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 The Devil's Plaything (Scourge) 
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Post The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
[Warning: Shai’s a little tipsy from earlier hehe]

“Where are you going?” Shai froze as she heard the groggy, yet still angelic voice call from behind her. She had hoped to slip out of the dorm unnoticed by her sleeping lover Kathryn, but she had to say, the woman had a gift for catching Shai in all of mischievous endeavors. Her slender fingers tightened against the cool metal of the doorknob, forcing a complacent look to cross her determined features before turning around to regard the sleepy Kathryn.

“I have detention.” She whispered, pulling her long coat tight around her slender form. She cringed as Kathryn lazily rolled over to look at the clock, propping herself up on her elbows to stare the snowy-haired woman down.

“At one in the morning?” The woman asked incredulously, though there was the undertone of sarcasm on her German accented voice.

“You know how the professors are, they don’t care about your agenda. You break the dresscode you’re up all night performing one instance of manual labor or another…” Shai felt her voice trail off as Kathryn’s steel gaze narrowed, fully awake. The two stared at one another with a prolonged moment of silence.

“Be careful Shai.” Kathryn’s voice seemed to tremble lightly as she spoke. Obviously upset the woman burrowed her auburn locks into the plush pillow, refusing to say another word. A resigned Shai cast one last glance over her shoulder before she exited the room. She hated lying to Kathryn, but she was comforted by the knowledge that the woman always seemed to see past her bullshit and love her for it anyway.

The woman shook the thoughts of Kathryn away, beginning to attune herself to the crisp, cool air of the night as she burst through the metallic doors out into the courtyard. She had an important mission tonight. Tonight, she was the hunter all of her senses had to be tuned to the enveloping darkness around her.

The soft click of her thick boots as she trotted towards the side of the laboratories building was all she heard in the darkness. She cast a few keen glances this way and that, ensuring she was not being followed before she disappeared through a narrow alleyway.

She concentrated hard for several seconds, her eyes squeezed tightly and her pearl teeth digging into the soft pink flesh of her lower lip. Slowly the long coat began to shrink around her form, deeping to an intense ebony hue to match the darkness of the night. A Cimmerian dark shade swirling around her pale flesh forming a leatherlike attire that contoured to her body’s every movement. Her steel gray eyes fixated on her bare hands, shadowy wisps breaking off from the body of her materialized tank to surround her slender digits forming fingerless gloves that wound up her arm all the way to her bicep. The perverseness of the demonic suit’s intentions adding it’s own adjustments to her attire by creating fishnet stockings and arm coverings in between the wrist and bicep bands. She sighed heavily and turned her gaze upward toward the elevated platform that held the ladder.

An average person would have needed a hook of some sort to pull the ladder towards the ground to gain access to the rooftops of the buildings. Shai wasn’t average. She dipped low in a squat and sprang upwards, her fingertips barely wrapping around the round metal platform. She hung there for a few seconds, adjusting her hold before hoisting herself upwards, slipping through the narrow opening to begin her ascent.

She had a sole purpose this night. To observe. She was well aware that she was not the only student being attacked on the campus, the rumors were too pronounced. All she had to do was catch one of the damnable creatures in the act, observe as a third party and discern possibly weaknesses. She dug her teeth into her lip as she considered the task she dreaded most. She had to follow one of her subjects, to discern where on the island it was residing so that she could potentially track it later for further observations…or for an assault.

Her soft steps rang almost inaudibly across the rooftops as she scurried along the lengths, balancing across the narrow ramps that led from one building to another; her long snowy locks trailing far behind her, shining in the pale moonlight. Thus far she hadn’t been able to locate a single attack, and was beginning to get discouraged when a far off shriek in the distance snapped the student’s attention.

“The Track.” She whispered, immediately setting off in the direction.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:08 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
Scourge ran.

It was winter, the tropical island’s climate had taken a slightly chilling turn, night fell upon the campus like a pack of wild dogs on freshly slain carrion, and Scourge ran.

