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 Necessary Roughness (Karen Hinase) 
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Post field of battle
She shivered as he spoke, peripheral vision registering the smile on his face with something akin to dread. There was too much fear in here right now, her emotions still raw from everything so far, and from youth as a whole.

{God... just so long as that's ALL that you want.} She thought, afraid that she wasn't going to survive the next few minutes. Not unless she got very lucky. Part of her prayed that this thing just wanted a little spar, a little exercise. That's why she wasn't sporting any horrific wounds already. Of course, she hadn't put any thought that it might want something -else- entirely... "Thanks..." She manges to say frankly, without most of the nervousness she was feeling.

She continued to circle and back up, then paused and began to continue circling the other way now. As she did, she brought herself slowly to the edge of the clearing, her circling bringing her into position. Two quick steps back brought her between two trees she saw before; two thick trees about four feet apart, with thicker foliage on either side. She didn't hide behind them, she just moved herself between them.

Here, things would be narrower, harder for such a big monster to move, and the tail would strike the trees if it tried to smack her from the side. Or she'd be dead. She really had few options against this thing; she knew in a straight fight it would be over. But in here... she might be able to reduce it's maneuverability enough to injure it. And then run. She held her sword up and stopped, waiting for it to make the first move...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:53 am

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Posts: 371
He continued to follow her around the clearing, content to give up the initiative to her for the time being. Reaching the edge of the clearing, he stopped as she ducked between two trees. Waiting patiently, he took the opportunity to size her up. She definitely a beauty, her t-shirt did nothing to hide an impressive chest that slimmed to a narrow waist. Her shorts were so short they did little to hide a pair of long, inviting legs.

"I always wondered about the admission process to this school," he said finally, more thinking out loud than talking to her. "It's amazing how many 'gifted' women there are around here. What's your name, student? I'd like to know who my opponent is."

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Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:23 am
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Post conversation on the battlefield
Controlling her breathing again, she nearly missed what he said, so focused was she on his movements and on a plan. {He lowered himself down, I think, before. He could jump up into the trees... try and leap or charge between them... or try and sneak attacks around them. Maybe a feint to come in the other way.}

Then her head jerked up in surprise and she blinked. "Admissions?" She echoed. It hadn't really hit her before... no, this WAS strange. What was up with this school? She thought the... the first time was some bizarre occurrence. But a regularity? She narrowed her eyes a little.

Maybe though, he was just interested in a spar. She clung onto that hope for now. "...Hinase. Karen... my mother was half-Japanese." She added in explanation for the mixed-sounding name. "What do you mean, gifted? And why do you care?" She said, confronting his words like a challenge. She kept her position, ignoring the foliage that was brushing up against her legs, breathing slower again as she watched the lizard-like creature.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:31 am

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"Why do I care about how women are admitted? I guess I don't," he shrugged. "Just idle curiousity. One of the drawbacks of an active mind." He paused for a second before continuing, "As for your name, it's a matter of honor. I don't expect you to understand." As he spoke, his eyes went slightly distant, as though he was thinking of something far removed from the present.

Then he was back. His eyes focussed sharply on her. It was clear why she chose this spot but he felt it was a mistake. Her sword was not as big a threat as she obviously believed. It was unlikely to break any bones before breaking itself and his coat of overlapping scales and regeneration protected him from any real muscle damage. The close quarters between the trees would almost certainly force them into close range, giving him an even bigger advantage due to his size and strength. And so, with a toothy grin, he moved resolutely forward, prepared to parry the inevitable sword strikes with his forearms and knees...

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Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:49 am
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Post desperation and clouded thoughts
She blinks slowly at the pause, actually nodding at what he says. "You haven't given yours..." Her eyes narrowed at him. "Though I wouldn't mind walking away from this if I had a choice."

He was so damn fast, and so damn strong. This battle was nigh unwinnable; she knew it the minute she saw this unstoppable horror. But if she was going to die, she was going to hurt him first... she might be able to hurt him, might be able to severely injure him, if she hit one of a few possible places with enough force.

At least, she hoped. She couldn't go for the knees again, he would be ready for that. The eyes was too small, and that left the neck and throat. Right in the middle of his claws... taking a deep breath, she watched him advance. She backed up slowly, swallowing, as he advanced between the two trees...

Driving forwards again, she launched herself at him... and fell forwards, tucking her sword in and trying to roll between his legs! He was so fast, he'd be on her in a second.

She didn't spring to her feet nor charge past the tail, but stopped her roll in a crouch, reaching out with a hand to press her palm against the trunk. Springing into a charge past the tree, she tried to whip herself around the trunk as he (presumably) tried to turn around!

If this worked, she'd get a shot at his back as she came around the tree, and a chance to put all her weight in an overhead blow to the back of his neck before he could see it. Or he'd realize where she disappeared to (right back where she was to begin with!) and she'd be flat in an instant... either way, this nightmare might be thankfully over for her...

...She was actually grateful in a way to test her strength against something this fantastical and unstoppable. A dead man's chance, but a chance nonetheless to regain what honor and confidence she had lost before, and perhaps a glimpse of reality in her silly dreams of fighting.

It was those kinds of thoughts that lingered in the back of her consciousness as she came around the tree, not ones of winning or losing, as she grabbed the small wooden practice sword tightly with both hands. One way or another she doubted the sword would survive the next few seconds.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Mar 23, 2008 3:18 am

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Posts: 371
It was a good plan...and one that would have worked against a less experienced opponent. Rather than spin completely around as she expected, he half turned to his left, placing his back to one of the trunks as his head swiveled to his left while he prepared to block the inevitable attack. Not seeing her, he looked back to his right in time to see her coming around the tree toward him.

