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 Waiting for someone special {Naomi, perhaps a monster} 
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"Uh-oh" Lurp thought to himself, "I really should have planned this out better. Time to play the sympathy card, maybe buy some more time." His lip started quivering and his eyes got misty with perfectly emulated tears. His mind raced as he considered what to do. The safest thing would be just to leave, he could work on getting closer to them eventually but his sense of pride told him that if he got chased away without even learning the other girls name he'd be an utter failure. The other option would be just as easy as leaving and that would be to assault both of them and either have his way or leave them unconscious. This was even less appealing to him as it would completely ruin his cover and he had spent a lot of time and energy developing this front, he had every intention of preserving it.

As he broke out in full tears like a little girl just sternly reprimanded he decided on his course of action, if they still didn't buy it he'd let himself get chased away but not without making this new girl feel indefinitely guilty. She looked like the type that wouldn't quite know how to react. Naomi had been strangely quiet this whole time, choosing to ignore him as she continued her unpacking. "That certainly is the hard-nosed personality of the Naomi I remember." He thought inwardly to himself.

"Y..You don't want me here? I...I thought maybe..." He stammered between sobs, piling on his misery. "I don't have any friends and everyone has been so mean to me...treating me like I'm nothing!" He cried piteously. Another outright lie, but who were they to know any better? He continued crying pathetically as he sank slowly to the ground, if this new girl wanted her out so badly she'd have to physically remove him, so he kept up the act.

"', an'...I don't know anything..." He sniffled before breaking down into tears again. Inwardly he hoped this would work, it was his last pretense, if she remained adamant he would have to abandon the strategy and simply leave with nothing, no knowledge, no relationship, no information he could manipulate against them at a later date.

One day they'll find a cure for every sexually transmitted disease...but they'll never find a cure for sex.
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Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:00 am

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All of her suspicion crumbled instantly at the sight of Rupi falling to the ground and bursting into tears. She had been too hard on such an adorable, fragile little thing, and it was entirely her fault for making a little girl cry. For shame, for shame. Roslein immediately dropped to her own knees, and wrapped one arm around the little girl's small waist. "I'm really, really sorry....I didn't mean to sound so harsh. Naomi and I are pretty new here too. My name's Roslein, by the way. It's not that we don't want you here, we do! I'm just a little cranky in the evenings...stressful schoolday and all that. Here, why don't you have a seat while I make you some hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows? Good marshmallows, not the cruddy packet kind. Please, do stay. You can find your room later. I'll help you, if you want." Smiling gently, she tried to wipe the tears from the others girl's face, remembering when another girl had done the same for her when she had arrived, overwhelmed by the sheer newness and loneliness of her surroundings.

"I know things are scary and strange at first, but you'll get used to it after a while, and we'll help you." Roslein knew she was basically volunteering Naomi for everything along with her, but it didn't really matter. She felt sure the other girl would want to help Little Miss Crocodile Tears as much as she did, which was quite a bit. Guilt did quite a dizzy number on her mind, and was even more persuasive than alcohol at times. As the expression went, not enough to buy a senator but enough to rent one from time to time. Or maybe she was getting her expressions mixed up like always.

"C'mon, cheer up. I really am sorry. And it really is good hot chocolate, supremely creamy and everything." The guilt played her like a flute. There, that was the right expression!

_________________ that so?

Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:44 am
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"Success!" Lurp cheered inwardly as he stopped his sniffling slightly. He quickly latched himself onto Roslein in a tight hug and rubbed his cheek against her shoulder.

"I...I like hot chocolate..." he managed feebly. Now that he had gotten his ticket into their presence all he would have to do is stay out of the way demurely and respond accordingly to their questions or conversation.

He allowed himself to be supported up off the floor and went to sit down on the corner of Roslein's bed. Still wearing a tear-stained face and slightly reddened eyes he stated in a braver voice, "Thanks for being nice to be Roslein...I...I'm sorry I went to pieces on you like's just...I've been so lonely since I got here." He wrung his little hands nervously in front of him and stared at the ground, a visible blush on his cheek.

[[ last post for a few hours, need to head to the airport, will be back later tonight. ]]

One day they'll find a cure for every sexually transmitted disease...but they'll never find a cure for sex.
Lurp's Profile

Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:13 am

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Naomi was moving the suitcase onto the ground when the girl barged into their room. First it was a confused look, but then she smirked. Apparently she wasn’t the only one who never bothered to knock. Honestly, door were just a waste of space. She didn’t actually bother to talk to the girl though, but laid back down on the bed taking her book of the nightstand. She’d let Roslein take care of the girl.

