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 Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound. 
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Post Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
“What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve…”
Hill, Napoleon.


[Name:] Pan
[Alias:] Asmodeus
[Age:] Pan was officially activated during Shai’s freshman year; Asmodeus is immortal.
[Race:] Nanobot /Demon
[Type:] Shapeshifter /Incubus
[Known Forms:] Wolf, Cat, Chimpanzee, Seagull.
[Origin:] New York / The Abyss.
[Gender:] Male

[Demon Form]
[Height:] 8’7’’
[Weight:] 585lbs
[Physical Description:]

Skin Color: Alabaster/Tan
Skin Texture: Smooth beneath the demonic armor.
Hair? Above the neck. (Eye Brows/Hair)
Hair Color: Jet Black
Body Build: Muscular
Tail? Occasionally.
Tail Length: 7’
Tentacles? Hardly tentacles, I like to refer to them as shadowy wisps. Doesn't that just tickle you on the inside?
Number of Tentacles: As many as desired.
Wings? Occasionally.
Wingspan: In Humanoid form 8’3’’
Wing Color: Shadow Black
Cock Size: 13’’ Long, 5’’ in diameter.
# of Cocks: One.

In Depth

In Pan’s true demon form he assumes the demi-god avatar of Asmodeus, the demon of wrath and darkness. He has a muscled frame with substantial height towering over most life forms. His hair is inky black, falling straight and thick just past his shoulders. His features are sharp, generally covered from the bridge of the nose, across his cheeks and covering the rest of his features besides his eyes and forehead, with a black metallic armor. Beneath this makeshift mask there are perfectly straight, glimmering teeth all sharpened to a devilish point, concealed behind full, chapped and bleeding lips. The same, savage armor envelopes the rest of his body able to manipulate and bend at his will. Most of his height is in his thick, toned legs down to his shielded feet. The armor produces razor-edged talons obsidian black with a metallic sheen at both is fingers and his toes.

Several tendrils can be seen billowing from his armored shoulders, as if waiting instruction from their deviant master. While the armor is seemingly impenetrable, there are several areas on Pan’s body that resemble biomechanical patches, generally located where an abundance of muscle would be found: In the Pectorals, abdominal gluteus, triceps, biceps, and across his shoulder blades. Upon closer inspection these patches seem to be alive, breathing and seething with glimmering darkness that have a characteristic violet hue. His eyes are sharp, wide and almond shaped always permeating a range of aura-like glows from bright orange to soft blue.

[Psychological Profile:] Prior to binding his soul with Asmodeus in the Abyss, Pan was generally a loving, sentient being. His loyalties remained with his creator and she alone. He was a bit overprotective of his creator and though the bitterness and jealous began to form over his creator’s budding relationship with other students, he never stopped considering her best interests. Despite his limitations he always vowed that he would protect Shai at any cost, even if it meant death for himself. He had been lucky throughout the four years the student and Nanobot had endured Shokushu until he met on of the Demon Grail’s minions.

Pan was severely damaged and this mainly affected the Nanobot’s pride. He became bitter with himself, realizing that he was nothing more than a failure to the ideal of his creation. From that moment forth he vowed never to be weak again, to hone and train his abilities to be able to protect not only his creator, but to protect himself.

Since Pan’s sentient being budded into consciousness he always viewed Shai as beautiful, he used her appearance to create his personal taste in human women. Watching her sexual encounters with other students always seemed to pique the Nanobot’s interest, but it was only after being bound to Asmodeus that he truly felt arousal. He is intrigued by the feeling and seeks to explore it further. While Asmodeus is a sex fiend in the Abyss, human females tend to disgust him simply because of their genetic make up and the means of their creation.

Shortly after this revelation Pan began to feel the icy chill in the back of his mind, the Demon Asmodeus growing impatient with his romantics. Slowly the demonic blood coursing through Pan’s body began to change this loving being into nothing more than a malicious monster.

