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 Food Fight! (Open for All.) 
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Post Food Fight! (Open for All.)
The'd think people were mature enough by now not to get mixed in with such a petty little thing as a food fight.

It was around noon, about the right time for mostly all the girls who were hungry to come along and re-energize themselves for the rest of the school day. The seats were nice and comfortable, not like that of a highschool cafeteria with hardwood and metal arranged tables. Clarice was thankful for that. They were cushion like seats built into the chair, extremely comfortable(though it should be. All raped girls need something nice.).

She wasn't at all picky on where she sat, as long as it wasn't in the middle of hustle and bustle of students whom all seemed famished. Before her was nothing special..a salad. Lettuce mixed with croutons and strings of cheese topped with bleu cheese dressing. It seemed appetizing to her as she took a fork full into her mouth. It wasn't bad at all. Of course the loud conversations around her were less then pleasing to hear, there was little she could do for it. She flicks a few strands of loose hair behind her as she eats rather slowly. Only a few moments did she stop and sigh, her ears had picked up giggling behind her with her name in the conversation. Someone was talking about her once more, typical. Except this one involved her and another girl. She didn't catch the name, but she sounded awfully familiar. Dark hair, pale complection with a cold silence.

"Oh hell no. You pick at me and I can ignore it...but you little sluts don't talk about Kanoe behind her back!" she yells angrily and turns to them with a cold glare. Words were passed of course, until Clair decides to be big and turn around to try and ignore them once more...yeah right. it took mere seconds before she was stopped once more, this time something had hit her in the back of the head. She reaches back to examine what had happened and her hands cross over something mushy and slimy. She had been hit with food. her hair was now ruined for the day and rage blazes in the witches eyes. How dare they! In her fit of rage and loss of focus, she picks up her plastic bowl and tosses it at the girl she suspected through the macaroni and cheese at her.

How she regretted doing that...because as soon as it hit, a single girl stands up from her seat and makes a call the whole class joins in at.


"Holy-" was all she said before ducking behind her table as food flies from all directions. She covers her head and curses herself. She had caused it anyways-all because she didn't back away. She couldn't see very well from where she was squatting down, but she could hear quite a few things that were yelled back and forth. Not very nice things, indeed.


Wed Jan 23, 2008 2:26 am
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With a yelp of surprise, Violett ducked under the table, narrowly avoiding being pelted with oreos. but hitting her head on the undersie of the table as she did.

"OW!" she squeaked.

Please don't stare... I'm shy.

Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:27 am
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“Typical,” Sondra muttered under her breath as she stood there near the end of the line, waiting impatiently for her turn. Every day, I gotta wait in this mess, and by the time I get my food, which is always at least half gone when I get to the buffet, the other students have taken damn near every fucking table here.”

Finally, it was her turn to get her food. Picking up a tray and a table setting, she went down the buffet table, selecting some mashed potatoes with a couple spoonfuls of turkey gravy, some chicken breast, a little spinach, an apple, and a glass of orange juice.

Satisfied that she had gotten everything she needed, Sondra left the buffet and started walking towards the first empty seat she could find. “I sure can’t wait till school gets out so that I can go back to my dorm room and—“

Sondra’s monologue was cut off when one of the students stood up from her seat and made a call, which was immediately taken up by the other girls:


And then all Hell broke loose…

Ducking and dodging as best as she could, Sondra still got pelted a number of times by a rather messy assortment of food, which hit her face, hair and clothes with an audible splat! Out of nowhere, an apple hit the poor, defenseless blonde square in the middle of her forehead, which sent her stumbling backwards, the heavy tray wobbling dangerously in her hands.

The last step she took, caused her to slip on a fallen banana peel, sending her flying backwards a few feet with an almost comic look of surprise on her face, and landed on her back with a loud thud as she hit the hard tiled floor. The flying fruit victim’s body was splayed out on the hard floor, her legs spread out with her smooth shaven pussy out on display for all the world to see.

Meanwhile, as Sondra had gotten laid out with one well-aimed piece of fruit, her tray had been sent spinning upward towards the ceiling, its contents flying in multiple directions…and as they say, what goes up must come down.

And so, just as Sondra had propped herself up on her elbows and looked up to see Violet hiding under the table in front of her, and groaning with pain dealt out by the ballistic apple…the plate containing the mashed potatoes and gravy and the grilled chicken breast landed right on top of her head, which immediately started pooling down her face in a thick white and grey mess as it quickly made its way down to her shirt, trickling down between her bra-free breasts and slipping down the valley in between.

“Ugh, this just isn’t my day,” Sondra muttered as she licked as much food away from her face as possible, which was a considerable amount, due to the surprising length of her tongue, “Does anybody have any asprin…and a towel?”

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"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:24 am
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"I can get you one after!" I yelled at the top of my lunges. I lunged in front of Sondra, sliding across the slippery floor on one knee and foot. I caught a hurtling orange just as it was about to splat onto Sondra. I quickly stood and in the back of my mind everything my baseball coach had said about stance, speed and form, rushed into forbearance. With the skill that had taken me months to master, I hurtled the orange at exactly the same angle from which it had come, resulting in a very loud splat as it hit the wall and splattered a group of girls hiding behind an overturned table.

