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 Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase) 
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Post Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Bright sunlight bathed the little clearing near the waterfall. The early afternoon sun remained high in the sky, its rays slanting only slightly as they rained down over Shokushu Island’s forest. It was a beautiful, cheerful day, but Whisperer was miserable.

The normally transparent alien hung listlessly in the air near the center of the clearing. His outer membrane was frosted with cracks. At first glance he might have been mistaken for a cloud of fine mist. His body was completely motionless, but his mind was locked in a desperate struggle.

It had been many days since the powerful essence of the dark witch Kanoe had called him forth from the depths of a psychic storm. For some time, that power had sustained him, but day after day the hunger grew, becoming more and more insistent. Now, he was starving - literally shriveling up from lake of nourishment - yet still he dared not feed. If he did, the Tempest might take him again. And then he might never come back.

But, if he did not feed, then he would die; a fate that seemed little different than the alternative. Still, better to die than to be lost to the psychic maelstrom that lurked within him. Back and forth his thoughts swung, looping back on themselves eternally as the need for sustenance wrestled with the desire to remain free - even if that freedom meant death.

Whisperer was so caught up in the inner battle that he did not sense the presence of a student drawing ever nearer. At least not until she was nearly to the clearing. Fatigued and uncertain, he froze, hoping that she would pass by even as he yearned for her to come closer.

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Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:31 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Since her dangerous encounter with the lizardman, her first painful one on this island, she had been quite wary about the woods... even during the day. But after she had managed to carve out another wooden sword and practiced for several long weeks, she was getting more... aggressive. Karen wanted to see what else this island was hiding, to see if there was some sort of solution to her dilemma hidden away here... some means of defeating the monsters of this isle!

Karen shoves a branch full of leaves out of her eyes, wincing as she tries to work her way past a thicket, she takes in a breath as she forces her way into the clearing! She was clad in a tight gray T-shirt that left her firm belly exposed, a long pair of dark brown slacks, and a long-armed blue vest jacket that she left open to keep herself cool, all wear both intended to protect her skin from the sharp branches and rough leaves she was battling through. Although there were some animal trails she had tried to follow on the way, she wasn't sure if she was going to stay on those trails... like right now. She had nearly passed this secluded clearing, but the faint sound of water falling had drawn her this way... and now, her curiosity was paying off!

"Oh, wow..." Karen whispered in surprise, staring up at the crashing water and fine mist forming in the air! She smiled at the humidity, reaching up with a hand and brushing back her hair from her eyes. "...that's... I wish I brought a bathing suit." The young martial artist reflected with a faint smile, crossing her arms over her firm breasts. Reaching up, she adjusted the strap of a gym bag she had over her shoulder, and then reached down into it to pull out a large bottle of water, taking quick a swig.

Still holding the bottle, she approached the water with a bit of curiosity and wariness in her eyes... she was starting to become more cautious as she neared, wondering if this grotto held as much danger as beauty.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:02 pm
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Whisperer watched with a combination of dread and desire as the voluptuous teen pushed her way into the clearing. She was so close; and he was so hungry. Surely he could take just a little . . .

But, no! He must not, lest the Tempest take him again. The conflict continued to rage within the alien’s psyche, made all the more intense by the arrival of the beautiful young woman. He fought off the urge to attack her immediately, but every moment of her presence was sapping his will. He should’ve fled the moment he first sensed her, but now it was too late. It he moved, it might spook her and he didn’t know if he could resist his hunting instincts if she bolted.

Despite his resolve and intent to remain hidden, Whisperer began floating slowly toward the lovely student - a strangely solid cloud of mist amidst the sparkling spray that had drifted into the clearing.

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Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:14 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Karen was wary, ready for danger. But unfortunately, she wasn't looking for something near-invisible. She was looking into the water, into the woods. These were places she could expect threats to come... not from the mist and open air!

