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 Intimacy 301: Freeform Practice (for Darwin) 
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Post Intimacy 301: Freeform Practice (for Darwin)
Antipode had really gone overboard lately. He knew he was interfering with too many of the students... but he just didn't care! He was loving each and every encounter lately, and gaining so many new and exciting bits of data that he believed he'd be able to create a full fledged human soon. Well, not a real one, precisely, but, that wasn't important.

At this moment, the monster was in a deserted lecture hall. Over a hundred chairs, placed in numerous rows, each row higher up than the one in front of it. Almost an auditorium, really, like the sort you saw at colleges all across the world. It was suspicious that such a large room wasn't being used, but perhaps it would cause girls to investigate... and that, of course, was entirely the plan.

Antipode waited, patiently. He wasn't sure whether anyone would come in here, but lately he'd been pulling up data on numerous students. One in particular was intriguing. The female student who dressed as a male, and tried, as far as he could tell, to act masculine. He was curious about this girl, what would cause her to act like this, and furthermore... whether it would have any effect on her responses.

Okay, it was just an excuse to rape another girl. So what? It was so... fun.

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Fri Apr 04, 2008 5:45 am
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"What the hell?!"
She shouted in the masculine voice as she ran down the hall glancing over her shoulder at what looked to be... yes... an angry mob?! Alright so it was The straight girls of the school whom were desperate for a man their own age to use. It was almost worse than the monsters that seemed to keep assaulting her as of late, They'd chased her from her dormitory; where they had assumed she had just left a girl's bed, to the school building proper; sure the basement would be quite full after this. Today she had taken her disguise a step further; she was wearing a very well made false goatee, apparently enough to fool these students.

"Damn lucky I ran track in high school!!!"
She shouted finally before skidding into the first empty room she found closing & locking the door behind herself moving chairs in front of it to make sure they wouldn't be able to open it. She laughed slightly the door had no window to it luckily for her though she didn't quite know something was waiting in here for a student to arrive... and was interested in her particularly.

Darwin pulled a small bottle from her pocket and dripped a few drops onto the false facial hair; it would begin to dissolve the liquid latex she had used to hold it on. she pulled an electric razor from her pocket; one she used normally to shave her legs; which she did out of comfort more than anything, and turned it one to fool the group outside into thinking he was shaving. When that was done she pocketed it again and put the false goatee in a shirt pocket and took a seat. apparently she didn't just dress like a male and act masculine but, she skillfully altered her voice & even created an illusion of a man's body build and of course the bulge in her pants was a good touch.

"Damn it... They just keep getting worse."
Of course this day had all started in art class, a class she didn't have scheduled for today where the substitute teacher wasn't quite human this was the effects of a venom and nothing more on the girls not that Darwin knew her luck was this bad twice she say in a chair and leaned back in it until she found a comfortable position with her ankle on her knee.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:00 am
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the monster, of course, watched in delight and curiosity. So, the girl who pretended to be a male had gone this far to hide her real sexuality? How amusing it was! And to think, the very one he'd been contemplating on, had come into this very room. How funny! What a coincidence. Antipode was beginning to think that things on this island were anything but coincidences. As if some force or forces were causing both the entities who visited, and the students who came here, to this place, guiding them for some sick reasons he could hardly contemplate. Was it really possible, that they were all the playthings of beings with powers beyond any of their imaginations?

No. That was silly. It was highly unlikely any such beings existed, and even if they did, what sort of thrill could they get out of playing them all like toys this way? Regardless, the girl was here, now, and that was all that mattered.

As it was, the girl named Darwin had made herself perfectly comfortable in one of the seats. Perfect, of course, as naturally Antipode's tentacles approached, moving around the young woman with an almost curious demeanor. They were invisible, of course, as the entirety of him was now. His main mass was located above the teacher's pedestal, floating there silently, invisibly. She wouldn't see anything of it at all until he revealed it. And only that would be long, long from this point.

But the tentacles approached her, and he decided, actually, he'd perhaps try talking before he grasped the young girl. Worse? Yes... almost as if they led you here, isn't it? The voice... but it wasn't a voice. It was merely thought. Loud, clear thought, coming as if from nowhere. Not from any direction or any such thing. Yet it was foreign. Alien. Clearly not Darwin's own thoughts, appearing there.

