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 Karma (Kyrios) - Complete- 
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Thus far the creature hadn’t been violent towards Shai. Still, the thought of the creature thinking it could just waltz around and do whatever it pleased still caused Shai a sense of hurt pride and anger. A sudden shift in the creature’s demeanor seemed omniscient. Something was changing, even as the last of her words left her lips she knew that the creature was more than likely growing impatient with her.

Her fears were confirmed when she felt her gooey constraints begin to harden again. In an almost mocking manner the creature tugged at her limbs and spread her arms and legs. Shai felt her stomach lurch as she was lifted into the air and reeling in towards the massive blob. Her anger began to dissipate as it was replaced by uneasiness and a slight twinge of fear. She’d already discerned that the creature wasn’t intending to kill her or to severely harm her in any way. But when she saw the smaller orb inch towards her, she felt almost as if she was being glowered at by an angry parent.

Insult him!? She thought outraged but not angry. She shook her head violently trying to clear her thoughts and concentrated on the broken speech. The student’s eyes widened as the tendril shot from the creature’s form and gently tugged at her hardened nipple. In an act of defiance she stood her ground, and stayed unmoving. She eyed that same tendril precariously as it shot back into the main body of the creature, and her face flushed a bright red. She huffed angrily and turned her head away from the domineering eye.

He wasn’t a stupid creature by any accounts. In fact, he would make a good lawyer in New York if he could surmise logics like the one he had formed just now. As the creature continued to rant, Shai’s features eased slightly and accepted this as a challenge of the minds. Her posture eased visibly, and she waited patiently for the creature’s tirade to end.

“Our breeding is selective, not necessary. We have a choice on who we want to mate with. You can’t just come up and start grabbing people.” She said a bit more calmly. “And while my body might respond to your touch, I don’t even know you and from the way you attacked me earlier I don’t even like you. So why on Earth would I even considering ‘mating’ with you. Besides, I don’t even know what you are.” She tried to sound as calm as she possibly could, not wanting to provoke another outburst from the creature.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:22 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Kyrios quieted at Shai's words. Selective Breeding? A strange concept. Truely, the cultures, even the thought processes of humans and Zelphers were wildly different. Why should one be selective of their mate. It did make sense to choose a suitable partner, one who would ensure a healthy offspring. Was that the problem? Surely it was not. There would have been no need for their whole painful to arrive at that point if that was it. In Zelpher society, if the female found the male unsatisfactory to procreate with, an uncommon but not unheard of occurance, she only needed to signal a refusal and the male would back off.

"I see," Kyrios said, contemplatively. His voice sounded quiet and calm again. "Selective breeding. Interesting. However, you seem mistaken. I never intended to breed you. I only investigating this sensation pleasure and wondering why you seemed so perturbed by my sexual contact."

That much was true. Kyrios found this human girl beautiful and interesting. But the thought of mating with her never crossed his mind. His probing and molesting as well as his arguments about sex had only been purely academic. He wanted to know why the thought of sex bothered Shai so much and wasn't really interested in actually breeding with he girl.

As he thought on this, an amusing through occured to him and a genuine chuckle floated from Kyrios. "Why would I try breeding you?" Kyrios asked, in a genuinly amused voice, "Waste time and energy. No way to make offspring. But selective breeding. Novel concept. Do you mean female choosing a suitable male partner for healthy offspring? That I understand."

With that thought, however, something else occured to him. If that truely was the case, and Shai found him unsuited to breed with, then she evidently thought that there was something wrong with Kyrios physically. And with that thought, Kyrios's mood suddenly darkened considerable. Shai was refusing him because she thought that there was something physically wrong with him? That was a new level of insult. When he was younger, his own mental and physical ineptitude earned him the scorn of all of his peers. Females Zelphers wouldn't even so much as give him a glance, much less even the consideration of mating. Now, even after he had achieved so much, Shai was scorning him just like all the girls back home was. He had worked hard afterwards and managed to rise to a position of prominance and respect, but a bit of the old pain and indignation remained.

An old and deep scar had been unwittingly re-opened by the poor girl. It was a moment before Kyrios spoke up again. When he did speak, however, the change in his voice was drastic. It now sounded cold, distant and unnaturally quiet.

"Is that it?" Kyrios almost whispered, "You find me an unsuitabe mate because there is something unsatisfactory about me?"

As he asked this, memories came back to him. Memories of being teased in school by those he thought were friends. Memories of learning that the school's favorite gossip story is of the most recent dumb act he had commited. Memories of the gambling rings and the paid dares of people who tried to trick him into doing ever more embaressing acts of idiocy. Memories of hearing people share tales of their first breeding experiences while he had not even seen a female Zelpher in heat. Memories of his lonely years in college, always on the verge of utter failure and having no one for comfort. And finally, the memory of the betrayal of the only person whom Kyrios had thought he could truely rely on. As the last memory surfaced, the tendrils that bound Shai's arms and legs tightened ever so slightly, not enough to be uncomfortable, but enough to be noticable.

"So," Kyrios said, his voice ever as cold and distant, althought there was a small amount of pain in the tone now, "Even here, even now, even by you, I am scorned."

There was a somewhat sinister pause before Kyrios uttered another phrase. This one had the finality of a death sentence.

"So be it."

Then, with shocking speed and precision, another tentacle whipped out of Kyrios's body towards Shai. Before she could even react, the tendril had grabbed what remained of Shai's tank top and torn it clean from her body, leaving her upper half completely bare. As soon that article of clothing had been completely shed, tendrils converged on Shai's chest. They encircled her breasts, caressing, massaging and rolling them around. Two tendrils pressed their tips against her nipples, engulfing them in their gooey masses and began to pinch and suck on them as if they were tiny mouths. At the same time, more tendrils wrapped themselves around Shai's waist and stomch. There, they began to stimulate the soft flesh, alternating between a gentle massage to a sort of slow tickling. At the same time, even more tendrils wrapped themselves around Shai's outstretched legs. There, they began another round of gentle caressing and rubbing. Two of the tendrils traveled their way up her legs until they got to her upper thighs. There, they began to gently tickle and tease the smooth skin, gliding the tips of his tentacles aganst her flesh.

