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 Chance meeting (Kanoe) 
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Post Chance meeting (Kanoe)
The full moon had risen over the quiet campus, it's silver rays illuminating the school's large deserted lawns. Stately trees cast long shadows over walkways lined with concrete benches. Bustling with activity during the day, they now stood empty as the students had long since left the school for their dorms.

In the center of campus, Saur stalked down one of these large walkways. Flanked on either side by a large, flat, moonlit lawn, the path provided him little cover. He didn't care. He was frustrated with his progress. He was so close, he knew it. Somehow, his mental powers were dampened by the body he created. He could fix it...he knew he could. He just couldn't quite make it work.

Grumbling to himself, he lashed out at a nearby tree. His claws left huge rents in the bark, the white inner wood shown brightly in the moonlight. Snorting, he moved on, not feeling much better. Part of him wanted to meet one of the other monsters on the island, he needed a good fight. The rational part of his brain was glad there were none around. He had seen firsthand what the school did to monsters that broke the truce. Angry as he was, he wasn't so berserk that he lost all control. And he certainly didn't want to die.

So down the path he stomped. Grumbling and muttering and occasionally stopping to vent his frustrations on an unoffending tree. He made no effort to hide the gash marks. He knew the school's silent machines would erase all record of his passage by morning anyway. Over and over, he reviewed his progress, somewhere he made a mistake. Somewhere...

"This is going nowhere," he grumbled finally. "I need a distraction..."

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 4:18 am
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There weren't many excuses why anyone would stay this long after classes were over. But, one young student was walking in the dark halls of Shokushu. Kanoe was still in her own version of the school uniform. The blues, whites and plaid skirt were replaced with a similar attire; black vest vest and a longer skirt. This kept her body from revealing itself with each step or when she bends over to pick up something. The fact a school decided this uniform was disturbing to the say the least. Unfortunately wearing her own outfit was completely against the rules, something that she is reminded about often by some of the instructors. This time the reminder was being held after class again.

By the time Kanoe was released, all the other students were long gone and have returned to their dorms. Though she knew the school was just as unsafe, the thought of traveling out alone was equally unpleasant. The woman sighs and began to wander the halls, occasionally checking a door to see if it's locked. Majority of them were and those that weren't did not have much of value. Being practically alone in the school, might as well take advantage of this and search for any information about this strange island.

Her search did not get very far at all. The thought of just breaking into some of the locked rooms crossed her mind, it was much too early in her stay to start making a criminal record. The sun had long set, she will need to find a spot to sleep soon or try to make a break for the dorms. Part of the hall was illuminated by rays of moonlight coming from several windows. Kanoe blinks at the sight of the school's courtyard. She gently pushes the door leading outside. The night air was only slightly cool, a nice night compared to the many others during the winter. The young student steps outside onto the path, letting the door shut behind her.

A loud crash echoes off the enclosed area causing Kanoe to freeze in her tracks. What the heck was that? She had long learned that strange sounds were not something to investigate. She heard the sound again, like claws raking against something. Whatever it was, it was coming closer. The student turns and pulls at the door handle. The door rattles slightly but did not open. Well that was stupid, she thought. Of course the doors leading outside would lock again at this hour. Even if she shatters the door, alarms may sound off. May save her from whatever that thing was but the punishment that will follow for breaking and entering was not something she wanted to consider. She has only heard rumors and bits of gossip about the school's basement, not a place she wants to be. Unsure what else to do, the woman quickly moves off the path and behind a tree. Maybe the creature will just make it's noise and move on or something.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 16, 2008 12:29 pm

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The soft rattle of the door was quiet but it carried easily across the silent courtyard to Saur's sensitive ears. Stopping suddenly, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the area. Curious by nature, he wasn't so naive as to assume there wasn't another monster in the area. Eyes narrowing, he looked around the courtyard, searching for any sign of what could have caused the sound.

The courtyard was surrounded on all sides by the campus buildings. A large grassy lawn in the center was surrounded by a path along the edges and cut through the center by another walkway. Trees lined the edges of the paths, spaced roughly 30 feet apart with a couple concrete benches between each tree. Moonlight filtered down into the emtpy area, lighting the empty grassy park but leaving the areas under the trees in shadow. Scanning the area, he could see nothing immediately out of the ordinary but the doors leading into the buildings caught his attention as the most obvious reason for the disturbance.

Standing on the central path, his tongue flicked in and out, tasting the air, searching for any unusual scents in the gentle night breeze. Faintly, he caught something on the air. Two of a student...the other Strange that he didn't hear any of the usual accompanying sounds but not not completely unheard of. He was mostly convinced now that he was dealing with a student but still not entirely ruling out another monster.

