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 Spectre's Monster Menagerie 
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Post Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Spectre’s Monster Menagerie.
(I can't decide if this should be posted here or in Roleplay Discussions . . . Hope this is OK)

Spectre has a tendency to transport other creatures from distant planes for its own amusement. It enjoys watching the chaos such unexpected encounters can create. Here is a list of some of the creatures it has used (or plans to use). If anyone is interested in any of these creatures, please feel free to contact me.


Deimos is a fairly traditional demon, save for his tentacles (which could also be considered traditional for a hentai demon). He resembles a giant satyr with a humanoid torso but legs like those of a goat, complete with cloven hooves. His massively muscled frame stands nearly ten feet tall and his head sports a pair of curling ram-horns. His facial features are exaggerated and feral looking and his eyes glow with an eerie green light. His arms fall nearly to his knees, ending in huge hands that sport wicked claws. Nine tentacles line the ridge of his spine, each one capable of extending to about twenty feet in length. He has bare, smooth red-gold skin, but red-brown wool covers him from the waist down. A fleshy wool-covered pouch covers his genitalia, which are appropriately sized for his bulk - thus about twice the size of those belonging to an average human male.

Aside from being generally impervious to heat and fire, Deimos has no particularly special powers. He does have keen senses that allow him to see in the dark and track by scent. His other senses are somewhat less developed, but still superior to human norms. His greatest advantages are his supernatural strength and resilience. Though his hide is thick and tough, he can be hurt, it just takes a lot of force to do so. Further, he heals very quickly; all but the most grievous of injuries are repaired in minutes if not seconds. Blunt trauma that does not break the skin is particularly quick to heal.

Due to his great strength, Deimos can make prodigious leaps as well as lift and carry great amounts of weight. However, he is not extraordinarily agile, so he might be more easily out-maneuvered than some other monsters. He is also not exceedingly bright - not stupid by any means, but definitely not a genius. He tends to leave the scheming to Spectre and just tries to play his part as directed.

Unlike most of the other creatures listed here, Deimos is a willing participant in Spectre’s games. He plays out the roles Spectre gives him, and in return, he gets to use the subjects of its mind games as he likes. Like most demons, Deimos is arrogant and egotistical and enjoys the suffering of his victims. However, he also really likes when they are unable to resist the stimulation he forces on then; especially if the method of stimulation is demeaning to them.

First appearance: Cave of Corruption.

Corundus (revised)

An amorphous, sentient, living crystal entity, Corundus is a stranger in a strange land. Spectre snatched it from a distant plane and deposited it on Shokushu just to see what happens. The crystalline entity does not know how it got there or why it was put there. It is frightened, curious and terribly lonely; from its point of view, it is the only living thing on the island - a place that is uncomfortably like a giant carcass floating in an unnaturally cool pool of lava. However, it finds the many soft, squishy things on the island fascinating, especially the mobile ones. But so far, it has kept its distance. It had never encountered non-mineral life before and does not realize that these things are ‘alive.’

Corundus is a deep red in color, so deep as to appear black except on close examination. Its 1600 pound bulk flows as easily as water, yet always remains hard as crystal. Corundus can fashion itself into virtually any shape it desires, but it cannot change its mass or outer appearance. Whatever shape it takes is always clearly a rock.

It has yet to discover its motivation in attacking the students. Initially, it is just curious about the strange, soft, mobile masses that show such life-like qualities, yet still it is not likely to intentionally initiate first contact. Its first encounter should be by chance: Perhaps a student happens upon Corundus while out for a walk. Caught unawares, it freezes, ironically more afraid of her than she would later be of it. Perhaps the student is curious about the unusual boulder laying in the middle of the path, or perhaps she decides to take a rest. For whatever reason, she should make physical contact with it.

At this point, Corundus will first notice the most intriguing sensation: heat emanating from the student’s body. After a period of time during which it becomes clear to the crystalline entity that soft, warm thing isn’t harmful, it will become more bold, forming a pseudopod to return the touch. Then, of course the scene would develop along standard lines.

First appearance: Tales of Corundus - A Chance Encounter.