The book wasn’t actually a bible. It had been one of the books that she had bought before going to this school. It wasn’t as much a smart book as it was a book full of drugs and druggies. It was somewhat educational in a sense, but it was more just for laughs. She began reading through it, occasionally listening to the conversation at the door. First it started with Roslein trying to kindly kick the kid out of the room, and eventually led to her offering her hot chocolate. Great, so now she had to deal with some whiny short kid. She did notice the ‘we’ in there but she was going to have nothing to do with it.

Sat Jun 09, 2007 2:48 am

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"Well, alright then!" Cheered by Rupi's sudden mood improvement, she reciprocated the oddly tight hug and went to the cabinet to find a clean mug and her super-secret Hot Cocoa mix. After locating both objects, she popped a plastic container full of tapwater into the small microwave and set it for two minutes. " should be all done in a couple of minutes, so no worries, duckie!" With an affectionate beam to the little girl, who she noticed had settled onto her bed, she turned back to the tiny dorm microwave and waited for the timer to tick off two minutes. When it was finally at boiling, she yanked open the door, pulled out the container filled with now-bubbly steaming water, and proceeded to bustle about, pouring this and stirring in that.

In less than a minute, she managed to produce a mug full of a rather suspect brown liquid studded with full-size marshmallows that, despite what it looked like, smelled quite lovely. Crossing over to Rupi, she handed her the warm mug. "Be careful drinking's hot, okay? But then, I suppose it'd have to be..." Roslein shrugged off the sheer idiocy of her statement and joined Rupi on her bed. "It's no problem at all....adorable little thing like you, how could I do otherwise? And don't may seem like you'll never find friends now, but somehow they just seem to show up. Like you, for instance. When I came here yesterday, I was friendless. Now, I have three. Do you think I put up an advertisement on the message board to get them? No, they all simply arrived." With a small laugh, she folded her hands in her lap delicately, still positively beaming.

The Good Samaritan in her was having a field day with this one. At this point, if little Rupi had requested that she sodomize a cow, she probably would have responded, "Solid brown or black and white?"

_________________ that so?

Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:29 am
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Lurp cupped the mug in both hands and stared into it, he had no idea what hot chocolate was but apparently he was in possession of a whole mug of it at the moment. Taking a small sip of it he quickly began analyzing its contents. "Mostly sugar and water...harmless enough" he thought to himself and nothing his Bismoean system couldn't handle. Of course he would have to emulate the human process of drinking but this was simple enough as he simply opened up a cavity within in his body that connected to his mouth, there he could absorb the substances directly into nutrients. The heat of the fluid was of no concern to him but he made several small blowing motions into the mug just for appearances.

"Time to test the waters...very carefully though." Lurp thought and carefully lowered the mug from his lips and held it in his lap.

"So you're both new here as well? I thought I was the only one. I've never been in a school like this before." he intoned pragmatically as he wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his red blouse. Actually never been in a school at all before, he'd been Bismoean military for almost as long as he remembered, that was an education in a broader sense of the word, but that didn't stop him from recognizing a chance to connect, he was an assimilator after-all. Humans tended to commiserate with each other when they experienced similar difficult circumstances, it was a rather annoying habit but he had discovered it was the easiest way to put someone off guard.

One day they'll find a cure for every sexually transmitted disease...but they'll never find a cure for sex.
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Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:48 am

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Naomi found herself listening in to more and more of their conversation as timed past. It was interesting seeing Roslein being who she really was. She absolutely hated when someone pretended to be another. She despised people like that, and usually called their bluff whether it be beating on them or simply calling them a poser. She liked Roslein, despite the fact she was nothing like her. She would be useful if she ever needed comforting. She was usually emotionally strong, but she didn’t know whether it was enough to keep her going on this island. It was too strange for her, and the pain was more than she ever felt in a fight.

At Rupi’s question she let out a loud snort. This school was different for her too. It wasn’t just the all-girls thing but the monsters who seemed to very much enjoy taking what they could for her and leaving her to pick up her own pieces. She closed up her own book and slammed it down onto her nightstand before moving herself up into a sitting position. She stared down Rupi with a glare and a dark smirk. She didn’t quite treat little annoying girls different than she would others who she had no respect for.

“By never being in a school like this,” she suddenly spoke up in a loud but angry voice, “do you mean that there are only girl students,” she paused for a second before letting her voice get darker, “or the fucking fiends that are going around the island and ravishing anything with a pussy?” She was never ever described as subtle, let me tell you that.