Crouching down by the water, she let her arm dip into it, just sloshing about the liquid and feeling the coolness of the grotto's treasure. Smiling, she splashes the water up onto her face, once... twice... three times. Droplets splatter over her skin and clothes, dampening the gray shirt and making it cling to her breasts. But it cools her down, dampening her hair and giving her hot body much-needed relief.

Pressing the back of her hand to her forehead as she rose, then lowered her hand as she stepped back and looked around again. The mist was cooling her off and dampening her hair quite quickly, but that helped... she lowered the bag, letting it land on the grass near the water. She was... really tempted to take a swim, but... no, not until she knew this place was safe.

Tugging lightly at the shirt that was rapidly dampening and framing her heaving bosom, she was completely unaware of Whisper as he neared...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:07 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Whisperer hadn’t been entirely aware of his progress toward the wary-yet-still-oblivious young woman. At least not until he realized he was almost on top of her. Her presence had drawn him like a flower might draw a bee.

The monster froze again as Karen stood up and looked around once more. She looked directly through him, not registering the strange pattern in the mist. But now that he was so close it was just a matter of time.

He could sense her desire to swim in the little pool at the base of the falls. Maybe, if she did that, he could slip away while she was distracted. If she didn’t notice him and therefore didn’t run, he might be able to force himself to float away. The strange cockamamy plan burst in his mind like a flare. Maybe, just maybe if she thought she was safe . . .

He could almost see the success. He could soothe her misgivings with gentle psychic nudges, then move away as she frolicked in the water . . . It was a vain, fool’s hope, but the desperate alien clung to it like a drowning man to a life-line. It had to work! He never even thought about how he might just as easily slip away if he just retreated as slowly as he had approached.

The excitement of the moment brought a series of images to mind. He saw the lovely student slowly stripping down, removing every last article of clothing before slipping nude into the cool, refreshing water . . .

Undoubtedly, that was far beyond what she might have planned, even if she decided to swim at all. But the turmoil in the alien’s mind, coupled with his growing psychic strength and his illogical hope that it would happen caused the images to leak from his psyche. The thoughts flowed into the nearest sapient mind, producing a feeling of utter safety and a sudden urge to feel water rushing along bare skin.

Greo (space scenes only)
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Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:22 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Karen breathed in slowly, stretching her arms over her head. She swayed back and forth on her feet a bit, just lightly limbering herself up. Popping her shoulders and neck, she leans over the rippling water, breathing in and smiling as she enjoys the mist and cool air.

And nothing seemed to approach, as time wore on. Feeling her T-shirt getting even more wet, she reaches up hesitantly. She had half a thought to take it off... where did that come from? Then again, although this place had a nice cool atmosphere, a dip... she warred on that thought for a long moment; she had been looking for private and safe places. Places where she could learn more about this island, and hopefully find something. Maybe places she could use, to relax, escape, and operate from, barring that.

But was this place a little too perfect? It could be a trap.

Or, it could be hiding something. She looked up at the waterfall, then into the pool. Maybe something under the water... if there were secrets hidden about this place, looking in areas students couldn't get to... or wouldn't... wasn't a bad start. And it would give Karen the excuse to take a much-needed dip.

Reaching down, she pulled up her shirt hastily. Her stomach was bared in it's entirety, flat, attractive, and strong... followed quickly by her arms, shoulders, and more as she tossed the short shirt aside. Beneath it a slim but sturdy white bra held her very firm breasts tightly; Karen was definitely stacked, and the mist kissed the mounds of flesh and quickly moistened the bra enough that he could see the shape of her hardening nipples beneath.

Leaning forwards let her breasts hang like ripe fruit, quivering a little as she struggled to slip off the thick pants. They were quite hot, and she had already been sweating quite a bit before she arrived; they did protect against thorns and branches quite nicely though. With the jacket on top, she had been able to force her way through thick foliage with nary a snare or scrape.

