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 Karma (Kyrios) - Complete- 
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Post Karma (Kyrios) - Complete-
Shai grumbled, her slender fingers wrapped around the large walking stick she’d found on the path. She had managed to go and get herself lost, well technically she knew where she was and had a theory on how to get back to campus, but theories aren’t always solid. She stopped and took a moment to relax, leaning against the tender bark of a rather large tree.

“You have to relax Shai.” She growled. “You’ve been doing too many experiments lately Shai.” She hissed. “You need to take a day and dedicate it to yourself Shai” She continued the mockery of her Nanobot Pan. Admittedly she had been working herself to the maximum. She had a full set of advanced classes, and had met Kathryn who inspired so many more uses for her nanotechnology that she was drawing up schematics left and right. Not to mention she’d recently heard of a section of the basement collapsing and was going to propose her plan to keep that from happening in the future to the headmasters. Hopefully to gain their trust and get access to records she desired, it was a possibility, she mused.

Shai lightly drummed her fingers against her bare thigh, gently tugging at the black mesh of the gym shorts she’d decided to wear. She hated the way the campus provided clothing seemed to always ride up in all the wrong places and how the tops were always so low-cut. Her firm, taut bottom was accentuated by the cut of the mesh. The Shokushu tank top she wore seemed to dip just low enough to show the trim of her black lace bra. She shook her head as she pulled the tank top up, and slightly pulled the shorts down. “Ridiculous” She murmured. She ran her hand through her long, white locks, brushing the stray tendrils out of her face. After a few moments of deep, calming breaths she reassessed herself. She knew she was traveling east, and that eventually she would hit the border of the forest and gain access to the eastern beaches. She was a long way off from that though. She squinted up through the dense trees and caught the fiery orb descending down into the west. She wouldn’t have time for that. Following the theory that she was heading east, if she traveled north she should theoretically hit the campus. Barely taking a moment to regard her decision she set off down a northern path.

A refreshing, crisp coolness descended through the forestry of the island. The last remaining heat patches in the earth carrying up the intoxicating fall aromas of gentle decay and lush seasonal plants. While fall on the island wasn’t quite like it was back in New York and Jersey, the subtle scent of the turning leaves gave her a soft memory of home. One of the more pleasant ones, before the accident. As thoughts of the accident returned to her she scowled at the silvery locks that had fallen back into her face.

Thunk, Thunk, Thunk. Shai began to drone out, knowing she was getting closer but unable to see the campus due to the dense trees. Her walking stick continued to sink into the ground with a light thud against the soil, creating a rhythm as she walked. “Soon, I should be there soon.” She reassured herself, never regretting her decision.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Last edited by Shai Tanaka on Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:52 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:38 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Kyrios took a moment to collect himself. After a few years of drifting on the ocean, it felt slightly awkard to be back on land. He had just dragged himself off the beach into what was appearently a lush forest. The experience had not been pleasent. The lower part of his outer cytoplasm layer was now engrained with sand, making the act of walking rather gritty. The sun was appearantly starting to set, as Kyrios was starting to sense a drop in the temperature of his outer layer. It was a welcome respite. While heat in no way endangered his form, it was rather unpleasent. 'Looking' around, Kyrios attempted to find a source of water. With some fresh water, perhaps he could flush the sand out of his system. Trying to move like this was like trying to walk with a shoe full of pebbles.

The cooling air of the approaching night was pleasent, for sentimental if for no other reason. The chill reminded him of home, in the waters far north of here. He missed his village, missed his friends and his family and his previous way of life. But there was no going back now. Everything was gone and going back would be pointless. Besides, this wasn't so bad. After so long drifting at sea, it was good to be back on land again. He had missed the sensation of soil beneath him and the sensation of sliding his outer Cyto-plasm layer across the ground.