"So be it," Kyrios repeated.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:58 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Shai desperately wished that life had a ‘restart’ button like her computer did. Whenever she messed up she could do anything over. The poor student had unintentionally poked at an open wound within the creature. At first the student seemed to be making some sort of progress. While the creature was a formidable opponent, she was trying to think of a way that he could understand the freedom of choice when it came to sex.

He seemed to have some base reasoning when she phrased her answer, and had even offered some insight of his own. Insight that was borderline offensive. He had mentioned that he wasn’t even trying to breed with her, but rather examining her. While she could understand that kind of mistake she wanted to make it clear that she wasn’t some kind of lab rat for him to prod at, and that it was impolite. Then there was something else. Something she couldn’t quite determine but she knew that something was wrong with the creature. She watched the creature’s form almost visibly shudder and then his voice wasn’t clear and melodic as it was before. It seemed in an instant the creature had thought her to cast the most serious of insults. That not only did she not want to ‘mate’ with him, but even if she had an attraction towards another species (which she didn’t) that he simply wasn’t good enough to mate with her.

The student started to reply, tried to tell him that it wasn’t the case. A million words flooded from the student’s mouth but they all seemed to fall on deaf ears. Each sentence that spilled out of the student’s mouth only seemed to make matters worse, and then in an instant she was overwhelmed.

The tendril shot out at her, and she was expecting impact. Instead the appendage wrapped around her tank top and tore it from her body. The student shrieked and desperately tugged at her arms and legs. Before she knew it tendrils had once again enveloped her breasts and started to roughly knead the delicate, tender flesh. “Nngh! Please! Please Stop!” She screamed as more tendrils took up her nipples and began to manipulate the sensitive nubs in their faux mouths. Her adrenalin began to flow, only increasing the intensity of the creature’s assault.

Several more tendrils coiled around the student’s slender waist, her toned tummy rising statically with every panicked breath from the terrified student. The assault continued in full force, and the dreaded anticipation of what was to come lingered in the students mind. Almost in affirmations of those thoughts more tendrils began to wind up her calves, slithering up the flesh up inside of the mesh of her shorts. The tendril tips gently grazed against the tender skin of her upper thighs.

“Don’t do this!” She squealed, her lips curling as she scolded herself. She had to open her mouth and make matters worse, if she had just shut up this would have probably been a gentler experience. The student shook her head. No, she’d stood up for herself and said what she believed in if this was her fate, then so be it

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:47 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
(OOC: Let me apologize in advance by saying that this came out a whole lot more cheesy than i intended.)

"Don't do this?"

Kyrios had thus far totally ignored anything Shai had tried to say. Something vile and nasty had taked hold of him, casting aside his usually gentle manner and replaced it with something dark, vengeful and seething. Deep down inside, a part of him was scolding him for losing control like this. A part of him registered the fact that Shai had tried quite profusely to explain that he had mis-understood. And that part of him was berating him fiercely for being so uncollected and uncontrolled. He could also sense Shai's regret. The student's desperate cries for him to stop shot daggers into his heart, but the pain and the shame that those memories were simply too painful. Despite everything, Kyrios could not bring himself to stop.

"Don't do this? Why should I not?"

In a single, swift and powerful motion, another tendril grabbed the short mesh pants that Shai was wearing and yanked them off of her. Kyrios briefly changed the make-up of his tentacles around Shai's waist, allowing the fabric of her shorts to simply pass right through their gooey mass. With that, Kyrios had stripped Shai of everything but her shoes. With a simple flick of the tentacle, Kyrios tossed the pants over to the torn tank top on the floor. Her crotch now bare, Kyrios sent the two tentacles tickling Shai's inner thighs up to her now bare sex. Slowly, the two tendrils traced the outer edge of her lips, teasing, threatening to do more but stopping just short. Kyrios kept this up for a while, then did something that probably surprised the beautiful albino. Suddenly, all the tentacles withdrew from Shai save for the four that bound her wrists and ankles. With a quick twist of the tendrils, Kyrios flipped Shai around so that her back was now facing him. After doing that, a single tentacle shot back to her body, wrapping itself around Shai's neck. The grip was not tight, but was sufficient enough to control the movement of Shai's head. With that done, Kyrios oozed a large portion of himself over to Shai, placing a large tendril right next to Shai's head. Kyrios's fleshy core slowly floated it's way over into the tip of that tendril so that the shocking, sky blue eye was right next to Shai's face.

"My dear girl, do you wish to hear a story?" Kyrios said. Somehow, in this altered state, Kyrios's grasp of grammer had perfected itself. Not waiting for a reply from Shai, Kyrios simply went on, whispering quietly into Shai's ear. "A long time ago, a distance planet bore the greatest gift of this universe; intelligence. A sentient species which quickly learned about it's environment and the functions of its own body. It did not take long for this race to develop an advanced and formidable culture. Unlike humans, this race did not use the sense of sight. Their senses were more inward, using the subtle eletrical fields generated by their complex brains and nerual gels to communicate. To that end, this race began to treasure intellect and motor coordination skills above all other personal traits."

As Kyrios spoke, tendrils began to creep up onto Shai's body. They slowly crawled up Shai's stomach, oozing their way past her the flat muscle to her chest where they slowly wrapped themselves around Shai's breasts. Slowly, gently, they started to again manipulate Shai's supple mounds, rolling them around her chest and giving them a gentle squeeze every now and then.

