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 Unpacking and relaxing {Solais} 
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"Heh heh lovely. Four. Not ten. Not seven." He slid his fingers from within Roslein, "But four. How strange, short a time ago, you seemed so iron-willed...what happened? Did that little voice that tells you to go ahead, to give in to the sluttish desires of your body, win out, or did you let it win? Was it a battle in the first place, really?" Secretly, he was more than slightly pleased that she'd gone under so quickly. In his rather shallow mind, it was a testament to his skill. Still, being the absolute bastard he was, he had to make sure she felt the tang of her defeat.

The tendrils gently lowered Roslein to the floor. She was apparently not faking her pleas, and even if she was, he'd just catch her again anyway.The tendrils did not, however, simply leave her alone. Having released her arms and legs, they were free to roam, and roam they did while she waited for him to reveal himself to her. They slithered and slipped all over her lovely form, squeezing and gripping at her gently as she waited for her 'reward'.

Solais whispered a soft word, and with a crimson flash, his armored vest, cloak, greaves, gauntlets, and boots all disappeared, leaving him standing barechested and barefoot before her. He flexed, getting used to the lack of weight from his armor, and his muscles rippled like quicksilver beneath his smooth, pale flesh. "Very well. I suppose a deal's a deal, isn't it? Even one with something like me." He lifted his hand and licked Roslein's sweet juices off his fingers, making a soft moaning sound, implying he enjoyed the taste. He winked at her wickedly, a strangely conspirational motion from him. Then, he reached down and undid his pants. Slowly, he slid them down over his hips, watching her eyes as he did so. He wanted to see every expression that crossed her face. He made her wait for it on purpose, simply causing desire to eat further at her inwardly.

Finally, he removed the garment fully from himself. True, he could have dispelled the pants the way he did the rest of his armor, but for dramatic effect, he had made her wait instead. Now he stood before her, revealed to her eyes. His eleven inch cock bobbed at her, showing that the way in which she'd behaved during the encounter had arroused him at least as much as her. It throbbed in the air, seeming to strain towards her as though it had a mind of its own. It was obvious enough what that mind would be thinking, considering the state of both the half-naked young woman and the demon standing before her.

He grinned at her. "Well? Do you think this will satisfy your needs, Roslein? Perhaps this is what you require to quench the flames within..." He watched her, his gaze piercing. "However, this isn't a one way deal. Now we see how badly you really want it." He nodded at the undone garment still upon her slender body. "The corsette. Take it off, slowly. Then bring it to me." He smirked as he said this, knowing her reluctance to remove the only covering she had from him previously. Just another step on the stairway of cruelty that Solais Saoris walked. He'd make her give everything, just for satisfaction. That was victory to him.

Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:39 pm

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
Posts: 100
Location: Someplace in the US
Oh, God. Now she was really in for it. His words filled her with shame, but didn't change matters in the slightest. Even if it was wrong...even if she would hate herself for it later...Roslein knew quite clearly that she couldn't deny herself any longer. Though, it was true that four minutes was an awfully short time to crack after. When he withdrew his fingers, she almost cried from the dull ache of emptiness. Chest heaving, she felt herself dropped gradually onto her carpeted floor. She noticed that the fabric beneath her was wet in spots; had she really been so wet it had dripped to the floor? Rubbing at one wrist, slightly sore from its previous bondage, she felt the tentacle things sweep over her blushing body like his hands had previously.

Sprawled on the floor, Roslein pulled herself semi-upright to look at Solais. She was surprised when his clothing seemed to simply vanish, revealing a muscled body that would by human standards be almost attractive, if a little ghostly. The pants, for the moment, remained. At first she was confused, until she supposed that this was just another manifestation of his flair for the dramatic. Staring up at him from the floor, she felt a fresh surge of fear. Einstein might have thought the most beautiful thing in the world was the mysterious, but to her it only meant more things to dread.