His bare feet thudded heavily in the undergrowth, long black claws digging into the fresh peat, rending vegetation with each step to give him much-needed traction, his chest rising and falling with exertion. Finally he was back into his natural groove, having stalked amongst the crowded hallways of that bloody heap for so long that he could barely remember being this free to run before. His tendrils snaked forward, securing a grip on a thick bough with their armored lengths as they pulled him up into the canopy with a lazy ease.

It was wonderful, after years of being held in that insufferable tank, slumbering as they changed him… as they destroyed him… weeks of clearing out the last vestiges of human life from his new home, to be able to test his strength once more, to try his endurance, it was intoxicating. He allowed instinct to take over, the thick tentacles emerging from his back working for him, pulling him in graceful, loping arcs through the trees, every few swings kicking himself away from a trunk to alter his course.

Still deep within the forest, far from the dim lights of the campus, he fell to the floor. Descending rapidly from the treetops, he hit his knees on the cold, hard ground with a thud, still panting from his-all out sprint, soft hitch to his breath as he held his hand over his chest. His heart… it beat a maddening cadence on the inside of his ribs, thudding madly in his chest, pumping with renewed strength, renewed vigor, not the guttering death-whimpers it had so weakly throbbed as he lied bleeding to death in that dark, wet alley.

He was free. He was alive.

A mad laugh tore itself from his throat, hysterical with mirth. This is what he had been seeking, ever since he had awoken this feeling had been missing but it was finally back, this feeling of purpose, of being a cohesive part of the world around him instead of that alien other, this was ecstasy.

The laugh finally began to die down, fading back into ragged panting as he rested on his knees, reaching down to the belt cinched tightly around his waist as he removed the precious cargo that had accompanied him down from the ship. Three vials, each with a tiny, sleeping worm within, their fragile little bodies held in a stasis much like his own. Three little Caddis larvae, the last vestige of a long-dead swarm.

This was why he had come to the island.

If the labs were home to his own birth, they might be persuaded to help him now. The larvae were alive, but sterilized so as to be no harm. The little cobras needed their venom back, so to speak.
But now… now that he was here…

Something else had been awakened within him. Something primal he hadn’t felt since his days of active duty… a yearning, somewhere deep within, near the very core of him… a need to hunt.

His head swiveled up at the sound of that cry, somewhere far in the distance. He stood, swinging with ease back into the treetops as he went to investigate, driven by that primal urge once more.

1. A whip or lash, especially for punishment or torture.
2. A person or thing that applies or administers punishment.
3. A cause of affliction or calamity.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:10 pm
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
Shai’s lithe form glided swiftly across the rooftops with only the slightest hint of her soft footsteps padding against the beams. Her skin had long since numbed to the crisp bite in the winter chilled-air, the soft breeze created by her own quick movement sending her shocking locks billowing behind her as she jumped, glided and ran.

She gritted her teeth as she came to what seemed an impasse, a rooftop where the connecting beam had been severed and not yet replaced. Her thick boots stopped near the edge of the roof, her gray orbs peering over the side into the darkness of the alley bellow. She wasn’t too keen on the idea of sacrificing her high ground. A high vantage point allowed her the foresight of anything lurking on the campus below, she well understood the dire consequences of leaving the rooftops.

After a few more quick moments of observation she found that she’d found yet another impediment. There wasn’t a service ladder on this side of the building, which meant she would have to double back and possibly lose her target. Another shrill cry, this time much closer quickly made the decision for the student, who turned on her heel and found another route down towards the ground, much to her dismay.

She did well to use her fears as her greatest allies, Shai stayed within the most ominous of shadows, her steps carefully calculated to make the least amount of noise as she wandered towards the Track. She made her way beneath the bleachers, only sacrificing her shield of darkness for a mere moment, sending a subtle flash of her pale skin and sheer white hair as she disappeared beneath her metallic haven.

