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 Opportunities (Michael) 
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
This, he emphasized his desire by wriggling a tentacle against the slit of her body tasting her own cum that had leaked from her core in the process. He got little further than that though as his mass of tentacles quivered and shook. Experienced or not she was quite capable of pleasing him through the song-like nature of her voice hearing the stream of delicious sounds pool forth from her lips once more he found that he was groaning out. Never in all his years had he simply lost himself through the enticement of sound. His smaller cocks ruptured within her hands dancing about in her grasp as both spat forth there release then, like a dead flower, wilted quite suddenly within her grasp even though there was a tell tale warmth within them that caused them to pulsate madly. The same had gone for the central cock which having been supplied with more blood than the others felt harder and thicker. Molten heat coursed through him generated by testicles found within his body rather than dangling from it. His sputtering release came forth though this mass of warm flesh showed no signs of letting up like the expent smaller ones.

Shivering Aegir was beside himself considering what happened. Surprise hung upon features so alien that they had been near impossible to read though her aura reading would discern more than her eyes ever would. Pleasure washed over slick mauve flesh while cum continued to leak from the tips of his cocks. For a moment he struggled against his wilder impulses tentacles wanting to reach out to grasp her to hoist her up by her arms and simply lower him down upon his rod. He resisted the temptation burbling out a curse of frustration beneath his breath even if he had yet to let up on the administrations of that telekinetic touch or the movements of his tentacles. Confliction danced within his mind even as he nudged he clit with the tip of a tentacle swishing it back and forth against her.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Tue May 27, 2008 4:22 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Her eyes went wide at that knowing what it meant as aegir's warm spunk spat over her hands and into her mouth she jerked off of him and it continued to floow onto her bare chest and onto her face. disgusted? yes did she enjoy the taste? maybe slightly but, not enough to ever want to do that again! and did she want that thing anywhere near her womanhood?! NO a huge no.

"N-no! you can't you said you wouldn't you told me I had a choice!"

she gasped in panic and pleasure as his tentacles & mental energy continued to pleasure her body, it was small but powerful even if she didn't look it she probably had the stamina of some porn stars.

"Y-you told me you wouldn't even touch me and you didn't... didn't warn me about this either."

She spat though not towards him away from them both the remaining alien spunk that hadn't dripped out while she spoke or when she released was removed by that.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Wed May 28, 2008 1:52 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Indeed, I did say you had a choice, his tentacle brushed against the heat of her body as his eyes folded closed. The taste against his palate was succulant like a roasted meal with just the right touch of spices to accenuate the taste he acquired upon that exploring tentacle. One eye peeked open, rotating to follow her movements he witnessed the panic upon her features as she spat off to the side. I have only declared my wants, not my actions.

Still the thought of letting her off the hook only to be despoiled by another being didn't sit to well with him. Shifting the focus of his thoughts he exerted himself into her mind sweeping into sections he tapped into the synapsis of her brain focusing in on her pleasure receptors. There he gently stroked against her with a light mental touch while telekinetically he continued to sweep inside her small body. He had considered what it would be like to simply take her, ravish her with his massive cock. Could her small body take it? Aegir knew that he could compress his body being an invertabre he was use to oozing through tiny cracks and holes. He'd fit though probably at the expense of her body ... course he had no idea that they shared a regenerative gift which had probably been for the best at this moment. His stream of thoughts tilted to the realm of his smaller cocks considering that they would suit the task of ridding her of her virginity better unaware that Mike would simply heal from the ordeal anyway.

Decisions, decisions, life was never easy. Bringing a tentacle up to the side of her face he gingerly brought the mauve appendage down against her warm flesh freeing up a hand to sweep those elongaged fingers against a smallish breast gently capturing a nipple to lightly pull upon it.

As for not touching you ... I did say I harbored no guarentees, his mouth tentacles twitched about. Did you not enjoy being touched song bird? Rippling his telekinetic touch through her Aegir watched the effect it had upon her as his other eye opened back up to better see her with.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Wed May 28, 2008 3:21 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
She sighed or more so gasped as he pulled at her nipple her face flushed in reaction. Eyes wandered from floor to him teeth grinded slightly trying not to answer for a few minutes until it finally leeked out.