Anyway, it's nice to see you, Darwin. I was so looking forward to finally meeting you.

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:26 am
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Darwin glanced about the room the voice or thought as it were sounded at though it were coming from directly where she was standing, centrally in her head actually; not above or below. Strange things often happened to and around her and voices from no where were up in that list quite commonly but this was the first time she had heard a voice in her own head. She stood from her seat though not by choice, in fact the chair had lifted and practically threw her out of it before it would jump up onto the desk and as one o f the many strange things that happened around her paced along the row it had landed on in sort of a march of course it had been at least partially her whom caused it but, hell is she knew that.

"Who and what are you?!"

She exclaimed into the room her practiced male voice echoing in the room as she awaited a response of some sort listening to the air in the room knowing a fast motion would make a sound she could probably avoid though, in case of a slow motion she was shifting pretty strangely almost at random not wanting to be caught by this thing whatever it was, she'd just excaped being used as a mob of girl's sex toy as it was.

"And how the hell do you know my name what else do you know about me?"

She asked seemingly air the mob outside dispersed out of fear at the sudden confrontational sounds within the room. Next Darwin would ease her breathing a hand stroking over her scarred ear as a habit she had almost a ritual to calm herself after exertion.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Fri Apr 04, 2008 6:42 am
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(forgive how long I've been taking. I think I really have stretched myself a little thin lately. ^_^; )

Antipode was amused at the way the girl moved around, acting tough as she was. Demanding answers and all of that... she certainly was trying to act like a man, wasn't she? At that point, poor Darwin would hear laughter... good natured laughter, but laughter nonetheless. The monster was laughing at her! For a long moment afterwards, then, silence. Once more, the laughter came from... inside her mind. Just like the words from before, it had come from seemingly nowhere.

Her movements seemed an attempt to avoid the grasp of his tentacles... she knew what was coming, obviously. But Antipode wasn't going to seize her right just yet. He had many other things to do. And first...

You can stop pretending to be a human male now. I know fully what you are, though I must admit I'm quite curious as to why you act that way. I hope you'll help me understand, in time. Not an answer as to how he knew... just making it clear how much he knew. He knew she was acting. And he knew she was a she. As her hand fidgeted against her scarred ear, Antipode continued examining her, from every angle.

You'd be surprised what student dossiers include, Darwin. Or would you? Perhaps not.

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:16 am
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((oh that's alright I know how it feels to do that I often do that myself.))

The laughter was uncalled for and her expression changed to show that anger of course but it was anger frustration and happiness that she knew, most other emotions were as foreign to her as antipode's thoughts in her mind now adays. She shook her head at his next thoughts she laughed, quite similarly to the way he had if he couldn't see better he might have assumed it to be childish mimicry but, it really wasn't.

"If you were as well studied on me as you thought you'd know only the clothes are the act, IThis persona is all I know I haven't acted like a 'girl' in half a decade."

Again she'd laugh a little taking in a breath to ease herself. this creature was funny thus far or amusing at least. Funny wasn't exactly the best fitting word for something she assumed planned to rape her. She stopped fidgeting with her ear and shifted her arms into a more relaxed position eyeing the only exit to the room... which she had ingeniously barricaded to well for a quick escape from the room. much to her aggravation. Next she'd continue looking about the room.

"Any chance you could give me something to talk to Kind of don't like feeling insane talking to thin air, really getting on my nerves more than the things that are playing with the chairs in the room..."

It just came with her that inanimate objects sometimes liked to move on their own to either help of hinder her... usually the latter.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:34 am
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Well, Antipode had been partially bluffing. Good call. This one was rather intelligent. Pleased as he was, he was finding that most of the girls here were. He wondered why. Perhaps... someone was choosing them for that trait? And also... there were too many unusual ones here. Someone was choosing on purpose the most entertaining girls, weren't they?

Regardless, Antipode spoke up, again. As she wished, after all. Well. If you wish someone to speak to, I can provide one. One question, though. Would you rather be dealing with a male human... or a female human? Granted, he wouldn't tell her the personalities of the humanoid entities in question. The avatars he'd made had quite an interesting variety in personality. The boy would certainly make her time lovely. The girl... well. She was as evil as the worst demons on this school.