Tilting her hips and lifting each long leg from her pants, she kicked those aside to join the others, simple white panties holding her hips and hiding her sex from the monsters' prying "eyes". Quickly straightening, she adjusted the straps on her bra and looked back into the water. Standing tall, her long black hair reaching her hips, she cut quite a tempting sight for the Whisperer... especially as her skin began to glisten wetly in the mist.

Finally, taking in a deep breath, her back arching and thrusting her chest forwards... she bent backwards, then rolled herself back forwards and dove into the water!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Fri Oct 31, 2008 9:17 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Whisperer’s spirits fell when Karen became more suspicious, but quickly rose again when that suspicion prompted her to search the bottom of the pool. So much the better if her attention was focused on what might lay beneath the water; it would make slipping away that much easier.

As the lovely girl began to disrobe, Whisperer finally detected the fatal flaw in his plan. Even though, in his little fantasy, she had stripped completely nude, he hadn’t really considered just how delicious she would be. As more and more of her full, luscious form came into view, the starving monster had to fight harder and harder not to snatch her up.

By some herculean effort, he managed to stay his tentacles while she undressed down to her undergarments. Suddenly, he was glad she hadn’t removed those as well, though in truth the thin white bra and panties did little to conceal her voluptuous curves. The strain of holding back was intolerable, yet, even so, he managed. Just a bit longer . . .

It was all over the second Karen moved to dive into the pool. Maybe if she had slowly slipped into the water, he might have had a chance, but the quick motion of the maneuver activated his hunting reflexes. Already pushed to the limits of his control, the added pressure of the simple biological imperative was more than he could bear.

Long, thin, feathery tendrils lashed out at the girl while she was still in mid-air. They crackled with stunning bio-electricity and oozed paralytic venom as they slashed toward the exposed parts of her back. An instant later, several larger tentacles followed in their wake, moving to catch the prey should his stingers connect.

Greo (space scenes only)
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Sat Nov 01, 2008 10:10 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Karen dove through the air, closing her eyes in preparation for impact against the water. An impact that didn't come; she squealed and thrashed about as the feathery tentacles struck her back, stinging and shocking her and making her writhe! Her ample, bra-covered breasts barely smacked into the water before his larger ones seized her.

"YEEAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUGGGHHHHH!!!!???" Karen screamed as the shock hit her, teats hardening and limbs thrashing in an automatic response!

All her thoughts vanished in a blur of white shock, and the martial artist was completely helpless in Whisperer's grasp. Her eyes rolled back in her skull, overwhelmed... perhaps an echo of foreboding to what would come. Groaning gutturally, she thrashed about weakly in his grip, still in a state of shock. She could have started foaming at the mouth in her semiconscious daze, so bad was she surprised and stunned by this ambush.

Her generous curves pressed against the larger tentacles, her body weight bearing down on his limbs as her bra-covered breasts brushed against the water. Her black hair too spilled down over her shoulder, granting a small mercy to veil her white-eyed look from the forest around her. But until she recovered, Karen was completely helpless before the starving monster... and she was an ample meal to be had by him, ready to be served up.

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:27 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Whisperer carefully drew the lightly convulsing girl away from the water and toward him. Turning her over, he gently brushed her hair from her face to look upon the pain and horror his failure had wrought. A great surge of remorse welled up within him, along with a sense of dread. He had tried so hard to avoid this, but it was too late now.

The shock that had stunned her had also propelled his venom through her skin. It was already coursing through her veins, disabling her conscious nerve impulses. By the time the unfortunate beauty regained her senses, she would likely be entering a state of paralysis. There was but one antidote for the poison . . .

The sensitive creature could not leave a victim in such a state, he had to make sure she would recover fully. But to do that, he would have to stimulate her into arousal culminating with at least one climax - the first steps in preparing her for a feeding. Once he started, he knew he would not be able to stop, and then the Tempest would take him.

But that was of no consequence; now that Whisperer had stung the poor student, he had a responsibility to her. Whatever might happen to him was irrelevant.

