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 Late Night Arrival (open for at least one monster) 
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Post Late Night Arrival (open for at least one monster)
Aurora shivers slightly as she disembarks and takes her first step onto the campus grounds. She has arrived later than intended - MUCH later in fact. She looks up at the moonless sky, finding herself fascinated by the night sky which seems so different from home.

It is warm here - much warmer than it was in her village back in Norway. She slips the now uncomfortably heavy fur cloak from her shoulders as she looks around at the campus - which appear to be deserted at this hour. If she had arrived at sundown as had been expected, there certainly would have been someone here to meet her. At this hour, she can't blame the school for not having someone waiting - but what is she supposed to do until dawn?

Standing around here isn't going to help matters though, she decides and starts to walk in the general direction of the cluster of buildings that she assumes is the campus. Although it's awful dark there.. and it seems awfully far away from where she was left.

*It's almost like they don't want to get any closer to the school.* she thinks for a moment - then shakes her head, causing her hair to swish behind her in the wind. *That's ridiculous - that's just the darkness talking.* she says as with determination, she starts her trek towards the campus.

*If nothing else, I need to change into some lighter clothing* she thinks as she undoes the lacing on the leather vest she is wearing. She pulls at the ties until it falls open to reveal the white linen blouse she wears, which is damp with her perspiration, and clings to her curves.

She walks down the trail toward the campus, the heavy folds of her long beige skirt whispering against itself and her skin the only sound in the night besides the soft squeak of the suitcase wheels as she pulls it behind her.

Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:31 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
((Do you mind a little company on your walk?))


The Doll House

Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:25 am
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((Not at all))

Wed Apr 16, 2008 3:07 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*The new arrival was not the only one out enjoying the cloudy night. Flitting from tree to tree, the tiny bear prison of the demon Akkiguujin moved easily through the darkness. The stars are so different here. It almost makes me homesick, the loss of my brothers and sisters in myth, no longer watching from above. The demon doll stopped on a branch overlooking the path to the main campus. He distinctly heard the sound of wheels on cement, coming closer down the dimly lit way. Hmm....what have we here? A new student? Akki cast out his senses toward the long haired girl, discerning if she might be a monster in disguise. Oh ho! Another little witch joins the This far from the school, he had few minions to call on, and it had been a while since he had hunted alone. Perhaps it would add some challenge to the chase.*

"Are you just arriving, little one?"

*The voice came from the trees to one side of the path, up within the branches. It sounded old, slow and placid, like the voice a tree would speak in if it had the means.*


The Doll House

Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:19 am
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Aurora is intent on trying to follow the path to the school, wishing the moon was out.. or that the campus had some lighting along the path. Instead, she has to make due with the starlight, and so picks her way carefully.

"Are you just arriving, little one?"

Aurora jumps in shock at the voice, and makes a soft squeal of surprise and fear. Quickly she drops the suitcase, and starts turning around in all directions. "Who are you? Come out where I can see you!" she yells - trying to sound commanding.. but the high pitch of her voice betrays her nervousness.

She takes a couple of deep breaths, trying to calm herself. *It's probably just a groundskeeper... or maybe another student playing a practical joke.. sure.. who else would be here?* she thinks as she tries to collect herself. When she speaks next, her voice is calmer, although there is still just a slight tremor to it. "Do you work for the school?"

Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:53 pm
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*Hmmm...not running immediately. A good start. Akki spoke again in the altered voice, slowly dropping to the ground in the bushes, rustling them as if a larger figure was slowly working their way forward.*

"Work for the school? Course I work for the school. Why else would I be out checking the raccoon traps at this time of night? Little buggers been rooting through the trash again... Give an old man a moment, it's hard working through these bushes."

*The demon doll continued to rustle bushes, moving forward gradually until he neared a tree, darting behind it and slamming his paws against the wood, then the ground, with enough force to cause a sharp crack from the wood, and loud thud from the ground.*

"Whoa, oh sh--!"

*It sounded like the "old man" had tripped and collided with the tree, falling to the ground afterward. Akki waited beneath the tree, sliding his claws free of his cloth paws.*


The Doll House

Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:03 am
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Aurora shifts a little nervously as she hears the bushes rustling. Then the voice comes out of the woods again.

"Work for the school? Course I work for the school. Why else would I be out checking the raccoon traps at this time of night? Little buggers been rooting through the trash again... Give an old man a moment, it's hard working through these bushes."

Aurora gives an audible sigh at that and relaxes, turning back to grab her suitcase again. As the sounds move closer, she starts to explain "My flight was late arriving.. could you tell me which building is the dorms?" she'll ask softly - a lilting lyric sound to her voice even with the harsh Norse accent.

"Whoa, oh sh--!"

*It sounded like the "old man" had tripped and collided with the tree, falling to the ground afterward. Akki waited beneath the tree, sliding his claws free of his cloth paws.*

Aurora gasps at the sound and calls out. "Are you all right? Did you get caught in one of the traps? Where are you? I can't see you!" she calls out, anxious to help the old man. She walks closer to the bushes - right on the edge of the path, but not moving into the trees yet - after all - she doesn't want to get caught in one of the traps herself.

Sat Apr 19, 2008 3:19 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
*Akki chuckled silently. Compassion is such an easy string to pull.*

"Ach, godammit. Yep, got my foot caught in a blasted trap. Hit my head pretty hard to. I'm too old for this crap. I don't suppose you could come help me get my leg free? There aren't any more traps this close to the path, you should be fine getting here."