Yes, he'd created an evil demon in addition to a caring angel. He needed data from both sides, to see both how the human mind worked, why people acted the way they did, and how humans reacted to other types of people. It was much more amusing, either way. And while his only goal was to pleasure the girls and experience the psychic energy... well. He'd keep his Jiro under tight reigns. It was not yet time for her to be free, after all.

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Fri Apr 04, 2008 8:01 am
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Darwin pondered his question for a minute or two. She scratched her neck a little in thought. A few things came to mind, did the alien know of clothes? if not then certainly the female would be a better choice though she hadn't spoken to a male in quite a while and she did see this thing as masculine rather than feminine thus she decided .

"Male if you'd be so kind. Would be nice to chat with someone other than a woman for once in the last month."

Her tone still not changed though this thing knew she wasn't a male it didn't matter to her one way or the other. She eased her movements a little for now deciding to conserve her energy for the time being; as it didn't seem this creature was going to assault her just yet though this didn't mean she wasn't still paying attention to the world around her very carefully.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:04 am
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Of course, Darwin couldn't possibly know about the entities Antipode had recently created. The male son Ichigo, relatively soft hearted, though still beholden to his master. In love with a human girl, of all silly things. His younger sister Jiro, a true monster in the sense even Antipode oculd never dream of being. Darwin wouldn't know how close a call she came to one of the perhaps roughest tentacle rapes she'd ever have imagined. Even as she said so, Antipode could hear Jiro's complaints. She had really wanted to break this one, and make her act so feminine it would be almost sickening.

Regardless, a human boy appeared. About her age, with shoulder length black hair, and a calm countenance. He was leaning against the door to the room, having appeared, seemingly, from nowhere. He had, in fact, come from nowhere, but that was besides the point.

Yeah. This place is wall to wall women, isn't it? A small smile. She was cute, even if she was masculine. Well, he didn't exactly have much in the way of sexual orientation anyway. That is to say... he hadn't developed preferences. Unlike his sister, of course. Then again, Jiro's preferences were rather... twisted.

Anyway, just to clarify. I'm not Antipode, the monster holding her in here. Well, not exactly. So this isn't just him, talking to you in a familiar form... but another living, breathing creature. Of sorts. Just for your information, I mean.

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:48 am
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Darwin looked over this Ichigo curiously truth was she had expected something more... oh I don't know, more menacing than such a normal looking boy. apparently this monster was good at creating things, or so Darwin was thinking. She closed her eyes and shrugged.

"Yeah heh, you know I don't see why this antipode doesn't just send you around campus, I'm sure you'd have just the same following as I do, I mean I have to beat the girls off with.. .well a balled fist."

She sighed shaking her head raising her arms in a 'oh well I'll never understand' sort of gesture moving towards Ichigo now standing next to him & the blocked off door she poked Ichigo once to see if he was real or just a projection of some sort smiling slightly when he felt solid enough.

"Oh so you're some sort of child then or more a creation out of his psyche or am I completely off... sorry just know science fiction explanations Kind of what we humans call a nerd..."

Again she paused thinking of something to say before just hugging the human like being that had appeared laughing slightly not knowing how human antipode had made him a joyous laugh from actually having a male to speak with.

"Was half thinking he was lying when he offered a human male to speak to!"


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:22 am
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So far at least, her response was completely unexpected! She was responding so... positively, to the fact that Ichigo was there. Much moreso than anyone had so far, save for one. He actually blushed, a little bit. But even if it was a little, it was still noticeable. Letting her babble on, talking at her speedy rate, he hugged her back, not all that awkwardly. Then, he tilted his head, as if getting a message.

Now that you mention it, he might just do what you suggest. He sighed. He had a girl already... he really didn't look forward to being put out to attract girls willy-nilly like that one little bit.

Her laughter actually made him smile, then, distracting him from his gloomy thoughts. He would be careful to keep his returned embrace loos, so that the girl could pull away whenever she wished to. Probably soon, he imagined. Now, for all she was acting like a guy, her embrace was something he hadn't seen many males do with each other, in his limited, mostly vicarious experience. He almost mentioned this, but decided that it would only put her off. He was learning, he realized!

Anyway, you're actually pretty much right about what I am. Not off at all. Another smile, a little more enthusiastic. Though if we're talking science fiction, this entire island is out of some crappy B-movie, don't you think?

