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 Fond Memories (Naoko) 
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Post Fond Memories (Naoko)
Whisperer floated above the dormitories. The bright golden light of morning washed through his transparent body. He didn’t remember how he had gotten there. He had been in the gym late at night about to take his due for saving a young woman from drowning . . .

Then suddenly he was here, several hundred yards away and hours (or days?) later. He kept himself calm by taking stock of the situation. He was alone above the roof of the student housing facility. He was not particularly hungry, so it couldn’t have been too long since he had last fed. The sun’s position told him it was early morning. He guessed it was the morning after the encounter by the pool.

Below him, the many students busied themselves with morning rituals, rushing around preparing for the new day. The level of activity indicated it was a class day. Amusement washed through him as he thought of the many busy girls below, most of whom were completely unaware that they were potential prey for creatures such as himself. One girl in particular caught his attention. One familiar presence amidst the many that sparked fond memories - not all of which were his own. Naoko.

The sexy young Hawaiian had been in his thoughts often of late. And, now that he thought about it, his blackouts had started not long after his encounter with her. He seriously doubted she had anything to do with them, most certainly not intentionally. Still, he might discover something if he observed her for a time . . .

Whisperer floated down off the side of the building, homing in on Naoko’s presence. His transparency made him all but invisible against the clear blue sky as he moved to hover just outside her window, there to watch her prepare for her day as well as ‘listen in’ on her thoughts.

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Sat Dec 29, 2007 12:02 am
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The young woman's dorm room was small and untidy, cluttered with numerous books on art; everything from classical paintings to avant-guard photography. Whisperer had come just a few minutes to late for the morning show; Naoko was already fully dressed when he got to the window. Her back was to him and she was tying her hair back in a loose pony tail with a white elastic band.

She looked preoccupied as she started gathering her things for school. It had happened again; she'd woken up late last night, not in her warm, familiar dorm room but in the eerily sterile Nurse's office with no memory of what had happened since she'd left class that afternoon. It wasn't an unfamiliar senario for her; in fact, it happened once every few weeks. Exhaustion, they told her. Not uncommon among students with heavy class loads. While it was true that Naoko had a full schedule, something about that explanation had never sat right with her.

Now that she thought about it, the very first incident had happened on her first day on the island. She remembered waking up in the woods the morning after, her clothing in shreds. She remembered going to the nurse, but nothing from that first day. The strange thing was, she recalled telling the nurse about some sort of nightmare she'd had, but it was all fuzzy....

Realizing she'd let her mind wander for several minutes, the ebon-haired girl grabbed her books and nimbly made her way to the door, miraculously managing not to knock over any of the stacks of books in her way. The door closed behind her with a loud click and she joined the throng of students in the halls.

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Fri Jan 04, 2008 7:58 am
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Whisperer found it quite easy to read Naoko’s thoughts. He got much clearer impressions from her than he was used to. Perhaps it was the memories he had absorbed from her during their first encounter . . . Now that he thought of it, that was the first time the strange ability had manifested after being awakened by the raw spiritual energy of the sorceress known as Fenris. And this was the first time he had tried to touch a mind whose memories he had experienced during a feeding.

Strangely, the memory of their earlier encounter was not readily apparent in the girl’s mind, even when she was thinking about the time during which it took place. It was as though the experience had been erased, or perhaps locked somehow. Whisperer had not known such things were possible, but then he was still learning about his own growing psychic abilities.

The connection he achieved with the student was strong enough that he could easily track her as she moved through the building. In fact, he could practically tap into her senses as she made her way through the busy halls.

Whisperer slowly floated in parallel to Naoko’s progress, slipping unseen and unheard past window after window. When she reached the lobby of the building, he was already floating some dozen feet over the exit, waiting. Few were the girls who looked up as they filed toward their classes, and those that did saw only faint ripples in the morning light.

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Wed Jan 09, 2008 12:05 pm
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With the strange train of thought shaken off, Naoko's mind returned to the same sort of topics any other student who wasn't a popular target for the lecherous advances of terrifying monsters might think of.

