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 Deliver Me [Diana] 
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Post Deliver Me [Diana]

Deliver Me by Diana & Pan

“This was the best you could get me?” Pan said rather disappointed with a slight tilt of his head, regarding the nude, unconscious figure lying on the floor. The talons at his armored feet retracted as he reached out and nudged the shapely creature in the ribs. To his surprise, lids opened to reveal the most piercing, pure aquamarine eyes he’d ever seen, and an ear-shattering wail resounded through the moderate enclosure of the cave he’d recently taken up as his ‘lair’ of sorts. His thick hands went reflexively to his ears, an angered scowl evident on his partially masked features as he looked towards his minion, Cresil. The pudgy impling did little more than shrug, Pan rolled his eyes as a shadowy orb appeared in his now- outstretched palm. He hurled his arm back, throwing the orb at the shrieking creature and it connected square with her jaw. The inky substance swarmed her face, primarily over her chilled lips silencing her scream.

The siren writhed helplessly against the ground, her back arching high, causing her shapely breasts to jut towards the heaves. Her lower body was that of a fish, a mermaid some called them. Damn pests, is what Pan called them, but still she could prove useful. Pan closed the gap between himself and the writhing figure, who in her anger had begin to take on the more horrific form that was primarily absent from human lore. He took the creature by the jaw and lifted her off of the ground, his height much more substantial to her own. She clawed tirelessly at his forearms causing the demon lord to shake her violently, commanding her attention.

“I’m afraid I require your services, should you refuse I’ll kill you now,” Pan started, the talons at his fingertips grew, threatening to pierce the flesh of her now, scaled throat. “Should you agree, I believe you’ll find the benefits quite appealing.” The siren eyed him questioningly, her struggle diminishing slightly. A wicked smile formed on Pan’s lips as he gently set her down, the mythical creature now more than eager to hear his proposal.


Donyia she was called. It had been centuries since she’d feasted upon the flesh of man, but she hardly minded. Men were not her acquired taste, no it was the sensuality of claiming of human female, to absorb her sweet juices that appealed to the beautiful mermaiden. Then there was the offer from this Pan, of being able to mutilate the grotesque imp demon that had ensnared her in his net. That was an offer that she was even more eager to take.

”All you have to do is sing, if you can lure a human girl then I’ll leave her to you until you’ve finished with her.” She recalled her conversation with the demon lord as her fin churned a streaming pillar behind her form. The demon had given her the location to bring the girl to, some underwater grotto he’d made.

After what seemed an eternity the mermaiden crested nearby the beach, a little close to the shallows for her comfort. The scales that adorned her shapely face, arms, and torso slowly dissipated from her creamy skin. Her hair that had one had a silvery hue faded to a natural blonde. Her aqua eyes wandered the surface, finally spotting a circular formation of rocks. Clichéd. Eager to flee the shallows the siren swam eagerly for them, pulling herself onto one, enough to conceal her tail fin from a good distance. Her pale pink lips parted and the ancient melody began.

” Deliver me, out of my sadness….
Deliver me, from of all the madness…
All of my life, I’ve been in hiding
Waiting for someone just like you,
Now that you’re here, now that I’ve found you,
I know you’ll be the one to bring me through…”

All right, hardly ancient, something she’d heard in the Abyss. It was still beautiful nonetheless. Her voice was soft, yet powerful and entrancing. It was true, it was rare for a female siren to lure a female human. That was why the female was considered a delicacy among sirens, never wasted and never killed.

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Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:15 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
A familiar tone wafted through the air, catching a young blonde's attention. She turned her head in the direction that it came. Perhaps it was a concert of some sort or some girls were having a serenade? She jogged down the beach, the only thing that covered her attractive, young body was a tight, wet, two piece, dark red bikini. The color contrasted with her pale skin and the long, untied hair dropping down her back until the bottommost hairs touched her well rounded and firm arse.

