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 Bad Kitty (Uriel) 
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Post Bad Kitty (Uriel)
Noel sauntered down the dimly lit corridor with a cocky grin on her luscious lips. The whole setup was really quite impressive; long, chilly hallway with flickering lighting, blank cement walls stained with unknown substances, heavy looking, rusting metal doors. It all looked like something out of a horror movie, and would definitely have been intimidating to anyone without Noel's theatrical experience (not to mention overconfidence).

She paused by one of the large ominous doors when a strange sound caught her ear, and grinned even wider when she recognized it. The telltale screams of wild, rough, passionate sex could be heard, just faintly, though the door she had stopped next to. She was sorely tempted to open it and peak inside, but it was only her second day at this new school, and as much as breaking the rules amused her, she didn't want to get kicked out for pushing the limits too far, too soon, and instead continued on to her own destination. She practically skipped down the rest of the hallway, eager to meet some other trouble makers.

Finally she got to the door marked D-46 and looked down to the slip of pink paper in her had to be sure she was at the right place.
Student Name: Noel Roux
Infraction(s): Multiple violations of the uniform standards, including but not limited to:
---Skirt does not meet minimum length requirements
---Shirt excessively tight, top 5 buttons left undone with no undershirt, exposing inappropriate amount of cleavage
---Standard shoes not worn, instead student came to class in knee-high boots with 4-inch heels
---Standard socks not worn, student instead came to class in fishnet stockings
Detention Room: D-46
When: Immediatly
Duration: As long as supervisor on duty deems necessary.

Noel smiled proudly at the list of infractions. It had taken several hours the night before to get her uniform tailored just the way she liked it. The skirt was at least six inches shorter than when it had been given to her, and if she twirled it would flared up to expose the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties, a rule violation that the teacher had failed to notice. She'd deliberately bought her shirts two sizes to small so they would hug her chest like a second skin. She loved the way the fabric rubbed against her nipples thanks to the slight jiggle her breasts always had when she walked. The little pink nubs were stiff from the cold and clearly visible through the thing cotton shirt. The boots were one of her favorite pairs; shiny leather with a sipper all the way up her shapely calves. Beneath her skimpy clothing she wore a lacy black garter belt to hold up her stockings, and a black leather collar with a shiny silver cross hanging from it completed the look. Noel wasn't particularly religious herself, but the naughty schoolgirl look was such a prominent theme in many of her bondage manga that she couldn't pass up an opportunity to play the part.

Knowing her mind would wander if she delayed any longer Noel opened the heavy door and sauntered in, a suggestive swing in her hips. "Hello, fellow delinquents!" She sang, but her voice tapered off as she realized that the room was completely empty. Her smile faded as she walked over to the single chair in the center of the room. Solitude, great...she thought to herself, taking a seat with a huff and tossing her detention slip to the floor.

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Sat Feb 16, 2008 11:28 am
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The moment the rusty hinges creaked and the door opened his eyes flickered open. The corners of his lips turned up slightly into a grin as he watched her from the shadows. He'd hadn't made his presence know at the university yet, preferring to linger in the shadows and observe until the right moment. Her voice echoed slightly in the empty room and he shifted his weight slightly, slowly, silently moving around the edge of the room while sticking to the darkest shadows. He came up to the opened door, the flickering lights from the hallway were cut off as the door slammed, very very hard, and was followed by a metallic clunk as it locked. His grin grew a bit more as he drew back to one of the corners.

He watched her plop down in the chair in the center of the room and huff. This would be most amusing he thought to himself. Then, the detention slip was tossed to the ground, the paper lightly scraped over the cool concrete floor. His silence finally broke, but he remained hidden. His voice was cold and dark, the kind of voice that made the hair on the back of your neck stand up straight, a chill go up your spine and your blood turn cold.

"Defacing campus property..."

A large, red tinted arm reached from the shadows into the light. The fingers at the moment were rounded at the ends, like a humans, no sign of claws. The flesh looked tough and leathery, and in some places, looked like thick bony ridges ran just under the skin. The shoulder came into view, as did part of his head for a moment as he leaned forward a bit more, just enough to drag the pink slip of paper back to the shadows. As his arm withdrew, it moved a bit slower and his flesh seemed to ripple, becoming a bit darker as he melded completely back into the shadows.

His eyes skimmed over the document, reading each infraction of the rules. He honestly could care less about the rules, or what this piece of paper said, until he came to the last line. As long as the supervisor on duty deems necessary. He licked his lips and crumpled up the paper, which he threw back towards her. A small chuckle rose up from deep in his gullet as he stepped forward a bit, until his large form was barely visibly in the shadows. For a moment, his eyes flashed red as he stood there, arms crossed over his chest. Then, that voice boomed out again.