My next movement was to dive forward again, sliding across the floor and bumping into Violett underneath the table. I whispered in her ear, "Go help Sondra up, I'll be there in a second." I quickly kicked away the chairs near the table, picked it up a few centimeters off the ground, turned it a full 90 degrees, dropped it and dragged it towards Sondra. The table made a loud thunk as it was overturned, giving us a makeshift barricade. "What I wouldn't give for one of those Halo Snipers at the moment."

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Thu Jan 24, 2008 1:10 pm
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With a yelp of surprise, Violett nodded, darting out from under the table and scurrying across the cafeteria like a frightened mouse, franticly scatterting sunflower seets in everyy direction as she ran.

"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...."

As she got close to Sondra, her foot hit a puddle of water, and she was knocked off her feet, momentum carrying her the rest of the way into the counter as she landed on her back, legs up in the air as her skirt fell to reveal her plain white panties.


Please don't stare... I'm shy.

Last edited by Violett Small on Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:34 pm
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"This is all your fault!! I hope you know that!!!" Clarice yells while shaking a fist. She still couldn't believe the girl had thrown something at her, how childish! She hears a small whimpersing words and could only guess it was Violett in a corner. She grummbles as girls pile close near Violett as they smear eachother with hamburger helper. That was not going to end well if she didn't do something. She sighs, as if knowing what was to be the outcome of what she was abotu to do...

She quickly gets out from her hiding spot and takes on the pelting of watermelons and tomatoes as she quickly grabs the small girl from the corner and pulls her to the barricade another girl had made. It was definitly big enough to fit them all in, that she was thankful for. She slides the girl inside and takes quick notice of a girl on the floor...with quite a large mess on her hands.

She wrinkles her nose and tries her best to pull the girl aswell to the barricade. It wasn't difficult with the fact that the floor was slimy with muck. Though she felt slight guilt for dragging the girl along, she was atleast trying to save the girls that weren't involved in hitting eachother with food. She sighs as she pushes the girl behind the barricaded chairs and plops down herself exhasuted.

Hey...are you all alright?"


Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:46 pm
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Kanoe sighs in annoyance. Held after class again. It was nothing new of course but, lunch was one of the few times she can spend some time away from things such as useless tests, assignments and teachers. The young witch pushes open the door to the cafeteria. Tch, whatever she will just get a drink and go find a place to...


A large piece of lunch meat smacks Kanoe right in the face. The woman froze in place, the door still held open, as the slimy cafeteria food slides off her face and plops onto the floor. Several strands of raven black hair were now stuck to her face with grease and fat from the meat. Her jaw was clenched tightly as her eye twitches. Thoughts of just burning them all to ash crossed her mind several times. Her teeth grind together as she begins to turn to leave. She felt hands press to her back as she was suddenly pushed into the room, stumbling near some chairs. The witch turns to see a few students smirking at her as they wave and close the door. Annoyed hiss exhales between her lips as she sits down behind a table for cover. A pale hand wipes at her face and could only stare at the grease that was going to be troublesome to clean from her face and hair. They will pay for this, definitely...

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:23 pm
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She then looks up to see a familiar face and waves. Unfortunatly that brought attention to herself as a wad of mashed potatoes plants her right in the face. Caught way off guard, she cries out as the force sends to land on her back. This was really starting to piss her off deeply. She wipes what she could from her face and spits out what came into her mouth before her blazing eyes scan the room.

"Kanoe! Get your butt over here now!" she growls, unintentionally sounding extremely angry to her when she was pissed off at these immature brats. She waves once more, this time learning from her mistake and ducks as macaroni and cheese slaps the wall behind her.

She knew one thing would lead to another, like the fact the teachers would come in and find out she was the one that started all of this. A pit of worry fell in her gut, shivering with thoughts of what they may do to her. They certainly were not just going to make her clean up the mess she had caused...


Thu Jan 24, 2008 11:43 pm
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With a yelp of surprise, Violett got ready to try to flee, but, upon seeing who had grabbed her, clung to Clarice tight, trembling just a little.

"You startled me! But thanks for the help though, Miss Clarice..."

Please don't stare... I'm shy.

Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:17 am
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Sondra grabbed the now-empty plate from the top of her head and sent it spinning across the room like a Frisbee, accidentally hitting a red-haired girl in the chest, causing the surprised student to spill the pop she had been drinking all over her shirt. Sondra was unaware of this of course, as she was too busy trying to get herself back onto her feet again, Seeing Diana who had saved her from getting hit by another fruit missile, Sondra smiled at her and gave a little wave. “Hi, Diana, thanks for the assist. I owe you one.”

Then getting on all fours, Sondra clutched her throbbing forehead with one hand as she made a move to crawl over to Violett. But another girl beat her to it, a cute little blonde that Sondra didn’t know grabbed Violett and took her to the relative safety of Diana’s makeshift barricade, before coming back for Sondra, who let herself get dragged over to the table as well.

