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 Opportunities (Michael) 
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
One thing that neither of them would be able to tell was that her genetic abnormality would make her completely incompatable for the process he had in mind even if it only made her 0.00000001% different from the average human(Which wasn't enough to classify her as another species)

She watched as her belt was undone ignoring the scent that had begun to collect in the area the tentacles tightened too much for her to escape now and she looked down at the tentacle as it ran over the front of her closed vest over her petite bust.

"You seemed so nice before... I- I really don't like the notion of anything sexual! I'm sorry but, aren't there others you could use for repopulating your kind Aegir? I'd more than gladly play you songs any time you want instead of this."

she offered her meager talent to the creature that had begun to strip her she remained on her knees, if she stood without her belt her skirt surely would just follow gravity now.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 11:28 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Silent for a long moment his gaze had focused in upon her own. There was something cute about the way she held herself, the means by which she tried to defer his attention to another. Was it a means of self preservation? An act of evil? It was hard to say which though from the little he had gleened from her thus far he wouldn't have said that she was a malicious person. She certainly didn't feel as if she had such inherient traits.

She sought to appeal to his sensibilities an action that would have failed prior to his taint. Though Aegir seldomly felt the stirrings of compassion he did have pesky human emotions that sometimes happened to be at odds with his own thoughts and desires. Pausing for a moment longer as if weighing her words she would find that he hadn't quite stopped for he looped a tentacle about the end of her unclasped belt tugging it from the loops of her skirt as he fully unwound it from her waist.

You would have another take your place, song bird? But whom? Whom on this island could fulfill your role? Aegir would have smiled if he were capable of the action. Instead his eyes sweltered with longing and desires that had not been sated. A tentacle still skimmed the hem of her skirt lifting it up a little higher to reveal another portion of her thighs while another drew itself upward smoothing itself against the front of her blouse after vanishing beneath her vest.

Your situation could be far worse. Far worse indeed. Not knowing that she was incompatible for his research Aegir continued administering his smooth touch upon her. Reaching out with a hand he skimmed his elongated fingers against her cheek in a manner so gentle that it could have been mistaken for a reassurring gesture. It is only fair that you hear the music I can produce. How I will make you sing song bird ...

His other hand made a slow descent against her vest peeling it open at the front only to draw it down off her right shoulder. To rid it from her entirely he would either have to release her wrists or simply shred the garment in the process of stripping her of it entirely. I am not so cruel as you may think. It could be far worse after all.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
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Tue May 27, 2008 11:54 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
a meager whimper came from her lips as the belt was completely removed from her waist a tentacle finding it's way between vest & blouse much to the young woman's discomfort. She thought about his first statement shaking her head a little seeing that it wasn't within her power.

"No I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I subjected someone else to this."

her tone suddenly dropped depression obvious in her tone now instead of the worry that had filled it before.

"Could it really be worse? I don't see how so, I'm a virgin never even known my own touch it sickens me to even think about being touched in such a way... beyond being killed or a slow death I don't believe there is much worse I could suffer through."

She replied now sounding suddenly confident instead of the sorrow from her previous words. Her vest was pushed to meet the tentacles on her wrists as she pondered the rest of his words not quite understanding what he meant by making her sing but, the touch of his strange finger against her cheek did bring her an odd sense of comfort.

"Is there really no way you'll reconsider?"

she asked squirming uncomfortably at the tentacle at her dress' hem pushed it just a little higher.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 12:09 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Connected to her thoughts now as the last legs of his lethargy sifted away Aegir could pick up upon her fears, her concerns and interestingly enough her very comforts. Appraising each in turn he had not relented in his dealings though they had slowed down even more if only so he could purchase some time to mull over his internalized thoughts. Never had he lain with a virgin before. Holding no illusions that he would come across one that was pure upon this island given the depraviation the students were bound to suffer at the hands of the monstrous entities that lurked here Aegir never entertained such thoughts of being the first to claim such a prize. For a long moment he had allowed himself to ponder the issue as a tentacle directed itself upwards looping itself about her waist. Securing her in that fashion those upon her wrists relinquished their hold long enough so that he could draw her vest down the length of her arms.

Unconcerned that she might choose to struggle against him he relied upon his strength to secure her. She was slight of form, on the smallish side, and thus appeared nonthreatening so there had been little need to secure her fully. Still not being agile enough to keep up with her should she brake free and make a run for it he employed a degree of caution in order to insure that she did not entertain any such thoughts.