The frantic cries of the assaulted student were much louder now, two glimmering gray orbs peering out from their hiding place as she observed the madness. It was a beastial thing, seeming incapable of human communication. Something wretched, disgusting, and using nothing but sheer strength as it toyed with its human device. He hadn’t yet taken her, but was tiring the fighting student out as she darted from left to right to try to avoid the brute’s lashing claws. She realized why the student had been screaming, each strike from the creature was calculated, shredding away a piece of clothing.

How cruel… The student thought digging her teeth into her lip. It was playing with her, tormenting the girl before the inevitable. Shai desperately wished she could help, but knew that she would end up in much of the same situation as the poor brunette before her. Quietly, she stayed and watched on making subtle observations.

She wasn’t sure what species the thing was, or even a relatable species. The closest thing she could resemble it to was a large humanoid crustacean, dually noting the hardened exterior that glimmered a crimson sheen under the moonlight. Apparently now, the game was over for the poor girl had run out of clothing, the creature pounced on the terrified girl pinning her beneath it’s weight. That was when Shai had seen what she needed to. A soft fleshy and potentially vulnerable spot on the creature near the small of it’s back that was only revealed when it was hunched forward. Unfortunately for the brunette, Shai wasn’t willing to test this theory.

Against every urge Shai had to help the girl, she gritted her teeth and turned away, quietly slinking beneath the bleachers; it was time to move on.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:59 pm
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
Air rushed past Scourge as he dropped like a stone, the ground coming up to meet him as the trees blurred on either side of his vision. All sound was muted, a combination of the thick steel mask covering his entire head and his complete and total immersion in the moment. He closed his eyes, narrowing his focus until he was a mere few feet from the ground, his tentacles snapping up and slamming their armored lengths into the jagged trunks of the trees before him. Stomach plummeting with speed and vertigo, he swung mere inches from the ground, allow the momentum to shoot him back up through the arms of the trees, breaching the canopy with a tumbling spin before locking his eyes on the campus in the distance, repeating the whole process once more as he ran out of momentum, slipping into another tumultuous fall to the ground.

This thought hadn’t occurred to him earlier, he had been so consumed with meting out vengeance. He had never even fathomed that this transformation could be… advantageous… could be… enthralling….

Could be fun.

As he drew nearer and nearer to the place he had determined as the origin of the cry his progress grew less loping, ceased to be composed of those theatrical dives and surges upwards, and breaking through the treetops in an arching display of dominance over the forces of gravity itself before dropping back down into a low swing. Now his movement was more focused, resting with his talons, both hands and feet, sunk deep into the yielding wood of the tree trunks, using them to kick off and anchor himself in another trunk in a series of short, rapid dashes.

He paused as he reached the outskirts of the forest, looking over across the campus spread before him. It was a buffet. He relished the sight, the stillness of the campus in the darkness, some areas flooded with light and others still holding creeping remnants of the shadow that surrounded this island of humanity within the boundaries of the raw nature of the forest. His breathing was ragged, watching as the small ventilation units near the line of the chin on his mask exhaled clouds of fog a millisecond out of time with his breathing, the hot, moist air condensing as soon as it left the warmth of his curved, emotionless helmet.

The scream again.

He looked up immediately, feeling his insides go to ice water. This was it; this was that rush that had been absent all those years. Blood thudding in his temples, he circled the outskirts of the campus, remaining a shadow darting through the trees, the only sign of his presence the glow of the eyelets on his facemask, glimmering in the shadows of the forest like the bioluminescence of hatchet fish in the abyss.

Finding a spot on the right side of a thick maple tree, he drove his massive left claw deep into the bark, using the impossible strength of his hybridized arm to hold himself effortlessly, crouched on the side of the tree. His eyes scanned over the scene and he found himself hammered by the sight. That lumbering crustacean pinning the girl to the ground, its claws dwarfing her lithe form as its mandibles dripped lust across her bare flesh. The sight stirred something primal within him, the merging of that need and his indoctrinated instincts causing him to scan the creature for weak points, feeling a vague need to make its prey his own. This searching, however, was disrupted by a soft, deliberate movement in the distance. He narrowed his gaze, running over the scene before him but seeing nothing that would cause such a movement.

