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 A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera) 
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Post A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Diana looked from left to right, searching desperately for the shiny glint that would be her sunglasses. The blasted bird had swiped them while she had been hanging around a cliff that overlooked the ocean, also a great tanning spot. Right after Diana had chased it into the forest, blindly following the glint of her classes. Now, seemingly an eternity later, Diana finally awoke from her daze and realized just how long had passed. She looked up to see the sun setting and felt terror creep into the edges of her mind. She nervously pulled a lock of hair away from her eyes and looked around her for either possible shelter or a way out of the forest. Seeing neither, Diana started to walk blindly in a random direction. It was all that she could do.

Two hours later and Diana was walking through complete darkness. It had passed through her mind a few times to call for help, but she was hesitant to attract the attention of any unwanted listeners. Rustle, rustle. The noise came from behind her. Diana gasped and turned around, the hairs on the back of her neck standing on end. "H-hello? Anyone there?" Rustle, rustle. This time it came from a bush a few feet closer to her. Rustle, rustle. This time it came from a tree branch right beside her hand. Her courage finally snapping, Diana screeched at the top of her lunges and started to run at top speed, ducking branches that came out of no where and stepped over roots that seemed to move in her way. Her uniformly undersized skirt was torn in several placed and so was her shirt, mostly around the sleeves. The shoes she wore had mud and dirt caked onto the underside of them, forgoing any friction. Her trade marked long, blond hair was loose, like always, and was waving around behind her like the tail of a comet.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 2:57 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Tamera had been wandering in these woods for about two hours now. She was new to the school and she thought she would explore some of the island. So here she finds herself, not even changing out of her school uniform, lost in the woods.

"Great Tamera, you're here one day and you get yourself lost." The nubile brunette pouts out loud, to noone in particular.

She wanders in one direction, and then another, trying to figure out which direction she came from. But every turn she takes seems to get her further lost.

What's even worse, is that the sun is rapidly setting. Between that and the random noises she hears, she finds her nerves to be on edge. She suddenly hears a scream in the distance. She almost jumps out of her shoes and she starts running in a random direction.

She's running barely a minute when suddenly a figure appears right in front of her.

"Ooommmpph", She groans as she falls backwards onto her butt.

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Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:10 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Diana took in a gasp before impacting, falling on her back and getting winded. Taking a few precious moments to catch her breath, the blond looked up to see the outline of what she hoped was and certainly looked like a girl. A few moments later, her eyes adjusting to the moon light, she saw that it was better then just a girl. It was a beautiful, brunette woman.

Shaking her head to get the constant ringing noise out of her ears, Diana stood and held out her hand in a friendly offer of aid. "Shouldn't be out so late. It's not safe out here." Diana spoke with a serious tone but distant tone. She was captivated by the brunette's eyes. They seemed to hide a deep secret, some horrendous tragedy that would break the girl's spirit should it ever be spoken of.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:22 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Tamera groans quietly, reaching back to rub her sore tailbone. She looks in the direction she was looking when she got hit and sees another girl getting up from the ground. She looks young and innocent but yet her eyes betray an element of experience, as if she knows something that the newcomer doesn't.

"Not safe? What do you mean it isn't safe?" Tamera asks the other girl. "I haven't even heard a sound of any dangerous animals in these woods."

She takes the blond girl's hand and pulls herself up to her feet, where she brushes the dirt from her uniform vest and skirt.

"My name is Tamera. I'm a little new here and I got kinda lost while I was exploring these woods" She says, extending out her hand to the other girl.

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Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:38 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Kraytirous slithered slyly through the tree, his gelatinous form sticking to the bark easily. The leaves around him remained un-bothered, his form small enough and light enough not to rustle any of the leafs.

His one, lustrous eye looked down at the commotion below him. Kraytirous slithered further along the branch, his skin taking in the sound like a gigantic ear drum. A dark plan continued to take shape in the blob's head.

He slithered to the very tip of the branch, forcing it to kneel forwards. Shaking his form violently, the leafs on the branch began to rustle loudly, grabbing the attention of the two girls.

As quickly as he had started he stopped, allowing the branch to move back up to its regular height as he retreated from its tip. The noise drew their attention to the brunette's right.

There the gaping entrance of a cave, a feeling of safety and comfort coming off of the entrance instead of the atmosphere of dread and fear in the forest.

Kraytinousness Verithmas My menu is currently open.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:11 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
"My name is Diana. Nice to meet you. I'll tell you somewhere safer, lest you have to meet the other inhabitants of the island. Come--" As if reading her mind, a rustle in the trees sounded and Diana practically jumped into the taller Brunette's arms. The guilty noise quickly stopped and Diana found herself looking at a cave mouth. "Maybe we'll be safer in there... What do you think?" She turned towards the face of the brunette and realized that she was still practically hugging her. Blushing deeply, Diana stepped away from her. "Sorry, I didn't realize..."

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:26 pm
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Tamera's gaze jumps towards the source of the noise, where she sees the entrance to a large cave. "Uhhh, what was that!" She says, squealing in surprise when the blonde girl leaps upon her. She smiles nervously, holding her hands out, a little scared to do anything lest she spook her.

Finally, after she lets go, Tamera takes a deep breath, sighing in relief. "Umm it's ok. Let's just get into the cave before anything else happens."