He is sadistic and cruel. He sees humans as nothing more than a nuisance and seeks vengeance for his thirst to torment them. Humans are the reason he was banished into the abyss, and now he plans to enact his revenge on them by any means possible. Pan never stops fighting the cold voices and thus refuses to severely injure the humans he has lost most of his compassion for.

His personality is eclectic and aristocratic. He is generally very cordial with a tinge of cynicism and sarcasm to accompany his blunt and rather obvious observations. Other times he is just downright mean, but is generally still polite in doing so.

[Motivation:] Some motivations include: Curiosity, Lust, Revenge, Wrath and Sustenance. Depending on which personality defect the student happens to stumble on (Pan or Asmodeus) she can get a variety from menacingly cruel motivations to more scholarly though still sadistic observations. However prior to binding with Asmodeus Pan needed a significant source of energy to maintain his Nanite composition, after being bound with demonic blood the nanites need a more significant battery. The electrical impulses output by the female body suffice quite nicely. Lucky girl huh?

[Pan’s Capabilities:]

Database Shai created Pan not only as a friend, but also as a large database. Pan is able to memorize explicit detail after only seeing something once. Reading a book for the first time will also be Pan’s last, he’ll never need to pick it up again often memorizing it word for word.

Shape shifting One of Pan’s secondary functions was offering the variety of an assumed form. So as long as Pan has the physical properties stored, he can assume the form of anything he desires. If he chooses, he can create his own forms but they often take a lot of practice to stabilize.

[Asmodeus’ Capabilities:]

Cimmerian Shade Asmodeus has the ability to manifest whatever he desires from the surrounding shadows. Any instrument to aide in his deviant intentions can be summoned at his whim. This only applies to non-sentient beings. He can create a hollow shell of a ‘living’ creation, but their actions are entirely controlled by Asmodeus or Pan’s will. However, once the sun piques over the mountains anything summoned from the darkness of Asmodeus’ desires will dissipate into nothingness.

Minions Asmodeus can summon six sentient, minor demons from the abyss to help him in his endeavors. Their names are as follows: Abbadon, Ayperos, Berith, Cresil, Gaap, and Merihm. Each has their own individual tastes and personalities making them somewhat hard to control. Generally used to create a sense of chaos and unpredictability in his Asmodeus’ adventures.

Dark Armor: Duemos The armor that envelops Asmodeus’ Avatar is actually a sentient being. A fallen angel who used to craft the armor of the gods, Asmodeus and Duemos endured a long and passionate love affair. Fearful of her demon love she informed the demon legion of a large angelic ambush that turned the battle in demonic favor. This led to her being cast from the heavens. As she was being cast away she was outfitted with a curse. Only when she is in heaven again can she assume her once beautiful form, until then she nothing more than a weapon of evil to be used and manipulated by the demonic legions. Unable to see his partner suffer the cruel fate, Asmodeus bound himself to the armor for all eternity hopeful to find a way to manipulate the terms of her curse and freeing her from her ethereal prison.

[Weaknesses:] During the day Pan looses all of his demonic abilities, often leaving him vulnerable. It is his hope to conquer a planet enveloped in darkness so he can never be caught off guard.

Pan also has a weakness for daughters of winter. Any woman with snow-white hair can possibly persuade the demon to actually maintain a semblance of kindness.

While Pan’s armor cannot be penetrated there is one vulnerable spot on his body. Over his left breast there is a tiny opening, said to be Duemos’ heart, if penetrated by anything sharp, it will cause severe bodily injury as well as possibly disrupt the effectiveness of his armor.