Relaxed and ready for the likely upcoming fight, balanced on the balls of his feet, his voice carried easily as he called out softly,
"It's no use hiding. I can smell you. I know you're here and there's no way out of this area without being seen."

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:27 pm
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Kanoe rests her back against the tree as she kept very still. Whatever the monster was, it sounded big and strong. Why it was in the school courtyard was beyond her though. As far as she knew, there are only trees and benches here. Why it chose these particular trees to sharped whatever claws or talons it had was something she could not figure out either or perhaps there was no reason. In that case she has more of a reason to hate herself and her horrible luck with monsters.

Her blood went cold as she heard a voice call out to her. It was not human that's for sure, human's don't have a keen sense of smell. Kanoe did not dare move though. When one is hiding, calling out to them usually does not make them leave their hiding place even if they knew they were found. This was no different. God, she hopes the thing is bluffing.

The voice was coming from the center of the courtyard. Which means he, she thinks it's a he from the voice, can see the door leading back inside. Even if he didn't, she would still have to blow the door open with a spell in order to get back inside bringing more attention to herself and her position. One way or another, this thing will eventually find her. Can she outrun it? Can she fight it? She will find out soon enough.

The witch could hear no more movement. Perhaps it was waiting for her. She lets out a breath as she lets her eyes close briefly. Her hand opens as she began to whisper faintly to herself. The words of magic fell from her lips as darkness began to gather and swirl in the shape of an orb in the woman's hand. This spell should be enough for the door though she was unsure how much damage it could do to a monster. It tends to vary from heavy impacts to no damage at all depending on the type of monster. She hopes it will at least stun the beast. Kanoe was already regretting staying in this school longer than she needed to.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:46 pm

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Saur wasn't particularly surprised that he didn't get a response but it did increases the chances he was dealing with a student. He reasoned that a monster would most likely reveal itself when it became clear he wasn't a potential victim. Of course, it still didn't help him find her but one problem at a time.

Looking around, it was pretty clear she was hiding underneath one of the trees. The question was which one? He could see numerous doors leading out of the courtyard, she must be near one to have gotten out of sight so quickly. At least that narrowed it down some but not enough. He was still presented with a problem, moving away from her could give her the time she needed to get away. So which direction is she?

Moving to the grass, he knelt and grabbed several handfuls of the light blades. Standing, he dropped them in a slow trickle from his closed fist. Noting the direction of the breeze, his head swivelled around to one side of the courtyard. Only two doors now...four possible hiding places. Eyes narrowing, he strode purposefully across the lawn.

"The wind carries your scent to me. You can't hide from me forever," he called as he moved towards her potential hiding places.

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:17 pm
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The orb of darkness swirls in her hand as she held her concentration. Her spell was ready but the beast was already moving closer. Running was now becoming a fleeting option as the unknown monster searches in her direction. Kanoe shivers slightly as the threads of mana and darkness threaten to unravel. She still had issues controling her large amounts of mana and power. The dampening field has saved her from failed spells while at the same time caused her doom as it suppresses the power of attack spells. Unfortunately this woman did not know anything about a dampening field and only thought it was her own lack of skill causing her spells to be less than successful. She has seen her spells damage the monsters before, hopefull this will be no different.

The dark witch was unsure of the monster's type. It had a solid body no doubt but she was unsure if this type of magic will even make a dent in it. Kanoe shakes her head slowly, dispelling her doubts. She can't afford to second guess herself and get distracted. She will just have to rely on what spells she knows and hope it dies before her mana or body give out.

Closer, the beast approaches. The sound of the footsteps were still coming more towards the middle. Was the beast still unsure where she is? Scent can track things but it will take time to pinpoint her position. Or was the monster just being cautious? Doubtful, it had no reasons to be afraid of a school girl. She will just have to hope it is a random pick and that it does not pick the tree closest to the door.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 17, 2008 9:35 pm

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As he moved forward, the scent became stronger, confirming he was moving in the right direction. Scanning from side to side, he appraised each of the potential hiding places. Each tree was large enough, barely, for the trunk to hide a student. None could be immediately ruled out but he was confident she couldn't escape now. Even if went to wrong end, he was sure he could run her down before she got away.

Fortunately, he didn't feel that a random guess would be necessary. The moon's light reflected off the walls of the building and the concrete walkway, leaving the dark trees silhouetted against the lighter building. Gradually, his angle on the trees changed and one trunk stood out from the rest. Just a small irregularity at first, it slowly expanded until he could clearly see the outline of an arm and part of a shoulder against the smooth straightness of the trunk.