"It seems I get to keep you here for as long as I want... Now, which infraction shall we address first? Most students last at least a week before accumulating a list like yours."

Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:52 pm
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Noel sulked in her chair, drumming her fingers absentmindedly on the armrest as she wondered where this ominous "supervisor" the detention slip referred to was. Truth be told, her nerves were already starting to wear a bit thin. A single light bulb illuminated the room, but not well. The fuzzy ring of light left most of the room in shadow; she could just barely make out shelves against the back wall lined with objects she couldn’t identify, and many seemingly random chains hung from the ceiling around the room, casting yet more eerie shadows. In addition, from the second she’d stepped into the room she’d felt like she was being watched.

When the demon finally spoke, the edgy student couldn’t help but gasp. There was something...wrong about that voice that sent a shiver through her lovely form. Noel had heard many talented actors speak over the years, but had never heard a voice that powerful.

“I hardly think littering”

Before she could voice her smart-mouthed response, her eyes darted to the large arm emerging from the shadows and her words trailed off to frightened silence. Was his skin...slightly red? The flesh barely seemed human. It must me makeup. A trick of the light. And yet...this all seemed very elaborate for a plot to spook rebellious students. Fear mounting by the minute, Noel’s wide green eyes stayed fixed to the shadowy place the arm had retreated to. She knew he was there, could almost sense him, but failed to pick his form out from the darkness.

She flinched when the crumpled pink paper flew at her from the darkness, though it landed harmlessly a foot or so to her left. The deep, low chuckle that floated out to her from the shadows sent another chill down her spine. As the demon stepped forward Noel stood without really knowing why and stepped behind the chair, unconsciously putting the only obstacle available to her between the two of them. She still couldn’t make out any details, but the form she could make out seemed unusually muscular and large for a teacher.

The frightened student tried to keep up her brave facade, but while her expression and body language were under her control her voice was not, and her mounting anxiety was easily heard when she spoke. “What can I say...? I’m an over achiever.”

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Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:54 am
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(Hope you don't mind my long winded posts)

He grinned to himself as she stood and slipped behind the chair, as if it would be her saviour. It was also then that he got a much better look at her. Her skirt obviously altered and leaving little for the imagination. Same with her shirt. Her nipples poked against the back of the fabric, and the buttons seemed like they were ready to pop off. He shook his head. Stuck up humans. But, through a stroke of luck, she'd been sent down here and directly into his waiting, gaping maw. Since he also had her as long as he deemed necessary, nobody would miss her for the time being. A chuckle sounded again, smaller and shorter than the first.

"Well my dear, we all have to be good at something. I suppose that's why they sent you to me"

There was a sound of concrete popping and cracking, followed by the rattling of falling chain and the four bolts bouncing off the floor as they were ripped free. The chain continued to rattle as it swung through the air. He'd tossed it, just hard enough so when it hit the floor, it would slide towards her. Her chair stopping it. But, at one end of the chain were manacles, their iron embrace open and waiting for her.

"But, you were sent here to be punished for not adhering to campus policies it seems, not to chit chat."

That was when he burst from the shadows. His massive form moved with amazing speed as he barreled down on her like a freight train. The moment he came within range, he reached out and flung the chair sideways, sending it through the air and clattering to the ground as it bounced off the wall in the shadows. Now all that stood between them was the chain on the floor. He looked down upon her with a grin, able to see much more of her luscious breasts. He couldn't help but lick his lips again. He was looking her over, inspecting her, until the glint of silver caught his eye. To her it was a mere accessory, to him, it was being spat in his face. Her punishment just got upped.

He began to slowly circle her, to take in more of the complete picture, and to make her uneasy. His gaze upon her was purely predatory. he'd reach out every once in a while a she circled her and let his fingertips caress her. Her side, the small of her back, her cheek, the part of her backside that peeked from her skirt. He stopped once he rested in front of her again and reached out with one of his large hands. He placed it gently on her shoulder and patted her lightly. Then, it slowly slipped to the side and his hand wrapped around her throat, not choking her, but simply taking a firm grip. He flashed her a wink as he crouched a bit, bringing himself down to her eye level.

"Frankly, I could care less about the way you dress, I could care less how many rules you break. Enforcing dress codes and rules is not what I'm interested in."