Sorry . . . Karen . . . The psychic alien projected a modulated call into the girl’s slowly clearing mind as he began carefully removing her remaining garments.

First he deftly worked the catch of her bra, loosening the article in preparation of freeing her impressive breasts from their damp fabric prison . . .

Greo (space scenes only)
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Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:02 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Karen shivered and groaned as she was turned over, her hair spilling back across her shoulders, a few strands splaying across her face. Stunned, the only movement her body made was that governed by gravity; limbs limply sliding around, breasts bobbling from side to side as she was turned, her hair spilling down from her head. Helpless and in his starved grip, the martial artist was completely doomed...

Her bra clasp wasn't hard to work; a simple snap, and it began to slide away... slowly revealing the full mounds that rose and fell beneath it. Her breathing changed, he could see, as well as her mental activity... slowly, she was beginning to rouse to her private pleasurable hell... ...s...sorry...? Who... I...?

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Mon Nov 03, 2008 4:20 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
The creature gently manipulated his captive’s arms, slipping her bra straps down them as he removed the garment completely. He set it aside, on the pile with the rest of her clothes, before turning his attention back to the glorious treasures he had uncovered. His eyeless gaze lingered over those large, firm mounds for only a moment. He would be paying much more attention to them soon enough. But before that, there was another secret to reveal.

Whisperer hooked two of his grasping tentacles into the sides of Karen’s panties. Their bristly texture tickled lightly along her thighs as he slipped the thin white garment down her long legs.

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Thu Nov 06, 2008 1:21 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Karen slowly turned, her body limply draped in his grasp as he slowly worked her bra off. Her large orbs rose and fell with her erratic breath; slow at first, then quickening as his tentacles found her remaining undergarments.

N... noo... She moaned, very lowly and briefly. A cause for stopping. Or perhaps it will continue; it was already too late. The flimsy white garment slid down her legs, drawing a shiver as her thighs and black bush were fully exposed by the invisible creature. He knew what she needed in order to fight off the paralytic; this was an inevitability...

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:50 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Whisperer wished he could comfort Karen; wished that he could explain the situation and why he had to do what he was doing. But even if he had the control to convey such complex thoughts, he knew there was nothing he could ‘say’ to make it any easier on her. In truth, were it not for the threat of unleashing the Tempest, he would have snapped up this buxom beauty in a heartbeat.

Once he had finished removing her panties, he placed them with the rest of her clothes before taking a moment to admire her naked glory. He understood, then, that he had been doomed as soon as he had sensed her. One way or another, his needs would have driven him to take her, regardless of the consequences. His entire body shivered with anticipation of the energies she would produce for him. But she still had yet to be properly prepared.

The multi-limbed alien held his catch in a loose web of his tentacles. He took care to position his appendages to provide the most comfort and support for the girl, but didn’t bother restraining her. For the time being, she would be unable to fight. And once she recovered, it would be too late.

Whisperer extruded two of his trunk-maws, lowering them quickly toward the luscious twin peaks of Karen’s bosom. Four tongue-like flaps emerged from each orifice, spreading wide to begin lightly stroking the slopes of those fleshy mounds.

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Tue Nov 11, 2008 5:16 am
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Post Re: Irresistible Temptation (Karen Hinase)
Uoooohhhh! Her moan escaped lips already beginning to quiver as her panties were slipped free in their entirety. Naked, paralyzed, she was utterly vulnerable to the transparent monstrosity, a succulent and doomed dish, delivered during his time of need.

And she was a shapely and glorious figure to plunder. Karen groaned again, trying to force herself to move... but it was impossible. She tried to scream for help, to turn away, as her breasts first felt the 'whisper' of the trunk-maws over her quivering tits. Her breath caught in her throat, and unconsciously she arched, offering each supine mound of flesh towards the monstrous mouths and their four 'tongues'... soon, those slopes would be tormented far beyond what the noble martial artist could take!

Karen Hinase, warrior wannabe!
Be not afraid to give me a poke if you want to play!

Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:47 am
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