At that moment, something caught his attention. There was gentle shift in the air, an incredible sutle variation in the ambient EM field. Kyrios recognized the change as indicating something was nearby, something alive. The presence surprised him. Since he had landed, Kyrios had sensed the presence of life on this island. The place seemed to practically teem with activity. To his sharp senses, it was kind watching the rising embers from a raging campfire. Each of those embers represented a possible lifeform. And now, on particular lifeform was nearby, close enough for Kyrios to discern some of it's characteristic. It was not large, certainly smaller than his mass. It was also moving on it's own in a more or less straight line, indicating that it not only had senses with which to see and avoid the trees, but also an intellect to determine a destination. The unpleasentness of the sand forgotten, Kyrios began moving towards this lifeform. He was getting excited. As he drew closer, the field grew stronger, magnifying from the tiny ember to a raging 20 watt lightbulb. This organism was extremely advanced and appearantly very intelligent. He hadn't seen something like this in all his years of drifting at sea. He was going to have a good time analyzing this one.

As he got closer, he suddenly stopped. Perhaps it would be a better idea to stay in the shadows for a while longer and continue some prelimary study, at least until he had determined the level of threat this creature posed. The organism was practically within reach, but Kyrios stayed away, hidden behind a dense line of trees. As silently as he could, he stalked this entity.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Tue Oct 07, 2008 2:54 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Shai paused on the almost non-existent path as she considered her course. She hadn’t doubted her sense of direction, in fact she thought she had caught a glimpse of the building through the trees. However, she could also smell the water, which meant she was considerably close to the school’s beaches, so perhaps she had miscalculated her position earlier. She let the walking stick slip through her fingers and thunk hard against the ground. Placing both hands on her hip, tossing her long locks over her shoulders.

She peered back through the dense leaves of the trees and determined she had about two hours or so before it started to get too dark to navigate. In any case, she knew she had to get moving. She slid the small pack off of her back and reached inside producing a bottle of water. She dropped the pack and unscrewed the cap, taking a considerable gulp before replacing it.

“It wouldn’t hurt to rest for a little while.” She said when she saw the perfect nook in the tree to lean her back against. Her decision was almost made for her when she took a moment to really look around her. Through a thin layer of trees she saw a clearing, that had a small pond and the sun was radiating off of the water causing a pleasant, bright glimmer in the distance. As she took a seat she noticed the fall, island flowers were full in bloom and caused a nice, subtle aroma that was surprisingly calming. She nestled up against the tree, casually sipping from her water while she seemed enchanted by her surroundings.

“Well Pan, when you’re right, you’re right.” She mused, glad to find that for the first time in a long time, she felt at ease.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 08, 2008 2:01 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The organism had stopped moving, resting just a small distance away from him. Kyrios stopped, just a small distance away from this radiant being, making sure that he stayed hidden somewhere amongst the dense trees. The proxmity to the creature was almost overwhelming. The aura he was sensing was like a raging camp fire, warm, powerful, radiant and mesmerizing. Obvious, this was a being of supreme intelligence, easily matching his own. In addition, there was something else, a spark of some kind, something he had never encountered before even in other Zelphers. What was it?

Something else caught his attention. A soft, extremely gentle sensation on the outermost layer of his body. It was like something was softly tickling him. What was it? Vibrations? Yes, but it was not just errant noise. There was a complex organization to this. The harmonics seem to match up in an extremely precise way. Perhaps, it was communication? Did this species communicate through vibrations? Yes, there was again. The subtle shaking he felt just barely tickle his body. It must be communication. This excited him. Communication was usually the hallmark of an advanced society. With communication, there could be history, science, mathmatics, in short culture. At long last, fate was kind. He had discovered a true gem on this world.

Kyrios slithered closer, making absolutely certain that he made no noise. It was not hard to do, being as he was little more then a blob of gelatin. So close now. He was lurked right behind the creature, hiding himself behind the large tree that it was against. So close that his extremely sensative skin could feel the soft heat emanating from the creature. So, it was warm blooded? Another intriguing tidbit of information.

So close now. So close and the aura of this creature was more beautiful than anything he had ever seen before. So close, that he could discern some basic body stucture. Most of the energy seem to come from the upper portion of the creature. It was concentrated on a small, roundish body part supported above the rest of the body. Kyrios assumed that this was some sort of core, but thought that the design was rather bad, having the core attached to the rest of the body via such a thin, narrow piece. The body itself appeared to be roughly a block. Complex nerve strings rang throughout this block, appearing as glowing lines to Kyrios's senses. From this block, came 4 appendages, two facing down and two coming out to the side.