"yes it... it's amazing... bu-but it's disgusting..."

the telekenetic groping didn't help matters as she again came for Aegir body clenching as she sung another note she wasn't normally a singer, she couldn't sing unless she was pleasured sexually but, she wouldn't know that.

Worry that he couldn't keep his promise, couldn't let her keep her decision to not be penetraed by him and also worried she might actally like the feeling she dry heaved once at the feeling of a drop of what had remained in her mouth drip down her throat.
((sorry not much on her mind at the moment))

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Wed May 28, 2008 5:14 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Nothing could have been more inticing to him than the musical melody that she produced, his white eyes seemingly going larger before contracting into a squint, more fluid seeping from the tips of his cocks in the process. Susceptible to certain sounds Aegir had never come across one that could set him off by such a sweet melody alone. Yearning built within him causing him to regret his promise not that he had to keep it mind you. He could have simply taken what he wanted but Aegir had prided himself upon the fact that his word had meant something.

Her confession to him was sweet. Picking up upon her minds revulsion he found something enchanting about the honesty within her words. She could have lied, could have denied feeling anything, could have struggled against such matters but she did not. While respect had been wholely a human emotion Aegir could relate to it having absorbed enough of their traits both good and bad into his own.

Sensing the thread of her thoughts Aegir quickly considered his options. At his disposal he possessed the capabilities of mind control, of implanting suggestions. He was also versed in telekinetic ability as Michael very well understood. The telepathic entity may have shunned the idea that came into his mind for he so rarely used his mental control upon his victims preferring that they respond naturally. Yet it was a loop hole to circumvent the granting of his word ...

Fuck me ... Fuck me ... Fuck me ... the suggestion broadcast into her mind every few seconds. He had drawn upon the worry that had filled her about possibly liking the sensation and thus attempted to flood her thoughts with his own desire, trying to convince her conscious and subconscious mind that all she had to do was speak those two words. It wouldn't have been by her own free will if they were uttered given his direct manipulation of her thoughts though to make matters worse he ensured that he kept stimulating her. That telekinetic touch continued to explore her alternating now from deep and full pushes to softer shallower ones. The pace quick at times, slow at others for Aegir was mentally taking stock of what she preferred and what she disdained at least physically. Various tentacles had risen up the mass of which began sliding against her limbs, brushing against them with their softness. One even flicked itself gingerly against her nipple.

Honesty, I can appreciate that. Aegir's mouth tentacles flickered slightly as he observed her. Disguisting it may be but are you not just a little curious as to what it could feel like? The fullness of having me inside you opposed to the telekinetic press against your skin and air molecules?
Easing the tip of a tentacle against the slit of her body Aegir emitted a strange burbling sound as he drank in the taste of her last climax. Simultaneously the pointed tip of a tentacle began swirling against her clit as if working in concert with the other, trying to produce more nectar for that tentacle to simply consume.

(quite alright you've given me plenty to work with :wink: )

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Wed May 28, 2008 7:00 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Her mind reeled as Aegir began to act further against her body. Soft shallow pushes at a quick pace and full thrusts at a slow pace seemed to pull the sweetest moans across her lips from her small yet powerful frame, how she could endure so many orgasms without practice was a wonder the desires building in her mind as her forced them upon her and her already curious mind didn't help things.

"Curious how it would feel... oh so curious.. but, don't don't want it..."

she grit her teeth clenching her eyes as shivers of joy spread through her hourglass form even if it was small it was nearly flawless.

just say it sly. just say the words

She argued with herself even ignoring the suggestion he himself was making that was easily pushed from her mind, she wouldn't need such suggestions.

"I... I won't say it..."

she simply said until a single tentacle began circling her clit forcing her to cum once more and sing out with need body quivering hips trying to push the tentacle at her dripping sex into her of her own free will breath quick. She shook her head as her will shattered nipples clit and netherlips all begging for more attention.

"Oh god I can't stand it! fuck me please fuck me!"

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Thu May 29, 2008 3:46 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Patiently he attempted to wait her out while going about manipulating matters so the outcome was something that he desired. Wasn't that the purpose of his touch upon her? The mental probing and even the suggestion? But to her credit she resisted. Her will must have been fierce indeed and while he had considered that for a moment he wondered if it was on account of her small stature. Often times the runts of a liter perished early on though those that didn't tended to grow stronger than their kin. They had to fight for more, strive for more, struggle harder than their kindred which so often developped strength in one sense or another.

