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 Re: Restoration (Pan, Skylar) 
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Post Restoration (Pan, Skylar)
~*Horray for playing with yourself...tee hee?*~
Tired, worn and restless the disheveled student frantically stumbled through the door, barreling into the dorm. With her free hand she ran the length of the wall, tossing the switch that illuminated the room. Her dorm was larger than usual, resembling more a suite opposed to a dorm room, with two large windows, neatly adorned with her experiments, documents, and organized desk space.

The student slammed the door behind her, casting a worried glance down at the unresponsive crimson tabby cat that was a crumbled mess in her arms. Lovingly the student roamed across the room, placing him gently on the bed before a loud, audible sigh emitted from the depths of her soul. Her eyes precariously fell to several large boxes that were stacked next to her closet, a folded note on top of them. Brushing her snowy locks out of her face the student rushed over to them, snatching the letter up and unfolding it gently.

“Shai, these came for you today but you weren’t here. I went ahead and signed for you, heavy stuff you’re ordering!

Love, Kathryn.”

The student let the note slip through her fingers, horrified by the new revelation. If only she had been more patient. A pang of guilt surged through her body as she regarded her friend lying, unmoving on the bed. Her head swarmed with recollection of her nightmarish experience with Grail. She suddenly felt so filthy, still covered in his perspiration and his lust. There was no time for a shower unfortunately, she had to immediately assess the damage done to her dear friend.

The student lightly ran her fingers down Pan’s spine. She’d moved him to the oak table, a large case lying within her arms reach and opened. Inside were several metallic instruments, with more than a few soldering tools of varying sizes. The student cringed as she heard the cracking of the faux-bones in Pan’s body as she struggled to flatten him out on the table. It was evident there was internal damage done to his motherboard if even in an unresponsive state the pressurizing system wasn’t functioning properly.

Her pearl teeth dug into her lower lip as she slowly began to peel away the 4’’x 4’’ panel in Pan’s back. Slender fingers worked with meticulous accuracy as she began to pry away the entire shimmering, metallic motherboard from inside of Pan. It took several arduous minutes, the student taking great care to disconnect every wire, clip, and screw so as not to cause further damage.

A bright light illuminated the area on the table. The student had since pulled her hair into a tight bun and was wearing clear goggles. Several stray sparks soared into the surrounding dimness, extinguishing before coming into contact with the hardwood flooring around her. Two thick, long metallic instruments in both of her hands as she struggled to fix every damaged piece of hardware that she could identify by sight. The student paused glancing up at the shimmer glass panel just beyond Pan’s limp body. She kept him there, right beside her as a constant reminder. Whenever she started to get tired, and started to struggle in thinking clearly, one look at her dear friend provoked several bursts of renewed vigor in the determined student.

Despite her exhaustion the student blinked hard and focused on the screen as she began to run a screening process on the motherboard. With each passing moment her heart continued to leap. Each area of the motherboard seemed to be responding and in working order thus far. She cast a tired glance over her shoulder and out the window, seeing as dawn began to crest over the mountains. She’d been working the entire night?

A wide smile spread across her lips as she realized that she had successfully repaired or reversed the damage done to her friend’s operating system, but the work wasn’t over yet. The student scooped up her furry friend’s body and closely began to examine the exterior. It seemed that none of the nanites were damaged during the encounter, but Pan had previously expressed that he wanted to have more variety with his shape shifting function. Cradling her friend her eyes fell to the glistening metal shard, her gray gaze wandering from it to the substantial stack of steel and back again.

“I should use it…god knows I’ve earned it.”

The student patiently waited as the excess nanites from the shard began to filter out of ‘the box’. They were preprogrammed to fuse together by positive and negative charges, and as the shard was consumed, and the nanties created, a glimmering blanket of fused nanites emitted from the box. At long last, the tell tale humming of the box ceased and Shai scooped up the substantial blanket of nanites.

She wanders over to Pan and slowly begins to filter the silken sheet of metal onto Pan’s frame, watching in wonder as the small tabby began to grow significantly in size as the new additions began to fuse with his form. She had long ago replaced the motherboard back into his body, her heart wishing desperately that his system repair would finish soon.