A silent curse left his lips beneath the visor. Had his helmet’s computer not been damaged he could have made a much more thorough search of the proceedings. He resigned himself mentally to finding someone to fix it at some point later, he had a feeling he would need it. Removing the small three vials from his belt, he slid them gently into a hole bored into the side of the maple, mentally marking its position on the perimeter of the school before leaping to the top of the opposite bleachers, standing silhouetted against the dark night sky, searching intently for what had moved.

1. A whip or lash, especially for punishment or torture.
2. A person or thing that applies or administers punishment.
3. A cause of affliction or calamity.

Tue Nov 25, 2008 9:41 pm
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
The student could feel her gut wrenching as she tore her eyes away from the scene; the haunting screams of the victimized brunette were ones she was sure she would never forget. She silently navigated towards the side panel of the bleachers, thinking to exit the same way she had entered. She held her breath with each light step. The trembling student made slightly uneasy by the realization that while she may have been a mere observer, the dangers on the island despite her intentions were too real.

Who was she trying to fool? She knew enough to realize that if she were ever faced with a creature that size she would be easily outmatched. She’d managed once to nearly outsmart a creature, but his damnable speed and dexterity made up for his lack of intelligence.

Slowly the student emerged from the side of the bleachers, squeezing elegantly through the narrow bars. With a deep breath she leaned her back against the panel, knowing she was far away enough to remain out of the crustacean’s sight. It had been her initial plan to attempt to follow the creature to a possible lair after it had finished with the girl it had captured. After witnessing what she thought she would be able to handle, she realized she was entirely out of her league.

What a whole new experience, being a silent observer to the horrors that took place on the island each day. She felt guilty for not being a heroine, coming to the woman’s rescue in a time of evident dire need.

“There was nothing I could do.” She thought silently to herself, running her slender fingers through the tresses at her crown. Her gaze wandered from the dirt-ridden path back towards the dorms. It hadn’t been a complete failure, she had collected data, that was what a scientist did. Perhaps someday that slight piece of knowledge would be used in her advantage.

A sudden pang of fear coursed through the student as she realized she was still very much in danger. She cast a vigilant glance over both of her shoulders before setting off into a swift run. She wanted nothing more than to just get back to her dorm and crawl in bed with Kathryn, her speedy efforts showing her evident desire to get back to safety.

Slightly winded, the student pressed her back against the cool cement of one of the buildings. Her chest swelled with each heavy breath, her breasts straining against their leather constraints. She could have sworn there had been a ladder here, preferring to take her roof-top trek back across the grounds. Yet as her eyes strained in the darkness, hoping to see the silhouette of a ladder structure, she found herself thoroughly disappointed. The nearest roof access that she knew of for sure was nearby, but that risked being seen.

She gritted her teeth, not looking forward to being exposed in the bright light of the campus beams at the front of the building. She could take a round about way, but that route would also have several points of vulnerability as well; she had noted that several of the campus lights had burst into luminescence. Granted, the lights were varied and didn’t completely expose her, it was a risk she wasn’t happy to take.

She let her head rest against the wall, obviously displeased with her options.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:22 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
Scourge paused for a few moments; perched upon the railing of the bleachers opposite Shai’s hiding space, his eyes tracking over the parts of the campus within his view before he let out a resigned sigh, cursing beneath his breath. Whatever it was that had moved, it was likely gone now, probably just a coat one of the girl’s had left behind flapping in the cold breeze that whistled through the narrow passages of the campus buildings. He slid his helm up for the briefest of moments, taking a breath and allowing the cold air to fill his chest, braced by the chill.

