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 Lost At Sea (for Natsuki) 
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Joined: Wed Jul 25, 2007 9:18 am
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
After walking such a distance, despite Karen's makeshift crutch, she couldn't summon up the vigor to chase after Alice. Defeated by sheer exhaustion, she could do nothing but look after the poor, sobbing woman, whose skirt rippled above gleaming scarlet panties. The situation was untenable. Karen knew not what to think. Nobody had hurt her since she had arrived, but the attitudes of the residents were beyond sense. So many women here seemed content, or at least willing, to garb themselves in spectacularly erotic clothes, take orders from other imperious young ladies no older than themselves, and chase down Karen herself without ever seeming vindictive or malicious. Alice had even gone so far as to warn her off, and apparently, had invested some emotion into Karen's well being. Alice's distress struck a chord upon Karen's heartstrings, and she felt the beginnings of a sob swell within her breast. She ruthlessly squashed it, and pinched her sweaty bodice to pull the sticky cloth off her trim stomach. Her breath came in short pants, her breasts rising from effort.

When the sound of hoofbeats came to Karen's attention, she almost slumped over in gratitude. She would be reluctant to admit it, but the rider flagging her down came as a powerful relief. There was no question of resistance when the horsewoman drew up alongside her and extended a hand to pull her up. The girl was dressed in nearly standard riding gear, which clung to the woman's slim proportions admirably on their own merit. Karen was forced to ride sidesaddle, lacking the same accoutrements, and suffered a thrilling but jarring ride toward the mansion.

Soon enough she dismounted, returning the nameless rider's smile, and strode tiredly to the front door. She struck the knocker three times, and was instantly admitted to warmth and cheer. The inside was splendid. Everything was a work of art, to the golden plaster of the walls, to the marble mosaic of the floor, down to each and every Victorian cabinet and table. Flowers were much in evidence, lending an exotic spice to the air. She was greeted by maids in the same style as the village, who evinced a certain reluctance to get to know her, but instead busily ushered her into an opulent bath chamber. Despite protests, her clothes were unlaced and removed from her body. The maids were officious, but also intimate, and in other circumstances Karen would have been most alarmed at the way their hands slid over her limp, naked body, at how her most private areas were massaged with oils by caressing fingers. A warmth not born of the steaming golden bathtub suffused her body as they turned her and manipulated her limbs until she was gleaming with lotions and smelled of honey. She was placed carefully into the luxurious, steaming water, as the maids bent over her with their soft cleavages, and showered her forehead with small kisses as they washed her.


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:51 am
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Watching Alice continue off, winding down the path and out of sight, Karen just fought to hold back her tears. She was just so confused, upset, and angry that she didn't know what to make of anything. Standing there, trembling with emotions as she tried to understand what was going on. Sweating, tired, and sticky, she really didn't have the energy to confront it.

So when a slim young woman rides up to her rescue, Karen groans in relief. Slumping and leaning entirely on her walking stick, she watches the woman come up, and gratefully takes her hand. Riding sidesaddle was a new experience (well, riding entirely was), but she was all too happy to get back off the horse. Petting the regal animal on the nose gently and smiling up at her 'savior', she turned for the door...

Stumbling as she looked inside, she gaped at the sheer decadence of the interior. Walking in slowly, she blinked at the sudden onset of maids! How many of these were there in this island? She yelped as she was stripped, pulled in, and massaged and cleaned! She twitched and squirmed in surprise as she was felt, groped, and cleaned, and then finally tried to relax. Blushing at the way they fawned over her, and even kissed her forehead, she finally just closed her eyes and breathed in gently. She'd do something, or ask questions, later... in the meantime, she let their hands roam over her tanned and toned thighs, her full breasts, and through her long black hair, and -tried- not to react.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Mon Oct 06, 2008 6:41 am

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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
(OOC note: After reviewing this thread, it appears as if some of the events leading from page 3 to 4 have vanished. Basically, Karen is given a ride to the mansion by a horsewoman and ushered in to take a bath. I apologize to any readers for the random lack of continuity.)

