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 Lost Apprentice (Mage) 
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Post Lost Apprentice (Mage)
The sound of the bell was a relief to several students. It was time for lunch and a long break from the stream of college classes everyone had to endure. The past several days were exhausting for Kanoe. The abduction and interrogation of one of the many tentacle monsters of shokushu was reminding her just how weak and helpless she was on the island. She tried to save and take her lover Clarice away from Keemari only to find herself bound to him as well. It was true she could learn more about her powers from the druid but the night she was 'initiated' kept surfacing in her mind. Their nude sweating bodies rubbing up against the teacher, doing anything to be touched and pleasured by him.

Her cheeks blush faintly as she shakes her head. No, she must not think about it. The young woman clutches her necklace tightly as she sits on a bench away from the others in the school courtyard. Kanoe was not very hungry, not bothering to go to the cafeteria. If the woman was quiet before when she first arrived, she was practically mute now. She did not want to speak to anyone. Even when the teachers called on her for her black and red uniform, she did not put much of an argument. There was simply no point.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Tue May 27, 2008 8:51 pm
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
Mage had been absent as of late, only being able to keep tabs on Kanoe, and the flux in her mana signaled something was amiss, and to make it worse, the enchantment she had placed upon her apprentice had been overshadowed. This did not please Mage, who had been stalking Kanoe whilst in her cat guise, observing, pondering, wondering...

Would re-asserting her enchantment be worth it?

Wouldnt simply draining her be more effective?

All of this was answered with one word: Pride. The proud enchantress didnt simply let her possessions change hands quite easily, and that was what Kanoe was, a possession, one she was keen on keeping solely hers.

The black cat nimbly jumped down from her perch to the ground, then slinked her way to the novice witch with graceful ease, and being that her mark was dormant, Kanoe would not be able to sense her until she activated it again. A quick hop onto the bench and she was now within arms reach of Kanoe, and it was now time to see if the apprentice still knew her master.


and Miko

Wed May 28, 2008 1:37 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
There were still many unanswered questions flowing in Kanoe's mind. She had items she never had before. How did she obtain them? Did she make some sort of trade? The strange black flame tattoo between her collar bones was some sort of rune. Any attempt to remove it has been less than pleasant. She could not figure out what it did unfortunately.

Her eyes flick over at the various students walking by or socializing. Some girls were even embracing each other. The school was very strange to say the least. Either majority were ignorant or everyone was going mad.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a black cat joining her. She blinks at the feline as it meows at her. Kanoe shakes her head for a moment. Something was familiar about this cat. But, she did not recall any house pets being on campus. The young witch reaches out and gently strokes the cat's fur.

"Seems you like secluded places as well.." She says softly.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed May 28, 2008 3:10 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)

It does seem that her apprentice has forgotten who she was, and this was unacceptable, although maybe a slight reminder of the being that gave her that runic mark on her chest might force her to remember her forgotten master. One swish of the tail, and mark starts to tingle a little, like holding a candle a little too close for comfort against a patch of skin.

Even if she doesn't remember still, Mage had other means, and already she was beginning preparations, lining up the spells she would use on her, intent on burning herself into Kanoes memory so much that she would see the sorceress' even in her dreams.

Now the burn was intensifying, the mark itself began to grow red as the enchantment resurfaced, re-asserting itself onto Kanoe, while the cat watched and waited, waited to see if that would jog the witch's memory.

and Miko

Wed May 28, 2008 3:49 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
Kanoe smiles faintly as the cat purrs to her touch only to suddenly shiver and clutch her chest. A strange warmth began to spread where her tattoo was. The warmth soon became a painful stinging heat. She knew the mark was enchanted but what was it reacting to?

The pain continues to grow causing the witch to gasp and shift uncomfortably. Fingers gently unbutton the two top buttons. She barely see the faint red glow coming from between her collarbones. Her finger touches the mark only to hiss in pain. It was almost searing hot now. Kanoe shakes her head. Her eyes flick over at the cat that was just sitting there. It was watching her like it was waiting for something. She still had no idea where this cat came from. Was it the reason for her mark? Her mind strains to recall but could find nothing within the many holes in her memory.