Then she caught sight of it and the full brunt of the song hit her. It was hypnotizing and intimate, like a famous music star had written a song just for her. The source of the song was a beautiful blonde woman, sitting atop a round rock. I should go talk to her. The thought came unbidden into the woman's mind and her body soon obeyed, walking at a brisk pace towards the siren. Her feet suddenly touched water, the waves lapping at her ankles. She then drifted into the deeper water, using a fairly simple swimming technique to get to the Siren. She was two meters away from the normal looking woman, save for the words escaping her lips that shook Diana to her core.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:57 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
How sweet was the song that the soft spring breeze carried to the ears of one woman who was as pure as the lyrics that dripped from venomous lips. Everything about a siren was designed to lure and ensnare. Their beauty was captivating, their movement genetically engineered to be graceful, their eyes were pools of the deepest blues and greens designed to draw in their victim and capture them with a glance forever. Their voices were melodic and crystal clear, a commanding and gentle tone that was designed to stir the deepest, most intimate emotion within a mortal.

Donyia was confident in her abilities to capture one of the mortal girls, but the siren was surely surprised to have ensnared one so soon. Her eyes had taken on a sea foam green color, deep and misty as they wandered over the lathered ocean surface towards the beach. There she spotted the lithe, blonde maiden crest the boundary between land and sea. The tone of the woman’s voice seemed to boom throughout the landscape, assaulting the woman’s senses as she swam towards the seated siren.

Once the woman was close enough the tune lowered in intensity, almost to barely above a whisper to Diana’s ears, her large, round eyes narrowing on the woman as she maintained her position in the water. Slender fingers brushed her quickly drying golden locks behind her round ear, her breasts modesty covered by her flowing tresses.

All good things had to come to an end, and at last the final tone of the song rang through Diana’s ears, the siren’s lips quivering lightly before they fell closed. The two shared a gaze for several moments, the siren calling upon her racial abilities to draw the student deep into her aquamarine eyes.

“Is the night not beautiful?” She purred beckoning towards the moon hanging low amidst a thick blanket of glimmering stars. Something about the way the siren spoke seemed ancient, an accent that was not unpleasant just odd and rather exotic.

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:42 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Diana found herself drawn beside the beautiful woman that had called her with that mystical tone. She didn't even bother introducing herself, it seemed like they were already past introductions. She found herself also looking up at the stars that the Siren had pointed out. Diana was oblivious to the fantastic origin of the creature. "Yes, it really is." She answered dumbly, just blindly agreeing with the creature. All though the song was over, Diana was still underneath the seductive spell. She sat herself down on top of the round rock, the cold water sprinkling along her skin each time a wave hit the rock.

Diana felt herself shiver, her mind turned into a numb mass of flesh. She couldn't think for herself, she was simply waiting for the Siren's command. Each sound and feeling felt like an echo of reality, except those produced by the Siren. Everything but the siren was blurry and unreal, as if it was unimportant.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:18 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
The siren smiled softly as she watched the young blonde finished the last few yards towards the rock, climbing up next to the mythical being and nestling up beside her. The siren took a few moments to admire the woman’s shapely legs, almost envious of the long, slender limbs. The jealousy quickly faded as the touring eyes lingered at the shapely pair of breasts. The siren longed to take the girl here, but felt the gnawing chill at the base of her skull as the demon that had summoned her painfully reminded her of the plan.

She reached out a slender hand, cupping the woman’s chin in her palm. With her thumb she gently traced the soft flesh of his full lips, drawing a line across her cheeks. She examined the woman’s face for several moments, and once she was certain the woman was completely under her influence the siren spoke again.

“Beautiful girl,” She purred, drawing the woman’s face closer towards her, and as she spoke Donyia’s lips nearly grazed against Diana’s. “Would you like to come with me?”

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Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:53 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Diana offered no resistance to her fingers, her head moved as easily as that of a puppet. Diana felt herself lean forwards after the teasing brush of lips. Every caress from the creature felt like it sent electric bolts through her spine. Diana nodded her head dumbly before finding her tongue. "Yes, please." Her lips were tingling and her cheeks were glowing red from the compliment.

The bright moon above made her hair take on a more golden-silver hue. Her skin became paler and seemed to glow in the moonlight. For no particular reason, Diana felt drawn and suddenly attracted to this woman-like creature. But she was so busy looking at where the creature's hand had directed her face that she didn't even look down to notice the fish-like tail she had instead of legs.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:53 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Donyia was thrilled with the beauty of her catch; from the young mortal’s disposition she seemed so deliciously innocent and almost sacred. The siren considered taking her there, but once again was nearly overwhelmed with the icy tinge at the base of her skull.