The maids were well practiced. Their hands not only scrubbed her skin clean, but also pressed the soreness from her muscles. Expert fingers kneaded the flesh of her thighs all around, and her calves and feet, as well as her back and even the ripe swell of her behind. Even then, everything was executed with such brisk professionalism that Karen was hard pressed to resist anything, lest she interfere with the maid’s pattern. So it was that when the tub was drained Karen stepped out shining and fresh. An unexpected dousing of cold water reinvigorated her as her body responded to the shock. Her assistants gave her a few seconds to shiver, covering her newly stiffened nipples with her hands, before delivering a liberal toweling. The rich fabrics brushed her streaming skin softly despite their efforts, leaving a thin sheen of perfumed oil to coat her. The washroom was put back to order almost immediately after Karen’s drying, and the girls placed fleeting kisses upon her hands and breasts before she had any notion of protest, then filed swiftly out of the door. Left alone and bewildered amidst the tiles and steam, Karen did not have long to wait for guidance.

“Miss?” a pleasant, cool voice inquired from outside. The door swung inward, and the speaker stepped in. She was a small woman, lusciously proportioned in a conservative grey dress. Her sleeves were puffed in an antiquated style, and the bodice drew closely enough to push her bosom into round prominence against the dove colored material, but the cut was minimalist in a modern fashion, allowing her long pleated skirt to sweep modestly around her ankles. A white ruffled color stood up around her neck, set off by a large brooch the color of a robin’s egg. Her hair was black and cut into an attractive, boyish bob, and she wore small spectacles perched on the bridge of her small nose. She dipped into a brief curtsey. “My name is Mademoiselle. Come with me Miss, if you would be so kind. The Mistress wishes to make your acquaintance, and to discuss how you came to be stranded on her island.” Mademoiselle flicked blue eyes up and down Karen’s nakedness emotionlessly. “Immediately.”


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Last edited by niellwyn on Thu Mar 26, 2009 2:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:08 am
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Karen took a while to relax, feeling uncomfortable and nervous as the maids scrubbed over her firm curves. After the first minute or two, she finally eased back with a tired sigh and simply let herself float. She let herself be pushed about, raised up, wandering hands scrubbing sensitive flesh as she shivered in sensation. In truth, despite the discomfort, a good and hot scrub was what she needed, and her tired mind drifted off with her tension and stress.

The shock of the cold water brought her back, making Karen jump and squeak! Her curves danced as she covered herself, shaking and kicking water off and trying to warm up shocked limbs. The towels came soon after, and she raised her elbows high up to let them continue their work. The shock of lips on her sensitive palms and breasts made her squeak anew, albeit far too late for her disjointed thoughts to catch them.

Folding her arms across her generous chest, she looked around aimlessly, finally pivoting at the sound of the noise! "Ah! You...?" She looked at the well-shaped woman with a frown; not that she disapproved of the dress, but something about her... shivering and naked before the strange woman, skin glistening enticingly with the perfumed oil, Karen felt even more naked than she was.

"Sorry. Mademoiselle?" The french "name" rolled off her tongue awkwardly as Karen struggled with her French. "...I need some clothes. After that, I can meet this... Mistress. Is that ok?" The stress and force in her voice pushed her own desire not to be stuck like this, hoping it'll be enough to convince the strangely-named woman to make that much of a concession. 'Mademoiselle' my pert behind. That's not a name, just a title... I know at least that much.'

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:31 pm

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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Mademoiselle gave Karen a nod in the affirmative, shrugging stoically. “Yes, Mademoiselle is my given name. The Mistress found it to be appropriate. Since it means, in a basic sense, ‘lady’, the name suits my position as the Mistress’s assistant.” Mademoiselle self consciously touched her dark hair, hesitating as she caught herself and dropping her hands to her waist. With an apologetic bow, she took a bold step forward. The distance between the two women shrunk to a mere inch, and they stood chest to chest and eye to eye. Mademoiselle’s gaze didn’t falter, assessing Karen’s nakedness as it flitted over her unhidden assets. She offered a friendly smile, her cheeks dimpling, and slid around to Karen’s side, taking her hand in hers.

