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 Freezing all alone (Whisperer) (Completed) 
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Post Freezing all alone (Whisperer) (Completed)
Kanoe's body shivers briefly as she lays unconcious next to a small river. The moonlight reflects of her pale form, causing her nude body to shine like a beacon in the darkness. Faint mist escapes the woman's lips as she takes weak breaths of air through her mouth. What is left her soaked robes was beneathe her fallen form, doing little to keep her body heat from flowing out into the chilling fabric. Deimos, a demon she had summoned under Spectre's guidance was now free and out of her control. Before the demon went to terrorize elsewhere, he had thoroughly raped the dark witch into exhaustion. Now, discarded like a ragged doll, the young student's body was struggling to fight the freezing night air that was sinking into her muscles.

The cold was doing very little to help the woman regain conciousness. Her heart was pumping hard, trying to bring heated blood through her system. She had no strength left after the relentless ravaging of Deimos. Her mind remained in darkness. She was unable to wake up or perhaps after such an attack, she did not want to. She felt so cold. Her body weakly curls up into a ball, shivering alone in the woods.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Last edited by Kanoe on Thu May 29, 2008 10:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:13 pm
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Though dawn was fast approaching, the moon remained high, showering Shokushu forest with the last of her beams. Soon the sun would eclipse her radiance, but until then, she reigned supreme in the clear night sky.

The bright, silvery beams lanced through Whisperer with barely a waver. He cruised low over the trees just enjoying the pre-dawn chill. To the psychic hunter, it was crisp and refreshing, giving him a sort of ‘clean’ feeling.

Cresting a low hill brought an abrupt end to his joy, however. His keen psychic senses immediately spotted the pale-skinned beauty lying curled by a stream. A lingering cloud of foul sexual energy hovered about her, the emissions of whatever wasteful beast had recently abused her. She appeared battered and bruised, her beautifully fair flesh having taken on a bluish tinge from prolonged exposure. Her attacker had been exceptionally brutal before simply discarding her. Nothing angered Whisperer more than such blatant disrespect for the prey.

As he descended through the demonic miasma, Whisperer discovered pockets of a much purer and sweeter essence. Assuming them to be the remnants of energy released during the woman’s orgasms, he did his best to extract the tasty treats from the taint. Sparks flickered to life deep inside him as the energy charged his fluids, giving rise to his inner storm.

Up close, the damage didn’t seem quite as severe, as much of what he had taken for bruises at a distance turned out to be splotches of dark liquid. Undoubtedly a secretion of her attacker as he detected the same substance oozing from her sex and ass. Still, that did less to quell his wrath than the surge of compassion he felt for this mistreated young woman.

Make no mistake; it was not the fact that she had been raped that moved him thus. Such was the reason she had been brought to the campus, after all (despite whatever else she might think). In fact, having found such a tasty tidbit, it would be a waste if he didn’t feed from her. But she was too weak at that point to withstand his assault. First, she needed shelter and warmth; and perhaps a liberal application of his natural stimulant.

The glittering monster gingerly retrieved the ‘sleeping’ student from the cold, damp bundle of fabric she had been dropped on. He was careful to support her head and neck as he lifted her from the ground, almost as though he were cradling a baby. As an afterthought, he also picked up her soggy robe with a spare tentacle.

The first order of business was locating shelter. Ironically, though he didn’t know it at the time, the closest he could find was the cave where Kanoe’s previous ordeal had started. Inside, he found a congealed puddle of wax and a strange mess of shattered stone and bloody fabric. He carefully cleared that away before gently laying his charge on a bed of moss beside the nearby spring. Her robe he spread over a small outcropping, the better to let it dry.

The sun was just peeking over the horizon when Whisperer exited the cave on his second errand.

