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 Up on the Rooftop, *click* *click* *click* (for Revi) 
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Post Up on the Rooftop, *click* *click* *click* (for Revi)
Nights like tonight, all the good little girls were in their bed; sleeping peacefully, naught a thought in their heads. Revi was not one of them; at this dark hour she was out and about, practicing at this late hour keeping mobile and able.

The moon was bright tonight, full, and shining plenty of light for her to see. It meant that she could keep an eye out if anything crept up on her. Her thieving was long done for now, but the exercise was therapeutic to an overactive mind, rife with possibilities (and fears, lots of them) for the future-

A flash of light caught her attention from the corner of the rooftop of a lower building, near a chimney. With her gaze drawn, she noticed someone was sitting on the side of the roof, a dim shadow she couldn't make out from here. Probably dangling their legs over the side from the position... she doubts they've seen her.

Icosagon, Revised!

Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:03 am
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Revi has not, will not, nor will ever be a good little girl. Just how she's wired, she guesses. It was a bright night for Shokushu, not much in the realm of theft, but great for keeping limber, practicing. She's wearing a simple outfit - warm black leggings, a black tank, and her brown leather jacket, black sneakers on her feet. She wears gloves, black and fingerless, well-worn from overuse but still as durable and tough as she was.

She was resting, leaning her rear against an air conditioning unit, idly working the kinks out of her muscles, when out of the corner of her eye... hn. Dark orbs narrow faintly, and she creeps towards the edge of her rooftop, flattening out on her stomach with only the edge of her face visible, trying to catch a better look. There weren't many that used the roofs, and none that she knew of that used them like -she- did... it wasn't Elise, even at this distance she could tell the body makeup was all wrong for her friend. Funny word, that.

She wished she had her binoculars with her, and while she's curious, she's not going to go charging in headlong - she's learned her lesson in that department on more than one occasion, and has had the bruising and embarrassing stains to show for it. So she waits, to see if whatever it is moves, like a hunter stalking its prey.

Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:38 am
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Stalking the shadow, Revi doesn't see much happen. Not for a few long minutes. However, hunters, like thieves, had to be patient. Very patient. And the shadow leans forwards a touch, a bluish light of a small screen of some kind appearing in the lap of the form.

Now, she can see that the person has short curled hair and a slender build, a white collared shirt and slacks that were certainly not school uniform wear. She doesn't get a good look at their face, but the person looks fairly small. The light goes out a few seconds later, and even as her eyes work to adjust, she realizes she lost them!

She catches it a moment later, the sight of them slipping along the roof to her building, more casually than someone attempting to well and truly sneak. She doesn't see them for more than a second before the person vanishes around the edge of the building she's on... looks like, if they were a climber like her, that they might be thinking about going up on one of the far sides... would take them a few minutes, but a fit enough person could manage it.

Icosagon, Revised!

Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:20 am
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She's learned patience in her short life, and she waits the thing out. There's a quirk of a frown on her lips, slow, as she sees the small display screen in the ... presumably girl's lap. The build is too slender to be a man's, she reasons, and most of the 'men' she's met on this campus are either faculty or worse. All-girl's school in the middle of nowhere makes you a bit wary, yeah?

Sharp Chinese profanity is muttered under the girl's breath as she loses her target, and she rolls herself back to a kneeling position, before sneaking quietly towards the side of the building she's assuming the figure went to - another climber? She would have noticed by now, she's one of the only girls at the school who actually USES the weird gym equipment like the cargo net and knotted rope for climbing, trains like .. what was it, Sigourney Weaver from Alien? No, no, it was Linda Hamilton from Terminator, that's what she'd been paralleled to. Kung-fu Yakuza assassin. She grinned at the memory, taking a careful, subtle look over the lip of the roof.

Sat Mar 08, 2008 9:50 am
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Post copycats
Revi heard the faint slide and shift of the rooftop against her shoes as she moved over for the edge of the roof quickly. The form that she saw was both slender and unfamiliar; the most she got was that they had short hair, and fairly ordinary and bland clothes.