“No need to be modest Karen. You’re a beautiful girl.” Mademoiselle’s fingers tightened passionately over Karen’s as her eyes lingered unapologetically on her face. She pulled with gentle insistence, threatening to tear Karen’s concealing arm away from her shining, warm breasts. “The Mistress intends to have you fitted for something to wear while you talk. It isn’t as if you’ve never been naked before another woman before, right?” Mademoiselle said, smirking at her knowingly. “Don’t worry. The seamstresses are very skilled. But we mustn’t keep Mistress waiting.”

As if the matter had already been decided, Mademoiselle strode purposefully forth, dragging the reluctant Karen behind her with her firm grip and soft encouragements. Once into the hallway, Karen saw nobody about. An antique mirror captured her image in the glass, painting her a pleasing golden color, like a classical portrait. She saw that her stance was uncommonly shy, one arm covering her supple bust, her body half turned away, cringing. The sight hurt her pride, but she didn’t have much time to reflect upon it, as the other woman was already pulling her away toward an ornate staircase. Sounds of merrymaking drifted from below, a splendor of muffled music and laughter. The climb was not so far as Karen feared, and they passed not a soul on their ascent. Finally they reached a pair of tall mahogany doors. Mademoiselle knocked upon the carved reliefs of cavorting nymphs, and stood patiently for a few empty moments before an idle feminine voice reached them through the door.

“Come in.” the voice invited.


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Tue Oct 28, 2008 2:49 am
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Karen nods back as Mademoiselle introduces herself, arms still crossed. When she nears, Karen flushes and straightens more. She was surprised at the sudden closeness, as well as the woman's assessing eyes. Breathing in slightly, she reluctantly let her arm be pulled away from her assets, shivering as the strange woman's fingers tightened over hers.

'Just what is she thinking...?' She thought, wondering as she was pulled along. Wait... I can wear anything, I don't need something fitted for me. The young fighter was blushing as she was pulled along, not really resisting, but still lamely covering herself with an arm. She was flustered, embarrassed still, and confused greatly. She didn't have much time to contemplate the mirror, though she felt it twinge deep in her heart as they began to ascend.

Finally, as they reach the top, she forces herself to straighten out a little, pulling lightly at her arm to cross them again. She felt awkward, flustered, and exposed still, but she began to push back those feelings. Her breasts rose between her arms as Karen took in a deep breath, then reached up to elegantly brush her hair back over her shoulders.

With force of will, she pushed her hands down to her sides, opening and closing them... she felt goosebumps on her arms and shoulders as the voice reached her, and she boldly stepped forwards and pushed on the doors. She was ready to find out just what the hell was going on here...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Tue Oct 28, 2008 4:46 am

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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
The doors burst inward, admitting the brave Karen. Her bare feet tread on shag carpet, as lovely against her skin as smooth crushed velvet. The octagonal room was spacious. A mural was painted upon the ceiling overhead, its carefree hills glowing like bronzed wheat in the dim luminosity of gas lanterns. The three farthest walls were made up of square panes of glass, shrouded by violet drapes for the night. A single door was set into each of the walls flanking the main entrance. Karen saw to the left a paper changing screen. A petite, female silhouette was projected onto the paper lace by a single lantern. The shadow woman swept back her hair with a comb, unperturbed by Karen’s entrance.

Behind, Mademoiselle shut the three of them in, bowing to the woman behind the screen as she came up beside Karen.

“Good evening Mistress.” She greeted. “I’ve brought the girl as requested.” Her mistress’s white hand curled out from behind the lacquered screen to take possession of a plum colored robe, shrugging it over her slender, hourglass shape.

“Thank you Mademoiselle.” The woman spoke evenly, her voice dulcet and crooning, lingering with a hint of exotic accent on her vowels, as though kissing each sound as it passed her lips. Mademoiselle audibly shivered next to Karen. The Mistress finished winding a sash around her waist, cinching it close, and took up the lantern. Mademoiselle rushed forward to take it from her hand as the Mistress stepped out. The dimness of the room hid the woman’s face, and made her black hair seem as impenetrable as the abyss. Her body moved mysteriously beneath the elegant robe, parting to give Karen a glimpse of unblemished thigh. Her hips pivoted as she walked. Her white neck was long and coiled about with a red ribbon, silken ends fluttering down her back. She sat down in a cushioned divan, crossing her unclothed feet.