The Magivore is a semi-sentient predator from a distant plane of strong magic. It was designed as a bio-magical weapon of terror by a rebellious cabal for use against a ruling caste of witches. The creature feeds on the mana reserves of magically talented women. An experienced caster’s magical potential cannot be forcibly drained from her unless her mental defenses are disrupted. It was soon discovered that one of the best methods to cause such disruption is to flood the subject’s brain with intense sensory signals. Several experiments with pain and other agents produced moderate success, but pleasure was soon discovered to be a more efficient means of producing and sustaining mental disruption. An added benefit was the psychological blow to the victim’s ego: being laid low by a simple creature that made her scream in ecstacy while it divested her of her powers.

The creature appears to be a squirming mass of tentacles and trunk-like appendages. It has tough, leathery skin that is light blue in color and shot through with pulsing veins of a sickly yellow-orange. If it has a central body, it is concealed by its forest of limbs. Though it can change the dimensions of its mass considerably, it always fills a volume equivalent to a four-foot diameter sphere. The tentacles themselves can all extend at least ten feet from the mass, and often up to twice that. They range in form and function from small finger-width filaments to gaping maws about eight inches in diameter. None of the appendages are phallic per se, and many of them end in circular mouths. The smallest generally do not have an orifice, and none except the largest have anything resembling teeth. Of the latter, there are five which appear to have several concentric rings of shark-like teeth. In actuality these ‘teeth’ are made of a rubbery cartilage-like substance and not meant to rend or tear flesh.

Due to its nature as a weapon against the magically talented, the Magivore is effectively immune to magic. It readily absorbs any such energies directed at it, and its presence leeches the power of spells cast in its vicinity. In fact, either activity will attract its attention, causing it to focus on the caster. Otherwise, it will attack those with greater skill and control as their mana is generally closer to the surface and more readily apparent.

First appearance: School Project page 12.

I plan to add more as the inspiration takes me.

(Edit: revised and added details to entry on Corundus.)

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Last edited by Spectre on Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:36 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Tue May 27, 2008 5:16 am
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Very informative and an excellent idea, I should probably do something of this nature for Icelus' minions as well...

Life's no fun without a good scare.

Tue May 27, 2008 10:05 pm
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Thank you. I'm glad someone finds it useful, if only as an example.

I had originally planned to edit the initial post whenever I came up with new monsters, but I realized that might soon make it unmanageble. Plus it doesn't bump the topic to alert people to the additions ;)

So here's two new entries. Er, well one of them's actually an old monster, but new to the phpbb version of the board.

Xokuxuatl (show-koo-shoo’ahtul) The Tentacled Serpent.

At just over thirty feet in length, the serpentine Xokuxuatl (Xoku) might be mistaken for an anaconda, save for the dozens of long, fibrous, glossy tendrils that sprout from just behind his decidedly un-snake-like head. The latter resembles either a reptilian lion or leonine alligator. His tendrils catch and refract light, creating a dazzling rainbow effect. When spread out around him in flight, at a distance, they can be mistaken for brightly colored feathery wings. Yes, Xoku is a flying serpent. Some call him a dragon, some call him a demon, some even called him a god, but he is none of those things . . . or perhaps all of them. He most definitely is an ancient supernatural creature, brimming with mystical power.

Oddly enough, he is not, himself, a spellcaster. Instead, he funnels the raw energy he constantly produces into specific forms including : telekinesis (from which he derives his flight) and telepathy. He can also remain unseen if he wishes. He does this not by becoming invisible, but by mystically nullifying his presence. In this state, he is undetectable by any means, as though he literally does not exist. The effect is terminated if he takes any action that would physically affect the world around him. It is important to note that this ability does not make him incorporeal, however, so he can’t go anywhere he normally couldn’t while fully present. The act of opening a door or window, even with telekinesis, qualifies as affecting reality, thus ending the effect. Further, he must use this ability sparingly, otherwise he will fade away to nothingness. It turns out causing the universe to forget your presence can have that effect.

In fact, that is how he came to be in Spectre’s service. After remaining in the state a bit too long, Xoku suddenly found himself banished to the eternal chaos of the Beyond. He traded 10,000 years of service for a portal back to reality. That portal leads to Shokushu . . .