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 12:19 am
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The freezing woman did not move nor make a sound as she lifted into the air by another one of the island's monsters. The witch was completely unconcious, her mind someplace very cold and dark. Her breaths were still faint, completely unaware that another monster had locked into her scent. She felt like she was falling, an endless drop where she never finds the ground. The feeling began to grow frightning, her mind unable to understand what was happening to her body. As she floated inside the cave, the chilling breeze was no longer torturing her helpless body. A shiver ran through her body as it registers how cold it was outside. Still the woman did not wake. A slight twitch of a finger was all her mind could muster to try and rouse the woman but it was nowhere near enough.

Her body suddenly came to rest on something solid though slightly soft. The moss did little to help warm Kanoe's chilled body. As the light of the sun began to shine around the entrance of the cave, the woman stirs slowly. Heavy eyelids flutter and squint at the small beacon of light at the end of the tunnel. Was she dead? Death felt so...cold. Her body ached from the muscles all the way down to her bones. The young witch curls up, shivering and gasping from the lack of heat her body had now. She was unsure where she was. Her vision was blurry all she could see was the bit of light outside and the darkness around her. A shaking hand reaches out for the light, wishing it could warm her aching body. When will the torture stop? A tear fell down her cheek as her eyes began to close again, unable to hold conciousness any longer. Her arm falls limp back down onto the soft moss as her shivering body curls up into a ball. Yes, sleep is good, it keeps her from the pain.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Mon Feb 18, 2008 1:29 pm
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Whisperer returned a few minutes later with some dried wood and twigs. He was heartened to see that Kanoe had changed positions in his absence; believing it meant she had a strong will to live. The monter’s inner storm bathed the immediate area in pale blue radiance, but it was not a particularly efficient source of heat; hence the firewood.

Using stolen memories, the alien set about building a small campfire. While scouting for a suitable location, he discovered a strange scroll. None of the memories he’d absorbed allowed him to recognize the writing on it, though he did get the feeling it was, perhaps, mystical in nature. With a mental shrug, he put the document within the small pyramid of sticks he had built. The old, cracked parchment should make perfect kindling.

When all was ready, Whisperer used one of his stinging tendrils to ignite the scroll and twigs. He funneled the energy he had absorbed earlier through the thin appendage, his inner storm draining into the flammable substance and setting it ablaze.

The monster’s radiance was gone, but a warm crackling fire soon replaced that pale electric light. As he suspected, the cave seemed to have a natural chimney which drew any smoke up and away to surface somewhere on the ridge above. Whisperer remained by the fire long enough to be certain it had fully caught before turning to check on his ‘patient.’

As carefully as before, he gently moved the freezing woman closer to the fire, though still on the bed of moss. He laid her down on her back so that he could inspect her more closely. She really was a very lovely specimen; her raven dark hair setting off her pale features wonderfully.

Whisperer scooped a maw-full of cool water from the nearby stream and just held it in the trunk-like appendage until it warmed a bit. Once he was sure the liquid was not shockingly cold, he used it to rinse a scrap of damp black fabric he had found while gathering firewood. He used the makeshift rag - which was , if he was not mistaken, a remnant of the student’s bra - to swab the black ichor from her face.

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:06 am
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Kanoe was still in poor shape when her monsterous savior returned. Her pale skin still held a bluish tinge to it and the rising sun was going to do little to heat this cave. The woman's heart still continues to beat though very slowly as it continues to try and reheat her body naturally. The witch still was oblivious to everything around her still. She did not know she was back in the cave she summoned Deimos. She did not know another monster was slowly restoring her body for it's own purpose. The frozen woman thought she was going to die out there and perhaps still think she is.

The dark witch was completely limp in the strange being's tendrils. She did not stir from the position she was laid back down. Her chest was barely rising with faint breaths as the fire crackles off to her side. The black ichor on her pale skin made it look like their were holes or spots on her body. The woman's breasts were firm but from the cold not any sort of arousal. They were topped with equally frozen hard nipples. If it were not for those luscious orbs rising and falling, one would think she was no longer breathing.