Karen could feel the Mistress’s eyes upon her even in through the veil of gloom. Her chill confidence radiated out tangibly, making Karen’s spine stiffen from the impression of innumerable fingers stroking her skin. She could feel the invisible contact everywhere, from her lips to her stomach, down between her tender cleft. There was something captivating about the opulence of her movements, which were full of artful languor. Mademoiselle closed her eyes as her Mistress reached up to caress her arm, her bosom swelling from her swift gasp.

“Salutations Miss. Welcome to my little island. It has no name, but you do, don’t you? You may call me Mistress, but what shall I call you?”


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Wed Oct 29, 2008 5:59 am
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Karen's eyes raked from side to side, taking in the room as she approached this woman. When her eyes fell on the shapely silhouette, her fist clenched and she smiled. She was trying to be polite... but something was really suspicious with this whole place. The Mademoiselle's poise and behavior before only sharpened her awareness of this place.

Watching the woman dress, the Mistress made her shiver. Something about this woman... was far more elegant, graceful, and sensual than Karen coudl ever hope for. And it reminded her of a coiled, ready snake. She resisted the urge to shrink in to herself, to cross her arms and cover herself.

Karen pursed her lips, glancing away from Mademoiselle slowly. ...You can call me Karen. Do you have a name, other than Mistress? Karen reined in her stormy feelings... it wouldn't do to start accusing her right and left. She wanted to know a bit more about her situation... about how much danger Karen was in, right now, before she did something rash. You own this island?

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:25 am

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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
“Karen, is it? Very good. A simple, common name, easy to remember.” The robed female clapped her hands soundlessly in approval. “I do have a name, but I am not accustomed to giving it out, especially to strangers.” She paused to reflect, tapping a manicured nail upon her knee. “Even so. I am Natsuki.” Upon pronouncing this Natsuki sat up from her cushions, and the lamplight fell over her face. Her skin was delicate and fair, receiving the glow of the lantern like a golden aura. Her lips were full and sharp, half smiling. Her mien was calm, unmarred by passion, but her eyes smouldered soulfully. Their color reminded Karen of the violet lightning, alive and flashing with all the emotion that was absent from her face.

“I don’t expect that you call me thus, of course. I am Mistress to you, as I am to everyone on my island. And yes, it is my island, in both name and fact.” The Mistress’s gaze grew tender as she looked upon Karen. “But you’ve been through an ordeal. Surely you hunger, and thirst. Mademoiselle, I have left a cup behind the screen, undrunk. Bring it to Karen, if you would please, and then direct some of the maids to bring in a proper meal for my new guest. The seamstresses may enter after Karen has nourished herself.” Mademoiselle bowed and complied, bringing to Karen a fluted china teacup, shaped to resemble a blooming daffodil. “Lait de vie.” The Mistress gave as explanation. “It contains milk and honey, like Kublai Khan’s drink of paraside.” She smiled in satisfaction, and Mademoiselle bowed once more before exiting with measured steps through a side door.

“Well, now we are alone, Karen. I suppose you are brimming with questions for me?” she asked, sinking back out of the light. “You must be. I can see the consternation in your face, and you are plainly discomfited by your nakedness, judging by your fidgeting. It’s a shame that such a lovely girl as you is so ashamed of herself.” The air slithered over Karen’s skin once more, frighteningly tangible, making her muscles twitch under the pressure of the other woman’s scrutiny. “Ask whatever you wish Karen. And take a seat, if it pleases you. You needn’t stand at attention on my account. You may sit next to me even, if you like.”


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Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:01 pm
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Karen inclined her head in a polite nod as Natsuki introduced herself, trying to sit comfortably in her seat. It was hard; she was exposed, uncomfortable, and worried, and it was all she could do not to squirm or cover herself.