Continuing to observe the admittedly magnificent (if terrible) display before her, she watched him lap at his fingers, glistening with her released fluids. Roslein wondered if he truly enjoyed the taste or was simply doing it for effect. She had tasted it before, curiously sucking on her own finger a time or two after stroking herself, and could not honestly say that she had liked it anywhere near so much as he seemed to. Roslein unconsciously leaned forward slightly as he began to unfasten and remove his pants. She was at the same time disgusted, afraid, and shakingly eager. You make your bed, you lie in it.

As the garment, at long last, came away from his body, Roslein inhaled so hard she almost choked. Her pupils swelled to at least 6 times their previous size, flooding her eyes with black. The truth was, she had never actually seen one in person, just occasionally in internet pornography. Vaguely fascinated, she felt herself caught up in every slight detail, weirdly shocked by how very different it seemed than she had expected. It took her a minute to remember that this gigantic thing was very shortly going to be thrusting hard inside her body, making her scream , overwhelmed with the almost painful sensations. The sweat was now dripping hard down her face, highlighting her panic and desire.

"Oh my...." was her only response to his question, but the expression on her face and even greater flushing of her bare skin told the story in such a way that words became superfluous. Nodding to his request, she looked down at her unstrapped garment. Yanked beneath her breasts and with the fastens off in the back, it was more off than on anyway. But she still didn't want to remove it. Even if she had given in, it was still the one thing she had left. It didn't obstruct much of anything; couldn't he leave her with that much? But Roslein wasn't about to argue. Delicately pulling the tentacles off of her body, she pulled herself to her feet and began pulling it down her body, more centimeter by centimeter than inch by inch. Hey, Solais had instructed to do it slowly. As each small new bit of skin was revealed, she swept the fingers of her other hand over it lightly.

Finally reaching her hips, she bent to tug it down further. Once over, it fell to the ground in a dark pool around her feet. Delicately stepping out of it, she picked up the garment, still warm from her body. Roslein slowly closed the distance between them, holding the corset between two fingers before her. Her hips bounced softly as she walked, stomach muscles firm. She had done bellydancing at home with her Iranian friend Jasmine, and as she had practiced, her muscles performed a perfect roll. Even if she hated the witness, Roslein was fully aware of how she appeared at the moment. She would not play the victim any longer by cringing or whimpering or crying. This was what she had chosen for herself.

_________________ that so?

Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:21 pm
Solais was beginning to get slightly impatient waiting for Roslein to strip off the corsette. Indeed, he had said slowly, but that was going a bit far. Still, his patience reasserted itself as he watched the way she stripped. Her fingers slipping over her form as she removed it ever so slowly...and the way she walked towards him, hips swaying left to right with fluid grace, to deliver the garb in question, he had no doubt, would have had any normal man on his knees by the second step if not the first. It was the slow and seductive grace that made him suspect that perhaps sweet little Roslein was not quite as innocent as he had first thought. This thought was enough to bring that shark's smile back to his face.

He turned his smile towards Roslein as she approached him. When she reached him, he nodded a his appreciation of her display. "Nicely done. You know how to move your body. I'm wondering, however, just how it comes to pass that one such as yourself learns to move like's certainly not the way an innocent young lady moves, now is it?" He reached forward and took the garment from her fingers. "Still, I suppose it hardly matters. You're not exactly an innocent young lady anymore are you? Young, certainly. Ravishing, without a doubt. But innocent? If you truly were, then not any longer." He reached back and tossed the underwear on the bed, then reached back around and wrapped that arm around Roslein.

He pulled her towards him, pressing her heated, nude body against his own. Leaning down, he looked into her eyes for a long moment, as though he planned on kissing her. Instead, he leaned closer still, placing his mouth against her ear. "Well, sweet Roslein...this is what you've been waiting for isn't it? Let me show you what you tried so hard to deny yourself." He nipped her neck, then sucked on it lightly. His hand slid slowly down her back, caressing her firm rear and giving it a squeeze before allowing it to continue its journey down the back of her creamy thigh. He lifted up, raising her thigh to his hip and neatly spreading her legs, and supported her by placing his free hand on her hip.