For a moment he seemed not to be listening to her for now that his tentacles had been out of the way he had busied himself with drawing her vest down the length of her arms only to discard it upon the grass behind her. His gaze tilted downward towards her admiring her as she knealt before him, the tentacles about his mouth quivering in what only could be delight or perhaps anxiousness. Bringing a hand up to the warmth of her cheek he cradled his palm against her there allowing those long dexterous fingers to pool out against her skin stroking against her flesh very lightly. In contrast to this he brought another tentacle up to join the one on her chest both working against her, squirming their tips just beneath the fabric of her blouse between the buttons then hooking inward one to either side. A tug and both tentacles zipped outward in opposite directions using their considerable strength to tare the fabric of the shirt clear away, ripping it open at the front with such speed that he witnessed buttons popping free even as the material tore itself away at the force he applied.

Other arrangements can be made though none so sweet or pleasant ... his telepathic voice tappered off, his eyes obviously distracted as he swept his gaze across her exposed chest. Obviously he hadn't minded the fact that she had not been well developed there in the least for he ran his eyes across her lacey bra already envisioning unclasping it, or simply pulling it away from her. It was clear that while he might be appeased in some fashion it had not appealed to him as much as taking her.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Tue May 27, 2008 12:45 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
She quivered slightly looking into what served as Aegir's eyes practically begging to be released as she weakly struggled against the larger creature.

I don't want this...

She thought closing her eyes now to contemplate her options; begging hadn't worked she ahd no scraps of paper to work with & understainding the emotions of plants was a might worthless.

Something sharp... something that won't hurt him but'll make him let me go...

She focused on that thoughtfor a few moments & the wind oblidged though not very well; at most perhaps Aegir would feel the wind strike around him purposefully though it didn't cut, the inhibitors made sure that she couldn't gather enough energy to deal any harm to the island's inhabitents.

The sound of shreading fabric and popping buttons made her eyes shoot open. She screamed in panic as her chest was revealed to him and the meager bra she wore was exposed to him, indeed she lacked what most of the girls at this school had physically the clasp to her bra sat between the cups.

"N-n-no! I liked that shirt... it might have only been part of the uniform but, I really liked it!"

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 1:00 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
A spirited attack rose up, the wind lashing at him and while he reacted instinctively to it bringing a hand up to shield his face, drawing his tentacles in closer to his body to sacrifice them in his protection he found that the inhibitors did their job quite well. Hadn't it been painfully obvious that he was new here as well given how he responded to her threat? In the process of drawing his tentacles in she was nearly released for the tentacle against her waist loosened as if initially going to draw back with the others but then retain its firm grip upon her as the nature of the attack had been disclosed before he made such an erroneous mistake.

His attention turned to her immediately, his mouth tentacles easing slightly in their wild movements. There was no anger within him her aura reading could discern that for he was somewhat amused by the ordeal. Primarily though he had been confused. Not by her attack, for he would have thought less of her had she not tried to defend herself. Aegir would not fault her for wanting to protect herself for he would do the same in her position. What he seemed confused by was the read he got from her mind. She hadn't meant to go all out meaning to drive him away without overly harming him. This made him curious enough where he ceased everything, her skirt dropping down the few inches that it had rose while those strange eyes of his blinked a few times as if clearing thoughts from his mind.

Then a soft chuckle entered her mind. That blouse was much too large for you. I'm sure the staff of the island will provide you with one far more comfortable ...
Bringing a finger between her breasts he rubbed it against the clasp of her bra. Back and forth he ran his finger against the material then drawing it back slightly he hooked his finger beneath the bra fingering the hooks of the clasp. One was flicked with his finger, then another and finally the last popping open the bra at the front of her chest. A pleased burbling sound emitted from his mouth as he regarded her breasts with a heated caress from that intense gaze of his. Gently lifting a finger up to one of her small mounds he breezed the tips against her flesh.

So beautiful ... I long to feel your body pressed against mine. Seeing that this is your first time I will allow you a choice in this matter. A small constellation but one nevertheless. You may please me either with this, and for effect he traced a finger against her full lips, or this, using one of his tentacles he swept the appendage up against her thigh allowing the thing to rub over her crotch rippling against her panties which were still unseen by his watchful eyes.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Tue May 27, 2008 1:23 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
She looked to Aegir eyes shifting away as it commented about her blouse's size a tear falling. alright so she was a little bipolar, just a little. Either way she was unnerved by the failure of her 'attack' though curious why he held no anger toward her for her attempt. though the curious though slipped away when he unclasped her bra revealing her smal bosom to him completely she just stared down at the ground a shiver passing through her as her chest was touched for the first time outside of a shower.

"A choice... either I let you violate my mouth or I let you voilate my... well Not much of an option I suppose though I have no way to know if you're being honest and won't just take both anyway I'll say my mouth. At least leave me physically a virgin should you keep your word."