”Damnable demons.” She thought bitterly, reluctantly taking her hand away from the student’s cheek. She ran her slender fingers down her torso until she felt the cool, thickness of her azure scales. Her fingers gingerly felt several of the wide scales near where her thighs would be until her nails pried at the edge of one. With a soft crunching sound the siren plucked one of the scales from her fin, the muscle swishing uncomfortably as she did so. She looked back towards Diana and took up the young girls hand, placing the thick scale in her palm and curling the woman’s fingers closed around it.

“You will hang onto this as if your life depended on it.” She told the young woman as she took her check between her fingertips again, quickly seeing that the distant gaze in her eyes was starting to show signs of fading. Donyia gritted her teeth slightly, she hadn’t lured a mortal in several centuries, and had forgotten how quickly the siren’s song would fade if not maintained. She grabbed the woman’s wrist and dove off of the rocks, pulling the lithe girl into the dark waters after her.

Scales of the siren were a gift rarely given to mortals. So as long as the mortal possessed the scale they would be able to breathe under water, which is why Donyia was hoping the mortal girl would not drop it, they had a long way to swim. The water was cold and with the lack of the sun as the siren pulled the girl deeper into the waters it was almost like swimming in complete blackness.

As clear as crystal the siren’s voice started to ring through the water, a soft blue glow encompassing her milky skin as the tune began. This song was much different that the first Diana had heard, the words were undecipherable, and it sounded as ancient as time. The siren released Diana’s wrist, swirling around in the water to face the girl, her exotic voice filling the young mortal’s mind compelling her to follow. Her fingers curled, beckoning to the young blonde, urging her to follow. As Diana neared she broke her tune just long enough to whisper “Breathe.”

Donyia led Diana like a beacon of light through the darkness, she was sure the girl was numb to the ocean’s cold, willing it so by the song she was singing. After was seemed an eternity the siren stopped in her elegant swim, allowing Diana time to catch up. Once she was near the girl would see a large opening to an underwater cave, illuminated by the siren’s light. She took Diana by the hand and pulled her inside, and slowly the water around them began to warm to a pleasant degree, a pale light shining off in the distance of the underwater channel they were swimming.

As they neared the light the pair was able to see the distinctive glisten of a surface up ahead, the siren was the first to crest. She let the cooled air of the chamber fill her lungs, her cerulean eyes wandering the underwater chamber. It was a cove of some sort, and she could smell the breeze of outside air, undoubtedly through smaller channels that led to the surface. The floors of the cave, surrounding the moderate sized pool were littered with gleaming treasures. The siren rolled her eyes realizing they were all crafted for the occasion, but to the eye of a mortal they were as real as the glittering gold and silvery they emulated. The siren waited for Diana to crest, pulling the girl along with her towards the moss-covered floor where she helped her out of the pool. She plucked the scale from Diana’s hands and tossed it aside.

With the lack of the annoying chill, the siren felt at ease with the girl in her grasp. She allowed her song to die out, hardly caring when the effects of this tune’s magic would fade, the girl would be unable to escape anyway. She eased the girl on her back, who was undoubtedly tired from their long swim. Donyia laid on her side next to the girl, propped up on her elbow. Her hair was wet, plastered to her arms and back, her full breasts in perfect view for the student in her clutches.

Her free hand found it’s way to the girl’s toned belly, gently walking her index and middle finger up the girl’s torso to her soft breasts. She took one of the modest mounds in her hand and firmly squeezed the tender flesh.

”What is your name, sweet girl?” She purred, lowing her soft lips to the woman’s neck and planting a tender kiss against the flesh, still wet from the swim.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:31 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
((Sorry that took! Still in shock because of how much work you put into this...))

Darkness overtook Diana's mind, she could hardly think straight. A strange, hazy cloud fell over her eyes. Then she realized that she was actually underwater. Before she could notice what was happening, her head began to feel light headed and somehow air flooded her lunges even though she was underwater. Diana felt the cold, dark water surrounded her warm, pale flesh. But at the same time, a strange feeling swelled within her stomach. The pair had been swimming for so long that Diana began to feel numb. She was hardly even aware that she existed, it was as if she had found some sort of strange oblivion.

