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 The Unkown 
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Joined: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:07 pm
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Post The Unkown
*-Shokushu Woods- The midnight woods grow restless this night, as the luminance of the full moon breaks the clouds. An ancient evil slowly awakes from its years of slumber deep within the warm earth. The evil after spending many years recovering from its last rampage of the island it slowly claws it way to the surface from its grave. Reaching the cool November air it stands and waits for its darken red eyes to focus on the blood moon of the night.*

"Time to play...."

*It turns towards the campus, takes two steps, and then vanishes in a cloud of mist...*

***Warning Shokushu Data File***
Shokushu Staff eyes only

Name: DarkWolf
Race: Demon (Native American)
Type: Shape-Shifter
Known Forms: Human Male, Human Female, Dog, Kitten, Mist, Smoke, Plant life, normal every day objects (book, necklace, sex toy), and werewolf.

*Error..Error..Warning..warning.. file incomplete ....*

Been away for over six years, and looking to play, and maybe make some new stories along the way.

The Short Cut


Monster Bio
The Unknown Student (work in progression)

Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:28 am
Profile YIM
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Joined: Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:54 pm
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Post Re: The Unkown
Welcome back Dark!

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:49 am
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Post Re: The Unkown
Thank you hun. Care to take an old man under you wing and bring me up to date with what has changed in the time i was MIA


Monster Bio
The Unknown Student (work in progression)

Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:57 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Unkown
Of course!

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Fri Nov 07, 2008 8:36 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Unkown
I'd also like to extend my own welcomes. And well thought-out story, might I add.


Status: In love

Fri Nov 07, 2008 12:19 pm
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Post Re: The Unkown
Thank you for the warm welcome back


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The Unknown Student (work in progression)

Fri Nov 07, 2008 5:30 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Unkown
Oooh.. A Native American Shape shifter? I see oh so many possibilities.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:02 am
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Post Re: The Unkown

The Man behind the monster.

We all stumble upon Shokushu for one reason or another. For me it was seven years ago, and i just happen to be looking for hentia (like most of us). During my life writing was always just a hobbie that i did from time to time to get crap out of my head. Never thought about doing it for anyone other then my self. When i went back to finish school took an English class, and the teacher was one of those that wanted us to write a journal. Not one (at that time) to pour my heart out for some woman who was just a few years older then my self. I talked her into letting me just write stories about the subject she would pick for us to write on.

After turned my first story she was very impressed with it. I made mistakes, spelling, grammar, and what not, but over all she put on the top of it that I told a good story. By the third one it was you should look in to doing this more. I took a creative writing class, and that teacher was also impressed with my ability of telling a good story. I paid it no mind, because I felt that I wasn't that good at it.

As a kid i grew up with no brothers or sisters, so i spent a lot of my time playing alone, and making shit up in my head. I was always good at telling lies and what not to keep me out of trouble lol. Even as I got older the stories never seem to leave me. It was nothing for me to be working, and thinking in my own head. Fleshing out two or three different stories at one time. I regret never putting any down on paper.

I used to get into chat rooms and play around with different women and what not making up what i would do to them. Don't know got so into it, that they would log on almost everyday just to talk to me, and play around. I think what was my first erotic stories of type. One day after finding Shokshu campus things became interesting for me. I found a place where women had the same perversion as I did about things.

As where in a chat room you are limited by what two people could really do in life, but here there is no limit other then the imagination of the people doing the writing. If you want to have an invisible monster holding up a young woman up with only thing being seen is the movement of something invisible grabbing at her chest, and pulling on her nipple. There is nothing that say it couldn't work.

After awhile i left the campus for real life shit, wife, kids, and what not. (Advice never stop being you for anyone, even if you think its the person you going to spend the rest of your life with.) I gave up on writing up until a few months ago. Met a women on a online game that i play (World Of Warcraft), and one night we was fucking around, and me being me got to flirting my ass off with her. (personal note in the middle of getting a divorce.) I started telling her a story about what i would do to her if we have ever meet (wasn't going to happen she is married), and by the time i was done all i got back was BRB, AFK.... I wait a bit and keep playing WoW, then she came back and got back on vent (program to voice chat) and was all out of breath and what not. She sent me a tell in game with that she got so worked up over what i had said that she had to run off into the bath room (hubby was home) and take care of her self.

But It got me thinking. I missed telling stories like that, and getting some one so worked up that they would lose that kind of control over things. LoL.. God i'm a tease too... I would work her up to a point then stop, build up the tension to the breaking point, and then say something like. So what you doing with so and so at that place. and she would be like STFU and keep telling me the story.

That is the reason for my return to the campus, I enjoy telling good stories, and making others enjoy them selves as well. I am rusty (very rusty) at it, but the more time i spend here the better things should get. I might not do many one on one with the student body, but I have started a story on here called "The Unknow Student". I love feed back on how a story is going and what not. I tend to write in small burst at a time to keep from wearing my self out. So let me know how i'm doing.



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The Unknown Student (work in progression)

Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:38 pm
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Post Re: The Unkown
I get what you mean, I used to play World of Warcraft also (might start sometime soon again) and I was flirtatious just like you. Fun stuff, joking around with people you'll never meet in real life. But its also very good for your self esteem when you find out how much your story really affects them. And, just so you know, when you do what you do, its called cyber sex. Don't be ashamed, we're all doing it just by posting on this forum.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:11 am
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Post Re: The Unkown
LoL. Yeah it was cyber sex. Didn't start out that way, start with flirting and what not. She started with 20 question, and one of her question was what was my idea or good four play. By the time i was done telling her about it she was never the same with me lol.. its funny now we don't cyber anymore or trade pics. Its not more of i think of her as my little sister (a step sister) but a sister the same.


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The Unknown Student (work in progression)

Sun Nov 09, 2008 12:20 am
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Post Re: The Unkown
I get what you mean. After that step, it gets a little awkward to slip back into the "friends" stance. Plus, she has a husband, so that's her way of telling you "I think you're a great guy, but I'm married, and I love my husband"

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:34 pm
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Post Re: The Unkown
I love the bio.... so mysterious.....

Im glad you came back, your story seems great (same with your writing style) Looking forward to starting a roleplay with you sometime ^_^

Not everything that's beautifull is safe
Acandae ADD's Sexy Naga agent (SFA)
Nathaniel A Tentacled slaver in training(monster)

Always up for an RP. Pm me to set one up

Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:51 am
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