His rigid member throbbed between them, striking her hip every so often. He dipped slightly at the hip, aiming it carefully for her still-wet center. He placed the bobbing head against her soft netherlips, and slid it up and down against them, gathering her sweet honey on its tip. He dragged it against her clit once, then back down. Pressing slightly in, he let the head come to rest against her moist entrance. He pushed a little more, and the tip entered her. He left it there for a moment, not moving. "This is going to be grand fun, isn't it?" Then, all at once, he slid into her, forcing his shaft into her tight embrace.

He slid between her slick, tight walls, stretching them to fit the girth of his cock. He rested for a moment, not moving again, allowing Roslein time to adjust to the size of it within her. It pulsed appreciatively within the confines of her sweet pussy. "Mmmm, a nice fit, I'd say. I've always liked them tight." He laughed. Judging that he'd waited long enough, he slipped back out of her sheath, til only the head remained within her...then pushed in again. Again he waited. "Well...this is proving to be a nice warm up, now isn't it?" He smiled. "I suggest you adjust quickly, Roslein. It only gets better from here on in."

Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:55 pm

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
Posts: 100
Location: Someplace in the US
Roslein nodded back, aknowledging the compliment but not sure of how to answer the rest. Along with most of the rest of Solais' questions, they were designed more to tease and humiliate than actually lead to answers. "From some Middle Eastern friends. Traditionally speaking, it's part of a dance only done by women together when no men were present or by traveling performers who for whatever reason were deprived of respectable status." There, a little Social Studies lesson thrown in for kicks.

As to her innocence, Roslein could not say. She had never thought of herself in those terms, though it was true that she had kept herself pure, rejecting any offers from her peers and avoiding temptation as largely as possible. So, she knew that until this day she might have been called innocent by others, a regular Polly Pure. But now, after practically giving herself over to this unclean thing..."There is some innocence left. Make it go away." She allowed herself to be pulled close, feeling the smooth skin over his hard muscles, so different from her own, softer body.

Her body was trembling, but not now from fear. "Yes..." Roslein allowed her leg to be lifted and legs spread as wide as he wished them to be. Feeling the stiff organ finally press against her drippingly wet opening, she let out a soft mewl and inhaled deeply. Barely hearing his words, she was about to respond when she finally, finally felt the humongous cock drive into her. Her breath came out in a long frenzied scream, face morphing in ecstasy as she felt her muscled walls stretched wide. She took in short breaths, not able to get in much air between long screams.

An odd reaction for just two thrusts, but then again, Roslein seemed to be responding rapidly to everything done to her. "Screw.....the...warmup! now, while I'm...still tight! I want hurt!" If he didn't, she would. But she didn't have enough strength to do it quite as hard as she had in mind. Hopefully, he wouldn't taunt her by doing it extra slowly, not giving her what she wanted so very badly.

_________________ that so?

Tue Jun 12, 2007 6:34 pm
Solais laughed. "Make it hurt, huh? Fast and hard. A girl after my own heart." He drew himself out with an agonizing slowness, inch by inch from her sweet clenching grasp. He could feel how eager she was just through the frantic gripping of her sex, nevermind the joyous screams that had erupted from her throat when he slid in. He held out for a moment, making her wait for it...

And then he slammed his hips forward, shoving himself fully within her again all at once, with no warning whatsoever. He jerked back and repeated again, moving at a rapid but steady pace. It was a good thing she was so wet, otherwise, he'd never have been able to move within the tight walls of her sex. He felt a sucking pressure each time he pulled back to ready for the next thrust, as though it were trying to swallow him whole. The way it felt, having her stretched around his cock was simply incredible.

He rammed into her with merciless force, grunting at the way she felt as he slammed inside of her again and again. His balls slapped against her ass with each thrust, making a staccato beat to accompany the movements. "How's that work for you? Fast enough?" Solais lowered his head and occupied his lips with her perky breasts again. His tongue snaked out over first one, then the other, flicking the already-hard nipples and the skin around them. Every once in a while he'd nip them, bringing his teeth together and tugging a bit on them.