Her logic was pretty good for a human's especially given her hopeless situation and her feeling of helplessness translated well to her voice and exression the frown of one without hope now plastered on her face.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 1:36 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Other entities upon this island would give you no choice. Neither would they pass up on the chance to partake of a virgin. I have never had such delights myself and while I will freely admit the desire to utterly consume you song bird is most appealing. Yet the only things that we truly own in life are our words.You may think me cruel but after living here for a few weeks you will find me saintly in comparison ...
His voice tappered off within her mind as he brought a hand up to the side of her neck. Cool fingers dashed against her warm flesh while tentacles renewed themselves upon her. A pair slide up against her legs rubbing against her calves and thighs. The one between her legs delicately stroked against her panties indirectly rubbing the slit of her body in the process. His boneless body able to bend and twist into various positions with an utmost ease and his elascity allowed him to bring a hand around to the back of her shoulder blades. Exploring nubile flesh he swept his palm against her back. Fingers curled into the small of her back stroking there gingerly before slipping down further to zip down towards the zipper at the back of her skirt. Grasping it between thumb and finger he peeled the zipper down as he used a thumb to hook the material of her skirt so he could draw it down too in the process.

Still I desire to see you naked. You have a pleasant form Mike. And while you know not if I will be true to my word your options are somewhat limited.

From beneath the mass of tentacles making up his numerous legs came three more tentacles ... no ... they weren't tentacles even if they were just as subtle. A central cock some 16" in length with a considerable girth would have been the first of the three that she would take note of. Flanked by two smaller 6" members each pulsing with a life of their own Aegir gently set a hand at the back of Michael's neck as the central shaft stretched out towards her lips.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Tue May 27, 2008 2:04 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
"I could have just stood up, without the belt the skirt doesn't stay up."

She informed him as she stood simply letting the skirt pool at her waist; the panties weren't regulation, held on like bikini bottoms he could choose to either undo the knows of slip them off.

"m-my panties will fall if you undo the knots..."

She whimpered looking at the three... well she didn't quite know what they were never seeing a male nude before she assumed they were just tentacles like the others that had been used on her thus far. She did her utmost to ignore the efforts of the tentacle between her legs that was gently rubbing her through her panties but, it was already begining to succeed in bringing gasps to her lips.

"Would you... agree to not touch me and show me how to pleasure you... the longer this lasts the more Ill I'm sure to become."

Her legs seemed to hold weakness to them obvious weakness as they shivered trying to hold her up even with the tentacle around her waist's help.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 2:15 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Not versed in human clothing he was glad for her instructions. His head canted to the side in order to observe the last of her clothing save for her socks and shoes that he had yet to get to. It would be difficult unknotting them with his tentacles for while they were dexterous there was a limit to what they were capable of. Fortunately he had two capable hands both of which he brought to bare upon her now setting one on either hip. It may have took him a little bit longer than a typical human but the end result had been the same for he had used his thumbs and foreginers to undo those knots, then grant a slight tug as he would have pulled upon a table clothe in rapid succession in order to keep all the utensils and plates set without disturbing them. It was that which he did now yanking the bottoms away to reveal the interesting hue of her pubic hair and how she had styled herself down there. A slight burble rose up from his mouth as he took in the sight.

Catching the look upon her face was rather priceless. Still he had not overtly caused her distress seeing that the smaller two cocks had retractable barbs used to hold fast the rare female of their species while the central shaft could open and close as if there were a mouth upon the tip.

The tip of his tentacle previously at her panties dropped towards her bared pussy lips. Given that he could taste through his tentacles Aegir wasted no time in drawing that mauve appendage against the heat of her body lusciously stroking against her labia. Playing with the outer folds of her body while he drank in any moisture he encountered. She asked him for more which caused him to consider her request half heartedly. Fingers smoothing against her small breast he allowed their tips to course around one of her aeroles in a circular motion.

And deny myself of such delights? I think you ask for too much, pressing lightly against the back of her neck he attempted to guide her lips closer to his larger shaft as it came forth ever so readily. Oh very well ... but I can make no such guarentees.

Aegir lashed his tentacle upward deliberately making contact with her clit before drawing it away. So removed the tentacles would not pose much of a threat though telekinetically Aegir bent his words by sweeping invisible waves of force against her small frame beginning with of course the most sensual of places. Flickering through the imagery in her mind Aegir spoke yet again into her mind when finding something that had suited. Its like sucking upon a lollipop or licking an icecream cone. Same premises in fact.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Tue May 27, 2008 2:38 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Bare save for her stockings & shoes. The creature she had regarded with some trust earlier now seen as nothing but a rapist; a polite kind slow rapist but still. either way the deliberate touch to her virgin clit nearly forced her legs to buckle under her own weight his touches prior had sent shivers of pleasure through her; unwanted disgusting pleasure as her conscious mind saw it.