...why do they call you Mistress, Natsuki? She asked, specifically calling her by name. Seeing Mademoiselle directed to fetch Karen some tea and drink... followed by the promise of clothes, she smiled and slumped slightly in relief. Then she flushed a touch, straightening herself. Showing weakness in this situation, not a good idea.

She listens as the Mistress explains the tea, feeling a little overwhelmed by even such a simple thing, and as elegantly as she could took the teacup and raised it to her lips. ...Wait, what if this was... messed with somehow? Tainted or poisoned? Karen hung in that position a bit too long, and finally tilted it to let the drink touch her lips. Sipping it so lightly, she placed it back on the table and looked back to Natsuki.

Questions... yes. She warred over her thoughts before she decided to strike out boldly. Hopefully not strike out, either. Yeah. I have a couple. First... why are all these people here, and letting you boss them around? Karen raised an eyebrow, keeping her frank tone as she continued.

...Not that I want to stay. I'd rather not infringe on your hospitality any more, so if I could just get a way to get back, I'll be out of your hair. Karen shrugged before she realized the gesture would make her breasts dance and jiggle before Natsuki's eyes. Flushing again, she mentally cursed herself.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Nov 02, 2008 8:49 am

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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
I am called Mistress, Karen….because….because…” Natsuki trailed off. Her face appeared in the lamplight. She tapped her chin thoughtfully. Her violet eyes searched the heavens, as if attempting to divine the answers from the stars. The dark mural gave her nothing, but she smiled regardless, chuckling. “Well, I suppose they call me Mistress because I tell them to.” She searched Karen’s expression with all the subtlety of a cavalry charge, resting her chin in her hand. “They do whatever I tell them to, because they’re powerless.” Natsuki’s firm lips spread, and a certain softness overtook her face. “Ahhh. I’d bet that’s not the answer you were expecting, is it? By the way, I hope you’re enjoying the lait de vie. You may as well just drink it, instead of sipping it constantly like that.”

Karen at first didn’t know what the Mistress was talking about, but then she noticed the cup at her lips, a few droplets of creamy froth clinging to her lips. The cup was half finished, and she realized that her mouth was full of the drink’s flavor. It was pleasant, but not sweet, despite the traces of honey. The drink was rather thick, viscous actually, and possessed a strangely compelling flavor, mild but powerful. Before she knew it she had taken another sip, apparently without her full volition. Had she been drinking without realizing it? The implications made her muscles freeze. Natsuki regarded her with the coy admonishment of an adult watching a child acting foolishly.

“That’s right. Delicious isn’t it? That’s also part of why they obey me, because they all want another taste. Just one more irresistible swallow.” All at once the doors flew open. From the sides low silver trays emerged, marching on their gleaming legs toward the center of the room. The platters were piled high with steaming, succulent meats and mounds of exotic fruits, as well as bread, butter, cream, and tea. The feast arranged itself between the two women on its own, without human interference. Natsuki watched the procession without interest. From behind Karen heard skirts rustling, and Mademoiselle briskly passed her to kneel at the Mistress’s feet. As she did so, three dressing mannequins flanked Karen, walking into positions at her flanks and behind. They settled empty gazes upon her, turning blank cloth faces her way, stuck through with pins. The animate dolls were all dressed in beautiful silken dresses, and wore starched aprons sporting a pouch stuffed with seamstress’s tools. They laid their smooth wooden hands on Karen’s arms and shoulders. The lifeless hands promised untold strength, but for the moment they rested gently on the woman’s skin. Natsuki placed a hand on Mademoiselle’s bowed head. Natsuki tossed her head imperiously, victoriously.

“Even the soulless, mundane objects of the earth obey my wishes, you see Karen? There is not a thing I cannot command, and not a word passes lips that I cannot hear. These trifling miracles are the least of my capabilities. Isn’t that right Mademoiselle?” Mademoiselle leaned her head, caressing Natsuki’s knee with her smooth cheek. “Mistress can do anything.” Mademoiselle agreed, clinging to her Mistress pathetically. “I love my Mistress.”