Before Diana was aware of what was happening to her, she was pulled up into a strange cavern of some sort. The grotto looked bare and the stone looked rugged. But before the blond could ponder at how she would get out, she felt herself pulled down onto the ground. Finally, as if some strange veil had been lifted from her mind, Diana suddenly began to think straight. But before she could put her new found freedom to use, the lovely siren that had brought her here lay down beside her.

Diana found her gaze drawn to the full, strangely hued breasts that rested on the woman's chest. Their exotic coloring made them all the more erotic and new. The strangely warm hand began to fondle up Diana's stomach, bringing a gasp from her blue-tinted lips. The cold had left her lips tinted blue and her eye lids heavy. A soft, involuntary moan escaped the blond's lips when she felt her tender cleavage kneaded by the Siren's hand. "My name..." She seemed lost in some sort of strange world, the fading effects of the Siren's song and the new found lust coursing through her both renewing the haze in her mind. "It's... It's Diana."

((Sorry that that isn't up to par, I'm just trying to move the scene along without seeming lazy :lol: ))

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:57 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
[Not a problem, I get carried away sometimes and I gave you a bunch of information there. ^^; Pwease forgive me ;D]

The whole place seemed ethereal. A mermaid gently stroking the human girl’s face lightly as her cerulean eyes wandered the length of Diana’s slender body, admiring the woman’s luscious curves with a lustful and almost hungry gaze.

“Donyia.” The siren said softly, slightly amused as the student’s cheeks took on a scarlet hue and soft moans left her cold lips. Her slender fingers slightly webbed near their base, slowly curled around the edge of the blood red bikini coveting the lush breast. She pulled the fabric down, allowing the woman’s full breast to come into view, her hand gracefully shifting towards the other breast to do the same . A smirk spread at the corners of Donyia’s cherry red lips as the woman’s soft pink nipples, hardened from the cold came into view.

“You must be chilled.” The siren observed as her eyes lingered on the tender nub for several seconds before her gaze shifted to the woman’s docile face. The air about the underwater cavern was warm, but hardly sufficient enough as the siren’s song started to wane. Her fingertips trailed lightly between the woman’s cleavage, enhanced by the slight pressure the pulled down bikini top inflicted. A pleasant warm radiated from the sirens fingers as they trailed down her center, stopping only to draw a delicate circle around her navel. The warmth spread quickly through Diana’s limbs, her milky flesh taking on a soft pink hue as the circulation was stimulated in her body.

Donyia’s fingers finally found the student’s concealed mound, the siren’s fingers curled around it drawing her middle finger against the woman’s slit through the damp fabric. The siren drew closer to the girl, giving an involuntary satisfied flicker of her tail against the rocks as her lips brushed against Diana’s. With little warning the siren’s lips found Diana’s, her tongue lightly prodding against the human girl’s seeking entry. Donyia enjoyed the warmth emanating from the girl’s body, lost in hunger and lust as Diana’s scent assaulted her senses.

The siren’s hand crept from the woman’s covered sex, her hand gently massaging the toned flesh of Diana’s belly while it worked it’s way back to her round breasts. Once there she found Diana’s right breast with her hand, taking the full flesh in her palm and firmly groping the supple orb. Her fingers found the woman’s erect nipple, causing the siren to break the kiss from the girl. She offered a devious smile before her lips left a trail of kisses down Diana’s elegant neck, her tongue running the length of her collarbone before she poised her lush lips at the tip of Diana’s nipple. Her breath was hot and seemed to cling to the girl’s flesh as she lowered her tongue against the small bundle of nerves. Her mouth enveloped the nipple as well as the areola, her tongue swirling against the hardened nub as her hand firmly pulsated against the breast in her grasp.

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:41 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Diana continued to gaze at the Siren distantly, as if trying to see her through some sort of fog. The blond truly became the epitome of what her hair color suggested and looked down at her breasts as they were being brought into view. She was looking at her own body like a stranger. She was appreciating her own curves, wondering whom they belonged to. When the Siren began to caress her right tit, Diana suddenly realized they were hers for seemingly the first time. She looked up like a lost little puppy at Donyia.