If not for those moans passing from her lips he may have been able to remain somewhat detached. He cherished those sounds she made almost feeding off them while encouraging her to make more. His touch hadn't let up even as her small frame even as she experienced bliss again. Twice she refused him, throwing off his suggestion. While this had not alarmed him Aegir began to wonder if it was that boundless energy her mind possessed, that ageless quality that hinted at far more being present than what had appeared upon the surface. He had no need to contemplate this for long when her words came at last, the gentle sway of his mouth tentacles circling about as if alarmed by that profession.

But Michael ... I gave my word, he would have been grinning had he been capable of such a feat. All the while he was fathoming the best way in going about this for Aegir had not been overly cruel or excessive when it was unwarranted or unnecessary. He had to take into consideration logistics, the sheer size of his body in comparison to her own mainly in the realm of their sexual organs, the fact that she had never experienced this before ... he proved that he was far more than a savage beast even if there were times that he could resort to such a nature they had, thankfully, been exceedingly rare.

However, since you asked so nicely it would be my pleasure. Aegir took a chance here in that his appendages retracted from her. His reflexes may have been good and he did possess a great deal of coordination given the amount of limbs he controlled though his physical speed had been lacking. If she should sprint far enough away from him he would have been hard pressed in keeping up. There were options open to him of course though he was banking on the fact that she wouldn't make a mad dash from him. She should have been ready enough with a trio of orgasms slickening her passage way.

Searching his absorbed memories he drew upon some knowledge. Most was inconsequential, though Michael would have probably been glad in knowing that some of the absorbed memories Aegir possessed had been those of a compassionate lover. One that knew what the taking of a partner's virginity entailed. Hm ... lay back please, there upon the grass. Cordial as ever Aegir could have forced her into such a position though since she was cooperating even if under the direction of psionic influence he saw no reason to be excessive. Besides he had been the sort to converse energy where he could rather than expending it when there had been no need to.

Retracting the telekinetic energy from her body he at last gave her a little respite. It was only so he could focus back in upon her mind focusing in upon her nerve endings and how they were wired to her brain. Reworking neural pathways was a tricky business though one that he had accomplished in the past at least on a temporary basis. He never tried anything of a permanent nature given the complexity involved though needless to say it required most of his attention to pull off properly. Using the delay as he awaited for her to get to the chosen spot Aegir sought to change her pain receptors to experience bliss. His motives for such had been selfish in part for how could he make her sing out in that way he admired so much if she were in the throes of pain?

Don't worry, you shall not be disappointed song bird.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Thu May 29, 2008 6:26 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
she was free from his grasp. her first instinct was to run as fast as she could to her dorm naked or not though she only took three quick steps away from Aegir before her pleasure filled legs collapsed under her and she fell to the grass. perhaps not what he had wanted of her but, she was face down on her knees a perfect veiw of her slick folds given to Aegir.

"I... I've changed my mind... I just want to go back to my dorm in one piece. please don't touch me there..."

she weakly begged to him hoping it wasn't already too late to back down from losing her virginity to this inhuman whatever he was.

"It... it'll hurt I won't like it, won't be able to live with myself."

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Sat May 31, 2008 6:37 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
He should have forseen her actions though he had been blinded by his own arrogance that he had subdued her. Even with her limp she may have been too quick for him to snare, though that was a question that he had not wanted to put to the test. Still before he had been capable of processing it all she fell to the grass before him the shadow of his body looming over her as he slowly drew near. White eyes regarded her first with a casual glance then more slowly as his vision settled upon the gracious sight before him. His focus swept to the slick passage of her sex, want and longing registering in his gaze as a set of tentacles swept over her thighs, coiling about her legs much like a serpent that prepared to strangle the life from its prey those appendages got a firm hold upon her though not overly tight he ensured that he did have a solid grasp upon her so that she could not repeat her performance.

I'm sorry to hear that ... he began telepathically ... for my mind hasn't changed.
Running his hands against her sides with a touch so soft that it could have initially been mistaken for the passing of a feather Aegir brought his hands back to glide over her rear. Flowing back he placed a hand upon her left hip bringing the other up to run a lone finger against her spine. He drew upon the fear that she was producing taking in all the concerns that she had. Mouth tentacles writhed about in a slow dance as he gazed down upon her. The hand previously upon her spine dipped down between her thighs rubbing a single finger against the slit of her body, collecting the moisture she produced against that digit without so much a penetrating her only to draw it back to his awaiting mouth where he suckled that digit clean.