"I see you," he called as he altered his course slightly, angling to his right towards her hiding place. "Where are you going to go now?" he taunted as he neared his target.

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Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:05 pm
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Kanoe could feel her heart thumping against her chest. The silence made every step the beast made deafening. Her body tenses up as the sound came closer. Whatever the monster was, he was intelligent and patient. She may only get one shot at whatever it is before the thing pounces her or binds her in tentacles or some other strange monsterous thing.

The beasts steps slowed for a moment. It must be searching to see which tree to move towards. The orb of darkness continues to swirl and gather in her hand as she maintained the spell. She could feel fatigue settling in as the held usage of mana was sapping away at her being. Once more she did not move as the beast spoke out to her again. But, the creature was not lying as she could hear the voice and steps come closer to her hiding spot.

She presses her back further against the tree as if there were really a way to make herself more hidden. There was no turning back, nowhere to run. When she heard the monster's footstep just behind her tree, she steps out from behind it. Her eyes widen in shock at the sight of a large lizardman. Memories of Grail flash in her mind and the tortures that monster put her through. Kanoe screams, throwing the condensed ball of shadow towards the beast. She could feel the spell rebound as it flies towards the scaled monster. Pain shoots through her hand and arm but she did not care, she was not going to be that beast's slave again.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:29 am

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Approaching cautiously, Saur was alert for any sign of movement. In his experience, the reaction at this point was predictable: fight or flight. She would either take off running in moments or she'd jump out and try to fight him. So when the raven-haired student spun around the side of the tree, he wasn't surprised. The shadowy ball in her hand that flew towards him did catch him by surprise. Only his reflexes saved him as he spun out of the way. Even with his speed, he wasn't quite fast enough to completely avoid the attack and the ball blasted into his right shoulder.

The force of the blow was was enough to spin him around where he landed on one knee. Glancing briefly at his shoulder, he briefly surveyed the damage. Thin wisps of smoke rose off where the blast hit him, the skin and scales horribly manged and charred; the smell of charred meat filled the air. His blue eyes glittered dangerously as he lifted his eyes to her's and roared in pain. The sound echoed off the walls as he rose to his feet, the skin and scales on his shoulder healing before her eyes as the charred remains of skin and scale flaked and fell to the ground, revealing rows of flawless black scales.

Rising into a crouch, he advanced again, eyes alert for any hint of attack. He made a mistake underestimating this one...he would not do so again.

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:32 am
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Clutching her arm, the woman gazes at the beast. Her spell connected and even sent the monster spinning away from her. The bolt had left a nasty wound on the scaled lizard's shoulder. But, it was not enough. The beast was already up and greatly angered by her resistance. Kanoe's eyes met the monster's, piercing into her being. The witch shakes her head slowly as she backs up all the way against the wall. The wound she caused was already healing at a rapid rate. Her arm throbs in pain, casting another spell at that much power could hurt her more than it in the end.

"N-No.." Her voice was just a whimper, "I..I'm't send me back there!"

Kanoe had no idea that this lizard was not the same one she was thinking of. The one that could make her relive her nightmares or create new one's for her to suffer in. Memories of being put in her worst and darkest fears was enough to make the woman fall to her knees. The witch curls up against the wall as if she was trying to become as small as possible. Her arms wrap tightly around herself as she shakes her head.

"No more..." She whispers, "Please, no more.."

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:41 pm

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Saur watched unblinking as she fell to her knees in front of him. His eyes roamed over her as she pulled back against the wall, searching for any sign of the weapon she could have used to attack him. He was familiar with magic, of course, but he still had to rule out the remote possibility she had gotten hold of a weapon of some kind. Seeing none and seeing the way she held her arm let him to the conclusion it was a magic attack. Valuable information he decided as his previous experiences had taught him that magic took time to prepare, it would be nearly impossible for her to use that kind of power again at these close quarters.

Hearing the name "Grail", Saur understood her reaction and ruled out the possibility this was an elaborate ruse. He was aware of the other reptilian monsters on the island having spent as much researching monsters as students so her mistake was clear to him. The two did look similar, especially through fear-filtered vision. His pride would not let him imitate another for long though.

Approaching her, he grasped her by the neck, one powerful hand encompassing her throat as he pulled her to her feet, forcing her to her tiptoes and pinned her back against the wall. Finally, he got a chance to look at the pretty young thing. Her "uniform" was definitely unique but did little to hide obvious assets. He grinned in anticipation, sharp teeth glinting dangerously as his eyes returned to her face.

"I'm not Grail, little one. There'll be no hiding in dreams or playing with demons from me," he rumbled into her terror-stricken face.