I wonder how I did on my biology essay? Somebody in this hallway is wearing way to much perfume. That girl standing by the window is cute. A sudden rush of embarrassment followed that particular thought and Naoko quickly shoved it back to the dark recesses of her mind. Even in the solitude of her own thoughts she was too timid to let herself fantasize.

Rushing past the the pretty blond by the window, Naoko made her way down the long twisting staircase at the end of the hall, finally emerging through one of the dorm's side exists. She relaxed slightly as the warm, bright sun her her skin. The days on the island were so beautiful that even students who dreaded going to class couldn't help but smile as they crossed the campus, and for Naoko, the island's bright, almost tropical landscapes had the added benefit of reminding her of home. She would have liked to take a slow, leisurely slow to the maths and sciences building, but her late start forced her to take a more brisk pace.

Once she reached her botany class, she took a seat near one of the windows. Unfortunately, as the professor droned on, Naoko found herself unable to focus. Her mind wandered back to the same well-worn tracks it had followed this morning, and the good mood the sunshine had instilled in her soon started to fade.

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Thu Jan 17, 2008 6:00 am
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Drifting just outside the classroom window, Whisperer’s presence might have made it appear that the glass had run, leaving a strange ripple in the pane. He remained in deep contact with Naoko’s unguarded mind, following her thoughts back to the strange blackouts she had been having.

Blackouts . . . Whisperer was surprised he hadn’t noticed the similarities in their experiences sooner. They both seemed to have developed the breaks in memory at about the same time; right around their previous encounter. Was there a connection? It seemed probable, and yet . . .

No, there were many differences as well. Her episodes had erased that earlier meeting, while his had not. The blank spots in her memory seemed to cover whole experiences, while his often interrupted his actions as he jumped cleanly from one instance to another.

They were different phenomena, then. Still, they may stem from a similar cause. If he found out more about her memory lapses, he might gain some insights into his own. As the day wore on, and Whisperer followed his beautiful subject from class to class, he kept up his vigil. Whenever her thoughts drifted to the disturbing episodes of lost memory, he gently probed at the blank spots, carefully examining them as closely as was possible without alerting the girl.

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Fri Jan 18, 2008 7:51 am
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
It didn't take much investigation to find the source of Naoko's fractured memory. In truth, the missing parts weren't gone at all. When the girl tried to access them she came to a sort of block, like trying to look through a tinted window. If she tried hard enough she could begin to make out the vague shape of what was beyond, but never clear enough to understand. The mental reroutes didn't have any effect on her mental invader though. Behind each block was one of Shokushu's infamous monster attacks, neatly cleaned up and locked away by the school's dutiful N.I.C.E.-trained nurses with the help of the various machines tucked away in the back of the nurse's office, specially developed to handle just these sort of problems.

The barriers were fragile though. Normal mental exertion couldn't budge them, but then the terror brought on by being raped by monsters and demons and aliens from beyond the moon was far from normal. Each subsequent attack since the first had unlocked the memories of the previous ones. Several times, in fact, she'd avoided the nurses altogether, knowing that something was very, very wrong with this school, and afraid to forget no matter how badly she might want to. The stress always won out though. She once went a month without retreating into blissful ignorance. Taking up her cameras she'd ventured out, at night, alone. She collected rolls of evidence - signs of the island's strange inhabitants weren't that hard to find if you knew to look for them - and confronted the administration with them. As a reward for her efforts, she'd been sent to the Basement. It was three days before she emerged again, and those 3 days were the only lost memories that were truly gone - probably for the girl's own good.

All the while Naoko continued through her normal day. Biology at 8:30, Photo III at 11, and Philosophy at 2. Through all her classes she couldn't help but feel a strange nagging sensation, as if someone was staring at her just out of her line of sight. When she would investigate though, she could find nothing odd. Just the normal girls in class, no one following her between. Clearly she was just being paranoid, probably another side effect of the stress. She should go back to her dorm and get some rest. It wouldn't kill her to put off studying until tomorrow...