"This race continued to advance, eventually learning science, art, philosphy, literature. All of the great sciences that you humans pride yourselves in, this race also achieved. Not only that, this race managed to achieve a state that you humans still fail in, the attainment of a global civilzation. Gone were the concepts of nationality and race. Gone were the pointless bickering and useless wars between competing nations of power. This race achieved an equilibrium with their planet, ensuring that their race would never fully exhaust it's natural resources. That and the elimation of wars made the race complacient."

As Kyrios continued speaking, the two little fake mouths of his tentacles returned covering Shai's nipples and re-engaging their ministrations, suckling and teasing the small nubs of flesh. In addition to this, another tentacle slithered it's way up her leg. This one wasted not time teasing and went straight for Shai's exposed sex, teasing the soft flesh of her folds, stimulating the girl's most intimate parts with a gentle, warm touch.

"Then, one and a half centuries ago, a young child was born to this race. His future looked bright, scoring extremely high in all of his basic proficiency tests. But as he grew, it became obvious that the testing had been flawed. He proved extremely inept, physically and mentally. And in a society that valued physical control and mental abilities above all else, the young child was shuned, universally rejected by all around him. The child grew up alone, untouched, unhelped, not cared for by anyone. He struggled himself through all of his schooling and spent almost the entirety of his college years by himself, alone and forsaken. Girls would not even give him a second glance much less anything like a chance. If not for a certain traumatic event and the subsequent hand from a college professor, the young child would sure of simply withered away."

More tendrils joined the ones that were massaging Shai's body. They began to massage and caress every part of her exposed body, gently stimulating the girl's smooth, exposed skin. The most noticable addition, however, was a single, string-thin tendril, which writhed it's way between Shai's outstretched legs and wrapped itself slowly around Shai's exposed clit. Slowly, the tiny tendril began to manipulate shai's mosts sensitive nub, squeezig it gently every now and then while tugging it gently in a slow circle.

"The years were long and harsh. The child rarely smiled at all during his time in college and, looking back, he could recall preciously few good memoires. But the suffering paid off. The child emerged a genius amongst his race. He went on to live a very successful life. But it was again not meant to last. One day, a few decades ago, something horrible happened to the home planet that race was one. Whatever occured was so cataclysmic that the entire planet was destroyed. The child survived by some miracle of this world and was tossed out into the dark, cold void of space. He had survived, but would be cursed to endure as the last remaining member of his race. Everything was gone, his home, his loved ones, the fruitation of his long years of work and suffering. It was all lost in a flash."

There was a slight pause after Kyrios said this, the tendrils on Shai's body slowed to a stop. Then, a sudden and violet spasm.

"That child... WAS ME!!!"

As Kyrios shouted this, he drove the tentacle that had been teasing Shai's lips deep into her sex.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Tue Oct 21, 2008 4:43 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Shai visibly trembled underneath the barrage of tentacles that had begun delicate work on her nubile body. The student felt weak, and though her body still writhed in the creature’s grasp the adrenalin had obviously begun to wear down. She was beginning to tire, and it seemed like her arms and legs were pulled at just the right length that made them extremely difficult to bend without exerting too much energy. Then there was Kyrios. The creature whose entire attitude had changed within a matter of seconds.

All of his mannerisms were different. His touch, which before had seemed out of curiosity and intrigue, now seemed out of malevolence and spite. His voice, which almost had a melodic ring adding to his almost charming way of speech (Charming had it not been that he was a gigantic blob), seemed vicious and deviant. Shai had erred, badly.

Shai watched helplessly as another tendril slithered up towards her shorts and yanked them clean off of her body, carelessly tossing them beside her other torn garments. The cool air gently licked at her exposed sex, slick from all the attention her body was receiving from the mass of tendrils that continued to work over her delicate breasts, and other areas of vital sensitivity. The dying sun cast a warm gaze over the pair, the setting so unfitting for the events that were unfolding.

“Nngh!” The student groaned through gritted teeth when she felt the two tendrils slither up to her exposed cunt and beginning to gently trace her slit. She mentally pleaded with the creature, unable to find the strength to beg aloud.

Her stomach lurched again as all of the tendrils shot back into the creatures form, spinning her away from the creature. The student opened her eyes after the sudden movement and couldn’t help but feeling slightly jarred. Her head tilted away in vain, as the large cylinder of goo trailed to rest over her shoulder right next to her face. The creature’s eye glanced at her form suggestively, and the student was unable to break the gaze of the arctic blue sphere.

The monster began his life story, and while Shai was shaken she did her best to seem fully aware of what he was saying, and also trying to keep her mind clear. As he spoke she did her best not to grimace as the tendrils slowly worked their way back up her glistening tummy towards her full breasts. They kneaded the flesh, a bit more gently now as the creature continued to speak.

The student almost held a constant state of apathetic with a hint of remorse as the creature continued to speak to her. Her immediate concerns where the two tendrils that had worked their way up to her buttersoft nipples and began to stimulate the pert nubs. The student briefly lost concentration on Kyrios’ story when she felt the third tentacle slither up to her sex and beginning to stimulate her tiny nub. She felt the heat rising in her body, and silently willed herself to keep control, to not succumb to simple touch. In defiance she felt her honeyed juices slowly starting to trail down her legs.