Taking a moment to look over the lip... she doesn't see anyone down there! It takes a few moments for her to realize... they must have gone into a window on that side! Before she gets a chance to check, she hears a sliding sound, and sees the same form creeping out, holding what looked like a sheet over their head and back, and held a backpack loosely in one hand.

They ran around to the side, then started to climb their way up a wall that Revi herself scaled several times before. The way they hurried made her wonder if someone was playing copycat...

Icosagon, Revised!

Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:20 am
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Hn. The -smart- thing to do here is to completely ignore the girl and pretend she'd never seen anything. But she's curious, now wondering if there's a new student intruding on her turf, as it were. She's not exactly territorial - the student body was full of sheep, useless, empty-headed girls who she'd heard screaming and moaning at the hands of the monsters far too many times to have all that much sympathy if someone's stealing their things OTHER than her.. but there's professional pride at stake here.

Revi tracks the figure fairly easily - she knew the path she herself would take, there's a good chance this figure will do the same thing, and will be there waiting, hands in the pockets of her warm leather bomber jacket when the figure reaches the roof, leaning her rear against the door to reenter the building - she's pragmatic after all, if she DOES need to make a quick cut-and-run, she's right by the door.

Sun Mar 09, 2008 8:28 pm
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Post up at night...
As he scaled up, he paused at something... something anther one of his 'kind' had seen. {Hmm... interesting. Someone's up there already?} He grinned a touch. He had been growing a bit bored lately. The one he left 'occupied' slipped away as quickly as it had begun, moving into the structure of the ceiling and leaving the dazed girl behind as it squirmed up towards something else, something potentially more interesting...

But Revi had heard the climber only pause. She could hear faint breathing, and then the sounds of them climbing again... but slower, cautiously. Then, silence. Silence for a few long minutes, enough that anyone would be nervous.

Until with a suddenness that could make her jump out of her skin, something dropped down from above the door with a light thump, landing in a crouch in front of it! The slim figure straightens and spreads it's arms out in a 'tada', a backpack looped around their left.

THe young man next to her was slender and his features rather girlish, reminding her of the young-looking guys who constantly got shoved around by the older ones. By comparison to her lean and muscled form, he looked like a willow, easily pushed aside if she wanted. He was caucasian, with sandy-blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a broad grin on his face. But that was the problem... he certainly wasn't a she! That meant any bets were off...

He grinned over at her, bringing his arms in and hugging the backpack to his chest. "What's this? I'd think all the girls would be in their rooms at this hour. Isn't this place strict or something?" He looks down, unzipping the top as he held it with one arm, his other beginning to root around inside it.

Icosagon, Revised!

Mon Mar 10, 2008 8:03 am
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The silence is eerie. The night is too still, even for Shokushu - she's got a bad feeling here, and her nerves are on end, adrenaline preparing to fire through her system... and then he appears.

"Jesus Christ!" Her profanity kind of varies depending on the state her brain is in - growing up bilingual will do that, after all. She jumps back as the figure spontaneously air-drops on to the gap between her and the door, nearly skidding back on her sneakers, scraping against the rough rooftop. Once she stabilizes - in a three-point crouch on the roof, fingers spread wide, free arm balancing her - she looks up and sees... some young punk kid. Some young punk BOY at that.

Oh hell.

Not ONCE has she come across a male student that hadn't turned in to something horrible, or summoned something horrible, or... well for fuck's sake, the guy just DROPPED in on her! If she had hair on the back of her neck (or anywhere else other than eyebrows and the top of her head, but we won't get in to that) it'd be standing on end, as it stands she's goosepimpling on her forearms, making a subtle adjustment to her stance - it goes from crouch to sprinter's start, as she looks at the 'harmless'-looking boy.

"Yeah, I'm just your token bad girl. Outta my way."

And with that she'll spring forwards, and attempt to just get right past him and to the door - she'd left it unlocked intentionally, she just hoped it was still that way when she got past him. If she has to, she'll stiff-arm the 'guy' out of the way to get to the entrance back inside. She hadn't brought rappelling gear, she couldn't fast-rope down the side of the building and get away that way - but she hadn't counted on being confronted.