The system repair function gathers information from Pan’s backup memory chip and reinstalls all of the gathered data and memory cells back into Pan’s motherboard. The process generally takes a few hours. Tired, hungry and exhausted the student started to wander towards her bed when her eyes caught sight of the large clock on the wall.

The student sighed loudly, diverting her path away from the bed and towards the bathroom.

“My day never fucking ends.” She grumbled. She was irritated, and had a feeling she would be a grouch all day, but she was happy. She was going to get her Pan back.

The student wandered out of the room at around noon, taking care to close all of the curtains. “I’ll be back soon Pan. I hope you’re awake by the time I get home.” She whispered, a hint of worry in her voice.

With a last, hopeful glance over her shoulder towards her recuperating friend the student bounded out the door and down the hallway.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:37 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Restoration (Pan, Skylar)
It wasn’t unpleasant; this place of utter darkness that Pan had been residing in. Where others may have felt melancholy and sadness, Pan was filled with ethereal solace. He wanted nothing more to remain here forever, this blissful eternal rest. There wasn’t a worry or a care within the lost soul as he wandered aimlessly through the shadowy mists of the Abyss.

“Oh Angel, have you come to rescue us from Sheoul?” The soft, melodic voice called across the fields of shadowy grain. As far as he could decipher it looked as if the resident spirits had formed the field into a home. There were several makeshift houses, decrepit and decaying. Pan’s steel gray eyes looked out from behind a small tuft of snowy white locks to regard the small group of gathered individuals.

Angel? I’m no Angel. Even as he thought the words there were several joyous sounds of the small band of people rang through the air like wildfire.

“The Angel!” “He’s come to set us free!” “The Angel has come again!”

It pained Pan to disappoint them. He hadn’t the slightest idea of why these ethereal beings thought him an Angel.

“I…I’m sorry!” He screamed across the fields before turning on his heels and he ran. He didn’t know where he was running, and it sure send a surging pang of guilt…an emotion he’d never experienced before, through his entire body as he did. He could still hear the dismayed voices trailing behind him, their cries being carried by the howling winds.

As Pan delved deeper into the Abyss, he could feel the icy bite of the shadowy, artic tundra against his flesh. He could feel, for the first time in his existence. The longer he stayed, the more he began to forget what he’d come for. Plagued by thirst the sentient Pan roamed over the lands searching for something, anything to drink.

It was what seemed like days before he found a source of water, he had long left the tundra and had emerged somewhere with obsidian sands; unlike the icy cold of the tundra this place was miserable and blistering hot. More than once the poor, confused soul had nearly stumbled into magma veins in the desert earth. It was a small pool, no bigger than large bowl, but it would have to suffice. The tall humanoid fell to his knees, leaning over the pool, he dove his head inside grateful for the crisp coolness of the liquid. He took a substantial drink before drawing back.

It all flowed into him immediately, a sudden revelation. In the darkness, he was like a beacon of light. His pale, creamy skin emitted an aura of light. His deep gray eyes, locking his own gaze as he pondered his reflection. His hair was shocking, and white falling just above his shoulders in a messy, but straight torrent. He had never seen himself before…not like this. Yet, he felt as if somehow he knew the reflection staring back at him. The water rippled, distorting his image for just a second causing the reflection’s locks to lengthen substantially for just a mere moment. It was all he needed.

“Shai!” He screamed breathlessly, a sudden wave of panic spreading through his body. His eyes felt as if they were being sewn shut, a stabbing pain coursing through his mind. He gripped at his locks in frustration, straining to remember.

She was in trouble, a damnable demon had her in his clutches. He remembered, they were captured. All because of him, it was all his fault. Now where was he? What was this place? None of it mattered, he had to get out and get back to Shai.

