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 Long Legs (For Spectre) 
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
At first, as she struggled with the coil between her legs and the tendril between her lips, Jamie had not been able to make sense of the monster's statement. Surely, the whole 'eating' scheme had been a ruse to lower her defenses and play with her mind, or was there something she was missing once again? Contemplation was not something easily achieved by the lovely girl, however. With the savage, perverse rubbing between her squeezing thighs, Jamie was being constantly distracted as her shapely figure began to heat up again. She whined and moaned past the wriggling thing in her mouth, and fenced the invader with her tongue as she fought for control over her body and emotions.

Her head bobbed from one side to another as she sought to shake off the oral assault of Xoku's persistent little tentacle. The serpent-creature's glowing eyes signaled that it was channeling its dark powers once again. The effects were felt almost instantaneously as Jamie felt a pair of large, strong hands grip the insides of her upper thighs. A squeal of fright found its way past the girl's mouth, despite the living gag that remained between her lips, as she was suddenly lifted and suspended upon her back.

Supported only by the powerful coils which continued to bind her shivering form, Jamie was powerless to fight as she felt the invisible hands on her thighs press outwards, spreading her wide open for Xoku's gaze to behold. Her legs flexed against these strange, wispy forces that so dishonored her, but she was far too weak to do anything. Now Xoku's meaning came in clear, with her sex widely presented to the monster's mouth, and the girl knowing full well what his tongue was capable of.

"NNNN! NNN!" Jamie screamed past the tendril in her mouth. She bit down hard on the wriggling appendage, desperate to make her plea to Xokuxuatl, "Pls! NNN!" Her tear-filled eyes stared hopelessly down the length of her flawless figure, only to meet the cruel, inhuman stare of her captor. In those hungry, sinister eyes, there lived no mercy for the likes of one as undeniably fine as Jamie.

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Thu Jul 17, 2008 10:45 pm
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
The captive girl’s teeth easily bit through the thin oral invader. The tip continued to wiggle within her mouth for several moments, while the rest of the damaged tendril slipped free of her lips. No blood or other bodily fluids rushed from the grievous wound, and there was no roar of pain from the beast. Indeed, the only indication that Xoku had noticed anything at all was the mischievous grin that played on his scaly yet leonine face.

“That wasss very naughty; biting me like that,” the serpent hissed with not even a touch of anger in his voice. “Though, in the future, if you feel the need to communicate ssso badly, remember . . . “

I can read your mind. Xoku finished his sentence telepathically. And I wouldn’t dream of stopping before I have given as good as I got. There was no hissing lisp in the monster’s mental speech.

But don’t worry, you will remain intact. Xoku had decided some time ago that he wasn’t going to be the one to break nature’s seal on this girl. He didn’t need to penetrate her to make her cum, anyway. I don’t fancy getting blood on my tongue. With that, the muscle in question emerged from the serpent’s toothy maw, dipping between Jamie’s legs . . .

But instead of advancing directly toward its ultimate goal, it veered to the side, making contact with the pit behind the student’s left knee. From there, Xoku swirled the tip of his forked tongue along the underside and inner surface of her thigh, slowly working his way toward her crotch.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Fri Jul 18, 2008 10:26 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Jamie struggled with the disgusting piece of tendril that wriggled about in her mouth (even after being decapitated from its body) for only a few moments. Then, she turned her pretty, young face to the side and spat the vile thing into the bushes. Save for the merciful lack of bloodshed, it was something straight out of a Quentin Tarantino script.

Despite the monster's obvious lack of emotion towards the loss, showing not even a hint of pain, Jamie was filled with a rush of confidence. It was her first real, genuine victory over the creature since they had first met. Though Xoku did not seem to think much of it, Jamie cherished the moment and kept the tiny bit of hope that it produced tucked away somewhere in the corner of her mind like something very precious.

The girl gasped as her mind was raped again, Xoku's voice filled her thoughts and dominated her delicate thought processes. The monster's telepathic voice was far worse than anything produced vocally. The words were utterly impossible to ignore or tune out. There was no denying or hiding from this assailant, physically or mentally.

Though Xoku expressed his will to leave Jamie a virgin, the girl felt that she was being lied to. Here she was flat on her back in the air, forcefully spread and exposed completely to the serpent's leonine face. However the student felt about the monster's true intentions, however, were irrelevant. Whatever was going to happen, was going to happen without Jamie's opinion.