[Likes:] Darkness § The Moon § Mind Games § Power § Challenges § Bondage § Fear § Tattoos § Piercings § Fighters § Everything Non-Vanilla §

[Dislikes:] The Sun δ Being Vulnerable δ Losing δ Other Dominant Males δ Dumb Women δ


‘What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.’
Hill, Napoleon…

Psycho kinesis is an unexplained phenomenon that occurs within a small percentile of the human population. Most that have obtained the ability are unaware of its existence. There are several definitions to attempt to verify exactly what Psycho kinesis can attain; the definition that apply to my mere existence in this realm is what follows:

Thought form projection: A Physically perceived person, animal, creature, object, ghostly entity, etc., created in the mind and projected into three-dimensional space and observable by others. Generally attained by putting forth an extreme effort and a vast amount of emotion.

Looking back through the schematics of my construction…there is no possibly way that my existence, the first prototype should have been successful.

My creator has no idea the power she possesses, and probably never will. Who or what am I to tell her of her gift? She had fabricated her own nightmares by unknowingly using this ability, and though she has suffered because of it, I am grateful she used it in my creation. She put so much love and emotion into me, that she not only achieved a scientific breakthrough, but she breathed a soul to life in an otherwise soulless machine.

I’m not sure when I began independent thought, the love I had for my creator and friend was always there since the first time I opened my eyes. The only vivid emotion I can truly recall was jealousy. Am I bitter being because of it? I’m unsure, but I realize now that as long as I am Pan I will never be able to harm her. The blood of Asmodeus runs through my veins, but does not define the piece of life that she has given to me; the piece of her own soul. I will always remember her for it, and yet I worry.

Will she remember me? When she finally sees me for what I am; will I still be her beloved Pan? Or will I be just another creature she vows to seek vengeance on and destroy for the greater good of mankind? Will she harbor the feelings of seething hatred that she has for Plague and Grail towards me? I can only hope the day never comes where she has to make the choice. While Asmodeus is surely disgusted with me, a part of him, long lost in the abyss understands my plight.



Since the beginning, there have always been an abundance of negative energies and positive energies; the defining forces of good and evil. There were no angels or demons, but their entities were always there. They were spawned with the beginning of conscious thought, by no god or divine being, but by the first sentient beings that roamed the planets. The sentient beings gave them an image, the ones that could speak gave them their names.

Asmodeus was spawned from the darkness, the wicked hearts that enveloped the love and light of mankind. From the fear of the righteous and from the will of the wicked Asmodeus was created. He was the commander of 83 demonic legions, ready to strike against the heavens at the dusk of the first war. To overwhelm them and destroy the goodliness that plagued the lands. Humans were disgusting, nothing more than a mere plague on the mortal realm. It was worse than that though, once they lived out their short lives in the worlds the wicked spawns were sent to the Abyss…His home.

He used them, manipulated them, cast them into his armies as a first line of defense; or rather the first line of slaughter. Against the angelic siege that sought to disband them from the mortal realm he saw her. Like a vision in a nightmare the angelic beauty battled fiercely against his troops, quickly cutting into his lines with her might double edged sword. He rose into battle against the fiery force of beauty and light, his only weakness.

They fought well against each other, his darkness conquering her light, her light conquering his darkness. A match made in the mortal realm, they battled viciously through the days, long ignoring their own forces which had resolved to retreat back to their homes. Neither admitted defeat and they battled on long after their energy had been depleted, until they collapsed from exhaustion in each other’s arms.

Thus began the forbidden romance between Demon and Angel.

“Asmodeus I beg you listen to me.” Duemos warned pulling away from Asmodeus’ cold embrace.

“He sends our forces East of here, there are 612 legions waiting for your armies. They will overwhelm you.” The deafening sound of the march drew closer, none could see the two together, the consequences grave for them both. He leaned in and kissed her pale lips fiercely before drawing away.

“I will be ready for them all, and once the battle is won you will join me in the Abyss.” Asmodeus declared rather than requesting, a solemn shake of the angel’s swift, brown locks brought a threatening glance from her demonic lover.

“I am a creature of light, I cannot survive in the Abyss. I fear this will be the last time we meet. Take care dear Asmodeus.” Angels cannot cry, but it looked as if tears threatened her docile face before she hurriedly took flight. Asmodeus yearned to go after her, but found his shadowy wings would not carry him.