The two appendages coming from the side that caught Kyrios's attention. There was something at the end of the appendage, some sort of complex structure that he could not make out since it was so bright with eletrical activity. The amount of nerves in this appendage was almost blinding to Kyrios, yet he found it organization, it's appearent structured chaos to be fascanating and incredibly alluring. He wanted to study it in more detail...

Unconciously, a single tentacle exuded itself out of Kyrios's main body and begain to snake it's way towards this appendage. Kyrios did not know it then, but what he was staring at was nothing more than a hand.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 08, 2008 3:06 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Shai had been quite content with her quiet post. It was peaceful, and for once she was able to view Shokushu as a pleasant campus. So long had she been confined in her room, and on the grounds she hadn’t even taken the time to notice the simplicity and the beauty that the outdoors had to offer. She’d always loved the outdoors when she was younger, she especially loved the trees. A flower was amazing, but a tree was something greater. A flower would eventually wilt at the rate that was so quick in the lifespan of a human being. But a tree, especially certain species would outlive humans. It made her feel so insignificant, just a small part of something so much greater than the individual being she was. She was staring at an oddly placed Japanese Maple. Or at least, that’s what she thought it was. It was nearby the pond and its leaves swayed almost mesmerizing in the gentle breeze that fluttered through the forest. She entertained the thought of being able to move with such grace, and how bad she wished she could be a part of the forest for just a moment. To be an organism that aids the ecosystem instead of destroying it.

Humans were infamous for taking something beautiful and making it a disaster. Science was Shai’s life, but she was well aware that her aspirations were nothing more than youthful naivety. She wanted to help people, she wanted to help the environment, she wanted to create things that people could use indefinitely so that the world would eventually evolve into a utopia where all beings could live in harmony. Shai knew better. She knew humans were nothing more than a plague. A wretched disease that soaked up every last resource, and destroyed the only planet they had to inhabit. Mars was a possibility, but it wasn’t even close to the size of Earth, and what would happen when the sun eventually burned out? “It would probably be for the better.” She thought out loud bitterly.

That’s when it happened. She had the most enlightening epiphany she’d ever experienced in her entire life. She started visibly shaking when she realized what she had discovered. The same teachings had been passed down by the Tao, that everything on this planet was connected. Humans, blinded by pride and ambition neglected to feel this connection. But sitting there, so at ease, so hypnotized by the gentle sway of the Japanese Maple she felt that she was a part of the universe. She was a part of a glorious world. She was a brilliant machine created after trial and error. Humans could most definitely destroy, but evolution gave them the ability to create. She could save a dying planet.

She was so elated with her epiphany that she hadn’t even realized that something had been lurking directly behind her. As a ray of gentle sunshine pierced perfectly through the trees the student raised her hand to feel it’s warmth. “The source of our life.” She mused outloud, and then she felt the cool tendril wrap around her arm.

She shrieked in terror, and instantly when she identified it for what it was she screamed in rage. “Not again!” She jerked violently at her arm, struggling to get to her feet as the tendril weaved its way around her hand. Once she was on her feet and facing her culprit the student’s words were caught in her throat. “It…you…” Her eyes widened at the partially concealed, massive …blob that faced her. “Y.You let go of me!” She screamed, resuming her vivacious tug against the persistent creature.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:27 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The beautiful creature sat rather still in front of him, radiating an aura that was nothing short of a masterpiece. The beauty, the organization, the concentration was spectacular. The organism must have been very deep in thought, however, for it had absolutely no idea that Kyrios was even there. It was not until the creature raised it's appendage that it appearently noticed his inquisitive tendril. The response was immediate and rather violent. A massive surge of energy burst forth from the organism, a pulse of eletric energy so powerful that it felt like the flash bulb of an over sized camera. Stunned briefly by the sudden outburst, Kyrios did not respond until it was too late. There was a sudden, terrible jolt. Whatever the creature it, it had turned out to be stronger than he had expected. When it realized the presence of Kyrios's tendril, it had again fired those interesting harmonic vibrations through the air and then had given a vicious tug. A bit dazed at the magnatude of the outburst from the organism, Kyrios had not responded in time to stiffen his tendril and, with a sound resebling the popping of a very large water bubble, the tendril had snapped.