The student arched her back when she felt the tendril push into her warm depths. “Hnngh!” She moaned, balling her hands into fists. She really sympathized with the creature, she hadn’t had the greatest youth experiences either. She made it a point to bring up specific memories of being taunted because of her shocking white locks, of always being the object of everyone’s humorous, snide, hurtful remarks. She gritted her teeth as she felt the tendril dive deeper into her tight sex. “It doesn’t give you an excuse to be a jerk!” She thought, but then the carnal side of Shai slowly started to emerge. In the very back of her mind there was a part of her that knew that no human male could ever touch her like Kyrios did. A sad fact she realized long ago.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:30 pm
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Kyrios was still and quiet for a while after burying his tendril into Shai's depths, allowing a moment of respite for both him and the girl. He felt himself calm slightly, realizing that despite the situation, Shai had listened intently to his story. Furthermore, somewhere deep inside, Kyrios had found the merest iota of sympathy. It seemed that, for better or for worst, Shai understood on a personal level. Even as his tendril violated her inner depths, Kyrios could sense the faintest trace of empathy. It seems the Shai didn't have a good childhood either. The darkness in front of Kyrios wavered, dissapating slightly but not completely. The wound had been re-opened and it would not close that easily. However, it was hard to stay hateful to a being that was giving the very thing Kyrios sought; some measure of understanding.

Slowly, the ministrations on Shai's body lessened, until their caresses had returned to their normal, gentle quality. Kyrios could not stop himself. That feat was beyond him. The harsh years of his youth had left an indeliable shadow upon him, one that, once unleashed, he could not control. But even that shadow was fundamentally him. Faced with Shai's attempt at sympathy, the almost vengeful malice vanished. The tendrils on Shai's wrist and ankles softened their grip. A third, much thicker tentacle oozed out of Kyrios. This one wrapped itself gently around the girls waist, providing Shai some support and taking the strain off of Shai's arm and legs. Kyrios could sense the girl's exhaustion.

"So, it seems that we are alike in that aspect," Kyrios said, he voice soft and gentle again. Traces of the violent mental outburst remained however. Despite a return to his usual mannerism, his sudden and comprehensive grasp on the human language had not yet fadded. There was a moment's pause before Kyrios spoke up again. When he did, he sounded slightly sheepish and awkward. "I... must thank you for listening and putting up with this. I guess I've kept that bottled up inside of me for so long, it just exploded out onto you."

He sensed the girl's thoughts. Through the memories of her childhood, he uncovered a single thought of protest.

“It doesn’t give you an excuse to be a jerk!”

"Indeed, it does not," Kyrios said, "Forgive me, Shai. I am ashamed that you had to see such an ugly side of me."

This time, Kyrios was utterly sincere. This time, he understood what Shai was feeling. This time, he had to agree. Unfortunently, beyond making Shai more comfortable, he could not bring himself to stop. The shadow within him would not let him. He knew that he would eventually breed the girl in his grasp and that he could do nothing to stop it. All he could try to do was make the experience more enjoyable for Shai.

"I'm sorry Shai. But I can't help it now. I can't stop, not here," Kyrios said, remorse in his voice. "Please, bear with me."

As he spoke, his ministrations on the girl continued. The tendrils around Shai's breast continued their tender work, kneading and massaging those mounds. The two little tentacle that had closed their tips around Shai's nipples began to nibble and tug teasingly at the nubs of flesh. All the while, the gooey flesh all over Shai's body proceeded to give her a full body massage, expertly seeking the most needy or the most sensitive parts of her nubile body to lavish gentle attention on. At the same time, Kyrios began to gently and slowly move the tendril inside of Shai's warm, moist sex. The movement was slow, sensual and very teasing. He would slowly pull the tendril out until it had almost complete slithered out of her, then slowly push it back in all the way until it's tip could tickle Shai's cervix. All the while, Kyrios wriggled the tendril slowly, making sure that every agonizingly pleasureable stroke rubbed against a different part of Shai's insides. Kyrios grinned inwardly as he discovered a truth deeply hidden in Shai's mind. Kyrios was doing a good job stimulating her, even she admitted to that on some level. A sudden idea occured to him. The thought bothered him slightly. He would be lying to Shai. But maybe it could ease the experience for her a little.

"I shall make you a deal," Kyrios said, "I only want one thing from you, just one thing. If you provide it, I shall let you go. I just want you to truthfully say that you are enjoying this. Just admit that you are feeling good from what I am doing and mean it. If you can do that, I'll release you."

And there, Kyrios set up the logical trap for Shai. If she agreeded and actually did manage to say that she was enjoying what Kyrios was doing, then there was no way she would want to leave. If she disagreed, then Kyrios could then find some other way to get her stimulated. Either way he would get to breed her in the end. The idea made Kyrios very unhappy. This was not like him at all. He would never do something so low as to trick a poor innocent girl like Shai like this. But what she unwittingly unleashed from Kyrios was something undeniable. While it's anger had been placated, it's intentions had not. Kyrios could not stop himself any longer. All he could do was whisper a silent apology to Shai.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:15 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The girl was praying, hoping that somehow she could reverse the effects she had unknowingly caused on the creature. She knew now, that despite her best efforts she would not get away unscathed from this. He wouldn’t just smile…if he could smile, release her and let her walk back to her dorms until he was finished with her. The grim thought almost put Shai back into her lament, but another thought occurred to her. She shouldn’t do anything to anger the creature, she’d reaped the repercussions of angering the beasts on this island and the memories associated with her haughty comments were not pleasant ones.

The student breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the creature’s rough gropes turn to gentle fondles. The feelings were admittedly, not unpleasant. It was again, the principal of the thing. Never before had the student had any reason to believe that there was intelligent species that could match humans, and in one year creature and creature had taunted, raped, and surprised her with intelligence. They didn’t have the right to simply take without even having the patience to ask. Whatever they wanted, they just took it. The student steadily shook her head, erasing the thoughts and trying to reason with the creature. His apologies seemed genuine and the student simply couldn’t ignore the fact that he seemed a bit remorseful for his prior actions.

