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 I wish... (For Drakus) 
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Post I wish... (For Drakus)
Leaning back against the tree, Ley lit up her cigarette. The sun had set a while back and she had gone off in the cover of night to sneak a quick smoke and maybe a little playing. Her guitar case leaned against the tree next to her. Great invention that. It was the way she had smuggled in all her cigarettes. She had enough for the moment. Dressed in her usual skin-tight black pants, with the small flare over her sneakers, her vest had been swopped in favour of a hoodie that nevertheless still hugged her slender form. The hood was up, all that could be seen of her hair was the bright pink bit in the front and a few dark strands curling over her shoulders.

Ashing with a confident flick of the cigarette, she bent down and took out her guitar. It was her pride and joy, and her favourite acoustic. A combination of black and midnight blue, it was tuned to perfection and produced the kind of sound that left her with a giddy grin on her face. It was like a drug and she could not get enough of it.

She lowered herself into a comfortable position, back against the tree, one leg up and one stretched out, the guitar straddled on her lap. She took a final drag of her cigarette before putting it out. With a deep breath, she hummed a few notes before her voice trailed off and only the soft sound of strumming could be heard. And then, softly, her voice was heard again.

“Limb by limb and tooth by tooth, tearing up inside of me. Every day, every hour… I wish that I was bulletproof…”

- Leyna Sharizhai

Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:06 am

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Out in the dark woods, Drakus is on the prowl. He lopes through the trees at a swift, steady pace, the moonlight as bright as noon to his eyes. He sees the glow of electric lights that mark the campus buildings in the distance, and desire stirs in anticipation of the prey he will find there.

The sound of the discordant yet compelling music that suddenly reaches his ears is jarringly out of place, and he suddenly freezes. Nearby, so close even human ears might pick the sound up. One of the students with something playing music? Usually he just hears such things in the Dorms, and something is a little off about this. After a moment he realises what it is- there's only one instrument. A suspicion forms in his mind, but it seems too good to be true...

He quickly reaches the clearing where the sound comes from, and finds that he was correct. A student is here, alone, smoking and playing a guitar. Does she know nothing of the Island?

Drakus begins to lope about the clearing, feeling with all his inhuman senses. A trap? Is this student another monster in disguise? Has she been placed here as bait, by some students forming a militia, as occasionally happens?

No. She seems to be what she is. Alone, unaware, and helpless.

Finally, Drakus decides to make his move. As the girl finishes her cigarette, he steps out of the shadows. Over six feet tall in his human guise, he is pale and dark-haired, with a lean but powerful build. He wears a white shirt, dark pants and boots which pass at a cursory glance as what someone might wear on earth, though they are of rather more primitive weaving.

"The hour seems a little late for a student to be out of her room" he says, in an accent that sounds vaguely East European, though someone familiar with European accents might realise it doesn't seem to quite fit any country.

"Aren't there rules about these things anymore?"

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:20 am
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Ley had been lost in her world, the music causing everything else to fade out. Playing guitar did that to her, and if she was playing Radiohead, then so much the better. But when the deep, male voice drifted out of the darkness, the music stopped abruptly and she went pale with fright. Once that had stopped though, the went even paler in anger, standing up in a single fluid movement, her hands slipping into the pocket on the front of the hoody.

“Dude, you can’t do that. Wandering around scaring us half to death. It’s not friendly.” Her voice trembled a bit, still annoyed at being interrupted. She gave him a quick once over, her teal eyes narrowing as she studied him. He looked really odd, as if something about him was not quite right. And his accent… where in the hell was he from? Her own accent shone through when she spoke, in the way she pronounced certain sounds. Not too bad though. And at least people could guess where she was from.

Tugging her hood forward, she bent down and placed her guitar back in its case, smoothly withdrawing another cigarette from nowhere it would seem. Lighting it, she grinned at him, though the action had little but annoyed tolerance in it. “And as for the rules, if they are there, I don’t really care. Who are you anyway?” she asked, pointing at him with her cigarette. “Isn’t this a girls’ school? And I mean, I’ve met a few strange people around here, but if you’re a girl then I’m leaving.”

- Leyna Sharizhai

Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:32 am

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The strnager smiles as he steps just close enough to not alarm her on personal space issues. His eyes roam briefly up and down her body, seeming to approve of what they see.

"Oh, I am most definitely male, and no student. I am Drakus."

He looks down at her, his eyes seeming as strange as the rest of him as they regard her from his substantial advantage in height. And his voice seems to have an amused, superior edge to it, as if he knows something she doesn't.

"So you casually flaunt the rules, eh? Have you considered that they might be there for a reason? That perhaps it isn't wise for students to wander about at night?"

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:42 pm
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Ley seemed to tense up when he stepped closer, a casual stiffening of her spine and nothing more. Her expression didn’t change though, even as she felt his eyes travel up and down her body, her slim shape outlined by her clothing. She even noted his appreciation, and even though it sat wrong with her, the totally female part of her mind felt better for it.