Charging at him, she lifted the sword in both hands and brought it down at him. He was a litte more than a black blur in the sunlight as he stepped into her, claws flashing as his hands caught her wrists, stopping her attack in midswing.

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Sun Mar 23, 2008 4:52 am
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Post defeated?
Almost comically, the pure momentum from her dash caused her legs to slip on the leaves, the sudden stop caused by his grab sending her falling. {No!} She thought, scrambling with her feet and barely getting herself steady again.

But she was still seized now by this huge creature. She stared up at the experienced fighter, wide-eyed. Under normal circumstances, she'd have rejoiced at this. But even those nostalgic and fantastical thoughts floating in her mind vanished as she looked up at what she was sure was the face of death for her.

She tightened her gut, trying to dispel her fear. Steeling herself, she waited for the inevitable, body tense and ready still for the faint hope that she could escape... and a deep part of her vainly hoping that he would be happy with merely a chance to stretch his limbs.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:04 am

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Staring down at her, his mouth widened in a toothy grin. "Didn't work out so well for you, did it?" he taunted as his hands twisted her wrists painfully, forcing the wooden weapon from her hands. The weapon hit the ground with a quiet thud as his knee connected with her stomach, driving the wind from her and doubling her up before him. Releasing her wrists, one strong hand grabbed her firm ass as he shoved her forward, back into the clearing.

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Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:15 am
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Post last stands
She squeaks as her wrist is twisted, the weapon toppling from nerveless fingers. She dangles there, shivering as she dangles. She gasps in pain and doubles over at the powerful blow, wheezing as she is shoved backwards.

She stumbles a little, holding her stomach and wheezing still as she ends up back in the clearing. She staggers a little and tries to straighten, but still stares at him. She opened and closed her hands a moment, feeling the pain fade and missing the reassuring grip of the weapon.

"...why...?" She whispers in frustration, watching him. She was almost ready to give up... but she set herself into a forwards stance. If a weapon couldn't hurt him, she couldn't do anything with her fists, but... but she'd be damned if she forfeited her life like that.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:25 am

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His laughter rang across the clearing. "Humans...always asking the wrong questions. Shouldn't you be more worried about beating me? Now is not the right time for why."

Again, he moved forward. The disparity was obvious now. He strode forward, smoothly and confidently. She stood in defense, still slightly winded from the blow to her stomach.

He stopped several feet from her and waited again for her to regain her breath. Bowing his head, he spoke again,
"To answer your question, my name is Saur. I guarantee you won't forget it."

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Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:39 am
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Post challenges...
She narrows her eyes at the taunt. Of course she was worried about beating him... but the chances of that were... never before has she been in a situation like this, never before could she IMAGINE something like this! Even what happened before was more embarrassing than... being humiliated in a fight like this.

She grits her teeth, ready as he closes. "...Won't I..." She asks, glaring up at him. When push came to shove... she couldn't give up. That'd make everything she stood for a lie. Even with these odds. Especially with these odds.

"I don't think you'll forget mine either... if I choose to let you go home." The words didn't have any heat or anger to them, just another challenge to his pride. She was smaller and weaker by far, but that wasn't any reason for her to let up either... she began to circle again, neither retreating or advancing.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Mar 23, 2008 5:52 am

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"Oh...I doubt I'll forget you either. But not for the reasons you think." He turned with her as she moved. "You've fought well, Karen but it's time for this charade to end."

Dropping to his fight stance, he came at her again, faster than before. Hands, elbows, and knees whistled through the air as he launched into a bewildering array of feints and punches, forcing her back onto the defensive. In the midst of the storm, one elbow whistle around from the side. Allowing his momentum to carry him around in a full spin, his tail lashed out at her calves.

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Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:02 am
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Post crumbling...
His words scared her... though not for the reason he meant. Being eaten... was probably one of the most horrifying ways she could imagine to die. She prepared herself, defending to the last.

He was too good, that much she found. She staggered back quickly, trying to avoid the rapid series of feints and attacks, defending desperately. If she was more skilled than he... she thought she could have won. But with this...?

She saw the elbow whistle out, wondering what it meant. Then, the tail she knew was coming, the one she was wary of the entire battle, lashed out. She snarled and pitched herself to the side as it hammered into her calves, tumbling sideways and coming up.

But not totally; the pain screaming from her legs and the awkward roll brought her up onto to one knee. Still, she tried to defend herself from the follow-up...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:09 am

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He wasn't inclined to give her a chance to recover. Seeing her roll awkwardly, he simply charged forward. With only a couple steps between them, he didn't reach full speed as he collided with her. Strong arms wrapped around her and lifted her briefly from the ground before crashing down on her back, driving the wind from her again. Barely a split second later, he landed on her as well, careful that she didn't take his entire weight as he knew it would likely kill her if she did.

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Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:20 am
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Post trapped!
Gasping as she was lifted and dropped, she started to cough and began to try and roll to her side. She didn't even have the chance to curl up, suddenly dead weight coming down upon her, pinning her against the ground!

She gasped and struggled for breath, eyes fluttering as she struggled vainly for that necessary thing, body creaking under him. She was crushed against him, only alive by Saur's caution and care... being under the huge beast renewed that sense of fear that was grasping at her lungs and limbs, but she couldn't even struggle against his body like this.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Mar 23, 2008 6:24 am
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