There was no immediate reaction as the warm rag began to dab and gently brush away the demonic cum from her face. The young student did very little for some time as the monster tended to her body. Slowly, a more natural color returns to the woman's body. Her heartbeat was getting a bit stronger as she began to take longer and deeper breaths. The warmth of life was returning to her body. She remained unconcious still for awhile longer. Her body began to register the damp cloth gently cleaning her face. Kanoe groans weakly as she turns her head to the side. Her arms flex slightly before relaxing once more. The ache of fatigue and the tortures from the night before still were taking their toll on her frail body. Her eyes flutter as if she was trying to wake up. A soft orange glow was shining through her closed eyes. Where was she?

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:57 pm
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The patient’s vitals showed signs of recovery, though she still suffered from exhaustion. Whisperer’s ministrations seemed to have been sufficient to relieve the worst symptoms of hypothermia, but she was still far from mended. He had another way to speed that along.

While he continued to sponge the noxious black splotches from the woman’s body - moving steadily downward over her neck and onto her chest - he also extended one of his phallic tentacles. He positioned the clear, flaccid member above her mouth. Through sheer force of will, he began to produce droplets of his bittersweet pain-killing pre-cum which he smeared on her lips, hoping to get her to accept the offering unconsciously.

He was not foolish enough to think she would willingly drink the fluid if she were fully aware, but he hoped to get enough of it into her before she awoke to help stimulate her natural healing process. Of course, he was careful to keep monitoring her thoughts, ready to pull the tentacle away at the merest hint of biting.

Greo (space scenes only)
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Wed Feb 20, 2008 1:36 pm
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Her body shivers briefly as the chill was slowly replaced with the warmth of the fire. She was still far out of it, unsure what is happening. Kanoe's eyes stop fluttering, unable to defeat her exhaustion just yet. As her neck was gently cleaned, her head was gently turned to the ceiling once more. The woman could do little to stop what was happening in her state, though such tenderness was something that probably did not need to be resisted.

Drops of clear fluid drip down onto her lips. Slowly, her lips seal as her body unconciously takes a taste. The bittersweet taste was a bit of a shock and cause the woman to stir a bit, shaking her head. A weak gasp leaves her lips causing them to part just enough for the tentacle to ease into her mouth. The precum was now dripping into her mouth unhindered. Kanoe shakes her head against but provides little resistance to get it out of her mouth. Her cheeks began to dimple as she began to suck at the strange appendage. A muffled whimper escapes her as her mind drifts into a dream. How many times has she been forced to take this action with other monsters and demons? Was it becoming natural for her? Her dream quickly became a nightmare as memories of sucking various monsters and demons cocks invade her mind.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed Feb 20, 2008 2:24 pm
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Whisperer was unsurprised by Kanoe’s nightmare. Such things were to be expected from the mind of a young woman who was raped on a regular basis. Unlike the content of that nightmare, however, Whisperer did not force his cock any further into her mouth. If fact, he acted to prevent letting her body unconsciously suck him in any deeper. This was an act of compassion, not one of pleasure or feeding.

Still, his member quickly responded to the soft lips wrapped around its head as well as the gentle suction. Soon, he no longer had to concentrate to produce the droplets that would begin to flood the witch’s body with a different kind of warmth as it built up in her system, soothing away the aches and pains while it relieved the worst symptoms of exhaustion.

All the while, Whisperer continued to clean away the ugly blemishes left by her previous attacker, rinsing the scrap of cloth frequently. His efforts focused on her chest now, removing the spots on, around and between her lovely breasts. It soon became obvious that the creature that had attacked her had used the deep valley of her cleavage several times as there was quite a large stain on the inner slopes of her large mounds. Of course he couldn’t fault the monster for wanting to lay a cock between those glorious orbs; he fully intended to do so himself later on. For now, however, Whisperer’s actions were not meant to be erotic as he gently cleansed the taint from her alabaster skin. He was simply tending to his charge.