The pain was immediate and excruciating. Not only had this creature torn a section of his outer cyto-plasm away, but it had also ripped out a bit of his sensative neural-plasm. The sensation going back into his complex neural net brain was almost overwhelming. If he had a voice, it would have been screaming bloody murder right now. Zelpher experienced pain much more accutely than humans. Not only do things hurt more, but the pain signal resides in the Zelpher brain much longer than a humans. Such excurciating pain practically frayed Kyrios's complex neural net brain.

The severed tendril fell to the ground, quickly losing it's form and melting into nothing more than a puddle. The resulting stump quickly shot back into Kyrios's main body. At that same instant, portions of Kyrios's frayed brain restarted and his self defensive instincts kicked it. With a loud, rather horrific sounding watery gurgle, Kyrios sent out a huge tentacle at the offending creature at lightning fast speeds. At the tip of the tentacle was a blob of goo, that was almost as large as the creature he fired it at. As it approached the creatured body, the blob burst open almost like a flower, turning the previous bulb like structure into something that resembled a horribly webbed claw. With a loud slap, the flat, palm like part of his tentacle made contact with the creature's body. Almost instantly, the flat sheet of goo curled around the center of the creatures body, joing back together on the other side. The goo then instantly hardened to the consistentcy of hard rubber, trapping both of the organism's upper appendages. The momentum of the tentacle also knocked the creature down.

Having trapped the offending organism, Kyrios remained still for a while, doing the Zelpher equvilant of panting. Slowly, as the pain filtered out of his mind, his senses returned. He turned his attention back to the creature, who he now had firmly in his grip. He was rather irritated. True he might have startled this creature, but such a violent response was really uncalled for. Slowly, Kyrios began to ooze his main body over towards the now trapped organism.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:01 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
As Shai viciously pulled at her hand she heard an almost sickening “pop”, and she flew back a few feet as the resistance was severed along with the makeshift tendril the creature had enveloped her hand in. Shai’s dark blue eyes widened in disbelief as the tendril seemed to melt away from her hand, leaving a quickly evaporating liquid around her skin, and fell to the ground in a puddle. Her mind was whirling with a million thoughts as she stared in utter disbelief while the puddle seemed to squirm back towards the main body of the creature. Her gaze followed the dismembered appendage, up back towards the gigantic blob and that’s when she realized her mistake. She should have ran.

She didn’t have enough time to react when she saw the liquid claw surging towards her, just when she turned on her heel to run she felt an almost explosive impact as the gelatinous appendage slammed into her side, wrapping around her arms and sealing on the other side. It almost reminded her of a ridiculous toy goop she remembered when she was younger. Inevitably a certain law flashed through her mind when she felt the impact.

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

“Damn you Newton!” She screamed as she tumbled towards the ground. She hit hard on her side, knocking the wind out of her constricted body. The goo had hardened to an almost rubber-like substance and she found that no matter how hard she tugged at her arms, she couldn’t pull them free. She tossed and writhed on the ground, struggling to regain her breath, while still trying to produce an effective fight. As she started to calm, trying to retain some of her energy, to her horror she saw the giant blob coming towards her. The scene was almost surreal, images of the old black and white movies of the enormous blob that ate an entire small town flashed through her mind and her body kickstarted again into a violent tantrum. She flopped, kicked and even tried to roll once or twice but only succeeded in tiring herself out.

