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 The Voice (Clarice) 
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
Her breathing dramatically increased as her body was forced through vibrations as someone was...touching her. She was paying little attention to the creature whom spoke to her now. Why was her body acting like this? She had never felt such penetrations through her being before. Parts of her body that had never been touched were infact being touched. It made the woman grit her teeth to hold back any gasps from it. She unsure about her body's slowly rising arousal, but something about this creature made her wary.

It knew so much about Knoe's flaws and the fact she had no mentor, which in truth was not at all a very honest statement. Was it trying to mislead her since it possibly knew alot of the woman she cared for? Perhaps it just wasn't up to date...still another matter makes her uneasy. Though she was trying to find out more detail, for her safety she starting to think this was the same creature that sent that...horrid thing into Kanoe's room.

"Are you stating that...your the familiar from the cave? That very same creature Kanoe told me of that she couldn't control?..the one who had sucked away my powers awhile ago?" she asks with a narrowed stare. Though she was staring up to the ceiling, she could not see the being anywhere. Her assumptions were off the top of her head, but they sounded like they fit. She wasn't sure if her first question was right, but might aswell throw it out there to see what she gets. Wait, does that mean that...her soul was tainted enough for the beast to speak with her? Didn't Kanoe act strangely because she could hear this Voice? If the being could see the woman up close, she was already beginning to sweat. Without having heard his reply she was already assuming that it was indeed the creature that could many things to her without even touching her.


Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:55 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
“You are partially correct,” Spectre said as one might to a promising pupil who had nonetheless made a mistake. “I am the one who answered her first successful summons; the eternal Being that showed her the true nature of her power and set her on the proper path.”

The Thing had once again slightly increased the power of its Voice. It could clearly see that Clarice was already struggling with the impossible stimulation. There was a brief pause as it allowed its statements to filter through the growing arousal such sensations provoked.

“But the familiar I spoke of is the result of her second summons. A demon called from the depths of Hell to do her bidding . . . if she could subdue him.” Another brief pause was accorded the student so that the tantalizing tingles and vibrations would fade enough for her to fully register what was said.

“As for the Magivore . . . If Kanoe had explained the situation to you more clearly, or told you how to invite me in so that you could safely hear me in the fist place, you would have known that the creature wasn’t there for you. That was a test for Kanoe.”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Thu Jun 05, 2008 10:28 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
She couldn't help, but hold her breasts to try and stop the slow vibrations from entering, but it was a futile and wea attempt. If she would, she would slump down against the wall and pant like a dog...but she knew she was stronger then this. However, fear had quickly set in in any case. Her eyes had drained in color as she stares in horror to his answer. She wanted to ask millions of questions, butth fact that her body was becoming aroused and making it so difficult to speak made her keep her mouth shut.

Her head drops to eyes level, but those close in an instant. In an effort to stop her body she clamps thighs together in an attempt to relieve some heat that built up.

"What...what's happening to my body?" she asks more rhetorically thn to the Voice. How could she handle this situation without making it any worse on herself. Not only that, but now if Kanoe found out about it, she was pretty sure she wouldn't be to happy.


Thu Jun 05, 2008 3:38 pm
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
Spectre watched with amusement as Clarice continued to struggle with the sensations its Voice provoked. The obvious fear on her face made the forced arousal all the more enjoyable for the voyeuristic Entity.

It remained silent for a time; both because it recognized the rhetorical nature of her query and to let the stimulation fade a bit. However, before the young witch could truly recover, it eventually ‘answered’ her.

“It is a reaction to Power,” Spectre said. The strength of its Voice had spiked, however, producing a wave of stimulation that coursed through Clarice, battering against her resistance. “A manifestation of your desire for that power, and a hint to the means by which you may acquire it.”

The intense stimulation ripped through her being, touching and stimulating her in places and ways no physical lover ever could. Even so, the Thing tried to make sure that the greater strength of its Voice would not be enough to push her over the edge, at least not in so short a span.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Fri Jun 06, 2008 12:30 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)

She felt as if she was hit by a brick wall of stimulation. This being must be doing something to make her feel this way. Her eyes remain closed, bent on staying shut while her legs quivered underneath. Such vibrations that surged through her body made the woman weak in the knees. It caused her sweat to be more directed at the heat building inside. Her panties were already becoming soaked in her nectar, forcing the woman to push a hand under herself and lightly rub it to subdue her growing qrousal. it only proved to strengthen it, but before things got out of hand it suddenly fades and leaves the witch gasping for air.

She heard a few words from the creature and looked puzzled by it.

"P-Power? Aggnnn..." she was cut short as it speaks again and suddenly spikes her arousal, causing her to slide down the walls of the bathroom onto the floor. She was practically breathless at this point, unable to speak much now. This creature was causing her body to react like this, she knew that. But there was little she could do to stop it.

" about?" she asks through pants. Her hand was vigorously at work to try and slow her already throbbing clit and it worked, however little effect it did. She looked more like a sitting, panting dog in this position.