Sat Jun 09, 2007 6:57 pm
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"My deer sweet Naomi," Lurp thought to himself, "whoever are you acting so strong for?" He wanted to laugh but kept Rupi's visage absolutely consistent. This, however, was a new development, apparently Naomi did not react quite the same way to conventional human social formulas. Instead of sympathizing with Rupi and endearing herself to the little girl she had actually gotten confrontational. Lurp logged this reaction carefully in the back of his mind and stared back at Naomi through widened-eyes. "Fiends? You mean like monsters?" Rupi squeaked, "Is it true Roslein?" he quickly put the mug down on the nightstand and clung to the girl.

"Wh...what do you mean?" he sniffled slightly, then a new idea formed in his mind, if she wanted confrontation she would have confrontation. "And who are you anyways? It's not nice to try to scare people who don't even know your name, you're just being mean...besides..." Rupi pouted, then he threw her the curve-ball, "Why should you care? You look like a fucking slut! I bet you'd enjoy it! I bet you'd fuck anything that walked on two legs and you might not even be THAT picky!" He chimed in the bravest voice appropriate for a little girl.

As Lurp scrambled to hide himself behind Roslein and stick his tongue out at Naomi he considered his actions. He knew Naomi relatively well so he was pretty sure that this type of language and implicit adult knowledge coming out of Rupi's mouth would surely throw her for a loop. Additionally, Naomi had absolutely no reason to think Rupi would fight back, she was most likely expecting Rupi to cower in fear and cry at her forceful personality, so this would confuse her even more...but only for a short while. Her anger against the little girl would most likely set in just as quickly. Roslein on the other hand might just be shocked speechless, making her the perfect obstacle to hide behind for the next few moments. It wasn't that Lurp was afraid at all that Naomi could actually hurt him, but pretenses were everything in this situation so he needed to play his part to the hilt. Besides, when human beings got angry they also tended to make stupid decisions and reveal weaknesses.

The only flaw to his strategy, he realized, was that if Roslein and Naomi put their heads together and thought about it logically, they would realize that Rupi's personality was vastly inconsistent, breaking into tears at the slightest scolding, and fighting back ferociously against a more vicious attack then a simple scolding. At the same time, this flaw did not concern him overly much. In order to deduce this they would both have to put aside their emotions of shock and anger to think about it and human beings, especially the females, were notorious for being irrationally emotional.

So he hid behind Roslein and waited for the proverbial shit to the hit the fan.

One day they'll find a cure for every sexually transmitted disease...but they'll never find a cure for sex.
Lurp's Profile

Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:01 pm

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Naomi was thrown back by the young girl’s reaction to what she had said. She did also pick up on the fact that she did tell the girl her name. Rupi seemed too usual, but then again there were a lot of fucked up people in the world. As for the supposed insults sent at her. She was glad that she did say them so she would actually have something to retort with. She slid herself off the bed, and stood straight up. Sure, she wasn’t very tall but she wasn’t as short at Rupi. That was enough to add to intimidation.

“You lying little bitch,” she laughed with an almost seducing tone, “Roslein told you my fucking name already so you can’t use that.” She took a step towards them, “Besides, the monster don’t always walk on two fucking feet. Sure, some do but then they fucking transform and having fucking tentacles! The school’s name is tentacle in Japanese. Should’ve taken that as a warning, huh?” As soon as she said that, it began coming together but very slowly. “Anyway, I have standards. I mean, I do love a good screw but monsters aren’t for me. You actually just interrupted Roslein and I. We were about to fuck like a pair of lesbian rabbits!” She yelled it out, not controlling her anger anymore. She did eventually sit down on the bed and calm herself. That was when Solais’s words came to mind about how things weren’t always as they appear.

“Get out of our dorm right fucking now!” She now screamed, while grabbing the vase off of her nightstand and standing up. She was getting rather emotional, but she really couldn’t help herself. If this was actually just an innocent little girl with mood swings she’d feel stupid, but that wasn’t anything new.

Sat Jun 09, 2007 9:23 pm
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"A direct order with the threat of violence." Lurp mused to himself analytically, "that essentially renders all further pretenses ineffective, I suppose this charade is over." Ah but he loved the flare Naomi was displaying. She was a real firecracker, an ironically perfect compliment to the cooler more collected Roslein.