Telekinesis is Xoku’s primary means of physical manipulation. While his many tendrils (which are as long as his body) are fully prehensile, they are basically sensory organs and not very strong. The tendrils are very sensitive to many things, including: light (including heat), sound, and texture, but they do not feel pain. Any damaged tendrils just wither away and regenerate, usually over a couple of days.

One thing that is particularly vulnerable to pain is his tongue. Like many serpents, Xoku’s tongue is an efficient sensory organ, registering not only taste, but scent, heat, and texture as well. In his case, it doubles as his pleasure organ, being easily as thick as a man’s penis and many times as long as well as fully prehensile to boot. Though he thinks of himself as male and has a male persona, he has no genitalia per se, as such are fundamentally tools of sexual reproduction; something that is meaningless to a creature that, as far as he knows, is entirely unique.

Xoku has a bit of a fey and playful nature; he loves to play pranks and games. It is likely that any encounter with him that is not at the behest of Spectre (and probably many that are) will begin with such a game or prank. Unfortunately, the playful serpent doesn’t know when to stop and won’t take no for an answer . . .

Xoku will likely hate working for Spectre, but is bound by his word to do as directed. Of course, that doesn’t mean he won’t try to twist those directions toward his own ends.

Appearance(s): Long Legs


Doppelganger was a construct created by my first character: The Overbeing (not to be confused with The Overmind). Much like Spectre, The Overbeing was a powerful otherworldly alien intelligence, but all resemblance ends there. It stumbled upon this plane and was intrigued by the strange interactions between the various beings on Shokushu. After a period of observation and experimentation, The Overbeing came to the conclusion that this entire plane was too tainted by evil and chaos to be of any value (its views on such are the polar opposites of Spectre’s). It withdrew its presence and sealed off all avenues between this reality and its home dimension.

Doppelganger was designed and programmed with all the knowledge collected by The Overbeing during its short stint at Shokushu. Never meant to be a permanent life-form, it was designed for the sole purpose of testing the aggressive responses of the subject Adena. During the experiment, the creature was freed, cut loose from its greater self (The Overbeing was unable to process the sensations it collected during the subject’s orgasm, disrupting its contact with this universe). Doppelganger then went on a short rampage through the campus before finally being forcibly re-integrated with The Overbeing. This series of events were what led to The Overbeing’s withdrawal. Unfortunately, The Overbeing was not entirely successful in absorbing the errant construct. A tiny piece remained. A tiny piece that Spectre snatched up and whisked away before it was noticed. It gave the sample to a mad alchemist (another of the characters I may post here ;)) on a distant plane to be restored. The regeneration process is nearly complete . . .

In its 'natural' state, Doppelganger resembles a five to six foot humanoid statue crudely molded from translucent yellow-brown clay shot through with nervous fibers that all join together to form the creature's eyespots. Its malleable flesh is capable of taking on any size, shape, color and texture, though its overall mass (and therefore weight) must remain constant. In any form, it has the ability to elongate its appendages and/or form new ones. Use of this ability causes any disguised form it had assumed to begin to degrade, warping as the monster begins to return to its real form.

In addition to impressive shape-changing capabilities, Doppelganger is sort of like a ‘psychic mirror.’ It can automatically sense what a victim would consider to be a perfect idealization of herself. It can then use its shape-changing ability to assume that form. Indeed, it will unconsciously do so when it gets near a potential victim, unless it actively prevents the change. When first engaging a victim, Doppelganger often uses its ability to take on the target’s ideal aspect so that it can taunt and deride her. The better to put her off-balance before it attacks.

As a side effect, of its psychic nature, Doppelganger is also telepathic, though its powers and skills are basic. It cam read minds and send thoughts, but nothing else.

Doppelganger exists only to rape and ravish, applying what it knows of human psychology and physiology to produce as much fear and lust as possible. Though it is technically not a willing participant in Spectre’s games, it would be if given the opportunity. Spectre, however just plans to let it loose on the campus once more to do what it was designed and programmed to do . . .

More forthcoming.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Last edited by Spectre on Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.

Thu May 29, 2008 7:33 am
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Joined: Thu May 03, 2007 4:58 am
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
My goodness, such detail to so many monsters! You must have your hands quite full managing so many different entities. This is well done so far, and I look forward to your future entries.