Fri Jun 06, 2008 1:02 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
The Creature regarded Clarice silently for a moment. The young woman seemed to be quickly losing control, but Spectre was not ready to drive her to bliss. Of course, it could not stop the motions of her hand with just its Voice, but it relied upon her own sense of propriety to keep her from pushing herself too far.

“It is the Power you have sought all your life.” When the Thing spoke again, its Voice was slightly subdued, measured to account for the actions of Clarice’s fingers, yet still keep her body in a state of high arousal.

“It is the Power to create and destroy,” it continued after yet another slight pause. “The Power you sense in my Voice.”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:10 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
Somehow her arousal was fading even by her constant soft masturbating. Realizing what she was exactly doing took awhile and finally helped her stop from becoming a fool infront of the Voice (If it hadn't already appeared so.)

Her legs wobble as she tries to stand up again. She cursed her weak lower body stamina sometimes. She always was weak kneed with practically little leg strength. But she did manage to push herself into leaning against the wall as she tries to calm herself from her sudden urge of arousal.

"I-I see....y-your voice is what's...d-doing this to me..." she said between many breaths. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat boiling in her being. All this...because of its Voice? SHe'd hate to see what would happen if the being actually had a form.

"Why tell me this..? What purpose is it for you to tell me information? What do you get out of it?"


Fri Jun 06, 2008 3:40 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
“Not my voice,” Spectre ‘corrected,’ venturing into the realm of pure fiction. “It is your lust for the power behind it that afflicts you so.” Slow and constant, the Voice kept Clarice’s body simmering, trapped in a state of high arousal.

Why was it telling her these things? Spectre paused as though considering her question. Of course it was just playing with her, promoting as much doubt and anguish as it could, but that was hardly something it would tell the poor girl.

“Very good, Clarice,” the Thing said, spiking the power of its Voice so she would feel a thrill at the compliment. “You understand that all things come with a price. Your experience with the wolf has not been completely in vain . . . “ the sensations smoothed back down to a slow burn as it spoke.

“But rest assured, the knowledge I give has already been paid for,” Spectre continued amicably. “It was paid for the night Kanoe sacrificed her innocence to me. All I require of you is that you convey the warning to her.”

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Fri Jun 06, 2008 11:16 pm
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
It was hard to concentrate on what he was saying, but some parts sinked in none the less. Her 'lust for power' felt only like lust. She was dripping wet and her breasts had peeked to this irregular stimulation. Did all this lust for power have to be connected to sex? Must be she suppossed. But it was becoming rather redundant and it of course made doubts in her mind.

Her body trembles and quivers to this 'lust' the Voice was bringing forth, nearly pushing her over the edge it made her gasp in surprise. But then it seemed to settle by its last few statements. The complimint its gave was better left unsaid and ignored, though it did renew some pride in her...enough to force her to stand with only one hand against the wall of the bathroom and pant more softly then before.

"I'm not going to be used as a messenger, being. Whyt ell me? Why not warn Kanoe yourself?" she asks simply. Perhaps Kanoe didn't trust it? Why should she then?

She was of course wary of a monster's words. Last time she believed a monster telling the truth she not only made the sexually expirience more exciting for him, but he violated her horribly afterwards. She had every right to mistrust this creature she knew Kanoe had no control over. But then again she was always the one to doubt first and trust later. The only pwerson she really ever opened up to...was Kanoe herself.


Sat Jun 07, 2008 2:34 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
“I cannot,” Spectre answered, its tone somewhat contrite, though the Voice continued to flow through and linger in Clarice’s most sensitive areas. Though it could not actually read her mind, it could see the fire of pride flare in her eyes and her renewed composure. It took little for the Thing to guess what she was thinking.

“I am bound by the terms of our wager never to visit her again, unless she calls for me.” Had Kanoe told her what it had determined the outcome of that wager to be? It mattered little, for the Thing had a valid reason for the reversal of it earlier declaration, should Clarice care to point it out.

“But, as you wish,” it continued, its Voice smoothly constant; a penetration of the soul. “I cannot force you to convey my message. Kanoe will just have to face the demon unprepared . . . “

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:12 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
If she wanted to, she could've taken some offense in what it had just said, but decided to leav it as it was. Of course she would wanr Kanoe about this, but the only reason she was putting up a fight to speak to her about it is that she...wasn't exactly suppossed to be hearing this voice. She could only imagine how her love would be upset.

Whatever the terms would be she would have to figure out how to get away from this being. her body was high in arousal, making it nearly impossible for her not to stimulate herself. She bites her lip hard to try and resist for as long as she could. She turns her head away from the ceiling and looks to the mirror at eye level. She wasn't sure how long she would last if this 'lust' kept its stimulation on her sensetive areas.

"I can't help, but be alittle suspicious about all of this, being. You never did exactly tell Kanoe of what you got out of the wager so you should expect I'd be more clueless then she."