He fixed his gaze upon the strange crustacean and its prey, taking stock of the situation. After a few moments of concentration, he noticed that during thrusts of its strange jointed pelvis it exposed a pink, raw stretch of connective tissue, and with another quick scan of the area reasoned that he could probably tear one of the fence-posts that surrounded the rubber-coated all-weather track out of its cement housing with relative ease and then run it through the back. However, he wasn’t entirely positive if the being was sentient or not, and whether it would be more likely to fight back or run away in pain. Either way, he considered taking the beast’s pretty little prey for his own. There was no honor in that, though, no challenge. She would probably be reduced to sobbing, weeping, and begging the thing to stop for the next few hours anyway.

That wasn’t what he was looking for, not just yet, at any rate. He vaulted down the stairs of the bleachers with a few easy steps, leaping across the track onto the field, and crossing in a quick sprint, leaving the scene of the screaming, squealing little victim and the crab-beast behind him.

His sprint carried him over the fence on the other side of the field, loudly storming up the stairs before taking up his perch on the railing behind the other bleacher, staring out across the campus in a crouch, the hiss of his rebreather barely audible to even him with the loud cries of the girl behind him.


He tightened his grip on the railing, kicking off from the back of the bleachers and clearing a wide jump to the opposite rooftop, not bothering to mask the sounds of his movements just yet, there was no use in doing so unless he spooked some quarry out of its hiding place.

Walking along the side of the building, he looked down into the alleyway, fingers scraping idly on the concrete of the waist-high ledge.

1. A whip or lash, especially for punishment or torture.
2. A person or thing that applies or administers punishment.
3. A cause of affliction or calamity.

Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:30 am
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
The shortest route seemed the most preferable to the student. She pushed her weight away from the wall and wandered down the alleyway, taking care to stay as masked by darkness as she could. She rounded the corner towards the front of the building and was immediately dismayed by the yellow-tinged lighting that lit up the area.

She crouched low, following the hedges that bordered the building. It felt like an eternity, the exposed student gliding across the lawn and cement walkway. She sprinted, wanting to be out of the light as soon as possible, knowing it to be her biggest enemy.

She let out an elated sigh as she rounded the opposing corner of the building, the ladder’s platform coming as a welcome view to her tired eyes. She jogged towards the platform, leaning forward and resting her hands on her knees while she caught her breath. After a moment’s rest the student crouched low, springing up from the ground and barely catching hold of the edge of the platform this time. She felt her fingers slipping away and desperately threw her free hand forward, grasping the grated metal and securing her hold. She hoisted herself upward and began to scale the length of the building.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Wed Nov 26, 2008 3:29 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
Scourge’s footfalls took him to the side of this building as well, making the relatively easy leap to the next one and landing with a good bit more grace than the last. He stalked slowly, hearing the beams of the roof beneath him creak loudly with each step, his bare chest rising and falling with each breath, waiting and watching.


He cursed again, not wanting to actually have to break into a building to find himself suitable prey tonight. Not only had he no idea as to the layout of the campus, where the best spots were to find students, or even where the dormitories were located, he felt that unless he chased a girl into a building, finding her in her room would be a little too constricting for him to get the proper joy out of the hunt.

With a sigh he dropped to his haunches on the edge of a building, feeling that urge dying in his chest. Perhaps tonight wasn’t the best night to be tracking. Perhaps he had just gotten caught up in the moment with that violent and intoxicating display of power that dumb crustacean had put on in the middle of the sports field. Perhaps-

Perhaps he had given up to soon.

His gaze turned to a rooftop two buildings in the distance and slightly to his left. There a bright figure pulled herself up with strain, a cascade of luminous hair reflecting the moonlight on the dim roof. His eyes glowed with interest, closing the gap between them with a leap to one of the buildings between them, landing in a crouch, his glowing eye slits locked on the girl’s shape.

1. A whip or lash, especially for punishment or torture.
2. A person or thing that applies or administers punishment.
3. A cause of affliction or calamity.

Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:08 am
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
Shai exhaled loudly as she pulled herself over the ledge, her toned biceps flexing as she hauled her weight over the side of the building. She swung her legs over the side and settled comfortably. She had been running wildly across the campus, and it seemed she hadn’t really stopped to rest, fatigue quickly catching the student.

