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Post slop slop!
Ok, after a long absence, I have returned. I've had some time to think about Kyrios. On that note, I'm going to rework this profile to better flesh out his character. In any case, here is Kyrios's revised profile.

Name: Kyrios (Human name he choose when he tried to match his identity to human brain waves. Doesn't have a true name.)
Race: Zelpher
Place of Birth: 'Scylla' Territory, so called by the Zelphers and as best translated by Kyrios as possible.
Nationality: Concept of nations doesn't exist where he comes from.
Gender: Male
Age: 150 (Average Zelpher life span is 750 so his equvalent age is about 20)
Height: Amorphous form makes height hard to determine. Maximum stable height is around 29 feet. Any higher and he riskes falling.
Weight: Total weight is around 480 pounds
Eye Color: Doesn't really have an eye. Core piece has a rather primitive photo receptor which can sense light, but not see in the human sense of the word. The receptor looks like a giant, pupil-less eye that is arctic blue in color.
Skin Color: Doesn't really have a skin. External cytoplasm layer is a trasnparent, light blue color.
Skin Texture: Cytoplasm is usually a cool liquid. However, Kyrios can hardened the cytoplasm into something resembling hard plastic.
Hair: No hair
Hair Color: No hair.
Body Build: Amorphous blob really. Can shape his body to a limited degree.
Tail: No true tail. Can make something resembling a tail if situation requires.
Tail Length: Variable
Tentacles: No true tentacle. Can form Cytoplasm into tentacles.
Number of Tentacles: Variable. However, his neural plasm can only support a maximum of 39 tentacles. These tentacles can only have a combined lenght of 195 feet or roughly 5 feet per tentacle if he has them all out.
Wings: None
Wingspan: No wings
Wing Color: No wings
Cock Size: Length is about 3 feet. Diameter is comperable to human. Made of material similar to soft plastic and very pliable. Usually wrapped around core and not visible
# of Cocks: Can use formed tentacles as non-functional cocks. However, has 1 true cock connected to the core
Fighting Style: No real fighting style. But since he is basically a glob of goo, he is very hard to injure. Can form hardened tentacles which he can use as lightening fast whips. Also, since he respones to changes in the eletric-field generated by the opponent's nervous system, his relfexes seem very fast.
Motivation: Seeking 'food', investigating human species and experiencing pleasure which is a sensation he had never felt before and is thus somewhat addicted to.

Psychological Profile: Kyrios can probably be called an intellectual individual. Zelpher society is very conservative and most Zelphers are very reserved. Kyrios is no exception and is very stoic and doesn't show much emotion. However, Kyrios has taken it to an even higher level, rarely even expressing what he is feeling much less showing emotions. Kyrios is very succinct in his speech and rarely attaches any frills to what he says and even more rarely shows anything resembling emotion in his voice. While this lack of emotion and speech may make Kyrios seem cold and distance, he is in fact quite compassionate and caring, and is usually very gentle with his victims. In addition, Kyrios doesn't have a single shred of abusive or sadistic tendency. In fact, the ideas of pain and torture are actually somewhat of a turn off for him so he tries his hardest please his victims. The only reason why he sometimes even engages in sexual activity with human females is because of his culture. Zelpher species have fundamental differences when it comes to sex. First of all, Zelphers do not have any concept of shame or consent. To them, reproduction is just another biological act, intimate, but not more significant than the act of eating. Also, since Kyrios's primary sense is not sight, he also doesn't have a sense of shame or embarrassment at being exposed. Consequently, while Kyrios can understand at an intellectual level why, he is fundamentally unable to grasp why his victims are so disgusted and ashamed when he plays with them and cannot understand the idea of rape. Another thing is that Zelpher have long since evolved beyond the need for pleasure or a libido. However, they still have the vestigial ability to feel pleasure during sex buried deep in their brains. Being able to sense the pleasure of his victims has reawakened Kyrios's own ability to feel pleasure during sex. Since he nor any Zelphers have felt a sex drive in thousands of years, Kyrios finds the sensations somewhat overwhelming and most often cannot control his impulses. As a result, even though he never means harm, Kyrios often will take his female victims, engaging in rape, even when he doesn't even understand it. Although usually calm, Kyrios has had a rather cruel life. As a result of this, he sometimes reacts violently when insulted.