Fri Apr 04, 2008 4:48 am
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Post first impressions
He grins as he roots through the bag, actually stepping aside as she jams for the door! She grabs the handle, pulling at it... but the door inside just rattles frantically as she tugs at it! Locked?? When did that happen?

He doesn't look up from his task of rooting through the bag, though he does chuckle. "Wow, that's a smart move. I mean, you are something else... nothing like the other people here at-" He blinks and pauses, pulling out a large green dildo out of the backpack. He blinks and eyeballs it a moment, then chucks it past his shoulder and off the side of the rooftop. A few things, like a pencil case and stickers, soon follow.

Shaking his head, he glances up at her for the first time, a smirk on his face. "Thanks for not just tossing me off the roof though. Happened once too many times for my like. Oh, hey!" He grins in satisfaction, pulling out a binder and a chemistry textbook.

She was different, he saw as he looked at her. Her form was fit, trim, athletic, and quite lovely. She wasn't arrogant or blase, but she didn't waste time on anything more than surprise. She reacted enough to perk his interest, and might be an interesting person to talk to... and see how she reacted when he messed with her. "But really, I'm touched by the compliment. First time you see me and you think I'm dangerous!"

Icosagon, Revised!

Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:04 am
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It's sad, she's been here so long she almost expected the door to be locked - but being as she is who she is, she had to go for it anyway. Sneakered foot slams in to the door handle, one solid kick, but it's a fire door and isn't budging, especially not with the lock in place. The sound does echo a bit, and the door rattles on its hinges, but it's not going anywhere. The raven-haired thief turns, fingers flexing in her leather gloves, examining her options - fastfall down the side of the building, hope to catch a ledge? No... the angles are bad.

Once he pulls that huge green dildo out of the bag, she blanches - she's half-listening to him, so many of these monsters just LOVED to hear themselves talk, but it gave her a little time to formulate something. She's on the wrong building for a dive-and-roll to a lower roof... so for now she circles the thing, wary. Not in some ridiculous judo pose, but loose, on the balls of her feet, hands at her sides, fingers spread.

"Experience talks, that's all."

Those dark eyes are narrowed slightly, and Chinese is murmured under her breath - not magic incantations, just profanity bringing to question this 'boy's' mother's choice of professions and bed partners, the usual. She doesn't talk much to him directly, but she's short on options at the moment - not a lot of places to go, the one real exit she has is not really workable.

Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:30 am
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Post an offer you can't refuse
He looks at her a bit closer now, smiling. "...not going to raise to the bait, eh? Well if I'm not going to taunt you, what should I do?" He looks in the bag one last time, then sends it over the side like he did most of the other finds.

He tucks his hands in his pockets, raising his eyebrows as she circled him. He looked very confident, light on his toes and staring at her with curiosity. He began to bob and weave a little, twisting with his knees and hips as he teased and provoked her with the sinuous motion. He didn't say anything though, just watching her warily. For a few moments, it was just silent and still, the wind barely blowing as he seemed to enjoy making her nervous.

Then he abruptly turned away from her, skipping away over to the edge of the building. "Heh! You seem know a lot about this place. Maybe we can trade... interested?" He turns and grins broadly to her.

Of course, if she said no, he could always just amuse himself the way she feared he would... it was an offer to ensnare her attention and interest, another test of his to see how she reacted. As he started to walk back towards her, the wind began to pick up a bit, a strong chill in the air. The steady scuffling sound caused by his footsteps added an air of inevitability to his approach...

Icosagon, Revised!

Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:43 am
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A thin bead of sweat drips down the black-haired thief's forehead, and she watches him through dark, narrowed eyes as he first makes those ridiculous twisting movements, then springs over toward the building. She has half a mind to charge him right there and plant a foot in his back, take her chances with him falling over the edge... but there's a split-second of hesitation, just long enough for him to turn around to see her body coiled, then relaxing back to its ready state.

The 'boy' is right about one thing, if nothing else - she doesn't waste time bullshitting, just circles him as he approaches her, keeping her distance, probably about ten meters between the two at any given moment. She's surefooted despite her pending sense of dread, movements smooth and obviously practiced.

"I'm listening." Her voice is gruff, blunt, no-nonsense. Fingers flex.

