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 Sylph's Kiss (for Darwin) 
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Post Sylph's Kiss (for Darwin)
You lie! His words thrust through their mental communication with vehemence though the diminitive node did not seem to back down in the least. What it had proposed was preposterous and yet strangely interesting if it were true. Not that he cared if there were a male student here or not. He supposed there were some hunters here that would not have cared what gender their victims were though Aegir made a habit of dealing only with those that he could benefit from. He enjoyed unraveling mysteries as a way to occupy his mind so those that harbored secret or shady pasts grabbed his attention. He liked the elogance of music so he had fancied them as much as he fancied bookworms and those that had amassed quite a collection of facts in their days. Athletes had the prime bodies he was looking for in order to house his nodes ...

Aegir could be a bit selective when it came down to it. Yeah, he had on occassion snagged a victim here and there that was purely by opportunity. He just happened to be in the right place at the right time ... though it was rare that he had bothered with such students. Sometimes he would terrorize them when he was in a particularly nasty mood though as of late Aegir had been fairly mellow. He had been caught up in learning things about himself, about the minds he had absorbed and gathered upon his own. He was beginning to understand emotions a little better which lead him to experiment further upon such matters. He wondered if it were healthy doing so, if his kindred had not been right all along though such concerns were fleeting. Aegir knew that the next evolutionary step for his kind had to be taken through humans, through amassing what they had and growing from them.

Show me ... Aegir mentally commanded his node as his eyes closed in order to blot out his own surroundings. In this way he would not see the double image of his own surroundings and the surroundings that his miniature spy took in. So his node had been right, there was a male student here after all. He did not know why he had been curious about this little tidbit then it occurred to him that he wasn't looking upon a male after all. Years of studying humans had allowed Aegir to pick up on movements both overt and subtle. This man moved like a woman, not to mention that there were features that just had not matched up. For starters there was a lack of an adam's apple and though disguised quite well Aegir could discern tiny inconsistencies here and there. You idiot!

Aegir's tone was only mildly condescending for he could feel the mirth in the node. Humor? A joke? He would have chastised the thing for wasting his time if time had not been in such incredible abundance for him. But the node had not been suicidal, there had been a reason why it had pulled Aegir's interest to this student inparticular. Quickly it deposited its finds into Aegir's brain given the complex link they shared. The spy continued to observe Darwin from its perch upon the window sill. A quick exit was open to it and though it was camoflauged it had no desire to be detected and captured having learned the fate of one of its fellow nodes. It only remained here in the event that Aegir had further instructions for it.

Most interesting ... most interesting indeed. How did I manage to overlook this one? She has been around awhile you say?

Yes. Though your perameters at the time did not include some of the recent criteria you have established.

At the time I had no need to seek out those resistant to foreign substances though now I have a purpose for them. You have done well in bringing this to my attention. Join your breathern back at the lair. As for me I intend on paying Miss Quincy a visit ...

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Fri Jul 11, 2008 7:26 am
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Post Re: Sylph's Kiss (for Darwin)
Darwin had taken to sitting outside her room humming to herself this day. She didn't mind the crowd of straight girls that had gathered around her. She actually was in the mood to have eyes on her for the first time in this week of consciousness. She wore a simple set of clothing a t-shirt & jeans both loose along with her usual custom bindings and illusion creating portions. Her hair was white with blue eyes this day.

"Well I guess I enjoy myself here; it's surprisingly a nice island give or take a few annoyances from time to time. Next Question?"

"Darwin, How'd you manage to end up at an all girl's school?"

Darwin thought for a few moments and shook her head at them. She didn't remember at all let alone have an idea how to make up a lie for such a thing. She took a breath and just shrugged.

"Afraid amnesia's taken my answer of that one my fair beauties."

The girls around her swooned as she spoke, all of them hoping it was them she called a beauty. but, they'd be more than disappointed if they found out they were talking to an swooning over a well disguised woman with a talent for voices.

"ohhh he's so handsome!!!"
"Mmmm, I just wanna see him once shirtless!"