The spirit stood, his eyes darting in every direction. He had gotten here hadn’t he? There must be a way out. As he strained in the darkness, a fiery emission from the ground far off in the distance lit his gaze. Off to the North, there was a large structure. As the light subsided Pan felt another surge of nauseating panic and immediately set off in a run. Whatever it was, there had to be someone inhabiting it as sinister as it looked.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Tue Nov 18, 2008 12:21 am
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Post Re: Restoration (Pan, Skylar)
Shai bounded down the whitewashed halls, nearly skidding at every single corner as she finally reached the elevator. Breathless she impatiently pressed the ‘down’ button several times. Sighing with aggravation while she repeatedly checked her tiny silver watch that adorned her wrist. Her uniform was clumsily buttoned, and her long, silvery locks still damp from her hurried shower. She couldn’t afford to get a detention at such a crucial time.

At long last the elevator doors sprang open and to Shai’s dismay it was full of luggage, along with a single red-haired student. She looked sweet enough, and Shai would have loved to offer to help her with her bags, but time wouldn’t permit it. The student asked for directions to her new dorm and Shai hurriedly explained how to get there.

“I’m sorry, but I’m running late. They’re really tough on tardiness here. It was nice meeting you!” She called over her shoulder before bolting towards the stairwell, descending the four flights in a hurried manner.

By the time she burst through the classroom, the instructor had already started, the well-aged woman casting the snowy-haired student a disapproving glance. Shai nervously adjusted her bag over her shoulder and quietly found her seat near the back, wanting nothing more than to just shut out the curious whispers, chuckles, and sneers she received from her peers.

As Shai settled into her desk she inhaled deeply, exhaling slowly so as not to disrupt anyone with the tired noise. She rummaged lightly through her bag and produced her glass paneled laptop, using the sound feature to record the lesson in case she missed anything important. She highly doubted she would, she was easily smarter than this particular professor.

The student’s gaze wandered out of the large windows towards the dorm building, her mind preoccupied. She entertained thoughts of bursting through her dorm, only to find her loving Pan waiting for her. She worried for him, but ultimately had faith that he would be okay and wake from his restorative sleep. She missed him gravely and wanted to be by his side.

“Miss Tanaka, if you’re going to day dream perhaps I should reconsider that detention I decided not to give you earlier.”

The student’s mind snapped back only to find that the professor had apparently called on her to answer a question, and Shai had missed it entirely. The student rubbed her eyes and shook her head slightly.

“I’m sorry Professor, I didn’t get much sleep last night.” She said meekly, shrinking slightly in her chair.

” We all have the same opportunities in this life Miss Tanaka, if you missed your opportunity to give yourself rest the fault is your own. I will not tolerate it in my classroom. Perhaps assisting one of the Campus tutors after class will wake you up.”

The student’s heart sank at the implications, and she simply nodding with a mumbled “Yes Ma’am.” She silently apologized to Pan, it looked like she would be arriving back at the dorm later than she thought. Her anger and resentment towards the professor fuming as she realized she wouldn’t be there when Pan awoke.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Last edited by Shai Tanaka on Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:23 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: Restoration (Pan, Skylar)
Skylar was still drowsy from the long journey by seaplane. The administration had been kind enough to take most of her luggage up to her dorm already, but the carry on luggage the young woman had packed were numerous as well. She was fairly protective of her keepsakes and several of her instruments, desiring them to be handled with the utmost care. She trusted no one but herself for the task.

She gently rubbed her temples as the burly pilot wheeled out the cart for her luggage. She had traveled by seaplane, plane, boat, jet, raft, canoe, train and car and never once had she fallen asleep so quickly. As the pilot wheeled the cart to her, he instructed her to just return it to the office when she was finished with it. The student hurriedly agreed and began to pile on her luggage with a careful hand. Once satisfied with the security of her precious belongings she began the long trek towards campus.

She struggled greatly trying to find the main office and administration building. There were several girls who were sensible enough to identify the painfully obvious, that she was new. They politely pointed her in the right direction and she was off.

Skylar was nervous, she had just received her room key and several uniforms. She had been told that she didn’t have a roommate, and while she was excited to have a whole dorm room to herself, she realized that it could probably be quite lonely. The advantage though, is that she would be able to practice her instruments without irritating someone.