She had succeeded thus far in trying to inflict her damage control. His touch was more gentle, and the tentacle that continued to pump inside of her warm depths was doing so with purpose. Each slow thrust roamed over her insides, gently massaging the sensitive tissues. As the creature proposed a deal she knew it to be a ruse immediately. He had probably gathered that she would never admit to such things, and in the meanwhile even if she had it would indicate that she enjoyed this torment. A soft moan escaped her pale pink lips, as the tendril had unknowingly caressed against her g-spot as the tendril began its ascent inside of her. The tendrils at her nipples continued their gentle fondling and her slick juices began to slide down the length of the tentacle that could not enter her as it reached the tip of her cervix. She clenched her fingers into her palms and shuddered.

“You know…You know I can’t.” The student said bitterly, but the carnal aspect wanted her to scream in ecstasy. Her rational warned her of the implications of such things, that the creature would learn a bad habit and perhaps take some other poor girl on the island with the reasoning that just because Shai had liked it, this girl will too. She clenched her teeth together and did her best to maintain her façade of collectiveness. Still she couldn’t help the slight gyration of her hips as her dripping sex gripped around the tentacle while it continued to explore her.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:25 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
"How very noble of you."

Shai was smart, very smart in fact. She practically instantly saw through his ruse. To this, Kyrios was both relieved. He wouldn't have to deal with the guilt of using such balant trickery. However, this complicated Kyrios's problems since his plan to make things easier for Shai had fallen through. This was made doubly bothersome when he realized the reason why Shai was taking such a firm stand. Kyrios could sense what she was trying to do. Somehow, Shai believed that if she were to succumb and admit that she enjoyed being taken by him, that he would accrue the wrong idea that because she liked it, some other girl would enjoy it as well. It was rather touching for Kyrios, to see Shai so selfless and willing to endure for another girl, the identity of whom she had no idea.

"Such a selfless sacrifice. However, your ideas wound me," Kyrios said, his tone not upset, merely conversational. "You make it seem as if I were some animal undergoing training and could develop a bad habit from just one bad stimuli."

A sudden through occured to Kyrios. Shai might be right. After all, it was not his original intention to do this to her in the first place. Things just kinda got out of hand and Kyrios lost control of himself. If this happened once, who's to say it wouldn't happen again? Along that train of thought, Kyrios sudden realized something else. Why is that a problem? The girl was feeling good. Isn't that enough of a consent for him to proceed? What was wrong with what he was doing? He was just fufilling his biological duties as a male. If the girl was enjoying it, all the more reason for him to proceed.

A sudden shock hit Kyrios. That was exactly what Shai was worried about. Her stand to try and resist him was an attempt to prevent exactly that line of reasoning. But why? What was the problem? Kyrios was still unable to grasp that answer. He quickly went over all that he had read and conversed with about with Shai. Choice? Selective breeding? Consent? These ideas were foreign, even alien to the blob. Were they that important? If they were, Kyrios had better gain a thorough understanding.

"I do not get it," Kyrios said. Then, he realized that mayhaps it would be a good idea for him to explain his case. He hadn't done that yet, has he? "Shai, understand this. My race doesn't have this notion of rape. In our culture, sex or mating is just an act of survival, a means to produce the next generation. There is no significant or reprocussions about breeding and females will rarely reject an offer to mate. We don't even experience this passion or sense of pleasure. So you must understand, I cannot grasp why you girls hate this so much despite how much pleasure it brings."

Kyrios decided to level with Shai. Perhaps this way, she would understand his dillema and explain it in a way which he could grasp. He had little hope, however. It seemed perhaps that the way in which his brain was wired simply could not grasp this concept. Sex is and always might be 'just another biological act.' Almost as if illustrating this point, despite him trying to ask this serious question, his gooey tendrils continued to tease and caress the girl's soft body. Kyrios had to admit that these sensations were... nice. The soft mounds of Shai's delecate busts rolled pleasingly around in his grip, their soft nipples hard and throbbing almost as if they were signaling her desire. The soft flesh of her sides and stomach were almost a joy to caress and stimulate. And, the response Shai made when he would teasingly tickle her body was very attractive. The sensations of those soft smooth legs entwinged in his grasp was also very lovely to rub and massage and the way the would twitch slightly every time Kyrios found a particularily sensitive part was always a pleasent surprise. But what Kyrios liked the most was that warm, honeyed cavern between her legs. The place was practically alive with eletrical energy and overflowing with a juice so delictible to Kyrios's senses that he almost couldn't help lapping it up with his tentacle.

He had noticed something else, however. There was a spot along the upper wall of Shai's vagina that if he rubbed, the response was almost explosive. There was nothing there to signify why this should be the case. There was no excess nerve bundles or concentration of sensitive cells. Still, it seemed to always work. So, Kyrios decided to stimulat her further. His tendril buried inside of Shai stopped it slow teasing fuck deep inside. There, the tendril curled backwards, looping back onto itself and began to tickling that area. As Kyrios did this, a thinner tendril snaked it's way out of Kyrios's body. This one, made a bee-line between Shai's legs and wrapped itself gently around Shai's clit. Kyrios was going to pull out all the stops this time and started to gently massage and knead Shai's clit while he tickled her G-Spot from within.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:59 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The creature obviously had no idea on how difficult his actions made it for Shai to maintain her logical train of thought. He didn’t seem to grasp the concept of Freedom of Choice. Which, in a sense struck the girl as odd considering he had just explained that his society was supposedly more advanced. However, technological advancement and a peaceful society doesn’t mean that there was an abundance of choice that led to that outcome. In fact, it would most likely be due to the lack of choice that such a society would be obtainable. You can’t fight a war if there are people that will hunt you down the instant you try to do so.