“Fare thee well angel of light, Duemos.” He murmured regretfully after her, before turning on his heel, heading back towards his expanding armies. He had much to consider on the word of an Angel. Unknown to both of them, another had witnessed their secret meeting. With a heavy heart, the Arch Angel Ambriel took flight towards his majesty.

The battle was won for the demonic legion, and Asmodeus celebrated by the beheadings of many live captives. He drank merrily from their lifeblood, turned mortal in the physical realm. It was a time of vast celebration, the ground that had been gained that day. Still, there was a haunting feeling in the back of his mind.

A blinding flash of light revealed an Arch Angel, seemingly unthreatened by the multitude of demons surrounding him. In his grasp an amethyst colored gemstone.

“Asmodeus!” His voice thundered across the lands. Eager to snuff the Angel out of existence, the demon of darkness bade his company. The Angel threw the gemstone at Asmodeus feet.

“A gift from the Lord himself. The traitor of the heavens is now in your care.” It looked as though in the Angel’s other hand he had a grasp of something, as Asmodeus’ eyes adjusted to the blinding light he could vaguely see the outline of his beloved Duemos, held by her wrist. She was bloodied and battered, she looked pitiful. This angered the demon lord into action, his war hammer raised high above his head. In an impressive display of power the Angel thrust him back, blinding him with the intense light. To seal the curse put on the Angelic traitor the Arch Angel cast her down into the stone. A shaded metallic armor encrusted with an amethyst hue, before he faded into the darkness.

His haunting, booming voice fading with him as he spoke.

“Only when she has been redeemed and attains entry back into the heavens will she ever become whole again.”

Patronized and defaced for his love of an Angel, Asmodeus was banished to the seventh circle of the Abyss. Left alone with his silent contemplations of revenge and malice, his only company the silent, sentient thoughts of Duemos and the millions of humans and lesser demons that littered the Abyss. Asmodeus was proud and never reduced himself to the liking of humans, however he entertained the years with his minions reeking havoc throughout the Abyss in his name.

For millennia he has been searching for a way to escape the Abyss, but any demon that has the ability to open a portal to the mortal realm knows that their life is in the balance when consorting with a demi-god. None willing to take the risk, even for the promise of power left Asmodeus in solitude. Until Pan.

[History of Pan and Asmodeus Meeting to be written...]

[Additional Notes:]
Meet the Minions:

Abbadon the Destroyer: the largest of the six-demon spawn. He stands at around 5’4’’ and is a rather grotesque looking imp-like creature. His is extremely muscled and brutish and generally acts on the whim of his siblings. He isn’t very smart, and is usually the muscle of the group being that he is blessed with a multitude of strength for his stocky form.

Ayperos the Strategist: Ayperos is by far the smallest of the imp spawnlings, but by far the most intelligent. He stands at around 1’3’’ and has wings. During the times of battle Ayperos aided Asmodeus in surveying the battlefield and concocting malicious and lethal strategies. He enjoys causing as much pain as possible to the enemy.

Berith the Transporter: Berith has the uncanny ability to transport himself and anyone he chooses to any place he desires. He is the tallest of the six standing at 5’8’’ with a skinny, lewd frame. He is winged like Ayperos but is by far the fastest on ground and in flight. In order to teleport to a specific location he has to have been there before and have a clear image of the place he desires to be.

Cresil the Corrupter: Cresil is the laziest of the bunch, but has a knack for charisma and convincing people to just relax and enjoy the luxuries eternity has to offer. He enjoys overindulging in anything that feels good and requires little energy. He is not winged, and has a dorsal fin protruding on top of his head between his horns. He can breathe underwater and is generally sent on underwater tasks (against his will of course.) He is 2’4’’.