A deviant twinkle shone for a moment in his eyes as he let his other hand hover between their faces. out of the end of his index finger a single, long, black claw extended. He brought it to her face and gently caressed her cheek with it, leaving it pressing just below her eye. He twisted it a bit, so the tip of the claw pressed against her, instead of the side and began to rake it down her cheek, only scratching the mere surface of her skin. He drew it down, over his own hand, and stopped once it hooked under the first button that was actually buttoned on her blouse. He twitched his finger, which sent the button flying off, and into his chest, where it bounced harmlessly to the floor. He drew her close to him and leaned his head in, whispering in her ear.

"Just remember what your slip said... I have you till I deem it necessary"

His head pivoted and moved back towards her face. A long, almost reptilian like tongue snaked from between his lips and slowly licked her cheek. He pulled back a small bit an grinned. He'd give her a chance to beg, or plead, or spit in his eye. He always did. Prey was entitled to one moment of reprieve before he started in on them.

Mon Feb 18, 2008 3:48 pm
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(Not at all! ^^; I just hope I can keep up)

The rebellious student opened her mouth to spout an angry retort at her tormentor but the sudden loud, angry sound of metal grinding on concrete caused the response to die on her lips. She stared in silence, her eyes wide. Had…had one of the chains just been torn from the ceiling? She didn't have to wonder long though, as a moment later it flew out from the inky shadows and clattered to the floor, sliding ominously towards her until it clanged into the legs of the chair.

She stood staring at the chain, every nerve in her body screaming at her to run. This was too much, it couldn't be real, but she remembered all too well the loud, ominous click of the heavy door's lock latching behind her when she'd entered the room. She knew she couldn't escape whatever fate had befallen her.

The worst hadn't even hit her yet; now her lovely green eyes came to rest on the manacles attached to the end of the thick, heavy chain and Noel gasped. This couldn't be happening. The island was safe, there was no way the school would let anyone dangerous onto the campus. And yet there they were, devices she'd seen many times in the hentai mangas she secretly read late at night. She couldn't count the times she'd pleasured herself to drawings of pretty young women bound in shackles just like these, helpless, unable to defend themselves as they were assaulted over and over, used as if they were nothing more than toys to the villains. It all seemed terrifyingly real now and as her eyes drifted up she saw similar sights all around her, more cold iron manacles, and heavy leather straps attached to the ends of the other chains, chains positioned so that innocent young schoolgirls could be bound in any position their captors could possibly imagine.

She'd began to hesitantly look back towards the shadows where her "supervisor" lurked when he addressed her again, but was caught completely off guard by his sudden charge. She screamed, staggering a single step backwards before he reached her and violently flung the chair out of the way. Noel froze, cowering, feeling more helpless than she ever had before. Her wide green eyes darted fearfully from the manacles on the ground to the face of her tormentor. Though she couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes she did see him lick his lips and shuddered, knowing only too well what he must be thinking.

Too terrified to do anything else, Noel stood with her arms wrapped tightly around her chest as he circled her predatorily, trying not to tremble. She did nothing but flinch and whimper as his fingers teasingly caressed her body, and as they stroked the soft, bare flesh of her rear she deeply regretted her choice of clothing (or lack there of) that day.

When the large, powerful hand patted her shoulder with unexpected gentleness Noel looked up, a faint glimmer of hope in her yes which was quickly extinguished as that same hand moved to encircle her slender throat. For the first time her eyes met his, and as powerfully as she wanted to, she couldn’t look away now. The lovely green orbs somehow managed to open even wider as the demon held up his hand and showed her that horrible talon. She whimpered as he drew the sharp tip down her soft flesh, leaving just the faintest scratch and as it traveled lower, her breathing accelerated. As the topmost button was torn away she could feel the few remaining ones struggling to contain her luscious breasts, the pressure alone almost enough to rip the rest free.

A sense of hopelessness washed over her as he reiterated the fact that she was his for as long as he wanted. Her teachers would know she was in detention, and with no roommate and only a few acquaintances due to her recent arrival, there would be no one to realize it if she didn't return to the dorms, no matter how long he decided to keep her imprisoned here.

"What…what are you?" She asked, her voice soft and terrified. "What do you want with me?"

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Tue Feb 19, 2008 8:16 am
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Uriel let his eyes lock on her green orbs, his ashen, cracked eyes began to glow with the hellfire underneath. With his claw having moved down to the next button that was almost ready to pop on it's own, he grinned. He could feel her heart beat pick up, as well as her breaths, with his hand that still grasped her throat. He hesitated for a moment, waiting for her to react, and when her lips parted and she spoke, the claw moved down, ripping away the rest of the buttons. His lips turned into a sneer as his free hand took hold of her blouse and tore it from her body. He brought his lips to her ears and whispered to her. As he spoke in those hushed tones, The clawed finger found the back of her knee and trailed slowly up the back of her thigh and over the curve of her butt before it pulled away.