Personality: Quiet, calm and rarely ruffled, Kyrios will usually very calmly analyze situations. He also rarely becomes truly angered or annoyed. In addition, he is usually very gentle and sensual with the girls that he catches. Very inquisitive, he finds human females to be both beautiful and very fascinating. He also is rather addicted to pleasure and will usually work hard to stimulate his partner so that he can experience and study the resulting pleasure. While he is usually very calm and kind, Kyrios does have a dark side which can be unleashed if his victim touches on certain subjects about him. When touched upon, Kyrios can usually grow very cold and cruel and his ministrations on his victims can be quite rough. However, this only occurs if his victim reacts very hostile to him and only if they touches on very specific topics, usually related to his past.

Sexual Oddities: His sexual behavior can be considered odd, but they are a result of the normal method his species procreates with. So no real oddities unless you consider the fact that he has taken a liking to humans.

However, the process of mating is a very complex process for Zelphers and probably merits explanation. Zelphers have a very intricate breeding cycle. Once every year, a Zelpher female will enter a condition akin to heat. During this time, the female will create a single Zelpher egg. During the act of fertilization, the male and the female Zelphers will join into one blobish unit. The Male core will then push it's penis-like organ into the egg of the female core. After that, five crucial phases will occur:
1:Yolk Penetration: The male Zelpher penis organ stores in it's tip a very small and very delicate, fleshy tendril. Once the penis has entered into the female egg, the penis head will open up and release this tendril. This tendril will then push deeper into the egg cavity and penetrate the yolk where the vital structures are located. This translates into something similar for Kyrios when mating is performed with a female. Right before ejaculation occurs, the penis head will also open and release this tendril. Instinct will cause Kyrios to explore the inner cavities of the girl until the tendril has located the cervical opening. Then, similar to the act of penetrating the egg yolk, the tendril will actually be inserted into this opening and push into the uterus.
2: Ejaculation: After penetration of the yolk is successful, the male Zelpher will ejaculate a semen-like fluid which will then fertilize the egg. Depending on the conditions of the environment, male Zelphers can release anywhere from 2 tablespoons to around 4 liters of semen. Due to the fact that Kyrios experiences pleasure when do this with a human girl, the amount released is usually in the upper ranges. Also, while human ejaculation occurs in spurts, Zelphers release their semen all at once in a single, powerful stream.
3: Nutrient Fluid: Even after ejaculation is complete, the process of mating is not yet over. A male Zelpher will remain joined with the egg of a female. During this time, the male Zelpher will gradually inject a nutrient rich fluid into the egg which can then be used by both the developing offspring and the bearing mother. Due to the fact that this fluid is a special mixture, typically created by the male Zelpher on the spot, injecting of nutrient fluid is usually a slow drawn out affair. The liquid will gush slowly out from the penis structure and will may not be complete for 5 to 20 minutes. A side note about this fluid is that it coincidentally is very soluble in human blood. Nutrient liquid injected into the uterus of a human female will usually quickly be absorbed by the nearby bloodstreams and metabolized. Human females which receives this injection will usually recover quickly from the act of mating and be well energized for the rest of the day.
4: Protective Gel: The last liquid to be injected into the egg by a thick, mucus-like gel which is packed with special anti-bodies, designed to protect the developing baby and by extension the mother from disease, and a special chemical salve which has the unique ability to adapt and form itself into nearby organic matter. In a human body, this organic salve has the property of speed healing any wounds it comes into contact with. In addition, the anti-bodies defends against certain chemicals which are toxic to the human body. Thus, this liquid in effect can help heal injuries or allow a person to recover from a minor poisons.
5: Sealing Gel: The final liquid exuded by a Zelpher male during reproduction is a thick sealing gel which is used to plug up the opening on the egg, making a secure and isolated environment for the offspring to grow up in. This is done to help ward off disease and the like. However, as the sealing gel only works by interacting with chemicals found inside the egg itself, it has no effect when injected into a human female save for giving her one last experience of feeling something being ejaculated inside her.

Human Disguise Form: none
Human Disguise Appearance: No disguise
Clothing: Blob of goo. No real clothing.