The student pushed the cart ahead of her, finally entering the large dorm hall through the double metal doors. It wasn’t hard to find the elevator, and she was thankful for it’s existence. Hauling all of her stuff up four flights of stairs would have proved to be a challenge indeed!

The student waited, her body trembling with anticipation. It was a brand new day, at a brand new school, with brand new people. A whole new adventure waiting to begin. The student regarded her reflection in the brass of the elevator. She looked presentable and approachable enough, with a while embroidered, stylist turtleneck with long, lush sleeves. She wore dark blue jeans that were tuck into white faux-fur boots. She was dressed for winter, but wasn’t surprised at the warmer, but still crisp climate of the island. Her long crimson tresses her smoothed to frame her face, pulled into a long pony tail tied just below her left ear. She nodded her approval and smiled at her reflection, snapping her attention to the door upon hearing the telltale ding of the doors opening.

There stood a breathless student before her. She was slightly haggard, her uniform clumsily thrown together and she was obviously in a rush. Her gray eyes seemed to set on the abundance of luggage Skylar had and the new student blushed.

“I..I’m sorry but could you tell me how to get to dorm room 432?” She said regarding the hallways that seemed to split in opposite hallways. Skylar smiled politely as the student explained the appropriate directions, ending the brief meeting with an apology and a goodbye.

Skylar hurriedly pushed the cart out of the elevator insisting the student take it quickly, but the woman was gone in a flash, leaving honey brown eyes staring after her.

Skylar would have loved to have a longer conversation with the potential friend. She had a disappointed look crossing over her features as she pushed the cart down the hallway, her eyes scanning the plates for the correct number.

Tue Nov 18, 2008 3:04 am
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Post Re: Restoration (Pan, Skylar)
The searing heat only proved to intensify the closer Pan got the to looming structure. Even from a distance he could discern it was quite sizeable, but up close it was devastatingly large. It was a grandiose obsidian palace it seemed, as if the rock grew straight from the crystal sands, jutting up menacingly from the ground casting a deadly ominous shadow over the darkened lands.

As Pan drew closer towards the intimidating palace he struggled to keep one thought in his mind. He had to get back to Shai. He wasn’t sure how to enter, but he breathed an uneasy sigh as he saw the shimmering light of a fire within one of the hollowed windows. At least it was inhabited.

The brave soul trekked the harsh terrain, climbing the obsidian mountain towards what he assumed was the entrance to the menacing structure. He struggled for hours, his body nude from the waist up glistening with his ethereal perspiration. He was exhausted, and had found a hollow dip in the rock where he sank down into a sitting position, his slender chest heaving with each labored breath he took. He wanted nothing more than to collapse right there, to give up and accept his fate here, but the haunting images of his beloved Shai in the grip of that treacherous demon fueled the spirit’s thirst for vengeance.

“Whadda we got heeeeere!” A shrill voice rang through the air, snapping Pan’s attention upward before a blinding surge of pain throbbed through the back of his head. He’d been hit by what felt like a large rock. His vision began to blur and he swung wildly in front of him when he saw the dark image of an implike creature appear.

“Ahahahaha yer too slow Angel scum!” The voice taunted, the creature’s hopping around furiously as he dodged Pan’s attacks with ease. Something about this creature enraged the spirit, his hatred seething as he struggled for one of his hits to connect with the creature. One hit was scored, though it did little more than knock the tiny red baseball cap from the imp’s head.

“Gaap! What’s takin ya so long down there eh?” Pan heard another voice shout from up above, distracting him for just a second. That was all the creature needed. He heard a sickening crack as a large rock came into contact with his skull. Darkness began to swarm the spirit’s mind as he crumbled to the ground, the image of the ugly taloned toes crunching into the rock beside his head.

“Ayyyy Berith! I caughted an pretty Angel for tha boss! Get yur skinny rump down ‘eah and git ‘em inside!”