Lovely, dark lips pursed in concern as luscious, brown eyes watched Xoku's tongue slip back into view. The tongue dipped down between flexing, straining legs. Unable to watch any more, Jamie let her head fall back and she stared up into the forest canopy, letting her satin skin tell her the mischievous path that the lash-like tongue had chosen.

The alien muscle teased the backside of the girl's kneecap, finding the tangy, salty sweat glands there. Jamie shut her eyes when she felt the tongue move onto the taut curves of her thigh. Though the invisible hand continued to grip the girl's legs, they did not seem to hinder Xoku's movements or exploration in any way. Unexplainably, the monstrous tongue running along Jamie's sex-stained skin easily passed through the mysterious force that bound her thigh.

These were trivial concerns, however, in the face of the imminent nightmare that was fast approaching. Desperate, Jamie called out with the voice of her mind, 'Monster! You tell me you don't want to desecrate my virginity, and then you go ahead and continue to do it anyways! What do you possibly have to gain from all this torment?' To accentuate her thoughts, the girl arched her body within the confines of her living bondage. Her hips desperately tried to pull herself away from the slithering terror on her upper leg, bucking and jerking in a feeble attempt to escape fate.

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Sun Jul 20, 2008 4:49 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Xoku couldn’t help but smile in response to Jamie’s thought of the ‘victory’ she had won, but he didn’t try to refute her claim. If she chose to take pride in the act of biting off the end of one of his tendrils, so be it. It all boiled down to a matter of perspective anyway.

The matter of his honesty was a bit more sensitive an issue, though. So far, Xoku had not lied to the girl. Allowed her to make false assumptions, yes; but never had he conveyed something that was patently untrue.

If I say you will remain intact, then intact you shall remain. Xoku’s mental voice slithered into Jamie’s mind a bit peevishly. Your body will be in the same state when I’m finished with you as it was before you met me.

Neither the psychic dialogue nor Jamie’s vigorous struggles did much to stall the serpent’s already intentionally slow progress. He ran his tongue over every inch of the back and inner surfaces of her thigh, scouring the smooth skin for every smidgen of the nectar that had spilled from her earlier. The nebulous ‘hands’ that held girl’s legs in place shifted and flowed around Xoku’s agile muscle, maintaining their strength despite their mercurial nature.

But that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of things I can do to make you squeal. The creature’s playful tone returned as his tongue grew closer and closer to Jamie’s exposed sex. It might seem that he had ignored her question regarding what he got from these actions, but for one - it seemed mostly rhetorical; and two - he had already answered her.

Such as this! The telepathic exclamation was punctuated by a quick flick of Xoku’s tongue over his victim’s labia. He barely brushed the sensitive folds before he turned his attention to her other thigh, slowly working his way outward toward her knee.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:36 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Jamie bit her lip as she contemplated the honesty of Xoku's thoughts. From her own perspective, the creature had indeed lied to her already, and she had already been taken advantage of by the monster. Still, there seemed little to make of the issue. One way or the other, Xoku was going to get what he wanted from the gorgeous, naked teenager. Slowly, the girl's body floated back down onto the scaly coils that supported her back.

By this time, Jamie's breath was hard and heavy again, a result of her struggles and the slow tease that climbed her leg. That same heat, which Xoku had kept alive inside the girl, began to build slowly once again. The agonizingly slow crawl of the skillful tongue upon the young human's soft upper leg proved to be quite effective on Jamie's libido. The higher the tongue climbed, the more the girl dreaded what was to come, and yet the more her body was excited by the pleasure it took from the careful, cleaning strokes.

Suddenly, she was struck: the serpent's tongue flicked swiftly over the feminine petals shamefully exposed before the monster. Jamie gasped sharply in reaction to this assault, and her back made a tiny arch instinctively. However, Xoku was not finished with its tease just yet. As suddenly as it had happened, the tongue departed, moving onto Jamie's other leg. It left the girl with a horrible, guilty sensation of pleasure incomparable to the attention she had received to her chest.

Jamie blushed hard, because she knew that the monster was reading her thoughts. She knew that he could clearly see how much she secretly was excited by the momentary touch, though the girl would never admit openly to it despite the fact. As the tongue began a fresh path down the other lovely thigh, the helpless dark-skinned nymph gave a small, whimpered moan. Her legs strained uselessly against the invisible hands, unable to escape the erotic torture that she was doomed to endure.

