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 Strange feeling (Kerith) 
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Post Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta ran towards the dorms quickly, but she was still too far away for her to feel comfortable. She had decided to go for a walk earlier, but she had suddenly felt as if something was watching her. It annoyed her that she couldn't even feel scared because she knew that she should be. She ran beautifully like a well trained sleek animal.

Her breathing wasn't even labored as she ran from whatever was chasing her. There was a pact of little green goblin things that had tried to take her down. Where they came from she wasn't really sure, she wasn't even sure if they were real. As she ran she had heard something dark tell them to get her. Glancing back she realized that they couldn't be real.

She zig-zagged through the woods unknowningly turning around and heading deeper. Slowly most the goblin ghoul things disappeared. Only a few chased her now. Fortantly for her she didn't feel pain because she was barefoot. She had on shorts that showed a lot of her well toned legs and a brigh yellow bikini top. Surely there was someone around that could help her get rid of these little monsters.

Mon Jun 23, 2008 7:37 pm
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kerith's eyes glazed over with an ancient rage, one that had existed since gods walked the earth.

His eyes had been on Kalysta since yesterday. He had seen how quiet and expressionless she had been while her schoolmates laughed and chatted. It spoke of a hardened and defiant spirit, as worthy a prey as could be found on this island.

That the goblins would attempt to steal his prize was inexcusable. Whether they were so foolish that they believed they could survive such an act of defiance, or whether they were so oblivious that they didn't realize that Kalysta was his no longer mattered. His blood rage had stirred, and would only be released with the death of his foes.

Ahead, he saw that Kalysta had fallen into their trap. Several had fallen back so that she would believe she had outrun them, but in truth they had doubled around. Before he could arrive on the scene, they had her surrounded. The goblins leered and howled, oblivious to the minotaur's presence and believing that victory was theirs. Some of them began throwing rocks and sticks at her.

His massive sword in hand, Kerith approached the scene, appearing calm, though that only meant that the storm was on its way.

The Princess

Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:22 pm
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta didn't even seem bothered by the goblin things chasing her. Okay she told herself maybe they weren't fake, but of course they were. Some monster was messing with her she had no doubt.

Reaching up she grabbed a low branch and swung up. She leaped down behind the goblins that had banded back together. Picking up a heavy stick she started fighting the closest ones managing to kill a few of them. Well okay so they just kinda disappeared into thin air since they weren't really real.

As the goblins start to surround her again she reaches up for another branch. Easily pulling herself up she glanced over and her mouth dropped. She wasn't really sure what it was, but it had actually managed to shock her. Just as quickly as the shock showed it disappeared again, that was the way of her emotions since coming here. The only time she had felt anything was when the monsters were ravishing her. It was then that she didn't want to feel the most.

Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:44 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kerith blinked a few times as he watched the goblins disappear, realizing intuitively that something wasn't as it seemed. His ears twitched, and then he sniffed a few times. And suddenly the scent of something unfamiliar drifted into his nose.

Without any warning he let out a bellow of rage and swung his sword in a lethal arc, and struck something that wasn't there a moment ago. An immense colorless beetle with an enlarged head appeared and dropped dead to the ground in a spray of alien fluid. Immediately the goblin illusions were gone, having vanished the moment his blade made contact. Its game was over and so was its life.

Kerith hated it when something tried to mess with his head.

And he still needed something to release his fury on.

The girl he had been stalking was brave, far more formidable than any other victims so far. Her skill excited him, he wanted to see what she was capable of and prove himself superior.

Then let's see how she deals with this.

Her new position hadn't escaped his attention. As agile as he was, two tons of fur, muscle, and horn just wasn't built for climbing trees. So instead he stalked over to the base and gave his sword a mighty swing, severing the trunk in one blow and sending the tree Kalysta was in toppling to the ground.

The Princess

Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:22 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta sat on the branch in a squat watching the scene below her. She wasn't ever sure where her instant reactions came from. They only appeared when she was cornered.

She watched the monster below slay the beetle thing. Okay maybe she should thank him then be on her way. She watched him moving towards the tree, and she tried her best to judge what he was going to to. Of all things chopping the tree down at been her last thought.

Her movement were quick and well measured. She leaped as the tree feel. Grabbing ahold of another branch she swung up into another tree. This time she kept moving though jumping from tree to tree. Her movements were sleek and sure as if she was a large jungle cat. She ran along the branches sure footed.

"I should thank you for killing whatever that was, but I think you lost the thanks with that last move," she called down to him. She kept moving deeper into the woods. She finally stopped about six trees away resting even though she didn't appear to need it.

Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:30 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kerith frowned. He expected that felling her tree would have been the end of the chase, but again she had surprised him. She wouldn't escape though. As fast as she was, she couldn't hope to match his land speed, especially not by leaping from branch to branch. He couldn't reach her, but she couldn't escape him. So he would keep pursuing her, even if he had to track her through the entire planet to catch her. He had her delicious scent on his tongue. He had seen her graceful movements, watched her fight. He would do anything to claim her.

With that thought, he realized that it would be easier than he had thought at first. The ebon-skinned minotaur was stealthier than appearances would indicate. When he now crept toward his prey, he didn't make a single noise, and he was careful to keep to the shadows where his natural coloring would make him impossible to see. His tail was long and leather and ended in a tuft of fur, and now it whipped back and forth as he moved.

Once he had been maimed, in a battle with a woman warrior such as this one, although that opponent's strength and ferocity was surely unique to her alone. But losing his hand now worked to his advantage, for he had replaced it with a better one, made out of cold steel and wiring.