"Wh-What are you?" She manages to gasp out.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed May 28, 2008 4:07 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
"Well... you cant say I tried..."

A quick flick of the tail and both witch and feline are enveloped in a bright light for just a moment, before being transported back to the place where it began, the rooftop where Kanoe first encountered the mystic. The transition was as smooth as can be, almost. From the bench, they arrived at their destination, albeit a foot or two off the rooftop floor. Mage managed to land on all fours, being a cat and all, but as for Kanoe, the resounding of a body hitting concrete and its accompanying grunt were all that was needed to confirm that she had indeed landed safely, somewhat. The feline turned to face the student, its eyes now ablaze with purple light, and a deep violet aura starting to emanate from her.

"T E M P U S __ D E S I N O ! ! ! ! "

The cats feminine voice boomed all around, her aura seemed to gather before dispersing into the air, while the glow in her eyes began to fade back until it ceased. Nothing at all seemed to happen, as if the spell had failed, but upon closer inspection, it seemed the clouds have stopped moving, a leaf held still in mid flight, and the breeze ceased to howl. What did not stop however, was the cat and Kanoe, and the burning sensation from the mark on the girls chest.

"Now then... Back to introductions, I suppose..."

and Miko

Wed May 28, 2008 4:29 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
Kanoe's eyes went wide at the feminine voice only to be suddenly taken by a bright light. The witch did not know what was happening. She fell hard onto the concrete roof causing her to groan softly in pain. Her chest felt like it was on fire as she slowly gets up onto her knees. Even with her lack of control, she could feel the massive power beating down from this strange cat's aura. Was this another monster? Why did it always have to be her?

The booming incantation shook through her. It took her a moment to realize what the spell did. Everything had stopped. She no longer felt even the air moving. Did this feline really have this much power? This magic was just as strong as Keemari's if not stronger. Kanoe wanted to run but where could she run to? The searing pain in her chest made it hard to think at all. One eye shuts as the other continues to gaze at the feline, gasping in agony. Her hand clutches over the blazing mark, unable to stop whatever spell was cast on her.

"W-Who are you?" She stammers with short breaths, "Why me?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Wed May 28, 2008 11:41 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
"Well, Deja-vu much..." the cat uttered. "I've answered those questions before... I dont know what happened to you, dear Kanoe, and I have no intention of finding out, Im only here to refresh you memory.... and get a little topping up..."

Purple energies began to swirl all about the kitty, its feline form beginning to expand, to reform, paws turning into hands and feet, its silken black fur receeding, only to be replaced by long purple locks upon its head, her buxom figure taking shape right before the students eyes. The cat had assumed a human form, her beauty able to rival the most beautiful of mortal women. The swirling energy gathered upon her skin, solidifying, clothing her in black and purple attire which hugged her skin, accentuating her curves. Now the transformation is complete, and her flowing tresses drifted down to the ground, diamond eyes affixing their gaze upon the agonized student.

"Mmhmm~ much better..." she said to herself, stretching out her body as if she had just woken up. After that good bit of exercise, she returns her attention to Kanoe who was busy clutching her chest. "Oh... pardon, I forgot about that". A single wave of her hand and the pain from the mark fades, leaving the novice witch to ponder what had just happened, or what is still happening.

"They call me Mage, Im here to help you your powers, drain you of mana, etc, etc, does any of this ring a bell?"

and Miko

Wed May 28, 2008 9:51 pm
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
The young witch's body was shuddering in agony as she barely focuses on the display of arcane energies coming from the feline. Her vision was blurring slightly from the searing pain in her chest as the feline turned into a rather attractive woman. When the spell on her was released, Kanoe gasps for breath trying to regain some sort of composure. Sweat lightly glistens her brow as she sits up on her knees.

Her eyes consider the woman that was now standing before her. The outfit was strange though seemed to fit the long purple hair perfectly. Kanoe blinks slowly as she shakes her head. Everything was very strange. She felt like she knew this woman from somewhere. But any attempts to recover the memory was only met with a wall of emptiness.