Natsuki curled her fingers in Mademoiselle’s hair, causing the prostrate woman to make a hum of contentment deep in her throat. “Now then Karen. Dine with me, now that you understand better. We’ll discuss your fate in the meantime.”


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Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:37 pm
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Karen shivers as she watches Natsuki ponder, and then shift to an aggressive stance. Breathing in sharply, she glares right into her eyes... and then starts as she realizes the cup was still in her hand. What the heck??!

Flushing terribly, she put it down quickly, the cup thumping loudly against the table. But even with it put down, her head was beginning to swim. The taste lingered in her senses however, and her hand trembled slightly. She was about to exclaim in anger, to ask just what was in that drink...

When the doors burst open. Breathing hard, she looked to the platters of meat and fruits being lain out on the table. Flustered, fearful, angry... and aroused, Karen fought back a feeling of frustration as she watched the food arrive, feeling greater confusion as she sees their manner of transportation. Such a powerful flaunting of her power made her even more nervous. Watching the mannequins fawn over their lord, Karen slowly breathes out, feeling herself even more flushed. Just from the fear?

Fate? That seems... rather bold. She responded tightly, eyes staying on Mademoiselle for the moment. It was a clear fear response, but there wasn't much she could do... running seemed helpless. She had to try and get ahold of herself! Why was she so hot, so afraid? Even her nipples were erect from the strange fear and excitement in her sensuous figure... she hesitated a long moment before reaching for the silverware, struggling to calm down.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:19 am

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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
“Your fate on this island Karen. The events that will befall you in the foreseeable future.” Natsuki pouted at Karen condescendingly. “Doesn’t Shokushu teach you any useful vocabulary? Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised.” Natsuki’s eyes darted over toward one of the dressing mannequins, which placed a polished wooden hand upon Karen’s vulnerable chest, weighing it as though curious. “You’re an athletic girl, I see. Ample, for a competitor.” The Mistress shifted her chin from side to side, taking Karen’s measure. “Voluptuous even. Your proportions must hinder your performance. But forgive me, I’ve become sidetracked by your loveliness.” Natsuki’s eyes soften. Mademoiselle kisses her Mistress’s knee in a bid for attention, which is given in the form of a brief smile that reddens Mademoiselle’s beaming face.

“I’ve yet to explain to you how women live on this island. As you’ve seen, all females that reside here serve myself, directly or indirectly.” Natsuki sweeps her hand over the room in an encompassing movement. “Each woman is given a role in my miniature society, according to their individual charms and proclivities, but all are servants. Depending on their role, the girls are permitted certain privileges and assigned special duties.” The food trays and mannequins no longer moved, fixed into their positions. The meat steamed, pervading the area with the aroma of their savory juices, mingling with the lighter scents of fruit and the bitter tang of tea. Natsuki paused her monologue to invite Karen to eat with a nod of her chin. “Don’t stand on ceremony. You must be hungry. You may as well drink the rest of the lait de vie. You’ll crave the remainder soon enough, and the pangs will be all the harsher for your reluctance now. I can see how much you like it dear, by your straining nipples, so firm and pink, like rosebuds.” Mademoiselle looked back at the naked woman as her Mistress described Karen’s arousal in dulcet tones and bit her lip. “Oh my Mistress, you’re right. She looks so peaked and anxious.” Mademoiselle observed huskily. Natsuki laughed in delight.

“My poor pet, restrain yourself for now. I’ve not yet finished explaining things to my guest.” Mademoiselle closes her eyes in shame and acceptance, acquiescing in silence. “Now then Karen, where was I? Oh yes, roles. These roles fall into a couple of broad social classes. Your housemaids, handmaidens, milkmaids, and nurses all fall into the lowest tier, not including the disobedient. They are given some freedom, but ultimately they must answer my orders or those of my Ladies, who form a sort of aristocracy. My Ladies are attended to in every way, free to give orders and partake in various luxuries. They too obey my wishes, and in payment for their opulent lifestyles, they spend their days in bondage. Their clothes constrict them, and they are permitted to do little for themselves. A few women exist somewhere in between these two classes, such as the horsewomen, but you understand the basic structure now.” Natsuki inclines an eyebrow. “Technically, I am obligated not to harm a Shokushu student such as yourself. However, policy is a tricky thing, and I am perfectly able to keep you for as long as I like. I intend, at least, to keep you for a short period. I am willing to allow you your choice of roles, maidservant or Lady, whichever suits your fancy.”