Now he raised his metal appendage up below her, where she no doubt thought she was safe. The palm opened and five steel tendrils shot out, snakelike in their wavy ascent. One of them caught her ankle and tugged hard.

The Princess

Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:56 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta was crouched on the branch looking around. She didn't see the thing but had no doubt she was far from safe. Tilting her head she listened for sounds to give away it's position.

Standing now on the branch she did a slow pivot checking out the scene below. She walked along the branch trying to spot the large monster. It was as if she could feel it hunting her.

Crouching back down she looked scanned the area below once more. There just wasn't something right about this. Her breath caught in her throat as something wrapped around her ankle. Slipping down onto the branch, with arms and legs on either side of it, she wrapped herself around it. There was no way she was going willingly.

Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:05 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kerith's tendril tugged harder, and soon the other four tendrils joined the first, one wrapping around her thigh, two more latching onto both wrists, and the final one coiling around her waist and sinking its dull point into her plush ass. Still she was holding tight, tight enough that his steel appendages couldn't dislodge. They gave him no sensory input and he was afraid they might tear her to pieces. He would have greatly preferred that she arrive in his possession whole, but he was determined to win, even if his victory granted him nothing more than her blood splashing on his flesh.

But then the branch splintered and snapped off the healthy tree, sending it and its occupant falling to the ground. Kerrith tossed his sword aside, deciding that he wouldn't need it again tonight. His real hand stopped her fall with the crook of her knee, while his artificial one, tendrils still active, supported her back.

He stared quietly at her, his hellish eyes glinting with anticipation.

The Princess

Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:34 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta knew that she either had to let go or be torn apart. The answer was however not left up to her. She heard the branch crack then give way. Closing her eyes she waited for the hard impact of the ground. Her eyes opened when it never came.

Looking at the monster fear flashed through her eyes before going expressionless again. "Ummm hi, nice to meet you. Thanks for saving me maybe you could let me go now," she said quickly but rather monotoned. She wasn't stupid and have an idea what was going to happen now.

There wasn't really any sense in struggling she told herself. Fear gripped her though and wouldn't let go this time. She twisted and bucked against his hold fighting for her freedom.

Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:31 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kerrith holds Kalysta tight, running his thick black fingers over her flesh as she writhes and twists in his grasp. He brings her up to eye level and leans forward, sniffing at her neck. Up close, the smell that he had been hunting her by overpowers him, leaving his head reeling with unholy desire.

As he speaks, his breath is hot on her skin, banishing the cool night air. "Let you go? After I fought so hard to claim you? No, I don't think I'll do that. If you can escape me, then do so. Otherwise you are mine."

The Princess

Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:52 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta sighed as the fear left once more. "Look how can I attempt to escape if you're holding me like this?" She questioned him as she pasted a frown on her face.

Her body went limp in his grasp as she waited from him to let her down so she could attempt an escape. He was sorely mistaken if he thought she wouldn't try to accomplish it. Her anger was starting to rise though, the only emotion that had always stayed.

"Okay look here you prevert. Let me go you ass. You and your disgusting worthless friends need to leave me alone," she yelled at him.

Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:03 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kerith stared into her eyes, baring his teeth. "So, you can't escape. Still, I guess that's pretty impressive for a human. I have no friends. It's just you and me, and I can't wait to see how much you can take before I break you."

His metal hand roughly shoves her against the base of the tree, pinning her. He hunches over and sniffs briefly at her groin before going lower, brushing the end of his rough pink tongue against her toned legs. As he did so one of his horns poked her crotch lightly.

The Princess

Wed Jun 25, 2008 5:14 am
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta could taste the fear in her mouth now. That's how it worked with her strange emotions. If she wanted to feel something she couldn't, but when she didn't they flooded her. She didn't know which was worse. Right now she wanted to keep them at bay hoping it would make him lose interest.

She stiffened when sniffed her and it took everything she had to bite back the whimper of fear when he licked her legs. She squeezed her eyes tightly closed when his horn poked her. "Look why don't you let me go..." her cut the words short when she realized her voice wavered.

Sun Jun 29, 2008 8:50 pm
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kerith's sensitive nose could smell the fear on her skin and his body grew tense, his lust practically driving him mad. Rising to face her again, his large hand shoots out in a blur, seizing a fistful of her skirt and roughly ripping it off. He looked over her bikini bottoms with approval, his callused fingers first rubbing their surface, and then slipping inside, probing her most private area. Without warning, his teeth catch the rim of her bottoms and he rips that too off with a twist of his massive neck.

"Let you go?" A cruel grin forms on his grotesque, bull-like features, and he hefts her up above his head, flipping her around in his grasp. His long, rough tongue runs up the cheek of her rear, and in another moment Kalysta can feel the dull point of his horn at the entrance to her ass. "I could. Would you like me to let you go now?" He purposely allows his grip to loosen, and in that brief moment she slips, causing the tip of his horn to press dangerously at her hole.

The Princess

Mon Jun 30, 2008 6:01 pm
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Post Re: Strange feeling (Kerith)
Kalysta cried out as her skirt was ripped from her. She wriggled terrified now as tears fell down her cheeks. Feeling him touch her sex she screams loudly calling for help. Closing her eyes she sniffles softly as he rips her bottoms off.

Biting her lips she shakes her head as she lifted up. She could taste the blood from her lip now. She whimpers shaking her head frantically as he probes her bottom. "Please oh please no don't..." she wails in a panic now. The emotionless girl was quickly turning to a screaming banshee.

Thu Jul 10, 2008 1:38 am
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