“Heh, yeah…apart from the headache and the mess, I think I’m ok. Thank you for your help, Clarice.” She replied with a smile as she wiped the rest of the potatoes off her face. Sondra forced herself into a sitting position and held out one hand in greeting, the one not covered in potato mess, as she added, “I’m Sondra, by the way. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

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"The best thing to do would be to designate everywhere as clothing optional, and we could leave little fenced in areas for the prudes to prance around in. Call them "Prudist Camps." They could peer out of their fences and indulge in their offensive "I'm offended" behavior whenever they saw a natural person walk by, without bothering the rest of us."--Anon


Fri Jan 25, 2008 2:37 am
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"Likewise," she merely says with a smile and shakes her hand as well, blushing at her founding feelings she had for her. It was very odd to feel such a flirty feeling coming from a girl that happened to know her name, but she tries to ignore it.

She tries not to keep eye contact and nervously pets the small girl's head as she holds onto her. This was rather emberrassing really. She regretted touching the top of her own head and saw that watermelon and with the smell of ketchup hit her nose like a ton of bricks. She coughs and sticks her tongue out ina most disgusted way and tries to wipe it off in her already sprite soaked shirt. She squeaks and immediatly tries to cover herself in more emberrassement, having not realized her shirt was sticking to clearly viewable white bra and still tries to make her face halfway clean.

She grabs a handful of mashed potatoes from her cheeks and sticks her head up, growling at the girl who started it all. She tries to aim it for her face but with such a manages to hit her butt. She snickers and begins to descend...only it wasn't that easy.


She comes down to have a mouthful of peas and lets them out before her, wiping her tongue with whimpers, "Eww eww!! I ha peaves!"


Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:05 am
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"Likewise," she merely says with a smile and shakes her hand as well, blushing at her founding feelings she had for her. It was very odd to feel such a flirty feeling coming from a girl that happened to know her name, but she tries to ignore it.

She tries not to keep eye contact and nervously pets the small girl's head as she holds onto her. This was rather emberrassing really. She regretted touching the top of her own head and saw that watermelon and with the smell of ketchup hit her nose like a ton of bricks. She coughs and sticks her tongue out ina most disgusted way and tries to wipe it off in her already sprite soaked shirt. She squeaks and immediatly tries to cover herself in more emberrassement, having not realized her shirt was sticking to clearly viewable white bra and still tries to make her face halfway clean.

She grabs a handful of mashed potatoes from her cheeks and sticks her head up, growling at the girl who started it all. She tries to aim it for her face but with such a manages to hit her butt. She snickers and begins to descend...only it wasn't that easy.


She comes down to have a mouthful of peas and lets them out before her, wiping her tongue with whimpers, "Eww eww!! I ha peaves!"


Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:06 am
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It was not like she had much choice in the matter now. She was caught in this just like Clair. The young witch kept low as she moves from table to table. Kanoe was glad she was wearing her darker uniform of blacks and reds, at least the longer skirt kept herself covered even when bent over. She could see and hear food splatting all around her against the walls and tables. Wonder if the school does mass punishment. They can't have that much space in the basement do they?

Kanoe lets the thought drift back to where it came as she continues to make her way to Clarice and some other students. Friends of hers she guessed, not that it matters much to her. She stumbles over to the three and lets out a long sigh. A pale hand gently brushes some soaked hair away from Clair's face as she looks at the woman.

"Should stop trying to peek and stay down," She says softly, "You are a mess."

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Jan 25, 2008 12:29 pm
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Adrenaline was definately an upside to all of this. I jumped up and took another quick stance. A piece of what could only be pineapple was hurtling towards the ducking Kanoe. I reached over the table, caught it and threw it in the same direction as Claire did, resulting in a lawd thwack and a whimper. I ducked back under the table, my face red from all of the commotion. "So, I'm guessing you're Kanoe. Nice to meet you, names Diana." I sighed quietly, looking down at my practically spotless clothes. I shrugged and looked back up at the girls. "So, we gonna wait this out, return fire or make a run for it?"

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Fri Jan 25, 2008 1:24 pm
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She swats Kanoe's hands away with a rather childish grummble and huffs. Just to show Kanoe that she was more then capable of handling herself, she wipes her face off to the point of where there only slight smudges of potatoes on her face.

She snorted for a short second upon seeing a piece of emat in kanoe's lap that just fell in the barricade and pointed accusingly at her.

"Oh okay, watch yourself too, missy."

She couldn't help but smile, atleast it wasn't a total let down. She looks to the one who just called herself Diana and nods in a greeting fashion. She still tries to cover herself a tad as the sprite covered blouse sticks to her nearly bare skin, causing her to shiver because of the air-conditioning. She sighs, guilt crossing her face as she peers to the four girls around her and throws her hands up in surrender.

"Sorry everyone. I kinda...started...the foodfight. Some chick wouldn't just stop talking about Kanoe and I..we exchanged a few word...she hit me and...I got kinda mad," she admits, fidgeting guiltly as she peers down with a sad look. Might as well let them all know how this thing got out of hand.


Fri Jan 25, 2008 9:29 pm
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