Throughout, he projected a sense of calm to her unconscious mind, crooning to her as one might to a wounded animal he was trying to help. He doubted it would make much difference, especially once she began to wake up, but he had to try. He wanted to show this student that not all the monsters on the island were as evil and cruel as her last attacker. Not that he expected her to be willing when he fed on her later, or even forgive afterward. He just wanted to give her pause for thought, as it were.

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Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:25 am
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The woman moans softly to the strange taste. Her mind was unsure what was happening. The witch's body grows warmer from the strange precum. She began to suckle with more vigor, her body wanting to be filled with more of the strange warmth. The unconcious student stirs on the bed of moss. The aches and pains of exhaustion and abuse was being replaced with pleasant warmth.

Her body was beginning to react to the soft cloth cleaning her body. A muffled sigh escapes her as the cool rag strokes between her breasts. The woman's body arches slightly, raising her chest into the creature's touch. Calm thoughts flow into her mind. The nightmares soon faded back into the darkest corners of her mind where they belong. Her eyes flutter briefly, now swimming in an unconcious sea of warmth. Kanoe felt completely relaxed. She could not recall the last time she felt so good. Her heels rake slowly against the moss covered rocks as the soft crooning and crackling fire begins to stir her mind to wake.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:51 am
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Whisperer was glad to sense Kanoe’s nightmares recede. His psychic soothing and gentle cleaning seemed to really help the witch. It was that thought, as much as the increased suction that brought the creature’s member to full erection. It produced a constant drizzle of pre-cum for the young woman to drink.

It felt so good to be helpful; to give before he took. He fought the urge to rub his cock against Kanoe’s tongue, not wanting to disrupt the sense of well-being she had any sooner than necessary. Soon enough, she would awaken and become aware of the situation. Then he would be back to being ‘just another monster.’ The thought saddened him, but there was little he could do about it, so he would just savor the situation while it lasted.

Finishing up with Kanoe’s chest, the alien moved on to the smooth skin of her belly. The few glops of demonic goo he found there were quickly cleaned away as his attention shifted to the sticky mess between her legs. He paused a moment, wondering if he could finish the cleaning without waking her up. No matter, he would continue what he had started. Having decided, Whisperer used a pair of tentacles to gently spread the student’s thighs, hoping the action did not trigger more bad dreams.

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Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:40 am
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The heat of the fire flowing into her body and the strange fluid she unconciously drank was making it difficult to wake. Perhaps her body did not want to wake just yet. As more of the pre-cum flows into her mouth, the woman found herself drinking it like a starving person being fed water. The cool rag along with the soothing thoughts calm her down. Her waking was quickly becoming a step forward only to take two steps back.

As the rag moved from her sensitive chest, her body slows it's gentle stirs. Her eyes flutter less often as the warm slumber her mind and body needed returned to take her away from reality. Kanoe's sucks on the phallus grew weaker but she continues to swallow by reflex, the warmth and healing flowing through her body. The witch was nearly fully recovered and almost completely cleaned off. Her peace would be ended once she wakes and registers what happened though it was better than freezing to death.

Kanoe stirs as her legs were pulled gently apart. A few times she closes them together as she slept. After a few tries her thighs were spread open and she simply layed there like that.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sat Feb 23, 2008 3:07 pm
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Reluctantly, Whisperer pulled his cock away from Kanoe’s lips. It practically ached to be thrust into the warm, wet cavern of her mouth, but it was too soon for that and she had swallowed enough of his pre-cum for now. It would not do to overdose her, especially since she would probably be forced to drink more of it later on.

The alien was patient with his charge, gently re-opening her legs each time she closed them. All the while he tenderly wiped off the splotches he could reach. Once her body stopped resisting, he began to clean the ugly stain from her inner thighs. It took some effort, but he eventually finished with her legs.

There was only one place left (that he could reach effectively without turning her over). Whisperer doubted the witch would remain unconscious when he started to wash the oily, sticky substance from around and on her sex. Still, he had done so much already, it seemed silly to stop now. Besides, perhaps her reaction upon waking would not be as bad as he thought. He didn’t believe that for a second.