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Wed May 28, 2008 7:47 am
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Ah! So that was it. The school’s medical staff had obscured the young woman’s memories. In retrospect, it made sense; a prudent measure for keeping the island’s darker populace secret. He gathered not all the students underwent such adjustments . . . but then, many of them never sought aid after an attack. That her experiences, despite being erased, took such a toll was disturbing, but there was little he could do about that.

Suddenly, Whisperer was assaulted by a explosion of sensations. He felt as if he were in several places at once. He found himself in a cave, a cave he was quite certain he’d never seen, and he was ravaging another student. She cried out in ecstacy . . .

And then the moment passed, he was floating aimlessly over the campus grounds, dazed. It took him a moment to recover his senses. Then he remembered: Naoko! He’d lost contact with her during the episode, but he found her easily enough. The stress and worry she carried enveloped her like a dark cloud. All that pent up emotion meant she would taste very good, but at what cost?

Whisperer was unaccustomed to such considerations. It was then that he realized that his time on the island had changed him. With each new feeding, he had come to feel more compassion, more respect, for his prey. Yet, still, he must feed, and the prey were not quick to offer themselves to him . . .

As these thoughts flowed through the alien’s mind, he quickly and quietly caught up with Naoko. She was just turning on to the path to the dorms. Whisperer went on ahead of her, taking advantage of the island’s little conveniences to let himself in her bedroom window . . .

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Wed May 28, 2008 8:52 am
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
Naoko entered her dorm room a few minutes later, locking the door behind her. She ran her fingers through her long, dark tresses to pull out the hair tie and let them fall about her face and shoulders. She tossed her backpack onto her desk chair as she walked over to her bed, spinning around and falling back onto the plush blue covers when she reached it. The young woman lay there for a few moments just relaxing, a faint smile slowly spreading across her lips.

"Get up."
she muttered to herself, sitting up rather suddenly. "Get up and get changed, can't fall asleep in your uniform."

She stood then, and began shedding clothing as she walked over to her dresser. The red tie hit the floor first, followed by her blue vest. Standing on each leg in turn she slid off her knee high socks. A few moments of fumbling with buttons and and the white shirt slipped from her shoulders to join the quickly growing pile of clothes. A simplewhite bra restrained her luscious breasts, a sharp visual contrast to her tanned skin. She smiled as a warm breeze blew across her bare back.


Naoko gasped, snatching her shirt up from the floor and covering her chest with it as she ran over to the window and quickly closed it, pulling the curtains closed a moment later. It was odd, she didn't remember leaving her window open this morning. She brushed off the strange occurrence without any further thought; she'd been a little scatterbrained this morning anyway, chances are she'd just forgotten about it. She lowered her shirt and let it fall to the floor again, blushing slightly as she wondered if anyone had seen her undressing. She felt small, simultaneous rushes of arousal and shame. "I'm not that kind of girl, why do those thoughts always excite me...?" she wondered as she wriggled out of her short plaid skirt, letting the last component of her uniform fall to the ground.

Reaching behind her back she fumbled blindly with the closure of her bra for a moment, causing her soft, supple breasts to be thrust forward. Soon the restrictive garment came undone and dropped to the ground with the rest of her clothing, letting her breasts bounce free. Blushing again she reached up and cupped the large, supple orbs with her delicate hands. Her nipples were slightly stiff and she breathed deeply as she gently massaged her breasts for a few seconds. Her hands dropped away quickly though and grasped the waistband of her pink cotton panties. She slid them down, exposing her smooth, hairless pussy to the invisible creature floating above.

Blissfully unaware of her inhuman audience, Naoko bent over at the waist and began rummaging through one of the lower drawers, looking for her pajams. Her tight little pussy peaked out from between her thighs as she stood, already slightly damp thanks to her wandering mind, and her breasts hung heavily, bouncing and jiggling as she bumped them with her arms during her search.

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Sat May 31, 2008 8:46 pm
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
Even in the cramped dorm room, Whisperer was all but invisible. Pressing himself against the ceiling, he watched with appreciation as his prey begin to strip. Her time on the island had done nothing to diminish her beauty, and the memory erasures, despite their negative effects, had preserved her delectable innocence.