"The piece of paper you brought me should answer both your questions. Apparently I'm the supervisor of this room, and I get to punish you how I see fit for as long as I wish."

He reached out to the side and pulled one of the chains with leather straps over to them. The hand around her throat finally slipped free, but it didn't release her. Instead, it took one of her arms, and pulled it behind her back. The other hand, which also held her other arm, also positioned itself at the small of her back. With his arms around her, holding her against him, he bound her wrists together behind her back. The other thing she'd notice while pressed against him, was he was beginning to harden underneath his loin cloth. With her arms taken care of for now, he let his hands move. One grasped the back of her neck, the other drifted around her waist, and quickly found itself between her legs. He ran his slightly rough fingers over her lips, rubbing them back and forth a few times. For only a brief moment he teased her opening, but then pulled his finger away, dragging his clawed finger over her clit. He hovered on it for a moment, the claw pressing against the sensitive bud.

"But we both know that's a lie my dear, though, the answers are still quite simple. I am a demon, well, more specifically a fallen angel. Demon is such and... ugly word. What I want with you is simple. I intend to feast on the pleasures of your flesh"

He gave her no warming as his hand tore her skirt from her waist and tossed the fabric aside. He moved away from her at that point, back into the shadows. She'd be able to move, but, she wouldn't be able to get out of the cone of light cast by the single bulb in the ceiling. When he reemerged, he had two clamps in his hand, each with a small weight on each end. If she moved, he didn't care, he marched right up to her again. His hands reached out, one by one, and applied the weighted clamps to her nipples, making sure they squeezed a bit harder than they normally should. He crouched in front of her, his ands finally falling over her orbs. He massaged them lightly, fingers kneading her flesh. His hands then rotated, cupping them from underneath as his lips grazed across her breasts, kissing and sucking on them.

"I doubt I'll tire of you quickly."

He drew his fingers lightly over her as his hands pulled away and he took a step back, to admire the beginning of her punishment. Oh so much more awaited her.

Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:34 am
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Noel screamed, struggling to pull away as the demon's claw ripped through the remaining buttons on her shirt, shearing them away in an instant. She didn't dare thrash too violently though, his large hand still encircling her slender throat. As he tore away her flimsy shirt the girl's luscious breasts bounced free, assuming their natural position after a moment, standing high and firm despite their impressive size.

She whimpered as he whispered into her ear, and a shudder ran through her half-naked form as he stroked the back of her thigh. When he bound her wrists she made no attempt to escape, almost paralyzed by fear, at least part of which could be attributed to the obviously large bulge pressing into her back.

The young woman squealed when the demon's hand snaked beneath her skirt and rubbed her bare pussy lips. To her shame she was already slightly damp due in no small part to her bound and helpless state.

" no no no!" Noel sobbed, half denying the mere possibility of all of this, half begging for rescue. She writhed as Uriel's claw suddenly put pressure against her sensitive bud, only half comprehending what he was saying. Her struggles stopped abruptly as he tore away her little plaid skirt with a single motion.

As he retreated into the darkness Noel writhed within her bonds, desperate to cover herself, but with her hands bound firmly behind her back there was nothing she could do. The helpless student now stood completely exposed, spotlighted under the bare bulb. Aside from her choker, the only clothing left on her body was her garter belt, stockings and boots. She'd never felt this vulnerable in her entire life.

She whimpered and backed away when the demon came into view again but his long strides brought him to her in seconds. Noel cried out as he secured the clamps to her erect nipples, pain and pleasure both flooding her body as he finally began manipulating the succulent orbs.

"Please...Please stop this!" She begged. "J-just let me go, and I promise I won't tell anyone!"

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Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:00 am
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"Please stop this?"

Uriel paused, his hands and lips stopped giving her attention, and for a moment, it might look like things just may stop. He just looked up at her in silence while his hands started to move. He'd return to her breasts, after all, he had her for as long as he wanted and he intended to know every square inch of her flesh. One hand slid behind her, pulling her pelvis forward, jutting it out towards him. he other hand slid back between her legs. He ran his index and middle fingers along the length of her lips. His fingers shifted, the ring and index fingers parted her lips, holding her open as his middle finger teased her flesh, threatening to slip into her, but never delivering. He leaned down a bit more and brought his head between her legs, his nostrils flared as he picked up her sweet scent, and with a grin, he let his tongue reptilian tongue snake from his lips. Where his finger had failed, his tongue did not. It flicked at her for a moment before it probed her body. He worked it back and forth a few moments before he pulled it free and rose back to her eye level. But, before he rose, his tongue flicked rapidly over her clit for a few seconds.