Mage did not seem patient at all. The mention of draining away her mana sends a shiver down her spine. Clarice and herself knew the pain of having their mana drained away all too well. But, what was this about helping her with her powers? Draining her and helping her did not really mix well in Kanoe's mind. She shakes her head as she slowly rises to her feet.

"How is draining my mana suppose to help me?" She frowns, "I've had my mana drained before and I was completely helpless. I do not know who you are but you did something with the mark on my chest... I don't remember anything. I noticed this tattoo and found it shocks those who try to remove it with magic. If it is your mark, what did you do to me? Why can't I remember anything?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu May 29, 2008 3:23 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
"Such a mess you are" sighed Mage, whatever happened to her was really none of her business, nor did she care, she was only here to 'refresh' her apprentice's memory.

Mage quickly strode towards the girl, her hair flowing gracefully behind her in the silent breeze, and before the girl could even move from her spot, Mage snapped her fingers, bringing to life Kanoe's treasured necklace, or rather the necklace chain, causing it to snap in half. Now the free ends started to extend and encircle the student's body, trapping the witch in a familiar weave she would have remembered from their first encounter, with loops of chain running above and below her breasts, pinning her upper arms to her sides, but now theres a twist, as her lower arms are brought across her back, secured there by yet more loops of the necklace chain, and instead of continuing down to her crotch, the ends simply shot to the floor, embedding themselves and effectively rooting Kanoe to the spot, still in a kneeling position.

As soon as the chains halted, Mage was already standing just a tad out of arms reach, but it was enough. Her hand flew out to the student, her palm facing the student and her fingers splayed and bent in a sort of claw-like position. The arm that was thrust out was beginning to glow with a deep black from the elbow downwards, and a small orb of ebon magic began to solidify right in the middle of her palm just a few inches away from Kanoes face. At the same time, a runic circle began to draw itself upon the ground Kanoe was kneeling on, slowly forming the symbols and signs Mage required.

"Be steady, child, this might hurt... a lot.."

At once, the black orb shot out from Mages palm and into Kanoe's forehead, and at once the enchantment started to untangle the corrupted web of memories she held, trying to unblock the images that were shrouded by the magicks of another, but only those that related to Mage, any others were disregarded and left untouched. All this mind alteration doesn't really come painless, though, for as long as the ritual was in effect, Kanoe would feel like her head was being flooded with molten steel. It would only cease once all of the hidden memories concerning Mage had been recovered.

and Miko

Thu May 29, 2008 9:48 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
The dark witch struggles against the chains of her own necklace as they slide about her body. It was useless and she knew it. How was a novice suppose to escape a mystic who can stop the very world from moving? A soft crack sounds behind her as the chain embedded itself into the concrete roof of the school. She looked like she was bound for an execution, the upside down cross hanging just below her breasts now. The spell was strange, somehow strengthening and manipulating her own necklace to keep her completely bound.

Another shiver ran through her as she felt and saw mana channeled right before her head. At first it looked like a much more stable version of one of her bolts of shadow. That thought did little to calm her as her struggles renew. The inky black orb enters her head and an intense high pitch whine screeches in her mind. It felt like nails were being dragged along a chalkboard as the spell began to force memories back to the light. Eyes went wide and roll back to nothing but whites as they flutter, the spell bombarding her mind with searing pain that made the burning in her chest seem like a mere sunburn.

Memories flash in her head, forcing her to relive the first time Mage found her on the rooftop. The woman saw nothing in Kanoe. She was remembering now how she was teased and manipulated, embarassed before several students for the mystic's amusement. The mark on her chest was a mark of apprenticeship. What a joke. Beyond that encounter on the roof, this woman only came to the witch one other time. She was forced to use black flames to make another student's body completely sensitive to the touch for sexual stimulation.

As the last of the memories fade, Kanoe's shivering body finally began to relax. She slumps forward, bowing over her knees. Long raven black hair falls around her and rests on the rooftop, hiding the tears that gently fell from her cheeks. It was a extremely painful process and she was not sure it was worth it. She knew there were other memories held from her but after experiencing these acts for a second time, she was not sure she wanted to remember anymore.