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Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:30 pm
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
The monstrous serpent was indeed torturing his victim. Whether as ‘punishment’ for what he considered a false accusation or just because he found it fun to make the girl squirm was debatable. But Xoku didn’t waste any time with such a debate (even with himself); he simply pressed on.

After that one flick, the creature worked his tongue slowly away from Jamie’s sex. As she suspected, he knew she had found the touch horribly exciting, and he purposefully let her dwell on that single jolt of pleasure while he stroked his tongue over the smooth skin of her right thigh. He used the same slow, thorough precision as he had on her other leg, his tongue crawling inexorably further and further away from her naked mound. If things went as planned, it should intensify the student’s inner struggle as he denied her what she both desired and dreaded while simultaneously keeping her attention fixed on the muscle that could grant the stimulation that she found so shamefully pleasurable.

Of course, Xoku, himself found the act of licking her thighs quite enjoyable. The traces of sweat and nectar he gleaned from the girl’s skin produced a distinct flavor and the satin-smooth texture felt very good against his sensitive tongue. He was already starting to heat up again, but now that he’d found release once, he was more in control. He suppressed the little shivers of pleasure that crawled along his body and resisted the urge to rush forward. Anticipation would make Jamie’s inevitable surrender all the sweeter.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:23 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Xoku's tongue was an extraordinary muscle. Its mere touch was so exquisite that Jamie found herself being aroused once again, even though her molestation was rather innocent compared to the tongue-bath the monster had given to the girl's flawless breasts just minutes ago. Though the young virgin had attempted to shake herself of her earlier, unwanted lust, her assailant had masterfully kept its prey just tormented enough to remain sexually charged.

Now, with the monster's tongue creeping along Jamie's shivering, straining thighs, the girl found herself helplessly descending down the same spiral as she had before. It started in the lower part of the center of her being, as a warmth. The warmth grew hotter with every stroke of the alien tongue against the girl's sensitive, responsive flesh. Soon, the heat was akin to an ember, whose heat threatened to burst into flame at any moment.

The helpless young woman drowned in the pressure of unwanted arousal. Her shapely face rolled back slowly as a frustrated groan was ripped from her panting chest. As she cradled her soft, brunette head into Xoku's supporting coils, she arched her upper back sharply. Her writhing was subconscious; a purely physical response based on primal instincts that Jamie didn't even knew she possessed.

In further response to the sexual stimulation upon her shapely legs, Jamie felt her shamefully exposed sex begin to become wet. Xoku's treatment was horrifically effective, it seemed. Even the girl could not deny that the monster was some sort of xen master at sexual stimulation. She also began to notice that she cared less of her own dignity as the merciless torment continued, and more about the building pleasure deep down in some hidden place in her figure. It was a most discomforting feeling for the beautiful girl.

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Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:15 pm
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
The musky scent of Jamie’s nectar tingled along the muscle used to coax it forth. The innocent girl’s reaction to Xoku’s teasing was even better than anticipated. But, though he clearly sensed her growing desire, the serpent continued with his slow, sensual assault of her shapely thigh. He intended to let her shame and frustration build while he completed his task.

Finally reaching the knee opposite of where he started, Xoku retracted his tongue and turned to gloat over the young woman who writhed so sensuously in his coils. He paused a moment, letting the fact that he had stopped sink in, as well as to let his tongue cool.

“You ssseem awfully excccited for sssomeone who’sss worried about being desssecrated,” he said teasingly, his tongue still thick with arousal. The serpent’s blazing golden eyes sparkled even more as he directed the ‘hands’ that restrained her legs to massage the flesh he had just so thoroughly cleaned. Their new role did nothing to diminish their strength, however.

Not waiting for a response, Xoku let his tongue roll out again, descending toward the apex of Jamie’s quivering legs. It soon became apparent that he wasn’t through teasing her just yet, as his agile muscle abruptly changed course at the last second. The forked tip flicked considerably higher than the target his captive hoped and feared would be next, striking, instead, at her navel. He explored that little dimple a bit before beginning to circle outwards over the taut flesh of her abdomen.