“Don’t come any closer to me.” She screamed, but she could only surmise that if the creature could even understand her, she most likely knew its motives for attacking her and she wasn’t going to get away. So she laid there, helpless, watching as the blob moved towards her, her head resting against the mossy ground. Her chest swelled with each labored breath. Her brow furrowed in anger and disappointment that just when she had started to relax this bastard had to come out of nowhere. The poor scientist had no way of knowing that this was nothing more than an innocent mistake.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:24 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Such a shocking difference. Before, this creature had been a being of beauty, sophistication, even holiness. Looking upon her was like gazing upon the beautiful visage of a goddes. Now, the eletrical aura surrounding her was more like the fierce burning of a raging inferno. The creature was... mad? No, not just mad. Angry, furious even. And all that anger was directed at him. Why? Why was this thing so angry? He was the one who had just had a portion of his body ripped off. Why was the creature who literally tore off his arm be mad at him?

Yet again, the creature sent the waves of sophisticated harmonic vibrations at him. It must be a communication mechanism, but he could not comprehend her. This fact was starting to trouble him. There were too many unknowns. He had to gather more information and this level of neural contact would not suffice. He would need access to more of her internal neural workings and that meant that he would need to intiate contact with her primary nerve area.

Gently now for he did not wish to rough her up further, Kyrios picked the creature up and pulled it towards him until it was just an arm's length away. Slowly, he floated the solid fleshy core towards the creature in his grip. When the core was just inches from the surface of his gooey body, Kyrios opened the single photo-receptor eye he had on his core and pointed it at the creature. As expected, he could make little out, his photo-receptor simply too primitive. However, he was able to figure out the rough location of the body part which contained the most eletrical activity. Slowly, he released 3 small tentacle towards that body part, allowing them to snake their way towards the creature's soft skin until finally, they made contact.

The intial jolt was almost startling. It was like waking up in the middle of a bright desert under a clear, cloudless bright blue sky. The amount of information was astonishing and Kyrios eagerly began to absorb. So rich, so sophisticated. As he studied the amazing new information that was no avaliable to him, the three tendrils began to explore the creature's... face. Yes that was what this organism, this... human refered to that body part as. The three tendrils started to slide against the human girl's soft skin, tracing their gentle touch all over her face, the same way a infant might explore the face of his parent with his hands.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 08, 2008 6:54 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Shai eyed the creature apprehensively as he got into a proximity that made her exceedingly uncomfortable. She gave one last jolt, but was taken by surprise when she found that she was actually being lifted back to her feet. To her dismay the blob’s ‘arm’ as she had decided to call it began to reel her in like a helpless fish. Shai dug her heels firmly into the mossy surface, but toppled forward almost instantly, forced to reset her feet or fall on her face again. Now she was extremely out of her comfort zone. Her eyes changing from the dark blue to a brighter steel gray as the sun glimmered through the transparent body of the creature that held her in its grasp.

Things were still for a moment, and she took a moment to study her newfound nemesis, swearing on her last breath that she would sever this blob from hell to a million pieces if he touched her. She felt her pride swelling in her belly, and she stood defiantly, squared off as the fleshy core made its way closer to her position. She glared into the transparent body, eying the core suspiciously when she saw something, open? She could only guess its function, a way to further examine her. “Like what you see you bastard?” She muttered under her breath, while it wasn’t an action filled with an immense amount of bravado, it at least allowed her to maintain the façade of cockiness.

Things seem to stay that way for an eternity to the student. This thing just staring at her when suddenly the creature did something that terrified her. ”My god its going to eat me!” she thought frantically, a piercing shriek thundering through the air. Shai put everything she had into that scream, praying someone would hear her and come to her aid. Just like in the ridiculous black and white movie she’d seen when she was younger, three smaller tendrils emitted from the fleshy sphere and headed straight for her head. If she had taken a moment to actually consider the action, she would have probably deduced that it was at least trying to communicate with her since the human brain was the ‘battery’ and source of information for the body. Still, with prejudice against the creature due to her experience and her preexisting knowledge of blobs that she learned from the oh so credible source of Hollywood, the scientist panicked. She struggled and writhed, but the tendrils seemed to attach to her head.

