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 Basking under the sun (Open) 
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Post Basking under the sun (Open)
Sana stood under the sun the hot sand underneath her feet she smiled enjoying herself as a cool breeze blew throw her long hair she smiled sliding down sitting on the beach as she closed her golden eyes enjoying the heat on her skin. This place was beautiful everything that Mom and Dad had promised and more. She lay there for a few minutes her white dress resting comfortably against her her shapely form. She felt light hearted it had been a while since she felt so happy. She sat up right and picked up her black flip flops and headed towards the water she walked into the water enjoying the coolness against her skin. She began to walk down the beach. The hem of her dress dipping into the water slightly without her noticing it as she walked gracefully through the water. “Its beautiful she said to herself, but I wonder why there's no one here...” she said out loud to herself, because it was starting to feel a little creepy to her. “Maybe I should head back.” she said continuing to talk to herself. She began to hurry out of the water but just as she began to get out of the water she stepped on a loss log and as it rolled she tumbled into the water. For a second she was completely submerged and when she came up sputtering she felt and looked ridiculous.

“Great.” she grumbled getting up feeling a little silly. She got out of the water and walked back to her belongings taking out the towel she had brought though it wasn't doing her much good since she refused to undress in public even if there was no one else here.


Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:36 am

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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
((hope you don't mind a plant monster))

Ahh a beautiful day to live on the island I had to admit at the very least that was true. I took a breath of the air as a breeze passed. I hadn't planned any research today though it seemed fate itself had other ideals for me this day. My pet faithful as always followed beneath the soil, a single flower peeking out following my heel. I looked forward through a shrub. The island's beach, a familiar one at that, I remembered this as the beach I first arrived on from my ship.
"Well well well... what a beautiful specimen."
I'd say quietly, too quietly for the woman to hear I'd kneel and mutter something in chloril to my pet his roots and vines snaking under the sand now in wait. A good tactic I'd seen work a dozen times... patience was a virtue if my people were going to reach the lofty goal of immortality.

I walked out from the forest walking towards Sana. i wore a simple white one piece swimsuit that was quite revealing though still left plenty to the imagination. I smiled waving to the wet woman as she looked about her things.
"Oh I'm glad someone else was here! with all the rumors I didn't think I'd see another soul at the beach today and that would have been such a shame!"

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:27 am
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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
Sana heard someone speak behind her making her jump slightly. She turned around to see it was just another girl she let out a breath of relief, before she became self conscious of how she looked. 'Well this is embarrassing.' she thought to herself before smiling at the girl a slight blush coloring her cheeks. It took her a moment to realize what the other girl was saying “Rumors?” she asked “What rumors?” unable to help herself, her curious nature taking over. 'Is it a bad rumor?' she wondered 'will it had to have been considering no one else was here, but what could be so bad to keep people away from this lovely beach.' she wondered.

She wrapped the towel around herself realizing that the wet fabric clung to her body far to tightly revealing more then she wanted show even to another girl. She tried to smile but her embarrassment was clearly winning over the desire to smile as her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red. “It's such a lovely beach why is it empty?” she asked the girl curiously “I mean nothing short of tigers, and lions, bears could keep keep me away from here.” she said attempting to be friendly.

((Ohhh i love C.C.))


Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:50 am

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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
So it would seem I had come across virgin soil of sorts. heh Ah human word play is such a wonderful thing. My expression would change I looked stunned that she hadn't heard. Quickly I'd move to my knees near her, so very close, practically with my nether lips against her. I'd look her over as if seeking signs of a lie.

"Oh my god! you must be new if you don't know the rumors!"

she'd say pausing coughing slightly shivering gently a hand resting over my mouth as i created something of a false sense of fear.

"Well then... girls, just like us... they're said to come to this beach and disappear for days even weeks before turning up in the infirmary with little or no memory of where they were having nightmares for months afterwards going insane as they begin to spout tales of unspeakable monsters... doing unspeakable sexual things to their bodies... many people don't believe the rumors but, no one wants to find out what drives the girls insane so they believe well enough to stay away, they think some sort of spore around here does it."

my sweet aroma began to waft in the breeze noticeably, it smelled of a glorious perfume, along with that I'd feel my plant pet ready beneath the sands pulling in water from the ocean not far.

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:18 am
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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
'Wait what?!' She thought to herself all that had gotten through to her was disappearances infirmary and insanity. 'This had to be a joke must be some kinda joke' she thought to herself firmly but she was starting to turn pale. “Your joking with me.” she said a fake smile on her face. “That doesn't really happen here.... dose it?” she asked hesitantly. She tried desperately to hide her fear but her childhood had included too many monsters of nightmares that she couldn't seem to dismiss it out of hand no mater how ridiculous it was.

“I mean really.” she said with a smile that looked more like a grimace. “You mean to tell me girls just randomly disappear here and the police hasn't done anything about it.” the mention of the authorities calmed her to an extent but only to an extent she knew far too will the power of a monster who could prey on the helpless and hide itself under a simple guise such as a kindly old janitor for example, she shuddered at the thought.

She tried to reason with herself 'Really would mom and dad send me here with a monster prowling around.' She thought to herself and to some extent that gave her calm her adoptive parents where good people who had saved her from a horrible fate and they wouldn't do this to her. As she finally began to calm she smelt something strange yet sweet. "What is that." she asked curiously.


Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:30 am

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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
"No police out here, It's international waters, nothing they can do. this island is it's own little nation sort of and the authorities of the island refuse to believe the students and think they were just lost and lying about it." I told her simply a hand brushing the sand drawing a little circle in the warm grains. it was horribly uncomfortable I had to admit given how dry it was. I buried my left hand in the sand and my index root darted to the ocean my green hair remained blowing simply in the gentle dry breeze.

"Do I believe in monsters? well I've seen things here that would make anyone believe... I don't know if anyone knows about it though they all just think this is a wonderful school." I ran my visible hand over to my knee

"It's far fetched I know but still not something to take too lightly, it's not safe to be alone even if it's just a man on campus kidnapping girls to use as sex toys or something." I'd shrug finally retracting my root now that I'd finished my drink pulling my hand from the sand.

"And that's my perfume, like it?"

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:48 am
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She wasn't sure what was going on anymore all she knew was that the perfume or what ever it was, was simply amazing. “Wow thats wonderful.” she said getting a little closer. All the spiel about the kidnappings and monsters seemed to have no effect on the girl now. “Where did you get it.” she asked sitting in front of the girl drawn in by the glorious aroma. The smell seemed to have drowned out all of her other thoughts for the time being. 'What was the big deal with girls disappearing anyways I bet shes just trying to scare me.'

She couldn't place the smell exactly either she didn't know why it had such a strong effect on her, but before long she manged to shake herself out of it at least a little. “So theres no authorities here.”she asked the girl still slightly dazed.


Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:59 am

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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
"Just campus security I'm afraid." I told her with a subtle sigh. It was true after all the ADD wasn't allowed on the surface nor in the air space or even within the atmosphere. I'd shift slightly legs crossed now as I'd tell my little pet to tickle Sana's feet my hair looked to take on a redish tint as i made him do this to her.

"Oh yes I almost forgot with all the surprise. I'm Night Anomina it's good to meet you miss? what did you say your name was again?"

I wanted to see if i could make her jump before i attacked, wanted to see how much she could take before having a paranoid panic attack

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:21 pm
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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
Shiori let out a breath at least there was something. The smell was still had an effect on her but slowly it was wearing off her head cleared a little more. She smiled at the girl as she introduced herself. “Oh I'm Sana Fujiwara.” she said with a smile and a slight bow of the head. As she did so she felt something gently brush against her feet at first she thought it was only her imagination and avoided looking back preferring not to look so foolish.

She smiled at the girl “So have you been here long?” she asked with a smile glad to have a friend. It was hard for her to make friends it had always been that way she was never able to simple start up conversations with strangers she had always been the quite girl who had to be spoken too first. Just then she felt the brush against her feet again this time it remained she turned around feeling a little nervous expecting to find a cat or something behind her.


Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:42 pm

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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
All Sana would see was what looked to be a small flower peeking up from the sand gently blowing in the breeze dusted ever so slightly with fine sand. I thought of her question for a time before i shook my head gently. I had to lie; if i told the truth she'd be more than certain I wasn't a student, didn't need that now did I? "Ahh not really, maybe a couple months just started all my classes last week. I got here early."

Sana would then feel something under her dress rubbing gently against the cloth that more than likely covered her bottom should she look by the time she did nothing would be there. "And just by looking at you I can easily tell you're new here and I'm sure you've already been popular with all the women at the school, am I righht? how many of them have already tried to drag you into their room and tear your panties off?"

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:01 am
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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
She turned around and stared at the flower for a second. She let out a sigh and realized it must have just been the wind blowing on the flower. She let out a sigh and turned back to the girl “Oh?” she asked curiously still slightly distracted. “ You seem to know your way around here fairly well.” she said with a smile. She was glad to be meeting someone so soon usually it took her a while to make any new friends.

Something brushed up against her again this time it was under her dress she wasn't sure what to do. She stood up and looked under her. Nothing 'Am I going crazy?' she wondered, the whole spooky story, the flower and now this was starting to get to her. She stood there not sure what to say the girls comment about the other girls trying to pull her into their rooms went right over her head she was genuinely creped out at the moment.

“Did you feel anything?” she asked her voice shaking wondering if the same thing was happening to the other girl as well in which case would prove that she was not crazy. “I mean something brushing up against you?” she asked knowing she sounded insane but unable to help herself.


Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:06 am

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Post Re: Basking under the sun (Open)
"Feel anything? besides the breeze and the sand digging into my knees?"

I offered a sincere laugh hands behind my head as I shifted onto my bottom wiggling my hips to settle myself a hand would be placed on her shoulder softly before she'd feel something wrap around her leg.. when she looked; it was just a bit of seaweed that wasn't my doing but, I was glad for it to have happened just to make my fun more amusing.

"You know you never did answer me, Just how many of the girls tried to get you naked and sweaty under them? Oh and do you have any boyfriends?"

I'd begin to release just a little bit of my aphrodisiac pollen, just enough to cause a vague warmth in the student's nethers perhaps like an odd itch.

Night Anomina: Chlorophilia... who knew?

Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:49 pm
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