"Ladies ladies, you know that wouldn't be proper don't you? I mean so many young women all wanting the same man, It would be cruel for me to choose anyone!"

She offered a gentleman's wink and smirk to them again they swooned gently. she laughed slightly to herself silently. she didn't like lying to the girls but, she would have felt even worse shattering their little glimmer of hope in this lonely place.


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:27 am
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Post Re: Sylph's Kiss (for Darwin)
Having made fair progress in his trek thus far Aegir found his body coming to a resounding halt. His pupil less white eyes had snapped opened as if drawing in his surroundings, alert for danger swarming around him. His mouth tentacles swayed as if in agitation though to believe that he was panicked would have been an erroneous judgement. He was anything but alarmed even as that rich bubbling sound popped forth from his mouth. He was amused. Genuinely amused by what his node had paused long enough to relay its mobility even slower than Aegir's had allowed it to broadcast more of what was going on just outside that dorm room.

This Darwin ... she was an oddity though an amusing one. He would not pretend to understand her reasons or motives for behaving as she was, bantering with the other female students that had been caught up in the deception of her ruse. In a way it had reminded him of his earlier efforts at illusion, taking on a character and developing it to further his ends. So what had been her aim here? Why was she trying to disguise herself as something she was not? To blend in? No, it could not have been that for taking on her disguise she stood out, she gained the attention of others given the way that her little interview process had gone. Was it to see if she could get away with it? Again Aegir figured that there was a greater reason than this behind her reasoning and though curious he knew that nothing would be accomplished by him simply standing around here all day.

Thus he directed himself into movement once more thinking as he slithered over the rotting logs and rocky ground of the forest. He found that he was getting sucked into observing Darwin's behavior with her fellow students. Their dejection at her words, the way she had them eating out of her hand had been so fascinating. Why could he not harness such a gift like that? Sure he could spin illusions but never had he harnessed the charisma and charm necessary to have individuals swooning over him. Aegir appreciated being admired, he basked in the attention though for the most part it had seemed that he had to work incredibly hard to change the minds and opinions of those he had run across. It might have helped if he could grapple with human emotions better, if he had understood their inane behavior he might have been capable of placing them into perspective. He was so unuse to them and their ways despite the years he had studied them. This scene had been evidence of that considering that it had been refreshing to him. It had not been often that Aegir got to see something new or unusual so when he had chanced upon it it had always drawn his interest.

Though these initial questions continued to resurface he had the presence of mind to get his node to observe the door just beyond Darwin. By focusing in on it he acquired a room number which would only make things a little easier for him. Aegir had been distracted from his purpose wanting to find out if Darwin could resist the toxins that he could generate. If so she could be quite valueable in manufacturing an means of dealing with his breathern, coming up with weapons that could neutralize the capabilities of his own kind Aegir had sought to seek his revenge against those that he had shared evolutionary ties with. And though a weapon that possessed immunities to his attacks could prove to be dangerous to him he would also work upon a means of destroying his own weapons ... a limited lifespan perhaps or a means where he could enslave their minds ... the end result had not been important just yet since right now he had no idea whether or not Darwin possessed the necessary qualities to resist the potent poison that could be delievered through his bite.

But he would not kill her even if she was susceptible to the venom that coursed through him. She made him laugh, she showed him something new and that alone would have been enough to grant her a stay of execution. Besides he had not been an overly callous being, partially due to the corruption inflicted upon him by all the memories that he had absorbed throughout the years.

All this would be for nothing, however, should he not be able to met her so Aegir picked up his pace a little while he let that compound brain of his constitute a plan for isolating Darwin so that he could test out his hypothesis governing the ability reported in her file.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Sat Jul 12, 2008 6:03 am
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Post Re: Sylph's Kiss (for Darwin)
"Excuse me if you would, need a drink and a nap before tommorrow lot of stuff to do."

Darwin smiled offering a wave to the girls looking to her door which was blocked by girls. She sighed slightly; it didn't happen often but, when she was surrounded they once in awhile blocked her from leaving.