She trusted him about as far as she could throw him, as the saying went - but any sort of delay she can use, the better. Her smooth tanned skin goosepimples just slightly as that wind washes over her, warm leather jacket or otherwise.

Wed Apr 09, 2008 7:25 am
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Post plans...
His second advance pauses, his movements stopping entirely as he watches her. His eyes meet hers, and for a few long moments, he doesn't move. She can feel the night air stirring, blowing and moaning lowly over the rooftop, the rattling of windows and the groaning of wires heard. Clouds were rolling in slowly but surely, carrying with them a sweet smell that spoke a promise of at least brief rain and thunder.

He finally grinned a touch, the tension thick as he spoke up quietly. "You got two choices here... you can be a sweet, innocent lamb... or you can be ready, a hunting cat or hound staring warily into the night. I take it you don't want to be the former... but how are you doing with the latter? Hoping to hold out until you graduate?" He asks with a soft laugh, then waves a hand in the air, indicating to her to forget what he said.

"How has that gone for you? Right now it doesn't seem to be helping much..." He walks towards her again, looking her up and down obviously. "No weapons, no knowledge of what might come, and no one at your side. Well, your body might survive until the end of your stay here, but how about your mind and spirit? If you break before then..." He 'tsked' audibly and shook his head.

Icosagon, Revised!

Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:31 am
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Words curl through her mind as the wind blows, coat and hair washed on the cold current, ambient moisture wicking over her face as pressure drops. As he speaks, though, the unexpected happens - she smiles, but it's a demon smile, a jackals grin. Her eyes shine, black as obsidian, glinting in the dim light, letting his words wash through and over her. She circles still, persistent, as he steps forwards - boots scrape against the rough roof, her proverbial hackles raised, adrenaline trickling through her bloodstream, momentarily suppressed. She's not panicking - yet - but she's wary, parting her lips to speak.

"... If I break before then, I've gone down fighting, yeah?"

There's an ironic lilt to her voice, and that feral grin broadens - her mind and her will are ironclad, resolute, fueled by years and years of hard upbringing, self-sufficiency, anger, rage, hate. Eyes are like sharp flints, narrowing at the unassuming figure.

"You don't know me, monster. Your kind always think you do, so smart you are. Mixed in with the rapebait, the lambs, so you say..."

She chuckles, it comes to that.

"... There're a few hard ones that grit their teeth and bear it, take the rape and humiliation and debasement and use it as fuel, burns hotter than anything, especially here... and we set up for the long view, hn? Some break, join the ranks of the former mentioned. Not all of us though."

Her smile is just ... unnerving. It looks wrong on her face, unnatural, especially given the situation. She's far too calm, too composed, coiled and ready to strike as she is - she's NEVER made it easy, it's just how she's wired.

"But, 'sall moot. You said you had a trade in mind, you went for psychoanalysis instead. Spill what you've got."

Thu Apr 10, 2008 8:45 am
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Post minds...
The wind rustles across the rooftop, making his hair dance and his clothes flap. His own expression changes to a smirk as the low howl of the wind echoes in their ears. His eyes glitter in the darkness as she grins ghastly at him... "Then you'd break, just the same. But you seem to be using all that to toughen yourself."

He waves a hand in the air, smirking at her words. That was good. She'd be suitable, from what she said. But there was a bit more he needs to know... "And although it's interesting to psychoanalyze you, you give me too much credit; I'm just trying to feel out what you know and what you don't. Because if you don't have anything that interests me... I'm afraid I'll amuse myself with other diversions."

He cocks his head to the side, grinning a little at her unnerving, crazed smile. He knew crazy... it made him shiver inside. A bit of fear. That made her quite... exotic indeed. The face-off made him quite interested, a clash of wills and thoughts. She was experienced with all sorts of the self-aggrandizing monsters around, it seemed...

"And to see if you've thought ahead. Because apparently you think you'll graduate!" He shakes his head and grins broadly. "You want to be ready, I assume, for the ceremony... but maybe I can help, mm?" His eyes narrow a touch, and he shrugs.

Icosagon, Revised!

Sat Apr 12, 2008 4:41 am
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