"Why should I stop? That's the beauty of you humans, you beg and plead for things to stop when your body betrays you. You speak lies my pet, your body does not."

The hand behind her slid up her body, caressing her, exploring as it moved. The other hand continued to hold her lips apart and lightly tease her flesh, every once in a while brushing against her tender bud. He took hold of her chin and locked his eyes on hers.

"I know you won't tell anyone, but if you do, nobody will believe you. With how you've been acting up, they'll simply think you're calling attention to yourself. I also welcome them down here to investigate, when they arrive, this will be an empty cement room. The toys, the chains, everything will be gone. Including me."

He slipped his middle finger into her finally, pushing into her until the knuckle rested against her. The other fingers no longer parted her as his thumb began to press and rotate her bud in small circles, while his index fingers curled forward over and over again, as making the motion to lure her closer. But the manipulations suddenly stopped. He pulled his hand out from between her legs, and brought it up to her lips. His fingers that glistened from her body wiped themselves over her lips before he pulled back a few steps.

"I was going to bind you further with the chains, and I still may later on, but now... now I want to force you into position."

He chuckled slightly as his flesh, and the bone plating at the base of his ribcage began to twist and contort. Suddenly, the flesh burst, bringing to life 6 more tentacles from his body. The six writhered about for a moment, almost like worms, as the ones on his back began to stir as well. All the tentacles rose up, as if they were a snake about to strike as he took in the sight of her before him.

"You know, you haven't fought, you've only begun to plead, and the tears have not yet begun to fall. I'll give you a choice. Since you hate this so much, and want me to stop, tell me how you want to be positioned, I will afford you that one luxury. Also, I won't be... as rough with you"

A sinister grin spread across his lips. His arms crossed over his chest as he stood there, waiting for her words, all 14 tentacles lashing at the air. As they whipped about, several of them drew too close to her, and as they moved, they snapped at her flesh, cracking like a whip. Though, the attention seemed focused on her breasts, hips, and thighs.

Sun Feb 24, 2008 4:17 pm
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"No, no no no...!" Noel practically chanted, squirming as the demon mercilessly teased her delicate pink folds. To her immense shame she was quickly becoming quite wet, her juices coating his fingers before long. Though he was only holding her in place with one hand she didn't dare thrash too wildly; with her arms bound behind her and chained to the ceiling she'd only injure herself if she overbalanced and fell, and then any hope of escape would be lost. When his strange tongue caressed her sensitive flesh she couldn't help but moan softly, and a bright blush crossed her cheeks immediately. Each time his fingers brushed her clit she trembled, as if a small electric shock had gone through her bound form.

"You can't do thi-ah-AAAHH!" Noel cried, her words cut off as the demon slipped his finger into her tight pussy. One of her own fingers was usually enough to satisfy her, and the monster's fingers were considerably larger than her own. Her hips moved as if he was controlling her like a puppet, rotating in slow circles and thrusting back and forth in sync with the movements of his fingers. She whimpered when he withdrew his finger, deeply ashamed of how good it felt.

It stung when he laughted, intensifying her shame. Anger flared up, momentarily overshadowing the fear that also arose as even more tentacles sprung from the demon's body.

"N-no!" She shouted, nearly shaking with fear. "You're...You're raping me and you expect me to play along with your sick little game?!"

She screamed, her body jerking as the first tentacle kissed her bare flesh, leaving a faint red mark across her creamy thigh. She writhed and danced as more of the lashing limbs hit her, turning every way she could to try and escape the attack but bound as she was, there was no way to protect herself. The results were clear though; the more whips hit her body, the more juices flowed down her creamy white thighs.

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Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:20 am
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Uriel couldn't help but grin as she chanted no, while her body screamed yes through the moans, the blush, and the tremors that ran through her. That was one thing he absolutely loved about the pitiful humans, their mind and body, while linked, often betrayed one another. Just like now, with how she barked at him, while her body writhered before him and her inner thighs began to shine.

"My dear, I can and will do whatever I please, both to and with you. You can play along... or you can fight it, that choice is totally up to you, but keep one thing in mind, this is your detention..."