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Wed Nov 05, 2008 10:11 pm
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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Karen's expression was dark as she looked at Natsuki. She fought not to shiver under her gaze, but she shuddered anyway. Being measured up like a... Karen shivered again, feeling herself growing hotter and hotter for some reason. She listened to Natsuki with a growing sense of anger... of dread... of a strange heat from the juices the devilish woman had left in her drink. Trying to push the feelings down, she quickly covered her chest and flushed as Karen heard Natsuki's peals of laughter and Mademoiselle's observatory tone.

Her glower had heat, but no real bite. And eventually she folded at least in part, reaching up to silence her hunger by grasping her silverware and finding something quickly to dig in. At this point she was only half-listening to the 'Mistress', eating slowly but cutting full and heavy bites to eat. Eat. Not drink. She couldn't dare to take that stuff again, could she? As she listened, at least, the twisted shape of this place made a weird sense to her now, it's secrets so openly explained to the young warrior-wannabe.

And something else. Her mind, already trying to swing back towards the milky liquid she had tasted, and her body's powerful desire for more, seized on a morsel she didn't know. She couldn't know. A grain to a bigger secret, slipped from careless lips, perhaps. Either way, Karen couldn't be any worse off for pushing it. "...Obligated?" She asked, her face strangely heated as she interrupted, like she felt bad for performing some wrong... ugh. Was this place getting to her that much already??

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Nov 07, 2008 9:06 am

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Post Re: Lost At Sea (for Natsuki)
Natsuki’s visage hardened. “That has nothing to do with you. What should concern you is how you are to be dressed.” Mademoiselle stared sidelong at Karen, whose sumptuous proportions jiggled in an undignified manner while she ate. Her nakedness was so incongruous with the expensive and tasteful décor that it her bare body appeared almost obscene. Natsuki tilted her head, resting her cheek on interlaced fingers. “It is the only choice you are given Karen, dear. Do you prefer to serve or to be served? Each experience has its merits, of course, and its drawbacks, but only you can decide. Unless, of course, you make no choice at all. I’d forgotten to mention that possibility hadn’t I? Those without any status at all make up the lowest tier of privilege. Anybody at all is allowed to do with you as they please. I promise that you do not want that for yourself.”

A fleeting nod of her head sent the dressmaker dolls walking toward Karen on their carved stick legs. The blank, pinstruck faces oriented on the girl as they thronged her. “Stay very still Karen.” Natsuki warned. “The mannequins are going to measure you, and I don’t want any mistakes. Nor do you.” The wooden figures worked stiffly, reaching into their aprons for measuring tape, and enfolding the vulnerable woman in a prison of jointed arms. They folded the white ribbons around her, circling the small of her waist, as well as her hips, her bust, and her neck. Moving as if by rote, they silently spanned the circumference of her sumptuous thighs as well. All the while, Natsuki looked on in casual interest, as Mademoiselle gazed at Karen softly.

“Have you made a decision yet Karen? The quicker you speak the sooner we can determine the cut of your garments. You want to look as ravishing as possible, don’t you?” Mademoiselle cleared her throat, and her Mistress deigned to grace her with her attention. “Yes?” Mademoiselle blushed. “Perhaps I am out of line Mistress, but Karen looks so nervous to me. I think she must be frightened. Do you think I could help to calm her down?” Natsuki laughed, and Mademoisele hid her face. “I know just the sort of comforts you have in mind. But don’t act so modest, your idea pleases me. What do you think Karen? My Mademoiselle is extraordinarily talented. Do you need a pick me up? It would be a great kindness to my poor assistant. I can see in her eyes the way she adores you.”


Send a PM anytime you feel like an RP with Natsuki. She's not shy!

Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:10 am
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