Whisperer carefully re-warmed the rag with water from his maw. If he had breathed the way other creatures do, he might have taken a deep breath as he lowered the scrap of cloth between the sleeping woman’s legs and started to clean her sex, working from the creases of her thighs inward.

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Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:01 pm
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A light sigh leaves her lips as the phallus was finally pulled away from her lips. A light tingling sensation ran through her legs as the rag meticulously cleans every inch of her pale thighs. The flames gave her moist skin a faint orange glow in the cave. Strands of black hair stick to her face as she shakes her head slowly. Her mouth moves, tasting the bittersweet fluids on her tongue. The soft crackling of the fire was becoming much clearer. She was finally waking but, where was she? Kanoe was not expecting to feel warmth when she woke. Part of her was not sure she was going to live long enough to wake. Did someone find her? She felt the heat from the fire beating down on her bare skin as well as the soft moss against her back.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a warm damp cloth rubbing over her netherlips. Kanoe's eyes open wide as she lets out a yelp. She immediately pushes off the bed of moss, kicking her legs as she moves backwards away from where she layed. Her body had went from calm and relaxed to tense in moment, her heart racing. The witch had difficulty registering what she saw as her eyes flick from spot to spot in the cave. The air shimmers slightly from the firelight as she gazes at the floating mass of water that seemed to be floating in the air above the fire. She blinks at the floating piece of black garment still covered in the demonic seed. Was it another invisible being? She thought she could make out something in the air but her vision was still blurry from just waking up and moving suddenly.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Sun Feb 24, 2008 2:20 pm
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So the pleasant interlude ended. Kanoe’s violent reaction was understandable and to be expected. Whisperer had to fight to suppress his hunting instincts when the woman bolted backward, but kept from making any sudden moves. He wasn’t ready to take her just yet. It might have been foolish, but he wanted her to understand why he had helped her first.

Kanoe . . . Safe . . .

The words were spoken in her mind by voices from the past. Normally, a target’s mind would choose the voices of those she most trusted or loved, but Whisperer sensed Kanoe might have few such people. He was not sure who she would hear.

Even as he sent the modulated call that produced the words, the transparent alien swallowed the water he still had in one of his maws. The liquid rushed up to blossom out from his central core, spreading like a fine mist through his giant mushroom-cap body before fading into obscurity, leaving him nearly invisible once again.

At nearly the same time, Whisperer carefully rinsed the scrap of cloth in the spring before slowly extending it toward the frightened witch, offering it to her like a sign of peace.

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Tue Feb 26, 2008 3:27 am
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~Kanoe . . . Safe . . .~

Her eyes grow wide at the voice in her head. It sounded like Karin from her first day at school. But, this is not Karin. This thing is not even human. The witch was still sliding backwards until she felt the cool rock of the cave wall against her back. She never took her eyes off the strange mass of water in the air as it began to disperse into a fine mist and disappear. Her eyes flick and gaze around the area the creature was. She remembers this place, this was the cave she performed the ritual in.

The woman gazes at the small light shining at the cave's exit. It seemed so far away to her. She looks back over at the fire. Her eyes follow the wet black cloth, the only thing still revealing the creature's general presence. Kanoe blinks as the rag was rinsed in the spring and began to float back to her. The witch tenses up slightly as it came closer to her. But, the rag stopped within her reach and remained there. Her eyes narrow slightly. What is this creature's intentions? She had no way of knowing. All she knows is she was suppose to freeze to death out there. Did this thing save her? The was cleaning her as well. There was a strange bitter taste in her mouth. What did it do to her? Her body felt well rested. There were no aches or pains from the encounter with Deimos. She was unsure what to think. She can't just trust this thing. Slowly, her hand reaches out and takes the damp cloth, pulling it back to her.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue Feb 26, 2008 4:51 pm
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