The student mewed softly as the tendril curled inside of her honeyed depths, obviously piqued by the stimulation it had caused when it had touched her sacred spot before. Another tendril worked it’s way up her thigh, this one significantly smaller than the rest, and wrapped itself around her soft, slick clit, stimulating the bundle of nerves with every teasing twirl.

The tendrils at the student’s breasts continued their meticulous work. Teasing the soft mounds in anyway that the creature saw fit, and to his credit he was doing an amazing job. Little by little the student felt that carnal beast that she had hoped locked inside of her consciousness slipping free of its bonds. She had to be quick if she ever hoped to sway the creature.

“It..It’s the principal.” She protested through a series of soft, nearly inaudible moans. “It’s Freedom.” She said again a bit more firmly, forcing her mind to stay in control for a while longer.

“We are allowed a choice, the freedom to have the discretion to say no to whomever we choose. Be it for the individual’s…undesirable qualities or our own personal morals. Someone can be physically acceptable but their personality can be trash.” Shai made great effort to stress inside of her mind that her decision in this particular matter was based off of the initial shock of seeing a species unknown to her, that had terrified her, and that it disrupted her morals that she didn’t have a choice in the situation. She had absolutely no say. “Imagine having that freedom all of your life, and then having it wretched away from you in an instant with no regards to your feelings.” She could feel the tears begin to swell behind her eyes, but a quick jerk of the tendril that had been fondling her clit jogged the student’s thoughts from those of lament to pleasure.

Tiny beads of sweat began to form on the student’s forehead, and her tight, toned belly. Her dripping sex clamping around the tendril that had ceased movement inside of her like a death vice. The student desperately wished the creature would stop, the logical part of her anyway. She tried to clear her mind of all of the devastating thoughts that would do nothing more than label her a hypocrite. She shook her head slowly, but found her hips slowly beginning to increase their pace in efforts to keep up with the creatures gentle fondling, almost as if urging the creature to continue. She could feel that damnable side of her beginning to emerge. “Mmm” She moaned, digging her teeth into her lower lip in attempt to possibly suppress the condemning sound.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 22, 2008 5:30 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
At last! Something that he could identify with. Freedom, she had said. The cause of all of her trouble had been the sudden loss of freedom. Of course. That, Kyrios could identify with.

"I see," Kyrios said, finally sounding as if he understood. He decided to add, "About your reasoning on my culture, it is not that we lack a freedom of choice. A female Zelpher is perfectly allowed to refuse the act of mating. It just usually does not happen."

He now further understood why Shai had been so upset with what he was doing. It was not the actual physical acts nor was it a problem inherent with him. She had just been shocked and scared at the prospect of meeting a new species such as him. Afterwards, it was the way that he had forced all of this upon her which had bothered her so much. It all made sense now and if Kyrios had a humanoid body, he would have kicked himself. How had he not forseen this? Of course the girl would be scared the first time seeing him. And of course, she would be upset by the fact that Kyrios had simply began his studies without even consulting her. It was so obvious now. And the result was that he might have caused this poor, innocent girl grief.

"Shai, you have my deepest and most sincere apologies," Kyrios said, "I must have been drifting at sea for too long for I didn't forsee any of these things. For that, I have made you go through a terrible ordeal."

He realized how much of a hypocrite he seemed. Even as he said this, his tendrils continued to fondle Shai's body, rolling and massaging her breast fluidly in his grasp, using the two little tendril mouths to play with and tweak her nipples. Other tendrils continued to massage and knead the girl's youthful body, still making sure to go for and attack the most sensitive parts of the girl's anatomy. And his tendril which stayed buried in had began a new pattern of movement, alternating between curling back on itself to tickle her g-spot, to flicking back foward to brush itself gently against the girl's cervix. The tiny tendril which had wrapped itself around the girl's clit released it's hold. But it did not leave the little nub of flesh alone. The tendril this time pressed it's tip against the senstive little button, gentle mashing it and kneading it around.

"Shai, I understand now," Kyrios said, and he did. It was not sex itsef that bothered Shai nor was it particularily what he was doing. As a matter of fact, Kyrios was probably doing a fine job based on how her body was moving and the way Shai's sex had clamped down on his tendril. "It makes sense that you would detest losing a freedom like this. I was foolish. I had throught that the presence of pleasure was a sign of consentment. Because of this, I made you go though a terrible ordeal."

There was a slight pause before Kyrios went on. He considered his best options and decided to simply come out and tell her everything. He truely did not want to cause Shai anymore grief. He realized what he offered was a very poor solution, but he had no choice. Something had been released from within him and he was powerless before it. He simply could not stop himself now. All he could hope to do was to make it a better experience for Shai.

When Kyrios did speak again, his voice sounded very bothered and strained. "And... I'm afraid that I must put you throught more. I... I cannot stop this," Kyrios said, "Something inside me... is wrong and I cannot stop myself. Please, Shai. Consider this a request for help from me then. I must do it, and I do not with to cause you anymore grief. I know this feels good and I understand your reasons for resisting. But please, for now, just give in. It'll make things easier for both of us."

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:04 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)

As the creature began to relate with her, Shai felt slightly exposed and rather impolite. She bitterly cast the blame towards Kyrios, taking great care to ensure that he knew it was his touch that was hindering her concentration. He continued his apologies, and she knew that this species who only recently developed a concept of the human language grasped sincerity as well as he could. Still, the way the creature continued to touch her led her to believe that he was not finished with her.

Her concerns were affirmed when the creature admitted his deeds himself. He apologized for putting her through turmoil initially and then…asked her to surrender. It was a touch decision and caused a lot of confusion and more turmoil in the poor girl. A part of her consciousness tugged at her, willed her to let go and enjoy the pleasure that the creature was sure to give her. Then there was the prideful, personality in the fiery woman, the one who never backed down from a challenge.