Special Attributes: Due to the way their nervous system works, all Zelphers possess the ability to sense even the most minute magnetic fields around them. Even the slightest change in these magnetic fields is discernible. In this respect, Kyrios is special even to Zelphers. His sensing and interpretation abilities are superior to most average Zelphers. As a result, Kyrios has several special abilities.

Distinguishing features: Zelphers have a very distinct and complex body structure. As a Zelpher, Kyrios is really nothing more than a small core surrounded by 3 layers of goo. The central core is the control center for his body and is a complex neural net arranged in the way of a brain. The interconnections of his neural net is very advanced, easily giving him a intellect equal to that of a human. In addition to this, Kyrios has left his home and family to survive on his own. Having experienced many hardships, he is now quite experienced both in logical problem solving and in complex manipulations and control of his own body. Surrounding the core is the inner layer of gelatinous material called the vacuole-plasm. It is the storage are where he keeps the materials and nutrients he needs to survive and to repair his body should it be damaged. This vacuole-plasm is also the manufacturing site, capable of creating many types of exotic substances from the material stored therein. Beyond that is a middle layer of gooey material called the Neural-plasm. This layer contains goo which can best be described as the nervous system. The core sends messages through this Neural-plasm which can then be relayed to the outer Cyto-plasm layer, causing it to change it's shaper, density or the such. This outer cyto-plasm layer must be within a certain distance of the Neural-plasm layer to be held and control. If the cyto-plasm every gets too far away from neural-plasm or if the neural-plasm ever becomes severed from the core, the lost part would simply fall off and be worthless.

Capabilities: Due to his ability to sense electrical fields, Kyrios has several special abilities.
1. Nerve Reading: Since the human body also uses tiny electrical currents to conduct nerve signals, the human body is surrounded by a tiny bio-electric field. Due to his very sensitive Electro-Magnetic sensing abilities, Kyrios is able to pick up this field and is thus able to sense the location of humans within a certain radius. In addition, Kyrios is able to sense even the tiniest shift in this electric field. From all the interactions he has had with humans, Kyrios has started to learn how to interpret these fields, allowing him, to a certain degree, to read minds and sense the intentions of the humans he interacts with. This translates, of course, to a remarkable ability to sense the effects of his ministrations on his female companion as well as their sensitive spots and what they like or dislike. As a result, Kyrios is very good at arousing his partners.
2. Shadow Projection: In addition to sense magnetic fields, the neuro-plasms of zelphers can also generate extremely powerful bio-electric fields for a period of time. With his above average field control and his growing knowledge of the ways in which the human nervous system works, Kyrios has gained the ability to project a finely turned electro-magnetic field around his victims, causing them to feel sensations that they normally would not. This is only a limited effect, however, and is not permanent. If the field is ever dispelled, the girl would quickly revert back to normal. This does not mean that Kyrios can mind control people or cause them to have illusions or hallucinations. He is merely able to implant sensations in his victims. For example, he can make a girl feel a lot more aroused or a lot more scared or a lot more tranquil than usual. But he cannot force them to do anything they would not normally do or make them see anything that isn’t there.
3. Reverse Progression: Neural activity in the brain leaves a very distinct signature which practically never dissipates. As a result, the state of mind of a person leaves a very distinct mental image. Kyrios is capable reading and deciphering these mental images. Once he has done that, he can use his Shadow Projection ability to, in effect, rearrange his partner’s brain back to that mental setup. This doesn’t cause any drastic changes in the affected person. It merely causes a single memory to become more dominating in that person’s mind and may provoke the same emotions that the person was feeling at that time. Again, the effect is temporary and shortly after the field dissipates, the affected person will quickly revert to normal.

Weaknesses: As a blob, blunt force or strikes do little to his body. However, sharp objects which can cut off pieces of his body are an extreme danger to him. Also, it costs him resources and nutrients to grow back parts of his body that he has lost. So, he needs to either forage for food he can digest or absorb liquids like sweat or female ejaculate off of his victims. Also, since Zelpher Neuro-plasm works with exotic oxygen isotopes, human blood is incredibly poisonous to Kyrios since the hemoglobin in red blood cells fatally interferes with this oxygen isotopes. If his victim is injured in any way and starts to bleed, Kyrios must immediate retreat and purge the resulting blood. Otherwise, he may suffer from a major toxic reaction, which can range from immobilizing him for a few hours to killing him.