Her slender fingers ran through the tresses at her crown, brushing the stray locks out of her face and flipping the locks away over her shoulder. The rise and fall of her chest became less apparent as her breathing began to steady. The ashen gray gaze peering over the school grounds and more importantly, over the several rooftops she knew she would have to brave once more in order to get safely back to her dorm. She knew from experience that the way back always seemed much shorter than the journey to a destination. Not for Shai. Tonight was a dangerous endeavor, and she knew that her journey home would seem an eternity.

To an unalarmed eye, the shadowy wisp that traveled against the white, barren rooftop would not have arisen very much suspicion. Shai quickly rose to her feet; her ashen gaze darted quickly from side to side, searching for whatever had created the ominous shadow. She swallowed hard, hearing her heart beating thunderously in her ears. Her eyes finally narrowed on an unmoving form in the center of the building that lay just ahead of her. She wasn’t exactly sure what it was; there were several chimneys, vents, and other various objects protruding from the rooftops. Despite her attempted soothing thoughts, she felt her gut wrenching and immediately back stepped to grasp the ladder again, quickly throwing her legs over the edge and getting a good grip on the cool metal. She began her descent.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:50 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
A low, audible gasp vented from the slits carved into the sides of Scourge’s mask as she saw him, locking gazes for that brief, still moment. His blood went hot with lightning at the sight of the trepidation crossing her features, her body language turning at once from languid, despondent, but calm to that of a frightened bird, quick and skittish as she made for the ladder, slipping over the side of the building with haste. He savored that movement, watching as she cut through the moonlight, elegance forgotten in that desire to pull herself as quickly as she could over the ladder.

Muscular legs carried him across the rooftop as his hear thudded against his ribcage, beating a violent tattoo in his chest, feet pumping to the cadence. This was the feeling he had missed from his days in active duty and so very much more. There was no waiting here. No fastidious, time-consuming, grid-based tracking on electronic sensors to bore him into a stupor and clogging the back of his mind. Here he was free, free from outside influence, allowed to stalk and hunt on his own. The thought, it was… intoxicating.

Bare scaled feet pounded the rooftop, picking up his pace before leaping and clearing the gap with ease. He slowed, momentum carrying him in a skid up against the edge of the building, next to the ladder Shai had only a few moments earlier used to descend. He peered down into the alley, not seeing any sign of her directly below.

With another agile leap he dropped to the ground below, hair snapping quickly about his face as he looked left and right, eyes eager for any trace of the escaping girl. He caught a faint trace, her hair trailing behind her and snapping around a corner, turning on his heel and taking off in a sprint after her.

1. A whip or lash, especially for punishment or torture.
2. A person or thing that applies or administers punishment.
3. A cause of affliction or calamity.

Mon Dec 01, 2008 10:58 pm
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)

Shai felt her heart nearly pound out of her chest as she descended the ladder. Her gloves aided in a quick descent, allowing herself to simply slide rather than climb. A soft thud filled the air in the alleyway as she made contact with the ground. She grimaced, feeling a slight tingle in ankles at the not so graceful landing. She gritted her teeth through the pain and began her rapid escape.

She wasn’t even sure if something had been there, for all she knew it was a trick of the darkness, only increased by the paranoia coursing through her veins. She felt the adrenalin surge through her body, urging her legs to carry her faster, her long legs carrying her far.

Just as she rounded the corner to leave the alleyway she heard a soft thud behind her, and her fears materialized. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. She was supposed to be the hunter tonight, not the prey! Here she was running from a fate worse than death, the fear of being one of those creature’s playthings made her body tremble as she whisked across one of the school’s many lawns.

Her eyes frantically searched for anything, anywhere, any place that she could possibly lose the creature that pursued her. She found none and resolved to just keep running. Her lungs felt as if they were going to burst out of her chest, pounding ferociously as the heels of her boots slammed onto the pavement as she rounded another corner. The dorms were so far away it seemed, but the building quickly came into view as she emerged from another corner. She couldn’t hear anything behind her, couldn’t even detect the sound of any footsteps except her own…but she knew better.