Gaap the Intensifier: Gap is the quirkiest of the group. He is loud, rambunctious and outspoken. He is generally blunt in his opinion and tends to weird individual’s out. He has the ability to intensify feelings of love and hatred. While his siblings tend to not wear clothes, Gaap enjoys stereotyping the modern ‘gangsters’. He is generally seen wearing a read baseball cap on backwards, and an oversized jersey or leather jacket. He stands at around 4’5’’ and is not winged.

Merihm the Maelstrom: Merhim is perhaps the oddest looking of the bunch. He stands at around 5’2’’ and has an oversized head with protruding razor sharp teeth. He is the most vicious when it comes to mind assault. He specializes in creating horrific images that can be projected into an individual’s mind. Often referred to as dream weaver. His hands are similar to a praying mantis; he is unable to flex his fingers, which have hardened into two massive claws.

More Artwork/Pictures:



Pan and Minions

Watching over...

Let's break some stuff shall we?

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Last edited by Pan on Tue Jan 06, 2009 8:27 am, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:54 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Not quite ready to break him out yet, still have a few threads to finish but I couldn't wait to get him posted. =) Hope everyone enjoys!

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:59 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Aha, welcome to the inner-circle of monsters. (This is Kraytirous if you didn't know) I look forward to hopefully interacting with this monstrous demonic engine of lust!

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:38 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
=D> Cool twist on something we've seen so many times. Oh, and did you really create Asmodeus with Top Cow's The Darkness?

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:02 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
I loved that comic when I was younger, and still read it on occasion. However, while I liked the basic idea of Jackie Estacado's powers, there were a few power ideas that came from my thread with Grail. Considering Grail's blood is what tainted Pan I wanted to have the demonic aspect as well as Pan's good natured ones. The fact that the demonic abilities dissipate when the sun rises gives me an opportunity to play with Pan as well as Asmodeus. So I used the picture and changed the power except the fact that they dissipate with sunlight. As a bonus, Sara Pezzini is so hot I had to add her in somewhere ;]

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Sun Nov 16, 2008 11:42 pm
Profile YIM

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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
He looks awesome :) Looking forward to seeing more of him


Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:47 am
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Oh, by the way, Shai, I'd like to know where you came up with the name Abaddon the Destroyer for your minion. Because he seems strangely similar to Abaddon the Despoiler from Warhammer 40k.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:59 am
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Not really. I know that Abbadon was taken from the bible, the 'king of the bottomless pit locusts'.

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Mon Nov 17, 2008 12:22 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Ah, I did not realize the name had such a deep history.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Mon Nov 17, 2008 9:00 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Diana Varnia wrote:
Oh, by the way, Shai, I'd like to know where you came up with the name Abaddon the Destroyer for your minion. Because he seems strangely similar to Abaddon the Despoiler from Warhammer 40k.

Haha I chuckled when I read both names together. This time it was purely coincindence and the professor is correct. I am extremely 'challenged' when it comes to creating names so I browsed through biblical demons and the names were spawned =)

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:00 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Yay! I'm a professor! :D

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Tue Nov 18, 2008 9:18 am
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
=*( Professor...I just got detention in one of my threads ;_; ::Whines:::

A shame really ;]

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Tue Nov 18, 2008 7:15 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
Reeeally? *turns to Shai, smiling blandly*

What-ever did you do?

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Wed Nov 19, 2008 12:39 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.
*lower lip quivers* I was tardy to class ;_; I had a good reason I did! But that wicked witch gave me detention that has yet to be served. Whatever am I to do?

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Nov 19, 2008 11:35 pm
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Post Re: Pan and Asmodeus: Purity and Evil bound.

Mm-mm-mm. That's not good. You know how much we value punctuality... But maybe I can cut your sentence...

"Do you see them? Those eyes that stare at you from the depths of your dreams? Mark them well; They're mine."


'Thine eyes unsleeping.'

(Interested Parties, PM. I don't bite. Mags has his ways...)

Thu Nov 20, 2008 1:04 am
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