She shook her head violently, but after a few moments of feeling…well nothing in particular she dared open her eyes and calm down slightly. She didn’t feel any pain, she didn’t feel her brain being sucked out of her skull, in fact the touch seemed almost gentle in a deranged kind of way. A few stray locks of her hair had pinched in her struggle and was causing her a bit of discomfort, but nonetheless she stayed still her eyes darting to each of the tendrils as they silently roamed over her soft cream colored skin. One of the tendrils mistakenly grazed her eye and caused it to tear up, but even Shai could see it wasn’t intentional so she chose not to make a huge dramatic ordeal about it. After a few moments of watching with growing discomfort as the creature’s tendrils explored her face, she stammered. “L..Let me go.” Her voice was soft and melodic, and more importantly calm. The gentle touch reminded her that not all of the creatures on this damnable island were ‘evil’ and perhaps it would let her go if she tried reason. However, if it decided otherwise, she was going to claw, rake, kick and punch until the whole creature was a giant puddle.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:22 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The girl was not comfortable, that much was appearant. She had screamed rather loudly when he touched her face with his tendrils and, now that Kyrios was starting to learn how to discern these vibrations as sound, the noise jolted him slightly. More disturbing was the sudden burst of eletrical activity she sudden exuded. It was extremely distract and made trying to decode the inner workings of this girl's brain rather diffcult, like trying to read something through a haze or something. Recovering quickly, however, he did not stop in his investigation. He had to be quick now and discern, at least in part, the human communication meathod. What was it called... speech? That was it. But he needed to be quick. Every vibration or noise that he missed may have been an invaluable piece of information.

A sudden jolt distracted Kyrios, a jolt coming from the girl he held in his tentacle. Kyrios recognized this feeling as pain and deduced that it was probably caused by him. Evidently, he had touched something that should not be messed with and Kyrios was careful not to touch that part of the body again. Finding this... language in the girl's brain was proving to be rather challenging. Kyrios had never encountered such a complex, multi-layerd structure before. It was like trying to read a book written by several authors, each using their own distinct language. But he would find it, eventually. Already he was starting to learn, starting figure out how to decode the complex eletrical signals this human female generated.

Then, he felt it again, the vibrations agains. The girl was trying to say something. This time around, her aura was also different. It was calmer, more tranquil and no longer possess the firey anger and malice towards him anymore. An interesting change. Kyrios recalled the vibrations he felt and tried to make sense of them. However, he discovered that it was practically impossible. The girl's brain was simply too complex to decode in one go. Language itself seemed so complex that it would take Kyrios at least a while to master.

Frustration was starting to set in. It was like trying to complete a jigsaw puzzle without all of the puzzle pieces. Then, another idea occured to him. What if he only used the girl as a reference? Instead of trying to learn the entire human language at once, he could take it slowly, using the girl's brain as a dictionary, looking up stuff he didn't know as he went along. That may make it easier! Setting to work, Kyrios began trying to deciper what the girl said and was delighted to find that he was quickly able to piece together a rough translation.

Let... me... go...?

Let her go? He couldn't do that. If he did, the surely she would try to leave and he would lose this valuable study partner. However, he did admit that he could sense the discomfort she felt from the current arrangement of things. So, Kyrios decided to take a risk. Slowly, he withdrew two of his tentacles exploring her face, leaving a third which he pressed gently into her forehead and kept it there, unmoving. Then, slowly, he released the large blob of goo which he had wrapped around her to hold her there. This way, she would be more or less free to move. However, Kyrios hoped that she would get the hint from the single tentacle he placed on her forehead and not try to leave. If she did try, Kyrios was pretty confident that he could quickly reach out and grab her again. So either way, it probably won't be a problem

In any case, things were good. He was starting to make progress. Now, all he needed was a way to communicate back. He quickly set to work, trying to decipher and figure out a way to... speak.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:57 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The creature’s tendrils continued to roam over her face. It wasn’t unpleasant and it had Shai wondering what exactly this gelatinous glob was. She scanned the creature, and at last determined that the flesh sphere had to be the creature’s ‘brain’. What did it want with her? “Stupid question, what do they all want?” She thought bitterly, but instead of bursting in outrage again she dug her teeth into her lower lip. She repeated her request. “Please, let me go.” She was still calm, but it was evident she was getting impatient and agitated. The creature probably couldn’t even understand her, she’d met many of them who couldn’t. Yet, almost as if sensing her disease two of the tendrils retracted from her face, recoiling back inside to the safety of the sphere, but one stayed linked to her forehead.