With a quick shimmy, a small hop, and the look of a rebellious teenager he sidled off the bed and gave Roslein a hug, whispering in her ear just loud enough for Naomi to hear. "Thanks for the hot chocolate Roslein, and don't let that bitch rape you...if there really are monsters on this island I bet she's one of them." Then with a very subtle movement concealed from Naomi's vision he licked her ear sensuously and bit down on it slightly, lowering his voice to a whisper he knew Naomi would not hear, "Let's hang out alone sometime, maybe down by Purl's bar."

Then turning around he sniffed indignantly at Naomi and stomped his way out of the room. When he was safely away he quivered with scarcely contained excitement. "I will have them both." It was only a matter of time.

(( last post for the thread, thanks for letting me join you two. Roslein, if you'd like to RP with me individually I have an open thread called First Call, Last Call in the outdoors forum involving Lurp's other alter-ego Purl. Have fun you two. ))

One day they'll find a cure for every sexually transmitted disease...but they'll never find a cure for sex.
Lurp's Profile

Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:15 pm
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(Can I just mention, without interrupting, how funny and great that scene was?

*takes another bite of popcorn.*)

Sat Jun 09, 2007 10:37 pm
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For the past minutes, Roslein had been sitting on her bed, frozen solid in a state of total shock. As Rupi left the room, she finally shook her head and asked, "What just happened here?" From sitting on beds chatting amiably, things had gotten around to insulting innuendo and name-calling rather quickly. Plus, there was the confusing thing about monsters and tentacles that the two seemed to be rambling about. What were they talking about? As far as Roslein knew, there was no such thing as monsters, here or anywhere else. Alright, she told herself, the best way to do this would be to break things down bit by bit, and then see if she could make sense of it.

First, Rupi had commented that she'd never been to a school like this before. Seemingly out of the blue, Naomi came out with the ludicrous suggestion that there were 'fucking fiends going around the island and ravishing anything with a pussy'. That on its own was bizarre. Why would Naomi suggest something so impossible, especially in such an indelicate manner? Then again, she didn't know the other girl well enough to know what she would or wouldn't do. But if there were dreadful monsters parading about this island, wouldn't more people be talking about it? Forget that; if there were monsters, they wouldn't allow people to come to this island, let alone live and go to school here! So, that much at least was still confusing.

After that, Rupi had reacted with shock, asking if the odd statement were true. That much was to be expected. But what came next certainly was not. Rupi called Naomi a slut! She had not thought anything that horrid could come from a mouth-or person-that adorable! Why would little Rupi say something like that? Roslein had been feeling so affectionate, so protective towards the little thing; it was hard to believe that she had done such a thing. But she couldn't deny what she had heard, however much she might have wanted to. However, the blatant insinuation made her think. Did Naomi really seem like a slut to other people? Sure, her outfit was a trifle skimpy, but that didn't mean a thing. Jesus was often portrayed as wearing only a little loincloth-thing, and nobody called him a slut.

And then came the whopper of it all. Not only had Naomi called Rupi a lying bitch and continued with her absurd monster rant, she had herself lied and told the strange little girl that the two of them had been about to engage in enthusiastic lesbian trysts! Sure, Roslein might've considered it for a moment or sixty-three, but for Naomi to come out and say that sort of thing, and to someone she didn't even know...Roslein felt sure that she would be sitting up in bed for a few sleepless nights, looking over at her sleeping roomie, trying to figure out what it all meant. Even then, she felt sure she wouldn't have a single clue.

Naomi had promptly ordered little Rupi out, which led to the tiny girl doing another shocking act before leaving. The suggestion that Naomi was a raping bitch, possibly a monster, was equally insane. The following action....Roslein rubbed a quavering hand over her ear, thinking of the personal come-on. She hadn't thought of the small, adorable thing in that way...but had to admit that it was an intriguing offer. Should she go and try to find the odd girl later? Roslein wasn't sure if that was a good idea, but decided to seriously consider it. Maybe tomorrow, if she still wanted to, she would go down for a little while.

Shaking her head softly, she got up, strode over to the door, and turned the latch. "No more visitors tonight, if that's fine with you. I don't think I could take any more excitement for the day." Returning to her bed, she curled up, sighing. So much to think of, so much to try to figure out. And even after thinking it out, she hadn't a clue. Who was she going to trust? The firey, exciting Naomi, or the adorable, entirely peculiar Rupi?

_________________ that so?

Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:15 am

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Alucard blinked. It had been on the ceiling for a long time now, preparing to attack the woman by herself in the dorm. However, before it could, it suddenly found that the amount of prey had doubled. Alucard had decided then that it would feed, only to discover another monster enter.