What a sweet taste. Such a beautiful body you possess song bird but I shall alleviate your fears. See, I have no intentions of harming you though I'm sure that there are many here upon the island that would. His three cocks came into view, all pulsing, all stiff and all eager to feel the very flesh of her body. I would no sooner brake this beautiful body of yours than I would sever one of my own tentacles. As for not liking it? How will you know without trying it?

He began to circle a finger slowly against her sex delighting in the very softness of that feel, then, taking one of his smaller cocks in hand he guided himself up against the soft folds of her entrance while pressing into her mind, ensuring that he had correctly aligned the neural impulses of her brain to receive pain as pleasure.

It will not hurt ... and I am of the belief that you will find this most enjoyable. With that said he began to press the tip of himself against her body slowly sinking into her awaiting flesh.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Sat May 31, 2008 12:31 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
"Even the thought of it sickens me... no offense... even if you were human it would sicken me."

she shuddered slightly after his finger stroked her blushing slightly at having been called beautiful by such an odd being compared to herself confused to various extents no one ever called her beautiful before cracking a short joke. She worked every muscle in her body to try and shift away on her hands and knees as he pressed against her with one of his smaller tips eyes wide with terror and slight illness which she couldn't help bt feel after so long of the thought of the filth, sounds and smells the act created.

"Please... Aegir I'm begging you not to!"

she whimpered as she felt him begin to sink into her tapping at the flesh of her maidenhead she shook her head so cemented in the thought of it hurting.

"N-n-no! Don't! Don't do this!"

she should have kept playing until her fingers fell off she should have kept forcing herself to play walked back to her dorm playing that melody... at least so she thought; she thought none of this would ever have happened had the continued to play.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:52 am
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Interesting how she thought that he may have been offended by her words. Humans were a peculiar species, one of which he hadn't quite worked out in all their intricate details despite the contact he had with them. Here he was about to take her and she had remained cordial. This had given him a moments pause, his mouth tentacles bobbed and weaved slowly while his eyes studied her throughout the process.

Then I shall find no offense in your words, he spoke gently into her mind. He supposed he should have been upset in that she had tried to flee from him though that was perfectly understandable given the situation. Self preservation was an aspect of humans that he could thoroughly understand and it hadn't been as if she had gotten far or forced him to expend a great deal of effort hunting her down after all. He found her behavior cute, adorable even. For a small moment that measured perhaps as long as a single beat from anyone of his three hearts he had even contemplated letting her go. To give up such a prize though would have been blasphemous!

As she struggled against him Aegir remained as patient as ever. His grip tightened upon her held legs only fractionally just to ensure that she could not slip free. She inched forward though he crept that same distance forward so that she had made no real progress. While his excitement continued to grow the heedy musky scent that he produced filled the air. His tentacles appeared to be agitated, thrashing about, wriggling in all directions simultaneously.

Alleviating her fears would have taken more time than the simple actions of pressing himself inside her though in his benevolence he found himself catering to her rather than simply robbing her of what he desired. A mental caress eased into her mind only to brush itself against the pleasure centers in her brain while in the physical realm his hands made a soothing motion along her ribcage. A lone tentacle had rounded her right hip the very tip of which began to nestle itself against her clit with soft little nudges and flicks. Others played with the small curve of her breasts letting suction cups fall over and rub against her nipples.

He couldn't help but be touched by the color that rose up upon her cheeks. Noting the blush Aegir found her flickering thoughts in confusion before deciphering her memories brought on by past experiences. While he may have appeared alien in every respect of the word Aegir did have the memories and some of the personality traits of humans and thus had been capable of viewing them through such eyes. His compliment had been an honest one though he sought not to overwhelm her with a great deal of them least they become too common or mundane or worse still that she stopped believing them. Appreciated, that was the effect that he was going for.

Now, now, begging doesn't suit you song bird ... unless of course you're begging me to continue or begging me not to stop. Holding back a small mental laugh amused at his own reasoning Aegir pressed against her again the warm heat of her body simply too enchanting to pass up. Those white eyes were forced into staying opened for he had not wished to miss the look of rapture upon her face, rapture and surprise when she felt how good this could feel. Or so that was the aim he had been hoping for whether or not he would be successful in that realm was another matter entirely.