Likes: Quiet tranquility or to slowly play with a girl he has captured. He only recently discovered pleasure from sexual acts as reproducing with Zelpher females is usually a very bland and business-like affair. So, he also enjoys intercourse a lot.

Dislikes: Being reminded of his past.

History: Zelphers are a very ancient race of very intelligent beings. Having existed since the earliest days of the universe's lifespan, Zelpher evolution has occurred incredible exotic and varied situations. As a result, Zelpher bodies are incredible complex and can perform certain chemical and anatomical actions which current science still cannot explain. Although ancient and incredible advanced biologically, Zelphers remained without intelligence for most of their history. Having such an complex and capable body made the evolution of a brain and intelligence un-necessary. Zelphers only gained their complex neural net brain core through coincidence and pure chance, when a meteorite carrying a extreme rare organic chemical compound, which contained the basic structure of a neural net, landed on the Zelpher home-world. Eventually, these compounds were absorbed by a population of Zelphers and incorporated into their body. Over time, this basic neural net design developed into a very complex neural net core making today's Zelpher a highly intellectual being and a society that valued intelligence and mental competence above all else.
Kyrios was a Zelpher born approximately 150 years ago in the calm urban Scylla region of the Zelpher home planet. He grew up in the communal grounds of the Zelphers of that region with the other Zelphers that were born in his generation. Kyrios never knew who his parents were, but due to the culture and the mechanics of Zelpher reproduction, this was not un-common and never bothered Kyrios very much. Initial indications were quite bright for Kyrios. He rated very high in terms of neural core activity and demonstrated an advanced level of cognitive reasoning and logic skills at an early age. However, Kyrios never lived up to these rosy expectation. It took him 30 years to gain even minimal control over his plasm body and over 50 years just to grasp the complex set of neural-electrical emission used by Zelphers to communicate and progressed extremely slowly through Zelpher school all through his adolescence years. As a result of his apparent stupidity and ineptitude in controlling himself, he was shunned by practically off of the Zelphers around him. This isolation has led Kyrios to become an extreme introvert, even by Zelpher standard. Throughout his entire life, Kyrios really only had one friend, a fellow Zelpher male by the name of Aerios. Born on the same day as Kyrios was born, Aerios apparently felt a connection to Kyrios and was the only Zelpher to be-friend and accept him. The result was a strange pair of friends for Aerios was an extremely outstanding Zelpher, intelligent, capable and physically competent, practically the exact opposite of Kyrios was. It was only through Aerios's help that Kyrios had anything to be happy about in the equivalent of his High School years.
Kyrios was consent to accept his fate, spending most of his time in solitude and cherishing the relished amount of time he could spend with Aerios. It was through Aerios that Kyrios found discovered Internal studies and N2 (Neural Net) Sciences. While they peaked his interest, Kyrios never roused himself to make a full commitment to study these. However, this changed during the initial years of Kyrios and Aerios's college education. During this time, Zelphers begin to mature sexually and first engage in Zelpher reproduction. Aerios, popular and capable, had no trouble finding a partner in reproduction. Kyrios, making into college by the skin of his teeth through Aerios's help, was basically ignored by any and all Zelpher females. Kyrios initially didn't care. Reproduction was seen as a intimate act, but something like a chore to Zelphers. However, during the 10th year of Kyrios's schooling, Aerios convinced him to participate in a Zelpher college bash party. Aerios had managed to get into all high level honors classes while Kyrios barely managed to enter the basic level courses. As a result, Kyrios has had precious little time to spend with Aerios and jumped at this opportunity to hang out. It was during this party that a strange urge grasped Kyrios and he suddenly wanted to see if he could engage in the act of mating. As fate would have it, there was a Zelpher female in her reproduction period, and Kyrios approached her. Much to his shock, the female rejected himself without a bit of hesitation. More of a chore than a pleasure, Zelphers had a radically different view on sex compared to humans. Even if they're approached by a total stranger, no Zelpher females have ever been known to reject an offer to mate. This was a matter of the deepest shame and debasement. Kyrios, thoroughly depressed sought out Aerios to talk for a bit and to tell him that he intended to return home. However, he caught Aerios talking with a large crowd of Zelphers. As he got closer, he realized that Aerios was talking rather loudly about him. Apparently, he had had a bit too much of the Zelpher equivalent of liquor and was a little loose in the mouth. It was with horror that Kyrios realized that Aerios was talking about him, going over story after story about embarrassing things Kyrios had done in his youth. As Kyrios approaching to ask Aerios to stop, one of the nearby Zelphers asked Aerios what he truly thought about Kyrios. His response would haunt Kyrios for years afterwards.