“Bonsoir, Drakus.” she said evenly, steadily finishing her cigarette. She didn’t offer her own name in return because although she had disregarded the ‘don’t talk to strangers’ rule, she wasn’t a complete idiot. And his comments irked her, her teal eyes flaring again with irritation.

“Listen, buddy. You’re coming dangerously close to sounding like my father. And that is not the way to go, trust me.” She put the cigarette out, crushing it against the tree and flicking it out into the grass deftly. She was not particularly nervous about being alone at night. She was slender but strong, and was more than willing to prove it.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:16 pm

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Drakus chuckles.

"Spirited and independent, as well as ignorant. A rare and intriguing combination here. The naive lack of concern disappears all to quickly after a girls first month. I take it you've not made any friends here yet? Not had anyone give strange warnings? Not seen anything unusual?"

He leans casually against the tree. he's not concerned about the girl escaping- even if she'd normally be able to outrun him, which is unlikely, she's burdened by the guitar, which is hardly something she would want to run through dark woods with. And he gets the impression, as he touches the edges of her thoughts, that it's not something she'd easily leave behind.

"Nobody to tell you what really happens here? Nobody to tell you what this place is?"

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Fri Apr 04, 2008 3:28 pm
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Even though she was hiding it very well, Ley was beginning to feel nervous. This guy was really starting to freak her out, but she’d be damned to hell and back if she let him know it. An impatient toss of her head flicked the hair of her narrowed teal eyes, the blue-green depths sparking with irritation and increased wariness.

“Listen, Drakus. I’m sure you’re a nice guy and all but you’re really starting to sound like a doomsday prophecy. It’s a school… I mean, what more is there to it?” she asked, her accent coming through stronger as her irritation grew.

The French girl had been around a couple of days only, and making friends was not her favourite thing to do in the world. In any case, she didn’t really want to be here and so had not put much effort into it. She scuffs the toe of her sneakers through the sand. Leaning against the tree as well, she sniffed, somehow managing to put a wealth of annoyance in the sound.
”So what’s the story with this place?”

- Leyna Sharizhai

Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:56 pm

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Drakus smiles at her, his knowing gaze staying fixed on hers. Her stubborn passion and shapely body promises a most enjoyable time, but he is in no hurry, and for now enjoys taunting her with the knowledge of what is to come.

"A school? Well, naturally, that is what they tell you. And they do indeed go to great lengths to preserve the illusion. They hold classes, they keep things in order, they clamp down on any attempt to spread the word. Everyone knows, of course, if not everything then that this place is not right.

"You don't seem a stupid girl. Think on what you've seen. Does this place look to you as a place filled with young women should? Are they carefree and headstrong, is there laughter? Or... Do they scuttle about nervously, in groups, staying in public places and never going out after dark?

"Does the manner of the students not seem forced, somehow? Artificial? Or had you told yourself that this was just how they were after the evil staff had done molding them into good little girls, the way you tell yourself they never will with you?"

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:14 pm
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His words left her in no doubt that somethign was going on. Just what though, was obviously not something he was about to tell her. Highly unfair was the phrase that came to mind, but Ley knew that life was never fair. She was at this place with the big mystery, wasn't she?

But he was right. In the little time that she had spent wandering the campus and not closeted in her room, she had definitely noticed that this wasn't a normal school. Certainly not like her own school in any case. He was guessing her thoughts in an uncomfortably accurate way, and that did nothing more than get her back up.

"Okay so things are not right here. I'll admit it. You seem to know what the problem is... let me in on the secret. Or are you going to harp on about it for another hour before you tell me?" He was going to tell her, she could sense that much. And she was pretty sure that he would thoroughly enjoy her reaction, whatever it might be. Men, she thought to herself scornfully.

"And besides, who in their right mind would be happy and carefree at school? That's like asking for a bloody miracle. School is another word for suffering. Everybody knows that."

Leyna hated school, and everything it stood for. Partly her parents' fault and mostly the fault of school itself. Whatever the case, she hated it all that same. The urge to go and fetch one of her canisters and put her hatred up for all to see was almost overwhelming, but she had more sense than that. As he had said, she wasn't a stupid girl.

- Leyna Sharizhai

Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:01 pm

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"Another word for suffering? Well, perhaps, but none as much as this place. Just ask any of the students!

"Tell, me, Leyna, since you seem to have some little knowledge of how the world works. What reason, what possible motivation, could there be for a charade that involves assembling so many young females in an isolated place? I'm sure you must be able to think of the most obvious one...

"Think on the students. Think on the other schools you've been to. Then think on the ones here. Are any of them less than stunning? Do any fail to measure up to the same standards of sexual desirability that you yourself meet?"

He stands, and casually begins strolling back and forth as he talks, his hands clasped behind his back, a carefully reassuring distance from her at all times, but requiring her to move if she wants to keep her eyes on him.

"Then think of where you are. Do you know where this island is? Can you ask anyone for help but the staff who brought you here? Can you think of any way to escape what you've been brought here for?"