He could feel the rush of the breeze as demonic wings lowered the second creature onto his back; he cringed as he felt the icy claws of the demon dig into his alabaster skin. His head throbbed and swarmed with an unbearable tingle as the entire area around him swirled, morphed and changed plunging the trio into a cold cylindrical, rushing motion. Pan struggled to maintain his consciousness, but the short journey proved too much for the injured spirit and his mind faded to black.

“N-na-na-na-No boss! I told ya he was comin’ here ta challung ya.” Gaap spastically exclaimed. Since the capture of the apparent ‘angel’ Gaap had been over exaggerating the actual events that had taken place just outside. Unwilling to see his master disappointed, he had fabricated a tale of deadly circumstances and heroism, where just as the ‘Angel’ was gaining the upper hand, Gaap had outsmarted him and knocked him unconscious.

Asmodeus didn’t buy it for a second. His non corporeal form gracefully drifted towards the bound form of the ‘Angel’ that was firmly tied to an obsidian post, forced in a standing position. Fierce yellow eyes peered out from the robed, swirling maelstrom of sentient shadows eying the luminescent form of the bound Angel.

A swift appendage jutted out from the swirling tempest of Shadows that was Asmodeus, landing a devastating blow to his stomach.

”Wake up.” His booming voice resounded off of the walls of the wide ballroom.

Pan’s eyes jutted open, his stomach lurching from the brutal hit. He coughed for several minutes, his head pounding and a searing pain coursing through his body. It took him several minutes for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, only to realize that the dark void in front of him was an actual being, staring down at him.

“P…please I need to find a way back to my friend. She’s in tro-“

Another swift blow to the cut sent Pan into another series of coughing spasms.

“You’re no Angel.” The demon lord surmised, his ears attuned to the soft intentions of his lover Deumos, who was bond to him eternally.

“Heis not un Angel boss? What tha hell is he then?” Gaap chimed from the darkness, Pan could not see him.

“She tells me he is a soul without sin.” Asmodeus whispered into the darkness. During the long, suspenseful silence that passed. Asmodeus’ love counseled him. The pitiful being was obviously unaware that he had the power to return to the material plane anytime he chose. This was obvious due to his further reference to ‘back.’ Both of them surmised that the creature had never been to the Abyss before, and he seemed eager to leave. At last, fate had brought them quite the opportunity.

Asmodeus leaned in towards the distraught figure, lightly running an icy finger down his cheek.

“Pardon me for my earlier rage, I was under the impression you were my enemy young spirit.” His chilling voice echoed though the halls, while haunting he seemed honest in his apology.

“Then…Then you’ll help me? I have to get back to her ple-“

The demon lord help up a hand to silence the soul.

“Do not worry about things so trivial, I will help you back to your friend…but you have to help me.”

Pan felt his spirits sinking quickly, but eager to return to his beloved friend and creator he timidly asked.

“H…how can I ever help you?”

“Oh, I think it will be beneficial for the both of us. Your friend is in trouble and it is painfully obvious that you were not adequate to protect them.” He had vainly tried to make the statement as polite as he could.

The sentient shadow began to graceful glide across the floor.

“All I’m asking for is to hitch a ride with you my friend. In return you’ll be more powerful that you could ever imagine. I’ll be released from this plane of existence, and you’ll be able to help your friend.”

Everything logical inside Pan was screaming for him to deny the offer, to demand to be set free so he could find his own way back to Shai…but how much longer did he have? How much time had he lost already? Against all of his better judgment the confused, tortured soul asked.

“What do I have to do?”

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Tue Nov 18, 2008 4:46 am
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Post Re: Restoration (Pan, Skylar)
Skylar was bursting with excitement as her eyes fell upon dorm 432. A trembling hand pulling the key card from her black and pink wallet, and clumsily sliding it in the slot. The obnoxious beep sounded through the air, and with a deep breath the new student pushed open the door and walked inside. Graceful fingers slid across the wall, curiously roaming until she found the light switch that illuminated the dorm. To her immediate disappointment she found that the room was unoccupied. She’d been told earlier that she didn’t have a roommate, but something inside the student still allowed for the tiniest glimpse of hope.