"That sad excuse for a Zelpher is the most inept thing I've ever had the misfortune to meet. I only befriended him thinking that there was no way someone born on the same day as me could be such an utter failure. But it was true, he cannot do anything right! I even tried to help him during his high school year, thinking that he must have something he was good at. But I was wrong. He was a total failure. I only wish he would stop clinging to me!"

Aerios had said more, Kyrios was sure of it. but he heard nothing else, having already fled. For the next new days, Kyrios remained locked in his dorm, avoiding classes and all Zelpher contact. He had always just gotten by with Aerios's help. He had taken him for granted, and it was only now that he was gone that Kyrios realized how much he needed him. Sinking into a deep, abyssal depression, Kyrios honestly considered suicide to escape the pain. The only thing that stopped him came on the third day of his self imposed exile. A letter came to him from one of the professors in his college, the professor in charge of internal studies and neural net sciences. The letter was short and concise, discussing the term paper Kyrios had submitted. Kyrios was shocked to learn that the professor though his material was rough and rather under-developed but contained great potential and was very well thought out. The letter ended with an invitation to join his special class. intrigued by the first compliment he was ever given in his life, Kyrios accepted the invitation.
The professor was thought of as eccentric and very right wing. He had very few students and his classes were quite unpopular. However, to Kyrios, that professor was incredible witty, genius and forward thinking. Somehow, he made the subject he taught come alive and each lesson only made Kyrios thirst for more. Driven and interested, Kyrios began to work hard to study Internal studies and Neural Net Sciences. At the behest of his professor, Kyrios also set to work refining his internal control abilities. Kyrios's years were long and very harsh. He came through with precious few happy memories. But the professor seemed to know what he was doing and, through the harsh years of study, Kyrios emerged a genius. Upon graduation, Kyrios's logical and problem solving skills were incredible well developed. He electrical-aura reading abilities came naturally and very easily to him. Having studied so intensively underneath such a gifted professor, Kyrios knowledge of Internal studies and neural net brain operation was second to none. He went on to make several major discoveries in the field of medicine, neural science and Zelpher anatomy.
It was now that Kyrios entered his golden years. A famous genius and was very well like now, Kyrios was now never ignored. People from all over flocked to him, hoping to be able just speak to him. Female Zelphers came from all over with offers to mate with him now, but Kyrios never accepted any of them. Perhaps the pain of being rejected was too profound, or perhaps he was still a little bitter at being pushed away, but Kyrios has never once mated with a female Zelpher. Despite the fame and fortune, Kyrios remained humble and introverted, not wishing to associate with many other Zelphers and keeping his research and ideas to himself. But he was now successful and the fruition of Kyrios's hard work gave him a sort of vindication.
However, fate again consipired to shatter this dream. Around the hundredth year of Kyrios's life, a major tragedy befell the Zelpher home world. A meteorite, sped up by the gravity of the twin sun star of the Zelpher's home system, smashed into their planet. The force of the impact was such that the planet was shattered, the pieces flung off into the far depths of space. Miraculously, Kyrios survived the initial impact. However, the shock of the trauma sent his body into a state of stasis similar to a coma. Kyrios would spend the next few decades drifting through space, alive but in-animate, until the small asteroid he was on crashed on the planet Shokushu is on. The asteroid landed in the ocean and the abundant water around him revived Kyrios's. He would spend the next the few years drifting the ocean, recovering himself until he could grew strong enough to venture onto land again.
Finally, after almost a decade of drifting, Kyrios would arrive on the sandy beach of a tropical island...