His grin broadened as several of his tentacles lashed out at her, but much, much harder. This time too, they did not pull back away from her. One found it's way around each of her ankles, squeezing them a bit harder than necessary. Two more whipped around her thighs. The ends of the tentacles began to lightly caress them, sliding up and down her flesh where she already, glistened. They would draw dangerously close do her lips, but would never touch them. He took a step towards her as two more of his tentacles lashed at her, but these came from behind. They wrapped themselves around her arms and began spiraling up their length. The ends of the tentacles hooked over her shoulders, while the rest of the their length pulled her arms painfully together behind her, jutting her chest out towards him. His lips found themselves working across the upper part of her chest, licking, kissing, sucking on her. He followed that trail up to her ear and whispered to her. After, he raked his teeth over her ear lobe as he pulled back, letting the tentacles and chains hold her.

"... you're not suppose to enjoy this."

Two more tentacles lashed out at her, each wrapping it self around a thigh, and over the other tentacles. They spiraled up from her knees and snugged up to where her thigh joined her body. Her legs were spread apart, slightly for now, as the two tentacles readied themselves. One hovered behind her, lightly caressing her ass. The other moved to her lips and slowly ran back and forth along their length. A final tentacle attached itself to her, this one moving around her throat. It didn't choke her, nor did it squeeze, it simply held her. The tip of the tentacle came around in front of her, as if it were a snake ready to strike at her face. Uriel reached out and took her breasts in hand, cupping them from below once more.

"And what exactly are you going to do? Are you going to stop me? Are you not going to play along? Hm? Nobody will believe you. Like I told you before, you'll just be looked at like you're craving attention after you were given detention, and with such a fanciful tale as this..."

Uriel couldn't help but laugh as he fingers moved up and took hold of the clamps on her nipples. He squeezed them, pinching her flesh much harder. That was when his hands were replaced, by two tentacles that slid uner her breasts and wrapped themselves around her orbs in a spiral. The tentacles contracted and relaxed, which sent a wave like motion down it's length, massaging her breasts. He took a clamp in each hand and yanked the clamps free from her nipples. The very moment the clams were free, the tips of the tentacles fell over her nipples, their sucker like ends taking over. The three tentacles that threatened penetration drew closer to her as well. Her legs were pulled apart a bit more as the two between her legs moved closer and began pressing against her. The one that target her mouth sat directly in front of her lips, brushing against them from time to time.

"Face it, it's just you and me down here. Nobody's coming to help you. The students in the other rooms, they have their own problems to deal with. Just as you didn't open that door you heard noises behind, nobody will think twice when they hear your whimpers... your cries.. your screams."

The remaining five tentacles still hovered there, but they had another job. A job they had already started. The remaining five continued to randomly lash out at her, whipping her flesh.

Tue Feb 26, 2008 9:14 pm
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Noel cried out in fear as the four of the flailing tentacles wrapped themselves around her shapely legs. Her blush deepened as the ones encircling her thighs began to softly stroke her bare flesh, coming almost close enough to brush her glistening pink folds each time but pulling way just before they made contact. She would have shrunk away from him as he stepped towards her if her legs hadn't been firmly in the tentacles' grasp. The helpless student was caught completely off guard as another pair struck at her from behind. She groaned in pain, letting her head fall back as the newest tentacles roughly pulled her slender arms farther behind her. Her back arched, her luscious breasts presented invitingly to her rapist.

She sobbed as his mouth went to work on her sensitive flesh once more. She was terrified and aroused, the two powerful emotions warring for dominance within her. When he taunted her she sobbed, tears finally starting to fall from her lovely eyes

It was inevitable, of course, but when the next three tentacles took hold of her naked form and began to teasingly caress the openings they would be ravishing before long she cried out.

"No. No, plea-AAAAAHH!" Noel screamed as the demon cruelly pinched her nipples with he metal clamps. Sharp pain shot through her whole body, completely overshadowing every other feeling for several seconds. She sobbed when they were removed afterwards only to be replaced by the tentacles' suckers. Her nipples still throbbed painfully, the intense pleasure the sucking tentacles were giving her only adding to the contradicting feelings. Tears flowed from her lovely green eyes as the tentacles at her pussy, ass and mouth continued to teasingly stroke her skin.

She shuddered when she remembered the screams behind the door, finally realizing that yet another innocent girl was being raped. This obviously went far deeper than she had thought.