She sighed contentedly and propped the door open, quickly dragging her multiple carry-on’s inside of the dorm. She was pleased to see the bulk of her luggage resting at the foot of one of the twin beds. The crimson-haired woman set immediately to work, unpacking her clothes and neatly storing them away in the closet. She began to arrange the room to her liking, moving furniture and doing some light dusting on the thin layer that had settled on the unused surfaces.

As the hour ticked away on the clock she glanced curiously at the beds. With a slight feeling of guilt she pushed the two together and created a queen, thankful that she had packed her own sheets, blanket and comforter. After making the bed she placed it directly beneath the window, and a small smile crossed her features. It was already starting to feel like a new home.

As the last of her luggage began to dwindle her eyes fell upon a rather large suitcase she had yet to unpack, and for good reason. It contained the finishing touches to her dorm and she felt it was time to finally decorate. She hurriedly opened the suitcase and produced several pictures and tacks. She pranced around the room, hanging pictures here and there, only to return to the suitcase and unpack some more homely decorations. With a meticulous eye for interior design she placed vases, table pieces, sculptures and other various décor items. By the time Skylar was finished the dorm looked more like an apartment than a college living space. With a satisfied sigh she fell back on the bed and crossed her hands behind her head. She crossed her legs and lightly began to bounce her foot, peering around the dorm for some other excuse not to rest.

Her eyes fell on the dresser drawer that contained the uniforms she’d received, then her gaze shifted again to the full-length mirror she had moved towards the corner of the room.

“What the hell.” She said cheerfully to herself before leaping off the bed and pulling open the drawer and pulling out the several pieces to the uniform. Her slender fingers ran over the thin material of the sheer white blouse before she laid it out on the bed, completing the body-less ensemble. Slender fingers curled beneath the hem of her turtleneck. Her bare back arched as the thick material drew away from her pale skin, her fingers searching for the hem of the sleeves to pull the lush knit away from her body, it went tumbling to the floor. She glanced down at her full breasts, restrained by the ornately designed lace bra and sighed as she remembered her friends. How they had tried to get her to break her streak of modesty! She would never wear the revealing clothes they tried to get her in, but she found she loved this damn lace.

She kicked off her boots with ease, sliding the dark blue jeans away from her toned, curvy legs. Her full, round derriere concealed by the matching lace boy shorts came into full view as the fabric fell away from her smooth limbs.

The student eagerly dove into the uniform, fumbling nearly all of the buttons as she hurriedly did her blouse. She wrapped her slender fingers around the navy vest and shoved her arms through, fastening it with much more ease than her shirt had come. The last item on the list was the skirt, it looked a tad small but the student decided she had to try it on to be sure.

Apparently she didn’t. As she turned around to see her rear side in the mirror a startled, “Oh my!” emitted from her slightly parted lips. The fabric of the plaid skirt was not very forgiving towards her butt, toned from years of playing soccer. She frowned slightly, trying every method of pulling the damnable thing down and finally succeeded to arrange the outfit so that it was not as revealing- still her nerves and discomfort with the uniform were not eased at all.

“I guess I’ll just have to go get a bigger one,” She said, casting a look towards the darkening skies outside her window before groaning. “Tomorrow.”

Tue Nov 25, 2008 3:11 am
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Post Re: Restoration (Pan, Skylar)
“I can’t be dead.” Was all that Pan could muster after the vast explanation that Gaap had given him. The excited Imp was a bit hard to follow at times, but Pan got the gist of most of his circumstances. This hellacious place was the Abyss, the proverbial ‘Hell’ that mortals sometimes spoke of. His earlier encounters with the tormented souls suddenly began to make sense.

“Yousa gotta be dead if ya ended up here! The boss just needsta find yer body so we can get back through.” Gaap exclaimed, the small imp-like creature adjusted the red baseball cap around his small head.

“You don’t understand,” Pan said shifting uncomfortably in the hardened chair. “I can be dead, I was never ‘alive’.” This admission brought a curious gaze from the several imps in the room. Like thunder the six figures began to talk in a frenzy, inquiring Pan. The elevated noise coming to an immediate hush as Asmodeus’ wisping form appeared behind the pale figure of Pan.