At the same time, a swarm of the monster’s tendrils descended upon the girl’s vulnerable chest. Each of the many appendages was like a finger, working in concert with its brothers to squeeze and mold her lovely globes. Xoku intended to have this young woman so worked up by the time he finally gave her what her body desired that it would take very little to send her over the edge. That is, if he didn’t shame her completely and make her cum before he even got back to her dripping sex . . .

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:34 pm
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Jamie tried to ignore Xoku's taunting words. She tried to convince herself that she was not to blame for the loss of control over her own body. The girl's shameful writhing stopped long enough for her to gaze down the length of her own gorgeous body and stare directly into the blazing eyes of the monstrous serpent. It was then that she caught the sight of Xoku's tongue slipping back into view from between those leathery lips.

The young woman's heart raced at the very sight of the alien muscle. The girl clenched her jaw and tightly gripped the coils restraining her arms as she realized how excited her body was, and how the very fact frightened her. Beyond her meager struggles, however, Jamie knew there was nothing that she could do to avoid the coming terror. She watched helplessly as the tongue began to descend between her caramel-colored legs...

Then, suddenly, the tongue struck, and rose swiftly to lap at the shallow recess of Jamie's navel. She gasped, relieved but somehow aggravated as well. Her frustration, however, was soon of no concern as a surge of Xoku's tentacles surrounded and assaulted the sensitive mounds of the girl's breasts. Jamie heard a loud moan rip into the air, and recognized it as her own a moment later.

Helplessly aroused, the lovely nymph could only watch as her soft breasts were gently but firmly massaged, and her taut stomach was skillfully licked. Xoku's tongue masterfully worked the teenager; each stroke sent a flight of butterflies through Jamie's abdomen. It seemed as though the serpent licked directly over the area of greatest pressure inside of the girl. Combined with the warm, enveloping caress of the tentacles around both of Jamie's breasts, this stimulation created an explosive reaction.

At first, the building pressure frightened and confused Jamie's innocent mind. Her eyelids became heavy, and so she closed them, and let her head sink back into the cradle of Xoku's coils. Her body was hot, so she writhed and moaned; her mind pleaded wordlessly with Xoku in a desperate search for mercy. The girl felt the monster's tongue stroke against her sensitive flesh and ignite the flame in her abdomen to epic proportions.

Swift, shaking breaths cascaded past Jamie's luscious lips, as Xoku's tongue stroked over and again, pushing its prey's body over the edge of some invisible cliff. Jamie arched suddenly, defining every womanly curve on her young, firm body. Her voice, pure and sweet, cut through the air in a scream of unbridled ecstasy. A flash of white hot bliss enveloped Jamie's mind and consumed all her other thoughts. It all lasted only a few moments, but as soon as it was over, the girl knew those moments would haunt her for the rest of her life.

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Wed Aug 06, 2008 5:29 pm
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Life was sweet. Xoku had secretly hoped Jamie would succumb before he turned his attention fully to her sex. The serpent prided himself on his prowess; after all, it took talent to force a girl to climax without stimulating her pussy directly - even one as young and innocent as Jamie. Or so the monster believed.

What an impatient little slut you are! Xoku’s mental voice crawled into the recovering girl’s mind, playfully. The monstrous ophidian didn’t even consider how cruel his teasing was; like most of his games, he tended to carry it too far. You must be very horny to cum like that before the main event.

During those few moments when the student’s mind had been consumed by unholy pleasure, Xoku had moved his tongue downward, lapping at the juices that gushed from his victim’s sex. As the flow slackened, he continued to slowly stroke the muscle up and down her slit, attempting to keep her from getting too much relief out of the explosive release. He wanted her good and ready for another right away.

But don’t worry . . . Xoku’s tongue pressed against Jamie’s slit, rubbing lengthwise upward until the crux of the forked muscle nestled against her clit. . . . it only gets better from here.

With that, he wrapped the tips of his tongue around her love button and gently squeezed.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Sat Aug 09, 2008 10:13 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Jamie's first climax was sensational, and terrifying at the same time. Even as she bucked and moaned, her energy draining from her writhing figure in a matter of seconds, she could feel the heat of arousal reignited by an unwelcome touch to her tender nether region. Made even more sensitive by her orgasm, the girl's femininity was not prepared for such stimulation. There was no time for recovery given for the poor teen; as soon as her body had finished its climax, it was immediately forced back into a heightened state of arousal.