” I can make it, I can make it, I can make it.” She urged herself, willing her body to move faster despite the feeling of her chest on fire.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Thu Dec 04, 2008 2:14 am
Profile YIM
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
Scourge followed her to the end of the corner, turning on his heel and sliding into a crouch, blood thudding in his head and his breath misting in front of him, feeling every inch the predator and entranced by it. Pausing for a moment, feeling his muscles tense in preparation, he watched her run, admiring those long legs pumping as they carried her through the twisting alleys.

After tensing for those few moments, he sprung. Moving from a quick leap into a sprint, he rounded the corner she had passed a few moments before. With a rake of his claw, he pulled himself up the sheer wall, scaling it in an animalistic dash, following her with his eyes locked down on her form far below. His claws dug into the brick as he climbed, muscles working beneath his scaled flesh as he glared down upon her, tentacles arched up behind him threateningly but doing little to propel him as he gave chase.

When she broke out into a full-on sprint towards the dorms he sprung. Kicking off the wall to give himself momentum, he soared easily through the air, hitting the solid concrete with a crunch. He landed on his shoulder heavily, tucking into a roll to carry himself forward without injury. Finally rolling onto his feet with nary a stumble, he turned to face her, scaled chest heaving, tentacles pulled into a threatening array behind him, both hands clenched tightly at his sides, and his bright, neon green eyes burning madly in the darkness.

1. A whip or lash, especially for punishment or torture.
2. A person or thing that applies or administers punishment.
3. A cause of affliction or calamity.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:57 pm
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Post Re: The Devil's Plaything (Scourge)
So close, yet so far the dorms seemed. The previous memories of being attacked in her own room had since faded from her frantic mind. The only thoughts surfacing in the otherwise primal mental state were thoughts of sanctuary, safety, security…if only she could reached the dorms.

Tired legs pumped harder and faster than they ever had before. A surge of adrenalin coursed through her veins, the constant fear of the near inaudible steps of her pursuer fueled the student to a pique of speed she’d never known. This accomplishment was rendered unimportant, if noticed at all as the darkened scenery flowed by the student in a blur.

She gritted her teeth, the sole view of the illuminated building of the dorm burned into her mind. She ignored the burning pain in her chest as her lungs furiously pumped the badly needed blood through her body. She ignored the limbs that had long gone numb from the ferocity of her pounding feet. In the sheer moments when the dorms looked just within her grasp, the world fell silent to the snowy-haired student. Perhaps it was due to a case of tunnel vision that the student neglected to notice the soaring shadowy that passed over her form.

The distinguishable sound of grinding gravel echoed through the courtyard as the ominous figure came to a sliding halt before the student. Surprised at the sudden appearance of her pursuer the student came to a clumsy halt, nearly tumbling over herself as her run slowed to a devastating stop.

The student nearly swooned as the blood rushed immediately to her head, her creamy skin flushed a deep scarlet. Her ample chest rose rapidly with each labored breath she took, willing herself to quiet her pathetic sounding attempts for air.

Slate gray eyes peered onto the substantial form of the creature before her. Her gaze quickly ran the length of the creature’s body, before finally resting on the diabolical mask that concealed his features. Despite being unable to see his face, Shai determined he was none too pleased.
She felt the burning tinge spread through her body, her muscles slowly succumbing to the indulgences of rest. With an aggravated mixture of a sigh and a growl the student turned on her heel and started to sprint in the opposite direction, a billow of snowy locks trailing behind her. She didn’t dare to allow herself to be caught in that creature’s clutches.

Please click signature picture for Biography.

Thank you Naoko for the Sig, you are my heroine <3
.oOo. Nasty, Evil, Wicked and Mean .oOo.

~*^ Shai's Lament ^*~

Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:29 am
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