It took all of the alien’s resolve to thwart his hunting reflex when Naoko dashed for the window. He knew she had not detected him, but still his instinct was to attack a running prey immediately. Whisperer was no mere beast, however, and he stayed his assault.

The rest of the show proved even more entertaining as just the idea of being seen excited Naoko slightly. He gazed in fascination as she almost shyly fondled her own breasts. Memories of the feel of those glorious mounds in his maws played through his mind. He had forced her to orgasm just by playing with those sensitive orbs. He wondered if he could do it again?

Soon he was granted a tantalizing glimpse of the girl’s most sacred treasure. But what really drew his interest as she bent over to rummage through her drawer was the curvature of her out-thrust ass. Ironically, just as in their first encounter, she had presented him with a target too tempting to pass up.

Whisperer playfully flicked one of his feathery stinging tendrils down to slap against her lovely ass. Neither shock nor venom was delivered, and it wasn’t traveling fast enough to really hurt, but it would still be quite a surprise.

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Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:22 am
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
Naoko let out a sharp, high scream, more from shock than fear as the alien's tendril teasingly swatted her bare ass. T-shirts and tank tops went flying as she immediately stood up, clutching a nightgown from the bottom of the drawer in her hands. She spun around, vainly trying to cover her gorgeous body with the flimsy cloth as she searched for the source of the slap. An endearingly confused look came over her lovely features as her dark brown eyes found nothing out of the ordinary.

"Well that's a relief..." She murmured to herself. "No visitor, I'm just going mad..."

Despite the lack of an intruder, her heart raced slightly. She found herself wondering what she would have done if she really had turned to find one of her classmates standing behind her. Her hips swung slightly with each step as she walked towards her bed and slipped the silky yellow nightgown over her head.

Though they were once again covered the soft curves of her bottom were clearly outlined by the flimsy fabric of her nightgown as she bent over the side of her bed, reaching to pull back the covers from the other side

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Tue Jun 03, 2008 12:09 pm
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
Amusement flickered through Whisperer’s mind in response to Naoko’s startled reaction. The garment she used to cover herself did little to hide the bouncing and jiggling such an energetic action provoked. Even once she had donned it properly, the sheer yellow fabric seemed to cling to her voluptuous form, accentuating her delightful curves. Then, of course, that perfect target was exposed to him again.

Slap. Whisperer used just a tiny bit more force the second time around, ensuring that the same level of sensation reached the flesh of her beautiful butt through the thin nightgown. Then, he projected his call.

Naoko . . .

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Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:48 pm
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
Another scream. Naoko spun around to confront her foe and stomped her foot in vexation when her eyes still found nothing. She almost turned back around, convinced she was imagining it all when she heard the soft voice whisper her name. Her dark eyes darted about, searching for someplace someone could be hiding, but the dorm room was too small. She tried to take a step back but she was already up against her bed so she merely stumbled slightly and fall back onto it in a sitting position.

Her chest rose and fell slightly faster than it had before, her lovely breasts straining against the thin nightgown at the apex of her breath. Her nipples were still slightly stiff and the twin points stood out sharply against her soft curves.

"Who...who's there...?"
She asked hesitantly, not even trying to hide the fear in her voice. "What do you want?"

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Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:12 am
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
The fear that wafted from Naoko’s troubled psyche was a potent psychic aroma. Whisperer remembered the taste of the spice well. He was already anticipating the flavor it would bestow on the young woman’s life-force. But then, he was getting far ahead of himself.

That thin veil of fabric she had swathed herself in only made her sexy, voluptuous body all the more delectable. It enhanced much more than it concealed, yet perpetuated the image of innocence. The juxtaposition was quite appealing.

Naoko . . . look . . . up . . . Just as he found it easy to read the student’s thoughts, he also found it easier to modulate his call in order to communicate with her. He could almost ‘see’ just how her mind worked and just how he could manipulate it to produce the desired ‘sounds.’

Of course, in his transparency, even if Naoko was looking right at him, she might not be able to tell what she was looking at. So, after he sent the message, he turned his focus inward, concentrating on summoning his inner storm as he had once before.