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Last edited by Kyrios on Thu Feb 19, 2009 7:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:35 pm
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Post Re: slop slop!
We've had a few blobs in the past but none quite like you! I love the profile, and for 'rushed' work it came out wonderful. Welcome!

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Mon Oct 06, 2008 9:41 pm
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Post Re: slop slop!
Hmmmm....i wonder about the toxicity of human blood. Might it be that he is allergic to iron compounds, such as hemoglobin? It might be that such compounds absorb too much oxygen from his body, if oxygen is necessary for his survival. I doubt very much that he is allergic to the plasma, which is close to a simple saline solution and therefore remarkably similar to a woman's vaginal lubrication. It could also be that his body has trouble dealing with alien cells, or that the T cells and bacteriophages in human blood attack him in the same manner as a virus. If this is the case, then human blood is less of a toxin, and more of a disease, which could be even more problematic. I feel that if you are going the toxin route, that an iron allergy would be appropriate.


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Wed Oct 08, 2008 1:39 am
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Post Re: slop slop!
Whoa. Looks like someone is quite well versed in biology. But you bring up an good point. Truthfully, the toxic reation to blood was something I threw in at the last minute. And I really did not consider the details of how or why he has such a condition. But your suggestion is probably the most plausible. He most likely does have an allergy to iron. After all, Kyrios can feed on vaginal secretions so that would not likely be toxic to him and he really doesn't need oxygen to survivie. As for a bad reaction to the macrophages, he is a glob of goo which is somehow able to control his form and move himself around. Undoubtedly, he has some mechanism to ward off disease. However, he is an aquatic life form which evolved with water all around him to dilute substances in his environment. So, it is quite like that he cannot tolerate iron in the concentration found in human blood.

Excellent post, niel.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:32 am
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Post Re: slop slop!

I'd imagine the campus doesn't use much metal... But I'd imagine if blood is a problem due to an iron allergy, he'd also be vulnerable to any other form of iron... Say, for example, iron pills?

Is there something special about human blood that makes his iron alllergies a bigger problem (say, for example, the bacteriophages and t cells Niel mentioned attacking him as if he were avirus, thus weakening his own immune system), or would an object made of iron hade a similar (or worse) effect?

More importantly, though, his cytoplasm is usually a cool liquid... Around what temperature, would you say? Or does his temperature change (either at will or because of enviromental factors?)

You have a very interesting monster... And I can't wait to find out more!

Please don't stare... I'm shy.

Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:19 am
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Post Re: slop slop!
I'm glad you like Kyrios, and yes. A lot of thought went into him, resulting in the freakishly long background and stuff.

The way I've rationalized his bad reaction to blood would be the way his Nervous system works. His outer cytoplasm is controlled by his second body layer called the Neural Plasm. The Neural Plasm is akin to a big glob of nerve cells which transmit signals from his brain core to the rest of his body. The process is very complex and allows for Kyrios to do some really incredible things, from molding his cyto-plasm into complex shapes to directing his Vacoule-Plasm to create complex chemicals and substances. This complexity is also a problem because the it makes the way in which he controls his body a very delicate process. If anything disruptes the conductive abilities of his neural-plasm, it could cause the entire process to collapse. Zelphers have evolved various ways to tolerate conductive materals, but I'm going to make it that Kyrios's home planet didn't have any iron. Therefore, his body is extremely sensitive to that conductive elements and any amount can be very toxic to him.

However, as he is a blob, he can usually very easily expel any iron in his body. So to answer your question, yes Kyrios is vulnerable to other types of iron. however, to really hurt him, you'd have to take some iron pills and shove them as deep as they can go into him. Otherwise, he'd just spit them back out. To answer your other question. the reason why blood is especially dangerous is because blood dissolves and is absorbed by his body more easily than just plain iron. Therefore, it is much harder for him to purge iron from his system if it comes in the form of blood.

Finally, this body is usually a cool gel, maybe the temperature of a pool on a sunny day. So I'd say around 78 degrees Fahrenheit? Of course, Kyrios can control that temperature, varying to from just above freezing to over the boiling point. Of course, he can't move very well at just above freezing and he can't keep himself over boiling for too long lest he evaporates.

Anyways, that's the answers. Glad you enjoyed it.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:27 am
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