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Fri May 30, 2008 5:59 pm
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

I've had this creature worked up for a while, but have been hesitant to post him. I think he'll be ok, but if he truly offends anyone, I'll be happy to remove him.

Zharkun (Zyar-koon)- Extreme ‘deep throat’ fetish monster.

This horrid creature is a sphere roughly three feet in diameter. He has three large eyes spaced equidistantly around his upper hemisphere. A large triangular maw which faces the ground dominates his lower hemisphere. The bases of twenty-seven tentacles cover every other space on his body.

Each tentacle is about twelve feet long and ends in a smaller triangular orifice. A three-part beak or claw surrounds each orifice. When closed, the claws form a shape reminiscent of the head of a human phallus. Within each tentacular mouth are three long, thin, filaments. These fully-prehensile filaments can extend several inches from the orifice, and even through an aperture in the end of the beak if it is closed.

In contrast, the creature’s main maw has no beak or filaments and is filled with many sharp, jagged teeth. It is unclear why, however, as the maw is not attached to any sort of digestive system. Instead, it houses what humans might call Zharkun’s phallus.

This strange organ at first appears to be a segmented, chitinous tube. The tube has a bevel-shaped ending flanked by a pair of blunt pinchers. The pincers are used to force open a victims jaw enough to wedge in the bevel, which then opens up to allow safe passage for the more vulnerable, fleshy organ inside.

Zharkun is truly monstrous. A creature of no apparent needs, he seems to just enjoy forcing his victims to orgasm by fucking their throats. Many would call Zharkun a demon, but he is most aptly classified as a figment. Spectre snatched him from the imagination of a hentai artist on a bad acid trip.

Zharkun rarely speaks to his victims, just advancing on them relentlessly until he can ensnare them with his tentacles or, better yet, trap them against a wall. Once he has a victim captured, he uses his highly specialized anatomy to force his way into her mouth. He extends his true ‘phallus’ from the end of his armored delivery tube and, surprisingly, ejaculates immediately. Once the victim swallows a goodly amount, he will often withdraw from her mouth completely for a while, using his other tentacles to ‘heat up’ her body while his ‘cum’ does its work.

The substance has several important effects. First, it almost immediately disables the gag reflex. Second, it releases a catalyst into the blood that increases oxygen-carrying efficiency so she will have to breath less. Third, it alters and increases the sensitivity of the victims mouth and throat - especially the tongue and uvula - to match or exceed that of her sex.

After several minutes, Zharkun again forces his way into the victim’s mouth and begins shafting her throat deeply. An action that she will find abhorrently pleasurable. If he’s feeling particularly vicious, he may forego any other actions and force the woman to climax solely from the completely unnatural stimulation.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Mon Jun 02, 2008 10:50 am
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Here's another addition to the menagerie; the alchemist character I mentioned a while back. I've been working on him for quite some time, and he still doesn't feel quite right, but if I don't quit tweaking him, he'll never get posted.

Nebthraxus the Mad - Alchemist, Artificer, Mummified Loon.

A brilliant alchemist and artificer, Nebthraxus might have resembled a man, once. But that was very long ago, before he discovered the secret of immortality. Many people equate unending life with unending health. Neb is ‘living’ proof that such is not necessarily so, for many centuries ago, he concocted a ‘cure’ for death and now he cannot die. But this great boon soon proved a curse. Though Neb will never die, his body continues to age, making him weaker with every passing year.

Over the centuries, Neb tried many techniques for reversing or halting the aging process with varying degrees of failure. Early on, he hit upon a formula that slows it dramatically, allowing him more time to experiment. But the years, then decades, then centuries flew by as Neb racked up failure after failure.

Eventually, the slow crawl of time caught up with Neb. As the vigor of youth faded before the creeping onslaught, he began to despair. His focus shifted from trying to extend his life to finding a means to end it.

More centuries passed while Neb tried every method he could think of to end his self-induced curse. After a failed experiment with self-immolation, the alchemist learned that his body was impervious to destruction, but not pain; plans for trials with acid and other implements of destruction were quickly abandoned.

Neb turned to the spiritual realm next, experimenting with various funeral rites and ceremonies; prayers and rituals. He even went so far as to have himself mummified at one point - a very unpleasant prospect for one who is still alive. Needless to say, having his brains ripped out with a red-hot poker did little for his sanity. Unfortunately it also did little for his cause as well.