She was obviously in no position to contemplate conspiracy theories just now though. The fleshy whips still flew at her naked body, cracking against her unprotected flesh. They always seemed to hit her most vulnerable spot, and the one she least expected. Now bound even more securely she couldn't even attempt to evade their blows and she stood under the spotlight, completely helpless as the demon whipped her naked flesh.

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Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:55 am
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Uriel reached out as he moved forward, his hands taking hold of her waist, and with the help of the tentacles, he lifted her off the ground, suspending her in mid air. With the tentacle around her throat, he bent her neck, forcing her to look down. One of his hands left her waist and fell to his own. It worked the buckle on his loincloth, which fell away to the ground, adding to the pile of her clothes. His cock was fully hard, and curled up towards her. His hand returned to her waist and he pulled her towards him, so the tip of his cock pressed against her clit, the tentacle centimeters below still teasing her. He leaned his face into hers and let his tongue snake from his lips. He trailed it up her cheeks, tracing the path the tears took. He savored the slightly salty taste for a moment, then, the tentacle in front of her lips moved away.

"Please? Was that what you were trying to say?"

Uriel flashed her a wicked grin before he pressed his lips against hers. he took her into a deep kiss, almost as if he was a gentle lover. But, that image was suddenly shattered. While he held her in the kiss, he pulled her body down as he thrust up. His cock slipped between her lips and quickly pushed it's way in until it could go no further. At the same moment he penetrated her velvety folds, the tentacle behind her began pressing against her back side, until it finally slipped inside her body. It slithered it's way deeper inside her, about ten inches deep. But he'd not begun thrusting. Not yet.

The tentacles that whipped at her, shifted around behind her and continued their assault. Their new target was her ass, as well as the backs and insides of her thighs, where flesh was exposed. The tentacle that had been replaced with his cock had moved up a bit, it's target was her clit. Like her nipples, her clit was encircled, and suction began tugging at the small bud, but in addition, inside the sucker was dozens of little fingers that danced all over her.

"There... saying please worked."

He flashed her another grin, her lips finally free from his. The tentacle returned in front of her mouth, but didn't yet enter. He wanted to hear if she had any witty retort, and he wanted to hear the beginnings of her pain, which would become his pleasure, and eventually hers. The tentacle that penetrated her from behind swelled a bit, growing in girth before it began to slowly push in and out of her body. His hands that held her waist began to slowly move her up and down, sliding her over his shaft, as he let her body become a bit more use to his size.

Sat Mar 01, 2008 2:07 pm
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Noel didn't resist when the tentacle forced her head down, but immediately wished she had when her eyes fell upon Uriel's rock-hard cock. It was incredibly thick, and well over a foot in length. Her mouth fell open in shock, but no words came out. It all seemed suddenly more real, and as the demon's other hand gripped her hips and pulled her helpless body down towards his own she could only whimper in fear. As the tip of the massive organ ground against her sensitive clit the flash of pleasure that rushed through her underscored the deep, dark vein of excitement that was buried within her fear and despair. She sobbed and more tears flowed as the demon cruelly licked them from her skin, but still her sweet juices flowed, coating the tentacle that teased her dripping cunt.

"Yes, ple-" she said, but was cut off as the demon pulled her into the kiss. It was sick, a cruel mockery of a lover's touch, but just as she was about to renew her futile struggles the demon suddenly plunged his rock-hard shaft into her tight pussy. She cried out, but the sound was muffed by the monstrous demon's own mouth. As the tentacle that had been teasing her rear finally penetrated she screamed again, louder this time, but before long it too was buried deep inside her. It was both horrible and amazing. His tentacle alone was bigger than anything that had ever been inside her, and the pain it caused was already beginning to warp into dark pleasure. His shaft was even larger; it stretched her tight pussy, filling her more than she'd ever been filled before. It was the most incredible thing she'd ever felt, and she knew he hadn't even begun yet.

As the whipping tentacles shifted their focus to her unprotected ass, Noel's pussy constricted on the demon's cock each time a blow landed on her sensitive flesh. She loved to be spanked, and the painful whipping was like a whole other level of the same feeling, both more painful and more satisfying. Already her creamy white flesh was a satisfying pink, crisscrossed with the darker lash-marks where the most recent whips had struck. Her legs began to tremble as the tentacle that had been teasing her pussy just moments before latched onto her throbbing clit. If Uriel hadn't been holding her up she surely would have collapsed on the spot, her weakened legs unable to bear her weight as the overpowering lust sapped her strength. If the equally intense pain hadn't cut the sudden onslaught of pleasure her first orgasm would have rushed over her right then and there, before he even began thrusting.