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Sat Apr 05, 2008 7:39 am
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So she kept the embrace a little longer than she normally would before breaking off and nodding to Ichigo. The girl's gray eyes having noticed the blush, that was something again that was unusual even for the students of this school. again she'd laugh at his mention of the island fitting into some B-movie. She'd nod scratching a quick itch on her scalp.

"Oh Guess I shouldn't have mentioned that I have a problem keeping student's away from me huh. sorry Ichigo."

Darwin slowly calmed herself taking a few deep breaths slowing herself down cooling her warmed blood and finally snickering to herself. finally she decided to start asking a few questions.

"Hey Ichigo... how properly did it make you anyway Physically I mean... not that I care I'm just curious if he made you like the classic doll sort of alien mental creation or anatomically correct I mean the inhuman thing almost never gets the bits attached in the stories."

She wasn't curious on a sexual level and that was probably obvious enough it was legitimately nerd's curiosity... truth was she had half forgotten this room was probably full of tentacles she couldn't see ready to attack her.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:04 am
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And it showed. Her continued amused countenance finally seemed to put Ichigo at ease. Leaning, still against the door, he had her trapped in here... but it didn't seem like it, did it? They were at ease, and without the normal conflict that usually happened. He could just as easily be some random friend, leaning against the most convenient spot.

He heard her question, of course, and still... his cheeks stayed a little red. Yes, he'd directed tentacle rape of girls before, but even so, he was still a little, tiny bit shy. Why was that? Design, probably. Nevertheless, Antipode was fairly good at making humanish beings.

Well... I don't know if I can get a girl pregnant, as I haven't tried, um... any of that, but otherwise... That, of course, was more than enough to get it clear. He seemed almost shy, talking of such things. Once more, he was very, very well made.

With a deep, calming sigh he looked back at her, smiling a little bit more. So, yes, I'm as anatomically correct as you can get. My master... or whatever I'm going to finally decide on calling him, wanted to use me to gather as much data as physically possible... so I guess he figured it'd be a waste not to. At least, that's the best guess I can come up with, anyway.

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:15 am
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Darwin couldn't help but smirk just a little bit at his reaction to a simple question... well maybe not simple but, it was still amusing to see the reaction. She nodded to him able to resist the blush her face tried to show with just another nod. She cracked her knuckles and thought of something else to say to the boy.

"So you're built well then... lets see... what to ask what to ask I'm quite enjoying this...believe it or not."

It was the truth mostly as she knew in the back of her mind what was waiting for her and that this thing probably wouldn't let her go even with a fight but, when else did she get the chance to have a conversation with guy her age... well sort of her age at least designed as such.

"Do you like watching what your master does to the students? Ever join in with his 'work' if you don't mind me asking of course, Just sort of curious never met a creature that let me keep my clothes on lone enough to have a conversation like this so damn it I'm going to enjoy this as long as you let me.... though you'll have to excuse me if I keep thinking of a way out..."

She paused taking a deep breath before dropping the masculine tone of voice.

"Though so far, nadda, except for paralyzing myself from the waist down and making myself useless to you... and any other monster on the island... not seeing anything... kind of got forced into a corner here."


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:43 am
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Ichigo simply nodded, letting the girl talk. Of course she wanted to escape. He understood, though he couldn't exactly help her. Once again, defiance would mean death. He knew that, and rather liked living. As short as his life had been so far, he'd rather enjoyed it, considering its restraints. He hoped for more freedom, so doing anything wrong now would only put a hamper on that goal.

Her questions, though, made him blush even farther, and he moved from the door, several tentacles taking his spot, invisibly, to keep her from being able to escape in such an obvious path. Taking several steps, he glanced back at her, obviously stalling before answering such an embarrassing question.

Well... I can't imagine many guys who wouldn't like to watch some of the things my master does to girls. He sighed, obviously building his strength before continuing his answer. He smiled a little bit, embarrassed, but it was there. He's made me take control a few times... while he goes off to do other things. Basically, in those cases I just have to tend all those tentacles, and ,well, order them around... I don't actually do anything myself... well, there was one exception. But that was... a completely different situation.

And what I thought I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to deal with any of those goddamn stupid useless people. If any of them wanted to tell me something they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after awhile, and then I'd be through having conversations with them for the rest of my life. That'd be fine if that wasn't exactly how things work on the internet!

Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:59 am
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