coming out of a monster’s mouth, then I think we are done. Right about now I’m supposed to get ready to pay a surprise visit to a friend for plenty of hot, sweaty, consensual orgasms. I’m sure I don’t have to show you the way out. Now, if you’ll excuse me…”

Sondra walked away from the strange purple creature, something she would normally never do in any other circumstance, and started to strip out of her gym clothes as she quickly made her way towards the bathroom for her much-needed shower…

Honestly, the nerve of that beast…

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Fri Jan 04, 2008 4:17 pm
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Eve carefully sat her tea cup down. As Sondra turned her back and headed for the shower, she chuckled slightly. The bathroom door was telekinetically held in place as she spoke next.

"Silly girl. Why in the world would you want to come forward to Niceman or anyone else the info I could give you? That would guarantee your demise, and thats the last thing I want.

"You're supposed to be the sharp one on this campus, Sondra. Thats why I came to you. So use that pretty little head for yours, and think. Where have your friends vanished to? Where were you for those two month of your life you cant account for? What happens after graduation? And how do you keep it from happening to you? Or Josephine?"

Eve stood. "Obviously this is a limited time offer. Your trust issues are expected, but they are wasting time. Alas, I can think of only one way to get you to trust me. Consider it carefully, Sondra."

Eve began to rise off the ground, and faded from sight from her feet up, vanishing completely in moments.

She had left Sondra alone, having never laid a finger (or other part) on her, as promised. The locks on the front door and bathroom door were released as well.

Or so it would seem. Eve hung in the air near the ceiling, invisible, watching Sondra carefully. Oh this one would be a greater challenge than she thought. That would only make her victory more satisfying.

She reached out with her mind to the nanomachines in Kathleen, and she suddenly suddenly lost all interest in her studies, and decided to head for home. The blonde bimbo would serve as a perfect 'distraction' for the next step in her plan...

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Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:43 pm
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Sondra threw down the gym clothes she had been carrying in her arms and turned to face strange purple beast once again. “Uh…duh! Didn’t I just say the same thing about Niceman, you stupid--”

But Sondra was speaking to nothing but air, as Eve had apparently up and disappeared on her, leaving the naked blonde alone with her thoughts.

Where have your friends vanished to? Where were you for those two month of your life you cant account for? What happens after graduation? And how do you keep it from happening to you? Or Josephine?

These thoughts had been haunting her for what had seemed like ages…Ever since her friends started vanishing on her…and she herself having disappeared from her dorm room a few times, only to wind up naked, bruised and battered on the beach, covered in demon cum and her own blood, after having spent several months…somewhere.

What had happened to her? Where had she gone? Where had the others gone? Why had she returned so many times and not her friends? Her roommates? Her lovers? Meru, Linnis, Carmen, Trixy, Sayuri, Paws, and countless other girls that she had become so close to since her arrival have all vanished. What happened to them? Where did they go? Where they alright? Or were they being used as human guinea pigs for some twisted experiments in some hidden lab?

Sondra didn’t know what happened after graduation, but she had a few ideas, had heard a few rumors, that, given the strange and frightening things that happened on this island, she was quite inclined to believe. One thing she was pretty damn sure of, she wouldn’t be going home anytime soon. But that wasn’t important to her. No, all that mattered to her…all that would ever matter to her…was her sister and her roommate and her friends, protecting them and keeping them as safe as she could from the evil that was Shokushu Island. Not that she had done such a bang-up job so far, seeing as all those girls, who were like sisters to her, had vanished without a trace, and Sondra the Protector had been unable to stop it from happening.

…And how do you keep it from happening to you? Or Josephine?

How could she? Was it even possible to protect herself and those she loved from whatever awful fate that awaited them after they ‘graduated’?

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Sat Jan 05, 2008 9:18 pm
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It wasn’t long after that there was a thump at the door, followed by a curse, then the jangling of keys. The keys sounded like they fell to the floor twice, the woman on the otherwise the door swearing each time, before finally getting the key to turn on the third attempt.

Kathleen all but dove through the open door, slamming and locking it behind her, her face a mask of abject terror. She was still dressed in the her uniform, at least partically. She had lost a shoe, her skirt was in tatters, and the blouse was torn open, all the buttons missing. Her eyes fell on Sondra, and for once didn’t even register the other girl’s nudity.

“Sondra!” she cried in relief, and was across the room and throwing in her roommates arms for some measure of comfort, of safety “I -- it -- they -- I,” she tried to speak several times, only to have her words tumble over themselves each time.

She shivered violently. "Monster!" She finally got out. “It tried to get me!”

The rest of her words were lost to sobs.

Kathleen Lay-The Beauty
Asao Yumi-The Brains
Eve01-The Beast

Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:27 am
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Another creature might have felt guilty. Would have felt some measure of remorse for using tiny robots, smaller than a human cell, to induce psychoactive change in another sentient being’s brain. They would have thought twice before telekinetically ripping some 'random' students clothes to tatters, then planting a memory of a bogus moanster attack that seemed completely real to them. They would have never even conceived of then sending that woman running to Sondra's arms, all as means to drive home a point that was as fictions as the bogus memory itself.

Yes, another bring might not have done all that.