As the demon finally broke his kiss, the first sound from Noel's pretty mouth wasn't a witty retort but a long, low moan, half pained, half pleasurable. "Please…Please, stop this!" She begged for what she knew was the last time that night, and not because she expected the demon to relent. As the thick tentacle buried deep in her tight ass began to swell Noel's eyes widened and she groaned with pain. How much bigger could it possibly get? The pair of shafts already felt as if they'd tear her apart, but as he began to slowly pump the tentacle in and out, and slide her helpless body up and down his cock her body gradually began to adjust to the incredible size.

Noel's Bio - threads

Mon Mar 17, 2008 3:53 pm
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(( Welcome back and glad you're feelin better :) Got a few things to take care of then I'll start writin for ya ))

Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:03 am
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After each time his tentacles lashed out and whipped at her ass and the back of her thighs, a small grunt and groan escaped his lips. Not from the fact he was whipping her, but from how she contracted around him. The tentacles no longer struck her at random, now, they waited until he was thrusting into her, and pulling her down to meet him. Every so often, they’d whip at her when he was pulling out, so the only thing she had to squeeze was the tip, right before he plunged back in. But when the long, low moan escaped her lips, and when she asked him to stop, he did. Again, he was buried inside her, and his tentacles continuing lashing at her flesh. One of his hands roamed up over her body, delicately caressing her, perverting the scene even more. It hesitated for a moment as it cupped her breast, relishing the soft warmth it radiated. He brought his index finger to her face and wiped her tears away

“We’re too far along in this dangerous game to stop not my pet. Much too far along.”

His eyes closed for a moment as he reveled in how her body gripped him, how every time his tentacles whipped at her, her muscles contracted. Her moan, the pain and pleasure, replayed in his mind, feeding off the two emotions. His hips finally began to move again, as the one hand that still held her waist helped guide her up and down his shaft. He’d pull her down at different angles and speeds as his hips rocked themselves into a steady rhythm. He could feel her body adjusting to him, but he wasn’t satisfied yet. He was out to twist and use this one. He wanted her body to completely give itself over. Plus he wasn’t out to seriously harm her. If he was after that, there would be a much different scene playing out in this dungeon.

”We’ll stop when you body can’t take anymore. When you’re too weak to even clench your muscles, when you’re so parched you aren’t even able to moan.”

The tentacle that had itself buried in her ass finally began to move, but it began to move much slower than his rocking hips. It’d only push an inch or two into her body, before it began to pull out the same length. It’s movements were more methodical. Also, as it moved back and forth, it swelled and contracted. Each time as it pushed in, it swelled up, not growing any larger than it already was in girth. When it pulled back, it shrunk down to about three quarters of it’s normal size, which would have still been large for back there. The hand that had wiped her tears free had slipped up to the side of her head. He lightly held her there as he enjoyed her body. That was when things escalated.

His hand wound itself up in her hair and he yanked her head back. As he pulled her head back, it and the tentacle around her throat pulled her closer to him. He positioned her lips in close proximity to his ear. When she was in place, he pulled her down hard over his shaft. This time, his hips did not stop. They continued thrusting against her. Skin slapped hard against skin as the thrusts reached a frenzied pace. At the same moment the tentacles that whipped her took the cue. They began lashing at her harder, almost to the point where they’d break her skin. Their assault was relentless to match his hips. Then tentacle that had it’s sucker wrapped around her clit began rotating a bit, rolling her clit in small circles as the small feelers inside it danced over the bud of flesh in waves, caressing every single nerve ending contained within. He twisted his head a bit, still keeping her lips near his ear while he brought his to hers. His voice came in a chilling whisper as his thrusts pounded deeper, as if he could actually fill her anymore, for a few moments.

”Sing for my my sweet…”

After his whisper, his violent thrusts continued for a few moments before they trailed off and he settled back into a steady rhythm. It was a bit faster than the one he had before, but still deep, almost completely pulling out each time before he’d slip back into her. The attention to her clit, with the feelers dancing around it in waves did not relent. It continued it’s delicate assault on her. The tentacles that whipped at her did not return to more merciful slaps. They still snapped quite painfully, leaving a welt each time. They again lashed against her at the same time as he slipped back into her, and just before he pushed back in. The entire time grunts and groans escaped his lips. He was a demon, but he still felt pleasure, and he was still a male. Her body was treating him like a king, and he let her know it vocally. She was tight… one of the tightest he’d had in a long, long while. Hoping to coax more of a song form her lips, his moans grew a bit deeper, and longer as he still held them, lips near ears.

Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:04 am
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