Sat Jun 07, 2008 12:27 pm
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
“Of course, you are right to be suspicious,” Spectre increased the power of its Voice a little, once again giving a thrill in response to a statement it ostensibly considered to indicate a measure of her intelligence.

“As you already know, everything comes with a price; and, undoubtedly, you find my motivations inscrutable.” it continued, every word another assault on the girl’s senses. “But that is not to say that our wants and desires cannot coincide.”

There were no significant pauses in Spectre’s oration. The nearly continuous intonations were meant to drive Clarice back to her knees, gasping for breath as well as to befuddle her mind with growing need. It wasn’t sure if its logic would reach Clarice through the intensive stimulation, but it continued regardless, as much to have something to say as in the hope that her besieged mind might find its statements acceptable.

“Is it so difficult to contemplate that, though our reasons differ, our goals might be one and the same, or at least mutually compatible?” Though the attack was strong and relentless, Spectre endeavored to keep from pushing Clarice over the edge. It wanted to see if she could stop herself a second time, or if she would succumb to the urge such stimulation was likely to provoke. Though she would probably find that using her fingers would pale in comparison to the Voice . . .

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Sun Jun 08, 2008 4:52 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
Its words assaulted what little strength she had left and sent her sliding down the wall once more with heated lust. Her bends down to pant from the constant vibrations sent through her being. Her mind was already becoming less able to understand the Voice's logic. Her body was heated so far that beads of sweat became more noticeable on her face. It was difficult to not try and stimulate herself, but the way that 'power lust' drove her, she wanted that instead.

How should she reply to the being? She couldn't even register how long silence was between them. It felt like she was being pushed higher when she answered with an intelligent answer. But there was no way she could do that now. Her body and herself craved for release from this torturous height of bliss. She bites her lower lip hard before she falls down on all fours gasping for breath. There was no getting back up this time.

"I...c-can't t-take this"

The word 'please' could have been interpreted in many ways. But she didn't even think about that. She wanted release at any cost. Her body was being driven insane. If it weren't for her will to stay up, she would've been begging for this being to finish its sentences faster and make her cum. She knew she was already being reduced to a begging puppy, but it was the honest fact that she didn't care at all anymore.


Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:54 pm
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
Spectre was silent for a time, letting her body cool a bit as well as prolonging her anguish. It was a fine line the Thing walked, striving to keep the young woman on the edge of bliss. But the sight of the strong-willed witch on all fours begging for release was worth it. There was one final indignity it would impose before it granted her wish, however.

“Please?” Spectre continued when it felt the time was right. “Please what? What is it you desire Clarice?” The questions were carefully timed and measured in an effort to drive the poor girl to the brink once again.

Perhaps it was pushing its luck, but it wanted to hear the words. Would she break down completely and spell out what she needed? Or would she succumb to her natural inclination and stimulate herself? Either way was a win for the Being, and either choice would have its own consequences.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Sat Jun 21, 2008 6:59 am
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Post Re: The Voice (Clarice)
Almost as if a wall pushed into her chest, she suddenly jerked back now having to lean against the wall completely for support. She was panting long and hard, trying ever so hard to focus, but there was no hope of such a feet at this height of pleasure. Her sensetive areas throbbed and pleaded for release. Sweat glistened under her school uniform as she stared blankly infront. What should be said to the being? She was so desperate to climax, so desperate to just let go. But what would happen if she asked?

The being had power and will over her and Kanoe. It could do as it pleased and recieve every reward it wanted with their lustful states. She knew she could not stand with her weak legs. And even so her body wouldn't allow her to escape (if there was any chance of it anyways.) It was emberassing to peer like a dog begging for a treat. If she wanted to, she would cry because of it, but it was easily withheld. It wasn't something to cry over, but if Kanoe walked in and saw her like this...

"I-I want..." her staggered voice breaks the small silence, but nothing immediatly comes after her words. Should she ask the Voice to give her release? To stop this horrible torture? A small puddle of her nectar began to drip from her drenched panties onto the tiled floor. Her mouth was hung open for air, a small rope of drool creased the side of her lips. There was no escaping what control her 'power lust' had over her. There was no hiding from her hunger for more strength to fight.


"...I-I...want...Kanoe." as long as she had the will still inside of her, she would not give in without her love. Whether the being or even Kanoe realized it, her love for the witch was enough to keep her strong longer then being alone. Perhaps if they had just started off on their relationship she would've been weak as she was with Keemari. But after all they been through, she couldn't turn what all they had done for eachother away. She had something to fight for, to protect. She wanted Kanoe to give her release, to feed her hunger...not a monster.

She was satisfied with her answer and even presented a small smile, even though it was soon cut off by a soft moan. Even though she said she wanted Kanoe, there was still the problem of her high arousal. Times like this, she wished she could just scream. Should she stimulate herself? No, that would contradict what she had just said. What should she do?


Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:53 pm
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