A brief thought passed over Shai’s mind. “What if it was just scanning my brain to see if it tasted good.” Her eyes widened at the thought, but when she felt her rubberlike constraints loosen and fall away she almost burst out in laughter at her own ridiculous notion.

Every part of Shai’s body wanted to run, to sprint off as fast as she could and get as far away from the seemingly slow-moving blob. She knew better, she’d seen how fast the gooey claw had shot out and enveloped her and she had no chance of outrunning it. The creature had at least been decent enough to release her, so she would play the game for now. Perhaps even earn its trust before making her grand escape.

“What do you want?” She said, rubbing her shoulders with her slender fingers. They’d been bruised slightly with the fall, but were nothing more than a minor discomfort.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 08, 2008 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
"What do you want."

Well, isn't this irony? The very thing Kyrios was going after right now was the ability to answer her question. But he was still not able to figure that out. This girl had an incredible amount of knowledge stored in her head, more, perhaps, then even Kyrios himself. He knew that even if he knew exactly how to read it, it might take a few days to finish sorting the information out. Yet, amongst this sea of knowledge, the very thing that Kyrios was seeking seemed missing. There was practically nothing on how to create these sounds, aside from some fairly vague generalities, like how voices were made with a voice box which was basically two flaps of vibrating cartalage. Perhaps Kyrios wasn't looking hard enough. After all, these human brains seemed to be incredible complex with multiple layers, each layer appearntly consistent of severy interwoven, yet seperate parts. Trying to find something so specific was absurdly diffcult.

Never the less, Kyrios decided the give it a shot. He hardened a small portion of his outer cyto-plasm and did his best to from it into a rudimentry vibration mechanism which he thought would most accurately reproduce human speech and gave it a go.

"ggggurrrrggle, ggguuuuuggglllee."

Ok... that obvious wasn't it. It sounded less like words and more like boiling sludge. If Kyrios had a human body, he would be pounding his face right now out of frustration. He was supposed to be smart! This was downright cruel and humiliating. At last, he found not only another intelligent species, but one capable of providing him with the mental stimulation he so direly wanted. And now, all he could do was gurgle at the thing!

This would not do. Kyrios had to learn how to speak, even if he had to resort to some... drastic measures. As he thought this, another tentacle formed from his cyto-plasm and began to slowly snake it's way towards the girl standing in front of him.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Thu Oct 09, 2008 2:48 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Shai’s eyes widened as a shocking sound emitted from the creature. Was he trying to communicate with her? Obviously he wasn’t doing that great of a job, but she could hardly blame him. She’d once tried to compare notes with one of her German acquaintances when she went to a convention. It was downright impossible and frustrating. She couldn’t even fathom the thought of trying to communicate with something alien. God, how she wished she would have started to work with the schematics Antipode had implanted into her memory.

If it was trying to communicate with her, why did it attack her earlier? She couldn’t understand. The student trembled as another tendril snaked its way from the gelatinous form. What was it doing? What did it want? Why didn’t it just let her go or be done with it already? The student took a step back, not in a manner that threatened she was going to run but rather in discomfort at the new tentacle that worked its way towards her. It was going slow, not threatening to harm her- or so she thought. She waited, trying to act against every impulse to run away screaming bloody murder. Perhaps it could understand her? It had tried to answer her, at least she thought it had tried. She knew it wanted her to stay, and she was almost certain that if she tried to run it would tackle her again, but maybe she could try to convince him to let her go.

Suddenly inspired by the claw-like appendage she saw earlier she held her hand out to meet the tendril. “Can you do this?” She said balling her hand into a fist, which symbolized the sign language symbol for ‘A’.