The girl's voice continued to fill the forest air with new pants, whimpers and moans. It was at this time that Xoku's telepathic words slithered into her mind like a seeping poison. Jamie was caught off-guard by the harsher-than-necessary assault; it was a sharp reminder that this was no gentle lover touching her exquisite body. She sucked in a sharp breath, and swallowed a lump in her throat. Her face, flushed red with embarrassment, turned to the side and let her teary gaze glue itself to the forest floor in a deeply felt shame.

There was no time to lament her position, however, as the monster immediately resumed his assault on Jamie's senses almost as soon as her body had finished its first orgasm. Fierce shudders echoed up and down the girl's spine as the alien tongue stroked up and down through the ultra-sensitive petals of her feminine flower. Her slender arms strained fiercely against the merciless tease. 'Stop! I'm not ready,' Jamie's innocent inner voice called out to Xoku in desperation, but all hope was lost when the monstrous rapist bore down on the girl's clit.

All thoughts of shame and sadness evaporated in a burning heat wave as the girl's body was overwhelmed by a surge of intense sensation, unlike anything she had yet experienced. Eyes wide, and mouth agape, Jamie brought her head back up, to stare down the length of her body towards the source of this blasphemy. She felt the monster's agile tongue gently squeeze her love button, and she lost herself to the pleasure once again. Her brunette head fell back into Xoku's coils, eyes squeezed shut against the nearly unbearable pleasure, as shapely young hips bucked powerfully in response to the expert stimulation.

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Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:09 pm
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
Truth be told, some small part of Xoku felt guilty over how mercilessly he had taunted his poor victim. But it was a quiet voice and far away. At that point in time, Xokuxuatl the Rogue and Trickster was in ascendancy; and he cared for nothing besides his own amusement and pleasure.

Had his tongue not been occupied with his efforts to hyper-stimulate the girl, Xoku might have laughed evilly at Jamie’s mental plea. As it was, he gave a strange ‘clucking’ sound as he chuckled around the extended muscle. Whether she was ready or not was irrelevant, for the serpent was trapped by his lust as surely as his victim was tangled in his coils.

With the tips of his forked tongue still wrapped around Jamie’s pleasure organ, Xoku caused the muscle to writhe against her folds. The undulating motion ensured constant stimulation of her clit while the body of his tongue rubbed back and forth across her nether-lips.

On a different, slightly lesser, note, the bizarre creature resumed his molestation of his captive’s perfect breasts. Several of his tendrils encircled the base of each mound, squeezing them into greater prominence, while several more slid back and forth over the distended orbs. The lovely student’s nipples were flicked incessantly.

Though Xoku’s actions might seem calculated and controlled, in truth he was rapidly losing himself in the pleasure of it all. He began to shiver again, unable to suppress the involuntary reaction. The movement of his tongue became slightly erratic. His assault on her breasts continued to grow more intense. Dozens of his tendrils swarmed all over the helpless girl, touching and stroking every patch of exposed flesh they could find. It wouldn’t be long before he achieved another climax of his own, yet still he fought it back, determined to show his victim pleasure beyond her wildest dreams and worst nightmares.

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Tue Aug 12, 2008 9:09 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
"Ah! Yes! Ohhh! AHHHNNNN!" Jamie's angelic cries rang out past her luscious lips. She continued to moan and yell past deep, desperate gasps for air to fill her fluttering bosom. The girl's entire body moved with a rhythm that she herself did not consciously control; in fact, she found herself moving in ways that she did not even know she could.

Unwanted as it was, the pleasure coming from Xoku's tongue was undeniable. Given Jamie's sensitive situation already, it took very little to get her body to cum again. Still, the monster was not just giving a little; he pulled out all the stops, and gave the unprepared female everything in his arsenal. Delicate, feminine hands gripped serpentine coils tightly as Jamie tried to brace herself against Xoku's grinding tongue.

As the wave of monstrous tentacles washed over the girl's flawless body, she was forced to release another orgasm. Her screams of passion seemed to ring out from her soul, doing more than enough alone to betray the sheer amount of pleasure that the girl took from this despicable treatment. Her gorgeous body rolled in time to the intense spasms that occurred within her womanhood; every inch of her skin rubbing against alien tentacles with every movement, thus increasing the pleasure of the orgasm with every passing moment.