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 4:59 pm
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Kanoe squeaks as she feels a large scaled hand wrap around her throat. Was he going to punish her again? God, don't let it be the illusion demon again, anything but that. The witch kept her eyes shut as her hands instinctfully grab the lizard's wrist as she was lifted up. She was forced to balance on the tips of her toes lest she let herself choke on the beast's grip.

Only when the monster spoke once more did she slowly open her eyes. This voice, though it was deep like Grail's it was not the same. Her eyes try to gaze at the beast's body but it was difficult to tear away from the thing's eyes. She was unsure what she felt now. Yes, she was deathly afraid now that she was in yet another monster's grasp. But, she felt relief that it was not Grail playing another game with her head again. Would she still have thrown that bolt of shadow knowing this ahead of time, probably. Now, she pissed off another monster probably hungry for a meal.

"I..I see.." She tries to say calmly, "Are you...locked out too?"

Her pale skin glows under the moonlight while it shines off the black scales of the beast. What a situation to get in to. She did not know what to do besides talk. There was little she could do.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:17 pm

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Ignoring her question for the moment, he turned her head slightly to the side as his snout moved towards her. Featherlight, his tongue briefly slid over her cheek as he smelled as much as tasted her pale skin. "Hmmmmm...." he mumbled, that smell was definitely from her but she seemed entirely too well clothed to have been the victim of a recent attack. "You certainly are a mystery," he said finally as he turned her face back to his, his tongue flicking quickly between their faces again as it softly brushed over her lips.

Breaking eye contact with her, his eyes wandered down her body. Her clothing hid a lot more of her skin than the standard uniform but what he did see only sparked his desire. His gaze lingered on her black vest as it stretched taut over her chest and flat stomach. Her skirt did little to abate his growing hunger as it clearly outlined her hips and only increased his desire to explore the shapely legs hidden underneath. While his cold gaze slipped over her exquisite body, his mind was actively imagining how he would use this young student. Behind him, his tail swayed from side to side as he drank in the moment, savoring what was soon to come.

Finally, his visual appraisal ended as his eyes returned to her's again. His eyes bore into her's as he took in the blue eyes set in a pale, beautiful face framed by jet black hair pulled tight into a braid. Sharp teeth glittered in the moonlight, inches from her face when she, at last, received an answer,
"How could I be locked out when what I want is right here?" His words were accompanied by his free hand moving smoothly down her side, the bottom of his palm brushing momentarily against the side of her breast before it was gone as his hand continued down towards her hips.

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 4:35 am
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She quivers as the monster grips her head and turns it some. A faint gasps leaves her lips as that forked tongue tastes her skin. The woman grimaces slightly as her arm continues to throb in pain, the price for using such aggressive spells. But, that was the least of her worries. It was rather clear what this lizard wanted. His statement was odd to her, she was unsure what the beast was refering to. She did not have much time to dwell on it as the tongue flicks over her lips, causing her to cringe further against the wall.

Those slitted eyes were making her more and more uncomfortable as they seem to devour every inch of her body. These monsters did not hold back their desires or lusts one bit. She wanted to resist but what could she do? If she attempts a spell, he will just choke her with that large scaled hand. Those scales absorbed her shadow bolt and regenerate at a rapid rate, it was doubtful she could kick or scratch her way out. Again, she was in another monster's clutches and will be forced to take his seed and whatever other dirty thoughts he had on his mind. Though she remembered every rape clearly, she has lost count of the number of times her body has been abused. Was it so utterly...hopeless?

"Please don't," She says softly.

Her teeth clench as she averts her gaze. She can't believe how weak she sounds. Kanoe's hands tighten around the wrist she was still holding. The woman shuts her eyes as the monster runs his hand down her side. Her body quivers as it grazes by her sensitive breast. She did not want to sit by and just take this. But, she had no idea how to fight these things.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:33 pm

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Undeterred by her plea, his hand continued to roam down her side and hip. His claws dragged lightly over the tight-fighting skirt as his hand finally came to rest on her thigh, the tips of his fingers massaging and stroking her leg above her knee.

Leaning his face into her, his warm breath flowed over her ear as he paused, chuckling softly as her hands tightened uselessly on his wrist.
"Go ahead and'll be doing a lot of it tonight." His teeth nipped sharply at her ear as his hand slowly drifted inward, his palm pressing more against her inner thigh as his downward facing fingers continued to stroke the sensitive skin of her leg.

His movements slow and deliberate, he savored the feel of her body under his hands, allowing the anticipation of the moment to build his own excitement. Pressing his face against her's, his scales cool against her skin, his tongue flicked along her hairline behind her ear and down her neck,
"What's your name?"

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Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:59 am
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