Already old and horribly scarred (from the failed immolation attempt), Neb found himself wrapped in specially treated lengths of cloth with his organs sealed away in jars. Yet, still, he lived. As he raged at the most recent failure, he soon learned that he had become mystically bound to his wrappings. The cloth strips bent to his will, acting like extensions of his body. Neb’s already tenuous grip on sanity dissolved completely. After slaughtering the priests who had made him into such a monstrosity, the undying alchemist re-assimilated his organs (you don’t want to know how . . .) and disappeared to parts unknown.

In the centuries since that incident, Nebthraxus has regained some of his functionality. He’s no less insane, but he can at least interact with others to a degree. He has learned to control his wrappings to a great extent, able to extend any number of cloth ‘tentacles’ to impossible lengths (almost as though he has an infinite supply), or ‘compress’ them on his body so as to expose his head, hands, etc. He can even shed them completely for short periods (though they always return whenever he sleeps or is otherwise unconscious).

Sometime during his self-imposed exile, Neb made contact with Spectre. The Thing from Beyond convinced him to resume his search for a way to reverse the aging process. It has provided the alchemist with information that indicates he might obtain favorable results from experiments with the vaginal secretions of young women.

In the most basic of terms, Nebthraxus appears to be a bent and shriveled old man. His almost skeletally gaunt frame is wrapped in layer after layer of cloth wrappings, but they are usually hidden beneath a voluminous, hooded robe. Even when he has shifted the wrappings to uncover his head, he generally keeps his face in shadow to hide the terrible scarring caused by his attempt to incinerate himself. He moves with the pained slowness of advanced old age, usually leaning heavily on a cane. Physically speaking, he is not a match for even the weakest of the students, but his many tricks and artifacts make up for the deficiency. Further, the strength of his prehensile wrappings is based in the supernatural power of his ‘curse’ mingled with the effects of the mummification rite - a powerful combination of the arcane and the divine.

Neb is primarily a ‘lab-style’ character, though he will seldom, if ever, be part of threads in the actual labs forum. Instead, he takes his ‘lab’ everywhere he goes, tucked away into the nearly infinite space of the many pockets of his magical robe. He can pull almost anything from those pockets, from a battered old yellow wooden yo-yo to advanced medical equipment, as well as any type of magical device he can imagine (if he can imagine it, chances are he’s already made it).

The potions and elixirs he will make from his ‘experiments’ will likely work to some degree, at least in the short term, granting him youth and vitality for short periods, during which he will probably take advantage of whatever victim he has at his mercy. Millennia of alchemical experimentation and exposure to strange religious rites have warped him into something distinctly inhuman, however, even if his physical form remains humanoid. Further, that form may not be the same from one experiment to the next (though he always reverts to his ancient, mummified aspect when the effects wear off).

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Thu Jul 31, 2008 8:52 am

Joined: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:45 pm
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Those monsters sound AMAZING Spectre, you are truly a very gifted descriptive writer. I would love to do a scene with many of these monsters, but perhaps we should start slow. I like the idea of the alchemical mummy.

Don't worry, I don't bite.... hard.....

Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:55 pm
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Thank you. :oops: Such high praise is hardly deserved, but greatly appreciated. :D

If Nebthraxus is your choice, then so shall it be.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Thu Jul 31, 2008 7:43 pm
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
I would love to play with Zharkun, Xokuxuatl, or (more unlikely) the Magivore.

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Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:41 pm
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
I thank you for your interest :); Though I am a little hesitant to take on any more threads right now (except for a couple I have pending), I'll have a look at your profile(s) and send you a PM.

Note to the Mods: Though I realize this thread was just technically necroed, I ask that it not be locked as I was hoping to add to it soon.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Thu Nov 15, 2012 2:02 am
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
Ok, time for another addition to the Monster Menagerie. This time we take another foray into the strange.

Zoa in an odd creature resembling a giant amoeba. It is a huge amorphous sack of translucent light green fluids with an approximate volume of 523 cubic feet (a sphere with a radius of 5 feet). Acting as a nucleus for the horrific thing is a giant brain-eyeball fully two feet in diameter. The eye's iris is red, but generally appears brown unless it is pressed against Zoa's outer membrane (which is transparent). Also floating in the soup are a large number of other organs in a vast array of sizes and shapes. Some of these organs are obviously phallic in nature while others are more unusual looking, such as starfish-like structures or knots of long suckered tentacles. Several appear almost like a type of breath-mask.