After a moment, one of the tentacles made its way between her legs as well. The tip of it traced over the lips of her sex teasingly as he continued to thrust savagely into her. It then made its way up til it came into contact with her clit, where it began to toy with her. The tip flickered over her clit, skittering teasingly across it without actually applying any force to the touches. Finally, apparently tiring of this game, it pressed down against it, pressing and rubbing on it with the same rhythm as the fucking she was recieving.

He wasn't even breathing hard yet, but he had to admit that this was certainly exhilirating. She's tight enough to make moving fast at all very difficult, he thought with pleasure."Use your hips," He commanded, "Thrust back against me each time I move into you. Slam yourself down on my rod." He lowered his voice to a sultry whisper, "And make it loud. I like it noisy, so scream and shout and tell me to fuck you. Show me how much you want it." He returned his mouth to her breasts without waiting for an answer and once again took up abusing her nipples with his tongue's attentions.

Tue Jun 12, 2007 8:25 pm

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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Location: Someplace in the US
"Figuratively. Only figuratively." Roslein felt the massive member pulled very slowly, almost torturously. It seemed that she might be right, and that Solais had picked up on her blindingly obvious eagerness to be fucked raw and would be moving slow accordingly. Well, it seemed like that for a very short amount of time. The force and speed with which he responded, tearing even louder screams from her aching throat, took that idea entirely out of the question. She had never had anything that big relentlessly pounding her tight cunt, but she knew immediately that she loved every moment of it.

The way her incredibly tight muscles gripped at Solais' humongous cock left no doubt in her mind that that part of her especially agreed with her choice. It was big enough that each powerful thrust slammed into her cervix almost bruisingly. Roslein knew from listening to others and reading erotic fiction on the internet that that should be extremely painful, or something like that. To her, though, it was ecstasy to feel herself filled so deeply. To his question, she could barely nod, so absorbed was she in the feeling of being so mercilessly pounded.

The attentions to her stiffened nipples were somewhat unexpected, but continued to be excessively enjoyable. Indeed, in her even greater arousal they were even more sensitive, and every lick and nibble fed into her overwhelmingly mounting excitement. When one of the tentacles (which she had forgotten entirely) began working at the round nub of her clit, the combined sensations were almost hard to take, almost too much for Roslein to bear. She was close, so very close....

Feeling his mouth cease its ministrations to her elongated, reddened nipples, Roslein listened to his commands with a grin; finally, orders she would be quite happy to obey. Slamming her hips forward as instructed, she impaled herself with as much force as possible, striking up a chorus of yelps and bellows, along with more intelligible words screamed. If she had though her throat hurt, it downright burned. "Aaaaaaauh....Solais! Solais!......Oh God......ungh ungh AUNGHHHHH SOLAIS!!!!!!!!!!!"

For at that moment, Roslein's body had been wracked with what she hoped would be the first of many bone-shattering body-melting orgasms. It was only natural, considering the thorough working over she had recieved earlier and everything she was now experiencing. Her muscles spasmed uncontrollably, particularly the ones surrounding his cock. Roslein's skin blushed even darker red, with sweat dripping down it in streams. The feeling coursing through her was almost overwhelming, but she did not cease in her pounding back onto him, meeting every thrust with even greater force. In her release, she had sprayed a large amount of clear liquid, almost soaking Solais' lower body.

Her screams now were even more enthusiastic than they had been before. "Auugh augh OHHHHHHH SOLAIS ungh uuuuungh AUUUUUUUUUUGH Fuck ME!"

_________________ that so?

Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:53 pm
Solais grunted again, grinning. Her channel was so was simply incredible. Her clenching was almost enough to stop him from moving within her. Almost. When she started moving as well, though, all possibility of being stopped disappeared. Between the two of them, he doubted there was any force in the world that could stop their movement, not by any means.