It came easier this time than it had during his encounter with Yuki at the waterfall; a cascade of sparkles that quickly filled his mass. For an instant his wide mushroom-cap body was clearly defined as well as the many tentacles tucked into the hollow underneath.

But, as before, the effort was draining and he let it fade quickly before he became too hungry. It would not do to be overcome by need and forced to rush in his preparation of the lovely Naoko. Transparent once again, the psychic predator called out to his prey once more, replaying the last message he had sent to her on that day so long ago. He wondered if it would be enough to break through the barrier obscuring her memory.

Naoko . . . delicious . . .

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Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:20 am
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
She looked up. The situation was so strange, she didn't really know what else to do but obey. For a few moments her large, dark eyes searched the white expanse of her dorm room ceiling and found nothing, but before too long her sharp eyes caught a subtle undulating pattern, like heat waves coming off of a sunbaked highway.

As the electricity began to spark within the alien's transparent body, flooding it with light, her dark eyes went wide. The creature's massive body reached almost all the way across her tiny room, making the young woman feel very small, and very helpless. Still, somewhere in the back of her mind vague memories seemed to stir. For some reason the strange being's appearance triggered a strong rush of heat in her body, the same feelings she got when she saw someone she was attracted to.

The disparity between her logic driven fear and and repressed memory triggered lust were strange and unnerving, and as her mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation she inched away, over her bed until her back came up against the cold white plaster wall behind her.

When he spoke again, she seemed to freeze. Her eyes seemed to go slightly out of focus, and her slowly dawning comprehension was written all over her lovely face. She remembered it all, in a sudden overwhelming wave of terror and lust, abject fear and complete and utter pleasure. He'd been the very first one. He'd taken her in the woods on her very first day on the island, stripped her clothing and fucked her all through the night, until she was completely and utterly exhausted. She remembered all the beasts and demons who'd come after him, but the memories seemed to pale in comparison to that first horrible, amazing night.

After taking a slow, deep breath, Naoko screamed. If it hadn't been for the insidious sound dampening technology built into the very walls of her room it would have alerted the entire floor of the dormitory, and then some. No one would hear her, however, and as she scrambled off of the bed and took off in an adrenaline-fueled rush towards the door her escape attempt was already doomed to failure.

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Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:17 am
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Post Re: Fond Memories (Naoko)
The rush of Naoko’s emerging memories struck Whisperer nearly as hard as it did the student. Though he had browsed through them earlier and knew what to expect, his unusually deep contact with her mind left him open to the torrent of terror and lust. But, even as the stunning sensation faded, the monster found himself grappling with another feeling that threatened to overwhelm him.

A burst of pride filled Whisperer at the prominent position memories of him held in the lovely girl’s mind. Perhaps it was just that he had been her first monstrous attacker, or perhaps it was simply that he was present while the others were not, but she seemed fixated on that first encounter. It was immensely gratifying to think that he had affected her so profoundly. He reveled in the intense recollection of their fist encounter . . .

And suddenly, he was there and then. He floated in the clearing with Naoko suspended upside down beneath him. Two of his cocks ruthlessly pounded her tight nether channels while a third plowed the valley between her exquisite breasts. He flicked a stinger against her clit, shocking her sensitive love button. She threw her head back and shrieked in ecstacy, while he began to feed . . .

That lovely scream merged with the one from the current time and place, slowly pulling him back. Even if she could see him clearly, Naoko’s mad dash for safety surely prevented her from noticing how he flickered, almost as though he was not entirely there.

Movement captured the stunned monster’s attention; movement and the terror that indicated a fleeing prey. Without his higher consciousness to suppress them, Whisperer’s hunting reflexes kicked in. His stingers lashed out at the beautiful young girl, crackling with bio-electricity and dripping with paralytic venom. It seemed this time, she might experience the one thing he had not subjected her to before (at least not in its proper form).

Recognizing too late where he was and what was going on, Whisperer was unable to pull back the feathery tendrils that slashed toward his prey in a cris-cross pattern. He had only just enough time to send some of his graspers after them to try and prevent Naoko from falling if the sting connected.

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Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:29 pm
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