Diana suddenly felt the finger trail down her collarbone. Her gaze slowly shifted to the slightly webbed hand and could see that wherever the finger went, warmth radiated through her body. Although normally she would of seen it coming, right now she was surprised by it. The finger began to circle around her sensitive naval and the surprised blond gave a soft gasp as she felt heat envelop her nether region. She then felt the warm palm of the Siren's hand slide over her bare shaved mound, her slender finger begin to part the lips of her cunt. Another moan of ecstasy escaped the blond's lips, but it was quickly silenced when the Siren pushed into a kiss that Diana only too happily obliged to give in to.

Diana could feel herself assaulted from three different fronts. Her mind was hazy and numbed by the resonating effects of the Siren's Song and lust welling within her body. It seemed the adrenaline that came with the arousal made the Siren's Song last even longer, keeping Diana in a state of numbness. She felt the warm muscle prod against her lips and quickly obeyed, her lips parting to give the warm member access into her mouth. She felt it dart in and then back out as the Siren's mouth began to kiss down her body.

Without thinking, Diana moved her elbows out from underneath her and allowed herself to lay flat on the cold stone. Although the rock felt cold against her skin, the warmth radiating through her flesh by the Siren's touch and the lust that swelled within her veins quickly drove the bite of the cold away. Diana arched her back softly, another moan escaping her now red lips. Soft, innocent mewls began to bubble out of the blond's mouth as both of her mounds were caressed and assaulted, flexed and kneaded.

Diana felt the imminent orgasm build within her. This Siren knew what she was doing. Diana could feel warmth begin to well within her womb. "Oh, god," Diana gasped softly as the Siren's tongue fondled and flicked her sensitive nipple and the warm mouth of the Siren enveloped the dark colored circle of skin around it. Just watching it made her horny, but being able to feel the Siren's lips was just driving the blond's hormones into a frenzy.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:15 pm
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Donyia reveled in the sensuous response she provoked from the girl’s beautiful, curvy body. She was intoxicated with the scent of her juices as her slit glistened in response to her skilled touch. She smiled to herself, her tongue still drawing seductive circuits around the sensitive nipple flesh, as the woman allowed her body to fall back against the cool rocks. The siren shifted slightly, allowing her other hand to firmly rub the beautiful girl’s belly.

Her hand wandered downward, cupping the girl’s smooth mound once more. Her fingers traced the woman’s slit, the digits glistening with her honey as the human girl’s arousal grew. Donyia’s fingers lightly prodded at her entrance, two fingers poised at the narrow opening before sliding inside of the hot, tight caverns. The siren shuddered as the woman’s inner walls tightened around her fingers, the siren slowing thrusting the digits inside of the girl.

Her mouth pulled away from the girl’s nipple, offering a wide, flashy smile as the hand molding the succulent breast wandered the length of the girl’s arm, finding Diana’s hand. She led the hand back up to her chest, poising the girl’s palm against her own breast. The siren ran the length of her tongue down the girl’s narrow torso, her body shifting lightly until her tail dipped into the pool of water, while her head hovered between the girl’s slender legs.

The warmth of the siren’s breath clung to the girl’s heated mound as she lowered her lips to the girl’s pussy. Her tongue snaked between her lips, as her fingers withdrew. The warm, wet muscle slithered against the woman’s slick folds. The siren nearly swooned as the succulent taste assaulted her senses. It had been centuries since she tasted the sweet nectar of a human female. Her tongue ran the length of the girl’s sex sensuously as she slowly savored Diana’s taste. A soft, satisfied moan escaping her cherry lips, humming lightly against the girl’s swollen clit.

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Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:39 am
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Diana could feel her muscles tense as the Siren's hand carefully slid over her flat belly. The Siren's warm and exotically textured hands brought Diana sensations she had not thought possible before. Then, before the blond could react, the Siren's hand wove down her body and cupped her salivating cunt. The feeling of warmth that now enveloped her nether lips was only foreshadowing Donyia's penetration of her cunt.