Zoa survives by eating any non-living matter it encounters (including a victim's clothes), but it also requires healthy amounts of female human(oid) vaginal secretions as part of its diet. It attacks by bowling over and absorbing its victims, pulling them inside its mass where it stimulates them with its many sexual organs. One of the most important is the breath-mask, which settles over a victim's mouth and nose, producing oxygen for her while she's inside the beast. Though only a minimal level is produced initially. Once the breath-mask attaches, it produces a phallic-shaped protrusion that pushes into the victim's mouth. The more she stimulates this 'phallus' the more oxygen the mask produces for her. Various other organs are used to stimulate the victim and make her produce the fluid Zoa needs.

Zoa has neither vocal chords nor psychic abilities, so it can't really communicate, but it is highly intelligent, able to learn and plan. Zoa's capabilities might evolve over time as it learns and possibly grows new types of organs.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:18 am
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Post Re: Spectre's Monster Menagerie
The following monster was not brought forth directly by Spectre, but its actions did lead to his awakening. Plus, he's really a part of Xoku's psyche now, so into the Menagerie he goes.

NOKTMYRE (Knocked - mere)
The Goblin King

As mentioned in Lady Meander, The Goblin King was an ancient nemesis of Xokuxuatl. Though the King and his hordes perished long ago, they live on in Xoku's memories. There they would have stayed if Spectre hadn't sent the serpent to experiment with the powers of Kirsty Barker. Through a combination of Kirsty's power and Xoku's essence, the two were transported into a waking dream-world based on a tragic event in the serpent's past. Though the King himself was not directly involved in Kirsty and Xoku's adventure, he was touched by it. Now he had become a sentient memory, lurking in Xoku's mind, able to escape when the great serpent sleeps . . .

Noktmyre is the given name of The Goblin King. He is but a shadow of his real self; a memory brought to life. However, in life, Noktmyre was a powerful sorcerer and master dreamwalker. His power in the realm of dreams was nearly absolute, such that, even as a memory, he is able to manifest there when Xoku sleeps.

Noktmyre's true form is lost to the mists of time, but it is largely irrelevant anyway. In the dream realm, he can assume any form he desires and can bend dream realities to his will. His abilities are primarily limited to 'external' factors such as the environment, however. Though his powers are vast, he cannot directly control other beings' dream personas. He can alter their clothing and appearances slightly, as well as introduce suggestions into their minds, but he cannot change their basic essence or truly control their actions. For instance, Noktmyre might make a dreamer look like a bunny girl, complete with ears and a tail and could even plant the suggestion in her mind that she had always been thus, but he couldn't make her eat carrots and hop around for his pleasure . . . at least not without some more mundane means of coercion.

Some common forms Noktmyre might use are: A humanoid form of black mist with glowing red eye-spots and a subtle pulsing flow that spreads out from the chest; A black stone gargoyle with nightmarish indeterminate features (sometimes it looks reptilian, sometimes bird-like, sometimes demonic, etc.); An immense raven with featureless white eyes and dripping red talons; A large hound with a 'mane' of black flames and teeth and claws of steel; A gang of unruly goblins (usually about a dozen); or, for a seductive twist, a darkly handsome aristocrat with exotic, vaguely otherworldly features.

Being a memory, Noktmyre's own recollections are incomplete at best. In essence, he is 'stuck' in the episode of Xoku's past during which he captured and forcibly married the serpent's mortal lover. Consequently, he is always looking for a new 'Celeste' to 'wed' - though he will likely skip the ceremony and just go straight to consummation. Noktmyre's ultimate goal in any encounter is to devour the soul of the girls he 'marries', though he is incapable of actually doing so since he is just a memory. He doesn't know that, though, and will constantly try, never understanding why it doesn't work. In some ways, he's almost like a ghost, doomed to repeat his final acts over and over again, never quite realizing he's not truly alive.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
Corpus - Chaos, Evolved
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Tue Nov 27, 2012 1:59 am
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