The barrier of her body resisted him requiring more force on his behalf to brake away. Unsure of how much to use he drew upon those absorbed memories only to draw two conclusions for himself. Normally fast and quick seemed to work best in braking the thin tissue away. The pain wouldn't be as drawn out, or so he had thought. One swift movement to brake aside the barrier than slower movements ... that was what those memories relayed to them though he had not been entirely sure whether or not they were correct. Just because he had absorbed knowledge did not guarentee that he was infallable. Sometimes what he absorbed was wrong. He often had to cross check facts with other absorbed information to conclude what was most likely the truth in those cases where opinions had been mixed or unclear.

Channeling her latest thoughts Aegir would have smirked if that was at all possible. Had she done just that he may not have gotten this opportunity. Her music would have more likely than not kept him in such a passive state seeing her out of this mess. For a moment he experienced something that was so rare, so different that it had thrown him for a loop. He felt exuberant, he felt joy, he felt happy. Happy that that was not the case, that she had lowered her guard and stopped playing.

To not partake of such pleasures would have been most heart wrenching. A push, Aegir used a good deal of force to spear through her body's natural barrier. Sheer tightness and incredible warmth had been his reward, a reward that he would not have exchanged anything for. One deep thrust into her Aegir stopped only when his body pressed up against her backside, his length fully enveloped within her core Aegir held himself there for a long moment primarily to see if his psionic alterations had any lasting effect upon her as much as allowing her a moment to get use to the newfound sensation encased within her.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:18 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
A moment of panic the feel of a sharp tear then... nothing; numbness fthroughout her legs and the flesh that surrounded his length; her already damaged nerves below her waist failed for the time being her legs went completely limp. Her body came but still she felt nothing; mass panic went through her mind when the thoughts of paralysis went through her mind not knopwing that his changes to make her feel pleasure had instead thanks to the damage just created a complete lack of sensation & ability. luckily for her it was temporary.

"there's no pain... no pleasure... nothing absolutely nothing... why don't I feel anything?"

she asked voice eerily calm for such a question in such a situation though her eyes were wide and she was begining to feel a great hatred for Aegir; if she could have moved her legs she would have kicked with all the force she could muster but instead she was just limp her walls naturally tight but not gripping him as they should have been.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:09 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
A miscalculation, though rare, could occur. The strangeness of her own mind that hidden piece of her timelessness must have had something to do with the equation as she voiced her words he could feel the panic being drawn out of her. He waited though doing nothing for the interim allowing his own mind to review his work, slipping back into her mind, tracing over it and analyzing the problem. All the while he pressed fully within her feeling the warm confines of her tight channel pressing around him. He had felt the skin of her hymen brake in the process of his decent as it was that very thing that he had been waiting for before his mental touch worked back over her undoing the very process that he had set into motion. He had not moved while he did this simply resting up against her. One hand settling upon her hip, the other skimming up and down her ribcage, about the small curve of her breast then back down as if that touch alone would stir renewed sensation into her body. Little by little sensation would return and while he had been somewhat baffled by the mind he was dealing with he was still awed by it.

We can't have that song bird, he pressed into her mind as the final switches and locks had been done away with. He had undid what he had done just in time with his hand cascading back down her ribcage. His body bent over her own he set his mouth down upon her right shoulder blade slipping his tongue against the bare flesh of her body while his mouth tentacles fanned out one rubbing against her upper arm, another the side of her neck while the other two streamed out against her upper back. Such an exquisite taste. Most extraordinairy indeed. And you have a gift ... a potential that I have not quite worked out. How unusual that you seem resistant to some of my gifts my beauty though sensation should soon be returning if it has not yet done so. Here his hand curled about her hip rubbing against her upper thigh as he rounded it a small moment later and he had pressed the tip of one of his elongated fingers gingerly against the small nub of her clit rocking it back and forth as if testing the very responses of her body out. He could already tell that she would become a favorite upon this island though he picked up upon the spike of hatred that began to boil up within her.