At the touch of the Siren's fingers driving into her cunt, Diana arched her back involuntarily, moaning through gritted teeth. Ngghhh! Her body slowly lowered to the floor, as she became accustomed to the constant surges of pleasure now assaulting her brain from her cunt. Diana suddenly realized that her hand was on the Siren's perfectly shaped breast, as if she had been bred for this particular reason. But at this time she could not appreciate the wonders of nature, for her mind was in a state of deep ecstasy. Her hand clutched and kneaded the breast, her thumb and forefinger gently twirling the nipple. Diana was doing her best to please the Siren, knowing that if she did this further sexual joys would be heaped on her.

Suddenly the flexible tit flesh was pulled away from Diana's grasp and she found a warm, wet muscle sliding down her body. Everywhere the fish-woman's tongue touched, Diana felt her nerves prickle in ecstasy. Her glazed over eyes were staring down at Donyia's blue toned face, waiting to see what the seductive Siren would do next. Her answer came when she found her aroused cunt's assaulters depart and the Siren's tongue take their place.

Diana could feel the warm breath of the creature on her warm pussy lips, she could feel the wet and hot muscle pierce her lips easily and begin thrusting through them. But when the suggestive moan came about, sending vibrations into her swollen and sensitive clitoris, Diana began to mewl again as her orgasm slowly began. At first it was a passing feeling, then her cunt suddenly became more sensitive. Diana could feel every flick, every thrust and every curl the muscle was making. This caused her to moan loudly one last time before she orgasmed at full force. Her warm, sexual juices washed out of her womb like water would once a flood gate was opened.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sat Feb 21, 2009 1:13 pm
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Donyia’s free hand gently kneaded the pale girl’s thigh, her tongue swirling tenderly against the woman’s honey-coated slit. Her fingers penetrating the silken folds curled upwards, stimulating the sensitive g-spot on the human girl, her tongue focusing heavily at her swollen clit. Donyia was pleased as the woman’s hips started to buck in the most sensuous of ways as arousal assaulted her mind. Her hand now worked it’s way beneath the small of the girl’s back, drawing her warm sex firmly against her warm mouth.

The intensity only increased as she heard the soft, shuddering gasps from the student’s pouting lips. Her tongue lapped eagerly at the sweet nectar, feeling slight warmth radiate through her cold blood. The student’s slender body writhed in the siren’s gasp, a loud lust-filled moan echoing throughout the moderate chamber. Donyia’s glass-like nails dug lightly into the flesh of the woman’s lower back as her body wriggled in ecstasy. Her tongue traveled the siren’s slit, the soft ridges in the muscle stimulating the sensitive flesh, almost as if coaxing the juices to come.

At long last, Diana's desire was fulfilled. The woman’s back arched high, pressing the warmth of her cunt against Donyia’s lips. Without warning a steady flow of the silken juices flooded the siren’s mouth, and she withdrew from honey-soaked fingers from her cunt. The siren’s tongue lapped eagerly at the woman’s cunt, drawing the sweet juices from her. Intoxicating warmth spread through the siren’s limbs, her fin tingling wildly as the solid mass slowly separated into two. Within moments two, light blue legs replaced the fin, giving her a more human appearance.

As the steady flow of juices slowly came to a stop the siren pulled her mouth away from Diana’s heated cunt. A satisfied smile crossed her lips as she observed the panting woman lying before her. The characteristic blue hue to the woman’s flesh started to fade to a light peach color. While the nectar from human girls was damned comparable to heroine for a junkie, it had other capabilities as well. Allowing a siren to finally walk on land and return home. Though a siren needed to indulge frequently to maintain this blessing.

Donyia studied the woman for several moments, admiring the girl’s shapely breasts, as well as the glistening, small slit that was less than a few inches from her wetted lips. Slowly the siren crawled on top of the woman and pushed her lips against Diana’s, her tongue parting through to massage her tongue light. After several moments she pulled away and gently stroked the side of Diana’s face, the web between her fingers. The siren decided she liked Diana, whatever that meant.

“Do you like the way you taste Diana?” She said lustfully, grabbing Diana’s hand and guiding down her taut belly towards her newly revealed silken mound. “I did.” She said with a wide smile. Her hand found Diana’s full breast and gently kneaded the flesh, gradually increasing pressure as the orgasmic pulsations started to fade from the woman.