"I..hate you.." She finally manages to speak, "I hate you so much.."

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu May 29, 2008 10:38 am
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
"Oh dear, hearing such words simply tears a hole into my heart...." responds Mage in a sorrowful voice, putting her hands to her face and sniffling. She stayed like this for a moment, then stopped abruptly, parting her hands and showing her less than sorrowful face. "Oh wait.... I dont have a heart....". Taunting laughter came next, loud and echoing, making it clear that Kanoes words have been noted... and ignored.

"Naive little witch...." she called out "Hate me or not, until you manage to remove that mark from your person without killing yourself, You....Are....Mine...."

Mage sat down on the roof cross legged, her hands going to her chin and her elbows to her legs, watching with glee as the fire in Kanoes eyes burned with much anger, her energies flaring up as they should, saturating the air like it once did on that fateful day.

"How about a little game, My pet..." said Mage, and no sooner had she finished did two ornate, golden chalices materialized in between her and Kanoe, floating side by side, a foot or so of space separating the two. "I have taught you how to sight mana, and I have taught you how to channel it, now lets see if you can control it...". The chalices lowered about till they were about an inch from the floor, and one could clearly see that the one on Kanoes left was filled with an inky black liquid, while the other lay empty.

"Here are the conditions. If you can put all the liquid in one cup into the other, you are free to go, but spilling even a single drop will mean you have to obey me willingly for the next six hours me, and all other drops afterwards will add an hour to your servitude". Mage demonstrates the task by simply staring at the liquid, and making it snake through mid-air, letting it pour into the empty vessel. "The liquid is mana sensitive, given the right conditions, it will flow where the energies do".

Another demonstration, the liquid behaving like a solid mass as it transfers from one cup to the other. "To achieve this, You must first see the flow, then try to channel your energies from your eyes into the air, form a tube for the liquid to follow, and maintain that until all of the liquid is in the other chalice. I should warn you, though, given your state and the amount of control you have, I woudn't be surprised if you simply spilled the whole thing, meaning you would be my personal little toy for at least three days."

and with that, she smiled.

and Miko

Thu May 29, 2008 1:40 pm
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
She knew the mystic did not care. If she were all powerful, she would probably have cared less. Kanoe sits up, glaring at the woman. If she were only stronger, the phrase seemed to become a motto for her now. Her years of study, the power she thought she had, all of useless.

The words 'you are mine' and the word pet were cruel stabs at her pride and ego. What hurt worse was they were probably true. Keemari reduced her to nothing more than a wanton whore, desperately needing release. Mage had her entire body under the mystic's will. She was now bound to both of them with the faint promises of power. But, even then she is still helpless.

Kanoe blinks at the sight of two chalices appearing. There was no incantation or even a gesture. This woman could summon items with a mere thought. She remembers the past two lessons. The witch could not help but feel a pang of regret for using Hanaji as a target for her channeling excercise. This lesson was many times more difficult. The witch managed to keep a straight face but for her, this was impossible. How in the world was she going to manipulate mana without incantations or somatic gestures?

Seeing Mage doing it with ease did little to comfort the witch. The thought her eyes held any power seemed completely ridiculous. But, she had to try. She could only assume the worse if she refuses to play the game at all.

Her eyes close as she blocks out the sounds around her. Such an act was simple with the world sitting still, almost as if the world was holding it's breath just for this mystic. The soft whine faintly came into focus as her eyes open. The scintillating threads of mana were even thicker in the air with Mage's spell in effect. It was almost suffocating. The strange black liquid was now blazing with a focused amount of mana. This was what she had to manipulate. The young student would have to take it very slow if she were going to have any chance. If she loses control of one drop, she could guess the rest would soon follow. Three days as a devoted servant, she can't let that happen. She would not know what would be left of her after three days.