As an invisible, hovering Eve watched the results play out before her, she felt nothing but pride.

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Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:34 am
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Sondra shook out of her thoughts and continued on to the bathroom to get showered. Had I really almost been prepared to listen to anything a monster had to offer me? It was a fucking monster, for god’s sake! Those things cared about one thing and one thing only, and were prepared to get it any way they could. And if their prey ended up suffering painfully as a result then so much the better. And there was the matter of the ‘condition’ she would have to ‘meet’…Ha! Of course there was! There would be no way that this thing would give such intel away so freely, if she did indeed possess it as she claimed.

And I wonder what the ‘condition’ of her ‘assistance’ might be. Could it be allowing herself to get raped by that ugly octopus-headed creature? Oh, surely not! This monster was civil…respectful. There was no way it would make her meet such a ‘condition’ as that! Ha! Who did that freak think she was fooling? Just because I’m a natural blonde, it doesn’t make me a ditz!

A loud thump at the door jolted Sondra from her thoughts, and she turned to see her roommate Kathleen bolting through the doorway and slamming it shut behind her. There was no mistaking the look of fear on the woman’s face, nor the torn blouse or the tattered rags that used to be her skirt. No, no mistake at all. Her friend didn’t even have to say anything for Sondra to know exactly what had happened to her.

Sondra wrapped her arms around Kathleen, holding her close to her body. “It’s ok, honey,” Sondra replied in soft, soothing tones as she hugged her tight, letting the woman’s head rest on her shoulder, “I’m here for you…I’ll protect you.” Though her voice was soft and gentle, the expression on Sondra’s face was anything but. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for trouble. Yes, she would protect her roommate any way she could, no matter what happened to herself in the process.

Sondra’s typically keen sense of danger had been somewhat marred by her earlier anger and frustration. That mistake had led her right into the path of that ugly purple creature Eve. And in her own dorm room, no less! This was not a mistake that she would make again. Taking a deep breath, Sondra forced herself to clear her mind, and to focus only in the present moment…

There! Something was wrong…There was danger here in this room, she could feel it. That’s how it worked. Sondra could sense a presence of danger, but she could never pinpoint it directly. It was more like she was able to feel a sense of…wrongness around her. Sondra wasn’t exactly psychic, but she didn’t need to be to know what might be considered ‘wrong’ on an island where monsters and demons lurked in every shadow, ready to strike at any moment.

Sondra looked around the room, searching for the source. She couldn’t see it, whatever it was, but it was there, nonetheless…something was watching them…waiting for something…Could it be…?

“Eve, is that you? Show yourself, you ugly sack of shit!”

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:12 pm
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((Sorry, double post))

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Sun Jan 06, 2008 5:13 pm
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Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Tue Jan 22, 2008 1:48 am
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Eve allowed herself to reappear, but before she did so, she made a few slight... changes. A black eye, swollen to the point that is was shut, a few lacerations on her arms and torso, and adjust the length of on of her tentacles to look as though it had been burned off.

"You have a funny way of showing gratitude, Van Ryan," Eve seethed as she faded back in to existence. "I saved your current favorite steady fuck, at great personal cost mind you, and I get called ugly for my troubles. You make it very difficult to like you.

"Naturally you don’t believe me. That figures. Why don’t you ask her then," she said flipping her 'good hand’ in Kathleen's general direction. "And be quick about it. "I'm getting... hungry."

Eve01's Profile

Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:57 pm
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Eve allowed herself to reappear, but before she did so, she made a few slight...changes. A black eye, swollen to the point that is was shut, a few lacerations on her arms and torso, and adjust the length of on of her tentacles to look as though it had been burned off.

"You have a funny way of showing gratitude, Van Ryan," Eve seethed as she faded back in to existence. "I saved your current favorite steady fuck at great personal cost mind you, and I get called ugly for my troubles. You make it very difficult to like you.

"Naturally you don’t believe me. That figures. Why don’t you ask her then," she said flipping her 'good hand’ in Kathleen's general direction. "And be quick about it. "I'm getting... hungry."

Eve01's Profile

Thu Jan 31, 2008 12:58 pm
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Post Re: Seduction (for Sondra)
Sondra gave a contemptuous laugh as she listened to the butt-ugly creature spew forth more of its garbage. "You, a monster, defend a student? Why is it that I find that hard to believe?" The scornful woman continued to hold Kathleen in a warm, comforting embrace as she stared daggers into the purple-skinned beast.

"Perhaps you simply thought the other monster, or monsters, to be competition for a highly desirable prize, fought said competition to take Kathleen for yourself, and got your measly little ass kicked in the process. Or maybe, you made yourself appear in your current 'condition' in some lame attempt to make me feel some kind of pity for you."

Sondra shook her head. "I seriously hope it isn't the latter. If it is, then you are even dumber than I thought if you sincerely believed that coming back to me looking like that would make me feel even the slightest bit sorry for you. And if it is the former, then all I can say is that the only thing I feel bad about is the fact that whatever had beaten your sorry little ass down to the ground like that hadn't put you out of your misery when it had the chance."

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Fri May 16, 2008 2:55 pm
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Post Re: Seduction (for Sondra)

Naughty Sex Kitten of Shokushu

"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:40 am
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