*The demon doll began pulling threads from his chest with one claw, tossing them around the area in a loose web, the black string invisible in the darkness. He then rustled the bushes a bit more, slapping the tree trunk lightly, to simulate the "old man" leaning back against it heavily.*

"I'll tell you what. You get me free, I'll walk with you to the dorms. Well, limp with you I 'spose."

*What sounded like a warm, wry chuckle from the other side of the tree.*


The Doll House

Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:48 pm
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Location: Currently in her new home, located deep within the Shokushu Forest
((May I join in?))

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Sun Apr 20, 2008 3:22 am
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((Jezebel - I don't mind if it's ok with Akkiguujin))

Aurora walks over to the edge of the path, still peering through the darkness a bit blindly.

"I still can't see you. Do you have a light... or a match maybe?" she asks as she tentatively starts to walk into the woods in the general direction of the voice.

"Keep talking at least.. so I can find you." she'll say as she tries to make her way through the dark towards the voice - gasping and cursing softly as she gets tangled in the branches that pull at her clothes, or slap into her face as she tries to push them aside.

Sun Apr 20, 2008 4:09 am
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Location: On the shelf, in the corner, forlorn and abandoned. Why not pick me up?
((I have no objections.))

"Sorry, my hand torch went out. Be careful there girl. Won't do either of us any good if you hurt yourself. Just a few more feet, behind this here tree. Aye, there you go, almost there."

*The demon doll wove his paws in a circle, the threads attached to them wrapping around the base of the tree, the bushes, and other firm anchoring points. He cast one paw up, threads lashing around the branches, forming an invisible web of twine just around the edge of the tree. Having created his net, Akki waited for the girl to come closer before he struck.*

"Mind your feet when you get closer, the chain for the trap goes real close to that bush. Don't want you tripping, so keep an eye out for it."

*With her eyes downcast, it would be less likely for her to spot the web waiting for her.*


The Doll House

Mon Apr 21, 2008 6:42 am
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Aurora continues to make progress slowly - trying to be careful of the brush, while also looking for other traps on the ground. Ok - so the old man said there weren't any more around. But given that he got himself caught in one, his memory might not be.. reliable.

"I think I'm almost there... I still can't see you though." she calls out to him as she tries to watch the ground for the chain that he warns her about - and reaching out with her arms in front of her to try and keep any low branches out of her face while she's watching the ground.

"Can you see me yet? Can you wave an arm so I can find you?" she asks, still making her way forward almost blindly.

Mon Apr 21, 2008 2:59 pm
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*The white haired girl could feel her fingers brush across the threads hanging in the air, the twine wrapping around her hands rapidly at the contact. Her feet suddenly became similarly entangled, jerking up into the air, tugging her forward further into a web of more strings. Akki spun his paws, causing the strings to lash around her entire body like a loose cacoon, her clothing bound tight to her body, her limbs pulled out spread eagle.*

"I can see you just fine, my little fly. And waving your arm will only get you stuck further at this point."

*The voice turned from old and pleasant, to harsh and condescending as Akki stepped from behind the tree, his tiny worn teddy bear body barely visible in the dim light from the path. He bowed deeply to the trapped girl, black button eye glimmering a dull red.*

"Allow me to welcome you to Shokushu, dear girl."


The Doll House

Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:21 am
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"My, my...what do we have here?"

The thick, serpentine voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time, and where there had been empty air only seconds before, there was now a slender, youthful red-headed succubus hovering mere inches away from the pretty young woman.

The naked demoness grinned wickedly as she leered at Akki's captive, the lecherous she-demon's eyes burning with ill-contained lust. "Sssucchh a pretty little fly...sso young...sso naive."

Turning her attention to the demon doll, Jezebel gave a polite little bow and said, "Forgive me for intruding, good ssir, but I could not help noticing the tassty little morssel you have sso cleverly caught in your little web. I mysself have not feassted in hourss, and wass hoping that you wouldn't mind sharing your prey with a hungry little ssuccubuss..."

Jezebel continued to float in the air as she patiently awaited Akki's response.

Welcome to the land of Shokusu
A dwelling place for demons
Where nothing is what it seems,
And hope is but a dream

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Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:19 am
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Aurora gasps as the thin tendrils wrap around her wrists, and she quickly tries to shake her hands free and pull away from what she assumes is just a large spider web. That is until the web also catches her ankles, lifting her up into the air.

At that Aurora's eyes go wide and she shrieks in panic. "Let me go! What's.. happening??!!" she yells as she thrashes in the web, trying to pull free but only getting herself further entangled.

Her eyes go wide as the teddy bear walks out - and for a moment she is torn between laughing and screaming - caught between hysteria and panic. Panic wins out though when the red-haired demoness appears right in front of her!

She screams again and resumes fighting against the web which now covers nearly her entire body in its fine, but strong grip. Her blouse, already plastered to her body.. is drawn even tighter by the web, highlighting her heaving breasts. Her long skirt is wrapped against her body, revealing a shapely ass and long, well-toned legs.

"Please.. let me go?" she asks the two demons sweetly.. "What do you want with me?" she says in a whisper, fear evident in the trembling of both her voice and her body.

Shokushu: Aurora Skadhisystir
Shokushu: Risa Sansmore
ADD: Triella Zarathrosis
SFA: Lorielle, Star Faerie Princess

Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:47 pm
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