The new girl takes Diana's hand into hers and starts walking with her slowly towards the cave. She feels the hairs stand on the back of her head as the forest seems to be eerily quiet now, so soon after so much noise.

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Sun Jan 04, 2009 3:24 pm
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Kraytirous was pleased with himself, his alien mind hard at work continuing to process the plot that was currently forming within its complicated depths. He slithered forth, stealthily hopping from one branch, to the dirt-covered floor and then towards the cave. The two women walked at the same step as him, one of the limbs connected to each of them connected at the end in what seemed to be some sort of mutual embrace. The blond one's face was beginning to tint red and the brunette looked oddly aloof, confused and yet frightened at the same time. The blob shivered in expectation and continued his travel. His lustrous orb looked up at the two women, appreciating their curvy bodies and scrumptious cleavage. It is almost time...

Kraytinousness Verithmas My menu is currently open.

Tue Jan 06, 2009 3:42 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
((Sorry 'bout the wait, just getting caught up with all of my posts))

Diana almost sighed in relief when they entered the cave, her hand feeling soft skin in its grasp. She finally released Tamera's hand and looked around the grotto. When she took a step forward, she gasped when she kicked what looked like a campfire. It wasn't lit, but it had the matches and the wood all laid out perfectly. "Hey, Tamera, check this out." Diana crouched down beside the fire pit. "Think we should light it?" Diana asked as she looked up at Tamera.

Secretly, Diana knew that this would most likely attract the attention of a wayward monster. But what other choice did they have? Better to be raped then freeze to death. Right?

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Last edited by Diana Varnia on Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:09 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:04 pm
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
(*giggles* you have way too many rps going on at once :p and who's michelle?)

Tamera walks with the attractive blonde girl into the cave. She'd never been with a girl in an intimate way, but she blushes slightly, feeling an unusual aura exuding from the other girl. She jumps back a foot or so when she hears Diana kick something hard.

"Oh phew," She sighs in relief. "I thought it was something following us." She says, as her eyes focus on the firewood piled on the ground. "Ummm sure.. we could use it to stay warm for a little while" The slender, but curvy brunette remarks, while thinking to herself 'Why is it all neat and organized. Was someone else here at some point?..' Her body shudders slightly, and she starts to busy herself with piling the firewood in a small ring while Diana prepared to light it.

(*whistles innocently*)

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Wed Jan 07, 2009 4:49 pm
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
((Sorry 'bout the wait!))

Kraytirous chuckles to himself quietly as he realized that his plot worked. The women had no idea that it was him that had prepared the fire pit. He slowly slithered onto the ceiling of the cave, pushing his flexible form into a small crevace in the stone.He stared down at the two nubile women. He would of licked his lips if he had any. The trap was set. His prey was standing in it. Now he'll just wait for them to let their guard down and spring it on them.

((You two can go ahead and chat it up for a bit, I'll post a bit later. make it more surprising :mrgreen: ))

Kraytinousness Verithmas My menu is currently open.

Wed Jan 14, 2009 2:20 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
"Alright, I think that's enough firewood. Now stand back! Lest I accidentally set myself on fire..." Diana giggled softly at the unlikely prospect. She used to live in Canada and had gone camping many a time. She knew how to start a fire. The fire pit was already built, rocks surrounding the firewood in a circle. Diana looked around and found a particularly dry piece of bark. she put it ontop of the fire and grabbed two rocks. She looked at their color and shape, nodding to herself before she started hitting them against each other. Finally, the rocks spat out a little spark that struck the dry bark. Flames began to catch and in moments a roaring fire was present.

"I've still got it." Diana smiled at her achievement and sat down on her rump, bending her knees underneath her chin. She looked up at Tamera and smiled at her. She gently patted the hard rock beside her, beckoning the girl to join her.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:10 pm
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Tamera watched intently as Diana piled the firewood loosely in the fire pit. She held herself in a self-embrace to keep herself warm as the cool air drifted in from the outside.

"Do you need any help?" She starts to ask, but then steps back quickly as the attractive blonde girl she had just met zips by her, apparently looking for some special rocks.

She watches intently as Diana kneels down close to the wood and strikes the rocks together. Her eyes open with amazement at the girl's ingenuity, a smile breaking on her face when she sees flames licking at the kindling piled on the wood. "Wow. I wish I knew how to do that!" She says, admiring the other girl's handiwork.

She slowly wanders closer to her, a little wary of the crackling of the fire, somewhat fearing that a piece of wood would fly off and catch her ablaze. Taking a few seconds to clear her mind of her misgivings, she steps over to the large, flat rock Diana is sitting on and sits down slowly, leaning forward towards the warm fire, rubbing her hands together.

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Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:47 pm
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
Diana looked up at the beautiful brunette, her Caucasian skin getting an orange tint from the flickering flames. Shadows danced across her smooth skin, a twinkle in her eyes resembling a beautiful star. Diana found herself staring and looked away, blushing softly. She gazed back into the fire, finding herself wondering just how they were going to get home. The relative safety of the dorm rooms was not to be denied. Diana found herself scorning herself for choosing to follow the blasted crow. She looked back up at Tamera and tried to spark a conversation.

"So, what brings you here, Tamera? I doubt it was the great outdoors..." Diana nodded towards the cave entrance.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:42 am
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Post Re: A double date with terror (For Kraytirous and Tamera)
(so sorry. Real life has interfered. I will respond soon, I promise)

Tamera's Profile

Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:40 am
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