In the end, she knew that if she continued to resist with a vengeful countenance, that it would result in negative means for the both of them. Reluctantly the student’s fists relieved their tension and the student eased visibly. The tentacle that had been wrapped around her clit, pulled away and started to nudge and knead at the sensitive nub. “Mmhm” The student mewed, arching her back as the tentacle that continued to pump inside of her juicy sex started to curl, stimulating her in ways she never thought possible. The girl silently agreed.

The logical thought within the girl was slowly fading, sheer pleasure overcoming the woman’s ecstasy receptive mind. She gave a last thought, pleading with the creature that if he should choose to continue this route that he consider the lasting effects it would have on the girl’s life. That thought though, seemed to dissipate into a soothing mist and her was replaced with thoughts of carnal desire. Her body begged to be touched and the creature surely delivered.

What seemed like a thousand tentacles swarmed over the girl’s nubile, young body. They caressed her gently around the arch of her back, on the sides of her curvy hips and around her taut glimmering belly. She tried greatly to suppress her moans out of modesty when she felt the thick tendril in her cunt twisting inside of her, pressing against the sides of her honeyed depths. Her eyes slowly peeled open to watch as the tendrils swirled around her voluptuous breasts, teasing the erect nipples lovingly.

The last fading thoughts of her logical mind taunted the student, reminding her that this wasn’t right. It was against what nature had intended, but as the creature continued to stimulate her eager senses, she battled that logic with the immense amount of pleasure she was feeling. She was staring to let go, and the battle between desire and morality had begun.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:04 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
Of course, it had occured to Kyrios that his continued stimulation may make it hard for Shai to concentrate. Consdering the situation, she had actually done a really good job keeping herself collected. At his request for her to just give in, Kyrios sensed a flood of emotions and activities. He could tell that Shai's logcial mind told her to heed his request. Just give in and enjoy herself. There was no benefit in further resistance. However, the prideful, fiesty side of Shai disputed this idea, not likeing the idea of surrender. Kyrios watched as the battle unfolded and saw that the logical side was getting the upper hand.

Back by the pleasure he was giving her, Kyrios could see that her resolve to fight was weakening. Her body was visibly relaxing and that she was responding more and more to his touch. The brush of her clit brought about a rather sensual arching of her body. Kyrios used this opportunity to run a tendril up the center of her back, stopping it at the top to gently tickle Shai's neck. At the same time, Kyrios pressed down on the girl's chest, using her body's own upward motion to mash her ample bossosms against him. The tiny tendril working on Shai's clit had wrapped itself back around the small nub of flesh and was more stimulating it more aggresively, tugging at it and rolling it around, hard enough for the sensations to be more intense, but just gently enough for to avoid discomfort. Kyrios then buried the tendril inside of Shai's body deep, as far as he could go while still avoinding hurting her. He stopped moving the tendril and decided to try something else. Instead of moving the actual limb, he began to alter the shape of the tendril, making it's gooey mass's form ever changing, pushing, poking and brushing against several simultaneous but varying parts of Shai's inner walls at once.

Shai's last thought before slipping into carnal desire was a plea for Kyrios to think about how she would be affect by this ordeal. And to this, Kyrios had no answer. He did not want to even think about that problem, for he was afraid of what he may come up with. How the girl may be affect by this would be his fault and Kyrios found himself terrified of the guilt and the responsibility. To that end, part of Kyrios was glad that she was submitting. It was nice to think that, at least on some level, she would enjoy herself here. But it was still painful to see such a willful and resolute person giving in. And no matter what, Kyrios felt like it was all his fault. And it probably was.

There was no point in dragging this out any longer than necessary. Slowly, Kyrios began to pull back his tendril, gently carrying Shai closer to his blob-like main body.

"I'll finish this as fast as possible," Kyrios said, "I promise you won't suffer."

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Thu Oct 23, 2008 3:13 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The student’s body trembled, this time not out of fear or trepidation but our of sheer pleasure as the tendril at her swollen clit went to work. As her slender back arched high, the girl felt a subtle chill run up her spine as the tendril began it’s journey up the arch of her back, gently tracing along the creamy skin of her neck. She felt the pressure of the suction cup tendrils at her breast increase as they pressed down against the sensitive globes. The tendrils continued to do little circuits around the tender pink areolas, manipulating the soft gently nubs of flesh in their small mouths.

At her clit, the tendril wrapped back around the swollen bud and started to aggressively stimulate the bundle of nerves. The student couldn’t help but let out a series of soft, but audible moans and gasps as the wicked tendril did its work. The student writhed in the creature’s grasp, but it was not in any attempts to escape, it was out of sheer lust as her body was being unmercifully played with.

“Mmngh!” The student let out a much louder moan than she had in previous times as the tendril burrowed deep inside of her honeyed depths. Rather than pump inside of the warm, moist caverns the tendril started to alter and shift its form, adjusting the width, girth and length is it explored her slick cunt. The student shuddered, feeling the intense heat building inside of her entire body, the pleasure waves pulsing through her blood.

So lost in the ecstasy of the creature’s amazing tentacle maneuvers, the student barely felt as the tendrils shifted her body towards the blob’s towering form. How seductive the woman must have looked. The muscles in her toned body flexing with each labored movement as her body writhed and gyrated in an exotic dance. Her arms and legs had developed their own rhythm of moving gently extending herself as the tentacle inside of her contorted in such amazing ways to stimulate her nude form. Her breasts, perky and alert were constantly being molded by the devious tendrils at work, pressing together to form a perfect line of cleavage before being pulled apart again, mashing lightly against her chest. Her taut stomach, covered in small beads of sweat lifted rapidly as the student’s labored gasps filled the air.