She moved her lips towards his central shaft and liftened to what he instructed taking her tongue and gently touching the tip of it to him the feeling of her nipples clips labia & for some reason her nose, being touched all at once again nearly casued her to collapse.

"It tastes weird..."

She commented before taking the full length of her small tongue along his alien manhood inexperience showing though along with that was natural talent even with her unwillingness to do anything sexual she had a knack for it.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 2:48 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Moistness swept over his stiff member that only throbbed, twitched and swelled as more and more of his blue blood was channeled through his three hearts to his shafts making them firm and harder as she saw to them. Feeling her body buckle the tentacle that had still been looped around her waist tightened in reponse jerking against her in order to stabilize her footing. Clearly he had no intention of allowing her to topple to the ground.

While it was not his hardness or even his tentacles, fingers or tongue questing against her small frame Aegir did manage a series of light telekinetic touches with his mind. She was appauled by this yet her body seemed to open up to these responsses just as his own was shuffling beneath the heat of her lips against him.

Mmm ... the sound mentally projected into her mind though audibly she would hear one of his burbling sounds being pulled forth from his mouth. Quicker. Now stroke the other two while you do it. If you lack the stomach against the taste then I shall have little choice but to fall upon the alternative.
He could not resist pressing his mind against her body feeling the parting of her labia as nothing but pure telekinetic energy slipped against her pushing and poking, squirming as if one of his tentacles trying to find the smallest crevice in which to enter her by. A poke here, a stab here, Aegir waited for a heart beat then pushed that energy into her filling her chalice with little more than the projected image of thought alone.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Tue May 27, 2008 3:12 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
She had no resistance against the energy let alone the sensations that it causesd as she was instructed.

"It's weird, I didn't say bad."

she offered as she did as told licking her hands before taking the samlled shafts with her hanfs her tongue running faster against his need the energy suddenly plunged into her and her body showed how little reisistance & endurance to stimulation it had as she came with a deep songlike moan her nectar flowing freely down her legs breath heavy as she attempted her best to pleasure him as she caught her breath taking his tip into her mouth mimicking a lolipop as she had been told.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 3:21 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Ah, such sweet music. The ambrosia of the gods couldn't have been any finer! For the sounds she made were no less than divine. Her song-like moan affected him just as her music had prior, entrancing him though in a different way altogether for he felt the swell of his own excitement course through him. The sudden surge that struck him had been profound for he felt all three of his phallus' tingling as if on the verge of exploding in a torrent of sticky residue. As it were the three of those appendages were leaking a clear substance. Pre-cum rushing from those tips only to smear down the length of each shaft.

He had not cared that she had little resistance or stamina, in fact that simply turned him on tenfold. Hunger gnawed at him, growing inside the pit of his chest as desire escalated. The want to simply press her back, to sweep his thick length inside her, filling her until he could feel the eruption of his own body spilling itself within to the brim within the goblet of her body swept through his head. While he had not been honor bound to keep his word Aegir had nevertheless struck a bargin with her. He had no reason why he had been soft upon her blaming it no doubt upon the human-like qualities that he had absorbed into his being. As a constalation he had told himself that she was new here, that there would be plenty of opportunities to run across her again. Even so it was doubtful that he would find her with her purity intact given the nature of this place. He knew not about her regenerative qualities and even had he of known it would have made little difference to the thoughts that streamed through his mind.

Aaaah ... the sound popping into her mind as he felt her lips steal over the tip of his shaft, her hands gripping the others while his leg and mouth tentacles flailed haphazardly in all directions. The thing did not seem to be in pain though trembling in the sheer bliss that stole over him. If not for his compound mind he would not have been able to keep that telekinetic attack up, pressing that invisible wave of force back into her tight tiny body. Filling her as he shuffled back and forth bringing more of his massive cock into the warmth of her mouth. Already the thing was thrashing about as wildly as his dancing tentacles, tentacles that lashed out then and there gripping her legs, sweeping suction cups up against her breasts and nipples, rubbing themselves against the pink glisten slit of her core.

I want ... his voice tappered off, trying to gain some measure of self control given that they had only really just begun.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Tue May 27, 2008 3:45 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
She was thuroughly revolted with herself her own fluids on her legs and his pre in her mouth the taste not hated but, none too welcome either. Her body may have been feeling every bit of pleasure. She couldn't help but whimper as the enery returned to her silken petals and her petite inner walls. then a sudded feeling, things griping her legs then her breasts & nipple elisiting another songlike moan of need from her before finally running across her netherlips.

"You want... what?"

she said between her attempts to continue pleasuring him with both hands and mouth; none large enough from a woman her size to give him all he would need; had she been experienced instead of just talented it would have been sufficient but, she was not.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Tue May 27, 2008 3:58 pm
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