"I really need my rest girls... I really don't want to call an admin, I have a voice that'll carry to the lobby and you girls know that right?"

"You won't scream darwin, We know you won't you never do."


Tatiana Azevedo:


Darwin And Tatiana are Available for play, PM if you're interested

Sun Jul 13, 2008 2:03 am
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Post Re: Sylph's Kiss (for Darwin)
This was getting rather interesting. Just as he had begun to survey the dormitory building itself he caught upon the unfolding scene his node obviously hanging back as subconsciously prompted by Aegir so that he could witness more of what was going on as he made his way forth. The girls served him quite well at this stage buying him the time he would need to get into position. Recounting the room number as received from his spy Aegir counted the number of rooms from the left hand side of the building in order to it. Honing in on the presence of his node Aegir verified that it was the correct room as he slithered forth his head inclined so that he had a perfect view of the window. Why was it that he had never encountered anyone that lived upon the ground floor? That would certainly make things easier ... ah, well, he quite complaining to himself as he pushed outward with his mind. An unseen energy flowing from him cutting across the distance between him in that window. Feeling the window pane he inspected the wood along its sill as he concentrated upon it he allowed his mind to capture a mental picture of the window, how it functioned and most importantly how it locked.

A simple metallic latch lock rested atop the window itself and it had been this small portion of the whole that he turned his mind to. Telekinetically he flipped the latch unlocking the window which had been an obvious precaution that Darwin chose to take. A simple one mind you though most times the simplest of approaches won out over those that had been overly complex. Next he hefted the window open with the power of thought alone. Just a few inches was all he needed to gain admittance given his ability to compress down his form to slide through even the narrowest of openings. Pausing for a second he watched the curtains against the window billow gentle against a breeze before slipping his attention back to Darwin.

Good, she was still delayed by the mass of students though he had to wonder if it was going to get rowdy. Contemplating that as he began to scale the smooth wall of the building with the utmost of ease Aegir had determined that she had the situation well enough in hand. If not he could always channel assistance through a timely illusion projected through his node. It would do no good to brake into her sleeping chamber only to have her prevented from joining him therein.

So he was in her room at last, his frame squeezing beneath the window sill, his body oozing into the room in such a manner that it was reminescent of gelatin sliding down the wall. Casting his gaze around the room he took in its appearance. He had not sensed any other occupants before he started up the side of the building though now he had made a preliminary check for an extra bed or an adjoining room just to establish a better idea of whether or not he could expect to be disturbed.

"You won't scream darwin, We know you won't you never do."

That statement caused him to perk up. He heard it twice as if it had echoed given that he had still been perceiving matters through his node and was now close enough to hear the conversation out in the hall with his own ears. It was a strange distortion effect that could be disorientating if he had not been so accustomed to doing this over the millenia. Though now it was time to sever the connection with his node pulling his presence away from it he once again dismissed it. Next he looked for a place where he could remain hidden least he be caught out in the open standing there in the middle of her sleeping chamber. Yeah, that would go over well. A hall full of students, his target amongst them, Darwin might not make a ruckus if what he heard was to be taken at face value but he was sure that someone out there would. Then they would run and scatter, at least the smart ones would. Some would become gripped with fear, paralyzed to the spot though with his impaired manueverability most, if not all would get away. Not to mention they would draw too much attention upon him and that was certainly something he did not want.

He elected to take up temporary residence in the closet. She would probably change at some point, maybe drop her guard while alone and away from her adoring fans. Then he could seize her then when the door was drawn back. But if she did not change then he would simply wait her out until sleep fell upon her. Then he could creep out from hiding to attend to her. It was a basic plan of attack. As far as cutting off her avenues of retreat he had to consider the doorway into the hall and the window though if he ensured surprise he might not have to worry about cutting off her escape vectors. Playing it by ear Aegir took up his position and did what came natural to him ... he waited.

"Summoned or not, the god will come."

Aegir's profile
Midori Gemma
full sized image of Aegir

Sun Jul 13, 2008 3:33 am
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