You would have thought that he would have been use to drawing upon such reactions over the eons. Hatred was an initial reaction towards him, towards the things that he so often did. In this case though it had thrown him for a moment, his alien mind rushed over the moment as he drew in his every action pulling upon those absorbed human thoughts that had guided his hands and tentacles thus far ... had he misinterpreted something? Had he been in error somewhere? Aegir could not comprehend that what he was doing was wrong and thus could not see the very answers that he sought. While he would contemplate this in meditation later he dismissed his thoughts when an answer hadn't readily come to him. Puzzled, that would not detract from his own entertainment. He took a small moment to draw upon those absorbed thoughts sensing that they were in error at some point, that they had lead him astray but having no other blue prints from which to work from he would have to stick to them.

After what seemed like a single heart beat but was probably a long moment spanning close to a minute Aegir drew back sliding his entrenched cock from the vessel of her body until only the very tip remained within her. Slowly, almost too gently he pressed forward sinking back into her while more tentacles reached out to her sliding themselves along her arms and against her breasts.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Thu Jun 05, 2008 11:42 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
The sensation slowly began to return, no pain though and as the sensation returned the hatred faded. while she didn't want to be raped by this thing she didn't hate him for that oddly enough though she was disgusted by it no question; full feeling would never return to her legs but, that was better otherwise there would be no way she could withstand some of the things she did in her hobby.

"Please, please stop... i---it feels good, please I don't want it to feel good!"

she cried a single tear struggling it's way out of her usually stern powerful expression which too had changed to one of desperation; she had something mentally against sexual pleasure of any sort somehow she thought it wrong or perhapos she just disliked the feelings it brought her or even memories that surfaced during the events; many of which were from before her time.

Even still her body began to react her nipples still somewhat soft yet still not as soft as normal she was just naturally quite soft. inner folds warm pulling at him trying to get what it could from his manhood hips shifting over him.

"così sporco ... Odio questo ... Odio questo che si sente bene, l'odio è di piccole dimensioni per la lotta contro schiena."

((so dirty... I hate this... I hate that this feels good, Hate being to small to fight back.))

she mumbled in italian eyes tearing face practically looking like she was about to have a complete mental breakdown.

Michael Triad: forensic specialist, Thief, Gravity controller

Vanessa; Big & Beautiful
Airi: Petite famous runaway
Lilian: rocker's daughter & good hearted rebel
Kariktul: the ultimate human & Irony

Fri Jun 06, 2008 2:27 pm
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Post Re: Opportunities (Michael)
Peculiar, he could feel the hatred rescending like the ocean at low tide. Finding that it had been related with the return of sensation the puzzled Aegir found himself further intrigued by Michael. There had been no time to consider this inigma before him for he found that he had become readily distracted as she warmed up to him whether willingly or not it had not quite mattered at the moment. All that he had encompassed himself with was the sensual feel of her small frame moving back against him, her hips pushing out toward him to consume more of his length, drawing him deeper into the heated bliss of her body. So small, so soft, he could feel the way her nipples began to harden, her words reaching out to him and while he had picked up upon her distress it was her pleasure that he had chosen to hone in on.

Why song bird that's the whole point, to feel pleasure rather than pain. While I'm not adverse to delievering pain I would sooner sever all these tentacles of mine than harm you. His words lightly pressing against her mind as a tentacle rose up to lightly touch at the corner of her eye. Slowly it slide down the side of her face then back up it climbed ever so slowly. Unable to contain himself any longer he began to move more frequently. Back and forth his torso moved drawing himself slowly in then out of her body allowing each and every sensation to rush over him. Not sure if it was the tightness of her body or her diminitive frame that made this feel so splendid. But why second guess something so incredible?

Sliding his mouth up from her shoulder blade he had the joys of tasting the flesh of her shoulder against his tongue. His head slowly working its way over to the base of her neck where that tongue flicked against her skin. Little suckling motions followed as his mouth began to devour the pleasant taste of her body employing only gentle administrations. Her words in Italian fell upon his mind causing his mouth tentacles to stretch out against the bare skin of her body even as he continued to assail her body with the touch of his very own.

Oh, but you most certainly can fight back song bird. He slowly drew his tongue along the side of her neck as he worked himself inside her exploring those soft inner folds as his flexible member began to twist and squirm with incredible agility. Your music could do just that ... your the perfect size. Perfect ...
The word repeated into her mind as he let out a sound near identical to that of water boiling, a sound of joy as he found his body being consumed fully by this joining.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:40 pm
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