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Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:32 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Kyrios's tentacle paused for a moment as he considering the best meathod to proceed. What he had in mind would most probably not be too pleasent for the girl. Already, he could sense her discomfort and even fear. On the plus side, the female now seemed to understand that he was trying to communicate with her. Kyrios watched somewhat amused as the girl raised her hand and clentched it into a ball.

“Can you do this?”

Good. Kyrios was starting to become used to deciphering the vibrations of the girl as she spoke to him. Furthermore, he was having to refer less and less to the girl's brain to figure out what she was saying. Mastry of the spoken human language was still quite a ways away, but at least he was starting to get gete at 'mute' english. Kyrios recognized what the girl was trying to do however. As she made the sign, the concept of what she was doing had flashed to the surface of her mind, making it easily accessable to Kyrios. She was trying to teach him sign language, a meathod of communicate meant for mute people. Kyrios was at first slightly offended. He wasn't handicapped! But then again, he came to the realization that in truth, he couldn't hear.

On that thought, Kyrios considered this idea. Would it work? No. No, it was impossible. Zelpher did not have the ability to control their gelatinous forms to that degree of precision. In order to form the five fingers necessary to make letters with sign language, Kyrios would have to devote signifcant amounts of Neural-Plams to control his cyto-plasm. He 'hands' would be the size of a car tire. Besides, it was too slow, much less efficient than spoken words. He was so close anyways. All he needed was a more... detailed investigation. Kyrios steeled himself for a moment. He knew the upcoming event would not be pleasent for the girl and he didn't really want to cause her uncomfort. But, it it meant learning to speak, then he had no choice.

Then, suddenly, Kyrios acted, shooting his extended tentacle at the girl at lightening speeds, quickly wrapping the appendage around her neck. At the same time, he extended another, smaller tentacle from the larger one wrapped around her neck and began pressing it insistantly against the girl's lips. If he could just study first hand the structure of these vocal cords and, hopefully, observe them in action, Kyrios would fairly confident that he would be able to reproduce them, or at least make a similarily functioning organ.

He knew the girl would resist, but also knew that it would be futile. He was quite a bit stronger than the human female and could easily overpower her if it was necessary. But that might injury her and Kyrios certainly did not want that. More likely, Kyrios would simply just take advantage of his gelatinous form. If the girl tried to close her mouth to keep him out, the all he needed to do was to slip his gooey body in between her lips. Kyrios knew he had to be careful. He was going to be touching delicate parts of her anatomy. He also knew to avoid at all costs that little nub of flesh hanging from the back of her mouth. Eager as he was to learn more about the girl, he was not interested in experience her last meal. He also realized that the girl would need to breath. Thus, he made certain keep the center of his tentacle hallow, so that she would not suffcate as he did his study.

Kyrios did the Zelperh equvilant of grimacing. He hoped to god that he was right about his abilities and would be able to create himself a voice box after this. The first thing he would have to do if he succeeded would be to apologize to the poor girl.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Thu Oct 09, 2008 3:56 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Second mistake. Shai had actually been stupid enough to even think that the creature had any ulterior motive other than what she was used to. She yelped in surprise when the tendril seemingly ignore her attempt to communicate and shot out at speeds that nearly defied her line of sight, wrapping around her neck. Her hands clawed at the gel, but it was futile. To her horror the tendril snaked its way past her pale pink lips, deep down into her throat. She gasped heavily, but came to realize that the creature had formed the tendril to be hollow, allowing her to breathe.

The student was furious. Thus far she had encountered several creatures that had simply taken her. Then she encountered the bastard that put her in the most terrifying situations to feed off of her fear. Then there was Antipode, who still took advantage of her yet she still got a significant gain and exchange of knowledge she wanted. But this bastard, had actually created a semblance of friendliness before assaulting her, going as far as releasing her- giving her an option to be difficult and when she responded by trying to interact with the prick, he stuffed her face full of goo. Her hands clawed furiously at the tentacle, eventually moving to sever the one that was attached to her forehead, hoping the blob wasn’t paying attention to her movement. “ Nngh, uck oo.” She tried to swear at the mountain of gel, but found it impossible.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Thu Oct 09, 2008 4:30 am
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