Finally she stopped cumming, after what seemed like an eternity of unbearable sensation. Jamie collapsed, her vivid, responsive movements dieing out as she fought to retain her conscious state. Her body seemed to glow as her sweat-coated skin reflected the sun's rays, her chest heaved for breath through the gentle squeezing and pulling of the tentacles there. The brunette's head laid back, eyes half-open in a lustful haze and lips parted with desperate, panting breath. 'So wrong,' her thoughts echoed out from her swirling mind, ' feels so good.'

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Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:49 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
As his victim came again and again, Xoku’s control faltered. His tongue began to jerk wildly against Jamie’s sex. The tips quickly lost purchase on her clit, letting the abused pleasure organ slip free. But, far from being spared the serpent's uncontrolled assault, that little love button was slapped repeatedly by the random flailing of her captor’s spastic oral muscle.

Despite the general loss of control, Xoku was good to his word. Never did the actions of his frenetic tongue result in penetration. Though her lips and clit were worked unmercifully, her seal remained unbroken, her love canal unspoiled.

The monstrous creature panted and grunted around his extended tongue, each noise growing louder as his assault grew wilder. Soon a long growling moan escaped him. His entire body shuddered as though resonating with the sound. Dozens, if not hundreds, of tendrils flitted wildly over captive female flesh in a dance of total abandon.

Then, everything stopped. Xoku panted softly, slowly retracting his tender tongue. If it had been a long time since he had last played with a young woman, then it had been a very long time since he had been so satisfied by one. Many of his tendrils continued to stroke the girl’s body softly as he regarded her thoughtfully. Her thoughts sounded clearly to the telepathic serpent.

So true . . . he responded. On both counts . . .

Sleep now, girl, he sent softly then pressed his will against hers so that the fatigue could take her. And forget . . .

Karasune the Perverted Wandering Swordsman
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Sat Aug 23, 2008 9:23 am
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Post Re: Long Legs (For Spectre)
It was the wind that awoke the sleeping girl which lay stretched out on her side upon the bench just on the forest's edge. The gentle, playful breeze cupped the sleeper's cheek like a lover, slipping down to curl and tickle the area below the chin. Jamie stirred lightly, and the gust departed. Slowly, dark brown eyes opened to take in the immediate surroundings.

The young student, still dressed in her school uniform, found herself still on the same bench that she had stopped to rest upon after her pleasant, uneventful walk through the forest some time ago. She looked up, cupping a slender hand to her forehead as she tracked the sun's position in sky. It was late in the evening, and the whole world seemed stained a delicious shade of orange.

The walk through Shokushu had been everything Jamie could have hoped for, from what her memory told her. She felt refreshed and relaxed...and strangely...satisfied, was the word that best described the peculiar feeling. It must have been the little cat nap she had taken here on the bench which brought about that little extra giddiness inside of her. However, as she stretched to prepare her body for the trek back up to her dorm room, she felt a naughty tingling between her long, shapely legs.

Jamie blushed, realizing the truth behind her body's playfulness. She got up quickly, moving silently past the girls near the entrance of the dorm building in order to get to her room as soon as possible. Her arms, she kept crossed over her chest to hide the fact that her nipples had become hard.

Gingerly, she admitted herself into her room, eager to locate her hidden secret stuffed in a corner of her pillow case. Her fingers withdrew the little, silver vibrator sex toy that she had brought with her. However, Jamie paused for a moment, feeling awkward. She couldn't quite place where she felt this strange sense from within her that excited her so.

After a minute without success, the girl shrugged, setting the vibrator on top of the pillow momentarily to free her hands so that she could disrobe herself. Once she was down to her underwear, she slipped back onto the bed, kicking the blankets off so that she lay bare and exposed on her sheets. Before reaching for her toy, her hands ran along her body in order to prepare her for what was to come. However, she didn't touch herself in ways that she was familiar with when she pleasured herself. This was some new method, but her hands seemed to know the way.

Suddenly, Jamie stopped herself, growing frightened for some reason. She sat up against her headboard, her eyes darted about her room, and watched the shadows frantically. She found herself shaking lightly, but could not make herself see why. Just as unexpectedly, the girl was overwhelmed by a tidal wave of emotion. It surged up from her depths, taking the innocent student by surprise. Shapely face cupped in hands, the girl was wracked with heavy sobs that bore no explanation.

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Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:29 pm
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