Kyrios spoke, but Shai could hardly hear him. His tone seemed almost apologetic but she heard the subtle hints that he was enjoying watching her succumb to his meticulous touch. The student had gotten the grasp of what he’d said, and her carnal desire overwhelmed her then. “Please do it!” She thought, or did she scream it? She wasn’t sure, but her thoughts were drowned out by the sounds of her melodic moans. Her hands were outstretched, her fingers opening and closing into her palm as her body shifted on its own accord. She accidentally found a tendril and took it into one of her hands, gently kneading the flesh as much as her bonds would allow.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:07 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The sudden intensity of Shai's passion was almost surprising. An noticable winch shuddered through Kyrios's body when Shai took one of his tendrils in her hands and started playing with the gooey flesh. As he got used to this sudden change, Kyrios found himself rather enjoying this new attitude. The movements of her body, the sensations she was feeling and the carnal lust she was now experience were all being broadcast clear as crystal water through her electrical aura. It was beautiful to Kyrios. The swirling vortex of neural energy, chaotic, yet organized, disparage yet functioning as one. It was something Kyrios had never witnessed before. The sheer sensuality of it pressed in on Kyrios. But what really got to him was the sudden and intense message he sudden got from Shai.

“Please do it!”

That got to Kyrios deeply. He decided that it was time. With a loud wet sound, Kyrios pulled the tendril that had been buried inside of Shai's moist sex. The sensation was incredible. Even as he pulled out, he felt a tugging on his tendril, as if Shai's sex was resisting him as he pulled. Then, he gently pressed Shai's legs against the liquid skin of his bloby main body. Then, as if he were some giant amoeba ingesting food, Shai's body began sinking into him. Slowly, Kyrios continuned to pull Shai within himself. He did it slowly so as to not alarm Shai too much. Hopefully, Shai would not be too startled by this act. He had heated his body to a comfortable human body temperature in preparation for this and as each part of Shai's body was engulfed by his gooey mass, the goo began to shift against her skin. Whereas before, Shai's body was being pleasured by numerous tendrils, she was now being massaged and caressed everywhere at once by the all encompassing goo.

"Don't worry and breath naturally," Kyrios said as he pulled Shai's body complete into himself.

Zelphers were a complex species. Their control over their own internal body structure was incredible. Kyrios was able to absorb oxygen directly into his body and feed them into Shai as she took a breathe. If Shai had had her eyes closed, she would not have even noticed that she had been taken into Kyrios body. As Shai floated comfortably within Kyrios all encompasing embrace, Kyrios's fleshy core floated over to her. As the goo that covered her entire body continued to give her a full body massage, Kyrios opened his sky blue 'Eye' and looked Shai over. The gooey that had enveloped her was lavishing the exact same attention over Shai's naked body as the tendrils before had. Only now, instead of tendril that swarmed all over her, it was now all-covering goo which massaged, rubbed and caressed her body every at once. The goo over Shai's chest continued to stimulate her breast, kneading them around, gently squeezing and rolling them around against the girl's chest. Occasionally, the would enclose her nipple and make that same suckling motion.

As Kyrios continued to work on Shai, something thin and small began to unwind from Kyrios. It looked almost as if a fleshy string that had been wrapped around his sphereical core. As it unwound, the string began to inflate, giving it the appearance of one of those long party balloons being slowly blown up. As the thing expanded, it's size and phallic appearance made it quite obvious that it was a penis. Kyrios looked down at Shai as his penis slowly unfurled. When he spoke, there was just a trace of unease in his voice.

"This is... my first time," he muttered quietly.

Blep, blep!
Blue Breeze

Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:40 am
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Post Re: Karma (Kyrios)
The passion that coursed through the student was undeniable, and more than once she felt the tendrils that roamed over her body quiver against her eager flesh. When the student opened her eyes again they seemed empty and dull, lightly glazed as promiscuous moans passed through her pale pink lips. The carnal beast had taken over and she loved every meticulous touch that stimulated her nerves.

The student verbally protested with a groan as the tendril that had been busy at work, pumping inside of her honeyed sex, grinding and stimulating against her inner walls was pulled away from her with a thick wet sound. Her muscles clenched around the gooey tendril, almost as if in attempt to keep it as it passed away from her quivering, glistening pussy lips.

The student’s gaze fell towards the creature’s main body and watched, alarmed as she was being pulled towards him. Her eyes widened considerably when she saw that he legs passed through the creatures form and the rest of her writhing body was being pulled into him. Her hands worked on the tendrils they grasped, her face showing more than a little worry as his body consumed her up to her chest. The student lifted her chin, but heard his soothing words before she was completely submerged.

She felt awkward, but after the first initial breaths she seemed to calm again. This was an entirely different sensation. Before where the creature had several tentacles roaming over her body to stimulate her, now his entire form washed over her entire body. It was like a sensual massage, her entire body tingling. She felt light and weightless, her body swaying elegantly in the creature’s form.

Her eyes narrowed onto the orb as it approached her, entranced by the artic blue hue that seemed to glow in the gooey substance. The student’s back arched and her hair swirled all around her when she felt her tits being mashed lightly against her chest, the nipples standing erect and loving the attention.

She watched in amazement as the string unraveled itself slowly inflating into what she could only gather to be his member. He gazed down at her and mentioned it was his first time, and that struck Shai silent in instant amazement. The student wasn’t sure how to proceed, but in the end she just remained calm and tried to soothe the creature by gracefully winding her hands in the substance. The student was heated and only desired to be taken right there and then, and she reiterated it by running her hands down her stomach down to her baren sex. Her fingers lightly stimulating the tiny nub that was her clit.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Fri Oct 24, 2008 4:21 am
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