Her eyes gaze intently at the chalice, focusing on the liquid mana. She tries to reach out to it. She never tried to channel with merely her gaze. Kanoe really had no idea where to start. She formed an image in her mind of a tube sliding into the chalice. She expands that image as the pipe extends up from one cup and curves towards the other. Her mind kept focusing on the image, trying to channel her mana in exactly that shape.

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Thu May 29, 2008 2:55 pm
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
"Yes, yes, thats it..." Mage watched intently as Kanoe demonstrated a firm understanding of what she had said, but that was all that she had, understanding. As far as grasping the concept, she was spot on, as for controlling the energy, well that left a lot to be desired. The sorceress could see how much the novice magician strained, how the tube she had created contorted out of shape repeatedly, threatening to simply burst and spill the liquid all over the floor.

After a minute or so, Kanoe was making good progress, until...


"Oop... 6 hours, do I hear 7?"


"8 hours... excellent choice, madam.."

..drip...drip.......... drip....

"11 hours...."

By now, Kanoe was almost done with the task, just that last trickle or two remained.


"Twelve~ half a day...."

Half a day it was, and just like that, the chalices disappeared, liquid and all, the chains that held Kanoe to the ground pulling out and untangling, freeing her from her bound state, and delivering her into another sort of bondage. Mage was already standing up, looking quite happy with the result. The sorceress then raised her hand up, and with a resounding voice, she shouted.

"Tempus... FUGIT!"

all at once, things began to move again, the breeze began to blow once more, and the leaves dance once more in the wind. It may not look like it, but Mage had spent a considerable amount of mana for that spell, but now that she has Kanoe, she was assured of a return in that investment.

"Now then, twelve wonderful hours, Ill give you that test once more after twelve hours, maybe with a little less mana to control, you could grasp the lesson much better."

Mage didnt bother enchanting Kanoe with a control spell, she knew the girl would follow her on her own. "Come child, lead me to your quarters." said Mage as she descended the stairs down, shrouded by an illusion that passed her off as one of the students.

and Miko

Thu May 29, 2008 4:25 pm
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Post Re: Lost Apprentice (Mage)
She thought channeling was strenuous, that did not hold a candle to controlling the flow. Her spells tend to be blunt and brutish because she simply unleashes her mana with very limited control in it's form. Incantations and gestures were to lessen the strain on ones mana, mind and body but this game involved none of those components.

Kanoe did her best to keep the mas of fluid together. Her stream she tried to visualize moving through the channel she made did not forum anything like she thought. It was more a long lumpy mass that seems to move just as fluidly as thick mud. Thick drops began to fall to the floor which only caused more to follow. Using what strength she had, she forces the rest to the chalice.

With the game over, the witch was still panting heavily, sweat glistening over her face. The act of grasping the pure mana and controlling it was intense. She felt like she was going to be enveloped by it at any moment. But, she was going to pay for her inexperience. Twelve hours...twelve hours she was to be Mage's devoted servant. Knowing the woman from past encounters, it takes less than an hour to drain her completely. She doubts the extra time will be used in more lessons. This mystic enjoys torturing and embarassing her in all the possible ways one could imagine. It was going to be a long day.

The bonds reverted back to her necklace. She should stop wearing it if it is only a means to bind herself to this woman. Shaking the thought away, Kanoe rises to her feet. They both knew she was going to follow with no need for force. There was no escape and now there was a sort of contract. At the very least her so called mistress always kept her word one way or another.

Kanoe follows the now disguised woman down the stairs. No doubt she would get in trouble for skipping half a day of school but that did not matter anymore. Her eyes were slightly lowered as she walks ahead, leading the woman to the dorms and towards her room. She was more in thought than being submissive. Once the twelve hours were over, she would have to play her game again. She was not sure what went wrong beyond a lack of control. But that did not help her come with a solution any better. Stopping at her door, she pulls out her key and unlocks the door.

"Forgive my novice questions but," She says softly as she pushes open the door, "What did I do wrong for it to fall apart in the end?"

My Student: Kanoe
My Gladiatrix: Iria
My Head Girl: Vera
My Monster: Vespira
My ADD: Alexandra

Fri May 30, 2008 2:42 am
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