It had patiently waited it out, interested at what might develop. Then Rupi left. Now the two girls were alone with each other and their unknown visitor.

Alucard smiled down at them, completely camouflaged against discovery.

Sun Jun 10, 2007 12:56 am
Profile YIM

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Posts: 72
Naomi was relieved when Rupi left, but still on edge. She slammed the vase down onto her nightstand after Roslein asked what that was about. How does she really explain without sounding crazy. She didn’t trust that Rupi, and she doubted that she ever would before she had some proof to it. Maybe her getting raped by one of those silly looking monsters would be enough. That way she’d knew she wasn’t aligned with them at least. She slowly settled herself down next to her suitcase, watching Roslein.

“I agree,” she laughed, “I don’t usually get like that around people. Let me at least explain myself. There is just a little more background info needed on me, but it is of after I got here.” She sighed and began opening up her suitcase again. “I noticed this school was different. All of the girls here are attractive, and some of them really seem to act weird. It wasn’t until I was having a smoke on the beach while breaking curfew that I really saw the difference. I won’t provide details, but I was raped from something out of this world.” She, of course, didn’t know they were on another world at this point. “It was made up of liquid. He-- it took what it wanted from me and left me nude on the beach with my clothes next to me looking like this,” she said as she held up her shredded shirt and black miniskirt. “I love my clothes. I don’t rip them unless it’s for fashion, and these aren’t very fashionable. I was raped later on in the woods, and the fiend was disguised as a man. He basically told me to learn things weren’t as they appear. That young girl had a hard time keeping her story straight. I don’t doubt she was a monster.”

“You have some Japanese in you right?” She didn’t wait to be answered, “then you should know that shokushu is tentacle. Irony? I think not. This place is made for this. We’re not here for reforming or learning. We’re here for the desires of these monsters. Possibly to keep them from going around earth and doing it to all the good little girls or something like that. I just got here! This is all theory, the only fact is that I got raped by something non-human!” That was the most she spoke in a very long time.

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Sun Jun 10, 2007 2:33 am

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Roslein simply stared at Naomi as she explained herself in a lengthy rant. Most of it didn't make much sense, but she managed to at least keep up. When the other girl finished, she coughed politely and answered, "I believe you. It's hard, considering how impossible all of that seems, but I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve you. After all, what would you have to gain by telling such lies?" Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. This was all so very insane, she didn't quite know the best things to say. But she really did believe Naomi. Like she had said, what would she stand to gain from lying? Opening them again, she continued speaking, seeming a little more in control of herself.

"Yes, I'm half Japanese, but that doesn't mean I speak Japanese. My dad was the Japanese one, and I didn't really know him that well. Never saw a need to take lessons. However, that doesn't matter at the moment. I assume you've already taken this to the office and they've called you crazy, or a liar. If you have, then I think that you should stop talking about it. Seriously, I know it sounds insane, all things considered, but if they know that you're trying to stir up others, trying to spread the truth, they will capture you and almost certainly kill you. Realize that you are entirely in their clutches, as surely as if you were chained in some prison. The only way I know of that will let you stay alive is if you pretend like absolutely nothing happened, at least when people are watching. If confronted by a teacher or other authority figure, say that you realize now that you were hallucinating, or dreaming, or whatever." Taking another deep breath, Roslein continued, looking quite grim.

"I know it sounds hard, but you can't raise any more alarms. I don't want you to get killed....then I'll be all alone with everything you've just said, wondering if I was crazy. Smile, participate in class, make friends but say nothing to them about any of this. If you get attacked again, don't say anything, just come back here to me. We'll get through this together, eh?" Smiling bittersweetly, she crossed the room to where the other girl was. "Beyond everything else, we need to stay alive, if just for now. You do realize that we're not going home, right? Why would they send people back to their friends and families, knowing that we could easily tell someone any of this?" It was only as she said it that she fully comprehended the notion, and it hit her like an 18-wheeler.

She would never see her mother or friends again. She would never see her beloved homeland, her city, her old school. At that moment, she felt more loneliness than she had in many, many years. But she didn't cry; too many tears had fallen out of her pretty deep yellow eyes in the past few days. Leaning her head very softly, her voice emerged with a startling amount of menace. "We need to survive to get even someday. When they come to kill us...whenever that is....we need to be ready to fight! Even if we die....we would've died anyway."

_________________ that so?

Sun Jun 10, 2007 5:18 am
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