It looked as though the siren was ready for another round, gracefully lowering her head towards the woman’s glistening mound as she readjusted her body to position herself in the erotic 69.

Unseen to the lust-filled duo, two radiant yellow orbs watched on from one of the darker recesses of the cave. Pan took no effort in hiding himself, feeling confident that the siren was occupying the girl’s attention with her delicate, glistening slit poised mere inches away from Diana’s soft pink lips. His tongue ran the length of his cracked lips as he watched on. Shadow borne wisps shot from his fingertips, spiraling towards the floor and silently slithering across the stone floor towards the blissfully unaware pair.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Last edited by Pan on Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Mar 01, 2009 11:23 pm
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
Diana's breathing quickened as she orgasmed, her heart beating faster in her chest. Diana felt her pulse quicken as well when the Siren slid her hand over Diana's breast and massaged it carefully, while her own hand was being lead towards the newly revealed orifice. Normally Diana would of been shocked by the predicament, but her brain had become so clouded and fogged by lust and orgasm that she could not fathom leaving this cave. The woman's tail had suddenly turned into a pair of attractive legs that most models would kill for and revealed her vagina. Would anyone in any other predicament not be shocked by this development?

Warmth began to surround Diana's fingers as she instinctively began to run them up and down the Siren's cunt, carefully stroking the tender layers of flesh. When Diana's glittering, blue eyes saw Diana begin to shift her body, she dropped her hand, patiently awaiting the repositioning to end. When it did, she found her eyes staring at a tantalizing prize, merely a few inches away from the blond's mouth. Diana put her hands delicately on the fish-woman's arse, carefully squeezing the hot flesh right before pulling herself up to her nether lips. Diana carefully blew on it first, her breath warm compared to the cave around them.

After a second or two, Diana's mangled brain couldn't be bothered to keep track of time, Diana began to repeat her earlier actions and run her finger up and down the Siren's mound. She purposefully avoided the Clitoris. Diana's finger began to slowly part Donyia's nether lips, carefully sliding along the length of her pussy. Another warm breath blown across her cunt, was followed by a warm kiss planted on the sensitive orifice. The kiss was quickly followed by a toying lick of the tongue, leaving the woman's nether lips glistening with saliva. Diana slid her tongue back into her mouth before beginning a more furious assault. Her finger slid to the top (bottom from Diana's perspective) of her cunt and carefully massaged the stiffening little clitoris. Diana's mouth began to suck on the woman's cunt ruthlessly, soft moans escaping her lips as she slid her tongue into the entrance of her cunt.

Diana Varnia
Soft skinned and Paranoid
Looking forward to some encounters of the tentacle variety.

Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:44 pm
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Post Re: Deliver Me [Diana]
The siren was thrilled as the warmth that enveloped her slender fingers tightened snugly around the two digits that slid inside of the human girl’s honeyed cunt. A soft moan hummed against the sensitive flesh as her tongue swirled against the erect bud of Diana’s clit.

It was a high unlike any other known to Siren’s. A dizzying feeling swarmed the siren’s brain and she could do little more than loll her head against the slick, pink mound as she lapped eagerly at Diana’s juices while they poured from the tightening orifice. It was strong at first, assaulting the siren’s senses leaving her oblivious to any of her surroundings, all she was concerned with was getting more of the sweet nectar that the beautiful Diana provided. Her pace quickened, invigorated as she felt Diana’s soft fingers sliding against her newly acquired slit, followed by the warmth of her mouth as her tongue eagerly explored Donyia’s folds.

“Mmmmmngh!” Donyia moaned against against the girl’s juicy cunt, the euphoric waves experienced by Diana simultaneously shared by wicked siren. The pulsating waves of pleasure that filled the slender girl sent immediate warmth through Donyia’s body, changing her characteristic icy hue to a warm and peach colored one. No one would be able to tell the siren from a regular girl, had it not been for those cerulean, golden flecked eyes that suggested something mythical about the beautiful blonde.

The siren’s back arched as Diana’s exploring fingers found the hardened clitoris, and that nearly sent the siren into a frenzy as her tongue worked the silken folds at her lips. Donyia felt for the first time in so many centuries, the nepenthe to her eager sorrow of being confined to the seas of the abyss.