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Sat Apr 05, 2008 9:47 pm
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By now, Ley was beginning to feel thoroughly freaked. She had no idea who this guy was, but he was definitely making her think that something was going on. Something completely not right. An intelligent girl, her quick mind immediately began to make connections with what Drakus was saying and some of the whispers she had been hearing about this place.

She shifted her body, still leaning, but now her teal eyes, narrowed with suspicion and thought, followed him intently. "I suppose the only logical conclusion to draw, judging from what I have heard is..." Her husky voice trailed off and for a moment, silence reigned. Then came the sharp sound of her quick intake of breath, almost a gasp, but far too controlled.

"That's twisted. But not true. Drakus, babe, I don't know what trip you are on, but you cannot be serious." She refused to believe it. That they were all gathered here for something she was pretty sure was not within legal limits. She pulled her hood forward, a stubborn movement if there ever was one. "It would never be allowed. Someone would do something. The world isn't that fucked yet."

If she said it enough, maybe she would start to believe it as well, a small sly voice in her head told her. And she knew, deep down she knew, that whatever was going on here, there was certainly no escaping it. It made her feel like screaming, and so she directed her frustration at Drakus.

"And what's your deal anyway? Are you getting a kick out of freaking me out like this or what?"

- Leyna Sharizhai

Sun Apr 06, 2008 2:28 pm

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"It wouldn't be allowed? Tell me, do you... Do your parents... Do ANY of the people back home who knew you were going away have any idea where this Island is? Had they even heard of Shokushu before this? Before someone appeared out of the blue with the offer of a place in a school nobody had heard of but seemed so very respectable?

"But you're right. Something like this couldn't go on without the authorities eventually finding out, and mounting some sort of investigation. It's too bad for them that there's no trail to follow. This island... It's not on your world, Leyna. The plane you came on? It went a lot further than a distant ocean. The students? They probably aren't even from the same world or time. Ask about, see if their memories of home fit yours exactly. All from the same year, all recall the same politicians and celebrities? I doubt they will.

"Which brings us to what part I play in things. Well, Leyna, it would come to you if you pondered the matter. You are on a remote island with an all-girl studentn populace, and you've just been told that this is a ruse to cover the sort of use that such pliant young females can be put to when they are helpless and far from home."

He stops, and stands before her with a slightly mocking smile on his face.

"So, Leyna, what part do you think I play in things?"

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Sun Apr 06, 2008 3:50 pm
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"My parents wouldn't give a shit either way where I go. As long as it tames me, or whatever. But in any case..." Ley seemed lost for words. She was more than a bit finished by what her mind was telling her and didn't really know what she should do now. His words were seriously starting to scare her now.

"Is that right? A whole new world I'm on here? Well, I guess I'm right screwed either way." she said, defeated somewhat. And then her resolve stiffened. There had to be something to do somewhere, and some way that things might be different. She would just have to find out how.

She was thinking so hard that she wasn't really paying attention to what Drakus said next. But Ley had been trained to remember what she had heard and his words dawned on her a moment later and her eyes widened suddenly. It was just her luck, wasn't it?

She pressed herself against the tree, controlling the fear that was suddenly overpowering. She could run. No, she must run. But that meant she would have to leave her guitar behind. Her gaze shifted longingly to the black case that held her baby and she knew she couldn't leave it. Teals orbs returning to Drakus, she lifted her chin.

"Listen, buddy, I will beat your shit if you touch me."

- Leyna Sharizhai

Sun Apr 06, 2008 4:12 pm

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Drakus laughs, seeming not in the slightest bit intimidated by her.

"I'm sure you'll put up quite a fight, Leyna. And against a human rapist you might even win. But since you're not on your world, has it not yet occurred to you that the people who'll be enjoying your warm, firm body will be somewhat outside your experience also?"

His eyes change, becoming slitted as a cats, and beginning to burn with a fiery red light from within. His hands start to form long, sharp talons at the end of each finger... And he seems somehow larger than before, towering over her more than ever.

"I am here to partake of the headmaster's hospitality, Leyna. Which consists of my being able to sample the delectable students whenever I desire it. And this night, I desire it!

"And lo and behold, here is a most appealing new student, alone out in the woods and needing an introduction to her new life."

Lord Drakus Gatesthane

Sun Apr 06, 2008 5:51 pm
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Not only was Leyna starting to get seriously pissed off with his attitude, but she was also terrified. She could not believe this was happening to her and her eyes were glassy with fear. Come on girl! Get a hold of yourself, she told herself firmly. With visible effort, she calmed herself down, drawing on years of practice with her parents. Looking him in the eyes, slitted as they might be, she swallowed.

"Rape is rape, whichever bloody planet you're on." she hissed at him, watching as his talons grew and surpressing the urge to scream. She could not control her trembling, as much as she wanted to. "And I don't give a shit who invited you here, you are not gonna do what you want with me."

Taking a deep breath, she took a step forward away from the support of the tree. Her back was firm and her stare was icy. But her voice was even colder than that. "And if I need a bloody introduction, I'd ask for one. Now leave me alone."

- Leyna Sharizhai

Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:28 pm
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