He laughed at her shrieks of delightful lust. "That's right. Let me hear how much you want it. Scream your heart out. Sing your lust as loud as you can." She slammed against him with each thrust they made, making it difficult to keep his lips on her he used his teeth more often, gripping with them just hard enough to keep the nubs from slipping out of his mouth as they smacked together. His thrusts picked up a bit of speed as his own arrousal grew along with hers. He wasn't anywhere near his first orgasm yet, but he was moving closer with each rapid thrust into her slick, gripping channel.

Apparently, however, Roslein had been climbing far more quickly than he. Shortly into her first bout of noisemaking, her cunt exploded into a riot of gripping and squeezing. It clenched tight around his cock, attempting to milk him dry within her. It seemed as though her pussy's purpose in life at that moment was squeezing the life out of his member. Relentlessly, despite the frantic clamping of her tunnel, he continued to drive into her. The tendril that stroked her clit continued its ministrations, increasing speed and pressure to boost her orgasm.

The flood of juices came without warning, however, and he was fairly surprised at the miniature hurricane. From the waist down, he was fairly covered in a sheen of her sweet honey, and more of it was dripping down between them as they pulled apart. The sounds as they smacked together took on a wet aspect, a result of the torrent of her juices. Solais had to admit that this was turning out to be one rousing little go.

He chuckled again as she demanded that he fuck her again. "Certainly, Roslein. All you can take, and then some." He paused for a moment, however, and slipped himself out of her. He turned and walked, depositing her on the bed. He reached down and hooked one arm beneath the small of her back, raising her from her slender waist down, up off of the bed. With his other hand, he spread her legs wide once again, and aimed his shaft at her waiting sex, then without further delay, plunged recklessly into her depths once again, driving into her with, if anything, even greater intensity than before. Small spurts of fluid from her orgasm flew out with the force of each thrust, and she made slight slurping sounds as she accepted his girth within her again and again. They were music to his ears.

Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:02 am

Joined: Thu Jun 07, 2007 12:15 am
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Roslein nodded briefly, uttering a breathless, "....Danke...." Not that she had been under the impression that the demon currently driving into her with exhilirating force would cease its actions anytime soon. Feeling the withdrawal, though, she suffered a brief moment of puzzlement. She was carried a short distance and dropped onto her bed. Oh, just a change of positions...fine by her. Lower half lifted and slim legs wide apart once again, she welcomed the continuing pounding into her drenched cunt with a series of yet more enthusiastic yells. If anything, it felt even harder, and she knew for sure that she would be feeling all of this tomorrow. Hopefully, the next day was a weekend.

The only problem with this was that it was harder for her to meet his stabs into her juiced sex with her own hips. For that reason, Roslein felt that she might prefer being the one on top if ever given the chance in her life. However, that might have just been a manifestation of a need to still have some control over what was going on. As it was, she had none. Her fingers tugged at the thin sheet still on her bed beneath her, bunching up the fabric in her clenched fists. She needed to grab onto something, and at the moment saw nothing better. Her long nails began to dig into the mattress, easily puncturing the outer fabric covering and splitting the foam. A desire to cut into something, to feel it tear away, was unlikely to be met by preternatual flesh. It must be thick as rhino hide, Roslein decided, with absolutely nothing to back up the notion.

How long had it been since the beginning of all of this? She couldn't see her clock from here. Why was she worrying about the time? It had probably been less than an hour, but that mattered little. Besides, there was no need to start counting minutes. Sex demons, particularly ancient ones, had to have some serious stamina. Practice makes perfect, and all that. Roslein stared up at the naked figure thrusting into her, struck by the fact that he did not seem to have even broken a sweat yet. How terribly, bizarrely glorious a figure; there must be paintings out there, depictions of the creature by numerous artists. He seemed, Roslein decided, to represent the darker side of the masculine nature. But less hairy.

Without being able to respond in kind, things were less intense as they had been. Indeed, her screams were starting to sound a bit....forced. Very odd, really. You'd think being ripped apart enthusiastically by something essentially the size of a baseball bat would be enough. It seemed not.

_________________ that so?

Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:01 am
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