Donyia’s full, firm breasts mashed lightly against the slender girl’s toned belly as she allowed the weight of her upper body to rest easy against Diana’s frame. The soft ridges in the siren’s tongue scraped pleasantly against the small, erect bud in efforts to prompt more of the savory juices from her depths.


Unbeknownst and unseen to the two women, translucent yellow rays started to stream steadily from their bodies into the surrounding darkness. A pale blue metallic, clawed hand rose to sharp, angular features as the Bastard Prince grasped the mask that sheathed the lower portion of his face. Instantly it melted away from his features, the armor retreating into itself. A glimmering black tongue licked, chapped- bleeding lips giving way to a set of glistening sharp teeth, wetted with his saliva.

Pan had since been leaning against the wall of the cave, watching bemused at the siren drank from the girl like a junkie yearning for heroin. He exhaled deeply hardly caring if they heard him or not, though he was sure in the siren’s stupor, and the girl still heavy under the siren trance that they would not. He parted his lips as the wispy stream reached them and he inhaled. The stream shuddered and trembled as it was devoured by the Incubus, it’s once leisurely pace quickened to a tumultuous stream. As the blissful pleasure of the girl’s began to die away, the stream dimmed to a pleasant trickle.

Pan’s chest had since swelled with air as he took his fill of the sweet tasting emotion. Blissful pleasure was not Pan’s particular favorite emotion to feed off of, it had a decadent, sweet taste that he was not too fond of. Comparable to a creamy lemon meringue pie when the Demon much preferred for hearty tastes. His inhalation ceased and the demon’s talons dissipated into a mist as he rose his hands to wipe his lips with his alabaster fingertips.

He rolled his tongue around in his mouth for several moments, his eyes tearing away from the spectacle of the fondling girls down towards the patches of armor that had begun to hum with life as the energy blasted through his veins. Their characteristic ever changing hues were breathed to life. He grimaced slightly at the sweet taste that assaulted his tongue. ”Now fear…that’s a taste to die for.” He thought sardonically.

He commanded his attention back towards the shade tendrils that lied in wait surrounding the pair of women, sprawling across the ground in some intricate web. He cocked his head slightly, his almond shaped eyes squinting slightly as he observed the two, particularly Donyia’s newly acquired firm buttocks as it swayed and gyrated as the human girl lured into the siren’s clutches licked eagerly at her silky cunt.

With the subtlest movement of his wrist the tendrils sprang upon the pair of girls. A dozen or so dropped startlingly from the ceiling and coiled around Donyia’s waist, wrists and legs yanking her upwards. She hung there upside down several feet from the ground as the tendrils expanded and swarmed across her flesh, hardening into an obsidian prison.

Poor Diana still stuck in a blissful stupor couldn’t have been prepared for the pair of tendrils that ensnared her slender wrists, the unseen ends of the tendrils sprang upward, yanking her too up off the ground side by side Donyia who was now sputtering curses in surprise.

”Vile demon!” She screamed, ”You’ve broken the word that binds you!” Pan had since emerged from the shadows, his armor had once again cloaked his features as well as the razor-sharp talons. He quietly approached, save for the sound of the metallic clinks against the stony ground as he allowed the sound of his armored footsteps to be heard. He approached the siren solemnly and in a swift motion the back of his hand struck her across the face, sending her face sharply to the side with her billowing blonde locks following fast behind her. She turned towards him with a venomous stare, a thin gash quickly turning crimson against her cheek.

”I’ve broken no word, I said that you may have the girl and you’ve had her.” He took a moment to observe the bound girl, her bindings had since enveloped her arms down to her elbows and hardened in a crystalline substance, unlike Donyia’s darker bondage. His eyes wandered down to the girl’s impressive chest. Her breasts were perky and flattered highly in the girl’s bound state. His eyes rose again to her face, which was a mixture of confusion and fading bliss as the siren’s call began to wane.

”And you my dear,” He said taking the girl’s chin in his hand to lift her head upwards, forcing her gaze into his own canary yellow one. ”Are quite delicious, though a bit sweet for my taste but I believe we can change that.” The corners of his eyes creased in an evident smile behind the demonic mask.

Your favorite evil bastard prince has returned...


Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:07 pm
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