As if sensing the presence behind him Pan sunk deeper into the chair. As if on command a soft hum of archaic chanting filled the small chamber, all six imps in unison.

“What are you creature?” Asmodeus asked quietly, his non-corporeal form dissipating and reappearing in front of Pan, looming over his form.

”I’m a Nanobot- a computer.” The admission brought a devilish chuckle from the demon lord. Two clawed hands grasping the snowy flesh of Pan’s head, substantial pressure threatening to crush him. Reflexively Pan brought his hands to the being’s wrists, astonished as they simply passed through his form.

”It would be wise to be honest with me.” Asmodeus chuckled, radiant yellow orbs appearing where the silhouette’s eyes should be. Asmodeus delved deep into the memories of the soul, digging deep to uncover the past. Several images of a snowy-haired human girl appeared, similar to Pan’s own appearance. Asmodeus growled digging deeper causing anguished screams from the tormented soul in his grasp.

More memories played in front of Asmodeus’ eyes, recent images of a tall, looming lizard-like demon that was crushing the life from the form of a small mammal. Was that this amazing creature’s body? Impossible. Asmodeus dug deeper, seeking out the first memory Pan had ever endured.

…Running System Check… black letters on an orange background. There were so many things he knew, yet he wasn’t sure how. He just knew. The capital of France is Paris, the square root of 9 is 3, a 90 degree angle is required to make a right angle. Heavy lids opened, taking in the full view of the brightly lit room. His gray eyes searching back and forth before resting on a tall, slender figure. After a quick glance he determined the creature was human, but she was more than that.

“It work…” The breathed through soft pink lips as she stared dumbfounded at the small tabby. Pan stood, stretched and yawned. He realized it was unnecessary, but he could not stop himself from doing so. Something called a life simulation.

“Pan you’re awake.” The snowy-haired woman said with outstretched arms. Not knowing why, the small tabby leapt immediately into her waiting arms.

“I can’t believe it worked!” She exclaimed, hugging the tabby tightly.

Asmodeus could hardly believe what he was seeing. He had heart of mortal developments, computers and technology. How had this woman managed to secure a soul inside of a machine? Asmodeus pressed the tip of his talons firmly against Pan’s flesh, several trickles of blood draining from the fresh wounds. He had to find this creature’s death.

He sorted through several memories, some more interesting than others until he was faced again with the same lizard demon he had seen earlier. Asmodeus recalled hearing of this Grail, and was thoroughly unimpressed. One memory in particular stood out to Asmodeus, the last fleeting image of the snowy-haired woman fighting against the demon, Grail. In cunningly quick movement she managed to injure the beast with a piece of metal. Metal she had planned to use on Pan. The demon lord grinned to himself. Demon blood would provide the portal he needed. Asmodeus connected with Pan, his shadowy form binding against his tender flesh, enveloping the pained soul as he searched for his body.

He finally found it, inside of a small living space, connected to several wires and laying lifelessly on the bed. If this creature was substantial he should be able to open a portal. Asmodeus called upon his innate abilities, taken from him long ago.

“Do it now Gaap!” Asmodeus commanded into the darkness. The distraught Pan had since fallen to the floor, writhing on the cold ground and tearing helplessly at his flesh.

Gaap, hearing his masters call quickly produced the diabolical dagger, crystalline in structure with an ornate design. Created for just this purpose. The Imp scrambled on top of the struggling form, Abbadon, the largest of the imps quickly coming to Gaap’s aid and pinning the soul’s frenzied arms down. The small imp rose the dagger high above his head and thrust deep within the breast of poor Pan. A geyser of crimson mist sprayed into the air around the imps as the blade plunged deep inside of the soul’s heart. A quick pull and the bloody spray enveloped Pan and Asmodeus. Both of their souls joining as one.

“The portal is open darklings, I will call for you.” Was the last the imps heard before the two forms dissipated into a gray mist. Their master leaving them behind in the empty castle in the Abyss.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:22 am
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